It sounds like I had a different experience from the rest of you with rehab.
After my initial 8-day stay in the hospital while they ran tests and
diagnosed TM, my neurologist wanted me to go into a 10-day stay in the rehab
unit of the hospital. My insurance wouldn't cover that. I couldn't drive
myself to outpatient rehab and my husband had to go back to work, so I had
no transportation or help to get there, so they paid for a physical
therapist to come to my home 2 or 3 times a week for about three months. It
seems to me like that would have cost them more, but I don't know --
probably not as hospital stays are expensive.

The girl who came was sweet -- she didn't mind if my kids came in and
watched or tried to do the same exercises. She was short and petite and I am
tall and...not petite...and I did wonder if she could handle it if I
fell. Thankfully
we didn't have to find out. She was great -- answered questions and gave me
specific exercises for my concerns.

I liked being at home because I didn't want to be in the hospital away from
the family, and because I felt my adjustments could be tailored to the
obstacles I would face in my own home rather than just general instruction
in the hospital. I did wonder occasionally if I missed something by not
being in rehab at the hospital, but it was out of my hands anyway.

My only quibble was that it only lasted until I was able to walk in a stable
fashion with a walker. I was thrilled with that, but felt I could have used
some more fine-tuning. It never occurred to us at the time that we could try
to push for that with the insurance company.

But I do believe that physical therapy was the best thing for my recovery,
next to prayer and God's grace.

Barbara H.

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