[TMIC] 10th!

2011-02-03 Thread Neil McNeil

It’s been a long time since I have posted to the list but today is special so I 
decided to drop by and say hello. Feb 4th is my 10th anniversary of TM. It’s 
hard to believe that ten years have passed and I like to say that time flies 
when you can feel your toes!
As crazy as it sounds there are worse things than getting TM. Over the past ten 
years I have gained an appreciation for many things as a result of TM. I’m so 
glad to live in a country where my medical care was provided free of charge and 
I didn’t have to fight with HMO’s or sell my house to deal with medical bills. 
I’m glad I have been able to work and I’m so pleased to have met some wonderful 
people who got dealt the same hand and made the most of it.
My theory remains that we don’t come with a warranty and there is no sense in 
bitching and whining about what happens. When I first got TM I asked my 
neurologist “why me?” He replied “it has to be someone”. I thought that answer 
was brilliant. Someone wins the lottery and someone gets hit by lightning. Ten 
years ago I made a decision that I was going to make the most of things and I’m 
glad I did. 
So…hello again to those of you who have been here for a long time and also to 
those who are new. Hang in there and keep trying to wiggle those toes….it pays 
(In NS)   

RE: [TMIC] Suicide Inducing Drugs?

2010-04-14 Thread Neil McNeil

I never seem to find time to write to the list these days but had to offer my 
thoughts on the issue of neurontin. I have had tm for close to ten fun filled 
years now and the best pain relief I have found has come from neurontin or 
lyrica. I took neuronitin for a few years before switching to Lyrica. They work 
very well for me and I haven't killed myself.not even once.



(in NS)

CC: we4king...@verizon.net
From: we4king...@verizon.net
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Suicide Inducing Drugs?
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 18:56:14 -0400
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com

I found the articles refered to by NPR:
I have never been on Gababentin/Neurontin but the relief I get from Lyrica was 
worth the month of side effects I went through to get to relief (the makers 
acknowledge lyrica's temporary suicide risk and has information for patients 
and doctors). 

 Anti depressants also carry a risk of increased suicide until the user 
adjusts.  the suicide risk is also temporary and passes when the taker adjusts. 
 It is good to know that this is a possibility so that doctors, patients and 
their family's can monitor the patient for such a side effect but if you do the 
math the risk is very small and keeping an eye on it can lower the risk even 

more worrisome to me is the crackdown of off label uses of medications like 
these 2 drugs that so many of us off label users find so helpful.

Mindy  the artisan

On Apr 13, 2010, at 4:18 PM, Akua wrote:

neurontin and gabapentin (sp)  just on NPR didn't hear it all but something 
about suicide... for those on it, you might want to check it out.

I remember refusing Neurontin for my pain while in the nursing home, because of 
side effects and being chastised and derided for my decision repeatedly. I am 
so grateful I resisted the pressure.
With depression as an attendant  to TM,  suicide inducing chemicals are a 
burden we don't need.


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RE: [TMIC] OT: New Company Policy

2008-10-24 Thread Neil McNeil

Hello all, 
I rarely post these but do want to comment on the whole Obama issue. I'm with 
Frank,  Obama will be a great president and I suspect the entire world will see 
him as an improvement. I actually believe that most of the planet would see my 
cat Nemo as an improvement to the current administration. 
I also must concur with the view that political rants should go to forums other 
than the tmic. Otherwise folks would be subjected to rants from socialists such 
as myself who believe in wild things like publically funded healthcare, good 
jobs with fair wages, a woman's right to choose, separation of church and 
state, decent pension plans, good public services for all, a fair tax system 
where the rich pay their share.I could go on and on but I won't. If I did 
go on I might slip and say something as political as that, in my view even 
Obama isn't far enough to the left for medangerous Canadian socialist that 
I am.
So! Let's stick to the pleasant subject like how terrible we feel everyday!!
 Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 10:29:13 -0400 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: 
 tmic-list@eskimo.com Subject: [TMIC] OT: New Company Policy  Dear All 
 TMers,  I would disagree with the original e-mail.  Barack Obama will be 
 a great president. He has an IQ of 140. He is physically fit. I would direct 
 ypu to Google Colin Powell's endorsement of Obama.  I have already voted 
 for Obama, as I'll be here in Montreal through election day.  My 
 grandfather- A liberal organizer ( In Canada)- told me to vote early, and 
 vote often!!  So get an absentee ballot, if needed, and vote!  Thank you 
 for your time.  F 

RE: [TMIC] age at incident

2008-06-09 Thread Neil McNeil

Feb 4, 2001.I was 43 and thought I was having a nice routine strokebut 
no!!! I'm not sure if it was the kharma ploice striking me down for unpaid 
parking tickets or what.
Anyway...at 50 I'm still on the planet and all in all...things could be worse
(in Ns)  

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: tmic-list@eskimo.com; [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: [TMIC] 
age at incidentDate: Fri, 6 Jun 2008 23:05:49 -0600

I was 51 - toes started tingling and numbness spread up to my chest.  Now age 
57 and among the walking wounded.  And I would like to add that I am ever so 
thankful for each and every one in our TM family.  Thank you, Jim, once again 
for all that you have done and continue to do for us all.
Happy Birthday to all of the JUNE babies!

- Original Message - 
From: Alton Ryder 
To: TM List 
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 6:05 AM
Subject: [TMIC] age at incident
I was 62 when I was nailed eleven years ago.  A tiny infarction in the spinal 
cord at T9-10 dropped me in minutes.
Barbara Alma said, I believe, that she was 48.


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RE: [TMIC] Lidocaine infusions

2008-03-12 Thread Neil McNeil

Hello Frank et all:
I was involved in the study involving both dextromethorphen and lidocaine 
infusions conducted by Dr. Sang at Brigham  Womens hospital in Boston. When 
the lidocaine was administered at a higher dose I did recieve very good pain 
relief. I was also..much higher than usual so it may not be practical if 
one is still working. It's a long story but I found that high dose lidocaine , 
while great pain relief, also caused you to say interesting things
In any event...the work that Dr.Sang and her amazing team does is so important. 
We should be thankful for her efforts.
Regards to all, 
( this morning in beautiful Cape Breton)
 Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 10:11:19 -0400 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: 
 tmic-list@eskimo.com Subject: [TMIC] Lidocaine infusions   Did I mention 
 that I've been getting Lidocaine infusions every 4 to 6 weeks for the past 
 year?  The infusions are done as an outpatient. I go in take off the shirt 
 and they put EKG leads on me and start an IV, then drip in 2 to 3 mg per Kg 
 of a dilute solution of Lidocaine- the whole procedure takes about an hour- 
 then I get dressed and leave.  The infusions decrease my overall pain so I 
 need less of other meds, have fewer Bad days, and just feel Better.  
 The idea came from Dr. Christine Sang at Harvard.  Has anyone else tried 
 Lidocaine infusions??  F 
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RE: [TMIC] Obama

2008-02-19 Thread Neil McNeil

I wouldn't care if he took the oath on a Victoria's Secret catalogueas long 
as Bush is out of the way the chances for stem cell research to speed up will 
be better
Let's rant about politics and religion elsewhere anyway 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 14:39:52 -0500To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 
[TMIC] Obama

Think about this long and hard people. I found this article I have 
attached, it's Worth the read. I have to ask myself, if Obama is elected 
President, will he take the oath of office on a bible or the koran?
Media Matters - Schlussel: Should Barack Hussein Obama be president when we a 

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

RE: [TMIC] lyrica

2007-12-10 Thread Neil McNeil

Hi Cookie, 
Lyrica has been great for me. I had good luck with gabapentin (neurontin) but 
had to take about a pound of capsules a day. With Lyrica the pain relief is at 
least as good if not better and until the day comes that they let me smoke 
marijuana in my office I'll stick with the Lyrica.
I also find there are very minimal, if any side effects. All in all...I highly 
recommend giving it a try. It is not a cure...but it makes my life a lot easier.
Best wishes and good luck, 
in NS

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Sun, 9 Dec 2007 22:12:11 
-0700Subject: [TMIC] lyrica

My doctor and I have discussed Lyrica for my diabetic neuropathy.  I think I 
will try it.  Those of you who have used this medication for TM—tell me, 
please, is it helpful for TM, also?  Will I be helping two problems???
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RE: [TMIC] Detromethorphan

2007-05-08 Thread Neil McNeil

Hi Sandy,

I took part in the Dextromethorphan Study conducted at the Brigham Womens 
Hospital in Boston during 2005. It was a two part study involving 
dextromethorpan at various doses over the course of almost a year and IV 
Lidocaine during four seperate stays at the hospital.
As a lab rat I was never quite sure what dosage I was taking but there were 
points in the study where I felt I was getting better pain relief. I was 
talking gabapentin all along as well.
The people at BWH were terrific and the work being done by Dr. Christine 
Sang and her staff is very important. I was happy to do my small part by 
being a lab rat. The Dextromethorphan did not provide the much sought after 
eureka moment for me but it is worth a try.

Best wishes to all,

( in NS)

From: Sandy Heidel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: TM list tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] Detromethorphan
Date: Mon, 7 May 2007 10:07:55 -0600

Yes, the cough syrup.
I have a friend who has spinal cord damage from an accident and has 
intermittent infections and inflammation. His ongoing problems are very 
much like TM although caused by a specific trauma to the column and cord.  
His brother and sister in law are both doctors, specialists who do both 
treatment and research. They recently tipped him to  a study using 
dextromethorphan (over the counter) to supplement his regular pain drugs. 
He avoids taking the drugs as much as possible due to the fuzzy brain 
feeling he hates.  But he said the dextro has reduced his use of pain drugs 
by 50%! He said the dextro does not cause drowsiness or any other side 
effects (to him).
He said the study he read said the path the drug follows in your system is 
a direct line to the spinal cord where it acts on the nerve fibers to 
settle them down.  Sounds good to me!

Anybody else every try this??
In Wisconsin where my first turkey season has come and gone without a bird 
to brag about.I have another season in two weeks so stay tuned.

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[TMIC] 5 Years

2006-02-08 Thread Neil McNeil

Hi Folks,

i seldom post these days but each year on my TM anniversay I like to say 
hello to the TM world. Feb 4th was my 5th anniversary and I am pleased to 
report that I am still vertical and , contrary to the two year window for 
improvement rule, feel that I am still making gains.
I have some pain issues and still cannot run without exposing myself to 
great danger but all in all I'm not complaining. Five years ago I was 
paralyzed and today I am going strong. I take meds for my pain and took part 
in a study in Boston dealing with SCI pain. I figured that being a lab rat 
would help our cause long term and it was kind of interesting to spend five 
weeks in hospital in another country.
To be very brief this year.my simple advice for new TM'ers is to not 
lose hope. Work hard at getting better because you are firmly in charge of 
your own destiny. I could have just sat down and quit but I realized that we 
don't arrive here with a warranty and sooner or later something is bound to 
screw up. With me it was my spinal cord at T-5-6.with my '77 Camaro it 
was the transmission. The car was junkedI chose not to be.
Sometime after getting TM, probably after two years or so, it dawned on me 
that worrying about how I got tm was a huge waste of time. If it was a 
virus, mold, mercury, falling,George Bush or just bad luck I was driving 
myself nuts trying to make it all make sense. The truth is that shit happens 
and you just have to deal with it. Someone wins the lottery and someone buys 
a seat on the wrong flight. I decided to play with the cards that were dealt 
me and get on with life.
I've walked hundreds of miles over the past five years. For the first few 
months I used some form of asistance and at times I fell. I got up and tried 
again, then again. Now I look like anyone else walking along except for a 
slight limp. I enjoy golf and play better than I did before I got TM. Mostly 
because I know realize how unimportant golf is in the great scheme of 
It's been worth the fight to get back to where I am nowit really has. I 
can walk again.I am able to pee and turn it off and on which is a damned 
exciting thing that only people such as us tm'ers can appreciate. I deal 
with my residual pain and try not to inflict my bad days on others.
I also made some very good friends on this list who helped me through the 
difficult times with their encouragement and support. I can never properly 
thank them and although I have lost contact with some of them I will always 
be thankful for them.
So.no quitting ok! Try to wiggle that toe.try to do a kegal..try 
to lift that legtry to deal with the banding and the weird sensations 
and most importantly of alltry not to lose hope.

All the best,

(in NS)

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