2011-01-06 Thread lynne myers
I know first hand after years of working in nursing homes, first as a nurses 
aide then as an RN that falls are the biggest issue they all have.  It is not 
that they don't care if people fall and get hurt, but with state regulations, 
atleast here in Michigan, it is very difficult to prevent the falls.  According 
to our state guide lines they all have the right to fall.  Preventing falls 
without the use of any type of restraint was one of the most time consuming and 
difficult parts of my job.
Please understand that not all nursing homes are bad, and that alot of the 
people who work in them care alot about what happens to the people staying 
there, but alot of times their hands are tied.

--- On Wed, 1/5/11, Janice Nichols wrote:

From: Janice Nichols
Subject: Re: [TMIC] REHAB
To: Kevin Wolfthal, Akua,
Date: Wednesday, January 5, 2011, 12:44 PM

Kevin, you did all you could for your mom - don't beat yourself up about it. I 
would imagine there was I shift that was sloppy with patients and the others 
were pretty good.    This was something
you could not help.             Janice

-Original Message- From: Kevin Wolfthal
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 3:36 AM
To: Akua ;
Subject: Re: [TMIC] REHAB

I am furious when I think about how my Mother was treated in rehab after
her stroke.
She was allowed to fall out of her wheelchair at least 3 times that I
know of. They
refused to belt her in the chair even though she was paralyzed on one
side. When I
called a nurse once to ask how my Mom was doing she said: why are you
about her, she's old I am NOT kidding!
When my Mom was brought home for hospice, she was black and blue all over.
The hospice nurse was wondering why, so I told her, because the rehab
let her
fall out of her wheelchair three times. My Mom passed away on her one day
back home.
I will do anything I can to avoid that kind of care. I wish I could
have done
more for my Mom.




2011-01-06 Thread Barbara H.
It sounds like I had a different experience from the rest of you with rehab.
After my initial 8-day stay in the hospital while they ran tests and
diagnosed TM, my neurologist wanted me to go into a 10-day stay in the rehab
unit of the hospital. My insurance wouldn't cover that. I couldn't drive
myself to outpatient rehab and my husband had to go back to work, so I had
no transportation or help to get there, so they paid for a physical
therapist to come to my home 2 or 3 times a week for about three months. It
seems to me like that would have cost them more, but I don't know --
probably not as hospital stays are expensive.

The girl who came was sweet -- she didn't mind if my kids came in and
watched or tried to do the same exercises. She was short and petite and I am
tall and...not petite...and I did wonder if she could handle it if I
fell. Thankfully
we didn't have to find out. She was great -- answered questions and gave me
specific exercises for my concerns.

I liked being at home because I didn't want to be in the hospital away from
the family, and because I felt my adjustments could be tailored to the
obstacles I would face in my own home rather than just general instruction
in the hospital. I did wonder occasionally if I missed something by not
being in rehab at the hospital, but it was out of my hands anyway.

My only quibble was that it only lasted until I was able to walk in a stable
fashion with a walker. I was thrilled with that, but felt I could have used
some more fine-tuning. It never occurred to us at the time that we could try
to push for that with the insurance company.

But I do believe that physical therapy was the best thing for my recovery,
next to prayer and God's grace.

Barbara H.


2011-01-06 Thread Patricia Cooley
Dalton, you are so right.  I am older than most of the TMers, and I remember
most of my friends had a grandma and/or grandpa as part of the family.  My
grandparents were gone before I was born, but my husband's family took care
of the grandparents until the end.  My husband and I moved to Waupaca, WI so
we could be near my daughter and her family.  We live separately but
together.  We live in a house where an apartment  is joined by a breeze way
to the main house where my husband and I live.  I get to see my beautiful
granddaughters each day, my daughter is nearby in case of an emergency.  So
far no emergencies, thank God.


I agree that this country has lost its way over the years.  I think part of
it is the fact that families don't live in the same community, but are all
over the country so family is unable to give help when needed.  Also, the
fact that both husband and wife must work and are stretched so thin as far
as time is concerned.  I don't know the answer to this problem.  It has been
going on for so many years our current generations are conditioned to think
only of themselves.


I can only pray for the future of this nation.


Patti - Wisconsin


From: Dalton Garis [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 1:36 PM
To: Janice Nichols; Kevin Wolfthal; Akua;
Cc: Brooks Garis
Subject: Re: [TMIC] REHAB


In response to our discussion of American nursing homes and rehab centers:

I remember going to the nursing home to say good-bye to my grandmother of
103 years of age.  I had to move to Texas for work.

She was very sharp while she could still read, until at aged 102, the
cataract pealing surgery changed her nervous system and did not improve her
vision.  After that, she couldn't read about Nixon and his cronies and she
lost interest in things.  When I saw her the staff had shifted treatment for
her from some level of respect to simply tying her in a wheelchair with a
crapper pan under it, keeping her doped up all day, nodding her head this
way and that, so she wouldn't be any trouble for maybe eight hours.

My grandmother, who used to be so fierce well into her 90's she had us all
scared and paying attention, now like a baby with grey hair, on the nod
from the dope they gave her.  I put my hand on her dear head and said some
prayers.  Then I had to go; our mother would see her during the months to
follow.  She died at 105.  That was in 1989.

I can't adjust to the disrespect they show to the old and disabled in
America.  Some of it America brought on itself, with all those notions of
the nuclear family and labor mobility.  Like most of my friends when I was a
kid, we lived in a house with three generations in it, the grandparents in
their rooms on the second floor, my parents down the hall, and we kids in
another room.  Back then people were able to hang on to jobs, or if not
jobs, at least stay with the same company.  The company had a personal
relationship with the worker if he or she was lucky and the company was
good.  But there were good companies then, who tried to keep things going
and all their labor force in work as long as possible.

But my wife and our daughter lived in Florida after moving from Texas; and
our mother was in Massachusetts, my sister and her family were in New York,
and my brother's family lived in Connecticut.  My cousins' families were in
Colorado.  My wife's parents were in Vermont.

Now I live in Abu Dhabi.  My present and future wife, Qian-her parents are
in Chengdu, central China.

When did America stop being a family and start being a team?  Teams are
different than families.  Teams bench the weak ones, and when they don't
improve, or are no longer capable of playing the game up to snuff, they are
let go.  Families, on the other hand, nurse the weak back to health and
business, raise the little ones, and take care of their old, who have now
become unable to compete as before.  Nursing homes would be staffed by our
own neighbors, who take care of Mrs. Johnson because she taught some of the
staff in fifth grade; and Stan Kopek mowed our lawns and was a vet of the
Pacific Theater in World War II.  Any complaints would arouse the interest
of the Congregational Church's Reverend, the Baptist Church's pastor, the
synagogue's Rabbi, or St. Bridges' Catholic priest maybe.  They'd have a few
words with the nursing home's management and that would take care of it.

American management and our government now think of themselves as a team,
with the people representing an inexhaustible source of interchangeable
workers that can be added or subtracted at will, who do not represent any
responsibility for the firm in terms of the workers' family needs.  I don't
have a warm and fuzzy feeling for Team America.  Sounds too much like living
as the people in that old movie, Metropolis, had to live.  That's why our
nursing homes pay staff starvation wages a lot of the time, who don't
generally have the interest of the patient on 

[TMIC] Cindy McLeroy

2011-01-06 Thread Deborah Nord Capen
I just got off the phone with Cindy. She is in better spirits now that they
have her infection under control, but is not out of the woods yet.  She
could use a lot of thoughts and prayers and even a card or two.
I am sure she would love to hear from her friends on the list, so here is
her address:
Cindy McLeroy
Fullerton Acute Care
Room 231
 No. Harbor
Fullerton, CA  92835
She is in isolation and has to lie flat on her back or on one of her sides
for the next two weeks (at least).  She has no internet, no phone in her
room (only her cell), so if we could cheer her up with some cards to look
at, that would be so nice.

Re: [TMIC] Cindy McLeroy

2011-01-06 Thread L T CHERPESKI

Thanks very much for Cindy's address info.  Sending cards is a great idea.  I 
know it would cheer me up.  Will get one off to her today and keep her in my 
thoughts and prayers.

Linda C (Eagle, Id)

  - Original Message - 
  From: Deborah Nord 
  Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 9:36 AM
  Subject: [TMIC] Cindy McLeroy


  I just got off the phone with Cindy. She is in better spirits now that they 
have her infection under control, but is not out of the woods yet.  She could 
use a lot of thoughts and prayers and even a card or two.


  I am sure she would love to hear from her friends on the list, so here is her 

  Cindy McLeroy

  Fullerton Acute Care

  Room 231

   No. Harbor

  Fullerton, CA  92835


  She is in isolation and has to lie flat on her back or on one of her sides 
for the next two weeks (at least).  She has no internet, no phone in her room 
(only her cell), so if we could cheer her up with some cards to look at, that 
would be so nice.







[TMIC] Careful OT

2011-01-06 Thread Bgunny7682
Monday night around 11:30 I had a horrendous Heart attack.  Went to North 
Side Hospital by ambulance  where they put a stent in on a  95% clogged 
artery. Gotta go back on the 28th for them to do an 80% clogged one.  So, if 
smoke, STOP. If you eat fatty foods, STOP. If your messin up your  life, 
STOP. This ain't no game. Felt like mule kicked me in the  chest.

Re: [TMIC] Cindy McLeroy

2011-01-06 Thread Akua

Thanks for sharing this, Debbie!

I just got off the phone with Cindy. She is in better spirits now 
that they have her infection under control, but is not out of the 
woods yet.  She could use a lot of thoughts and prayers and even a 
card or two.

I am sure she would love to hear from her friends on the list, so 
here is her address:

Cindy McLeroy
Fullerton Acute Care
Room 231
 No. Harbor
Fullerton, CA  92835

She is in isolation and has to lie flat on her back or on one of her 
sides for the next two weeks (at least).  She has no internet, no 
phone in her room (only her cell), so if we could cheer her up with 
some cards to look at, that would be so nice.




When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth 
and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and 
for a time they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall - 
think of it, always.

Mohandas Gandhi

Re: [TMIC] Careful OT

2011-01-06 Thread Barbara H.
Wow -- that's scary. I am glad they were able to help you before it got
worse. Good advice!!

Take care.

Barbara H.

On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 4:09 PM, wrote:

  Monday night around 11:30 I had a horrendous Heart attack. Went to North
 Side Hospital by ambulance  where they put a stent in on a 95% clogged
 artery. Gotta go back on the 28th for them to do an 80% clogged one. So, if
 you smoke, STOP. If you eat fatty foods, STOP. If your messin up your life,
 STOP. This ain't no game. Felt like mule kicked me in the chest.

Re: [TMIC] Careful OT

2011-01-06 Thread Lori Biehler
I am so glad you don’t need bypass, that is terrible! I had 5 of them 2 and a 
half years ago, not fun. Stints are not so fun, just take your meds and STOP 
Exercise is now very important for you, no excuses, get back in the water and 
eat better!
Stay well,
Heart stuff really is scary, freaks me out every time I think about the surgeon 
holding my heart in his hand!

From: Barbara H. 
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Careful OT

Wow -- that's scary. I am glad they were able to help you before it got worse. 
Good advice!! 

Take care.

Barbara H.

On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 4:09 PM, wrote:

  Monday night around 11:30 I had a horrendous Heart attack. Went to North Side 
Hospital by ambulance  where they put a stent in on a 95% clogged artery. Gotta 
go back on the 28th for them to do an 80% clogged one. So, if you smoke, STOP. 
If you eat fatty foods, STOP. If your messin up your life, STOP. This ain't no 
game. Felt like mule kicked me in the chest.

Re: [TMIC] Careful OT

2011-01-06 Thread L T CHERPESKI
Oh my gosh Gunny.  First of all, very thankful to hear that you got to the 
Hospital in time!  I'm sure it was no picnic having a stent put in your clogged 
artery.  Right Right and Right on each of the areas of our lives that need to 
be cleaned up, if that's what we're guilty of.  

I have to ask - had you been having any shortness of breath or chest pain - or 
any symptoms at all?

I'm just so glad you're okay.  You've got another artery to get taken care of, 
so please take it easy and follow docs orders.  You're a great guy who is 
always willing to help us all and we love you lots.  Take care!


Linda (Eagle, ID)

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 2:09 PM
  Subject: [TMIC] Careful OT

  Monday night around 11:30 I had a horrendous Heart attack. Went to North Side 
Hospital by ambulance  where they put a stent in on a 95% clogged artery. Gotta 
go back on the 28th for them to do an 80% clogged one. So, if you smoke, STOP. 
If you eat fatty foods, STOP. If your messin up your life, STOP. This ain't no 
game. Felt like mule kicked me in the chest.

Re: [TMIC] Careful OT

2011-01-06 Thread Janice Nichols
I can not believe this happened to you.   I bet you really are feeling a lot of 
pain, but I am glad they are able to
do the other artery too.   Maybe a few prayers are in order.   Also, you give 
good advice.   Thanks and good luck.
Keep us posted!

Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 3:09 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Careful OT

Monday night around 11:30 I had a horrendous Heart attack. Went to North Side 
Hospital by ambulance  where they put a stent in on a 95% clogged artery. Gotta 
go back on the 28th for them to do an 80% clogged one. So, if you smoke, STOP. 
If you eat fatty foods, STOP. If your messin up your life, STOP. This ain't no 
game. Felt like mule kicked me in the chest.

[TMIC] Re: January Birthdays (1/8)

2011-01-06 Thread Barbara H.
On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 1:41 AM, Barbara H. wrote:

 1/8 Nancy Williams (

 1-8 Sandi (

 1/9 Julienne (

 1/13 Debi (

 1-17 Jenna Stentz ( )

 1/20 Kay Cole (

 1-21 Blaine Frye (

 1/21 Carol Easterday

 1/23 Grace (

 1-27 Pat S. (

 1-28 Holly (

 1-28 Sally (