TC 3.3.1 authentication roles - what is going on?

2003-01-20 Thread Christopher Mark Balz
   It seems that to get good authentication whilst tying one role to 
one web app (so only one designated user can use a given designated 
webapp), I must assign two roles to the designated user: an arbitary 
role, and a role of "deployer", and omit or comment out the role of 
"deployer" in web.xml:


In this case, the user "Dr. Alan H" is assigned to be a deployer. 
Authentication does not work well without this.  I tried creating a 
dummy deployer, paired with dentalExpert0, but that did not work (it's 
commented out below).  At least now, however, I can get good 1-1 
authentication.  I am running across two browser frames, and because 
document.domain assignments do not seem to mollify the furiously buggy 
Tomcat, I have had to submit to requiring the user to log-in twice, once 
for each frame.  That is, until I change web servers.  Anyone have any 
idea of how to explain TC 3.3.1's curious behavior?


". . . / This Cabinet is formd of Gold / And Pearl & Crystal shining bright
And within it opens into a World / . . .
Another England there I saw / Another London with its Tower
Another Thames & other Hills / And another pleasant Surrey Bower
. . ."
- from "The Crystal Cabinet", a poem by William Blake.

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Re: Tomcat 4 - SSL - Client Authentication

2003-01-20 Thread Christopher Mark Balz
Have you checked the permissions to the directory where your keystore is 
held?  The process running the webserver must of course be able to read 
the keystore.
- CB

Shiva.Devaguptapu wrote:

	I am using Tomcat 4 on a linux system. I am trying to enable SSL
client authentication enabled. I want the client to be the Internet
Explorer, running
on Win2K, my desktop. I found the following steps on the net and tried.
*	Create keys on the server
*	Create the certificate on the server
*	Uncomment the required part in the server.xml of Tomcat
*	Enter appropriate values for the attributes in server.xml as :

   port="8453" minProcessors="5"
   acceptCount="10" debug="0"
scheme="https" secure="true">

*	Create keys on the client
*	Create the certificate on the client
*	Import the cliet certificate on the server
*	Import the client certificate into Internet Explorer
	Now I started tomcat and I tried to access from the IE, the URL - then the Client Authentication dialog box
without any certificates in the list, as a result I cannot select any
certificate, and
if I click on OK button, it says page cannot be displayed.
	I also tried importing the client certificate into
on the serverand even that did not solve the problem and even I tried
the server certificate on the client side into
and into IE as well and even after the problem is not solved.
	I am including all the commands I used to perform the above steps.
Can anyone help me out in getting this done.
Thanks in advance,

Commnands used
***For generating server keys on Linux***
keytool -genkey -alias tomcat-sv \
 -keyalg RSA -keypass changeit \
 -storepass changeit \
 -keystore $CATALINA_HOME/keystore/server.keystore
***this keystore directory is created by me***
***For generating server cetificate on Linux***
keytool -export -alias tomcat-sv \
 -storepass changeit \
 -file server.cer \
 -keystore $CATALINA_HOME/keystore/server.keystore
***For generating client keys on Win2K***
keytool -genkey -alias tomcat-cl ^
 -keyalg RSA -keypass changeit ^
 -storepass changeit ^
 -keystore C:\ssltest\mykeystore\client.keystore
***For generating client cetificate on Win2K***
keytool -export -alias tomcat-cl ^
 -storepass changeit ^
 -file C:\ssltest\client.cer ^
 -keystore C:\ssltest\mykeystore\client.keystore
***For importing the client certificate on the server***
keytool -import -v -trustcacerts \
 -alias tomcat -file client.cer \
 -keypass changeit \
 -storepass changeit \
 -keystore /home/lotto/lotto/utilities/tomcat/keystore/server.keystore

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". . . / This Cabinet is formd of Gold / And Pearl & Crystal shining bright
And within it opens into a World / . . .
Another England there I saw / Another London with its Tower
Another Thames & other Hills / And another pleasant Surrey Bower
. . ."
- from "The Crystal Cabinet", a poem by William Blake.

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URL Mappings on Tomcat 3.3 must go between servlet and security sections.

2003-01-20 Thread Christopher Mark Balz
Apparently, this is the case.  Yet another awful fact for those stuck 
with Tomcat 3.3.





". . . / This Cabinet is formd of Gold / And Pearl & Crystal shining bright
And within it opens into a World / . . .
Another England there I saw / Another London with its Tower
Another Thames & other Hills / And another pleasant Surrey Bower
. . ."
- from "The Crystal Cabinet", a poem by William Blake.

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TC 3.3 -- user authorization not working correctly.

2003-01-20 Thread Christopher Mark Balz
There seems to be some persistance of user authorization settings beyond 
Tomcat's global-users.xml and auth-users.xml file, and Tomcat startup 
and shutdown.  I can't seem to get the authorization to work in a 
rational manner. I am only doing the simplest kind of authorization with 
roles and a user.  What I have works but if I want to limit one user to 
one role that is in turn only used in one web.xml, it just won't do it. 

I think Tomcat is the server-side equivalent of Netscape browsers -- a 
time sink to be avoided.  However, I am relatively stuck with it now, 
and would really appreciate any magic tips anyone might have out there.

Also, if anyone has any workarounds to keep Tomcat from throwing an 
error when talking to N6/7/Moz over ssl, that would be appreciated.  The 
result of this bug is that whenever someone hits my Tomcat server with 
ssl, it slows down the website for everyone else.  (My very favorite 
situation was with Tomcat 3.2.4, which would completely crash into a 
memory leak when hit with N6/7/Moz).  When the two team up, they're 
really great!

Thank you in advance.
- CB

". . . / This Cabinet is formd of Gold / And Pearl & Crystal shining bright
And within it opens into a World / . . .
Another England there I saw / Another London with its Tower
Another Thames & other Hills / And another pleasant Surrey Bower
. . ."
- from "The Crystal Cabinet", a poem by William Blake.

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Re: How do I get the absolute path of a file in a directory aboveWEB-INF directory of my web application?

2003-01-20 Thread Christopher Mark Balz
I don't know offhand how you can do that, but if you want to reach up 
above the WEB-INF directory, you can use dot-dot (..).
- CB

Peter Lee wrote:

I am using Tomcat for servlets. 
How  do I get the absolute path of a file in a directory above WEB-INF
directory of my 
web application?


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". . . / This Cabinet is formd of Gold / And Pearl & Crystal shining bright
And within it opens into a World / . . .
Another England there I saw / Another London with its Tower
Another Thames & other Hills / And another pleasant Surrey Bower
. . ."
- from "The Crystal Cabinet", a poem by William Blake.

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TC 3.3 -- user authorization not working correctly.

2003-01-20 Thread Christopher Mark Balz
There seems to be some persistance of user authorization settings beyond 
Tomcat's global-users.xml and auth-users.xml file, and Tomcat startup 
and shutdown.  I can't seem to get the authorization to work in a 
rational manner. I am only doing the simplest kind of authorization with 
roles and a user.  What I have works but if I want to limit one user to 
one role that is in turn only used in one web.xml, it just won't do it. 

I think Tomcat is the server-side equivalent of Netscape browsers -- a 
time sink to be avoided.  However, I am relatively stuck with it now, 
and would really appreciate any magic tips anyone might have out there.

Also, if anyone has any workarounds to keep Tomcat from throwing an 
error when talking to N6/7/Moz over ssl, that would be appreciated.  (My 
favorite situation was with Tomcat 3.2.4, which would completely crash 
into a memory leak when hit with N6/7/Moz).  When the two team up, 
they're really great!

Thank you in advance.
 - CB

". . . / This Cabinet is formd of Gold / And Pearl & Crystal shining bright
And within it opens into a World / . . .
Another England there I saw / Another London with its Tower
Another Thames & other Hills / And another pleasant Surrey Bower
. . ."
- from "The Crystal Cabinet", a poem by William Blake.

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Mozilla 1.x/N6+ causes memory leak on Tomcat 3.2.4

2002-11-29 Thread Christopher Mark Balz
In side-by-side tests, IE 5.5 causes no such leak, but Moz1.x/N6+ cause 
Tomcat to simply start allocating memory until the heap size limit is 
exceeded by about 20MB, resulting in an eventual shutdown of the JVM.

I'm pretty sure it's not my code since the leak starts immediately on 
secure (ssl) session log-in to a static page (no servlet action 
whatsoever).  If a Moz/N6+ browser is already logged in however, after 
restarting the Tomcat server it takes a request from Moz1.x/N6 to start 
the big leak that leads to an eventual JVM shutdown.

I thought that Netscape existed only to torture client-side developers; 
it seems they've got something going on the server-side now!  Of course, 
it would be Tomcat's bug, but it's "funny" how many bugs always surround 

Since this bug crashes my server, I would very much appreciate help with 
it.  I've seen other postings on the web indicating that this is a 
problem but have not seen anyone address it in a response.

 - CB

". . . / This Cabinet is formd of Gold / And Pearl & Crystal shining bright
And within it opens into a World / . . .
Another England there I saw / Another London with its Tower
Another Thames & other Hills / And another pleasant Surrey Bower
. . ."
- from "The Crystal Cabinet", a poem by William Blake.

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Re: Mozilla crashes Tomcat.

2002-11-29 Thread Christopher Mark Balz
Yes, you are right, excuse me for not supplying the basic info of
several systems I am using.  I'm using:

tomcat 3.2 standalone - yes.
Java SDK 1.4 (includes JSSE)
Sun's JVM standard with SDK 1.4
The problem happens on Win2K and also on Linux RedHat 8.0 (Contains
latest OpenSSL).

I have by now done a fair bit of testing on this, all in the SSL mode. 
The application is stable when accessed by IE 5.5.  When using Mozilla 
1.1, however, the Tomcat Java process is inevitably thrown into a 
memory-allocating behavior (moving by about 10MB every 10 seconds) that 
continues until crash of the Tomcat Java process.  Sometimes this 
behavior is invoked simply by logging in under Mozilla (SSL), and 
sometimes it requires an access or two from Mozilla.  A tell-tale sign 
from Mozilla that the memory allocating behavior has been invoked is 
that a browser alert pops up saying "document contains no data".

I can run the very same accesses, using the very same front-end, from IE 
5.5 with apparently no problem, and the behavior of the servlet is 
exactly the same for both browsers.

I know that Mozilla uses a rather non-sensical security system whereby a 
site is deemed insecure if a window frame it contains is written to by 
JavaScript code from the original secured site.  IE, of course, does not 
do this.  Maybe there is some unfortunate interaction here with Tomcat? 
 For it seems that something in Moz's headers must be confusing Tomcat.

In any case, upgrading to 3.3 is not a bad idea.  I am about at the end 
of my rope with this bug.  I would go to 4.0 but want to stay as far 
away from the bleeding edge as reasonable and hope to avoid the changing 
of my configuration files that moving to 4.0 would necessitate.

I really hope someone out there has some ideas.  It is all too familiar 
a situation to me to have a Netscape product involved in just burning up 
days of my time.

   - CB

Ralph Einfeldt wrote:
> Maybe you should provide the answer to following questions:
> - Do you run tomcat stand alone ?
> - If yes which JSSE do you use ?
> - Which jvm do you use ?
> - On which operating system ?
> Maybe you should try to profile tomcat with a tool like
> OptimizeIt to see if it is tomcat or the underlying ssl
> implementation that has the leak.
> BTW:
> tc 3.2 is quite outdated.
> Maybe you should upgrade to 3.3.* or 4.*.
>>-Original Message-
>>From: Christopher Mark Balz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 9:21 AM
>>Subject: Mozilla crashes Tomcat.
>>I'm pretty sure it's not my code since the leak starts immediately on
>>secure (ssl) session log-in to a static page (no servlet action
>>whatsoever).  If a Moz/N6+ browser is already logged in
>>however, after restarting the Tomcat server it takes a request from
>>Moz1.x/N6 to start the big leak that leads to an eventual JVM shutdown.
> --
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". . . / This Cabinet is formd of Gold / And Pearl & Crystal shining bright
And within it opens into a World / . . .
Another England there I saw / Another London with its Tower
Another Thames & other Hills / And another pleasant Surrey Bower
. . ."
- from "The Crystal Cabinet", a poem by William Blake.

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Mozilla crashes Tomcat.

2002-11-29 Thread Christopher Mark Balz
Mozilla 1.x/N6+ causes a devastating memory leak on Tomcat 3.2.4.  In 
side-by-side tests, IE 5.5 causes no such leak, but Moz1.x/N6+ cause 
Tomcat to simply start allocating memory until the heap size limit is 
exceeded by about 20MB, resulting in an eventual shutdown of the JVM.

I'm pretty sure it's not my code since the leak starts immediately on 
secure (ssl) session log-in to a static page (no servlet action 
whatsoever).  If a Moz/N6+ browser is already logged in however, after 
restarting the Tomcat server it takes a request from Moz1.x/N6 to start 
the big leak that leads to an eventual JVM shutdown.

I thought that Netscape existed only to torture client-side developers; 
it seems they've got something going on the server-side now!  Of course, 
it would be Tomcat's bug, but it's "funny" how many bugs always surround 

Since this bug crashes my server, I would very much appreciate help with 
it.  I've seen other postings on the web indicating that this is a 
problem but have not seen anyone address it in a response.

 - CB

". . . / This Cabinet is formd of Gold / And Pearl & Crystal shining bright
And within it opens into a World / . . .
Another England there I saw / Another London with its Tower
Another Thames & other Hills / And another pleasant Surrey Bower
. . ."
- from "The Crystal Cabinet", a poem by William Blake.

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[Fwd: Mozilla 1.x/N6+ causes memory leak on Tomcat 3.2.4]

2002-11-29 Thread Christopher Mark Balz

". . . / This Cabinet is formd of Gold / And Pearl & Crystal shining bright
And within it opens into a World / . . .
Another England there I saw / Another London with its Tower
Another Thames & other Hills / And another pleasant Surrey Bower
. . ."
- from "The Crystal Cabinet", a poem by William Blake.

--- Begin Message ---
In side-by-side tests, IE 5.5 causes no such leak, but Moz1.x/N6+ cause 
Tomcat to simply start allocating memory until the heap size limit is 
exceeded by about 20MB, resulting in an eventual shutdown of the JVM.

I'm pretty sure it's not my code since the leak starts immediately on 
secure (ssl) session log-in to a static page (no servlet action 
whatsoever).  If a Moz/N6+ browser is already logged in however, after 
restarting the Tomcat server it takes a request from Moz1.x/N6 to start 
the big leak that leads to an eventual JVM shutdown.

I thought that Netscape existed only to torture client-side developers; 
it seems they've got something going on the server-side now!  Of course, 
it would be Tomcat's bug, but it's "funny" how many bugs always surround 

Since this bug crashes my server, I would very much appreciate help with 
it.  I've seen other postings on the web indicating that this is a 
problem but have not seen anyone address it in a response.

 - CB

". . . / This Cabinet is formd of Gold / And Pearl & Crystal shining bright
And within it opens into a World / . . .
Another England there I saw / Another London with its Tower
Another Thames & other Hills / And another pleasant Surrey Bower
. . ."
- from "The Crystal Cabinet", a poem by William Blake.

--- End Message ---
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Re: Problems running Tomcat from command line

2002-11-25 Thread Christopher Mark Balz
As you probably know, the icon shows what command it actually issues in 
the "properties" dialogue (right-click on it) along with a "directory to 
start in" property.  What are these poperties?

Julius Davies wrote:
Steve Russell,

Perhaps this link will help:

Try to get that "out of environment space" error to go away, then we'll work on the absentee "servlet.jar" issue.

Julius Davies, Programmer, CUCBC
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph: 604.730.6385

-Original Message-
From: Steve Russell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 1:55 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Problems running Tomcat from command line


I'm reposting this, hoping  that this version is more clear.

I'm on Windows 2000 using Tomcat 3.2.4 ( not my choice ).

I can start tomcat by double clicking the startup.bat file in

However, I can't start tomcat programmatically by typing "startup.bat"
or "startup" ( without quotes ) from a dos prompt that is in

I have tried running C:\TOMCAT\bin directly.  It complains that it is
out of environment space ( how do you set that in win 2000 )AND
that it cant find C:\TOMCAT\lib\servlet.jar

Its there.

Here are the Windows 2000 environmental variables I have set for


Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\BINN;



Thanks in advance for any clues


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". . . / This Cabinet is formd of Gold / And Pearl & Crystal shining bright
And within it opens into a World / . . .
Another England there I saw / Another London with its Tower
Another Thames & other Hills / And another pleasant Surrey Bower
. . ."
- from "The Crystal Cabinet", a poem by William Blake.

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Re: Problems running Tomcat from command line

2002-11-25 Thread Christopher Mark Balz
You should set CLASSPATH as a Windows environment variable.  I always 
make sure that the slashes in the CLASSPATH value should all point the 
same direction.

 - CB

Steve Russell wrote:


I just started a new job.  The company is using MS Windows 2000 and 
Tomcat 3.2.4 ( not my choice - peace! ).

I am able to start tomcat by going to C:\Tomcat\bin and double clicking 
startup.bat in explorer.

However, I am not able to start tomcat from a command line.

When I try it from dos I get "bad command or filename"

When I try from my cygwin I get

Using classpath: 

stever@STEVER c:/TOMCAT/bin
$ Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 

When I have tried starting C:\Tomcat\bin directly, in dos I get the 
error message that  %TOMCAT_HOME%/lib/servet.jar does not exist.

It exists at that location.  TOMCAT_HOME is set properly at C:\Tomcat,  
output statements I put in tomcat.bat reflect that.

It seems like windows is not TOMCAT_HOME/lib

I'm not a windows expert, can anyone give me a clue?

Here is my system PATH:

Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\BINN;

I have a JAVA_HOME and a JDK_HOME set, and those work.


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". . . / This Cabinet is formd of Gold / And Pearl & Crystal shining bright
And within it opens into a World / . . .
Another England there I saw / Another London with its Tower
Another Thames & other Hills / And another pleasant Surrey Bower
. . ."
- from "The Crystal Cabinet", a poem by William Blake.

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SSL request Mozilla browser causes memory leak on Tomcat 3.2.1

2002-11-24 Thread Christopher Mark Balz
In repeated, side by side trials doing https requests (ssl), there is no 
problem and behavior is normal with requests from Internet Explorer 5.5 
(memory allocation stays at about 22 megabytes), but Mozilla 1.0 seems 
to send some kind of request that causes Tomcat to just go on allocating 
memory until there is a mere 4 megabytes of memory left on my web server 
(Tomcat at this point is using about 82 megabytes of memory).

Fun and more fun with Netscape products! ( -- as if web programmers 
haven't had enough already).

The allocation goes up about two megabytes every 8 seconds.  I wonder if 
it could be taken care of by more memory, or if the memory allocation 
would just go on.

Any ideas?  Why should a properly behaving server do this?  I am running 
with default configurations.

I hope someone can point me in the right direction.

 - CB

". . . / This Cabinet is formd of Gold / And Pearl & Crystal shining bright
And within it opens into a World / . . .
Another England there I saw / Another London with its Tower
Another Thames & other Hills / And another pleasant Surrey Bower
. . ."
- from "The Crystal Cabinet", a poem by William Blake.

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Re: Running SSL on IIS/Tomcat 3.3.1

2002-07-17 Thread Christopher Mark Balz

Unfortunately, I don't know what the details would be for IIS.  I would 
guess that it would not be easy to find info on integrating IIS with 
Tomcat as IIS is a Microsoft solution.  You may be able to get some 
clues as to how to do this from the doc on integrating Apache with Tomcat.

Have you considered simply using Tomcat as your SSL host?
  - CB

Jose Aguilera wrote:
> Christopher,
> Thanks for your response. Can you please elaborate or direct me to a link where I 
>could get more details on the setting up IIS as the SSL host while running the 
>application through Tomcat.
> I already installed the certificate in the keystore using keytool.
> Jose.
> -Original Message-
> From: Christopher Mark Balz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 9:44 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: Running SSL on IIS/Tomcat 3.3.1
> You have to use the Java 'keytool' tool to make the JVM aware of your 
> certificate.  Then you need to edit your web.xml file appropriately.
>   - CB
> Jose Aguilera wrote:
>>I have an SSL certificate already installed on IIS and would like my web pages to be 
>displayed in HTTPS mode using Tomcat.
>>What steps must I take to do this?
>>Jose Aguilera
>>This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is 
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>disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended 
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>intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or 
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>communication in error, please notify the sender immediately. 

". . . / This Cabinet is formd of Gold / And Pearl & Crystal shining bright
And within it opens into a World / . . .
Another England there I saw / Another London with its Tower
Another Thames & other Hills / And another pleasant Surrey Bower
. . ."
- from "The Crystal Cabinet", a poem by William Blake.

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Re: Failed JDBC connection hangs Tomcat

2002-07-17 Thread Christopher Mark Balz

Here is some sample init() method code that I use to test the db 
connection on context startup:

try {
 *  The driver objects register themselves with the driver 
 *  at the time of loading,
 *  and the following line forces the loading of the (MySQL or 
 *  driver
 *  (it registers itself).
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
sc.log("Database connection successfully obtained.");
//   Prepare the query: 
String qString = queryString.getQueryString();
sc.log("\n\n Using this query string: " + qString + "\n");
pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(qString);
// Test db connection for integrity:
stmt = conn.createStatement();
rs = stmt.executeQuery(highestUniqueId);
if ( {
uniqueEntryId = rs.getInt(1); // Gets the highest 
unique survey i.d.
sc.log("uniqueEntryId is initialized as "+uniqueEntryId);
// Close the statement object, which also closes the resultset.
if (uniqueEntryId < 0) {
sc.log("Problem with database connection if " +
   "this is not a new db table.  This db table 
has no " +
   "greatest unique entry id number." );
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
String msg = "*** Couldn't load database driver.";
sc.log(msg, e);
throw new UnavailableException(msg);
} catch (SQLException e) {
String msg = "*** Couldn't get db connection.";
sc.log(msg, e);
throw new UnavailableException(msg);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
String msg = "*** Couldn't get access to db connection.";
sc.log(msg, e);
throw new UnavailableException(msg);
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
String msg = "*** Couldn't create db connection.";
sc.log(msg, e);
throw new UnavailableException(msg);
Jacob Kjome wrote:
> hmm
> I think in that case you would have to set a Timeout on the connection.  
> You might want to test the connection upon context startup and if the 
> connection times out, then throw an error or redirect to a static page 
> saying that the app is temporarily unavailable.
> Not sure what else you can do? Anyone?
> Jake
> At 01:00 PM 7/16/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>> Yes, it is important to close your connections when you're done with 
>> them, and this is considered in each of our methods.
>> The problem we are seeing with the hung connections, however, occurs 
>> before any SQLException has been thrown, anywhere in the servlet 
>> engine.  In fact, even if the very first connection attempted at 
>> startup is made to a server which is unavailable, every other 
>> connection will wait until that first connection times out (and then 
>> throws its SQLException).
>> Thank you for your consideration of the problem.
>> -Paul
>> On Monday, July 15, 2002, at 10:25 PM, Jacob Kjome wrote:
>>> BTW, in the code below, I forgot to create the connection at the 
>>> beginning of the try statment.  Just wanted to note that you will 
>>> need to do that.
>>> conn = openConn();  //openConn() grabs the connection from a pool or 
>>> creates a brand new connection
>>> Just insert that and whatever you need to do to open your connection 
>>> at the beginning of the try statement below.
>>> jake
>>> At 12:00 AM 7/16/2002 -0500, you wrote:
 HI Paul,

 You simply need to make sure that you've let go of your resources 
 such as connections, resultsets, etc

 Here is some sample code for that...

 Connection conn = null;
 PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
 ResultSet rs = null;

 String query = "SELECT * FROM mytable";

 try {
 pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query);
 rs = pstmt.executeQuery();

 //do something with the ResultSet...


Servlet dying silently under SSL; was working fine.

2002-07-16 Thread Christopher Mark Balz

Running Tomcat 3.2 on Win2K.

Can anyone tell me what the following error messages from tomcat.log 
might imply is wrong with my web application or dev environment?

2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): 400 R( /) null
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IOException in: R( /) error while writing 
to socket
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IllegalStateException in: R( /) Current 
state = FLUSHED, new state = CODING

The whole log from startup of Tomcat is below.  I am running a servlet 
under ssl that accepts a form value from a web page (http form) and 
performs a corresponding database query and returns the results to the 
client.  It was working fine, and the only thing that changed I believe 
is that my laptop went into auto-shutdown mode once when it was running 
from its battery.  Other servlets work fine.

Full contents of tomcat.log:
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /examples )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): Set debug to 9
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /dynasurv )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /admin )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /dynasurv.tar.gz )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( / )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( 
/olddynasurv.tar.gz )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx(  )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /test )
2002-07-13 22:24:46 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): XmlReader - init  /dynasurv 
2002-07-13 22:24:46 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): Reading C:\Program 
2002-07-13 22:24:47 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): Loading -2147483646 jsp
2002-07-13 22:24:48 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting HttpConnectionHandler 
on 8080
2002-07-13 22:24:48 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting HttpConnectionHandler 
on 8443
2002-07-13 22:24:48 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting Ajp12ConnectionHandler 
on 8007
2002-07-13 22:24:52 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): Get real path 
/static/QueryTool/index.html C:\Program 
C:\Program Files\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.4\webapps\dynasurv
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): 400 R( /) null
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IOException in: R( /) error while writing 
to socket
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IllegalStateException in: R( /) Current 
state = FLUSHED, new state = CODING
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IllegalStateException in: R( /) Current 
state = FLUSHED, new state = CODING
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IllegalStateException in: R( /) Current 
state = FLUSHED, new state = CODING
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IllegalStateException in: R( /) Current 
state = FLUSHED, new state = CODING
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IllegalStateException in: R( /) Current 
state = FLUSHED, new state = CODING

". . . / This Cabinet is formd of Gold / And Pearl & Crystal shining bright
And within it opens into a World / . . .
Another England there I saw / Another London with its Tower
Another Thames & other Hills / And another pleasant Surrey Bower
. . ."
- from "The Crystal Cabinet", a poem by William Blake.

". . . / This Cabinet is formd of Gold / And Pearl & Crystal shining bright
And within it opens into a World / . . .
Another England there I saw / Another London with its Tower
Another Thames & other Hills / And another pleasant Surrey Bower
. . ."
- from "The Crystal Cabinet", a poem by William Blake.

To unsubscribe, e-mail:   
For additional commands, e-mail: 

Re: Running SSL on IIS/Tomcat 3.3.1

2002-07-16 Thread Christopher Mark Balz

You have to use the Java 'keytool' tool to make the JVM aware of your 
certificate.  Then you need to edit your web.xml file appropriately.
  - CB

Jose Aguilera wrote:
> I have an SSL certificate already installed on IIS and would like my web pages to be 
>displayed in HTTPS mode using Tomcat.
> What steps must I take to do this?
> Thanks.
> Jose Aguilera
> This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is 
>addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential or exempt from 
>disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended 
>recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the 
>intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or 
>copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this 
>communication in error, please notify the sender immediately. 

". . . / This Cabinet is formd of Gold / And Pearl & Crystal shining bright
And within it opens into a World / . . .
Another England there I saw / Another London with its Tower
Another Thames & other Hills / And another pleasant Surrey Bower
. . ."
- from "The Crystal Cabinet", a poem by William Blake.

To unsubscribe, e-mail:   
For additional commands, e-mail: 

3 exquisite lines from my tomcat.log beg for your interpretation.

2002-07-13 Thread Christopher Mark Balz

Running Tomcat 3.2 on Win2K.  Using Emacs and Cygwin dev tools.

Can anyone tell me what the following error messages from tomcat.log 
might imply is wrong with my web application or dev environment?

2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): 400 R( /) null
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IOException in: R( /) error while writing 
to socket
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IllegalStateException in: R( /) Current 
state = FLUSHED, new state = CODING

The whole log from startup of Tomcat is below.  I am running a servlet 
under ssl that accepts a form value from a web page (http form) and 
performs a corresponding database query and returns the results to the 
client.  It was working fine, and the only thing that changed I believe 
is that my laptop went into auto-shutdown mode once when it was running 
from its battery.

Full contents of tomcat.log:
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /examples )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): Set debug to 9
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /dynasurv )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /admin )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /dynasurv.tar.gz )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( / )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( 
/olddynasurv.tar.gz )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx(  )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /test )
2002-07-13 22:24:46 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): XmlReader - init  /dynasurv 
2002-07-13 22:24:46 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): Reading C:\Program 
2002-07-13 22:24:47 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): Loading -2147483646 jsp
2002-07-13 22:24:48 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting HttpConnectionHandler 
on 8080
2002-07-13 22:24:48 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting HttpConnectionHandler 
on 8443
2002-07-13 22:24:48 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting Ajp12ConnectionHandler 
on 8007
2002-07-13 22:24:52 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): Get real path 
/static/QueryTool/index.html C:\Program 
C:\Program Files\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.4\webapps\dynasurv
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): 400 R( /) null
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IOException in: R( /) error while writing 
to socket
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IllegalStateException in: R( /) Current 
state = FLUSHED, new state = CODING
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IllegalStateException in: R( /) Current 
state = FLUSHED, new state = CODING
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IllegalStateException in: R( /) Current 
state = FLUSHED, new state = CODING
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IllegalStateException in: R( /) Current 
state = FLUSHED, new state = CODING
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IllegalStateException in: R( /) Current 
state = FLUSHED, new state = CODING

". . . / This Cabinet is formd of Gold / And Pearl & Crystal shining bright
And within it opens into a World / . . .
Another England there I saw / Another London with its Tower
Another Thames & other Hills / And another pleasant Surrey Bower
. . ."
- from "The Crystal Cabinet", a poem by William Blake.

To unsubscribe, e-mail:   
For additional commands, e-mail: 

Servlet dying silently under ssl.

2002-07-12 Thread Christopher Mark Balz

Running tomcat 3.2 on Win2K with MySql.  Use Cygwin and Emacs dev

I have a simple servlet running under ssl (public-private key) that is 
dying silently and unexpectedly.  It was working flawlessly and then 
stopped working without there being any change anywhere on my entire 
machine that I would notice as something that would cause the servlet to 
die silently (can't get any logging).  I don't know where to look next 
for the problem and hope for some suggestions.

Prior to my latest reboot, I couldn't even 'tail' my tomcat.log.  At 
that time when I ran this very simple servlet that was just working 
recently, tomcat.log became 416 Kb and wouldn't 'tail'.  The servlet 
accepts a 'post'-method http form submission, and other servlets that do 
the same but not under ssl still run fine.

I can get no 'servlet.log''s from the servlet that is dying.  Two 
reboots ago, tomcat.log was also huge and showed what appeared to be
low-level i/o errors from running the dying servlet.  The symptoms on 
the client are that after http form submission the page just flashes 
(refreshes) and resets itself, with no server error message.

The only defining change from when the dying servlet used to work that
I can see is that the machine (a laptop running Win2K) shut itself
down when on battery -- perhaps it ran low on juice.  But all else works 
fine and since then I've shutdown and rebooted three times, to no avail.

web.xml and the simple servlet in question are below, as well as a 
relevant section from servlet.xml, and the tomcat.log and servlet.log 
from my latest reboot and attempt.

Any clues?

2002-07-11 22:07:54 - path="/examples" :jsp: init
2002-07-11 22:07:54 - path="/dynasurv" :jsp: init
2002-07-11 22:07:54 - path="/admin" :jsp: init
2002-07-11 22:07:54 - path="/dynasurv.tar.gz" :jsp: init
2002-07-11 22:07:54 - path="/" :jsp: init
2002-07-11 22:07:54 - path="/olddynasurv.tar.gz" :jsp: init
2002-07-11 22:07:55 - path="" :jsp: init
2002-07-11 22:07:55 - path="/test" :jsp: init

2002-07-11 22:07:45 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /examples )
2002-07-11 22:07:45 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): Set debug to 9
2002-07-11 22:07:45 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /dynasurv )
2002-07-11 22:07:45 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /admin )
2002-07-11 22:07:45 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /dynasurv.tar.gz )
2002-07-11 22:07:45 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( / )
2002-07-11 22:07:45 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( 
/olddynasurv.tar.gz )
2002-07-11 22:07:45 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx(  )
2002-07-11 22:07:45 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /test )
2002-07-11 22:07:54 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): XmlReader - init  /dynasurv 
2002-07-11 22:07:54 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): Reading C:\Program 
2002-07-11 22:07:54 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): Loading -2147483646 jsp
2002-07-11 22:07:55 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting HttpConnectionHandler 
on 8080
2002-07-11 22:07:56 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting HttpConnectionHandler 
on 8443
2002-07-11 22:07:56 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting Ajp12ConnectionHandler 
on 8007
2002-07-11 22:21:22 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): Get real path 
/static/QueryTool/index.html C:\Program 
C:\Program Files\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.4\webapps\dynasurv
2002-07-11 22:26:06 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): Get real path 
/static/QueryTool/index.html C:\Program 
C:\Program Files\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.4\webapps\dynasurv
2002-07-11 22:26:13 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): Get real path 
/static/QueryTool/index.html C:\Program 
C:\Program Files\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.4\webapps\dynasurv
2002-07-11 22:26:17 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): Get real path 
/static/QueryTool/index.html C:\Program 
C:\Program Files\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.4\webapps\dynasurv

 >From server.xml:


 >From web.xml:";>





