
2003-10-24 Thread Robert Charbonneau
I was trying to embed Tomcat in my application only to discover that 
Embedded.createContext relies on ProxyDirContext from 
org.apache.naming.resources.  I can't seem to find the jar that contains this 
class, though I can find references to JavaDocs for it.  I'm running Tomcat 
4.1 and am a little confused.  Any help here would be appreciated.  :)

Here is the stack trace:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded.createContext(
at com.look.core.EmbeddedTomcat.startTomcat(
at com.look.core.Main.main(

And the class is a modified version of an example from an OnJava article, and 
is included here.

import org.apache.catalina.*;
import org.apache.catalina.logger.*;
import org.apache.catalina.startup.*;

 * @author etriaph
 * To change the template for this generated type comment go to
 * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Generation - Code and Comments
public class EmbeddedTomcat
private String   m_path = null;
private Embedded m_embedded = null;
private Host m_host = null;

public EmbeddedTomcat()


public EmbeddedTomcat(String path)

public void setPath(String path)
m_path = path;

public void startTomcat() throws Exception
Engine engine = null;

System.setProperty("catalina.path", getPath());

m_embedded = new Embedded();

m_embedded.setLogger(new SystemOutLogger());

engine = m_embedded.createEngine();

m_host = m_embedded.createHost("localhost", getPath() + "/webapps");

Context context = m_embedded.createContext("", getPath() + 


Connector connector = m_embedded.createConnector(null, 8080, false);


public String getPath()
return( m_path );

public void stopTomcat() throws Exception

Again, I would love to get an opinion on this, or perhaps a URL to a jar that 
contains the classes needed.

Thanks in advance!

Robert Charbonneau

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Re: org.apache.naming

2003-10-24 Thread Robert Charbonneau
Ok, nevermind that I found the jar I was looking for.

Ran into another problem though when running the application:

Starting Tomcat
Apache Tomcat/4.1.27
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded.start(
at com.look.core.EmbeddedTomcat.startTomcat(
at com.look.core.Main.main(

While browsing the catalina.jar file for Tomcat 4.1.27 I couldn't find the 
class either.  Is something fish going on here?  Can anyone help?


On October 24, 2003 04:10 am, Robert Charbonneau wrote:

Robert Charbonneau

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tomcat caching jsp to working directory (not /work)

2003-10-24 Thread Euan Guttridge
When I start tomcat as root using /etc/init.d/tomcat start, which in turn
starts $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ as tomcat, tomcat attempts to cache all
jsps to the directory from which I ran /etc/init.d/tomcat start.. 

I can force jsps to cache to $CATALINA_HOME/work/... by setting SCRATCHDIR
in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml but this is a workaround not a resolution. 

Any ideas?



>From : /etc/init.d/tomcat

# chkconfig:
# description: Startup script for Tomcat

# Source function lib
. /etc/init.d/functions


case "$1" in
if [ -f $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ ];
echo $"Starting Tomcat"
/bin/su tomcat $CATALINA_HOME/bin/
if [ -f $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ ];
echo $"Stopping Tomcat"
/bin/su tomcat $CATALINA_HOME/bin/
echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
exit 1

exit $RETVAL

>From : $CATALINA_HOME/bin/


# Start Script for the CATALINA Server
# $Id:,v 1.2 2002/01/15 02:55:38 patrickl Exp $


# resolve links - $0 may be a softlink

while [ -h "$PRG" ] ; do
  ls=`ls -ld "$PRG"`
  link=`expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$'`
  if expr "$link" : '.*/.*' > /dev/null; then
PRG=`dirname "$PRG"`/"$link"

PRGDIR=`dirname "$PRG"`

# Check that target executable exists
if [ ! -x "$PRGDIR"/"$EXECUTABLE" ]; then
  echo "Cannot find $PRGDIR/$EXECUTABLE"
  echo "This file is needed to run this program"
  exit 1

exec "$PRGDIR"/"$EXECUTABLE" start "$@"

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Re: Meaning of entries in mod_jk.log

2003-10-24 Thread Volker
Bill Barker schrieb:

> "Volker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Bill Barker schrieb:
> >
> > > "Volker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > Hi,
> > > >
> > > > can anyone please explain me the meaning of following entries in my
> > > > mod_jk.log?
> > > > "Attempting to map ..."
> > > > Why does mod_jk try to map something here?
> > >
> > > It's checking to see if the URL matches any of your JkMount statements.
> > > Nothing more, nothing less.  When it is "done without a match", it
> allows
> > > Apache to continue to handle the request (and presumably return a 404
> page).
> >
> > Hello Bill,
> >
> > thanks for your answer. But why do you think a 404 error is returned? Like
> > mentioned before those paths and files EXIST
> > "/fh/DC/DCClasses/Resources/Forum/userIcons/bonus_calien1.gif".
> >
> > The only reason I run Apache & TomCat in conjunction with mod_jk ist that
> I need
> > tomcat for special servlets that should run via port 80.
> > All the "usual" port 80 requests (i.e. html files) should result in
> retrieving
> > the right files because they are accessible for apache.
> >
> > Any idea?
> At a guess, you haven't setup an Alias for your webapp in Apache.  You need
> something like: Alias /fh /path/to/tomcat/webapps/fh
> in your httpd.conf file.  This tells Apache where to look for the gif after
> mod_jk declines it.  Alternatively, you could use:
>   JkMount /fh/* ajp13
> and have Tomcat serve the static content as well.
> Enabling the auto-config in Tomcat is a good way to get a starting set of
> things that you need to change.

Hi Bill,

I do not want tomcat + mod_jk get involved in any requests EXCEPT a special
servlet named "tunnelingServlet":'

All other requests shall be fullfilled by Apache itself, here an overview about
the situation:

I have an chat applet which produces a HttpTunneling-Request mentioned above
when when tcp ports are not available for the client (desktop firewall etc.)".
In this case the applet makes use of in order to use port 80 to
start a tunneling servlet for chat communication.

The applet "knows" where it is loaded from via the "code base"-param

The chat applet retrieves GIFs for showing up avatars in the chat client by help
of normal port 80 http requests.
Since the applet knows where it was loaded from it simply adds
"/Resources/Forum/userIcons/avatarname.gif" to the codebase param and performs
the corresponding GET-requests..

But of course those "normal" gif-requests via port 80 can and should be handled
by help of my Apache and not by Tomcat.
This obviously is the case because although I have those "strange" lines in
mod_jk.log I get the GIF-avatards and see them in my chat client.

Is it possible that lines in mod_jk like

[jk_uri_worker_map.c (368)]: Attempting to map URI
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (456)]: jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, done
without a match

appears in the mod_jk.log only showing that Tomcat & mod_jk cannot fullfill that
request (which nevertheless is handled by Apache then!) what obviously does not
matter the possibility that Apache can?!

If this was true - can I do anything to avoid those lines or better: avoid that
tomcat & mod_jk pay attention to requests except'

Best regards and thanks


> >
> > Best regards
> >
> > Volker
> >
> > > >> Are those outputs normal (For example
> > > > /fh/DC/DCClasses/Resources/Forum/userIcons/bonus_calien1.gif does
> exist
> > > > on my web server!) ?
> > > >
> > > > [Sat Oct 18 08:19:58 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (477)]: Attempting to
> > > > map URI '/fh/DC/DCClasses/Resources/Forum/userIcons/bonus_calien1.gif'
> > > > [Sat Oct 18 08:19:58 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (599)]:
> > > > jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, done without a match
> > > > [Sat Oct 18 08:19:58 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (460)]: Into
> > > > jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker
> > > > [Sat Oct 18 08:19:58 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (477)]: Attempting to
> > > > map URI '/fh/DC/DCClasses/Resources/Forum/userIcons/r_flirter1.gif'
> > > > [Sat Oct 18 08:19:58 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (599)]:
> > > > jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, done without a match
> > > > [Sat Oct 18 08:19:59 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (460)]: Into
> > > > jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker
> > > > [Sat Oct 18 08:19:59 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (477)]: Attempting to
> > > > map URI '/fh/DC/DCClasses/Resources/Forum/userIcons/r_luzy.gif'
> > > > [Sat Oct 18 08:19:59 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (599)]:
> > > > jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, done without a match
> > > > [Sat Oct 18 08:19:59 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (460)]: Into
> > > > jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker
> > > >

RE: org.apache.naming

2003-10-24 Thread Borrajo Iniesta, Javier
I tried to build Tomcat 4.1.27 from the source ZIP but it was not possible
because several source folders are missing from the ZIP, in my case
org.apache.tomcat was missing

If anybody knows how to get a COMPLETE Tomcat 4.1 source distribution
please let me know



> -Mensaje original-
> De:   Robert Charbonneau [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Enviado el:   viernes 24 de octubre de 2003 10:11
> Para: Tomcat Users Mailing List
> Asunto:   org.apache.naming
> I was trying to embed Tomcat in my application only to discover that 
> Embedded.createContext relies on ProxyDirContext from 
> org.apache.naming.resources.  I can't seem to find the jar that contains
> this 
> class, though I can find references to JavaDocs for it.  I'm running
> Tomcat 
> 4.1 and am a little confused.  Any help here would be appreciated.  :)
> Here is the stack trace:
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
> org/apache/naming/resources/ProxyDirContext
>   at
> org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded.createContext(
>   at com.look.core.EmbeddedTomcat.startTomcat(
>   at com.look.core.Main.main(
> And the class is a modified version of an example from an OnJava article,
> and 
> is included here.
> import org.apache.catalina.*;
> import org.apache.catalina.logger.*;
> import org.apache.catalina.startup.*;
> /**
>  * @author etriaph
>  *
>  * To change the template for this generated type comment go to
>  * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Generation - Code and Comments
>  */
> public class EmbeddedTomcat
> {
>   private String   m_path = null;
>   private Embedded m_embedded = null;
>   private Host m_host = null;
>   public EmbeddedTomcat()
>   {
>   }
>   public EmbeddedTomcat(String path)
>   {
>   setPath(path);
>   }
>   public void setPath(String path)
>   {
>   m_path = path;
>   }
>   public void startTomcat() throws Exception
>   {
>   Engine engine = null;
>   System.setProperty("catalina.path", getPath());
>   m_embedded = new Embedded();
>   m_embedded.setDebug(0);
>   m_embedded.setLogger(new SystemOutLogger());
>   engine = m_embedded.createEngine();
>   engine.setDefaultHost("localhost");
>   m_host = m_embedded.createHost("localhost", getPath() +
> "/webapps");
>   engine.addChild(m_host);
>   Context context = m_embedded.createContext("", getPath() +
> "/webapps/ROOT");
>   m_host.addChild(context);
>   m_embedded.addEngine(engine);
>   Connector connector = m_embedded.createConnector(null, 8080,
> false);
>   m_embedded.addConnector(connector);
>   m_embedded.start();
>   }
>   public String getPath()
>   {
>   return( m_path );
>   }
>   public void stopTomcat() throws Exception
>   {
>   m_embedded.stop();
>   }
> }
> Again, I would love to get an opinion on this, or perhaps a URL to a jar
> that 
> contains the classes needed.
> Thanks in advance!
> --
> Robert Charbonneau
> --
> -
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> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Connection refused error under load with tomcat 3.3.1 on Windows XP

2003-10-24 Thread Dave Brewster
We're running a load script on our tomcat server and seeing connection refused errors 
on the client.

Server Configuration:
Vanilla tomcat (not fronted with Apache) 3.3.1
-Xmx 800MB -Xms512M
Windows XP 
2.8 Ghz Hyperthreaded 800Mhz front side bus, 1 CPU
1.5 GB memory.

On the client load test we are using Java, connection with the URL class.  We see 
(don't know if it's immediate yet) a connection refused error only under load.  The 
higher the number of concurrent users (or load in general), the more errors.

Has anyone else seen this problem?

Btw... we tried fronting this with Apache, mod_jk and found we received 500 errors 
instead.  Mod_jk got the connection refused errors instead.



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RE: tomcat jitters, then hangs - please help

2003-10-24 Thread Ryan Lissack
Hi all,

Just an update on issues we were experiencing when running Tomcat on Red Hat

As mentioned previously in this thread, the problem appears to be with a bug
in NPTL.
In order to revert to standard Linux threads you can set the
LD_ASSUME_KERNEL environment variable to 2.2.5 or 2.4.1

We set LD_ASSUME_KERNEL to 2.4.1 on one of our servers one week ago and,
since then, have *not* had one outage, our other machine which does not have
the environment variable set has had numerous outages during the period.  

We can confirm that this does appear to resolve the issue.

I believe Noam Camiel found that setting LD_ASSUME_KERNEL to 2.2.5 also

I would like to say a special thank you to Remy for all his help during this

Best regards,

-Original Message-
From: Shapira, Yoav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 15 October 2003 14:07
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: tomcat jitters, then hangs - please help

Cool, please keep us updated ;)  I want these linux questions better
documented in the list archives ;)

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

>-Original Message-
>From: Noam Camiel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 6:37 AM
>To: Euan Guttridge; Tomcat Users List
>Subject: Re: tomcat jitters, then hangs - please help
>Hi Euan
>Please note the server is now up for 48 hours strait.
>The change I've made is I've set LD_ASSUME_KERNEL to 2.2.5
>I will update again in another 48 hours or if the server hangs,
>comes first.
>- Original Message -
>From: "Euan Guttridge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 9:42 AM
>Subject: FW: tomcat jitters, then hangs - please help
>> Hi Noam,
>> I work with Ryan on tomcat issues. I would be grateful if you would
>> know if your tomcat installation is *still* up (another 24 hours)
>> NPTL change as below.
>> Regards,
>> Euan
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Noam Camiel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: 14 October 2003 14:46
>> To: Tomcat Users List
>> Subject: Re: tomcat jitters, then hangs - please help
>> Hi,
>> On Friday, October 10, 2003 11:09 AM "Ryan Lissack"
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
>> > Remy pointed out to me previously that RH9 uses a new form of
>> and
>> > based on this we have done some investigation.
>> >
>> > RH9 uses NTPL (Native POSIX Thread Library)
>> >
>> >
>> > It is possible to revert to the older form of threading,
>> by
>> > setting an environment variable, namely:
>> > - 2.4.1 - Linuxthreads with floating stacks
>> > - 2.2.5 - Linuxthreads without floating stacks
>> >
>> > This does not revert back to an older kernel, it just changes the
>> > library used
>> >
>> > We will be testing with these settings starting today and, if we
>> to
>> > have problems, we will be trying another distro.
>> setting the LD_ASSUME_KERNEL variable, the server is now running over
>> hours strait.
>> Still, nothing conclusive as of yet..
>> Ryan, thanks for the information above.  Do you have move information
>> regarding this configuration? do you still encounter problems?
>> On Monday, October 13, 2003 9:59 PM "Joe Zendle"
>> wrote:
>> > We had the same problem w/ TC 4.1.27, sun jvm 1.4.2 and redhat 9.
>> > thing wouldn't work for more than about 12 hours. IMHO, there are
>> > fundamental problems with tomcat as of late. Hate to say it but we
>> > solved the problem by throwing away tomcat and using jetty! We are
>> > pleased so far. Jetty is very fast and about 1/3 the memory
>> >
>> > Good luck.
>> Hi Joe,
>> Thanks for sharing the info, I am considering what you suggest as
>> As a last try before moving away from Tomcat, I'm trying out the
>> from Ryan above.
>> Regards,
>> Noam.
>> -
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>> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: tomcat jitters, then hangs - please help

2003-10-24 Thread Euan Guttridge
Nice, and at least you got the speed to post issue sorted..

-Original Message-
From: Ryan Lissack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 24 October 2003 12:35
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: tomcat jitters, then hangs - please help

Hi all,

Just an update on issues we were experiencing when running Tomcat on Red Hat

As mentioned previously in this thread, the problem appears to be with a bug
in NPTL. In order to revert to standard Linux threads you can set the
LD_ASSUME_KERNEL environment variable to 2.2.5 or 2.4.1

We set LD_ASSUME_KERNEL to 2.4.1 on one of our servers one week ago and,
since then, have *not* had one outage, our other machine which does not have
the environment variable set has had numerous outages during the period.  

We can confirm that this does appear to resolve the issue.

I believe Noam Camiel found that setting LD_ASSUME_KERNEL to 2.2.5 also

I would like to say a special thank you to Remy for all his help during this

Best regards,

-Original Message-
From: Shapira, Yoav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 15 October 2003 14:07
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: tomcat jitters, then hangs - please help

Cool, please keep us updated ;)  I want these linux questions better
documented in the list archives ;)

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

>-Original Message-
>From: Noam Camiel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 6:37 AM
>To: Euan Guttridge; Tomcat Users List
>Subject: Re: tomcat jitters, then hangs - please help
>Hi Euan
>Please note the server is now up for 48 hours strait.
>The change I've made is I've set LD_ASSUME_KERNEL to 2.2.5
>I will update again in another 48 hours or if the server hangs,
>comes first.
>- Original Message -
>From: "Euan Guttridge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 9:42 AM
>Subject: FW: tomcat jitters, then hangs - please help
>> Hi Noam,
>> I work with Ryan on tomcat issues. I would be grateful if you would
>> know if your tomcat installation is *still* up (another 24 hours)
>> NPTL change as below.
>> Regards,
>> Euan
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Noam Camiel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: 14 October 2003 14:46
>> To: Tomcat Users List
>> Subject: Re: tomcat jitters, then hangs - please help
>> Hi,
>> On Friday, October 10, 2003 11:09 AM "Ryan Lissack" 
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
>> > Remy pointed out to me previously that RH9 uses a new form of
>> and
>> > based on this we have done some investigation.
>> >
>> > RH9 uses NTPL (Native POSIX Thread Library)
>> >
>> >
>> > It is possible to revert to the older form of threading,
>> by
>> > setting an environment variable, namely: 
>> > - 2.4.1 - Linuxthreads with floating stacks
>> > - 2.2.5 - Linuxthreads without floating stacks
>> >
>> > This does not revert back to an older kernel, it just changes the
>> > library used
>> >
>> > We will be testing with these settings starting today and, if we
>> to
>> > have problems, we will be trying another distro.
>> setting the LD_ASSUME_KERNEL variable, the server is now running over
>> hours strait.
>> Still, nothing conclusive as of yet..
>> Ryan, thanks for the information above.  Do you have move information 
>> regarding this configuration? do you still encounter problems?
>> On Monday, October 13, 2003 9:59 PM "Joe Zendle"
>> wrote:
>> > We had the same problem w/ TC 4.1.27, sun jvm 1.4.2 and redhat 9.
>> > thing wouldn't work for more than about 12 hours. IMHO, there are
>> > fundamental problems with tomcat as of late. Hate to say it but we 
>> > solved the problem by throwing away tomcat and using jetty! We are
>> > pleased so far. Jetty is very fast and about 1/3 the memory
>> >
>> > Good luck.
>> Hi Joe,
>> Thanks for sharing the info, I am considering what you suggest as
>> As a last try before moving away from Tomcat, I'm trying out the
>> from Ryan above.
>> Regards,
>> Noam.
>> -
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>> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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used by anyone 

Tomcat 4.1.27 Running as a Service

2003-10-24 Thread Hardee, Brenda G NAVSAFECEN
  I have installed Tomcat ver 4.1.27 as a service on my WIN2000 machine, 
however, I cannot reach the site through a browser window (I.E.).  I can reach the 
site through my browser when I run Tomcat with the startup option.  There must be some 
setup options that I don't have configured correctly, can you assist me?  vr, Brenda 

RE: HttpServletResponse handling

2003-10-24 Thread Shapira, Yoav

Could you supply your own HttpServletResponseWrapper, which would set
these headers to a flag, empty, or null value per your requirements?

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

>-Original Message-
>From: Tim Funk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 6:39 PM
>To: Tomcat Users List
>Subject: Re: HttpServletResponse handling
>AFAIK, No. (Unless you recompile the source)
>If your using apache in front - there is probably a module that does
>William Bondy wrote:
>> Is there a way to suppress the "Date" and "Server" headers from being
>> automatically generated in HttpServletResponses ?
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RE: problem displaying the servlet

2003-10-24 Thread Shapira, Yoav

You will need a servlet-mapping element in your web.xml first.  Then
we'll see why the javax.xml.transform.Source error is coming up.

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

>-Original Message-
>From: sita tangirala [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 4:04 PM
>Subject: problem displaying the servlet
>   I'm using Tomcat 5.0.   I'm writing my first servlet program Hello
>World. I could compile the java program but I get servlet not found
>I have placed my and HelloWorld.class in
WEB-INF/classes. I
>changed my WEB-INF/web.xml as follows:
>But I still get the same error. Then I looked at the log. It's a long
>The starting line of it is
>Can anyone please explain me where I'm going wrong.
>Do you Yahoo!?
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Re: HttpServletResponse handling

2003-10-24 Thread Tim Funk
Via past converstions about this - I think it was the connectors that set the 
Server header. Thats why the recompile was needed. (But I was just lurking 
for that thread)


Shapira, Yoav wrote:
Could you supply your own HttpServletResponseWrapper, which would set
these headers to a flag, empty, or null value per your requirements?
Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

-Original Message-
From: Tim Funk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 6:39 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: HttpServletResponse handling
AFAIK, No. (Unless you recompile the source)

If your using apache in front - there is probably a module that does


William Bondy wrote:

Is there a way to suppress the "Date" and "Server" headers from being
automatically generated in HttpServletResponses ?

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RE: org.apache.naming

2003-10-24 Thread Shapira, Yoav

org.apache.catalina.loader.Reloader is in the bootstrap.jar,
$CATALINA_HOME/bin by default.

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

>-Original Message-
>From: Robert Charbonneau [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 4:29 AM
>To: Tomcat Users List
>Subject: Re: org.apache.naming
>Ok, nevermind that I found the jar I was looking for.
>Ran into another problem though when running the application:
>Starting Tomcat
>Apache Tomcat/4.1.27
>Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
>   at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
>   at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
>   at
>   at
>   at$100(
>   at$
>   at Method)
>   at
>   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
>   at
>   at
>   at
>   at
>   at
>   at org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded.start(
>   at
>   at com.look.core.Main.main(
>While browsing the catalina.jar file for Tomcat 4.1.27 I couldn't find
>class either.  Is something fish going on here?  Can anyone help?
>On October 24, 2003 04:10 am, Robert Charbonneau wrote:
>Robert Charbonneau
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Re: Experience: Tomcat @ PDA @ PersonalJava 1.2 implementation

2003-10-24 Thread Ralf Bierig
Hi, thanks for the hint to rise hope in me. Do you have any kind of link,
name or further info to help searching for it? 


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Where to put JSP file?

2003-10-24 Thread Bogdan Brzozowski
Hi everybody,

I' m begginer, so my question is very fundamental.

Where should I put my FirstPage.jsp file?
My application context name is /jsp_xml/
(Tomcat manager shows this name
on the list of running applications). When I refer
to http:\\localhost:8080\jsp_xml\ (in web browser)
I see an empty directory. When I refer to
http:\\localhost:8080\jsp_xml\FirstPage.jsp server
Tomcat raises 404 status that requested resource
is not available. I've got in my home
directory recommended by Tomcat documentation


Thanks in advance
Bogdan Brzozowski
Soft. Dept. Manager

Spokojna 9A
18-400 Lomza

phone: +48 604 52 72 50

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Re: encrypting a form's action URL with HTTPS link

2003-10-24 Thread Adam Hardy

On 10/23/2003 05:33 PM Punjabi, Naveen K wrote:
Hello Adam,

Well yes, in case of SSL (secure socket Layer) all your form
content along with the page header will go in an encrypted format. If
you want to know in detail how SSL works then here goes the entire
SSL is based on the Public Key crypto system with following
1. When you type an SSL URL, the browser sends a hello message to the
2. The server then sends its own Certificate and a random nonce
encrypted with its public Key.
3. The browser gets the Server certificate. Verifies it. Gets the public
Key from the certificate and authenticates the server
4. The client then makes an MASTER KEY and encrypts it with the server
public key. It sends its own certificate to the server. And also a nonce
encrypted with its own public key.
5. Now server takes the client certificate. Verifies it. Gets the public
key of client from the certificate and authenticates the client. 
6. Now the server knows the client public key, so it just decrypts the
encrypted Master Key. this master key then becomes the secret key for
further transactions between the client and server.
Thanks for the excellent run-down, Naveen.

struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.12 + java 1.4.2
Linux 2.4.20 RH9
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shm.create(): error mmapping

2003-10-24 Thread Bruce Ashton
Has anybody had mod_jk2 working with Apache 1.3.24 on Windows?  I keep
getting the following error:

[Fri Oct 24 13:40:05 2003]  (error) [jk_shm.c (358)]: shm.create(): error
mmapping C:\\Apache\\Apache\\logs\\jk2.shm

Apache 1.3.24 with SSL patch
Tomcat 4.1
ServerRoot is C:\Apache. looks like:
# jk2_module configuration

info=Ajp13 forwarding over socket

I have also tried,




and the same variations with double quotes, i.e.



Anybody know anything about mod_jk2 on Win32?

Bruce Ashton
Senior Developer
Ext. 8272 

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Re: Where to put JSP file?

2003-10-24 Thread Christopher Schultz

I' m begginer, so my question is very fundamental.
If your .jsp file is in jsp_xml/src, then your URL should be:


It looks like you are following the recommended directory structure for 
using 'ant', which is intended to build to a separate directory for 
deployment. Your .jsp files should probably go in your "web" directory, 
and ant should copy them to the place where your server.xml points as 
the "docbase" for your web application.

Hope that helps,
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Re: shm.create(): error mmapping

2003-10-24 Thread Christopher Schultz

Has anybody had mod_jk2 working with Apache 1.3.24 on Windows?  I keep
getting the following error:
[Fri Oct 24 13:40:05 2003]  (error) [jk_shm.c (358)]: shm.create(): error
mmapping C:\\Apache\\Apache\\logs\\jk2.shm

This is kind of a silly question, but does that path actually exist? I 
notice that you have two "Apache"s in there, which might be inadvertent.


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RE: shm.create(): error mmapping

2003-10-24 Thread Bruce Ashton
Fair call, but yet it does exist.  Tomcat lives in C:/Apache/Tomcat41/.

> -Original Message-
> From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 24 October 2003 15:01
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: shm.create(): error mmapping
> Bruce,
> > Has anybody had mod_jk2 working with Apache 1.3.24 on 
> Windows?  I keep
> > getting the following error:
> > 
> > [Fri Oct 24 13:40:05 2003]  (error) [jk_shm.c (358)]: 
> shm.create(): error
> > mmapping C:\\Apache\\Apache\\logs\\jk2.shm
> > file="C:/Apache/Apache/logs/jk2.shm"
> This is kind of a silly question, but does that path actually 
> exist? I 
> notice that you have two "Apache"s in there, which might be 
> inadvertent.
> -chris
> -
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Tomcat stops handling HTTP connections, socket is SYN_RECV

2003-10-24 Thread frode
I'm running Tomcat/4.1.27 on a Debian Woody system with a vanilla Linux
2.4.21 kernel compiled with gcc 2.95.4 20011002 (Debian prerelease);
"java -version" produces: 
  java version "1.4.2"
  Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2-b28)
  Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2-b28, mixed mode)

While stress-testing one of our web app, I noticed that after a while, Tomcat
stops responding to HTTP requests.

Basically, I'm running the following short shell script:

for i in `seq 1 1000`; do
  curl -d "variables_to_the_servlet_causing_heavy_operations" 
http://server:10003/mywebapp/myservlet &

This specific POST causes the servlet to perform some relatively "heavy"
operations inside a block that is synchronized() on a common object.
I've configured tomcat with the following connection in server.xml:


A lot of HttpProcessors are created, and they queue up waiting to get the
synchronization on the common object. After waiting for a long while, I
kill all remaining curl processes. For several minutes the servlet keeps
logging its handling of the incoming requests, but it seems to slow
down. When everything quiets down, tomcat seems to be unable to service
any http requests. Any attempt to connect to port 10003 with a web
browser eventually causes a "No data in response"-style error message.
At this point it seems the http connector listening on port 10003 has
gone "zombie" on me: 

Using netstat, I can see my connections appear on the server with state SYN_RECV:

tcp0  0*  LISTEN  1001   
175227186  24400/java  
tcp0  0 (server ip):10003  (client ip):57533  SYN_RECV
1001   0  -   
tcp  378  0 (server ip):10003  (client ip):55296  CLOSE_WAIT  
0  0  -   
tcp  378  0 (server ip):10003  (client ip):55297  CLOSE_WAIT  
0  0  -   
tcp  378  0 (server ip):10003  (client ip):55304  CLOSE_WAIT  
0  0  -   
tcp  378  0 (server ip):10003  (client ip):55320  CLOSE_WAIT  
0  0  -   
tcp  378  0 (server ip):10003  (client ip):55321  CLOSE_WAIT  
0  0  -   
tcp  378  0 (server ip):10003  (client ip):55716  CLOSE_WAIT  
0  0  -   
tcp  378  0 (server ip):10003  (client ip):55713  CLOSE_WAIT  
0  0  -   
tcp  378  0 (server ip):10003  (client ip):55715  CLOSE_WAIT  
0  0  -   
tcp  378  0 (server ip):10003  (client ip):55725  CLOSE_WAIT  
0  0  -   
tcp  378  0 (server ip):10003  (client ip):54936  CLOSE_WAIT  
0  0  -   

Netstat on the client shows:

tcp0  0 (client ip):57533  (server ip):10003  ESTABLISHED 
0   13975972   -

(This specific connection was created using "nc server 10003")

A full thread dump via "killall -3 java" produces the following:

Full thread dump Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.4.2-b28 mixed mode):

"HttpProcessor[10003][888]" daemon prio=1 tid=0x4c206b08 nid=0x6503 in Object.wait() 
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(
- locked <0x45bcaf10> (a org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpProcessor)

"HttpProcessor[10003][887]" daemon prio=1 tid=0x4c206008 nid=0x6502 in Object.wait() 
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(
- locked <0x45bcb240> (a org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpProcessor)

 (... hundreds more HttpProcessors with similar stack traces ...)

"HttpProcessor[10003][1]" daemon prio=1 tid=0x081c3c40 nid=0x5f83 in Object.wait() 
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
at java.lang.Object.wait(
- locked <0x452093b0> (a org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpProcessor)

Create session on Tomcat 4.1.24

2003-10-24 Thread Chiming Huang
I am trying to upgrade our current Tomcat 4.0.4 to Tomcat 4.1.24.  After logged in our 
application, we store the user information as an attribute in the session.  With 
Tomcat 4.1.24, it seems the session was not created.  How can I configure tomcat 
4.1.24 to create session automatically?
Thanks in advance.

Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Shopping - with improved product search

RE: Create session on Tomcat 4.1.24

2003-10-24 Thread Shapira, Yoav

Like tomcat 4.0.4, tomcat 4.1.24 creates an HttpSession when you use
HttpServletRequest.getSession().  There's no magic here now, there was
no magic here before.  If you're running into a specific error, post
details and we'll try to help ;)

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

>-Original Message-
>From: Chiming Huang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 10:19 AM
>To: Tomcat User
>Subject: Create session on Tomcat 4.1.24
>I am trying to upgrade our current Tomcat 4.0.4 to Tomcat 4.1.24.
>logged in our application, we store the user information as an
attribute in
>the session.  With Tomcat 4.1.24, it seems the session was not created.
>How can I configure tomcat 4.1.24 to create session automatically?
>Thanks in advance.
>Do you Yahoo!?
>The New Yahoo! Shopping - with improved product search

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Re: JNDIRealm using LDAP with SSL

2003-10-24 Thread Hayo Schmidt
Did you solve your problem? I don't get the whole thing to run.

Are you really able to use *ldaps* in the connectionURL. On my system i 
get the following error:
"LifecycleException:  Exception opening directory server connection:  
Cannot parse url: ldaps://localhost:636 [Root exception is Not an L
DAP URL: ldaps://localhost:636]"

If i just use ldap://localhost:636 i get this:
"LifecycleException:  Exception opening directory server connection:  
ption: Request: 1 cancelled"

Both doesn't really help defending network sniffers from stealing user 

Hayo Schmidt

Chris Egolf schrieb:

Does anyone have any experience getting ldaps working w/ the 
JDNIRealms in Tomcat 4.1.24?  Regular LDAP is working fine, but when I 
change the connection URL to ldaps://:636 I get the 
following error:

2003-07-28 09:40:49 JNDIRealm[Standalone]: Connecting to URL 
2003-07-28 09:40:50 JNDIRealm[Standalone]: Exception performing 
javax.naming.CommunicationException: simple bind failed: 
[Root exception is Connection has been 
shutdown: No trusted certificate found]

My Realm element in server.xml:



Like I said, this works if connectionURL="ldap://";.  I 
can connect to the LDAP server (Novell eDirectory) via SSL using a 
Java browser if I accept the certificate, so I wonder if that might 
have something to do with it.

I've also successfully followed the Config-SSL-HOWTO, accepted the 
certificate from the server and setup the keystore for the connector 
as described, but I get the feeling that this is strictly for enabling 
SSL over HTTP.

Thanks in advance.


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RE: shm.create(): error mmapping

2003-10-24 Thread Asif Chowdhary

I have this in my file and seems to work.

-Original Message-
From: Bruce Ashton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 9:42 AM
Subject: shm.create(): error mmapping

Has anybody had mod_jk2 working with Apache 1.3.24 on Windows?  I keep
getting the following error:

[Fri Oct 24 13:40:05 2003]  (error) [jk_shm.c (358)]: shm.create(): error
mmapping C:\\Apache\\Apache\\logs\\jk2.shm

Apache 1.3.24 with SSL patch
Tomcat 4.1
ServerRoot is C:\Apache. looks like:
# jk2_module configuration

info=Ajp13 forwarding over socket

I have also tried,




and the same variations with double quotes, i.e.



Anybody know anything about mod_jk2 on Win32?

Bruce Ashton
Senior Developer
Ext. 8272 

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RE: shm.create(): error mmapping

2003-10-24 Thread Bruce Ashton
Thanks.  This is interesting, my teammate has tried it out with Apache 2 on
Windows and it seems to work.  I thinnk it might be the Apache version that
makes the difference.
I'm assuming you are running Apache 2 given your file= line.

> -Original Message-
> From: Asif Chowdhary [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 24 October 2003 15:46
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: shm.create(): error mmapping
> [shm]
> file=C:/apache/apache2/logs/shm.file
> size=1048576
> debug=0
> I have this in my file and seems to work.
> -Original Message-
> From: Bruce Ashton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 9:42 AM
> Subject: shm.create(): error mmapping
> Has anybody had mod_jk2 working with Apache 1.3.24 on Windows?  I keep
> getting the following error:
> [Fri Oct 24 13:40:05 2003]  (error) [jk_shm.c (358)]: 
> shm.create(): error
> mmapping C:\\Apache\\Apache\\logs\\jk2.shm
> Apache 1.3.24 with SSL patch
> mod_jk2-1.3.27.dll
> Tomcat 4.1
> ServerRoot is C:\Apache.
> looks like:
> ...
> # jk2_module configuration
> [shm]
> file=C:\\Apache\\Apache\\logs\\jk2.shm
> size=100
> [channel.socket:localhost:8009]
> info=Ajp13 forwarding over socket
> tomcatId=localhost:8009
> [uri:/jmx-console/*]
> ...
> I have also tried,
> file=C:\Apache\Apache\logs\jk2.shm
> and
> file=C:/Apache/Apache/logs/jk2.shm
> and the same variations with double quotes, i.e.
> file="C:/Apache/Apache/logs/jk2.shm"
> etc.
> Anybody know anything about mod_jk2 on Win32?
> Bruce Ashton
> Senior Developer
> Ext. 8272
> Please note that:
> 1. This e-mail may constitute privileged information. If you 
> are not the intended recipient, you have received this 
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Tomcat ver 4.1.27

2003-10-24 Thread Hardee, Brenda G NAVSAFECEN

 I have Tomcat ver 4.1.27 running as a service on a win2000 platform.  I cannot 
connect to the service with my browser (i.e.).  If a run Tomcat in the startup script 
I can connect with my browser.  Can anyone give me some help?

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RE: Create session on Tomcat 4.1.24

2003-10-24 Thread Chiming Huang
Thank you for your quick response.  We are using Tomcat 4.0.4, Struts 1.0.2 for our 
application.  In the perform() method of the logon action class, we get the 
HttpSession, say session, by calling request.getSession().  And then store the "user" 
class by calling session.setAttribute("userinfo", user).  Also, we have a taglib to 
check if user has been logged on by retrieving the session attribute "userinfo". If 
the userinfo attribute is null, the taglib will forward to assess denied page.  
Following are the snippets of my logon action class and the check logon taglib.
It was working fine on 4.0.4.  Now with 4.1.24, after logged in, user will be 
forwarded to the access denied page.
Thanks again.
public final class LogonAction extends Action
// Public Methods - 

 * Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding HTTP
 * response (or forward to another web component that will create it).
 * Return an ActionForward instance describing where and how
 * control should be forwarded, or null if the response has
 * already been completed.
 * @param mapping The ActionMapping used to select this instance
 * @param actionForm The optional ActionForm bean for this request (if any)
 * @param request The HTTP request we are processing
 * @param response The HTTP response we are creating
 * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs
 * @exception ServletException if a servlet exception occurs
 public ActionForward perform(ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
  throws IOException, ServletException

  Auth auth = new Auth(path);
  User user = auth.authenticate(username, password);
  if(user == null)
new ActionError("error.password.mismatch"));
  // Report any errors we have discovered back to the original form
  if (!errors.empty()) 
   ((LogonForm) form).setStatus("Invalid username or password");
   saveErrors(request, errors);
   servlet.log(" ***User is not logged on in session "
   return (mapping.findForward("logon"));
  HttpSession session = request.getSession();
  session.setAttribute(ConstantStrings.USER, user);
  if (servlet.getDebug() >= 1)
   servlet.log("LogonAction: User '" + user.getUsername() +
  "' logged on in session " + session.getId());
// Remove the obsolete form bean
  if (mapping.getAttribute() != null)
   if ("request".equals(mapping.getScope()))
  // Forward control to the specified success URI
  return (mapping.findForward("success"));
public final class CheckLogonTag extends TagSupport {
// - Instance Variables

 * The page to which we should forward for the user to log on.
private String page = "/logon/accessDenied.jsp";

// --- Properties
 * Return the forward page.
public String getPage() {
 return (;

 * Set the forward page.
 * @param page The new forward page
public void setPage(String page) { = page;

// --- Public Methods

 * Defer our checking until the end of this tag is encountered.
 * @exception JspException if a JSP exception has occurred
public int doStartTag() throws JspException {
 return (SKIP_BODY);

 * Perform our logged-in user check by looking for the existence of
 * a session scope bean under the specified name.  If this bean is not
 * present, control is forwarded to the specified logon page.
 * @exception JspException if a JSP exception has occurred
public int doEndTag() throws JspException {
 // Is there a valid user logged on?
 boolean valid = false;
 HttpSession session = pageContext.getSession();
 if ((session != null) && (session.getAttribute(ConstantStrings.USER) != null))
 valid = true;
 // Forward control based on the results
 if (valid)
 return (EVAL_PAGE);
 else {
 try {
 } catch (Exception e) {
  throw new JspException(e.toString());
 return (SKIP_PAGE);

 * Release any acquired resources.
public void release() {
super.release(); = "/logon/accessDenied.jsp";



"Shapira, Yoav" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Like tomcat 4.0.4, tomcat 4.1.24 creates an HttpSession when you use

RE: shm.create(): error mmapping

2003-10-24 Thread Asif Chowdhary
Yes I am

-Original Message-
From: Bruce Ashton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 10:43 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: shm.create(): error mmapping

Thanks.  This is interesting, my teammate has tried it out with Apache 2 on
Windows and it seems to work.  I thinnk it might be the Apache version that
makes the difference.
I'm assuming you are running Apache 2 given your file= line.

> -Original Message-
> From: Asif Chowdhary [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 24 October 2003 15:46
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: shm.create(): error mmapping
> [shm]
> file=C:/apache/apache2/logs/shm.file
> size=1048576
> debug=0
> I have this in my file and seems to work.
> -Original Message-
> From: Bruce Ashton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 9:42 AM
> Subject: shm.create(): error mmapping
> Has anybody had mod_jk2 working with Apache 1.3.24 on Windows?  I keep
> getting the following error:
> [Fri Oct 24 13:40:05 2003]  (error) [jk_shm.c (358)]: 
> shm.create(): error
> mmapping C:\\Apache\\Apache\\logs\\jk2.shm
> Apache 1.3.24 with SSL patch
> mod_jk2-1.3.27.dll
> Tomcat 4.1
> ServerRoot is C:\Apache.
> looks like:
> ...
> # jk2_module configuration
> [shm]
> file=C:\\Apache\\Apache\\logs\\jk2.shm
> size=100
> [channel.socket:localhost:8009]
> info=Ajp13 forwarding over socket
> tomcatId=localhost:8009
> [uri:/jmx-console/*]
> ...
> I have also tried,
> file=C:\Apache\Apache\logs\jk2.shm
> and
> file=C:/Apache/Apache/logs/jk2.shm
> and the same variations with double quotes, i.e.
> file="C:/Apache/Apache/logs/jk2.shm"
> etc.
> Anybody know anything about mod_jk2 on Win32?
> Bruce Ashton
> Senior Developer
> Ext. 8272
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RE: Create session on Tomcat 4.1.24

2003-10-24 Thread Shapira, Yoav

And what do you see in your logs?  Successful login, and then
redirection to access denied page?

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

>-Original Message-
>From: Chiming Huang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 10:58 AM
>To: Tomcat Users List
>Subject: RE: Create session on Tomcat 4.1.24
>Thank you for your quick response.  We are using Tomcat 4.0.4, Struts
>for our application.  In the perform() method of the logon action
class, we
>get the HttpSession, say session, by calling request.getSession().  And
>then store the "user" class by calling session.setAttribute("userinfo",
>user).  Also, we have a taglib to check if user has been logged on by
>retrieving the session attribute "userinfo". If the userinfo attribute
>null, the taglib will forward to assess denied page.  Following are the
>snippets of my logon action class and the check logon taglib.
>It was working fine on 4.0.4.  Now with 4.1.24, after logged in, user
>be forwarded to the access denied page.
>Thanks again.
>public final class LogonAction extends Action
>// Public Methods
> * Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding
> * response (or forward to another web component that will create
> * Return an ActionForward instance describing where
> * control should be forwarded, or null if the
> * already been completed.
> *
> * @param mapping The ActionMapping used to select this instance
> * @param actionForm The optional ActionForm bean for this request
> * @param request The HTTP request we are processing
> * @param response The HTTP response we are creating
> *
> * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs
> * @exception ServletException if a servlet exception occurs
> */
> public ActionForward perform(ActionMapping mapping,
>ActionForm form,
>HttpServletRequest request,
>HttpServletResponse response)
>  throws IOException, ServletException
> {
>  Auth auth = new Auth(path);
>  User user = auth.authenticate(username, password);
>  if(user == null)
>  {
>   errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR,
>new ActionError("error.password.mismatch"));
>  }
>  // Report any errors we have discovered back to the original form
>  if (!errors.empty())
>  {
>   ((LogonForm) form).setStatus("Invalid username or password");
>   saveErrors(request, errors);
>   servlet.log(" ***User is not logged on in session "
>   return (mapping.findForward("logon"));
>  }
>  HttpSession session = request.getSession();
>  session.setAttribute(ConstantStrings.USER, user);
>  if (servlet.getDebug() >= 1)
>   servlet.log("LogonAction: User '" + user.getUsername() +
>  "' logged on in session " + session.getId());
>// Remove the obsolete form bean
>  if (mapping.getAttribute() != null)
>  {
>   if ("request".equals(mapping.getScope()))
>   else
>  // Forward control to the specified success URI
>  return (mapping.findForward("success"));
>public final class CheckLogonTag extends TagSupport {
>// - Instance Variables
> * The page to which we should forward for the user to log on.
> */
>private String page = "/logon/accessDenied.jsp";
>// ---
> * Return the forward page.
> */
>public String getPage() {
> return (;
> * Set the forward page.
> *
> * @param page The new forward page
> */
>public void setPage(String page) {
> = page;
>// --- Public Methods
> * Defer our checking until the end of this tag is encountered.
> *
> * @exception JspException if a JSP exception has occurred
> */
>public int doStartTag() throws JspException {
> return (SKIP_BODY);
> * Perform our logged-in user check by looking for the existence of
> * a session scope bean under the specified name.  If this bean is
> * present, control is forwarded to the specified logon page.
> *
> * @exception JspException if a JSP exception has occurred
> */
>public int doEndTag() throws JspException {
> // Is there a valid user logged on?
> boolean valid = false;
> HttpSession session = pageContext.getSession();
> if ((session != null) && (session.getAttribute(ConstantStrings.USER)
> valid = true;
> // Forward control based on the results
> if (valid)
> return (EVAL_PAGE);
> else {
> try {
>  pageContext.forward(p

RE: Tomcat ver 4.1.27

2003-10-24 Thread Bergan, Mark T - PGPL-5
Not sure where you're at in the process but have you gone into:

Start | Settings | Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services

and verified that "Apache Tomcat 4.1" has:
Status = "Started" 
Startup Type = "Automatic"

> -Original Message-
> From: Hardee, Brenda G NAVSAFECEN [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 7:56 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Tomcat ver 4.1.27
> Importance: High
>  I have Tomcat ver 4.1.27 running as a service on a win2000 
> platform.  I cannot connect to the service with my browser 
> (i.e.).  If a run Tomcat in the startup script I can connect 
> with my browser.  Can anyone give me some help?
> -
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> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Socket permission in a CGI Script

2003-10-24 Thread Joao Machado
Hi all,

  I'm trying to execute a CGI script and this Script tries to connect
with a database opening a socket to it. This raises a problem that this
script can't do this (permission?). I found in the mail archive someone
with the same problem but I didn't found an answer. Anyone has solved
this issue ?

Thanks in advance,

Joao Machado

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Re: Tomcat ver 4.1.27

2003-10-24 Thread epyonne
Did you set the service as "automatoc" or "manual"?

- Original Message -
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 09:56 AM
Subject: Tomcat ver 4.1.27

 I have Tomcat ver 4.1.27 running as a service on a win2000 platform.  I
cannot connect to the service with my browser (i.e.).  If a run Tomcat in
the startup script I can connect with my browser.  Can anyone give me some

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RE: Tomcat ver 4.1.27

2003-10-24 Thread Hardee, Brenda G NAVSAFECEN
The service is set to automatic and is running.

-Original Message-
From: epyonne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 12:18
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat ver 4.1.27

Did you set the service as "automatoc" or "manual"?

- Original Message -
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 09:56 AM
Subject: Tomcat ver 4.1.27

 I have Tomcat ver 4.1.27 running as a service on a win2000 platform.  I
cannot connect to the service with my browser (i.e.).  If a run Tomcat in
the startup script I can connect with my browser.  Can anyone give me some

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RE: Tomcat ver 4.1.27

2003-10-24 Thread Hardee, Brenda G NAVSAFECEN
Yes, thanks I have done that!!!

-Original Message-
From: Bergan, Mark T - PGPL-5 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 11:54
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Tomcat ver 4.1.27

Not sure where you're at in the process but have you gone into:

Start | Settings | Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services

and verified that "Apache Tomcat 4.1" has:
Status = "Started" 
Startup Type = "Automatic"

> -Original Message-
> From: Hardee, Brenda G NAVSAFECEN [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 7:56 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Tomcat ver 4.1.27
> Importance: High
>  I have Tomcat ver 4.1.27 running as a service on a win2000 
> platform.  I cannot connect to the service with my browser 
> (i.e.).  If a run Tomcat in the startup script I can connect 
> with my browser.  Can anyone give me some help?
> -
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RE: tomcat caching jsp to working directory (not /work)

2003-10-24 Thread Yansheng Lin
What happens if you start tomcat using $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ instead? 
I think that should point tomcat to the right work directory. 

-Original Message-
From: Euan Guttridge [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: October 24, 2003 4:57 AM
Subject: tomcat caching jsp to working directory (not /work)

When I start tomcat as root using /etc/init.d/tomcat start, which in turn
starts $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ as tomcat, tomcat attempts to cache all
jsps to the directory from which I ran /etc/init.d/tomcat start.. 

I can force jsps to cache to $CATALINA_HOME/work/... by setting SCRATCHDIR
in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml but this is a workaround not a resolution. 

Any ideas?



>From : /etc/init.d/tomcat

# chkconfig:
# description: Startup script for Tomcat

# Source function lib
. /etc/init.d/functions


case "$1" in
if [ -f $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ ];
echo $"Starting Tomcat"
/bin/su tomcat $CATALINA_HOME/bin/
if [ -f $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ ];
echo $"Stopping Tomcat"
/bin/su tomcat $CATALINA_HOME/bin/
echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
exit 1

exit $RETVAL

>From : $CATALINA_HOME/bin/


# Start Script for the CATALINA Server
# $Id:,v 1.2 2002/01/15 02:55:38 patrickl Exp $


# resolve links - $0 may be a softlink

while [ -h "$PRG" ] ; do
  ls=`ls -ld "$PRG"`
  link=`expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$'`
  if expr "$link" : '.*/.*' > /dev/null; then
PRG=`dirname "$PRG"`/"$link"

PRGDIR=`dirname "$PRG"`

# Check that target executable exists
if [ ! -x "$PRGDIR"/"$EXECUTABLE" ]; then
  echo "Cannot find $PRGDIR/$EXECUTABLE"
  echo "This file is needed to run this program"
  exit 1

exec "$PRGDIR"/"$EXECUTABLE" start "$@"

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RES: Tomcat ver 4.1.27

2003-10-24 Thread Jose Euclides da Silva Junior - DATAPREVRJ
Probably and unfortunatelly, something stoped running fine in your code
since you made TomCat a W2k service. I ve gotten the same problem in the
past... Look for your app logs...

-Mensagem original-
De: Hardee, Brenda G NAVSAFECEN [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviada em: sexta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2003 13:46
Para: Tomcat Users List
Assunto: RE: Tomcat ver 4.1.27

Yes, thanks I have done that!!!

-Original Message-
From: Bergan, Mark T - PGPL-5 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 11:54
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Tomcat ver 4.1.27

Not sure where you're at in the process but have you gone into:

Start | Settings | Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services

and verified that "Apache Tomcat 4.1" has:
Status = "Started" 
Startup Type = "Automatic"

> -Original Message-
> From: Hardee, Brenda G NAVSAFECEN [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 7:56 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Tomcat ver 4.1.27
> Importance: High
>  I have Tomcat ver 4.1.27 running as a service on a win2000 
> platform.  I cannot connect to the service with my browser 
> (i.e.).  If a run Tomcat in the startup script I can connect 
> with my browser.  Can anyone give me some help?
> -
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RE: tomcat caching jsp to working directory (not /work)

2003-10-24 Thread Euan Guttridge
Essentially that is exactly what I am doing - the /etc/init.d/tomcat script
just fires up $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ as tomcat user.


-Original Message-
From: Yansheng Lin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 24 October 2003 17:52
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: tomcat caching jsp to working directory (not /work)

What happens if you start tomcat using $CATALINA_HOME/bin/
I think that should point tomcat to the right work directory. 

-Original Message-
From: Euan Guttridge [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: October 24, 2003 4:57 AM
Subject: tomcat caching jsp to working directory (not /work)

When I start tomcat as root using /etc/init.d/tomcat start, which in turn
starts $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ as tomcat, tomcat attempts to cache all
jsps to the directory from which I ran /etc/init.d/tomcat start.. 

I can force jsps to cache to $CATALINA_HOME/work/... by setting SCRATCHDIR
in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml but this is a workaround not a resolution. 

Any ideas?



>From : /etc/init.d/tomcat

# chkconfig:
# description: Startup script for Tomcat

# Source function lib
. /etc/init.d/functions


case "$1" in
if [ -f $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ ];
echo $"Starting Tomcat"
/bin/su tomcat $CATALINA_HOME/bin/
if [ -f $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ ];
echo $"Stopping Tomcat"
/bin/su tomcat $CATALINA_HOME/bin/
echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
exit 1

exit $RETVAL

>From : $CATALINA_HOME/bin/


# Start Script for the CATALINA Server
# $Id:,v 1.2 2002/01/15 02:55:38 patrickl Exp $


# resolve links - $0 may be a softlink

while [ -h "$PRG" ] ; do
  ls=`ls -ld "$PRG"`
  link=`expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$'`
  if expr "$link" : '.*/.*' > /dev/null; then
PRG=`dirname "$PRG"`/"$link"

PRGDIR=`dirname "$PRG"`

# Check that target executable exists
if [ ! -x "$PRGDIR"/"$EXECUTABLE" ]; then
  echo "Cannot find $PRGDIR/$EXECUTABLE"
  echo "This file is needed to run this program"
  exit 1

exec "$PRGDIR"/"$EXECUTABLE" start "$@"

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Turning cookie JSESSIONID off (selectively)

2003-10-24 Thread Ryszard Lach

Is there possible to turn off cookie JSESSIONID? I would like to use
squid in reverse-proxy mode with a Java application (Tomcat 4.1), but
squid does not cache pages with this cookie set. I can not turn it off
at all, because a part o my application uses cookies for session

Any suggestions will be appreciated.


"First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they
fight you. Then you win." - Mohandas Gandhi.

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Embedding Tomcat Continued...

2003-10-24 Thread Robert Charbonneau
Ok, I think I have the application where it needs to be to *server* JSPs and 
Servlets, except it can't seem to find the java compiler.  The following is a 
stacktrace left by the application when I tried to access 

I have the env. var JAVA_HOME set globally.  Would I need to 
System.setProperty("java_home", pathToJDK); or something similar?

Thanks in advance for the help folks.

at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
at org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteAdapter.service(
at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(

Unable to find a javac compiler; is not on the classpath.
Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.generateClass(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(

RE: tomcat jitters, then hangs - please help

2003-10-24 Thread Oscar Carrillo
Have you updated the nptl-devel and glibc package for RedHat9? And are you 
running the stock kernel or have you built a new kernel?

Are you using Apache in front of Tomcat?

I have a suspicion that the stock redhat kernel does something strange
with threading that a built kernel wouldn't do.

I built Apache with modjk under the RH stock kernel. Then built my own 
kernel and Apache wouldn't load the modules anymore, and I think it's 
because of something weird they do with threads.


On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, Ryan Lissack wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just an update on issues we were experiencing when running Tomcat on Red Hat
> 9.
> As mentioned previously in this thread, the problem appears to be with a bug
> in NPTL.
> In order to revert to standard Linux threads you can set the
> LD_ASSUME_KERNEL environment variable to 2.2.5 or 2.4.1
> We set LD_ASSUME_KERNEL to 2.4.1 on one of our servers one week ago and,
> since then, have *not* had one outage, our other machine which does not have
> the environment variable set has had numerous outages during the period.  
> We can confirm that this does appear to resolve the issue.
> I believe Noam Camiel found that setting LD_ASSUME_KERNEL to 2.2.5 also
> works.
> I would like to say a special thank you to Remy for all his help during this
> period.
> Best regards,
> Ryan
> -Original Message-
> From: Shapira, Yoav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 15 October 2003 14:07
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: tomcat jitters, then hangs - please help
> Howdy,
> Cool, please keep us updated ;)  I want these linux questions better
> documented in the list archives ;)
> Yoav Shapira
> Millennium ChemInformatics
> >-Original Message-
> >From: Noam Camiel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 6:37 AM
> >To: Euan Guttridge; Tomcat Users List
> >Subject: Re: tomcat jitters, then hangs - please help
> >
> >Hi Euan
> >
> >Please note the server is now up for 48 hours strait.
> >The change I've made is I've set LD_ASSUME_KERNEL to 2.2.5
> >I will update again in another 48 hours or if the server hangs,
> whichever
> >comes first.
> >
> >Regards,
> >Noam
> >
> >- Original Message -
> >From: "Euan Guttridge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 9:42 AM
> >Subject: FW: tomcat jitters, then hangs - please help
> >
> >
> >> Hi Noam,
> >>
> >> I work with Ryan on tomcat issues. I would be grateful if you would
> let
> >me
> >> know if your tomcat installation is *still* up (another 24 hours)
> since
> >the
> >> NPTL change as below.
> >>
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Euan
> >>
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: Noam Camiel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> Sent: 14 October 2003 14:46
> >> To: Tomcat Users List
> >> Subject: Re: tomcat jitters, then hangs - please help
> >>
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> On Friday, October 10, 2003 11:09 AM "Ryan Lissack"
> >> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
> >>
> >> > Remy pointed out to me previously that RH9 uses a new form of
> threading
> >> and
> >> > based on this we have done some investigation.
> >> >
> >> > RH9 uses NTPL (Native POSIX Thread Library)
> >> >
> >notes/x86/
> >> >
> >> > It is possible to revert to the older form of threading,
> >"LinuxThreads",
> >> by
> >> > setting an environment variable, namely:
> >> > - 2.4.1 - Linuxthreads with floating stacks
> >> > - 2.2.5 - Linuxthreads without floating stacks
> >> >
> >> > This does not revert back to an older kernel, it just changes the
> >> > library used
> >> >
> >> > We will be testing with these settings starting today and, if we
> >continue
> >> to
> >> > have problems, we will be trying another distro.
> >>
> >> setting the LD_ASSUME_KERNEL variable, the server is now running over
> 24
> >> hours strait.
> >> Still, nothing conclusive as of yet..
> >> Ryan, thanks for the information above.  Do you have move information
> >> regarding this configuration? do you still encounter problems?
> >>
> >>
> >> On Monday, October 13, 2003 9:59 PM "Joe Zendle"
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> > We had the same problem w/ TC 4.1.27, sun jvm 1.4.2 and redhat 9.
> The
> >> > thing wouldn't work for more than about 12 hours. IMHO, there are
> some
> >> > fundamental problems with tomcat as of late. Hate to say it but we
> >> > solved the problem by throwing away tomcat and using jetty! We are
> very
> >> > pleased so far. Jetty is very fast and about 1/3 the memory
> footprint.
> >> >
> >> > Good luck.
> >>
> >>
> >> Hi Joe,
> >> Thanks for sharing the info, I am considering what you suggest as
> well.
> >> As a last try before moving away from Tomcat, I'm trying out the
> >suggestion
> >> from Ryan above.
> >> Regards,
> >> Noam.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --

Tomcat doesn't start under Windows XP

2003-10-24 Thread Giorgio Franceschetti
I'm trying to start Tomcat, but I'm receiving a strange error.
I'm using Win XP Java 1.4.2, Tomcat 4.1.27
Fist time I received the message: Cannot Find file "-Djava.endorsed.dirs=".
So I spent some time looking into the documentation and I decided to set 
a new variable JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS = %CATALINA_HOME%\common\endorsed.
This becouse this variable it's. used into the script (CATALINA.BAT) but 
it's never set up to any value.
I don't know if it' right, I cannot find any information about this 
variable into the running.txt, but, after that, I've received a new 
message error: 
"Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:\OpenSource\tomcat\common\endorsed"  (obviously 
So, I decided to change the script , only to try to understand what's 
happening. I deleted the  "-Djava.endorsed.dirs="%JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS%" 
Next time I received a new error: "Cannot find file: -classpath". By th 
way, -classpath is the instruction that immediately follow the one that 
I have cancelled.
This time I thought that the error was somewhere before that instruction.
I tryed to see which were the values that the script were using.
It was trying to execute a command like that:  start "Tomcat" 
-classpath C:\Applicativi-Open-Source\tomcat\bin\bootstrap.jar 
org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start

But now I don't know what more to do.
Thanks in advance for help.

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Re: Embedding Tomcat Continued...

2003-10-24 Thread Oscar Carrillo
Have you tried setting in your tomcat startup script?

On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, Robert Charbonneau wrote:

> Ok, I think I have the application where it needs to be to *server* JSPs and 
> Servlets, except it can't seem to find the java compiler.  The following is a 
> stacktrace left by the application when I tried to access 
> http://localhost:8080/
> I have the env. var JAVA_HOME set globally.  Would I need to 
> System.setProperty("java_home", pathToJDK); or something similar?
> Thanks in advance for the help folks.
> lina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
>   at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.valves.CertificatesValve.invoke(
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
>   at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
>   at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.invoke(
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorDispatcherValve.invoke(
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
>   at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
>   at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
>   at org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteAdapter.service(
>   at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(
>   at 
> org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.processConnection(
>   at
>   at 
> org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$
>   at
> Unable to find a javac compiler;
> is not on the classpath.
> Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK
>   at 
>   at
>   at
>   at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.generateClass(
>   at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
>   at 
> org.apache.jasper.JspCompilationContext.compile(
>   at 
> org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(
>   at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
>   at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
>   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
>   at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invo

Re: Embedding Tomcat Continued...

2003-10-24 Thread Robert Charbonneau
On October 24, 2003 12:19 pm, Oscar Carrillo wrote:
> Have you tried setting in your tomcat startup script?

There is not startup script.  I've embedded Tomcat into an application of 
mine.  Error occurs when performing:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] user]$ java com/mypackage/core/Main

JAVA_HOME is set to /opt/java (where the JDK is installed)

So I'm pretty confused as to why this doesn't work.

Robert Charbonneau

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Re: Embedding Tomcat Continued...

2003-10-24 Thread Oscar Carrillo
Oh right.

How about including "/opt/java/bin/" in your path?

I'm a little unclear on the embedded Tomcat scenario, but maybe you can 
compile things beforehand with javac and jspc directly.


On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, Robert Charbonneau wrote:

> On October 24, 2003 12:19 pm, Oscar Carrillo wrote:
> > Have you tried setting in your tomcat startup script?
> >
> There is not startup script.  I've embedded Tomcat into an application of 
> mine.  Error occurs when performing:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] user]$ java com/mypackage/core/Main
> JAVA_HOME is set to /opt/java (where the JDK is installed)
> So I'm pretty confused as to why this doesn't work.
> --
> Robert Charbonneau
> --
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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2003-10-24 Thread Kengott, Dan

I'm having a similar problem and can't seem to get past it.  I'm currently
running Apache1.3.27/Tomcat4.1.24/

I've been thru the archives and I've seen a number of similar problems to
mine but they haven't solved my problem.  I've got the examples working as
well as my own but only if I'm using the port number I've assigned with the
connector 8081.  Without the port number (ie.
http://localhost:8081/test.helloworld.class) this fails to find the servlet,
with it, it works like a champ.  Also, I'm wondering why the file specifies port 8009.  Finally, it seems were really
trying to get it all to work on port 80, hence the dropping of the port
number 8081.  

Forgive my confusion as this is my first time with tomcat, apache, mod_jk.

Thanks in advance for any help,

All related info follows:

Error generated:

Clear classloader cache ... completed. 
I'm in the search applet 
Before servlet call; tablename=log_user java.lang.Exception 
at lib.url.URLChoiceList.(  
at lib.awt.AwtSearchForm.( 
at lib.awt.AwtSearchApplet.init(
able=log_user&obs=true IO Exception in input stream
Did I get this far? 
Buffered Read I/O exceptionjava.lang.NullPointerException null
at lib.url.URLChoiceList.(  
at lib.awt.AwtSearchForm.( 
at lib.awt.AwtSearchApplet.init(

Apache access_log: - - [24/Oct/2003:10:04:23 -0600] "GET /ProbLog/probapplet
.jar HTTP/1.1" 304 - - - [24/Oct/2003:10:04:24 -0600] "GET
/servlet/lib.servle t.getChoices?table=log_user&obs=true HTTP/1.1" 404 302

Apache Error_log:

[Fri Oct 24 10:04:24 2003] 
[error] [client] File does not exist: 

Apache mod_jk_log:

[Fri Oct 24 10:04:23 2003]  
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (477)]: Attempting to map URI '/ProbLog/probapplet.jar'

[Fri Oct 24 10:04:23 2003]  
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (599)]: jk_uri_worker_m ap_t::map_uri_to_worker, done
without a match 
[Fri Oct 24 10:04:24 2003]  
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (460)]: Into jk_uri_wor ker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker 
[Fri Oct 24 10:04:24 2003]  
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (477)]: Attempting to m ap URI
[Fri Oct 24 10:04:24 2003]  
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (599)]: jk_uri_worker_m ap_t::map_uri_to_worker, done
without a match




### Section 1: Global Environment
# The directives in this section affect the overall operation of Apache, 
# such as the number of concurrent requests it can handle or where it 
# can find its configuration files. 

# ServerType is either inetd, or standalone.  Inetd mode is only support ed
# Unix platforms. 
# ServerType standalone

# ServerRoot: The top of the directory tree under which the server's 
# configuration, error, and log files are kept. 
# NOTE!  If you intend to place this on an NFS (or otherwise network)
# mounted filesystem then please read the LockFile documentation 
# (available at>)
# you will save yourself a lot of trouble.
ServerRoot "/usr/local/apache"
# Listen: Allows you to bind Apache to specific IP addresses and/or 
# ports, in addition to the default. See also the  
# directive. 
Listen 80 
Listen 8080 
Listen 8100 
#  Tomcat listens on 8081

LoadModule jk_module libexec/

# The mod_jk.conf file is autogenerated by tomcat each time it is starte d
# therefore very current on the configuration.  (Not using it currently) 
# Include /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24/conf/auto/mod_jk.conf

#  Reconstruction of the complete module list from all available modules 
#  (static and shared ones) to achieve correct module execution order. 
# ClearModuleList 
# AddModule mod_env.c 
# AddModule mod_log_config.c 
# AddModule mod_mime.c 
# AddModule mod_nego

RE: Tomcat doesn't start under Windows XP

2003-10-24 Thread Shapira, Yoav


>Fist time I received the message: Cannot Find file
>So I spent some time looking into the documentation and I decided to
>a new variable JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS = %CATALINA_HOME%\common\endorsed.

You don't need to set this variable yourself: it's set in the tomcat
startup scripts.

You got the above effort after simply installing tomcat and trying to
run it?  That's very strange.  Can you start tomcat from the Programs
Menu rather than the command line?

Yoav Shapira

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Removing extra white spaces in source

2003-10-24 Thread Luiz Ricardo
Hi everyone,

I would like to know if someone here knows some filter that removes
extra white spaces from content generated by servlet or jsp.

Luiz Ricardo

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RE: tomcat caching jsp to working directory (not /work)

2003-10-24 Thread Yansheng Lin
Um, I think there is a difference.  Something to do with the way tomcat resolves
its relative path.
In my .bashrc file, I had to cd to $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ first before
start tomcat. Otherwise
I would get a problme similar to yours.
Try it and see what happens...

alias startTomcat='cd  $CATALINA_HOME/bin; ./; cd -;'
alias stopTomcat=' $CATALINA_HOME/bin/'


-Original Message-
From: Euan Guttridge [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: October 24, 2003 11:05 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: tomcat caching jsp to working directory (not /work)

Essentially that is exactly what I am doing - the /etc/init.d/tomcat script
just fires up $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ as tomcat user.


-Original Message-
From: Yansheng Lin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 24 October 2003 17:52
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: tomcat caching jsp to working directory (not /work)

What happens if you start tomcat using $CATALINA_HOME/bin/
I think that should point tomcat to the right work directory. 

-Original Message-
From: Euan Guttridge [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: October 24, 2003 4:57 AM
Subject: tomcat caching jsp to working directory (not /work)

When I start tomcat as root using /etc/init.d/tomcat start, which in turn
starts $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ as tomcat, tomcat attempts to cache all
jsps to the directory from which I ran /etc/init.d/tomcat start.. 

I can force jsps to cache to $CATALINA_HOME/work/... by setting SCRATCHDIR
in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml but this is a workaround not a resolution. 

Any ideas?



>From : /etc/init.d/tomcat

# chkconfig:
# description: Startup script for Tomcat

# Source function lib
. /etc/init.d/functions


case "$1" in
if [ -f $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ ];
echo $"Starting Tomcat"
/bin/su tomcat $CATALINA_HOME/bin/
if [ -f $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ ];
echo $"Stopping Tomcat"
/bin/su tomcat $CATALINA_HOME/bin/
echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
exit 1

exit $RETVAL

>From : $CATALINA_HOME/bin/


# Start Script for the CATALINA Server
# $Id:,v 1.2 2002/01/15 02:55:38 patrickl Exp $


# resolve links - $0 may be a softlink

while [ -h "$PRG" ] ; do
  ls=`ls -ld "$PRG"`
  link=`expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$'`
  if expr "$link" : '.*/.*' > /dev/null; then
PRG=`dirname "$PRG"`/"$link"

PRGDIR=`dirname "$PRG"`

# Check that target executable exists
if [ ! -x "$PRGDIR"/"$EXECUTABLE" ]; then
  echo "Cannot find $PRGDIR/$EXECUTABLE"
  echo "This file is needed to run this program"
  exit 1

exec "$PRGDIR"/"$EXECUTABLE" start "$@"

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Re: Apache1.3.27/Tomcat4.1.24/

2003-10-24 Thread Oscar Carrillo
Port 8009 should be the port that Apache tries to talk to modjk, or is it 
mod_jk talks to Tomcat on that port. I don't recall but you get the idea.

Is your class in this location?:


On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, Kengott, Dan wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm having a similar problem and can't seem to get past it.  I'm currently
> running Apache1.3.27/Tomcat4.1.24/
> I've been thru the archives and I've seen a number of similar problems to
> mine but they haven't solved my problem.  I've got the examples working as
> well as my own but only if I'm using the port number I've assigned with the
> connector 8081.  Without the port number (ie.
> http://localhost:8081/test.helloworld.class) this fails to find the servlet,
> with it, it works like a champ.  Also, I'm wondering why the
> file specifies port 8009.  Finally, it seems were really
> trying to get it all to work on port 80, hence the dropping of the port
> number 8081.  
> Forgive my confusion as this is my first time with tomcat, apache, mod_jk.
> Thanks in advance for any help,
> Dan
> All related info follows:
> *
> Error generated:
> Clear classloader cache ... completed. 
> I'm in the search applet 
> Before servlet call; tablename=log_user java.lang.Exception   
> at lib.url.URLChoiceList.(
> at lib.awt.AwtSearchForm.(   
> at lib.awt.AwtSearchApplet.init(  
> at   
> at
> list_site=
> able=log_user&obs=true IO Exception in input stream
> ser&obs=true 
> Did I get this far? 
> Buffered Read I/O exceptionjava.lang.NullPointerException null
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> at lib.url.URLChoiceList.(
> at lib.awt.AwtSearchForm.(   
> at lib.awt.AwtSearchApplet.init(  
> at   
> at
> *
> Apache access_log:
> - - [24/Oct/2003:10:04:23 -0600] "GET /ProbLog/probapplet
> .jar HTTP/1.1" 304 - - - [24/Oct/2003:10:04:24 -0600] "GET
> /servlet/lib.servle t.getChoices?table=log_user&obs=true HTTP/1.1" 404 302
> *
> Apache Error_log:
> [Fri Oct 24 10:04:24 2003] 
> [error] [client] File does not exist: 
> /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24/webapps/ProbLog/servlet/lib.servlet.getChoi
> ces
> *
> Apache mod_jk_log:
> [Fri Oct 24 10:04:23 2003]  
> [jk_uri_worker_map.c (477)]: Attempting to map URI '/ProbLog/probapplet.jar'
> [Fri Oct 24 10:04:23 2003]  
> [jk_uri_worker_map.c (599)]: jk_uri_worker_m ap_t::map_uri_to_worker, done
> without a match 
> [Fri Oct 24 10:04:24 2003]  
> [jk_uri_worker_map.c (460)]: Into jk_uri_wor ker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker 
> [Fri Oct 24 10:04:24 2003]  
> [jk_uri_worker_map.c (477)]: Attempting to m ap URI
> '/servlet/lib.servlet.getChoices' 
> [Fri Oct 24 10:04:24 2003]  
> [jk_uri_worker_map.c (599)]: jk_uri_worker_m ap_t::map_uri_to_worker, done
> without a match
> *
> worker.list=ajp13
> worker.ajp13.type=ajp13
> worker.ajp13.port=8009
> ** 
> httpd.conf:
> ### Section 1: Global Environment
> #
> # The directives in this section affect the overall operation of Apache, 
> # such as the number of concurrent requests it can handle or where it 
> # can find its configuration files. 
> #
> #
> # ServerType is either inetd, or standalone.  Inetd mode is only support ed
> on 
> # Unix platforms. 
> # ServerType standalone
> #
> # ServerRoot: The top of the directory tree under which the server's 
> # configuration, error, and log files are kept. 
> # 
> # NOTE!  If you intend to place this on an NFS (or otherwise network)
> # mounted filesystem then please read the LockFile documentation 
> # (available at>)
> ;
> # you will save yourself a lot of trouble.
> #
> ServerRoot "/usr/local/apache"
> # Listen: Allows you to bind Apache to specific IP addresses and/or 
> # ports, in addition to the default. See also the  
> # directive. 
> # 
> Listen 80 
> Listen 8080 
> Listen 8100 
> #  Tomcat listens on 8081
> LoadModule jk_module libexec/
> #

Re: Tomcat ver 4.1.27

2003-10-24 Thread Ian Hunter
Do you get Tomcat errors or browser errors?

- Original Message - 
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 10:56 AM
Subject: Tomcat ver 4.1.27

 I have Tomcat ver 4.1.27 running as a service on a win2000 platform.  I
cannot connect to the service with my browser (i.e.).  If a run Tomcat in
the startup script I can connect with my browser.  Can anyone give me some

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RE: Removing extra white spaces in source

2003-10-24 Thread Shapira, Yoav

That depends on the definition of "extra" ;)

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

>-Original Message-
>From: Luiz Ricardo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 1:51 PM
>To: Tomcat-Users List
>Subject: Removing extra white spaces in source
>Hi everyone,
>I would like to know if someone here knows some filter that removes
>extra white spaces from content generated by servlet or jsp.
>Luiz Ricardo
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RE: Removing extra white spaces in source

2003-10-24 Thread Oscar Carrillo

On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, Shapira, Yoav wrote:

> Howdy,
> That depends on the definition of "extra" ;)
> Yoav Shapira
> Millennium ChemInformatics
> >-Original Message-
> >From: Luiz Ricardo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 1:51 PM
> >To: Tomcat-Users List
> >Subject: Removing extra white spaces in source
> >
> >Hi everyone,
> >
> >I would like to know if someone here knows some filter that removes
> >extra white spaces from content generated by servlet or jsp.
> >
> >Luiz Ricardo
> >
> >
> >-
> >To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> This e-mail, including any attachments, is a confidential business communication, 
> and may contain information that is confidential, proprietary and/or privileged.  
> This e-mail is intended only for the individual(s) to whom it is addressed, and may 
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> the(an) intended recipient, please immediately delete this e-mail from your computer 
> system and notify the sender.  Thank you.
> -
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Re: Tomcat doesn't start under Windows XP

2003-10-24 Thread Giorgio Franceschetti

Shapira, Yoav wrote:



Fist time I received the message: Cannot Find file


So I spent some time looking into the documentation and I decided to


a new variable JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS = %CATALINA_HOME%\common\endorsed.

You don't need to set this variable yourself: it's set in the tomcat
startup scripts.

I tryed to set it as an environment variable becouse I couldn't find any 
place in the script where it was set up.

You got the above effort after simply installing tomcat and trying to
run it?  That's very strange. 

I simply downloaded the zip file, unzipped it into my directory and 
tryed to execute the startup.bat (following the instructions into the 

Can you start tomcat from the Programs Menu rather than the command line?


Well, I've made a simply .bat that does what was written into the docs:
But even If I try from the command line I've the same result.

What do you mean with "from the Programs Menu"?


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RE: Tomcat ver 4.1.27

2003-10-24 Thread Hardee, Brenda G NAVSAFECEN
Thanks, I'll look.

-Original Message-
From: Jose Euclides da Silva Junior - DATAPREVRJ
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 13:05
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RES: Tomcat ver 4.1.27

Probably and unfortunatelly, something stoped running fine in your code
since you made TomCat a W2k service. I ve gotten the same problem in the
past... Look for your app logs...

-Mensagem original-
De: Hardee, Brenda G NAVSAFECEN [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviada em: sexta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2003 13:46
Para: Tomcat Users List
Assunto: RE: Tomcat ver 4.1.27

Yes, thanks I have done that!!!

-Original Message-
From: Bergan, Mark T - PGPL-5 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 11:54
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Tomcat ver 4.1.27

Not sure where you're at in the process but have you gone into:

Start | Settings | Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services

and verified that "Apache Tomcat 4.1" has:
Status = "Started" 
Startup Type = "Automatic"

> -Original Message-
> From: Hardee, Brenda G NAVSAFECEN [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 7:56 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Tomcat ver 4.1.27
> Importance: High
>  I have Tomcat ver 4.1.27 running as a service on a win2000 
> platform.  I cannot connect to the service with my browser 
> (i.e.).  If a run Tomcat in the startup script I can connect 
> with my browser.  Can anyone give me some help?
> -
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assigning multiple roles to another role

2003-10-24 Thread Nimret Sandhu
hello folks ~

do any of the built-in realm implementations support assigning multiple roles 
to another role. we have a lot of roles and it would be a lot easier to 
create a higher level of abstraction ( ala unix groups) which can map to 
multiple roles and which we can easily add to the database.

i could write my own implementation too, but i want to check on this before i 

tia ~

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Re: Tomcat doesn't start under Windows XP

2003-10-24 Thread Jon Wingfield
Have you set your JAVA_HOME environment variable to be your jdk install 
directory (with no trailing slash)?
The command the script is trying to execute seems to be missing a vital 
bit: \bin\java.exe



Giorgio Franceschetti wrote:
I'm trying to start Tomcat, but I'm receiving a strange error.
I'm using Win XP Java 1.4.2, Tomcat 4.1.27
Fist time I received the message: Cannot Find file "-Djava.endorsed.dirs=".
So I spent some time looking into the documentation and I decided to set 
a new variable JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS = %CATALINA_HOME%\common\endorsed.
This becouse this variable it's. used into the script (CATALINA.BAT) but 
it's never set up to any value.
I don't know if it' right, I cannot find any information about this 
variable into the running.txt, but, after that, I've received a new 
message error: 
"Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:\OpenSource\tomcat\common\endorsed"  (obviously 
So, I decided to change the script , only to try to understand what's 
happening. I deleted the  "-Djava.endorsed.dirs="%JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS%" 
Next time I received a new error: "Cannot find file: -classpath". By th 
way, -classpath is the instruction that immediately follow the one that 
I have cancelled.
This time I thought that the error was somewhere before that instruction.
I tryed to see which were the values that the script were using.
It was trying to execute a command like that:  start "Tomcat" 
-classpath C:\Applicativi-Open-Source\tomcat\bin\bootstrap.jar 
org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start

But now I don't know what more to do.
Thanks in advance for help.

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RE: Apache1.3.27/Tomcat4.1.24/

2003-10-24 Thread Kengott, Dan
Yes they arewith the directories corresponding to the package names
within classes!

-Original Message-
From: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 10:46 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Apache1.3.27/Tomcat4.1.24/

Port 8009 should be the port that Apache tries to talk to modjk, or is it 
mod_jk talks to Tomcat on that port. I don't recall but you get the idea.

Is your class in this location?:


On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, Kengott, Dan wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm having a similar problem and can't seem to get past it.  I'm 
> currently running 
> Apache1.3.27/Tomcat4.1.24/
> I've been thru the archives and I've seen a number of similar problems 
> to mine but they haven't solved my problem.  I've got the examples 
> working as well as my own but only if I'm using the port number I've 
> assigned with the connector 8081.  Without the port number (ie.
> http://localhost:8081/test.helloworld.class) this fails to find the 
> servlet, with it, it works like a champ.  Also, I'm wondering why the 
> file specifies port 8009.  Finally, it seems were 
> really trying to get it all to work on port 80, hence the dropping of 
> the port number 8081.
> Forgive my confusion as this is my first time with tomcat, apache, 
> mod_jk.
> Thanks in advance for any help,
> Dan
> All related info follows:
> *
> Error generated:
> Clear classloader cache ... completed.
> I'm in the search applet 
> Before servlet call; tablename=log_user java.lang.Exception   
> at lib.url.URLChoiceList.(
> at lib.awt.AwtSearchForm.(   
> at lib.awt.AwtSearchApplet.init(  
> at   
> at
> able=log_user&obs=true IO Exception in input stream
> ser&obs=true 
> Did I get this far? 
> Buffered Read I/O exceptionjava.lang.NullPointerException null
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> at lib.url.URLChoiceList.(
> at lib.awt.AwtSearchForm.(   
> at lib.awt.AwtSearchApplet.init(  
> at   
> at
> *
> Apache access_log:
> - - [24/Oct/2003:10:04:23 -0600] "GET 
> /ProbLog/probapplet .jar HTTP/1.1" 304 - - - 
> [24/Oct/2003:10:04:24 -0600] "GET /servlet/lib.servle 
> t.getChoices?table=log_user&obs=true HTTP/1.1" 404 302
> *
> Apache Error_log:
> [Fri Oct 24 10:04:24 2003]
> [error] [client] File does not exist: 
> /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24/webapps/ProbLog/servlet/lib.servlet.g
> etChoi
> ces
> *
> Apache mod_jk_log:
> [Fri Oct 24 10:04:23 2003]
> [jk_uri_worker_map.c (477)]: Attempting to map URI
> [Fri Oct 24 10:04:23 2003]
> [jk_uri_worker_map.c (599)]: jk_uri_worker_m ap_t::map_uri_to_worker, done
> without a match 
> [Fri Oct 24 10:04:24 2003]  
> [jk_uri_worker_map.c (460)]: Into jk_uri_wor ker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker 
> [Fri Oct 24 10:04:24 2003]  
> [jk_uri_worker_map.c (477)]: Attempting to m ap URI
> '/servlet/lib.servlet.getChoices' 
> [Fri Oct 24 10:04:24 2003]  
> [jk_uri_worker_map.c (599)]: jk_uri_worker_m ap_t::map_uri_to_worker, done
> without a match
> *
> worker.list=ajp13
> worker.ajp13.type=ajp13
> worker.ajp13.port=8009
> **
> httpd.conf:
> ### Section 1: Global Environment
> #
> # The directives in this section affect the overall operation of 
> Apache,
> # such as the number of concurrent requests it can handle or where it 
> # can find its configuration files. 
> #
> #
> # ServerType is either inetd, or standalone.  Inetd mode is only 
> support ed on # Unix platforms.
> # ServerType standalone
> #
> # ServerRoot: The top of the directory tree under which the server's
> # configuration, error, and log files are kept. 
> # 
> # NOTE!  If you intend to place this on an NFS (or otherwise network)
> # mounted filesystem then please read the LockFile documentation 
> # (available at>)
> ;
> # you will save yourself a lot of trouble.

RE: Removing extra white spaces in source

2003-10-24 Thread Shapira, Yoav

It simple: what does he mean by "extra" white space?  White space at the
end of a line?  White space preceding text?  White space in the middle
of words?  This is a text-processing problem.  Depending on the
requirements, writing such a text processors can be trivial or highly

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

>-Original Message-
>From: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 12:52 PM
>To: Tomcat Users List
>Subject: RE: Removing extra white spaces in source
>On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, Shapira, Yoav wrote:
>> Howdy,
>> That depends on the definition of "extra" ;)
>> Yoav Shapira
>> Millennium ChemInformatics
>> >-Original Message-
>> >From: Luiz Ricardo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 1:51 PM
>> >To: Tomcat-Users List
>> >Subject: Removing extra white spaces in source
>> >
>> >Hi everyone,
>> >
>> >I would like to know if someone here knows some filter that removes
>> >extra white spaces from content generated by servlet or jsp.
>> >
>> >Luiz Ricardo
>> >
>> >
>> >To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> This e-mail, including any attachments, is a confidential business
>communication, and may contain information that is confidential,
>proprietary and/or privileged.  This e-mail is intended only for the
>individual(s) to whom it is addressed, and may not be saved, copied,
>printed, disclosed or used by anyone else.  If you are not the(an)
>recipient, please immediately delete this e-mail from your computer
>and notify the sender.  Thank you.
>> -
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>> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: Tomcat doesn't start under Windows XP

2003-10-24 Thread Hardee, Brenda G NAVSAFECEN
I had the same problem installing Tomcat under Win2000.  Be sure that all your 
environment variables are set properly.  I actually created a batch file that sets all 
my environment variables before I run Tomcat.  That solved my problem.  Be sure that 
you have set Java_Home environment under "My Computer".  Here's a sample of the batch 
file (just change the directories to match your environment):

set JAVA_HOME=c:\j2sdk1.4.1
set CATALINA_HOME=D:\tomcat

Run your batch file then to to

Good lucK!

-Original Message-
From: Giorgio Franceschetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 14:02
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat doesn't start under Windows XP

Shapira, Yoav wrote:

>>Fist time I received the message: Cannot Find file
>>So I spent some time looking into the documentation and I decided to
>>a new variable JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS = %CATALINA_HOME%\common\endorsed.
>You don't need to set this variable yourself: it's set in the tomcat
>startup scripts.
I tryed to set it as an environment variable becouse I couldn't find any 
place in the script where it was set up.

>You got the above effort after simply installing tomcat and trying to
>run it?  That's very strange. 

I simply downloaded the zip file, unzipped it into my directory and 
tryed to execute the startup.bat (following the instructions into the 

> Can you start tomcat from the Programs Menu rather than the command line?

Well, I've made a simply .bat that does what was written into the docs:

But even If I try from the command line I've the same result.

What do you mean with "from the Programs Menu"?


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Re: Tomcat doesn't start under Windows XP

2003-10-24 Thread Giorgio Franceschetti

Jon Wingfield wrote:

Have you set your JAVA_HOME environment variable to be your jdk 
install directory (with no trailing slash)?
The command the script is trying to execute seems to be missing a 
vital bit: \bin\java.exe


This is what the script send to the console:
Using JAVA_HOME:   C:\Programmi\Java\j2re1.4.2
It seems to me that it's right.
But I agree with you that  there should be something missing in the command.
Giorgio Franceschetti wrote:

I'm trying to start Tomcat, but I'm receiving a strange error.
I'm using Win XP Java 1.4.2, Tomcat 4.1.27
Fist time I received the message: Cannot Find file 
So I spent some time looking into the documentation and I decided to 
set a new variable JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS = %CATALINA_HOME%\common\endorsed.
This becouse this variable it's. used into the script (CATALINA.BAT) 
but it's never set up to any value.
I don't know if it' right, I cannot find any information about this 
variable into the running.txt, but, after that, I've received a new 
message error: 
(obviously %CATALINA_HOME=c:\OpenSource\tomcat).
So, I decided to change the script , only to try to understand what's 
happening. I deleted the  
"-Djava.endorsed.dirs="%JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS%" instruction.
Next time I received a new error: "Cannot find file: -classpath". By 
th way, -classpath is the instruction that immediately follow the one 
that I have cancelled.
This time I thought that the error was somewhere before that 
I tryed to see which were the values that the script were using.
It was trying to execute a command like that:  start "Tomcat" 
-classpath C:\Applicativi-Open-Source\tomcat\bin\bootstrap.jar 
org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start

But now I don't know what more to do.
Thanks in advance for help.

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RE: Apache1.3.27/Tomcat4.1.24/

2003-10-24 Thread Oscar Carrillo
Have you tried just a simple jsp page for starters?

I like to do that in case there's some class loading issues. Then you
might be able to nail it down to a mod_jk issue, or a class loading issue.


On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, Kengott, Dan 

> Yes they arewith the directories corresponding to the package names
> within classes!
> -Original Message-
> From: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 10:46 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: Apache1.3.27/Tomcat4.1.24/
> Port 8009 should be the port that Apache tries to talk to modjk, or is it 
> mod_jk talks to Tomcat on that port. I don't recall but you get the idea.
> Is your class in this location?:
> $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/yourapp/WEB-INF/classes/
> Oscar
> On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, Kengott, Dan wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm having a similar problem and can't seem to get past it.  I'm 
> > currently running 
> > Apache1.3.27/Tomcat4.1.24/
> > 
> > 
> > I've been thru the archives and I've seen a number of similar problems 
> > to mine but they haven't solved my problem.  I've got the examples 
> > working as well as my own but only if I'm using the port number I've 
> > assigned with the connector 8081.  Without the port number (ie.
> > http://localhost:8081/test.helloworld.class) this fails to find the 
> > servlet, with it, it works like a champ.  Also, I'm wondering why the 
> > file specifies port 8009.  Finally, it seems were 
> > really trying to get it all to work on port 80, hence the dropping of 
> > the port number 8081.
> > 
> > Forgive my confusion as this is my first time with tomcat, apache, 
> > mod_jk.
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks in advance for any help,
> > Dan
> > 
> > 
> > All related info follows:
> > 
> > 
> > *
> > Error generated:
> > 
> > Clear classloader cache ... completed.
> > I'm in the search applet 
> > Before servlet call; tablename=log_user java.lang.Exception 
> > at lib.url.URLChoiceList.(  
> > at lib.awt.AwtSearchForm.( 
> > at lib.awt.AwtSearchApplet.init(
> > at 
> > at
> >
> list_site=
> > able=log_user&obs=true IO Exception in input stream
> >
> >
> > ser&obs=true 
> > Did I get this far? 
> > Buffered Read I/O exceptionjava.lang.NullPointerException null
> > java.lang.NullPointerException  
> > at lib.url.URLChoiceList.(  
> > at lib.awt.AwtSearchForm.( 
> > at lib.awt.AwtSearchApplet.init(
> > at 
> > at
> > 
> > 
> > *
> > Apache access_log:
> > 
> > - - [24/Oct/2003:10:04:23 -0600] "GET 
> > /ProbLog/probapplet .jar HTTP/1.1" 304 - - - 
> > [24/Oct/2003:10:04:24 -0600] "GET /servlet/lib.servle 
> > t.getChoices?table=log_user&obs=true HTTP/1.1" 404 302
> > 
> > *
> > Apache Error_log:
> > 
> > [Fri Oct 24 10:04:24 2003]
> > [error] [client] File does not exist: 
> >  
> > /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24/webapps/ProbLog/servlet/lib.servlet.g
> > etChoi
> > ces
> > 
> > *
> > Apache mod_jk_log:
> > 
> > [Fri Oct 24 10:04:23 2003]
> > [jk_uri_worker_map.c (477)]: Attempting to map URI
> '/ProbLog/probapplet.jar'
> > 
> > [Fri Oct 24 10:04:23 2003]
> > [jk_uri_worker_map.c (599)]: jk_uri_worker_m ap_t::map_uri_to_worker, done
> > without a match 
> > [Fri Oct 24 10:04:24 2003]  
> > [jk_uri_worker_map.c (460)]: Into jk_uri_wor ker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker 
> > [Fri Oct 24 10:04:24 2003]  
> > [jk_uri_worker_map.c (477)]: Attempting to m ap URI
> > '/servlet/lib.servlet.getChoices' 
> > [Fri Oct 24 10:04:24 2003]  
> > [jk_uri_worker_map.c (599)]: jk_uri_worker_m ap_t::map_uri_to_worker, done
> > without a match
> > 
> > 
> > *
> >
> > 
> > worker.list=ajp13
> > worker.ajp13.type=ajp13
> >
> > worker.ajp13.port=8009
> > 
> > 
> > **
> > httpd.conf:
> > 
> > ### Section 1: Global Environment
> > #
> > # The directives in this section affect the overall operation of 
> > Apache,
> > # such as the number of concurrent requests it can handle or where it 
> > # can find its configuration files. 
> > #
> > 

RE: Removing extra white spaces in source

2003-10-24 Thread Oscar Carrillo
I knew what you meant. I was just playing along :)

I have noticed an excessive number of newlines in jsp pages though, when 
everything in the jsp page gets resolved.

The strange thing is that whitespace shouldn't make a difference on how 
most things get displayed in browsers, but they often do.


On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, Shapira, Yoav wrote:

> Howdy,
> It simple: what does he mean by "extra" white space?  White space at the
> end of a line?  White space preceding text?  White space in the middle
> of words?  This is a text-processing problem.  Depending on the
> requirements, writing such a text processors can be trivial or highly
> complex.
> Yoav Shapira
> Millennium ChemInformatics
> >-Original Message-
> >From: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 12:52 PM
> >To: Tomcat Users List
> >Subject: RE: Removing extra white spaces in source
> >
> >Whatdoyoumean?
> >
> >On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, Shapira, Yoav wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> Howdy,
> >> That depends on the definition of "extra" ;)
> >>
> >> Yoav Shapira
> >> Millennium ChemInformatics
> >>
> >>
> >> >-Original Message-
> >> >From: Luiz Ricardo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> >Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 1:51 PM
> >> >To: Tomcat-Users List
> >> >Subject: Removing extra white spaces in source
> >> >
> >> >Hi everyone,
> >> >
> >> >I would like to know if someone here knows some filter that removes
> >> >extra white spaces from content generated by servlet or jsp.
> >> >
> >> >Luiz Ricardo
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >-
> >> >To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> >For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> This e-mail, including any attachments, is a confidential business
> >communication, and may contain information that is confidential,
> >proprietary and/or privileged.  This e-mail is intended only for the
> >individual(s) to whom it is addressed, and may not be saved, copied,
> >printed, disclosed or used by anyone else.  If you are not the(an)
> intended
> >recipient, please immediately delete this e-mail from your computer
> system
> >and notify the sender.  Thank you.
> >>
> >>
> >> -
> >> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>
> >
> >
> >-
> >To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> This e-mail, including any attachments, is a confidential business communication, 
> and may contain information that is confidential, proprietary and/or privileged.  
> This e-mail is intended only for the individual(s) to whom it is addressed, and may 
> not be saved, copied, printed, disclosed or used by anyone else.  If you are not 
> the(an) intended recipient, please immediately delete this e-mail from your computer 
> system and notify the sender.  Thank you.
> -
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> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Removing extra white spaces in source

2003-10-24 Thread Rick Roberts
Also, the title is about white space in source, but in the message he talks 
about removing white space from generated jsp and servlet??

Generated servlet is a .class file and I would be very reluctant to diddle with 
the tomcat generated .jsp files.  And I dont see the need to ever mess with 
those, so I don't think he really means generated files.

There are several code beautifiers around if that is what he is really looking for.

Shapira, Yoav wrote:
It simple: what does he mean by "extra" white space?  White space at the
end of a line?  White space preceding text?  White space in the middle
of words?  This is a text-processing problem.  Depending on the
requirements, writing such a text processors can be trivial or highly
Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

-Original Message-
From: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 12:52 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Removing extra white spaces in source

On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, Shapira, Yoav wrote:

That depends on the definition of "extra" ;)
Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

-Original Message-
From: Luiz Ricardo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 1:51 PM
To: Tomcat-Users List
Subject: Removing extra white spaces in source
Hi everyone,

I would like to know if someone here knows some filter that removes
extra white spaces from content generated by servlet or jsp.
Luiz Ricardo


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Re: Tomcat doesn't start under Windows XP

2003-10-24 Thread Giorgio Franceschetti

Hardee, Brenda G NAVSAFECEN wrote:

I had the same problem installing Tomcat under Win2000.  Be sure that all your environment variables are set properly.  I actually created a batch file that sets all my environment variables before I run Tomcat.  That solved my problem.  Be sure that you have set Java_Home environment under "My Computer".  Here's a sample of the batch file (just change the directories to match your environment):

set JAVA_HOME=c:\j2sdk1.4.1
set CATALINA_HOME=D:\tomcat
Run your batch file then to to
Good lucK!

I have tyred to set my .bat this way:
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Programmi\Java\j2re1.4.2
set CATALINA_HOME=C:\OpenSource\tomcat

but it didn't work.. :-(


-Original Message-
From: Giorgio Franceschetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 14:02
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat doesn't start under Windows XP

Shapira, Yoav wrote:




Fist time I received the message: Cannot Find file




So I spent some time looking into the documentation and I decided to




a new variable JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS = %CATALINA_HOME%\common\endorsed.


You don't need to set this variable yourself: it's set in the tomcat
startup scripts.

I tryed to set it as an environment variable becouse I couldn't find any 
place in the script where it was set up.


You got the above effort after simply installing tomcat and trying to
run it?  That's very strange. 


I simply downloaded the zip file, unzipped it into my directory and 
tryed to execute the startup.bat (following the instructions into the 


Can you start tomcat from the Programs Menu rather than the command line?


Well, I've made a simply .bat that does what was written into the docs:
But even If I try from the command line I've the same result.

What do you mean with "from the Programs Menu"?


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Re: Removing extra white spaces in source

2003-10-24 Thread Oscar Carrillo
Is is feasible to have Apache clean them up since I assume it has to get a 
text file at some point to pass along? Or even an option in mod_jk to 
clean it up.


On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, Rick Roberts wrote:

> Also, the title is about white space in source, but in the message he talks 
> about removing white space from generated jsp and servlet??
> Generated servlet is a .class file and I would be very reluctant to diddle with 
> the tomcat generated .jsp files.  And I dont see the need to ever mess with 
> those, so I don't think he really means generated files.
> There are several code beautifiers around if that is what he is really looking for.
> Shapira, Yoav wrote:
> > Howdy,
> > It simple: what does he mean by "extra" white space?  White space at the
> > end of a line?  White space preceding text?  White space in the middle
> > of words?  This is a text-processing problem.  Depending on the
> > requirements, writing such a text processors can be trivial or highly
> > complex.
> > 
> > Yoav Shapira
> > Millennium ChemInformatics
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >>-Original Message-
> >>From: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 12:52 PM
> >>To: Tomcat Users List
> >>Subject: RE: Removing extra white spaces in source
> >>
> >>Whatdoyoumean?
> >>
> >>On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, Shapira, Yoav wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>Howdy,
> >>>That depends on the definition of "extra" ;)
> >>>
> >>>Yoav Shapira
> >>>Millennium ChemInformatics
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> -Original Message-
> From: Luiz Ricardo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 1:51 PM
> To: Tomcat-Users List
> Subject: Removing extra white spaces in source
> Hi everyone,
> I would like to know if someone here knows some filter that removes
> extra white spaces from content generated by servlet or jsp.
> Luiz Ricardo
> >>>
> >>-
> >>
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> > 
> > 
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> > This e-mail, including any attachments, is a confidential business communication, 
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RE: Tomcat doesn't start under Windows XP

2003-10-24 Thread Mike Curwen
> C:\Programmi\Java\j2re1.4.2

This is a JRE?  You should be using a JDK.

> -Original Message-
> From: Giorgio Franceschetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 1:19 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: Tomcat doesn't start under Windows XP
> Jon Wingfield wrote:
> > Have you set your JAVA_HOME environment variable to be your jdk
> > install directory (with no trailing slash)?
> > The command the script is trying to execute seems to be missing a 
> > vital bit: \bin\java.exe
> >
> > HTH,
> >
> > Jon
> This is what the script send to the console:
> Using JAVA_HOME:   C:\Programmi\Java\j2re1.4.2
> It seems to me that it's right.
> But I agree with you that  there should be something missing 
> in the command. Giorgio
> >
> > Giorgio Franceschetti wrote:
> >
> >> I'm trying to start Tomcat, but I'm receiving a strange error. I'm 
> >> using Win XP Java 1.4.2, Tomcat 4.1.27
> >>
> >> Fist time I received the message: Cannot Find file
> >> "-Djava.endorsed.dirs=".
> >> So I spent some time looking into the documentation and I 
> decided to 
> >> set a new variable JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS = 
> %CATALINA_HOME%\common\endorsed.
> >> This becouse this variable it's. used into the script 
> >> but it's never set up to any value.
> >> I don't know if it' right, I cannot find any information 
> about this 
> >> variable into the running.txt, but, after that, I've 
> received a new 
> >> message error: 
> >> "Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:\OpenSource\tomcat\common\endorsed"  
> >> (obviously %CATALINA_HOME=c:\OpenSource\tomcat).
> >> So, I decided to change the script , only to try to 
> understand what's 
> >> happening. I deleted the  
> >> "-Djava.endorsed.dirs="%JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS%" instruction.
> >> Next time I received a new error: "Cannot find file: 
> -classpath". By 
> >> th way, -classpath is the instruction that immediately 
> follow the one 
> >> that I have cancelled.
> >> This time I thought that the error was somewhere before that 
> >> instruction.
> >> I tryed to see which were the values that the script were using.
> >> It was trying to execute a command like that:  start "Tomcat" 
> >> 
> -Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:\Applicativi-Open-Source\tomcat\common\
> endorsed 
> >> -classpath C:\Applicativi-Open-Source\tomcat\bin\bootstrap.jar 
> >> -Dcatalina.base=C:\Applicativi-Open-Source\tomcat 
> >> -Dcatalina.home=C:\Applicativi-Open-Source\tomcat 
> >>\Applicativi-Open-Source\tomcat\temp 
> >> org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start
> >>
> >> But now I don't know what more to do.
> >> Thanks in advance for help.
> >>  Giorgio
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> 
> -
> >> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> For additional commands, e-mail: 
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> -
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> >
> >
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RE: Apache1.3.27/Tomcat4.1.24/

2003-10-24 Thread Kengott, Dan
I've tried examples/servlets and examples/jsp both work fine as long as the
port number is specified.

-Original Message-
From: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 11:11 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Apache1.3.27/Tomcat4.1.24/

Have you tried just a simple jsp page for starters?

I like to do that in case there's some class loading issues. Then you might
be able to nail it down to a mod_jk issue, or a class loading issue.


On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, Kengott, Dan 

> Yes they arewith the directories corresponding to the package 
> names within classes!
> -Original Message-
> From: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 10:46 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: Apache1.3.27/Tomcat4.1.24/
> Port 8009 should be the port that Apache tries to talk to modjk, or is 
> it
> mod_jk talks to Tomcat on that port. I don't recall but you get the idea.
> Is your class in this location?: 
> $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/yourapp/WEB-INF/classes/
> Oscar
> On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, Kengott, Dan wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm having a similar problem and can't seem to get past it.  I'm
> > currently running 
> > Apache1.3.27/Tomcat4.1.24/
> > 
> > 
> > I've been thru the archives and I've seen a number of similar 
> > problems
> > to mine but they haven't solved my problem.  I've got the examples 
> > working as well as my own but only if I'm using the port number I've 
> > assigned with the connector 8081.  Without the port number (ie.
> > http://localhost:8081/test.helloworld.class) this fails to find the 
> > servlet, with it, it works like a champ.  Also, I'm wondering why the 
> > file specifies port 8009.  Finally, it seems were 
> > really trying to get it all to work on port 80, hence the dropping of 
> > the port number 8081.
> > 
> > Forgive my confusion as this is my first time with tomcat, apache,
> > mod_jk.
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks in advance for any help,
> > Dan
> > 
> > 
> > All related info follows:
> > 
> > 
> > *
> > Error generated:
> > 
> > Clear classloader cache ... completed.
> > I'm in the search applet 
> > Before servlet call; tablename=log_user java.lang.Exception 
> > at lib.url.URLChoiceList.(  
> > at lib.awt.AwtSearchForm.( 
> > at lib.awt.AwtSearchApplet.init(
> > at 
> > at
> >
> list_site=
> ices?t
> > able=log_user&obs=true IO Exception in input stream
> >
> >
> =log_u
> > ser&obs=true
> > Did I get this far? 
> > Buffered Read I/O exceptionjava.lang.NullPointerException null
> > java.lang.NullPointerException  
> > at lib.url.URLChoiceList.(  
> > at lib.awt.AwtSearchForm.( 
> > at lib.awt.AwtSearchApplet.init(
> > at 
> > at
> > 
> > 
> > *
> > Apache access_log:
> > 
> > - - [24/Oct/2003:10:04:23 -0600] "GET
> > /ProbLog/probapplet .jar HTTP/1.1" 304 - - - 
> > [24/Oct/2003:10:04:24 -0600] "GET /servlet/lib.servle 
> > t.getChoices?table=log_user&obs=true HTTP/1.1" 404 302
> > 
> > *
> > Apache Error_log:
> > 
> > [Fri Oct 24 10:04:24 2003]
> > [error] [client] File does not exist:
> >  
> > /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24/webapps/ProbLog/servlet/lib.servlet
> > .g
> > etChoi
> > ces
> > 
> > *
> > Apache mod_jk_log:
> > 
> > [Fri Oct 24 10:04:23 2003]
> > [jk_uri_worker_map.c (477)]: Attempting to map URI
> '/ProbLog/probapplet.jar'
> > 
> > [Fri Oct 24 10:04:23 2003]
> > [jk_uri_worker_map.c (599)]: jk_uri_worker_m 
> > ap_t::map_uri_to_worker, done without a match [Fri Oct 24 10:04:24 
> > 2003]
> > [jk_uri_worker_map.c (460)]: Into jk_uri_wor
> > [Fri Oct 24 10:04:24 2003]  
> > [jk_uri_worker_map.c (477)]: Attempting to m ap URI
> > '/servlet/lib.servlet.getChoices' 
> > [Fri Oct 24 10:04:24 2003]  
> > [jk_uri_worker_map.c (599)]: jk_uri_worker_m ap_t::map_uri_to_worker,
> > without a match
> > 
> > 
> > *
> >
> > 
> > worker.list=ajp13
> > worker.ajp13.type=ajp13
> >
> > worker.ajp13.port=8009
> > 
> > 
> > **

Re: Removing extra white spaces in source

2003-10-24 Thread Justin Ruthenbeck
I think I'm reading the original poster's message right in assuming 
he means "white space in the generated html," but maybe I'm going 
off in a different direction...

At 11:24 AM 10/24/2003, you wrote:
Also, the title is about white space in source, but in the message 
he talks about removing white space from generated jsp and 

Generated servlet is a .class file and I would be very reluctant to 
diddle with the tomcat generated .jsp files.  And I dont see the 
need to ever mess with those, so I don't think he really means 
generated files.

When precompiling JSP files, the generated servlet *source* files 
(error$ in Tomcat 4.0.3, for example) often have large 
blocks of code that look like:

  // HTML
  // begin[file="/x/y/header.jsp";from=(0,46);to=(1,0)]
  // end
This seems to happen when using jsp:include statements.  In the 
file that the above example was taken from, there are 17 such 
blocks all in a row.

When compiled and run, this results in a lot of whitespace in the 
generated html which can sometimes screw up the display.  I've seen 
this before and have always been able to work around it, but it can 
be a problem.

There are several code beautifiers around if that is what he is 
really looking for.

This won't solve the problem.  One would need a way to remove the 
multitude of "out.write("\r\n");" statements in the generated jsps.


Shapira, Yoav wrote:
It simple: what does he mean by "extra" white space?  White space 
at the
end of a line?  White space preceding text?  White space in the 
of words?  This is a text-processing problem.  Depending on the
requirements, writing such a text processors can be trivial or 
Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

-Original Message-
From: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 12:52 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Removing extra white spaces in source

On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, Shapira, Yoav wrote:

That depends on the definition of "extra" ;)
Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

-Original Message-
From: Luiz Ricardo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 1:51 PM
To: Tomcat-Users List
Subject: Removing extra white spaces in source
Hi everyone,

I would like to know if someone here knows some filter that removes
extra white spaces from content generated by servlet or jsp.
Luiz Ricardo


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* Rick Roberts*
* Advanced Information Technologies, Inc. *
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Software Engineer, NextEngine Inc.
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Re: Tomcat doesn't start under Windows XP

2003-10-24 Thread Giorgio Franceschetti
Well, I changed to the SDK's directory. I set my environments variables 
into the "my computer" section.
I don't know which one of these thing was right, but it started!  :-)
Thanks to all for the help.

Mike Curwen wrote:


This is a JRE?  You should be using a JDK.


-Original Message-
From: Giorgio Franceschetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 1:19 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat doesn't start under Windows XP

Jon Wingfield wrote:


Have you set your JAVA_HOME environment variable to be your jdk
install directory (with no trailing slash)?
The command the script is trying to execute seems to be missing a 
vital bit: \bin\java.exe



This is what the script send to the console:
Using JAVA_HOME:   C:\Programmi\Java\j2re1.4.2
It seems to me that it's right.
But I agree with you that  there should be something missing 
in the command. Giorgio


Giorgio Franceschetti wrote:


I'm trying to start Tomcat, but I'm receiving a strange error. I'm 
using Win XP Java 1.4.2, Tomcat 4.1.27

Fist time I received the message: Cannot Find file
So I spent some time looking into the documentation and I 

decided to 

set a new variable JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS = 


This becouse this variable it's. used into the script 


but it's never set up to any value.
I don't know if it' right, I cannot find any information 

about this 

variable into the running.txt, but, after that, I've 

received a new 

message error: 
(obviously %CATALINA_HOME=c:\OpenSource\tomcat).
So, I decided to change the script , only to try to 

understand what's 

happening. I deleted the  
"-Djava.endorsed.dirs="%JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS%" instruction.
Next time I received a new error: "Cannot find file: 

-classpath". By 

th way, -classpath is the instruction that immediately 

follow the one 

that I have cancelled.
This time I thought that the error was somewhere before that 
I tryed to see which were the values that the script were using.
It was trying to execute a command like that:  start "Tomcat" 



-classpath C:\Applicativi-Open-Source\tomcat\bin\bootstrap.jar 
org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start

But now I don't know what more to do.
Thanks in advance for help.



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RE: Removing extra white spaces in source

2003-10-24 Thread Kilic, Hakan
I actually see this a lot, and the amount of 


varies a great deal depending on the servlet container. For example a jsp
that compiles fine with Tomcat failed to compile (at run time) using Resin.
This was only because Resin wrote out so many "out.write("\r\n");" that the
generated .class file was larger then the 64K (or is it 32K?) size limit for
a single method for the JVM. (The infamous unable to compile branch yadda
yadda error msg...)

Why does tomcat put in so many of these statements into the generated
servlet (.class file), html just ignores whitespace and it just increases
the size of the .class file. Or am I missing something?

-Hakan Kilic

-Original Message-
From: Justin Ruthenbeck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 2:44 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Removing extra white spaces in source

I think I'm reading the original poster's message right in assuming 
he means "white space in the generated html," but maybe I'm going 
off in a different direction...

At 11:24 AM 10/24/2003, you wrote:
Also, the title is about white space in source, but in the message 
he talks about removing white space from generated jsp and 

Generated servlet is a .class file and I would be very reluctant to 
diddle with the tomcat generated .jsp files.  And I dont see the 
need to ever mess with those, so I don't think he really means 
generated files.

When precompiling JSP files, the generated servlet *source* files 
(error$ in Tomcat 4.0.3, for example) often have large 
blocks of code that look like:

   // HTML
   // begin[file="/x/y/header.jsp";from=(0,46);to=(1,0)]
   // end

This seems to happen when using jsp:include statements.  In the 
file that the above example was taken from, there are 17 such 
blocks all in a row.

When compiled and run, this results in a lot of whitespace in the 
generated html which can sometimes screw up the display.  I've seen 
this before and have always been able to work around it, but it can 
be a problem.

There are several code beautifiers around if that is what he is 
really looking for.

This won't solve the problem.  One would need a way to remove the 
multitude of "out.write("\r\n");" statements in the generated jsps.


Shapira, Yoav wrote:
It simple: what does he mean by "extra" white space?  White space 
at the
end of a line?  White space preceding text?  White space in the 
of words?  This is a text-processing problem.  Depending on the
requirements, writing such a text processors can be trivial or 
Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

-Original Message-
From: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 12:52 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Removing extra white spaces in source


On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, Shapira, Yoav wrote:

That depends on the definition of "extra" ;)

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

-Original Message-
From: Luiz Ricardo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 1:51 PM
To: Tomcat-Users List
Subject: Removing extra white spaces in source

Hi everyone,

I would like to know if someone here knows some filter that removes
extra white spaces from content generated by servlet or jsp.

Luiz Ricardo


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Re: Turning cookie JSESSIONID off (selectively)

2003-10-24 Thread Jeff Jackson

Do you need cookies, or do you just need session management?  You can get
the latter by using URL rewriting.  Basically, you just need to pass every
URL written to your pages (including form action attribute values) through
response.encodeURL(String URL) before writing to the page.  If you do
this, you should then be able to turn off cookies (some server parameter,
at least in Tomcat 5, although I don't recall where) and still maintain

Jeff Jackson

On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, Ryszard Lach wrote:

> Hi.
> Is there possible to turn off cookie JSESSIONID? I would like to use
> squid in reverse-proxy mode with a Java application (Tomcat 4.1), but
> squid does not cache pages with this cookie set. I can not turn it off
> at all, because a part o my application uses cookies for session
> management. 
> Any suggestions will be appreciated.
> Richard.

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Re: Create session on Tomcat 4.1.24

2003-10-24 Thread Chiming Huang

In my struts-config.xml, the logon action mappings
looks like this:

The main.jsp is the page that use the check logon
taglib.  If I remove the
redirect="true" attribute in the forward element, it
seems to work.  But why
it behaves differently (4.0.4 vs 4.1.24)?  Does the
redirect="true" cause a
new session to be created?  Does tomcat store the
sessionid in cookie?


- Original Message -
From: "Shapira, Yoav" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List"
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 11:02 AM
Subject: RE: Create session on Tomcat 4.1.24

> Owdy,
> And what do you see in your logs?  Successful login,
and then
> redirection to access denied page?
> Yoav Shapira
> Millennium ChemInformatics
> >-Original Message-
> >From: Chiming Huang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 10:58 AM
> >To: Tomcat Users List
> >Subject: RE: Create session on Tomcat 4.1.24
> >
> >Hi,
> >
> >Thank you for your quick response.  We are using
Tomcat 4.0.4, Struts
> 1.0.2
> >for our application.  In the perform() method of
the logon action
> class, we
> >get the HttpSession, say session, by calling
request.getSession().  And
> >then store the "user" class by calling
> >user).  Also, we have a taglib to check if user has
been logged on by
> >retrieving the session attribute "userinfo". If the
userinfo attribute
> is
> >null, the taglib will forward to assess denied
page.  Following are the
> >snippets of my logon action class and the check
logon taglib.
> >
> >It was working fine on 4.0.4.  Now with 4.1.24,
after logged in, user
> will
> >be forwarded to the access denied page.
> >
> >Thanks again.
> >Chiming
> >
> >//
> >public final class LogonAction extends Action
> >{
> >// Public Methods
> >
> >
> >/**
> > * Process the specified HTTP request, and
create the corresponding
> > * response (or forward to another web
component that will create
> it).
> > * Return an ActionForward
instance describing where
> and
> >how
> > * control should be forwarded, or
null if the
> response
> >has
> > * already been completed.
> > *
> > * @param mapping The ActionMapping used to
select this instance
> > * @param actionForm The optional ActionForm
bean for this request
> (if
> >any)
> > * @param request The HTTP request we are
> > * @param response The HTTP response we are
> > *
> > * @exception IOException if an input/output
error occurs
> > * @exception ServletException if a servlet
exception occurs
> > */
> > public ActionForward perform(ActionMapping
> >ActionForm form,
> >HttpServletRequest request,
> >HttpServletResponse response)
> >  throws IOException, ServletException
> > {
> >
> >
> >
> >  Auth auth = new Auth(path);
> >  User user = auth.authenticate(username,
> >  if(user == null)
> >  {
> >   errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR,
> >new
> >  }
> >
> >  // Report any errors we have discovered back to
the original form
> >  if (!errors.empty())
> >  {
> >   ((LogonForm) form).setStatus("Invalid username
or password");
> >   saveErrors(request, errors);
> >   servlet.log(" ***User is not logged on in
session "
> >);
> >   return (mapping.findForward("logon"));
> >  }
> >
> >  HttpSession session = request.getSession();
> >  session.setAttribute(ConstantStrings.USER, user);
> >  if (servlet.getDebug() >= 1)
> >   servlet.log("LogonAction: User '" +
user.getUsername() +
> >  "' logged on in session " + session.getId());
> >
> >// Remove the obsolete form bean
> >  if (mapping.getAttribute() != null)
> >  {
> >   if ("request".equals(mapping.getScope()))
> >   
> >   else
> >
> >}
> >  // Forward control to the specified success URI
> >  return (mapping.findForward("success"));
> >}
> >}
> >
> >//
> >public final class CheckLogonTag extends TagSupport
> >// - Instance Variables
> >
> >/**
> > * The page to which we should forward for the
user to log on.
> > */
> >private String page =
> >
> >//
> >Properties
> >
> >/**
> > * Return the forward page.
> > */
> >public String getPage() {
> > return (;
> >}
> >
> >/**
> > * Set the forward page.
> > *
> > * @param page The new forward page
> > */
> >public void setPage(String page) {
> > = page;
> >}
> >
> >// --- Public Methods
> >
> >/**
> > * Defer our che

Content length

2003-10-24 Thread William Bondy
I have a client browser that acts a bit in a non-standard fashion, for http
responses with content-length set (keep-alive) it expects the content-length
worth of data PLUS an extra \r\n that is not counted in the content length
header sent.
When I set the HttpServletResponse contentLength header to value X and then
write X+2 bytes to the stream, only X bytes get written. I assume the the
underlying control is only sending what the header is set to. Is there
anyway to get around this, ie. set the content length header to X and X+2

RE: Content length

2003-10-24 Thread Wade Chandler
Why would you try to support something non standard?  What browser is
it?  There was a big write up about this years ago over the http spec.
Browsers nor Servers should be sending nor expecting non standard extra
empty lines in the protocol.


-Original Message-
From: William Bondy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 4:33 PM
Subject: Content length

I have a client browser that acts a bit in a non-standard fashion, for
http responses with content-length set (keep-alive) it expects the
content-length worth of data PLUS an extra \r\n that is not counted in
the content length header sent.
When I set the HttpServletResponse contentLength header to value X and
then write X+2 bytes to the stream, only X bytes get written. I assume
the the underlying control is only sending what the header is set to. Is
there anyway to get around this, ie. set the content length header to X
and X+2 bytes?

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Tomcat JK Connector DLLs for IIS in IIS 6.0/Win2k3SBS - Won't Load!

2003-10-24 Thread Adam Krouskop
I'm trying to move an installation of Tomcat 4.1.27 and IIS from a Windows
XP box running IIS 5.1 to a Windows 2003 Small Business Server box running
an integrated version of IIS 6.0. I am running into problems because I can
not get the ISAPI Filter (DLL) to load. The arrow is always red and down
(never green and up) and the service log shows that the filter fails to lead
each time I restart IIS.

I am using identical /conf files and registry settings as my *working* IIS
5.1/XP setup. (And that setup is based on the general setup guide for the
IIS connector on the site.) So, I don't believe my
configuration is to blame. I have also tried using both the JK 1.2 and JK
2.0 connectors. I've also tried disabling all the other ISAPI Filters that
were present by default with the Win2k3 installation. 

In my search for advice on the web, I found a few folks asking for help with
different aspects of *working* IIS 6.0 configurations, so I assume that with
the right tinkering, it is possible to get the existing connectors to work
with IIS 6.0.

If anyone has any tips on getting a connector to work under IIS 6.0, I would
be most appreciative. 

Adam Krouskop

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IMP:Problem migrating to Latest Tomcat 5

2003-10-24 Thread Paresh Varatkar
We used to have application running with Tomcat 3.2.4
During that time we use to use to setup classpath while starting the Tomcat using bat 
file set classpath command
to include jar files from our application.

We use very simple deployment method using directory structure.
We just deploy webapplication directory.
We put our jar files at CATALINA HOME\webapps\\lib directory.
We put our jsp files at CATALINA HOME\webapps\ directory directly.

When Tomcat starts it is not finding jar files inside the lib thus it gives error 

I am able to make my application work if I put those files under CATALINA 
But I do not want to do it again wrong way.

Can anyone suggest what I am missing, I went through documentation again and again.
Is there any aml or properties file where I have to make entry of my application.


-Original Message-
From: Ben Souther [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 9:47 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Does Apache offers any Tomcat like version with GUI and

Have you looked at the admin and manager apps that ship with Tomcat 4.1x and 

On Thursday 23 October 2003 11:53 am, Paresh Varatkar wrote:
> Hi,
> We are using Tomcat server version 3.2.4 with IIS for long time.
> Our IT staff want to upgrade to environment with GUI but Tomcat based and
> is ready to pay the fees if anything like that available.
> Does any one know Tomcat based web serverseasy to operate and migrate the
> application? Thanks
> Paresg
> -
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Ben Souther
F.W. Davison & Company, Inc.

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RE: Content length

2003-10-24 Thread Justin Ruthenbeck
While I agree in principle, there are all sorts of reasons in the 
corporate world why you'd have to support something like this.  Not every 
client is an internet browser (IE, Netscape, Opera, etc) and not every 
piece of code that acts as an http client implements all the features of 
http (or *any* of the features correctly).  And to make it worse, the 
"your client should support standard http" argument is often not strong 
enough to overcome the political or practical problems that might exist 
in the enterprise.  


At 02:03 PM 10/24/2003, you wrote:
Why would you try to support something non standard?  What browser is
it?  There was a big write up about this years ago over the http spec.
Browsers nor Servers should be sending nor expecting non standard extra
empty lines in the protocol.

-Original Message-
From: William Bondy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 4:33 PM
Subject: Content length
I have a client browser that acts a bit in a non-standard fashion, for
http responses with content-length set (keep-alive) it expects the
content-length worth of data PLUS an extra \r\n that is not counted in
the content length header sent.
When I set the HttpServletResponse contentLength header to value X and
then write X+2 bytes to the stream, only X bytes get written. I assume
the the underlying control is only sending what the header is set to. Is
there anyway to get around this, ie. set the content length header to X
and X+2 bytes?

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Justin Ruthenbeck
Software Engineer, NextEngine Inc.
justinr - AT - nextengine DOT com
Confidential. See:

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log4j error in jsp?

2003-10-24 Thread Rishikesh Tembe

Can anyone shed some light as to why I get the following error when I try
to access the JSP..

javax.servlet.ServletException: org/apache/log4j/Category at
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service( at
javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service( at
javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at
at org.apache.catalina……….

It seems to be a log4j related exception. But why should I get it when I
dont have any logging in the jsp?

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Re: log4j error in jsp?

2003-10-24 Thread Christopher Schultz

Can anyone shed some light as to why I get the following error when I try
to access the JSP..
It seems to be a log4j related exception. But why should I get it when I
dont have any logging in the jsp?
Maybe you are importing the Category class, though not using it, and you 
don't have log4j available to this app.


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Re: IMP:Problem migrating to Latest Tomcat 5

2003-10-24 Thread Christopher Schultz

We use very simple deployment method using directory structure.
We just deploy webapplication directory.
We put our jar files at CATALINA HOME\webapps\\lib directory.

I am able to make my application work if I put those files under CATALINA 
But I do not want to do it again wrong way.
You must have your JAR files at CATALINA_HOME\webapps\\WEB-INF\lib

Note the "WEB-INF" that's required.


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RE: Content length

2003-10-24 Thread William Bondy
Tell me about it, I can't change the browser however which blows...

-Original Message-
From: Wade Chandler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 04:03 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Content length

Why would you try to support something non standard?  What browser is
it?  There was a big write up about this years ago over the http spec.
Browsers nor Servers should be sending nor expecting non standard extra
empty lines in the protocol.


-Original Message-
From: William Bondy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 4:33 PM
Subject: Content length

I have a client browser that acts a bit in a non-standard fashion, for
http responses with content-length set (keep-alive) it expects the
content-length worth of data PLUS an extra \r\n that is not counted in
the content length header sent.
When I set the HttpServletResponse contentLength header to value X and
then write X+2 bytes to the stream, only X bytes get written. I assume
the the underlying control is only sending what the header is set to. Is
there anyway to get around this, ie. set the content length header to X
and X+2 bytes?

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RE: IMP:Problem migrating to Latest Tomcat 5

2003-10-24 Thread Paresh Varatkar
Sorry Chris,
I am putting files under 
webapps\WEB-INF\\lib directory.

My mistake while typing, Its not working still.

-Original Message-
From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 3:02 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: IMP:Problem migrating to Latest Tomcat 5


> We use very simple deployment method using directory structure.
> We just deploy webapplication directory.
> We put our jar files at CATALINA HOME\webapps\\lib directory.

> I am able to make my application work if I put those files under CATALINA 
> HOME\common\lib\.
> But I do not want to do it again wrong way.

You must have your JAR files at CATALINA_HOME\webapps\\WEB-INF\lib

Note the "WEB-INF" that's required.


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Re: Content length

2003-10-24 Thread Jeff Jackson
Can the client handle chunked encoding?  Then you don't need to set
content-length at all.

Jeff Jackson

On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, William Bondy wrote:

> I have a client browser that acts a bit in a non-standard fashion, for http
> responses with content-length set (keep-alive) it expects the content-length
> worth of data PLUS an extra \r\n that is not counted in the content length
> header sent.
> When I set the HttpServletResponse contentLength header to value X and then
> write X+2 bytes to the stream, only X bytes get written. I assume the the
> underlying control is only sending what the header is set to. Is there
> anyway to get around this, ie. set the content length header to X and X+2
> bytes?
>   Thanks!

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RE: Content length

2003-10-24 Thread William Bondy
Unfortunately no, it looks like the only solution is change the connector
used with Tomcat, though I really wan't to avoid that...

-Original Message-
From: Jeff Jackson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 05:08 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Content length

Can the client handle chunked encoding?  Then you don't need to set
content-length at all.

Jeff Jackson

On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, William Bondy wrote:

> I have a client browser that acts a bit in a non-standard fashion, for
> responses with content-length set (keep-alive) it expects the
> worth of data PLUS an extra \r\n that is not counted in the content length
> header sent.
> When I set the HttpServletResponse contentLength header to value X and
> write X+2 bytes to the stream, only X bytes get written. I assume the the
> underlying control is only sending what the header is set to. Is there
> anyway to get around this, ie. set the content length header to X and X+2
> bytes?
>   Thanks!

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Re: Content length

2003-10-24 Thread Erik Wright
Which connector are you using?

I'm just theorizing here, but if it is a JK/JK2 AJP connector you may 
find that the reason it is cutting off the extra space is to avoid 
breaking the AJP protocol...

Another option for you might be to put a proxy somewhere between client 
and server that can just add in the extra two bytes. That would avoid 
having to mess around with tomcat/apache entirely, which would make 
upgrading/swapping servers easier, for example.



William Bondy wrote:

Unfortunately no, it looks like the only solution is change the connector
used with Tomcat, though I really wan't to avoid that...
-Original Message-
From: Jeff Jackson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 05:08 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Content length
Can the client handle chunked encoding?  Then you don't need to set
content-length at all.
Jeff Jackson

On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, William Bondy wrote:


I have a client browser that acts a bit in a non-standard fashion, for


responses with content-length set (keep-alive) it expects the


worth of data PLUS an extra \r\n that is not counted in the content length
header sent.
When I set the HttpServletResponse contentLength header to value X and


write X+2 bytes to the stream, only X bytes get written. I assume the the
underlying control is only sending what the header is set to. Is there
anyway to get around this, ie. set the content length header to X and X+2


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Re: log4j error in jsp?

2003-10-24 Thread Rishikesh Tembe
nopes.. I have been careful to not use the Category class.
also, I do have the jar file in the classpath.

moreover, this is not a consistently reproducible error.. some users get
it, while others dont!


On Fri, 24 Oct 2003 17:59:49 -0400, "Christopher Schultz"
> Rishikesh,
> > Can anyone shed some light as to why I get the following error when I try
> > to access the JSP..
> > 
> > It seems to be a log4j related exception. But why should I get it when I
> > dont have any logging in the jsp?
> Maybe you are importing the Category class, though not using it, and you 
> don't have log4j available to this app.
> -chris
> -
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Re: log4j error in jsp?

2003-10-24 Thread Jacob Kjome
At 02:52 PM 10/24/2003 -0800, you wrote:
nopes.. I have been careful to not use the Category class.
also, I do have the jar file in the classpath.
moreover, this is not a consistently reproducible error.. some users get
it, while others dont!
Looks like an exception happening in the container.  Tomcat uses 
commons-logging which uses Log4j if it finds it in the classpath.  What 
version of Tomcat are you using?  Can you find Log4j in your 
classpath?  You might want to search Apache's Bugzilla system for a similar 
bug ( ).


On Fri, 24 Oct 2003 17:59:49 -0400, "Christopher Schultz"
> Rishikesh,
> > Can anyone shed some light as to why I get the following error when I try
> > to access the JSP..
> >
> > It seems to be a log4j related exception. But why should I get it when I
> > dont have any logging in the jsp?
> Maybe you are importing the Category class, though not using it, and you
> don't have log4j available to this app.
> -chris
> -
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IMP:Problem migrating to Latest Tomcat 5

2003-10-24 Thread Paresh Varatkar
Found out thwe problem.
One of our class is making hard coded refernce to resources that is creating trouble 
in deploying the application.

One more problem though.
I am trying to start Tomcat as service.
It starts and stops immediately
"The apache service on computer started then stopped
some services stop automatically if they have no work to do"

has anyone came across this.

-Original Message-
From: Paresh Varatkar 
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 3:05 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: IMP:Problem migrating to Latest Tomcat 5
Importance: High

Sorry Chris,
I am putting files under 
webapps\WEB-INF\\lib directory.

My mistake while typing, Its not working still.

-Original Message-
From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 3:02 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: IMP:Problem migrating to Latest Tomcat 5


> We use very simple deployment method using directory structure.
> We just deploy webapplication directory.
> We put our jar files at CATALINA HOME\webapps\\lib directory.

> I am able to make my application work if I put those files under CATALINA 
> HOME\common\lib\.
> But I do not want to do it again wrong way.

You must have your JAR files at CATALINA_HOME\webapps\\WEB-INF\lib

Note the "WEB-INF" that's required.


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Re: log4j error in jsp?

2003-10-24 Thread Rishikesh Tembe
Tomcat 4.1.27

I can find log4j in my classpath.. I have placed it in the WEB-INF/lib
calls to the logger work fine from within my java classes..

I'll search Bugzilla..


On Fri, 24 Oct 2003 18:02:29 -0500, "Jacob Kjome" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> At 02:52 PM 10/24/2003 -0800, you wrote:
> >nopes.. I have been careful to not use the Category class.
> >also, I do have the jar file in the classpath.
> >
> >moreover, this is not a consistently reproducible error.. some users get
> >it, while others dont!
> >
> >-Rishi
> Looks like an exception happening in the container.  Tomcat uses 
> commons-logging which uses Log4j if it finds it in the classpath.  What 
> version of Tomcat are you using?  Can you find Log4j in your 
> classpath?  You might want to search Apache's Bugzilla system for a
> similar 
> bug ( ).
> Jake

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RE: RealmBase Digest Method

2003-10-24 Thread Robert D. Abernethy IV
Thanks Chris - that did the trick!

Rob Abernethy
Dynamic Edge, Inc.

-Original Message-
From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 5:35 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: RealmBase Digest Method


> All you need to do is drop the catalina.jar into:
> /your_webapps/WEB-INF/lib
> and in your web application:
> import org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase
> encryptedPassword = RealmBase.Digest("clear_passwd", "MD5");

I'm certainly not an expert, but I figured that putting catalina.jar 
into the webapp's lib directory might be dangerous.

However, writing the code to use Java's built-in MessageDigest class is 
almost as easy. Code follows:


  * @author Chris Schultz
public class Digester
 private static final char[] hex = "0123456789abcdef".toCharArray();

  * Returns a message digest of the specified string using the
  * specified digest algorithm.
  * @param cleartext The cleartext string to be digested.
  * @param algorithm The digest algorithm to use (try
  *"MD5" or "SHA-1".
  * @return A String of hex characters representing the message
  * digest of the given cleartext string.
 public static String digest(String cleartext, String algorithm)
 throws Exception
 MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm);

 md.update(cleartext.getBytes()); // Might want to use a
  // specific char encoding?

 byte[] digest = md.digest();
 StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(2*digest.length);

 for(int i=0; i> 4;
 int low  = (digest[i] & 0x0f);



Hope that helps,

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Re: Embedding Tomcat Continued...

2003-10-24 Thread Sriram N

I think you do not have tools.jar in your CLASSPATH.

JAVA_HOME is used by the startup scripts when you use "regular" Tomcat.
Since you've used Embedded to embed TC, the startup scripts do not come into
the picture, and the JAVA_HOME is pretty much useless actually.

Try placing the tools.jar file in the CLASSPATH and then run your application.

Important: If you're invoking your aplication via a JAR file, you need to
specify the tools.jar in the CLASSPATH attribute of the Jar's manifest. Read
the Java docs for more information.

-- Sriram

--- Robert Charbonneau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, I think I have the application where it needs to be to *server* JSPs and 
> Servlets, except it can't seem to find the java compiler.  The following is a
> stacktrace left by the application when I tried to access 
> http://localhost:8080/
> I have the env. var JAVA_HOME set globally.  Would I need to 
> System.setProperty("java_home", pathToJDK); or something similar?
> Thanks in advance for the help folks.
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
>   at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
>   at 
>   at 
>   at 
>   at 
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
>   at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
>   at
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.invoke(
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
>   at 
>   at 
>   at 
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
>   at 
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
>   at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
>   at 
>   at 
>   at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
>   at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
>   at org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteAdapter.service(
>   at
> org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(
>   at 
>   at
>   at 
>   at
> Unable to find a javac compiler;
> is not on the classpath.
> Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK
>   at 
>   at
>   at
>   at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.generateClass(
>   at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
>   at 
>   at 
>   at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
>   at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
>   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>   at 
>   at 
>   at 

Re: Connection refused error under load with tomcat 3.3.1 on Windows XP

2003-10-24 Thread Bill Barker
The Http10Connector has issues with XP :(.  Most of them require that you
set the 'socketCloseDelay' attribute on the connector (e.g
'socketCloseDelay="1000"' to add a one-second delay).  However, this is
usually a problem with POSTed messages.

>From your description, it's sounding like you need to increase your
maxThreads setting on the Connector.  I'm guessing that you are throwing
more requests at the box then it is configured to handle.  You can mitigate
this somewhat by increasing the 'backlog' setting, but it mostly just shifts
the problem to your TCP stack.

You could also try using the CoyoteConnector2 from the nightly (which is
basically the same HTTP/1.1 connector that TC 4.1.x & TC 5.x are using).  It
tends to work much better on XP (well, actually, it works much better in
general :).

"Dave Brewster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
We're running a load script on our tomcat server and seeing connection
refused errors on the client.

Server Configuration:
Vanilla tomcat (not fronted with Apache) 3.3.1
-Xmx 800MB -Xms512M
Windows XP
2.8 Ghz Hyperthreaded 800Mhz front side bus, 1 CPU
1.5 GB memory.

On the client load test we are using Java, connection with the URL class.
We see (don't know if it's immediate yet) a connection refused error only
under load.  The higher the number of concurrent users (or load in general),
the more errors.

Has anyone else seen this problem?

Btw... we tried fronting this with Apache, mod_jk and found we received 500
errors instead.  Mod_jk got the connection refused errors instead.



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Re: HttpServletResponse handling

2003-10-24 Thread Bill Barker
Tim is correct.  If you are using the AJP Connectors, you are SOL since it
will be Apache/IIS/SunONE that sets these headers.  With the Standalone
HTTP/1.1 Connector, of course it is Tomcat that sets them.

The "Date" header is mandated by the HTTP/1.1 RFC (and, without looking, I
believe by the HTTP/1.0 RFC).  If you strip this one, you have one very
broken server that probably won't play well with browsers and proxy-servers.
The "Server" header is mostly fluff.  However, porting the TC 3.3 feature
that allows you to configure the value of this might be worth doing.

"Tim Funk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Via past converstions about this - I think it was the connectors that set
> Server header. Thats why the recompile was needed. (But I was just lurking
> for that thread)
> -Tim
> Shapira, Yoav wrote:
> > Howdy,
> > Could you supply your own HttpServletResponseWrapper, which would set
> > these headers to a flag, empty, or null value per your requirements?
> >
> > Yoav Shapira
> > Millennium ChemInformatics
> >
> >
> >
> >>-Original Message-
> >>From: Tim Funk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 6:39 PM
> >>To: Tomcat Users List
> >>Subject: Re: HttpServletResponse handling
> >>
> >>AFAIK, No. (Unless you recompile the source)
> >>
> >>If your using apache in front - there is probably a module that does
> >
> > what
> >
> >>you
> >>need.
> >>
> >>-Tim
> >>
> >>William Bondy wrote:
> >>
> >>>Is there a way to suppress the "Date" and "Server" headers from being
> >>>automatically generated in HttpServletResponses ?
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>-
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> >
> >
> >
> >
> > This e-mail, including any attachments, is a confidential business
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> >
> >
> > -
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> >
> >
> >

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Session affinity doesn't work

2003-10-24 Thread Dinh Nguyen
Hi all,
I have downloaded these following packages and installed them on my
machine (Win 2K):
Apache 2.0.47
Tomcat 2.0.47
Jk2_mod connector 2.0.43.

I have 2 instances of tomcat (tomcat1, tomcat2 on the same host) on my
machine on a load balancing environment. The load balancing works well
with one exception: the session affinity doesn't work as expected.
Everytime I refresh my browser, it gives me a different session id. If
anyone experimented this problem, please help me.
These are my settings and modifications to apache and tomcat.

Apache httpd.conf
LoadModule jk2_module modules/mod_jk2.dll

Apache (entire content)


info=Scoreboard. Required for reconfiguration and status with
multiprocess servers

info=Global server options
# Default Native Logger (apache2 or win32 )
# can be overriden to a file logger, useful
# when tracing win32 related issues

info=Default load balancer.

# tomcat1

# tomcat2

info=Display status information and checks the config file for changes.

info=Extension mapping

Tomcat1 server.xml
1. Comment out Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector at port 8080
2. Change  to 
3. Change 
(notice: I DID rename the misspelling from jmvRoute to jvmRoute in the
orginal release)

4. Change Coyote/JK2 AJP 1.3 Connector to listen at 11009
5. No change for

Tomcat2 server.xml
The same with Tomcat1, but with different port numbers (12005 for
server, 12009 for Coyote/JK2 AJP 1.3 Connector)

At the ROOT directory of each tomcat instance, I create a jsp file with
a single command "request.getSession().getId()"

Then I start tomcat1, tomcat2, apache (in order). Everything is OK. No
error reported on the screen.

The only bad thing is that with every request, this page returns a
different session id (they are suffixed with .tomcat1 and .tomcat2), if
the session affinity works correctly, they must be the same, right? Is
there anything wrong with my configuration?

If anyone have solution, please share it to me. I appreciate it.


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Re: Embedding Tomcat Continued...

2003-10-24 Thread Robert Charbonneau
On October 24, 2003 11:56 pm, Sriram N wrote:
> Hi:
> I think you do not have tools.jar in your CLASSPATH.
> JAVA_HOME is used by the startup scripts when you use "regular" Tomcat.
> Since you've used Embedded to embed TC, the startup scripts do not come
> into the picture, and the JAVA_HOME is pretty much useless actually.
> Try placing the tools.jar file in the CLASSPATH and then run your
> application.
> Important: If you're invoking your aplication via a JAR file, you need to
> specify the tools.jar in the CLASSPATH attribute of the Jar's manifest.
> Read the Java docs for more information.
> -- Sriram

That did the trick, thanks my friend.

I have another question on the same subject for the list at large.  Now that 
my application can create it's own contexts for my webapps to run inside of, 
is there a way that my JSPs and Servlets can modify and make use of objects 
that are instantiated inside the application?

For example, my application is multi-threaded and it starts Tomcat, retrieves 
some data from the database and performs a few other functions.  The reason 
why I'm embedding Tomcat is to give my application a web front-end.  Could 
anyone provide some insight as to how I can make this happen, and perhaps 
provide some code samples?


Robert Charbonneau

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WAR file not found

2003-10-24 Thread N.B.Bopanna
Hi all,
I have a webapplication running on tomcat-4.1.24.
if i create a WAR file of the application and try to deploy it, tomcat 
cannot find the application.
could some one  help?

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Using BASIC and FORM authentication in the same webapp

2003-10-24 Thread Vincent Aumont

My application has two types of clients: HTML and WML (for small 
devices). The controller (Struts) takes care of selecting the 
appropriate JSP (html or wml) for each client.

WML clients must use BASIC authentication (they dont support cookies 
and url rewriting is not an option). For HTML clients, I want to use 
FORM authentication.

Unfortunately, the servlet spec supports only one authentication method 
per web application.
I started by creating two web apps, differing only by the authentication 
mode definition in web.xml. But I really want to have one single 

My solution consists in adding a Valve that sets the right authenticator 
in the pipeline, based on the client type (I determine the clients type 
by examining the request header).

The code looks like this:

public void invoke(Request request,
Response response,
ValveContext context)
throws IOException, ServletException
if ((request instanceof HttpServletRequest) &&
((HttpServletRequest) request).getUserPrincipal() == null) {
if (request.getContext() instanceof ContainerBase) {
ContainerBase container = (ContainerBase) request.getContext();
// remove the existing authenticator
Valve[] valves = container.getValves();
for (int i=0;i
// Next valve
context.invokeNext(request, response);

Can you think of a better/smarter way to achieve the same result?



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Embedded Tomcat startup java class

2003-10-24 Thread Mark W. Webb
Knowing that Tomcat is moving towards JMX, I was wondering if anyone has 
"ported" into the a format that will support the JMX 
integration.  Knowing that there is a build.xml file that will launch 
tomcat in an embedded state, is there an equivalent .java file for doing 

thank you.

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