Re: context.xml created by Ant not discovered by Tomcat

2005-05-06 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
Matt Galvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yes, there is, I usually put them in:
Could you post the contents of your context file? Maybe something
needs to be tweak possibly.
Here is context.xml...




As you can see, I'm using a MySQL database. Also, apparently I DON'T have this 
problem when using Tomcat 5.5.9 (at first, it appeared that I did have the 
problem with 5.5.9, but after a restart of Tomcat and a reboot of the machine, 
it worked as desired, but I don't think I should've needed to reboot) - and I 
notice that the default Balancer app seems to use the same thing. So perhaps 
this is a 5.5.x-only thing?

Lynn Hollerman.
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context.xml created by Ant not discovered by Tomcat

2005-05-05 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
I am attempting to get some JDBC parameters passed from Ant to a Tomcat 
.xml file. The idea is for an Ant target to create a file called 
context.xml and place it in /webapps//META-INF/ - and 
THERE IS NO .war FILE INVOLVED. Upon startup, Tomcat will discover the file in 
that /META-INF directory and copy/move it to /conf///, where the JDBC parameters in it will then be used for the 

However, this doesn't work. I have tried both Tomcat 5.0.28 and 5.5.9. I have 
read over the docs, and from them, it appears that what I want to do is correct 
in theory. I read thru the archives of this list, and I found a message 
seemingly asking the same things I am - as in, does context.xml have to be in a 
.war and where should it be placed for a web application; the response to this 
was: "The META-INF/context.xml file is only consulted if inside a .war. 
Otherwise, put the config.xml file in the webapps directory itself (if 
autodeploy is on, which is the default), or whatever directory you designate as 
the Host's appBase(tomcat 4), or the /conf/[engine name]/[host name] directory 
(tomcat 5)."

I have moved context.xml to all the various places described above and 
restarted, all with no success. Same with renaming it - it doesn't appear to 
matter whether the file is called context.xml or .xml.

So, IS there a way to do what I'm trying to do?
Lynn Hollerman.
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Re: Session lost when switching from https to http in Tomcat 5.

2005-04-28 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
"Anhony" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am using Tomcat 5.0.28
Users log into my application from  When 
submitted, I check for a valid userID/Password, create a session with 
getSession(), and then save the userID/Password in a session variable. 
The validated user is then returned to my main tools page. If the user 
then selects a link to a non secure page, http://..., I get a return of 
null when performing getSession( false) when trying to check that the 
user is valid.
I am using Tomcat 5.0.16. An https session will have a different JSESSIONID than 
a http session, so Tomcat will think going from one to another is stating a new 
session. The JESSIONID is stored as a secure cookie when you start from https; 
get this cookie and re-add it to the response as a non-secure cookie
(setSecure(false)), and then redirect to the http page.

Lynn Hollerman.
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2005-03-03 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
I inherited an application recently that uses Tomcat 5.0.16. I know that 
previous to Tomcat 5,  elements were in Tomcat's server.xml, but with 
Tomcat 5 it is recommended that  elements be in their own .xml files 
under /conf/Catalina//. In this application, however, there are  
elements in BOTH places - when this is the case, does one overwrite the other, 
do they "cancel" one another out, what?

Lynn Hollerman.
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2005-01-14 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
I was recently given a new application to maitain. It uses Tomcat 5.0.16 and an 
Oracle database. I have used various versions of Tomcat to work with 
applications on two other kinds of databases, one of which uses DBCP, so I am 
somewhat familiar with the needed parameters and went to the Tomcat JNDI HOW-TO 
and the Tomcat Configuration Reference to refresh my memory on just what this 
was doing, but I have to admit I don't completely understand this - what I have 
included is the .xml file for the "new" application. What I don't 
understand is that first  set of statements - it appears to be 
saying to look at the "database" of users in the tomcat-users.xml file in /conf 
- but why? That file hasn't been altered to contain anything but the defaults, 
and the person that gave me the "new" app was the one that set up Tomcat for it, 
so I assume its set up as needed! Also, why is there no factory in the 2nd 
 in this file? I thought one was needed. The person that gave me 
this said DBCP was implemented, but I don't see how this would do it.





Could someone please explain to me just how this is using DBCP?
Lynn Hollerman.
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What does this mean? (Tomcat manager)

2004-12-13 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
In using the Tomcat manager app with 5.0.16, we got some odd results when our
backend database started acting funny and then crashed; I'm just curious as to
whether the results we saw on the Tomcat manager indicate that there's something
I should be looking at.
Specifically, what I saw was that the "Current thread count" and "Current thread
busy" on our http connector both specified NEGATIVE values soon after the
database started having trouble, and on our https connector, the value listed
for both items was "0". There were no errors in the catalina.out that appeared
to be related to this - naturally, our database log had plenty of errors. But
what I want to assure myself is that Tomcat was operating as intended - or does
the display of either of those values have a particular significance to Tomcat?
Lynn Hollerman.
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RE: SocketException

2004-11-12 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
"Peter Crowther" wrote:
SEVERE: Remote Host / SocketException: Invalid argument

Hmm.  An EINVAL from the socket layer.
Are you running UNIX or Windows?  Depending on which, I'd get hold of a
system call tracer (Unix) or TDImon (Windows), monitor until you got the
error, and then look through the logfile to see which system call was
giving you the error back.  That might give you some insight into what
your system is doing when this occurs...
I'm on a Solaris system. So I take it you mean something like truss or truss
itself? I think I tried that once and gave up for some reason - I'll have to go
back to my notes to see why, I could've just run out of time.
Do you know why this error might occur? I think the thing I'm really looking for
is to see if there's something I need to do on the server end, or if it's a
client problem. And I never see the error on my test server, just on the
production one that has a greater load - the error doesn't SEEM to hurt
anything, but then again catalina.out classifies it as SEVERE, so maybe there's
something to it that I'm missing!
Thanks for your help!
Lynn Hollerman.
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2004-11-12 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
As I have mentioned in the past, I am still getting this error in my 
Nov 12, 2004 5:03:19 AM runIt
SEVERE: Remote Host / SocketException: Invalid argument
This is the complete text of the error - no stack trace, nothing more.I am using 
Tomcat 5.0.16 and this is the error I get; I got a similar error using 4.1.24. 
The error isn't constant, and I don't know how to reproduce it. I don't think it 
has anything to do with the number of open files or memory; I have looked into 
the possibility that the error might be due to either of those (after reading 
some comments I found after searching on Google and the archives of this list) 
and I think I've eliminated those possibilities. Does anyone have any idea what 
might cause this error?

Lynn Hollerman.
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Re: Active connections in db pool

2004-10-29 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
"Trond G. Ziarkowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is there a way of finding out how many commections which are currently 
active when using a db connection pool? I got this error message in my 
logs: "Cannot get a connection, pool exhausted". When I increased the 
number of mxActive the error message of course disappeared. I tripled 
the number of connections just to make sure that it will not happen 
again for some while, but I would like to check the value from time to 
time so I can increase it yet again if that would be necessary or 
decrease it if I really needed just oldMax + 10.
I had the same question - what I ended up doing was searching thru the docs 
about DBCP as well as reading the Wiki for DBCP. It was a few months back, but 
there I found some discussion about doing this and a .jsp that the developer 
used for testing - I'd post it for you, but I had to make a lot of alterations 
to it to get it to provide all the info I needed, and I'm afraid I didn't keep 
track of what I was adding and subtracting!

Lynn Hollerman.
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JAAS and Tomcat

2004-09-21 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
Question - I have a webapp that does its own authentication. I use Tomcat as my 
servlet container. If I want to use JAAS for that application, with it doing 
authentication (and not Tomcat), I don't need to set Tomcat up for JAAS, do I?

Lynn Hollerman.
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Re: SocketException

2004-09-01 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
Hollerman Geralyn M wrote:
I am getting this error in catalina.out:
Sep 1, 2004 12:41:43 PM runIt
SEVERE: Remote Host / SocketException: Invalid argument
(this is the entire message)
I am running Tomcat 5.0.16, going against a MySQL 4.0.17 database; JDK 
1.4.2_05 is used on this Solaris 5.8 system. Apache (2.0.50) is used in 
a sort of uncommon way: all it does is redirect requests (using 
mod_rewrite), as there are at least 2 domain names that can be used to 
get to the same place - Tomcat is ultimately all that is used.

Since the application I'm running is for students and the fall semester 
has recently begun, the load has increased significantly in the past few 
weeks. I have a development system, and I never see this error on there; 
I have only seen it on our production system, in the past few weeks, 
under the higher load. I *suspect* that the error is caused by some user 
action, as in pressing the "Back" button or repeatedly clicking 
somewhere - my suspicion is based on the fact that several of us in my 
building have tried to produce this error but are unable to, but then 
again, we know what to expect, what to do, and what not to do when it 
comes to this application!
Some more info on this - I was looking around my logs files, and found that I 
also saw this message in Tomcat 4.1.24, but there was a different, longer error 
message: Invalid argument
at Method)

although, it appears that at the time this error message was generated, Tomcat 
was throwing an OutofMemory error - I'm not sure if one had anything to do with 
the other, but judging from the date on the log, that was an error we were 
getting often at that time...

Hope this helps!
Lynn Hollerman.
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2004-09-01 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
I am getting this error in catalina.out:
Sep 1, 2004 12:41:43 PM runIt
SEVERE: Remote Host / SocketException: Invalid argument
(this is the entire message)
I am running Tomcat 5.0.16, going against a MySQL 4.0.17 database; JDK 1.4.2_05 
is used on this Solaris 5.8 system. Apache (2.0.50) is used in a sort of 
uncommon way: all it does is redirect requests (using mod_rewrite), as there are 
at least 2 domain names that can be used to get to the same place - Tomcat is 
ultimately all that is used.

Since the application I'm running is for students and the fall semester has 
recently begun, the load has increased significantly in the past few weeks. I 
have a development system, and I never see this error on there; I have only seen 
it on our production system, in the past few weeks, under the higher load. I 
*suspect* that the error is caused by some user action, as in pressing the 
"Back" button or repeatedly clicking somewhere - my suspicion is based on the 
fact that several of us in my building have tried to produce this error but are 
unable to, but then again, we know what to expect, what to do, and what not to 
do when it comes to this application!

Has anyone seen this? Any ideas?
Lynn Hollerman.
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Tomcat Status page

2004-06-30 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
Another question about the Tomcat status page -
Concerning the list of requests for a particular connector -
Is there anything in particular pointed to if one (or more) requests remains 
until a restart of the server? I have seen times in the "Time" column (which I 
understand indicates the elasped time in processing the request) that are in the 
 hundreds of millions of ms. However, there ARE requests that come and go as 
expected. Do the long-lasting ones indicate an error, and if so, what would tell 
me if the error is in the code or some user or network problem?

Lynn Hollerman.
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Tomcat status

2004-06-15 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
I have been looking for some information on the Tomcat status page in Tomcat 5 - 
can anyone tell me if information about how to read that page (past the obvious) 
is on-line somewhere? I must've missed it. The Tomcat docs talk about how it's a 
JMX proxy servlet, and a lot of the page is self-explanatory, but I don't know 
what some of the entries mean...

Lynn Hollerman.
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2004-06-02 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
I saw the JFluid tool from Sun mentioned on this list - just out of curiousity, 
has anyone tried it? Any comments, tips, advice on using it?

Lynn Hollerman.
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Tomcat start-up

2004-05-19 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
I started up my Tomcat 5.0.16 server the other afternoon at about 4pm. A few 
hours later, I happened to look at the log, and found these entries:

May 18, 2004 6:42:47 PM org.apache.struts.util.PropertyMessageResources 
INFO: Initializing, config='org.apache.struts.taglib.html.LocalStrings', 
May 18, 2004 6:42:47 PM org.apache.struts.util.PropertyMessageResources 
INFO: Initializing, config='org.apache.struts.util.LocalStrings', returnNull=true
May 18, 2004 6:42:47 PM org.apache.struts.util.PropertyMessageResources 
INFO: Initializing, config='org.apache.struts.taglib.bean.LocalStrings', 
May 18, 2004 6:42:47 PM org.apache.struts.util.PropertyMessageResources 
INFO: Initializing, config='org.apache.struts.taglib.html.LocalStrings', 

They appear to be perfectly normal initialization messages - but I'm not using 
Struts. What caused them to appear a few hours after I had started the server, 
rather than at startup with all the other initialization messages? Does this 
indicate a problem, or can I safely disregard these?

Lynn Hollerman.
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Re: maxThreads

2004-05-11 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
At 03:03 AM 5/11/2004 +, Bill Barker wrote:

By default, Tomcat will start maxThreads/2 threads incase it needs lots of
threads in a hurry.  Almost all of them will be blocked, so there 
isn't that much OS overhead in creating them.  However, if you set the
'maxSpareThreads' attribute on the connector, then you can keep Tomcat 
to a relatively small number of threads unless it actually has to handle a
large number of requests.
Ok, so if my maxThreads is 1000, at startup there will be 500 threads
created? I thought it just created the number in minSpareThreads and built
on that, no? In the situation we're using Tomcat, there will be a large
number of requests - for about the next week, as students get their grades
- and then things will calm down somewhat. Our system is forever exceeding
maxThreads, and all increasing that attribute does is make the system
exceed it faster. That doesn't seem correct.

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2004-05-10 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
Evidently, I'm misunderstanding something about the maxThreads attribute on the 
HTTP ; I saw from the docs that in Tomcat 5.0.19, this is the maximum 
number of request processing threads to be created by this connector. So, what 
that said to me was that if I wanted to allow lots of requests, I ought to make 
that number larger than the default, which the docs say is 200. I also assumed 
that this attribute, maxThreads, is similar to the "maxProcessors" attribute 
that was used in, for instance, Tomcat 4.0.4. When we were using Tomcat 4.0.4, 
we often got the message "No processor available, rejecting this connection", 
and the way I was told to correct that error was to increase maxProcessors, and 
this worked fine. But to correct another problem, we were told to upgrade to 
4.1.24, and then to 5.0.16.

However, I have noticed that with maxThreads, if I increase the value, the 
number of threads I see on a Solaris 8 system grows quickly, like it's trying to 
meet whatever limit I set; it's as if I make that value larger, thinking that 
that increase is what Tomcat needs, the number of threads gets to that limit 
quicker. This can't be right. What am I missing?


Lynn Hollerman.
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Re: secureCookie parameter for Tomcat 5.0.19?

2004-05-05 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
Tim Funk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This was discussed a few times in the past and there might be a 
bugzilla report. If you submit a patch - it might have a chance at 
being committed - but the past discussions tried to discourage the 
proposed functionality.

A workaround might be to "RESET" (that is, resend) the cookie without 
the SECURE flag turned on.



Hello configuration gurus,

I recently upgraded to Tomcat 5.0.19, and I wonder if there is a 
to this problem yet.  The problem is that in the Tomcat 4 (and 
Tomcat 5) series, tomcat forces it so that if a session starts under
https, then the session cookie is FORCED to be secure.

I understand that this is to protect people from having hijacked 
as a general case.  However, there are some of us that manage this on 
own (sending our own secure cookie that we use to make sure https pages
aren't hijacked), and we would like our session cookie to be 
available to
http AND https, as we move back and forth through those pages depending
on the sensitivity of the content.

If the session is created under http, then it is available to http and
https.  The problem only happens when the session is created under 
And, unfortunately, my app has quite a few places where the session 
to be created under https, but needs to be available to http and https
This is EXACTLY what I just figured out was happening to me under 5.0.16; in my 
app, it looked like some session information wasn't getting passed. My solution 
was to get the secure cookie, make in "un-secure", and put it back so when my 
app switched to http after https authentication, that cookie would be found. But 
then, I'm fortunate in that there's only one place in my code where this 
happens, so I had a minimal amount of code to change. It would be nice if an 
https-generated cookie was available to both http and https on a configurable basis.

Lynn Hollerman.
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Apache security certificate vs. Tomcat security certificate

2004-04-02 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
I currently have Tomcat 5.0.16 running using the SSL connector and a self-signed 
certificate - I followed the directions in the Tomcat SSL HOW-TO in how to 
create the certificate and set up Tomcat for SSL. This is running with no 
problems in my development environment.

I have been asked to put SSL on our production Tomcat. It is also v 5.0.16. My 
sysadmin gave me two files he uses for Apache, running with SSL, on another 
system; he said he thought I would need them. They are called server.crt and 
server.key - he said he was giving me the certificate and the key for it. How do 
I intergrate this with Tomcat? How does this correspond to what I've got for 
Tomcat - I presume that the .crt file is like the .cer file I exported from 
cacerts.jks (my keystore), but what does the .key file correspond to? How does 
that fit in?

Lynn Hollerman.
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SocketException and NullPointerException

2004-03-22 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
I have 2 errors in my catalina.out that I'm trying to chase down, and for both 
I've about come up with zero in terms of figuring out what's causing them and/or 
how to "fix" them. I'd appreciate ANY ideas/suggestions/comments!

The first is of the form

Mar 22, 2004 8:38:32 AM runIt
SEVERE: Remote Host / SocketException: Invalid argument
This one shows up somewhat sporadically - some days there will be several, other 
days, none.

The second looks like

StandardWrapperValve[uPortal]: Servlet.service() for servlet uPortal threw exception
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NullPointerException
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.jasig.portal.UserInstance.renderState(
at org.jasig.portal.UserInstance.writeContent(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
[...] (I can give you the full trace, but it's long and ugly - I think you get 
the idea here)

Now, I know this one has something to do with the XML parser and probably the 
stylesheet used - something that's passed is null for some reason, and as far as 
the program is concerned, it shouldn't be. What could cause this? I get this 
error from our production system - I'm running the same version of Tomcat 
(5.0.16) on a development system as well, and the error never shows up there. I 
have the same versions of XML parsers on both boxes - the .class files in them 
that are used in the stack trace (like TransformerImpl) are the same on both 
systems (yes, I checked.). I'd really like to get this fixed - the server 
appears to start-up fine, with no errors listed.

Thanks for any feedback!!
Lynn Hollerman.
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Re: cookies, Safari, and Tomcat

2004-02-11 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
Aadi Deshpande wrote:
Hollerman Geralyn M wrote:

I'm trying to figure out some behavior I'm seeing only when I use 
Safari (v1.25? - downloaded from the Apple site last week) and Tomcat. 
This involves cookies. I am using Tomcat 5.0.16. I have written a 
servlet that sends a cookie back to the server for use later on; I can 
see this cookie when using Mozilla, Netscape, or IE when I look at a 
list of cookies. I also see the JESSIONID cookie that Tomcat uses in 
this list. However, when I use Safari, I see the JESSIONID cookie, but 
not the cookie I created. I'm not sure what the reason is for this; if 
I didn't do something in my code, I'd like to find out what it is, and 
for this I'd imagine I'd have to look thru the Tomcat source and see 
what's done when the JSESSIONID cookie is created. Unfortunately, I 
can't seem to find this.

Has anyone seen this behavior before? How should I deal with it? Or 
can someone point me to the program where the JESSSIONID cookie for 
Tomcat is created?


What is the cookie version of the cookie that you created?  We've 
noticed some odd behaviour when using cookies and that magically went 
away when we started using version  0 cookies.
I have tried creating both version 0 and version 1 cookies; it doesn't
appear to matter - the behavior is the same.
Also, I have been told that "the bug that affected Safari and cookies
has been repaired prior to (the version I am using) of Safari"; it's
entirely possible that this is a different cookie problem with Safari, tho!
Lynn Hollerman.

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cookies, Safari, and Tomcat

2004-02-11 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
I'm trying to figure out some behavior I'm seeing only when I use Safari 
(v1.25 - downloaded from the Apple site last week) and Tomcat. This 
involves cookies. I am using Tomcat 5.0.16. I have written a servlet 
that sends a cookie back to the server for use later on; I can see this 
cookie when using Mozilla, Netscape, or IE when I look at a list of 
cookies. I also see the JESSIONID cookie that Tomcat uses in this list. 
However, when I use Safari, I see the JESSIONID cookie, but not the 
cookie I created. I'm not sure what the reason is for this; if I didn't 
do something in my code, I'd like to find out what it is, and for this 
I'd imagine I'd have to look thru the Tomcat source and see what's done 
when the JSESSIONID cookie is created. Unfortunately, I can't seem to 
find this.

Has anyone seen this behavior before? How should I deal with it? Or can 
someone point me to the program where the JESSSIONID cookie for Tomcat 
is created?

Lynn Hollerman.
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SEVERE: in startup of TC 5.0.16

2004-01-16 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
I am receiving a SEVERE: error in my startup of Tomcat 5.0.16; also, in 
my catalina_log I get the message: StandardContext[/balancer]Exception 
starting filter BalancerFilter
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/digester/Digester
None of this seems to effect the startup or running of TC 5.0.16 or any 
of my webapps that I can see, but I'd like to know if this indicates 
there's something wrong that I need to look into. I'm testing Tomcat 
5.0.16 using JDK 1.4.2_b28 on a Solaris 8 system.

Here is a snippet of my catalina.out:
Jan 15, 2004 2:30:14 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost getDeployer
INFO: Create Host deployer for direct deployment ( non-jmx )
Jan 15, 2004 2:30:14 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostDeployer 
INFO: Installing web application at context path /jsp-examples from URL 
Jan 15, 2004 2:30:19 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostDeployer 
INFO: Installing web application at context path /tomcat-docs from URL 
Jan 15, 2004 2:30:21 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostDeployer 
INFO: Installing web application at context path /servlets-examples from 
Jan 15, 2004 2:30:25 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostDeployer 
INFO: Installing web application at context path /balancer from URL 
Jan 15, 2004 2:30:27 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start
SEVERE: Error filterStart
Jan 15, 2004 2:30:27 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start
SEVERE: Context startup failed due to previous errors
Jan 15, 2004 2:30:29 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start
INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on port 8080
Jan 15, 2004 2:30:32 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start
INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on port 8443
Jan 15, 2004 2:30:32 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 41919 ms

My apps startup just fine, and there aren't any errors related to this 
in  their logs. In looking thru the archives, I saw mention of this 
being related to commons-digester.jar, but nothing about what to do to 
"fix" this problem. Any suggestions?

Lynn Hollerman.
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REPOST: /devices/pseudo/mm@0:null

2003-12-16 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
While using Tomcat, I have often encountered a problem (a with "Too many open files". I understand that
to combat this, I need to up the limit on file descriptors in my Solaris
8 system (ulimit command). The system went from 256 -> 1024 descriptors,
but I still get the error, and in listing the open files, I will see
"/devices/pseudo/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:null" as being used by my Tomcat process - over
and over and over. I take it the Tomcat process is writing to "null"? Is
it supposed to do that - or so much of it? Or does this indicate a
problem somewhere?

Lynn Hollerman.

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Re: /devices/pseudo/mm@0:null

2003-12-12 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
Ralph Einfeldt wrote:

Although my solaris days are long gone I would guess that 
this aren't 'real files' but memory mapped files.

Are you shure that there are several handles on the same file, 
or is the same handle just reuses several times ?
I agree, I think they're memory mapped files, but I don't see why there 
are all those entries. I did an "fuser -u /devices/pseudo/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:null" to 
see the processes associated with those "files", and got several PIDs, 
including my Tomcat process. "lsof" shows all the open files - and there 
are hundreds for Tomcat, and they all appear to be the same thing. Why 
are there so many, used over and over?

Lynn Hollerman.
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: Re: /devices/pseudo/mm@0:null

2003-12-12 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
Antonio Fiol BonnĂ­n wrote:

Not that I have used Tomcat on Solaris a lot, but I have never seen 
that file.

A general advice is to check that you close everything you open.
That's just it - I never open /devices/pseudo/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:null! Something 
obviously IS opening it - but how do I find out what and close it?

Lynn Hollerman.

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2003-12-12 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
While using Tomcat, I have often encountered a problem (a with "Too many open files". I understand that 
to combat this, I need to up the limit on file descriptors in my Solaris 
8 system (ulimit command). The system went from 256 -> 1024 descriptors, 
but I still get the error, and in listing the open files, I will see 
"/devices/pseudo/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:null" as being used by my Tomcat process - over 
and over and over. I take it the Tomcat process is writing to "null"? Is 
it supposed to do that - or so much of it? Or does this indicate a 
problem somewhere?


Lynn Hollerman.

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Re: Tomcat problems every morning.

2003-06-02 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
On Sun, 01 Jun 2003 18:14:05 -0700, Hemendra Rana wrote
> Are you using mysql database on the backend too. Someone here 
> pointed out that by default, mysql driver times out after every 8 
> hours. I still needs to verify whether that is the cause of my 
> problem though. Will let you know of my finds.

Why, yes, I am. And I thought perhaps MySQL was the problem - but I was told
by some people using Oracle and PostgreSQL databases that they'd seen the
problem as well. I tried putting in some code to set the driver time-out
value, but evidently I didn't do it correctly, as the problem persisted. I
don't see the error with versions of Tomcat previous to 4.1.x, tho.

Lynn Hollerman.

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Re: Tomcat problems every morning.

2003-06-02 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
On Sun, 01 Jun 2003 10:31:15 -0700, Hemendra Rana wrote
> I am running Tomcat 4.1.24 server on Linux and every morning I get 
> the following exception. Things work perfectly fine throughout the 
> day after I restart the Tomcat server. Any ideas? Could this be a 
> logger issue, because my server logs rotate every night.
> 2003-06-01 08:32:31 ApplicationDispatcher[] Servlet.service() for 
> servlet jsp threw exception
> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Communication link failure: 

I had this same error using 4.1.12 - it seemed like it would happen after
about every 8 hours - a default timeout, perhaps? I was never able to find the
reason for it - the advice I got was to re-start the server every morning, and
I really don't like doing that...

Any ideas?


Lynn Hollerman.

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Re: Thanks to John and Geralyn

2003-06-01 Thread Hollerman Geralyn M
On Sun, 1 Jun 2003 14:56:19 +0800, joe wrote
> coyote. What should be the proper way to build mod-jk2? or can i 
> just use the binary version available on apache website which is 
> meant for apache 2.0.42, wherelse i'm using
> 2.0.46?

I used both a version of mod_jk2 that my sysadmin built (he is root on the
system - and he's built Apache connectors for other things) and a binary (I
think it was said it was for Apache 2.0.43? There were only 3 of them there
for Solaris8 - I believe this was on the standard Apache-Tomcat connectors
site) that I downloaded; both worked for me running Apache 2.0.45. As far as
which was fast or more efficient, that's to be determined later!

Lynn Hollerman.

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