[TMIC] Asking group experience

2011-04-08 Thread jackduv
Hi Everyone!
I have been reading ,haven't posted in a while. 
I hope Spring time is helping everyone. 
I would like 2 know what tests - blood work etc your dr's order for you during 
the year. I am on baclofen ,topamax.  Still with pain especially at night. as 
well as back pain and shrinking in right leg. Am wheelchair bound for most part 
with exception of toddler table walking (last few months) tm in july 07. I read 
most know where t this or t that. I didn't know that until I started this group 
as I was never told the area of where my tm hit. I do know I have to take 
responsibility for me. What do I need to ask for. In my area and now medical 
 I am  limited.  I have learned a lot from you guys. 
Never realized that tm causes clinical depression. 
Anyone know or have experience with hpt5. Or natural supplements for 
depression. I was on effexor then prozac now nothing. Feeling DOWN and don't 
want to spiral down again just as spring is here. May have rambled a bit - 
thanks 4 being out there!! 
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[TMIC] Info on low dose naltrexone ( ldn) if interested

2011-03-07 Thread jackduv

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[TMIC] Connected?

2011-03-06 Thread jackduv
Haven't been getting posts from TMIC- but have about ldn. Did group change? Its 
interesting and New people - I don't know how but - if group changed that's ok. 
If it didn't what do I need 2 do 2 get back on. Are All posts from past week 
only about low dose naltrexone? 
:) jackduv
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[TMIC] Subscribe

2011-03-06 Thread jackduv

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[TMIC] Happy

2010-12-31 Thread jackduv
Sending angels out to all of my fellow tmers !! Wishing all of you with lots of 
love the very best of life in 2011 !!! 
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[TMIC] Gratitude

2010-12-24 Thread jackduv
I am very grateful to  belong 2 a group of people from around the world who  
truly understand transverse myelitis!   It has been  very comforting as well as 
educational ! 
I have learned more from you guys then  the doctors! 
When I was at my darkest depression thinking  - if this was life I didn't want 
anymore of it.
I read something that kicked me back into reality  out of self pity. Thank God 
u were there 2 read. 
I wish all of you a wonderful holiday time a healthy happy new year. God Bless 
you all

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2010-12-11 Thread jackduv
Hi John
I was wondering, why do they think baclofen is making you stumble? I know side 
effect is dizzy/tired. For me I have not experienced dizziness but I am getting 
so disgusted with fatigue I have started 2  slowly cut down recently. Was 
taking 5 20mg. Day. Now 4 hopefully can drop more. But getting so tired of all 
this tm crap My insides want 2 scream out as loud as I can!!! Hang in 
there. Hopefully u will get relief soon. 
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[TMIC] Generic

2010-12-07 Thread jackduv
Sometimes I push save on your messages or mark unopened - thinking ... Wow I'm 
going 2 save this 4 so  so 2 read this is good - this is just like  me . 
If they read this it will explain my symptoms they will see that there r others 
out there feeling  doing the  same behavior Now they will understand- they 
will get it now!!  But then I don't show then.  I just keep them.  Most of you 
are blessed 2 have folks around that understand the pain  complications 
associated with tm and such a life changing event. I am loved by family  
however just feel lazy and worthless at times when I get stuck in comparing 
this life 2 life b4 tm. Ok enuff of my pity party. Thank God 4 all of 
you who I know understand fatigue pain and all the rest of the junk that goes 
with tm. Hv a good night.  Thanks 4 being there. JackDuv
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[TMIC] Meds

2010-12-06 Thread jackduv
Hello -  I am taking baclofen and topamax from nero dr. 
Other dr suggested provigil. Ins does not cover  very costly! Anyone on this - 
that could tell me if it helps with fatigue or your experience with it.   
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[TMIC] Omega 3

2010-11-30 Thread jackduv
Do u know - if taking omega 3. Do I still take the other omega 3-6 along with 
it.  Just trying vita route also  :) thanks 
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[TMIC] Thank u

2010-11-23 Thread jackduv
I bought omega 3 - will def stop melatonin. Appreciate all the help. 
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[TMIC] Blue time

2010-11-21 Thread jackduv
Hi everyone!  Wishing all of my tm family a warm, happy  
special Thanksgiving Day.Also- I want 2 know, I had such a bad 
experience with antidepressents did fine on It  (effexor)until withdrawals came 
- when I first got diagnosed tm and then on cobra, but When ins ran out and so 
did my pills I got so sick from not titrating the dose down appropriately and 
have been afraid of getting back on them. I know I am getting more Depressed 
and a new dr ordered presiq .??. But am afraid of having same prob again. I 
know this time of year hits me hardest - pain cold  wet  weather exacerbates 
my painful symptoms. Any feedback on meds 
(4 depression) that seem to help without causing more fatigue or addiction 
feelings when u stop) Or on the new prestiq 4 depression. I know I need 
something. Also from reading ur emails .. Do you ALL go to RA dr's as well as 
nero ? I go 
to a nero dr in memphis tn. But he only gives baclefen 80  and topomax 100 I 
hurt all nite long!!! Up and down.miserable :  I'm open 2 any feedback. Thanks 
for help Preparing for blues! Jacduv
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[TMIC] Blue time

2010-11-21 Thread jackduv
Hi everyone!  Wishing all of my tm family a warm, happy  
special Thanksgiving Day.Also- I want 2 know, I had such a bad 
experience with antidepressents did fine on It  (effexor)until withdrawals came 
- when I first got diagnosed tm and then on cobra, but When ins ran out and so 
did my pills I got so sick from not titrating the dose down appropriately and 
have been afraid of getting back on them. I know I am getting more Depressed 
and a new dr ordered presiq .??. But am afraid of having same prob again. I 
know this time of year hits me hardest - pain cold  wet  weather exacerbates 
my painful symptoms. Any feedback on meds 
(4 depression) that seem to help without causing more fatigue or addiction 
feelings when u stop) Or on the new prestiq 4 depression. I know I need 
something. Also from reading ur emails .. Do you ALL go to RA dr's as well as 
nero ? I go 
to a nero dr in memphis tn. But he only gives baclefen 80  and topomax 100 I 
hurt all nite long!!! Up and down.miserable :  I'm open 2 any feedback. Thanks 
for help Preparing for blues! Jacduv
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[TMIC] Oh joy - I think.

2010-10-26 Thread jackduv
Hello everyone!When I applied - (reluctantly) by encouragement of 
my best friend-it was oct. I was approved in November. The hardest part was the 
2 year wait paying the 540.00 cobra mthly which went up to 820. The last 6 mths 
of which I couldn't afford! Thank God I had long term disability checked on my 
work ins. Wishing u all the best !
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[TMIC] Question

2010-09-16 Thread jackduv
What's the difference between idopathic tm and just tm ? Diagnosed with 
idopathic tm 2007 -memphis tn. :)
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[TMIC] Unidentified subject!

2010-09-10 Thread jackduv
My right leg seemed to suffer more then left. I was wondering... I got tm in 
07. Over last months intense pain and can't sleep on right side my right leg 
seems to be getting shorter. Has this happened to anyone ? Is this from TM ? 
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Fw: [TMIC] Unidentified subject!

2010-09-10 Thread jackduv

--Original Message--
From: Jackie Duval
ReplyTo: Jackie Duval
Subject: [TMIC] Unidentified subject!
Sent: Sep 10, 2010 8:57 AM

My right leg seemed to suffer more then left. I was wondering... I got tm in 
07. Over last months intense pain and can't sleep on right side my right leg 
seems to be getting shorter. Has this happened to anyone ? Is this from TM ?
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[TMIC] Fw: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

2010-08-31 Thread jackduv

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-Original Message-
From: Mail Delivery System mailer-dae...@smtp17.bis.na.blackberry.com
Date: 31 Aug 2010 04:22:07 
To: srs0=flihoc=qe=att.blackberry.net=jack...@srs.bis.na.blackberry.com
Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

The following message to listrequ...@eskimo.com was undeliverable.
The reason for the problem:
5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-'5.1.1 listrequ...@eskimo.com... User 

Reporting-MTA: dns; smtp17.bis.na.blackberry.com

Final-Recipient: rfc822;listrequest@eskimo.com
Action: failed
Status: 5.0.0 (permanent failure)
Remote-MTA: dns; []
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-'5.1.1 listrequest@eskimo.com... User unknown' (delivery attempts: 0)

I am new to this site,I have been reading it and it has been helping but would 
like to be more a part of this group. I was diagnosed with tm in  july27,2007. 
I am on Baclofen Topamax at this time also daily vit and D. I have been 
loosing energy over last year fatigue is terrible. Unable to sleep from pain. I 
know I need this group because my life as I knew it is gone! I used to be 
compared to a workaholic jokingly by my friends. I loved to work and was a 
therapist for a inpatient psychiatric hospital. As well individual, marital 
therapy and group counseling for out pt therapy. When TM hit I was forced out 
of my job of 20 years. I am home and well feel I'm just now getting to point 
that I accept changes. BUT!!! Lots to learn. Anyone have insight into 
Depression and TM? Not sure I'm tired or depressed! Thanks jackie
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---End Message---

[TMIC] Subscribe

2010-08-30 Thread jackduv

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[TMIC] Fw: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

2010-08-30 Thread jackduv

Sent via BlackBerry by ATT

-Original Message-
From: Mail Delivery System mailer-dae...@smtp17.bis.na.blackberry.com
Date: 31 Aug 2010 04:22:07 
To: srs0=flihoc=qe=att.blackberry.net=jack...@srs.bis.na.blackberry.com
Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

The following message to listrequ...@eskimo.com was undeliverable.
The reason for the problem:
5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-'5.1.1 listrequ...@eskimo.com... User 

Reporting-MTA: dns; smtp17.bis.na.blackberry.com

Final-Recipient: rfc822;listrequest@eskimo.com
Action: failed
Status: 5.0.0 (permanent failure)
Remote-MTA: dns; []
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-'5.1.1 listrequest@eskimo.com... User unknown' (delivery attempts: 0)

I am new to this site,I have been reading it and it has been helping but would 
like to be more a part of this group. I was diagnosed with tm in  july27,2007. 
I am on Baclofen Topamax at this time also daily vit and D. I have been 
loosing energy over last year fatigue is terrible. Unable to sleep from pain. I 
know I need this group because my life as I knew it is gone! I used to be 
compared to a workaholic jokingly by my friends. I loved to work and was a 
therapist for a inpatient psychiatric hospital. As well individual, marital 
therapy and group counseling for out pt therapy. When TM hit I was forced out 
of my job of 20 years. I am home and well feel I'm just now getting to point 
that I accept changes. BUT!!! Lots to learn. Anyone have insight into 
Depression and TM? Not sure I'm tired or depressed! Thanks jackie
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---End Message---

[TMIC] Subscribe

2010-07-26 Thread jackduv

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