RE: [TMIC] Unidentified subject!

2008-03-07 Thread Larry Throne

I agree. Go to a nursing home  spend a little time with some of those folks. 
Talk with the staff. Most of them have family, they just never go visit. Out of 
sight, out of mind!

Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 23:38:14 -0500From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: [TMIC] Unidentified subject!

I agree with you Larry.  Stress does kill but not only the stress, I think any 
major illness also makes others, not only strangers but also love ones 
nearest you,  look at themselves and realize how vulnerable they and their own 
lifes' are to the unknown and it really scares them!  Whenever faced with 
adversity of any kind comes the fight or flight response.  Sorry to say, I 
think most people choose the flight response - our society is known as the 
throw away society.
- Original Message -From: Larry Throne [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], TM tmic-list@eskimo.comSent: Thursday, March 6, 2008 9:07:51 PM 
(GMT-0600) America/ChicagoSubject: RE: [TMIC] Unidentified subject!

Steve, Sorry to hear that you've experienced marital problems. With TM or any 
other life altering event there is a lot of stress. Stress kills. It kills 
people, marriages, hope, understanding and love. Your right that being a good 
father is the important thing. But you've got to remember that requires taking 
care of your self. Have you thought about seeking help? Seeing a therapist? Is 
there a single parents group in your area? Your church?
Many years ago I was writing a paper on persons with spinal cord injury and 
relationships. I don't remember the exact numbers but I was surprised to find 
out that when it is the male that is injured, the relationship usually ends 
within the first 18 months. Something like 70% of the time. But when it is the 
female, only about 8% of the relationships end during the same time frame.  
I know that doesn't help much but it does show that it may not have been you. 
It was the TM.
Get out, find someone that cares. Your the captain of your boat.
Larry in Oklahoma who is so thankful it didn't snow!

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 00:13:02 
+Subject: [TMIC] Unidentified subject!
Just wondering if due to TM if anybody has had problems in there marriage.  
Because I got a divorce a year ago.  And today my kids told me that mommy has a 
boyfriend. And it hurts really bad, But there's nothing I can do about it!  I 
know i'm feeling sorry for myself.  I've gottin good at that over the past 
years!  But as long as my kids are happy and i'm a good father that is the 
important part.  Right?
   Steve Jabs from Pa

[TMIC] Part 4 of Acceptance is tough

2008-03-07 Thread GAYLON123
The Emory backbone specialist said. I see a few problems with your  back but 
none of which would cause the symptoms you have explained to me. You  should 
not be Here, you should go see a neurologist. I'm not a specialist in  that 
field but you might have some thing viral in your spinal cord. So get you  an 
appointment with  a neurologist. There is nothing I need to do for  you.   
   Now here we go back home and make an appointment with a  neurologist. Of 
course that is another 2-3 weeks to get in his office.
   By this time I'm starting to show Some improvements with my  balance and 
occasionally only use 1 cane to walk with at times.
   I have my visit with the neurologist which was very young like  just out 
of medical school. He checks me out and pokes me with a needle all over  
finding out that I was totally numb and I remember being very surprised my self 
even questioned him on the fact  are you sure your using a sharp  needle?  
He just smiled and said Yes.  Thank goodness  I guess that  I could feel the 
vibration from the tuning fork on my big toes. The doctor looks  at my MRI's 
and says I need you to go get another MRI. I'm like isn't the three  you have 
now good enough? He said  not really cause this one needs to be  done with 
Contrast. So Now that takes another week.  I remember telling my  wife ok this 
is it, this is my last MRI, I'm not having another one I have  never been so 
tired of being shoved in a tube in all my life.  
   I was asked to have a nerve test done on my next scheduled  visit after 
the Contrast MRI and Wow oh Yeah that was fun. Having the living day  lights 
shocked out of you for 45 minutes straight uh huh yeah fun time  there!
   Ok now I'm laying on the table with smoke rising from my  charred body 
from the voltage testlol and the doctor comes in says I'm going to  have a 
listen to your muscles,Ok, He proceeds to jab me with a needle  and  said hmmm 
you have the thickest skin I've ever seen, Let me get a longer probe  So I get 
to listen to my own muscle move on Loud speaker in the office.  Interesting. 
He finishes up , leaves, comes back sits down beside me and says   You have 
Transverse Myelitis.
   Rather than him going into great detail (which now I know  would have 
taken him forever to fully try and explain the illness) he said do  you have 
internet access? I said yes and he wrote down the name of my illness  and said 
it up on the internet and you will be able to read a lot of  information 
about it. And boy he was right, the info. is vast on the  subject.
   Of course the doctor told me their was  no cure for the illness and he 
could perscribe me Neurontin for my nerve burning  pain.  On my next visit 
with him I told him the Neurontin was causing me  horrible nightmares, all of 
which I had never experienced before , and I mean  horrible nightmares.  He 
switched me to Lyrica and although it does  not make the constant burning and 
needle feelings go away. Lyrica does help to  lower the intenseness. 
   I now am able to walk without a cane  and do physical labor work to 
some degree. I get fatigued a lot quicker these  days and still feel very 
on ladders and depending on how hard I'm pushing  myself sometimes the 
burning effects start hitting me hard. When I talked to the  doctor about this 
said for me to rest more in between my work so my spinal  cord want over heat 
bad.  He is right, sometimes I can feel the heat  inside my back from my 
spinal cord. My body still has a lot of numbness and I  still cannot feel hot 
cold on most of my body,  but some sensations have  come back on my hands and 
the tops of my arms. 
The doctor told me that it will take 2 years for me to  know how much 
recovery I will have. He said most likely ever how you are 2 years  after 
TM that is how you will most likely stay. He also told me that 1/3  of the 
people that get TM are paralyzed for life. 1/3 have certain problems from  TM 
just have to live with it after 2 years. And the other 1/3 heal after 2  
years and never even know they had TM with no symptoms at all.   
 I can only hope that one day their will be a pill to 
take and make this illness  go away.
 Gaylon, in Georgia

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[TMIC] Gaylon's story

2008-03-07 Thread pjv1234
Thankyou for sharing your story us.  I'm glad you finally found a neuro who 
diagnosed you and treated you instead of sending you away.  

It's funny that you mentioned the nightmares while on Neurontin because I've 
been having stressful dreams that I'm sure must be due to one of my meds and I 
blame it on my switch from Neurontin too Lyrica and Cymbalta.  

Patti - Michigan  

[TMIC] OT - info on Bernie

2008-03-07 Thread Bernard Pelow
Preliminary report on dad is that everything was wrong in there.  He is 
in immense pain right now, it will take a few days to get it back to 
what is normal; but he is a tough old bird and one hell of a fighter 
to stay here on this planet: and a man with a heart of gold. He is in a 
very bad palce, but all he thinks of is how are others doing.  
Anyhow, they had to replace all of the components, he will be better 
able to explain it to you when he gets home hopefully Monday.  He sends 
his love and thanks to all of you.

Laurie - oldest daughter
fn:I would rather live in a world where my life is surrounded by mystery than live in a world so small that my mind could comprehend it.
adr;dom:Apt. #203;;1941 Gaston Place Drive;Austin;Texas;78723
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:Thomas Jefferson said it best,--Those that trade freedom for security deserve neither freedom nor security

[TMIC] Jude

2008-03-07 Thread Bgunny7682
I talked to the Administrator at Judes Nursing Home, Heartland  Healthcare 
Center, a Ms. Kimberley Lemaster. She stated to me that Jude is  encouraged to 
try  and turn herslf, which I agree with being in a Nursing  Home myself at 
onset, but that wasn't the issue. The issue I brought up was, the  night 
attendant being disrespectful and negligent via the Patients Bill of  Rights. 
Lemaster suggested to me that she will place a tablet in Jude's  room, and it 
be signed by any attendant who is assigned to Jude, dates and  times of 
attentive care. Ms. Lemaster also stated she will make a surprise visit  on 
to check the status of same. Then she will call to keep me apprised of  what 
is happening. I in turn will let all interested parties know that status of  
our conversation. Till then remeMber, your power lies in your refusal to be  

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Re: [TMIC] Jude

2008-03-07 Thread Grace M.

 *You're an angel, Gunny.  Thank you.*


[TMIC] Fwd: (no subject)

2008-03-07 Thread LinLeftwi

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Hi All,
 I just wanted to share this with you.  I just  wanted to share this 
experience with you.  I went to an Iridologist  yesterday.  That is someone who 
studies your eye and can tell where  problems are.  I was floored.  I did not 
tell her of my TM because I  did not want to give her any clues.  She did not 
say I had MS or TM  obviously, but she said I may have some type of neuropathy. 
She said I was  having ear pain at night.
Holy Cow!!  How could she know that.  She also told me I suffer  from muscle 
cramps in my legs.  I could go on and on, but she was so right  on.  She did 
not ask if I had any of these problems, she just told  me.  That was an awesome 
  Linda in Pa

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---End Message---

Re: [TMIC] Fwd: (no subject)

2008-03-07 Thread Jenna
Hi Linda,

Did she have any suggestions on how to help with the problems??

- Original Message 
Sent: Friday, March 7, 2008 6:16:42 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Fwd: (no subject)


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-Inline Message Follows-

Hi All,
 I just wanted to share this with you.  I just wanted to share this 
experience with you.  I went to an Iridologist yesterday.  That is someone who 
studies your eye and can tell where problems are.  I was floored.  I did not 
tell her of my TM because I did not want to give her any clues.  She did not 
say I had MS or TM obviously, but she said I may have some type of neuropathy. 
She said I was having ear pain at night.
Holy Cow!!  How could she know that.  She also told me I suffer from muscle 
cramps in my legs.  I could go on and on, but she was so right on.  She did not 
ask if I had any of these problems, she just told me.  That was an awesome 
 Linda in Pa

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Hi All,
 I just wanted to share this with you.  I just wanted to share this 
experience with you.  I went to an Iridologist yesterday.  That is someone who 
studies your eye and can tell where problems are.  I was floored.  I did not 
tell her of my TM because I did not want to give her any clues.  She did not 
say I had MS or TM obviously, but she said I may have some type of neuropathy. 
She said I was having ear pain at night.
Holy Cow!!  How could she know that.  She also told me I suffer from muscle 
cramps in my legs.  I could go on and on, but she was so right on.  She did not 
ask if I had any of these problems, she just told me.  That was an awesome 
 Linda in Pa

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[TMIC] I hope this can help

2008-03-07 Thread GAYLON123
Transverse  Myelitis 
Transverse myelitis (TM) is a neurological condition  produced by abnormal 
inflammation in the spinal cord, resulting in block  of the nerve impulses and 
neurologic symptoms. TM is a rare disease, with  a frequency estimated to be 
five new cases for every one million people.  TM can affect anybody, regardless 
of age, gender, or race. 
Typical symptoms of TM include: 
*   Back or neck pain  
*   Weakness in the arms or legs  
*   Muscle spasms  
*   Numbness or tingling  
*   Loss of bladder or bowel control 
The distribution of symptoms depends on the location of the  inflammation. 
Inflammation in the neck produces symptoms from the neck  down. Inflammation in 
the mid-spine produces symptoms from the waist down.  The severity of TM 
depends upon the severity and extent of the  inflammation. 
Symptoms usually develop over a period of several hours up to several  weeks. 
Over this time, the symptoms become more severe, they may spread,  and new 
symptoms may accumulate. Symptoms typically persist for weeks to  months then 
improve over months. Recovery can range from minimal to  complete. TM can be 
monophasic (occurring only once) or recurrent (with  repeated episodes). 
There are many potential causes of TM, including: 
*   Idiopathic. Much of the time, a specific cause of TM is not  
*   Multiple sclerosis: TM can develop as one type of MS attack  
(relapse), including the first MS attack. In general, TM in MS tends to  be a 
severe form.  
*   Devic’s Neuromyelitis Optica, is a disorder related to MS that  
produces severe recurrent TM and optic neuritis (inflammation in the  optic 
that connects the eye to the brain).  
*   Systemic inflammatory diseases. Diseases such as Systemic Lupus  
Erythematosus, Sjogren’s syndrome, or sarcoidosis can cause TM.  
*   Infections. TM can develop in association with a variety of  
infections, both viruses (for example, herpes simplex, Epstein-Barr,  
influenza, and 
HIV) and bacteria (for example tuberculosis, syphilis,  and Lyme). 
The first step to making the diagnosis of TM is for a  physician to review 
the medical history and perform a physical  examination. If this review 
a spinal cord problem, making the  diagnosis of TM involves 1) eliminating 
the possibility that a process  other than inflammation is affecting the spinal 
cord, for example a tumor,  a herniated disc, or abscess compressing the 
spinal cord, 2) confirming  the presence of abnormal inflammation within the 
cord, and 3)  trying to identify the cause for the abnormal inflammation. 
The initial test usually is an MRI scan of the spine to confirm the  presence 
of inflammation in the cord and rule out some other cause of a  spinal cord 
problem. If the MRI scan shows lesions (spots) in the spinal  cord with the 
appearance of TM, a lumbar puncture often is performed to  confirm inflammation 
and to help determine its cause, for example looking  for MS or infection. An 
MRI scan of the brain may be performed looking for  other lesions suggestive of 
MS. Finally, blood tests can also help  identify the cause. 
Treatment of TM is aimed at relieving the abnormal  inflammation with the 
goal of accelerating recovery, limiting tissue  damage, and improving recovery. 
TM is treated most often with high-dose  corticosteroids. Corticosteroids work 
by reducing inflammation and by  reducing the activity of the immune system. 
If corticosteroids are  ineffective, plasma exchange, intravenous gamma 
globulin, or other immune  suppressing drugs sometimes are used. Management of 
symptoms of TM,  for example, pain, spasms, bladder or bowel problems also is 
important  aspect of management. 
Recovery from TM is highly  variable among individuals. Approximately 
one-third of people with TM  experience good to complete recovery, another 
experience fair  recovery, and the remaining third have poor recovery. Most 
improvement  occurs within the first three to six months, although some gradual 
improvement can continue for up to several years. For patients  experiencing 
sequelae of TM, some daily activities can become challenging.  Physical 
occupational therapy, and other rehabilitation  approaches can help improve 
For further information
Like most disorders, knowledge is an  important tool to help manage TM and 
its complications. The following  organizations can provide more information 
about TM: 
The Transverse Myelitis Association
1787 Sutter Parkway
Powell,  OH 43065-8806
(614) 766-1806 
National MS Society
733 Third Avenue
New York, NY  10017-3288 
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and  Stroke
P.O. Box 5801
Bethesda, MD 20824
Phone: (800)  352-9424 
©Copyright 1995-2008 Cleveland Clinic. All rights  reserved. 
Can't find the health 

Re: [TMIC] Jude

2008-03-07 Thread L T CHERPESKI
Thank you so much Gunny for everything you have done for Jude.  You are a very 
special person.

Linda (ID) 
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, March 07, 2008 1:22 PM
  Subject: [TMIC] Jude

 I talked to the Administrator at Judes Nursing Home, Heartland Healthcare 
Center, a Ms. Kimberley Lemaster. She stated to me that Jude is encouraged to 
try  and turn herslf, which I agree with being in a Nursing Home myself at 
onset, but that wasn't the issue. The issue I brought up was, the night 
attendant being disrespectful and negligent via the Patients Bill of Rights. 
Ms. Lemaster suggested to me that she will place a tablet in Jude's room, and 
it will be signed by any attendant who is assigned to Jude, dates and times of 
attentive care. Ms. Lemaster also stated she will make a surprise visit on 
Sunday to check the status of same. Then she will call to keep me apprised of 
what is happening. I in turn will let all interested parties know that status 
of our conversation. Till then remeMber, your power lies in your refusal to be 


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Re: [TMIC] Part 4 of Acceptance is tough

2008-03-07 Thread L T CHERPESKI
Gaylon,  I'm really sorry that you have had to go through so darn much.  Thank 
you for taking the time to share your experiences with us.  It took almost 3 
months before I was diagnosed with TM, and unfortunately I was sent to a 
neurologist who just dropped the ball.  When he finally told me that I have TM, 
I had no clue what he was talking about. He just told me this is as good as 
it's going to get -  Even though I didn't understand what I had, I am not a 
quitter and I told him I chose not to believe that and left his office - and 
never went back.  But I did go on the internet, found the Transverse Myelitis 
Assoc and this very warm and welcoming group and a wealth of information.  I am 
so thankful.

Linda in Idaho
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, March 07, 2008 8:28 AM
  Subject: [TMIC] Part 4 of Acceptance is tough

The Emory backbone specialist said. I see a few problems with your back 
but none of which would cause the symptoms you have explained to me. You should 
not be Here, you should go see a neurologist. I'm not a specialist in that 
field but you might have some thing viral in your spinal cord. So get you an 
appointment with  a neurologist. There is nothing I need to do for you.   
 Now here we go back home and make an appointment with a neurologist. Of 
course that is another 2-3 weeks to get in his office.
 By this time I'm starting to show Some improvements with my balance and 
occasionally only use 1 cane to walk with at times.
 I have my visit with the neurologist which was very young like just out of 
medical school. He checks me out and pokes me with a needle all over finding 
out that I was totally numb and I remember being very surprised my self and 
even questioned him on the fact  are you sure your using a sharp needle?  He 
just smiled and said Yes.  Thank goodness  I guess that I could feel the 
vibration from the tuning fork on my big toes. The doctor looks at my MRI's and 
says I need you to go get another MRI. I'm like isn't the three you have now 
good enough? He said  not really cause this one needs to be done with Contrast. 
So Now that takes another week.  I remember telling my wife ok this is it, 
this is my last MRI, I'm not having another one I have never been so tired of 
being shoved in a tube in all my life.  
 I was asked to have a nerve test done on my next scheduled visit after the 
Contrast MRI and Wow oh Yeah that was fun. Having the living day lights shocked 
out of you for 45 minutes straight uh huh yeah fun time there!
 Ok now I'm laying on the table with smoke rising from my charred body 
from the voltage testlol and the doctor comes in says I'm going to have a 
listen to your muscles,Ok, He proceeds to jab me with a needle  and said hmmm 
you have the thickest skin I've ever seen, Let me get a longer probe So I get 
to listen to my own muscle move on Loud speaker in the office. Interesting. He 
finishes up , leaves, comes back sits down beside me and says  You have 
Transverse Myelitis.
 Rather than him going into great detail (which now I know would have taken 
him forever to fully try and explain the illness) he said do you have internet 
access? I said yes and he wrote down the name of my illness and said look it up 
on the internet and you will be able to read a lot of information about it. And 
boy he was right, the info. is vast on the subject.

 Of course the doctor told me their was no cure for the illness and he 
could perscribe me Neurontin for my nerve burning pain.  On my next visit with 
him I told him the Neurontin was causing me horrible nightmares, all of which I 
had never experienced before , and I mean horrible nightmares.  He then 
switched me to Lyrica and although it does not make the constant burning and 
needle feelings go away. Lyrica does help to lower the intenseness. 
 I now am able to walk without a cane and do physical labor work to 
some degree. I get fatigued a lot quicker these days and still feel very uneasy 
on ladders and depending on how hard I'm pushing myself sometimes the burning 
effects start hitting me hard. When I talked to the doctor about this he said 
for me to rest more in between my work so my spinal cord want over heat so bad. 
 He is right, sometimes I can feel the heat inside my back from my spinal cord. 
My body still has a lot of numbness and I still cannot feel hot or cold on most 
of my body,  but some sensations have come back on my hands and the tops of my 
  The doctor told me that it will take 2 years for me to know how much 
recovery I will have. He said most likely ever how you are 2 years after having 
TM that is how you will most likely stay. He also told me that 1/3 of the 
people that get TM are paralyzed for life. 1/3 have certain problems from TM 
and just have to live with it after 2 years. And the other 1/3 

Re: [TMIC] March Birthdays

2008-03-07 Thread L T CHERPESKI
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 10:03 PM
  Subject: [TMIC] March Birthdays

  Happy Birthday to the March babies! I love that spring comes this month! And 
an early Easter this year, too. Hope you all have  a great birthday.

  As always, send any corrections or additions to

  3-3 Marsha Scholes  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

  03.05 Bettie Imus ([EMAIL PROTECTED]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

  3-6 Robert Lovette [EMAIL PROTECTED]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  3-7 Sue Mattis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

  3-15  Sandra Melville ([EMAIL PROTECTED]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])


  3/24 Rachel ([EMAIL PROTECTED]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

  3/24 john h (JOHNLOVESKARAOKE)



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