Re: [TMIC] dizziness

2006-02-17 Thread Krissy

The only time I ever felt dizzy 
was in the hosp. Thesecond day I was in rehab, the intake PT, brought me 
to the bars, now mind you I could not walk or anything and had no idea what was 
happening to me and all my tests were normal,she wanted me to stand and 
walk! Well, I got all sweaty and dizzy and passed out in my chair after I sat 
down! Of course, the idiot pt lady, whom I did not like, said I had a 
seizureso they IMMEDIATELY, rushed me to my room, stripped my clothes, put 
up pads on my bed and started me on anti seizure meds 3x a day! I was out of it 
for a couple hours, but when I came to I felt fine and was p.od at her...I 
called my neuro and he told me most likely it was nothing more than a blood 
pressure drop. I had a brain eeg and it was fine. Tho they kept me o those 
stupid meds till I got home...and I weaned myself off and was fine. My BP is 
normally 110/70 and was the whole time in the hosp thereafter.
Tho when I would start something 
new in the hosp, I would get a little nervous and shake and get dizzy and almost 
pass out..tha did eventually subside, the stronger I got.

Re: [TMIC] dizziness

2006-02-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yesit was me.  :-)  Mine (BP) goes down  every time I eat 

My BP goes up every time I go to the doctor because of nervous energy.

I bet it goes up every time they take my BP.

Next time you go to the doctor, have the nurse take your BP before you see the 
doctor, then ask your doctor to take it at the end of your visit.

Many years ago I was an MD doing home visits.  I had and elderly diabetic who 
had lost his leg and couldn't ever find it again, but that is not the story.  
He was visited by me every three months and by a nurse every two weeks.  I 
received a note from his new nurse that his BP was elevated.  His chart with me 
always showed a normal BP, so I called the nurse who informed me that it was 
dangerously high, so on my way home I stopped and checked it- Normal ! So I 
figured that she just wasn't relaxing him- I always chatted with him for a 
while before wrapping his arm, etc.

I left a note for the nurse to check the BP on arrival, halfway through the 
visit and at the end,  The note to me was that all readings are too high.  So, 
I made a date to meet her during her next visit.

The nurse was very new, 24 years old, long blond hair, 36 D, 26, 34 in her 
tight, top partially unbuttoned uniform.  When she bent over and wreapped that 
cuff around Ned's arm he looked up into my eyes and smiled, I could feel my BP 
pounding through my body.

Mystery solved


Re: [TMIC] dizziness

2006-02-13 Thread Pkeene2002

In a message dated 2/13/2006 2:07:45 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Since the end of January, I seem to have been losing ground. I can still walk, though I use a cane more often. I probably actually have more strength, but my energy (when I have it) doesn't last long, and I often feel week and really dizzy, even when I'm sitting. Something doesn't feel right, but it's kind of vague. 

I don't have anyreal pain - justthe soreness under my rib cageand the irritating tingling and burning in my legs/feet - Ican handle that. Compared to many of your challenges,a little dizzinessis nothing. But I'm concerned that I need to get back to work before too long, and I can't imagine working even 4 hours/day, the way I'm feeling. If I have an appointment, or have to get groceries, etc., it's about all I can do in one day! And I try to schedule things every other day, so I'm not totally wiped out. Is this typical, or just me? (The latter isn't new - just the dizziness is new.)

When the weakness/dizziness hits me, I have to lay downto feel better, even though perhaps just15 minutes before, I may havefeltfairly normal. The only meds I take is OTC Senna S. In the hospital (9 mos ago) they started me with 6/day. I've managed to get down to 3/day, but am wondering if taking it for so long might be affecting me this way. 

Anyone have any experience with this feeling, or with Senna S, or have any suggestions?

Hi Sally,
I first experienced dizziness in the rehab hospital about a week after I was hit with TM. The nurse saw that I was about to pass out and lowered the back of my wheelchair. My blood pressure had plummeted suddenly. I still have low blood pressure and have to take Proamatine three times a day. It usually goes down after I eat. Sometimes I get very weak and have to lie down and end up taking a nap.It really zaps my energy when this happens. Have someone to take your bp often to see if this might be your problem. Ironically, my bp was on the high side before TM. 

I hope this helps.

Priscilla in TN
Happy valentine's day everyone! 

Re: [TMIC] dizziness

2006-02-13 Thread Kalekea

This is interesting! I NORMALLY have really LOW BP, but last time I 
went to the doctor it was wayhigher than normal, for me, though the nurse 
said not too high to be safe. Grace wrote and said maybe it was HIGH BP 
that was causing the dizziness. She said hers went up after getting 

And now, you're saying that after TM yours is lower! (I'm getting the 
feeling that this is normal for TM -a myriad of quirky symptoms, and not 
all the same!) But you also said that it's usually after you eat, and this 
is what I experienced the other day! Hmmm!

Maybe I need to check my BP more often.

Thanks for the feedback.

PS FYI: Before TM, I found that drinking plenty water increased my BP 
so I didn't pass out so easy (usually at the sight of blood :) This 
might help you. Also, I made a note to myself to see if I'm not drinking 
enough water now.

Re: [TMIC] dizziness

2006-02-13 Thread Kalekea

Oops! Sorry. It wasn't Grace, it was Lynn that said her BP went 
up after TM


Re: [TMIC] dizziness

2006-02-13 Thread JHarper33

I've had dizziness since TM. It never occurred to me to ask 
whether it was part of TM or not -- I just assumed it was since it came with TM 
onset, and, like most of my other symptoms, has gotten better but still flares 
up from time to time. I've had balance problems since TM onset, so I just 
connected the dizzniess to that -- but that's just guessing on my 

(Got a chuckle when I made a typo and put "fizziness" at first 
instead of dizziness. :-) )

Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] dizziness

2006-02-13 Thread HeyJude48506

In a message dated 2/13/2006 2:45:42 PM Central Standard Time, 

  I've had dizziness since TM. It never occurred to me to ask 
  whether it was part of TM or not -- I just assumed it was since it came with 
  TM onset, and, like most of my other symptoms, has gotten better but still 
  flares up from time to time. I've had balance problems since TM onset, so I 
  just connected the dizzniess to that -- but that's just guessing on my 
  (Got a chuckle when I made a typo and put "fizziness" at 
  first instead of dizziness. :-) )
  Barbara H.

I get "fizziness" on a regular basis. Glad you brought 
it up...

Re: [TMIC] dizziness

2006-02-13 Thread Diane

Me too on the fizziness since TM. If it's really bad, I take Gravol.
I keep children's liquid Gravol on hand. Almost instant relief -
works a lot faster than the adult pills or suppositories.
There are times when I get dizzy standing up or moving too quickly
- that I know is my BP plumetting. It's a different feeling.
Diane in Canada
a message dated 2/13/2006 2:45:42 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
had dizziness since TM. It never occurred to me to ask whether it was part
of TM or not -- I just assumed it was since it came with TM onset, and,
like most of my other symptoms, has gotten better but still flares up from
time to time. I've had balance problems since TM onset, so I just connected
the dizzniess to that -- but that's just guessing on my part.(Got
a chuckle when I made a typo and put "fizziness" at first instead of dizziness.
:-) )Barbara
I get
"fizziness" on a regular basis. Glad you brought it up...Jude