Re: [TMIC] thanks for your input - tell me more about meiners

2008-11-09 Thread Heyjude48458
I have the same bee stinging feelings from head  to toe, especially at night. 
 I am a para from T3 on down with no  sensation or movement.  I wake up every 
two hours at night with the  stinging sensation.  My right hand has it and I 
also have the back  stinging.
I wear a Fentanyl 100mcg pain patch and it is  sufficient to take the edge 
off the worst of it.  For breakthrough  pain, I take Vicodan 5.5mg.
Maybe one of your doctors or specialists will  prescribe one of these meds 
for you.  If so, I sincerely hope that  you have good luck with them.
You might want to email Barbara in  California.  She can't even stand the 
feeling of light sheets next to  her skin because of the sensitivity.
Best of everything to you...I will send positive  thoughts of you to the 
Spirit in the Sky.
In a message dated 11/9/2008 5:25:28 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

- but i still get a different pain - my face and neck feels like i  had been 
stung by bees 
- burning sensations in my head 
- numbness in my hands 
- pain in my right hand like i wasp sting
- and since yesterday, pain in my lower back/gluts but i have those  a lot 

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[TMIC] Osteomyelitis

2008-11-09 Thread Heyjude48458
Hello All,
This is just an update to explain why I may not  be writing to the List for a 
while.  I got out of the  hospital...again...on Friday after being treated 
for the infections in my  pressure ulcers, urinary tract, blood and now in my 
bones.  I am also  severely malnutritioned and can't tell why.
I am still on IV Vancomyecin as well as oral  antibiotics every six hours.  I 
once again had a barrage of tests and  my arms are black and blue from all of 
the pokes I got in order to fill  the blood-quota every day.  For some 
reason my pic-line won't give up  blood so I have to endure the pokes.  And, 
vampires have never  heard of a butterfly.
I spoke with a plastic surgeon and surgery is my  only hope for a cure of 
the ischeal ulcers.  It will take years for  them to close on their own...if 
they ever would.  It is a long  surgery and with a person in my condition, 
rather dangerous.   

Since I have sepsis, and now  osteomyelitis and colonizations of MRSA in my 
intestines nothing can  be done until I am free of disease.  My blood pressure 
goes from  90/60 to 189/60 and varies from minute to minute.  I don't know 
what  the docs are going to do about that.  The fluctuation is why I went  into 
the hospital this time. It makes me feel  awful.
Anyway, I also want to share with you that this  is not a pity party.  I have 
a feeling that I am not going to be  around for a real long time and just 
want to keep you all appraised of my  condition in case something does happen.
I believe that those of you who are special to  me, know it.  There are so 
many persons on the List who have given me  hope over the years.  And that even 
includes a couple of the  newbies.  Thank you.
I am not one of those people who believes in  taking my own life, so don't 
worry about that although I certainly  understand those of us that desperately 
need freedom from the constant  pain and depression.
If I am online, I am most likely doing research  and will update you when 
there is something to add.
My love to you,
Now and then it is good to pause in our pursuit  of happiness and just 
simply be happy.

**AOL Search: Your one stop for directions, recipes and all other 
Holiday needs. Search Now. 

Re: [TMIC] i think i'm starting to get answers to the TM and the present problem ... stress/virus ... feedback???

2008-11-09 Thread Trudy Ogilvie
Randy,What a nightmare! I am so, so sorry. My husband has Menier's disease,
an inner ear autoimmune disease, and when it was at its worst he was so very
That too they think is caused by a virus.  Don't know if you have time for
it but they say that practicing deep breathing exercises and meditation can
help in calming down the body at times. And do not let the bitches of this
world get to you.  Anyway hang in there and know we're thinking about you!
Take care

On Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 1:40 AM, L T CHERPESKI [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Randy, sweetie, I'm thinking we need a group hug!!!  Seldom am I left
 speechless, but I seriously cannot believe what you have been going
 through.  I'm not sure if you saw Frank's post, but he had a bit of advice
 for you.  Sorry I have no advice to offer, but you know we all want you to
 get better - and soon!

 Big hug for ya

 - Original Message -
 *From:* randy rankin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *To:* Betty [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; TM Group ; 
 *Sent:* Friday, November 07, 2008 5:50 PM
 *Subject:* [TMIC] i think i'm starting to get answers to the TM and the
 present problem ... stress/virus ... feedback???

   I went to my chiro doc today and he has hired a lady who works on
 trigger points and muscles.

 She found that my neck(front/back) muscles were very tight and worked on
 them. she found trigger points all over the place and after she finished
 working on them i was so much better - the face was soft and I could
 open/close my mouth without problem; therefore, it CAN'T be a TMJ problem.

 BUT the pain in/near my ear never stopped. I am under the gabapentin so it
 keeps it all calm; however, when I got home, the electric shock feeling back
 (in/near) my ear but this time it also shot down my face/neck and into my

 She thinks, and I do too, that this is the shingle virus attack my nerves.

 Dr.Hormes, the first neuro that I ever worked with, said that he felt that
 my TM was caused by a virus. I mentioned this to the new neuro and he also
 agreed. I see/hear/read that the shingles virus is often associated with TM.

 THe fact that shingles can also attack the inner ear and the fact that the
 neuro SAW somethings in my ear very clearly makes me believe that the cause
 of all my problems is the virus that causes shingles.

 Each time that i have a MAJOR stress in my life, I get hit with something
 big like this.

 1993 - I graduated from school and was jobless -I was having to work crazy
 jobs with convicts and rough type people - it was a scary experience and I
 was just a kid.

 2005 - I worked for a bitch from hell who makes the devil look like a good
 guy. she treated me like  fill in the blank and i got hit with TM
 the same year that i worked for here

 2006 - my house was demolished by a tornado - less than a week later my
 bladder stopped working and the dr. said it was TM related

 Recently, I got audited by the IRS and had to pay 4500. I'm working on my
 doctorate and i have one class with another bitch from hell as an
 instructor. during our Saturday classes she sits up behind her desk and asks
 us condescending questions. as soon as we try to answer, she cuts us off and
 embarrasses us in front of the class (except for her favorite students) -
 she obviously doesn't like me. others in the class notice the same thing. i
 have had to restart my stupid project times because she didn't like it - the
 class cost 2500 and you have to have a 85 to pass the class. not long after
 i started this class my first recent symptoms appeared.

 So i am now more than ever thinking that this might by a virus that's being
 triggered by stress.

 what do you all think??

[TMIC] thanks for your input - tell me more about meiners

2008-11-09 Thread randy rankin
tx - i'm kinda wondering what exactly is going on. someone told me that they 
had a relative with meniers and that my symptoms were similiar.
- first was a pain in my ear like a piece of glass and someone pushing on the 
- next dizziness followed by vertigo which has persisted - this is the one 
symptom that has NEVER left
- next pain in front of the ear on the face on the C5 nerve
- next numbness across the face and upper lips which still comes and goes often
- next pain in the next followed by along the jaw line
- next pain in cheeks and next to nose soon followed by above the eye
- i went to ER they gave me gabepentin which solved the pain
- but i still get a different pain - my face and neck feels like i had been 
stung by bees 
- burning sensations in my head 
- numbness in my hands 
- pain in my right hand like i wasp sting
- and since yesterday, pain in my lower back/gluts but i have those a lot 