JNDI context read only ??.

2003-10-08 Thread Michael Remijan

I want to put an object into the JNDI context, but I get an exception that
says the context is read only.  Is there a way to make it writable?

Context ctx = (Context) new InitialContext().lookup(java:comp/env);
ctx = ctx.createSubcontext(glqso);
ctx.bind(ResourceManager, _rm);


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Where does system.out go?

2003-10-08 Thread Michael Remijan

In a JSP page i'm doing some testing.  I have System.out.println()
statements in there temporarily.  Anyone know where they go?  I checked
the Context's logger that they are not there.


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RE: HTTP 404 on j_security_check

2002-09-11 Thread Michael Remijan


My solution was to bypass it all together.  I wanted to use that realm in order to 
enable single sign on for multiple webapps.  After a week of struggling with problems 
exactly like you described, I finally gave up.  After thinking for a few minutes I 
guessed (correctly) that single sign on after authentication can be accomplished 
easily by setting a cookie (which is what the catalina code does) since a cookie can 
easily survive between calls to different webapps.  I had already had code in my 
servlet and jsp pages to check for a logged In object in the users session.  I just 
modified it slightly to check for the cookie as well.  It works great and I don't have 
any of the issues of redirecting to pages that come with using the form based 


-Original Message-
From: Maxime Colas des Francs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 8:43 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: HTTP 404 on j_security_check


 I use a Form based authentification in web.xml :
 realm-nameAuthentication Area/realm-name

in login.jsp :
form method=GET action=j_security_check
input type=text name=j_username
input type=password name=j_password

authentification works great but after, if i click on the Back  button of
my browser to go back on the login page
and i try the authentification again, Tomcat launch a HTTP 404 error on
 (page refresh don't change anything)

in access.log (i protect /pages/* and login form is in /login.jsp): - - [10/Sep/2002:11:01:15 -0500] GET /pages/home.jsp HTTP/1.1
302 764 - - [10/Sep/2002:11:01:15 -0500] GET /login.jsp HTTP/1.1 200
7070 - - [10/Sep/2002:11:01:21 -0500] GET
/j_security_check?j_username=bobj_password=bob HTTP/1.1 302 764 - bob [10/Sep/2002:11:01:23 -0500] GET /pages/home.jsp HTTP/1.1
200 5018

here, all is ok , i'm authentified as bob (i think that 302 HTTP return code
is a good thing ? servlet redirection ??)
now i click on back button and attempt to re-authentifiate bob and ... - bob [10/Sep/2002:11:01:29 -0500] GET
/j_security_check?j_username=bobj_password=bob HTTP/1.1 404 734

404 error ...

Do you have a solution ?

Thanks a lot.

(bilingue english/french)

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RE: The requested resource (/login/j_security_check) is not available

2002-08-28 Thread Michael Remijan


this is one, of many frustrations that I found while experiementing with singleSignOn, 
realms, and defining secured areas in the webapp.  The main crux of the problem is 
that when you submit to /j_security_check there is no way to also specify where tomcat 
should re-direct to.  This works ok for simple cases. Example:

1) try to go to a secure page. 
2) tomcat intercepts and display login page 
3) user submits login page, tomcat display where user was trying to go in step #1

but when you start talking about using the back button, having servlets redirect to 
pages, having jsps redirect to pages, tomcat gets confused as to where to go after 
authenticating the user.  

Personally, I've given up on it.  So far it's been a lot of work without much benefit. 
 So instead, I'm going to set a cookie myself at path / and use that to authenticate 
users over multiple webapps, which should be what the single sign on valve is doing 


-Original Message-
From: Dick de Jong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 7:58 AM
Subject: The requested resource (/login/j_security_check) is not

Dear all,

I've installed tomcat4.0 and a simple website used for testing
authentication (JNDI Realm). I have the following problem. The
authentication (against LDAP) works fine. I'm redirected to the index.htm
page (simple main page). But when I press the back button and go back to the
login page and try to login again,  I get the following error message (this
does NOT happen when I explicitly logout (session.invalidate()) before).
Does anyone know whether this is a config error from my side or a bug in
tomcat? I prefer a declarative authentication above a programmatic

Error message:

Apache Tomcat/4.0.3 - HTTP Status 404 - /login/j_security_check

type Status report
message /login/j_security_check
description The requested resource (/login/j_security_check) is not

I'm using the following data :

== website structure 

== server.xml (Realm setup):

Context path=/TestLogin docBase=TestLogin debug=99
reloadable=true useNaming=true





== web.xml







== login.jsp page
% if (request.getParameter(mode) != null) { session.invalidate(); } %
body bgcolor=white
form method=POST action='j_security_check' 
  table border=0 cellspacing=5
  th align=rightUsername:/th
  td align=leftinput type=text name=j_username/td
  th align=rightPassword:/th
  td align=leftinput 

RE: JDBCRealm + Form Based Auth. How do I tell it were to go if loginis ok?

2002-08-28 Thread Michael Remijan


As of right now you can't!  tomcat relies on where the user was trying to go in order 
to figure out where to redirect to after the form is submitted.  Example:

1) try to get to /secure_html/prices.html
2) tomcat intercepts, displays login page, and remember where user was trying to go.
3) user submits, tomcat authenticats, tomcat redirects to location in step #1

If you search though the bug database (i think) a user posted an update to one of the 
catalina class files  that allowed for a j_url hidden tag in the form (or something 
like that name), and the updated code pulled that value out and redirect to that url.  
I haven't tried it and I don't think I will because I've given up on using tomcat's 
single sign on and authentication abilities.


-Original Message-
From: Alexander Wallace [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 3:18 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: JDBCRealm + Form Based Auth. How do I tell it were to go if
loginis ok?

Hello there. Very new to realms and java, so sorry if this is too

I have set up a JDBCRealm using PostgreSQL and it all seems to work, It
does connect and load the roles, and when I try to access protected
resources, it does go to the Form based login I specigy in web.xml and
the error page for that works too.

My question is, since the form action in the login page points to %=
response.encodeURL(j_security_check) %, how, or where do I specify
where my app goes after a succesful login?

Thanks in advance!

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how to delete a cookie?????

2002-08-27 Thread Michael Remijan


I'm testing the use of cookies by basically setting up a jsp page in two different 
contexts and flipping back and forth between them.  I've tried to delete the cookie by 
calling setMaxAge() with -1, 0, and 1 but i've not been able to been able to 
successfully delete the cookie, i.e when i flip to the other context i get my found 
cookie message instead of the cookie missing, adding a new one message.  Anyone 
been able to successfully delete a cookie?


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RE: how to delete a cookie?????

2002-08-27 Thread Michael Remijan

I was able to trace the source of the problem.  When I add the cookie I call 
setPath(/); because I want the cookie visible across multiple webapps.  However, 
when I get the cookie out of the response by calling getCookies(), the value of 
getPath() = null!  So it's like the path information disappeared or isn't being 
reconstructed correctly!  So after I get the cookie from the request, I call 
setPath(/) again and call setMaxAge(0), readd it to the response by calling 
addCookie(c) and with that the cookie was sucessfully deleted!  Not having the / 
path persisting really through me.  I didn't think of it because it seemed like such 
an obvious thing that tomcat would handle.  


-Original Message-
From: Milt Epstein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 3:42 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: how to delete a cookie?

On Tue, 27 Aug 2002, Michael Remijan wrote:


 I'm testing the use of cookies by basically setting up a jsp page in
 two different contexts and flipping back and forth between them.
 I've tried to delete the cookie by calling setMaxAge() with -1, 0,
 and 1 but i've not been able to been able to successfully delete the
 cookie, i.e when i flip to the other context i get my found cookie
 message instead of the cookie missing, adding a new one message.
 Anyone been able to successfully delete a cookie?

You don't specify fully what you're doing to delete the cookie.
Remember, after you set up the cookie (BTW, max age of 0 should delete
it), you need to add the cookie to the response.  Changing the cookie
in the request alone and/or not adding it to the response won't do

Milt Epstein
Research Programmer
Systems and Technology Services (STS)
Campus Information Technologies and Educational Services (CITES)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

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JDBCRealm - difference between no user/password and SQLException

2002-08-26 Thread Michael Remijan

Hi all,

Using the JDBCReal, you specify in web.xml what page to goto if there is an error
form-error-page.../form-error-page.  However, I believe that this page is used for 
both non fatal situations, like the the username/password doesn't exist, and for fatal 
situations, like if if the database is down.  Is there any way to tell the difference 
so that a relogin page can be displayed in one instance and a fatal error page in the 


-Original Message-
From: Barney Hamish [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 12:01 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: specify the url after j_security_check login

The user is directed to the login when they request a secure resource. If
they complete the login process successfully then they ar forwarded to the
page that they asked for previously.

-Original Message-
From: Michael Remijan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 6:53 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: specify the url after j_security_check login


is it possible to specify what url tomcat should goto after a
j_security_check login is successful instead of tomcat just loading what's
in your welcome-file-list ?


-Original Message-
From: Robert L Sowders [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2002 11:33 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Cc: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Tomcat + apache

Here you go Aaron,


This is an install for Win2k, Tomcat 4.1.8, JDSK1.4.0, mod_jk2  It' fairly 
easy to install.  Sorry, all I have right now is a Word Doc, but all the 
hyper links work, I think. 

If you want Apache with SSL then I can do that too, but it's more 

Yall have fun now, hear?


08/07/2002 02:29 AM
Please respond to Tomcat Users List

To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:RE: Tomcat + apache

Hi, I am using Windows 2000 Server instead of Linux. Anywhere I can go
to find help on setting up? Thanks.

Aaron Chan

-Original Message-
From: Simone Chiaretta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 7:57 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: R: Tomcat + apache

Ops, sorry
I forgot to mention

I've linux red hat 7.3
Tomcat 4.0.4
Apache 2.0.39
java 1.4.0

I've seen the 3 connectors
which is the best?

 -Messaggio originale-
 Da: Turner, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Inviato: martedì 6 agosto 2002 13.44
 A: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Oggetto: RE: Tomcat + apache

 To get tomcat to work with apache for serving mixed content, you will
 to choose a connector.  At this time, there are three to choose
 from: mod_jk
 (AJP), mod_webapp (WARP), and mod_jk2.  Then you configure apache to
 certain content, and send other content to tomcat via the connector

 Without knowing your platform and OS environment, there's no way to
 you to documentation on how to work with a connector.

 You can make the entire environment start at boot time quite
 easily.  Again,
 not knowing your environment, there's no way to point you to

 John Turner

 -Original Message-
 From: Simone Chiaretta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 7:28 AM
 Subject: Tomcat + apache

 Sorry for this questions that could have been already answered,
 but I didn't
 find anything on the net and the archive doesn't have a search

 I'm new in tomcat world, basically I'm a programmer but I've to
 setup a web
 server on linux with apache and tomcat.

 What I'd like to know is:
 1 -  How can I integrate apache 2.x with tomcat 4.0.4 (I mean
 having apache
 handle static files and php, while tomcat just handles java dynamic
 2 - How can I make this environment start at boot time.

 Thank you

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RE: Apache 2 and Tomcat 4

2002-08-12 Thread Michael Remijan


I do have this done.  Right now I'm thinking that it has to do with the Apache 
configuration.  If I have directory browsing turned on, and an index.html file is not 
found, then apache will display the directory.  I'm hoping that if I turn directory 
browsing off, and it doesn't find index.html it'll forward the request to tomcat.  
This sound like it'll work?


-Original Message-
From: Robert L Sowders [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 5:41 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Cc: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Apache 2 and Tomcat 4

You need to register the dairy as a Context in the server.xml file, 
something like this assuming the path is /dairy

Context path=/dairy docBase=diary debug=0 reloadable=true /

If your installation is working correctly at http://localhost:8080 then 
please read http://localhost:8080/tomcat-docs/appdev/index.html for an 
easy way to deploy applications under 4.1.x. using Ant.

Good luck


Michael Remijan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
08/11/2002 02:57 PM
Please respond to Tomcat Users List

To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:RE: Apache 2 and Tomcat 4


Yes, but I don't and can't use an index.html.  I need index.jsp so I can 
put a tag in the page that will do a redirect to another jsp page if need 
be.  I've setup workers2.properties like this:

info=Diary webapp in the default context

info=Prefix mapping

info=Prefix mapping

info=Extension mapping

but still get a directory listing when I goto http://localhost/diary or 
http://localhost/diary/  So it's like apache isn't forwarding this request to tomcat.  
If I put 
in http://localhost/diary/index.jsp it works fine.


-Original Message-
From: Robert L Sowders [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2002 6:37 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Apache 2 and Tomcat 4

Mod_jk2 doesn't have anything to do with the default index page.  That is 
up to Apache or Tomcat depending on what dirs Tomcat is mounting with 
mod_jk2.  This is determined in the works2.properties file in the 
APACHE_HOME\conf directory. (*.jsp)

Tomcat is set to recognize the index.jsp as the default in it's 
directories already.  If you just want a page to look at instead of the 
directory listing for the example directory then a simple index.html will 
do just fine.

Have a look at TOMCAT_HOME\examples\servlets\index.html or the 
TOMCAT_HOME\examples\jsp\index.html.  Apache will hand you these pages so 
there's no need to do a index.jsp.  Remember let Apache and Tomcat do 
their respective jobs, static for Apache, and jsp for Tomcat.

Michael Remijan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
08/05/2002 12:52 PM
Please respond to Tomcat Users List

To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:RE: Apache 2 and Tomcat 4


I tracked it down.  I've been using jdk1.4.1beta.  Once I downloaded and 
installed jdk1.4.0 it started to work.  How do I get mod_jk2 to recognize 
index.jsp as the default page.  I obviously need that other than a 
directory listing.  I have index.jsp added to DirectoryIndex in 
httpd.conf and I have the welcome-file-list set in the web.xml's


-Original Message-
From: Robert L Sowders [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2002 1:03 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Cc: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Apache 2 and Tomcat 4

Hey Mike,

What do the apache log files say?  Chck there to see any errors during 
startup for Tomcat.  Check your JAVA_HOME environment variable and path 
statement for accuracy.  You may also want to include the JAVA_HOME\bin 
dir in the path so the JAI is found.

Hope this helps.

Michael Remijan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
08/05/2002 09:50 AM
Please respond to Tomcat Users List

To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:RE: Apache 2 and Tomcat 4


I followed these steps but it doesn't appear to be working.  The 
stderr.log says:
TomcatStarter: main()
Try  org.apache.tomcat.startup.Main
Try  org.apache.catalina.startup.BootstrapService
Starting org.apache.catalina.startup.BootstrapService
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/xml/sax/InputSource
 at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native Method)
 at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
 at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

couple things about your post:
(1) you say
 Cut and paste the following jk2.properties file

automatically serve index.jsp

2002-08-12 Thread Michael Remijan

hi all,

I'm currently working on Apache 2.0.39 - tomcat-4.1.8 with mod_jk2 and jdk1.4.0_01.  
I've posted previously about apache giving a directory listing instead of returning 
index.jsp.  The only way I've been able to get around this problem is editing the 
workers2.properties file to include a mapping to the whole webapp...

- workers2.properties (snippet) ---
info=Map the whole webapp

I have an alias and directory in httpd.conf set up as follows

- httpd.conf (snippet) 
## diary webapp
Alias /diary C:/apps/Tomcat/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.8-LE-jdk14/webapps/diary

Directory C:/apps/Tomcat/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.8-LE-jdk14/webapps/diary
Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews IncludesNoExec
AddOutputFilter Includes html htm gif jpeg jpg
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

The question I have is, because of mapping the whole webapp in the workers2.properties 
file, will that basically override apache serving static content?  I assuming it would 
 but I don't have the time to go digging around in the connector's source.


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RE: automatically serve index.jsp

2002-08-12 Thread Michael Remijan


Yes I did.  In fact it was the first thing I tried.  I also tried getting rid of the 
AddOutputFilter snippet of the Directory tag thinking it was preventing apache 
from loading the jsp page.   that didn't work either.


-Original Message-
From: Steve Prior [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 12:53 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: automatically serve index.jsp

You're a little ahead of me in doing this, but did you try adding
index.jsp to a DirectoryIndex directive in Apache?

This was very obious to do in Apache 1.3, not sure as obvious in 2.0.


Michael Remijan wrote:
 hi all,
 I'm currently working on Apache 2.0.39 - tomcat-4.1.8 with mod_jk2 and 
jdk1.4.0_01.  I've posted previously about apache giving a directory listing instead 
of returning index.jsp.  The only way I've been able to get around this problem is 
editing the workers2.properties file to include a mapping to the whole webapp...
 - workers2.properties (snippet) ---
 info=Map the whole webapp
 I have an alias and directory in httpd.conf set up as follows
 - httpd.conf (snippet) 
 ## diary webapp
 Alias /diary C:/apps/Tomcat/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.8-LE-jdk14/webapps/diary
 Directory C:/apps/Tomcat/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.8-LE-jdk14/webapps/diary
 Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews IncludesNoExec
 AddOutputFilter Includes html htm gif jpeg jpg
 AllowOverride None
 Order allow,deny
 Allow from all
 The question I have is, because of mapping the whole webapp in the 
workers2.properties file, will that basically override apache serving static content? 
 I assuming it would  but I don't have the time to go digging around in the 
connector's source.
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RE: automatically serve index.jsp

2002-08-12 Thread Michael Remijan


having this snippet workers2.properties also works

- workers2.properties (snippet) ---
 info=Map the whole webapp


-Original Message-
From: Steve Prior [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 12:53 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: automatically serve index.jsp

You're a little ahead of me in doing this, but did you try adding
index.jsp to a DirectoryIndex directive in Apache?

This was very obious to do in Apache 1.3, not sure as obvious in 2.0.


Michael Remijan wrote:
 hi all,
 I'm currently working on Apache 2.0.39 - tomcat-4.1.8 with mod_jk2 and 
jdk1.4.0_01.  I've posted previously about apache giving a directory listing instead 
of returning index.jsp.  The only way I've been able to get around this problem is 
editing the workers2.properties file to include a mapping to the whole webapp...
 - workers2.properties (snippet) ---
 info=Map the whole webapp
 I have an alias and directory in httpd.conf set up as follows
 - httpd.conf (snippet) 
 ## diary webapp
 Alias /diary C:/apps/Tomcat/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.8-LE-jdk14/webapps/diary
 Directory C:/apps/Tomcat/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.8-LE-jdk14/webapps/diary
 Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews IncludesNoExec
 AddOutputFilter Includes html htm gif jpeg jpg
 AllowOverride None
 Order allow,deny
 Allow from all
 The question I have is, because of mapping the whole webapp in the 
workers2.properties file, will that basically override apache serving static content? 
 I assuming it would  but I don't have the time to go digging around in the 
connector's source.
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RE: automatically serve index.jsp

2002-08-12 Thread Michael Remijan


Nope, that does work either.  I've been using tomcat for a while so I've already tried 
the most of those kinds of things.

It looks to me like the mappings in the workers2.properties file is looked at first.  
If a matching is found, it is forwarded to tomcat.  If not, it goes to apache.  Since 
I have directory browsing for that directory off and no index.html I get apache's 
standard error message for not being able to see that file.  What I want apache to do 
is translate http://localhost/diary/ into http://localhost/diary/index.jsp.  can I do 
this with a redirect?


-Original Message-
From: Subir Sengupta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 1:24 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: automatically serve index.jsp

Put this in your web.xml



-Original Message-
From: Michael Remijan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 11:02 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: automatically serve index.jsp


having this snippet workers2.properties also works

- workers2.properties (snippet) ---
 info=Map the whole webapp


-Original Message-
From: Steve Prior [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 12:53 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: automatically serve index.jsp

You're a little ahead of me in doing this, but did you try adding
index.jsp to a DirectoryIndex directive in Apache?

This was very obious to do in Apache 1.3, not sure as obvious in 2.0.


Michael Remijan wrote:
 hi all,
 I'm currently working on Apache 2.0.39 - tomcat-4.1.8 with mod_jk2 and
jdk1.4.0_01.  I've posted previously about apache giving a directory listing
instead of returning index.jsp.  The only way I've been able to get around
this problem is editing the workers2.properties file to include a mapping to
the whole webapp...
 - workers2.properties (snippet)
 info=Map the whole webapp

 I have an alias and directory in httpd.conf set up as follows
 - httpd.conf (snippet)

 ## diary webapp
 Alias /diary C:/apps/Tomcat/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.8-LE-jdk14/webapps/diary
 Directory C:/apps/Tomcat/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.8-LE-jdk14/webapps/diary
 Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews IncludesNoExec
 AddOutputFilter Includes html htm gif jpeg jpg
 AllowOverride None
 Order allow,deny
 Allow from all

 The question I have is, because of mapping the whole webapp in the
workers2.properties file, will that basically override apache serving static
content?  I assuming it would  but I don't have the time to go digging
around in the connector's source.
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RE: automatically serve index.jsp

2002-08-12 Thread Michael Remijan


Nope, I've tried that too.  and I'm using mod_jk2 so the JkMount doesn't apply


-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 2:19 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: automatically serve index.jsp

Add index.jsp in the DirectoryIndex statement of Apache. Also check
your JkMount statements. Apache needs to forward all jsps to Tomcat.


  Michael Remijan
  Michael.Remijan@sTo:   Tomcat Users List  
  olocup.com[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  08/12/02 02:03 PM Subject:  RE: automatically serve 
  Please respond to
  Tomcat Users


Nope, that does work either.  I've been using tomcat for a while so I've
already tried the most of those kinds of things.

It looks to me like the mappings in the workers2.properties file is looked
at first.  If a matching is found, it is forwarded to tomcat.  If not, it
goes to apache.  Since I have directory browsing for that directory off and
no index.html I get apache's standard error message for not being able to
see that file.  What I want apache to do is translate
http://localhost/diary/ into http://localhost/diary/index.jsp.  can I do
this with a redirect?


-Original Message-
From: Subir Sengupta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 1:24 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: automatically serve index.jsp

Put this in your web.xml



-Original Message-
From: Michael Remijan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 11:02 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: automatically serve index.jsp


having this snippet workers2.properties also works

- workers2.properties (snippet) ---
 info=Map the whole webapp


-Original Message-
From: Steve Prior [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 12:53 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: automatically serve index.jsp

You're a little ahead of me in doing this, but did you try adding
index.jsp to a DirectoryIndex directive in Apache?

This was very obious to do in Apache 1.3, not sure as obvious in 2.0.


Michael Remijan wrote:
 hi all,

 I'm currently working on Apache 2.0.39 - tomcat-4.1.8 with mod_jk2 and
jdk1.4.0_01.  I've posted previously about apache giving a directory
instead of returning index.jsp.  The only way I've been able to get around
this problem is editing the workers2.properties file to include a mapping
the whole webapp...

 - workers2.properties (snippet)
 info=Map the whole webapp


 I have an alias and directory in httpd.conf set up as follows

 - httpd.conf (snippet)

 ## diary webapp
 Alias /diary C:/apps/Tomcat/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.8-LE-jdk14/webapps/diary

 Directory C:/apps/Tomcat/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.8-LE-jdk14/webapps/diary
 Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews IncludesNoExec
 AddOutputFilter Includes html htm gif jpeg jpg
 AllowOverride None
 Order allow,deny
 Allow from all

 The question I have is, because of mapping the whole webapp in the
workers2.properties file, will that basically override apache serving
content?  I assuming it would  but I don't have the time to go digging
around in the connector's source.


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RE: Apache 2 and Tomcat 4

2002-08-11 Thread Michael Remijan


Yes, but I don't and can't use an index.html.  I need index.jsp so I can put a tag in 
the page that will do a redirect to another jsp page if need be.  I've setup 
workers2.properties like this:

info=Diary webapp in the default context

info=Prefix mapping

info=Prefix mapping

info=Extension mapping

but still get a directory listing when I goto http://localhost/diary or 
http://localhost/diary/  So it's like apache isn't forwarding this request to tomcat.  
If I put in http://localhost/diary/index.jsp it works fine.


-Original Message-
From: Robert L Sowders [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2002 6:37 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Apache 2 and Tomcat 4

Mod_jk2 doesn't have anything to do with the default index page.  That is 
up to Apache or Tomcat depending on what dirs Tomcat is mounting with 
mod_jk2.  This is determined in the works2.properties file in the 
APACHE_HOME\conf directory. (*.jsp)

Tomcat is set to recognize the index.jsp as the default in it's 
directories already.  If you just want a page to look at instead of the 
directory listing for the example directory then a simple index.html will 
do just fine.

Have a look at TOMCAT_HOME\examples\servlets\index.html or the 
TOMCAT_HOME\examples\jsp\index.html.  Apache will hand you these pages so 
there's no need to do a index.jsp.  Remember let Apache and Tomcat do 
their respective jobs, static for Apache, and jsp for Tomcat.

Michael Remijan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
08/05/2002 12:52 PM
Please respond to Tomcat Users List

To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:RE: Apache 2 and Tomcat 4


I tracked it down.  I've been using jdk1.4.1beta.  Once I downloaded and 
installed jdk1.4.0 it started to work.  How do I get mod_jk2 to recognize 
index.jsp as the default page.  I obviously need that other than a 
directory listing.  I have index.jsp added to DirectoryIndex in 
httpd.conf and I have the welcome-file-list set in the web.xml's


-Original Message-
From: Robert L Sowders [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2002 1:03 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Cc: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Apache 2 and Tomcat 4

Hey Mike,

What do the apache log files say?  Chck there to see any errors during 
startup for Tomcat.  Check your JAVA_HOME environment variable and path 
statement for accuracy.  You may also want to include the JAVA_HOME\bin 
dir in the path so the JAI is found.

Hope this helps.

Michael Remijan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
08/05/2002 09:50 AM
Please respond to Tomcat Users List

To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:RE: Apache 2 and Tomcat 4


I followed these steps but it doesn't appear to be working.  The 
stderr.log says:
TomcatStarter: main()
Try  org.apache.tomcat.startup.Main
Try  org.apache.catalina.startup.BootstrapService
Starting org.apache.catalina.startup.BootstrapService
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/xml/sax/InputSource
 at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native Method)
 at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
 at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

couple things about your post:
(1) you say
 Cut and paste the following jk2.properties file into the JAVA_HOME\conf 
 (Edit paths to suit)
I'm assuming you mean TOMCAT_HOME

(2) my jdk1.4 is in c:\program files\j2se.  this make a difference?


-Original Message-
From: Robert L Sowders [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 11:18 PM
Subject: Re: Apache 2 and Tomcat 4

Sure thing,

But it's for Tomcat 4.1.8

Install J2sdk1.4.0_01
No need to install src or demos.  I chose an install path of c:\1\java, 
try to keep it simple. Add the java bin directory to the system PATH 
variable in my case it is   C:\1\java\bin
Add JAVA_HOME to the system variables pointing it at where you installed 
JSDK mine is C:\1\java

Install Apache 2.0.39
Make a nice short path without any blank spaces for the installation. Mine 

is C:\1\Apache2
During installation set domain and ServerName to localhost.
Install Tomcat 4.1.8
Again make sure to chose a nice short install path without any

RE: NOW DESPERATE: Package not found

2002-08-11 Thread Michael Remijan

I had problems similar to this using jdk1.4.x with older versions of tomcat.  what 
versions are you using?


-Original Message-
From: Josh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2002 10:04 PM
Subject: NOW DESPERATE: Package not found

Ok, I stopped and started the tomcat service, and now it won't even find the
package. I get

Package au.com.multemedia.wf.ui not found in import.

yet WEB-INF\classes\au\com\multemedia\wf\ui clearly exists and contains two
class files.

Does anybody have any idea what the bloody hell is wrong with this sytem? Is
there an alternative to tomcat?


Rimmer, real dumplings, proper dumplings when they're properly
  cooked to perfection, proper dumplings, should not bounce.

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RE: ClassNotFound

2002-08-11 Thread Michael Remijan

There were earlier posts about this I think.  I believe the db2 drivers are not 100% 
java.  Which means there are *.dll or *.so files or something else which contains 
native code that the java classes of the db2 drivers use.  You need to make sure those 
*.dll or *.so files are available via the PATH system variable.  And there might be 
more system variables that need to be set.  I'd refer to your jdbc-db2 reference.


-Original Message-
From: Lindomar Silva [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 2:49 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: ClassNotFound

Hi All.

Well, i have a problem  with my driver db2 (db2java.zip)
I'm using linux with tomcat 4 and j2sdk 1.4.0.
This driver works on console, but on tomcat don't work?!
I put this archive (db2java.zip) on classpath as well /common/lib on tomcat,
but the same appear(no driver suitable).

Anybody have any idea?


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RE: Forcing authentication

2002-08-11 Thread Michael Remijan


It really depends on how you have done the coding of the classes and what kind of 
framework (struts?, other?) you used for the webapp.  The idea is simple though.  when 
the form is submitted, you need to have a method that:

1) queries a datastore for username/password
2) does something if username/password FOUND
3) does something if username/password NOT FOUND

What you need to do is split that method up into two seperate methods.  Then, for the 
registration process you need a method that:

1) inserts the username/password into a datastore
2) does the same as #2 above.

This can be as simple as calling a common method in the class or as complex as (if 
using struts for example) re-forwarding the request, constructing the url 
appropriately (Ex: http://localhost/mywebapp/login.do?username=mikepassword=secret

If i knew more about your framework and how you've got you classes written I could 
help you more.


-Original Message-
From: Guillermo Payet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2002 12:47 PM
Subject: Forcing authentication


I've asked this one before, but got no answers, so here goes an 
abridged version.

I'd like to force a FORM authentication by somehow calling
/login/j_security_check from a jsp page, or doing something 
equivalent, so that the application can decide to force the
authentication of a session in some cases, whithout the user 
having to go through the login form.
We're using Tomcat 4.0.3
I found this pointer to a purported solution to our problem:
But it ain't working.  I've tried all kinds of variations on this,
but I cannot figure out how to make it work. It seems that once a 
request is matched against auth constraints, (which happens when the
registration page is first loaded) it will not be matched again. 
This means that any redirection of the request to j_security_check 
just returns a 404, since authenticate() is never called again and so 
it fails to intercept the request and authenticate the session.

Any ideas??  Any help is appreciated!
--Guillermo Payet

Guillermo Payet
web: http://www.oceangroup.com

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RE: Oracle 8.1.7 JDBC classes

2002-08-02 Thread Michael Remijan


This may sound stupid but did the classname of the driver change? like in the previous 
version it was com.oracle.sql.Driver and in the new version it's 
COM.oracle.sql.OracleDriver?  I highly doubt it but it's another idea.


-Original Message-
From: Ralph Einfeldt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 6:49 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: AW: Oracle 8.1.7 JDBC classes

Which tomcat version do you use.
as far as I can remember at least one tomcat version
ignored any jar in the tomcat directories that 
contained certain classes (java.sql.* I believe).

Compare the contents of the two oracle jars to see if
something changed in this respect.

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Roland Carlsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Gesendet: Freitag, 2. August 2002 13:38
 An: Tomcat Users List
 Betreff: Re: Oracle 8.1.7 JDBC classes
 I have tride to put the 8.1.7 version of the jdbcdriver 
 in the %catalina_home%/common/lib/ but i still get a
 When putting the old 8.1.5 version there it works like a charm

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apache + tomcat 4.1.7

2002-08-02 Thread Michael Remijan

I've seen tons of posts about apache2 and tomcat 4.0.x.  what about tomcat 4.1.7?  
will the same techniques apply?


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webapp startup problem w Tomcat4.1.7

2002-08-02 Thread Michael Remijan


I've started developing with tomcat-4.1.7 with jdk1.4.1b14 on windows2000. i'm 
deployed in this directory:
C:\apps\Tomcat\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.7\webapps\diary.  Tomcat outputs to it's log file 
the following error when trying to deploy a webapp.  Anyone have an idea about this 

2002-08-02 10:06:29 ContextConfig[/diary] Exception processing JAR at resource path 
javax.servlet.ServletException: Exception processing JAR at resource path 
at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.tldScanJar(ContextConfig.java:930)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.tldScan(ContextConfig.java:868)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.start(ContextConfig.java:647)
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(StandardContext.java:3445)
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(ContainerBase.java:1188)
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(StandardHost.java:738)
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(ContainerBase.java:1188)
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start(StandardEngine.java:347)
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.start(StandardService.java:497)
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.start(StandardServer.java:2185)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(Catalina.java:510)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.execute(Catalina.java:400)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.process(Catalina.java:180)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(Bootstrap.java:203)
- Root Cause -
java.io.IOException: The system cannot find the path specified
at java.io.WinNTFileSystem.createFileExclusively(Native Method)
at java.io.File.checkAndCreate(File.java:1313)
at java.io.File.createTempFile(File.java:1401)
at java.io.File.createTempFile(File.java:1438)
at sun.net.www.protocol.jar.URLJarFile$1.run(URLJarFile.java:169)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at sun.net.www.protocol.jar.URLJarFile.retrieve(URLJarFile.java:164)
at sun.net.www.protocol.jar.URLJarFile.getJarFile(URLJarFile.java:42)
at sun.net.www.protocol.jar.JarFileFactory.get(JarFileFactory.java:78)
at sun.net.www.protocol.jar.JarURLConnection.connect(JarURLConnection.java:85)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.tldScanJar(ContextConfig.java:906)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.tldScan(ContextConfig.java:868)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.start(ContextConfig.java:647)
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(StandardContext.java:3445)
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(ContainerBase.java:1188)
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(StandardHost.java:738)
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(ContainerBase.java:1188)
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start(StandardEngine.java:347)
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.start(StandardService.java:497)
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.start(StandardServer.java:2185)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(Catalina.java:510)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.execute(Catalina.java:400)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.process(Catalina.java:180)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(Bootstrap.java:203)

-Original Message-
From: Milt Epstein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 11:01 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Apache Authentication for Tomcat

This is an addition to a thread from a day or two ago.  I didn't pay
much attention to it then, because it wasn't something I needed to
worry about 

RE: Classpath Woes...

2002-07-31 Thread Michael Remijan


Another great example of why I strongly advocate *against* the use if ide's!!


-Original Message-
From: Ben Boule [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 5:06 PM
Subject: Classpath Woes...

I was wondering if anyone could help me out with a problem with Tomcat

We've developed our application under the Tomcat 3.2.x implementation that
is integrated into JBuilder 6.  We use Struts for our framework.  The
application works
fine in that environment.  I am now trying to set up the deployment, and we
wanted to 
use either Tomcat 3.3.x or Tomcat 4.0.x.Tomcat 4 seems to have issues
with our 
ORB implementation (Borland) so for now I am working with 3.3.x.

The problem is that when the application goes to compile a .jsp file for the
first time, 
it encounters a ClassNotFoundException trying to find a Jasper class,

e.x.  (from the std output)

2002-07-30 17:58:30 - Ctx(/app name) : Class not found:

If I copy the jasper.jar file from $TOMCAT_HOME/lib/container into app
name/WEB-INF/lib, then the Jasper classes are not found.

However, this results in another class not found exception, this time it
can't find the classes for the javac compiler!   (sun.tools.something)

If I then copy the tools.jar file from the JDK 1.3 distribution into the
WEB-INF/lib directory, everything works.  This would obviously seem to be an
unacceptable solution however.

I can't figure out why this is happening.  It doesn't happen with the
example applications under the exact same environment.

(JAVA_HOME is set to point to JDK 1.3.1, TOMCAT_HOME is set to the right
directory as well.)

I have read the classloader-howto several times but I can't figure out
what's wrong.

Ben Boule

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RE: putting custom code in front of Struts Main Servlet

2002-07-31 Thread Michael Remijan

What I did is extend the org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet override the init() 
method and then in WEB-INF/web.xml use the name of your class for the 
servlet-class.../servlet-class entry.


-Original Message-
From: Chris Ruegger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 8:18 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: putting custom code in front of Struts Main Servlet

This is a bit off topic but we are using Tomcat with Struts.
We want to be able to always execute some code before
the Struts servlet is invoked, to check for things like lost
session, permission, etc.  What is the best way to do this?
I'm thinking either have a servlet that we send everything to,
then have it call the Struts servlet, or use servlet filters 
somehow (have not used them yet but vaguely familiar with them)
What approaches have others used for this?


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share session between webapps

2002-07-31 Thread Michael Remijan


Is there technique to share a session, or objects within the session between web 
applications?  What I want to do is login or register at a site and if the user moves 
to a different webapp, I want to be able to determine, by looking for an object in the 
user's session, that they are already logged in. 

 Using realms and single sign on doesn't appear to do what I want because it A) 
doesn't allow me to get me the primary key for the user, B) doesn't allow me to write 
any special processing code, specifically to md5 encrypt the password before 
performing the query. C) most importantly, it doesn't seem to allow me to carry 
information accross webapps.


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RE: Connection between TOMCAT and DB2 ???

2002-07-31 Thread Michael Remijan


Here's a thought.  are the drivers for DB2 100% java native.  I'm remembering a 
problem a colleage of mind had using the the jdbc drivers for a database named 
Progress.  It turns out they were not 100% java and relied on calls to native 
libraries.  If you're running on windows it'll be a dll or something.


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 8:46 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Connection between TOMCAT and DB2 ???

Hello John,

It was a nice thinking but I didn't worked.
It is not finding the driver even now...I tried printing the
classpath..though it shows the
all 3 .jar files included but it is working only in %SQLLIB%\bin

directory that is if I try to run my file by keeping it in %SQLLIB%\bin
it worked fine and retieve resultsets from database but
not from TOMCAT_HOME directory...

Any other tries..?

Nishant Awasthi
Corporate Systems Development
Progressive Insurance



JohnTo: 'Tomcat Users List'   


com cc: (bcc: Nishant Awasthi)

 Subject: RE: Connection between TOMCAT 
07/31/2002   DB2 ???   

09:27 AM   


respond to 

Tomcat Users  




Try renaming your .zip files to .jar files.  Just change the extension from
.zip to .jar without changing the files themselves.

John Turner

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 9:22 AM
Subject: Connection between TOMCAT and DB2 ???

Hello everyone...
thanks for showing interest in the list and to make it grow...

I have a situation here.
I am using tomcat 4.0.3 and jdk 1.3.1_04. I want to write a soap
service which will bring the resultset from IBM DB2 database.

Before implementing soap I am writing a simple Java Ndb2servlet.java file

Now it compile fine but when I try to run it it says:

\jakarta-tomcat-4.0.4\webapps\soap\WEB-INF\classesjavac Ndb2servlet.java

 RUNNING C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0.4\webapps\soap\WEB-INF\classesjava
SQL Exception:  No suitable driver

I have tried to put db2java.zip, runtime.zip and sqlj.zip in %TOMCAT_HOME%
\common\lib and
and also included in system classpath  then restarted TOMCAT but still it
couldn't find driver.

DO I need to do something special for my JAVA file in tomcat to find

Please help

Nishant Awasthi
Corporate Systems Development
Progressive Insurance

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RE: Connection between TOMCAT and DB2 ???

2002-07-31 Thread Michael Remijan


I'm going to bet it's because of Program Files  try putting it in a directory 
without spaces or use progra~1 in place of Program Files


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 9:35 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Connection between TOMCAT and DB2 ???

Hello Mark,

I am currently using COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver driver to run my
java program for establishing DB2-Tomcat connectivity.

I tried changing it to COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.net.DB2Driver still it says,
No suitable driver

I think my tomcat is not able to find out db2java.zip file which is placed
C:\Program Files\SQLLIB\java

DO I need to add some contextpath in server.xml of TOMCAT to tell tomcat to
look for
DB2 jdbc driver in %SQLLIB%\java directory?

I was looking at server.xml in TOMCAT and found that there is something
called Realm /
comment above which says
!-- Replace the above Realm with one of the following to get a Realm
   stored in a database and accessed via JDBC --

I tried changing it to DB2 compatible information..but didn't worked...I
had problem starting tomcat...

Can you guide me in some other way?

Nishant Awasthi
Corporate Systems Development
Progressive Insurance

Sullivan, Mark E 
Mark.Sullivan@nav-internatTo: 'Tomcat Users List' 
   cc: (bcc: Nishant Awasthi)  
07/31/2002 09:54 AMSubject: RE: Connection 
between TOMCAT and
Please respond to Tomcat  DB2 ??? 
Users List

Who's DB2 jdbc driver are you trying to use? If you're using the IBM
implementation, you can either load the
COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.net.DB2Driver or the COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver If
you use the wrong one, you will get a No suitable driver exception. The
correct one depends on the situation, and in this case it's probably the
.net one.

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 8:46 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Connection between TOMCAT and DB2 ???

Hello John,

It was a nice thinking but I didn't worked.
It is not finding the driver even now...I tried printing the
classpath..though it shows the
all 3 .jar files included but it is working only in %SQLLIB%\bin

directory that is if I try to run my file by keeping it in %SQLLIB%\bin
it worked fine and retieve resultsets from database but
not from TOMCAT_HOME directory...

Any other tries..?

Nishant Awasthi
Corporate Systems Development
Progressive Insurance


JohnTo: 'Tomcat Users List'


com cc: (bcc: Nishant Awasthi)

 Subject: RE: Connection
07/31/2002   DB2 ???

09:27 AM


respond to

Tomcat Users


Try renaming your .zip files to .jar files.  Just change the extension from
.zip to .jar without changing the files themselves.

John Turner

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 9:22 AM
Subject: Connection between TOMCAT and DB2 ???

Hello everyone...
thanks for showing interest in the list and to make it grow...

I have a situation here.
I am using tomcat 4.0.3 and jdk 1.3.1_04. I want to write a soap
service which will bring the resultset from IBM DB2 database.

Before implementing soap I am writing a simple Java Ndb2servlet.java file

Now it compile fine but when I try to run it it says:

\jakarta-tomcat-4.0.4\webapps\soap\WEB-INF\classesjavac Ndb2servlet.java

 RUNNING C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0.4\webapps\soap\WEB-INF\classesjava

RE: Connection between TOMCAT and DB2 ???

2002-07-31 Thread Michael Remijan


It should be as simple as dropping the xxx.jar file (if it's xxx.zip rename it to 
xxx.jar!) into the %TOMCAT_HOME%/common/lib directory.

I would do/verify the following

1) put tomcat in a directory structure where the names of the directories don't 
contain spaces
2) make sure TOMCAT_HOME is set
4) copy xxx.jar to %TOMCAT_HOME%/common/lib 
5) open a new DOS window to get the new values of the environment variables
6) change directory to %TOMCAT_HOME%/bin
7) issue c:\..catalina.bat run
8) if it's still not working it's probably becuase the drivers are not 100% java and 
rely on native method calls to some dll.   

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 9:40 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Connection between TOMCAT and DB2 ???


I don't understand by what you mean by 100% java native. But yes I am sure
that if I run my java code by placing my java file in C:\Program
Files\SQLLIB\bin directory
it works absolutely fine hence I can say it is java native to DB2

But I cannot make the same file run from outside the DB2 realm...that is
when I place same java file in TOMCAT_HOME directory it doesnot find the

DO I need to make changes in my server.xml file in %TOMCAT_HOME%\conf and
add some context
ot do I need to add some Realm information ???


Nishant Awasthi
Corporate Systems Development
Progressive Insurance

Michael Remijan  
Michael.Remijan@soTo: Tomcat Users List 
   cc: (bcc: Nishant Awasthi)  
07/31/2002 10:13 AMSubject: RE: Connection between 
Please respond to  DB2 ??? 
Tomcat Users List


Here's a thought.  are the drivers for DB2 100% java native.  I'm
remembering a problem a colleage of mind had using the the jdbc drivers for
a database named Progress.  It turns out they were not 100% java and relied
on calls to native libraries.  If you're running on windows it'll be a dll
or something.


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 8:46 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Connection between TOMCAT and DB2 ???

Hello John,

It was a nice thinking but I didn't worked.
It is not finding the driver even now...I tried printing the
classpath..though it shows the
all 3 .jar files included but it is working only in %SQLLIB%\bin

directory that is if I try to run my file by keeping it in %SQLLIB%\bin
it worked fine and retieve resultsets from database but
not from TOMCAT_HOME directory...

Any other tries..?

Nishant Awasthi
Corporate Systems Development
Progressive Insurance

JohnTo: 'Tomcat Users List'
com cc: (bcc: Nishant Awasthi)
 Subject: RE: Connection
between TOMCAT and
07/31/2002   DB2 ???
09:27 AM
respond to
Tomcat Users

Try renaming your .zip files to .jar files.  Just change the extension from
.zip to .jar without changing the files themselves.

John Turner

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 9:22 AM
Subject: Connection between TOMCAT and DB2 ???

Hello everyone...
thanks for showing interest in the list and to make it grow...

I have a situation here.
I am using tomcat 4.0.3 and jdk 1.3.1_04. I want to write a soap
service which will bring the resultset from IBM DB2 database.

Before implementing soap I am writing a simple Java Ndb2servlet.java file

Now it compile fine but when I try to run it it says:


RE: AW: Connection between TOMCAT and DB2 ???

2002-07-31 Thread Michael Remijan

the dll needs to be part of the PATH environment variable (refer to that website 
below)  so *prepend* %SQLLIB%\lib to PATH and see what happens.


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 11:05 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: AW: Connection between TOMCAT and DB2 ???

Hello Ralph,

I already have the suitable db2jdbc.dll file in my %SQLLIB%\lib directory
It also have all the suitable .jar files in its place.

What I think is getting qorng is the URL connection string..
  String url = jdbc:db2:sample ;
I also tried writing follwing in place of above setting:
But nothing works...
 Thanks for consistently helping me...

Nishant Awasthi
Corporate Systems Development
Progressive Insurance

Ralph Einfeldt   
ralph.einfeldt@uptiTo: Tomcat Users List
me-isc.de  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
cc: (bcc: Nishant Awasthi) 
07/31/2002 11:51 AM Subject: AW: Connection between 
Please respond to   DB2 ???
Tomcat Users List

According to
it's a native driver.

The page also has a list how the libraries are called under
wich os. Find this file and add the directory that contains
this file to the (library) path.

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Gesendet: Mittwoch, 31. Juli 2002 17:42
 An: Tomcat Users List
 Betreff: RE: Connection between TOMCAT and DB2 ???

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simple example of using SingleSignOn

2002-07-31 Thread Michael Remijan


Would it be possible for someone to post an example of the use of the
SingleSignOn valve,

  Valve className=org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn debug=0/

including the example webapp and the files:


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RE: Native OS authentication using single sign on ...

2002-07-30 Thread Michael Remijan

I've been following these posts closely because I want to do basically the same thing 
as well.  My stupid question is what happens after you submit the form??  What I would 
like to do is create an Object and put it in the users session.  However, if the user 
goes click on a link that takes them to another webapp, will the object that I put in 
the session still be available??  Single Sign On is great but if I can't passes a 
shared object around via the session (or some other technique) it doesn't do me any 


-Original Message-
From: HAVENS,PETER (HP-Cupertino,ex3) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 1:53 PM
Subject: Native OS authentication using single sign on ...

I am currently trying to authenticate multiple webapps under a single
authentication mechanism.  That is login once and you can access all of the
webapps under a given virtual host.  I have enabled single sign on in the
server.xml file and I have added a security-constraint and login-config
in my conf/web.xml file.  Everything is working great and it is
authenticating users against the conf/tomcat-users.xml file. 
Now I want to take the next step to do native OS authentication using a JNI
to a C or C++ module that uses PAM.  How do I change my login.jsp page
pointed to by the login-config to call a bean instead of just
authenticating against the tomcat-users.xml?
Any input would be greatly appreciated.  I have included part of my
conf/web.xml and my login.jsp.
Thanks in advance.
--Portion of conf/web.xml-
  display-nameGryphon Authentication/display-name 
web-resource-nameProtected Area/web-resource-name 
!--  Define the context-relative URL(s) to be protected -- 
!--  If you list http methods, only those methods are protected -- 
!--  Anyone with one of the listed roles may access this area -- 
!--  Default login configuration uses form-based authentication -- 
  realm-nameGryphon Form-Based Authentication/realm-name 
end of conf/web.xml
titleLogin Page/title
body bgcolor=white
form method=POST action='%= response.encodeURL(j_security_check) %' 
  table border=0 cellspacing=5
  th align=rightUsername:/th
  td align=leftinput type=text name=j_username/td
  th align=rightPassword:/th
  td align=leftinput type=password name=j_password/td
  td align=rightinput type=submit value=Log In/td
  td align=leftinput type=reset/td
if ( ! request.isSecure() )
  // Forward to a secure page
  String sslURL = https://; + request.getServerName() + :1188 +
  brbWARNING:/b This is a non-secure page!
  brClick a href=%= sslURL %here/a to use SSL.

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RE: $20 bucks to the 1st person who actually solves my problem!!!

2000-12-08 Thread Michael Remijan


This might be worth a shot.  in the page you want reloaded, try adding in
META HTTP-EQUIV = "Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache"

this meta tag forces no cache of the page so it is suppose to be refreshed
from the server everytime.  Let me know if this help.


 -Original Message-
 From: Adress, David S. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 7:29 AM
 To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; 'JRun-Talk'
 Subject: $20 bucks to the 1st person who actually solves my problem!!!

 I am on this for days and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I will
 send $20 bucks to 1st person who actually solves my problem.

 I am using jsp page's to control the layout of my page and
 servlets to spit
 table data or to do database transactions.

 I have a jsp page that displays a list of employees. The jsp page
 has an include statement to include the servlet to spit out the table.
 The jsp just handles the general look of the page and the servlet just
 spits out the table and table html tags. Next to each record I have an add
 delete hyperlink. If someone clicks the add link it displays
 another page to
 an employee and then the action servlet adds the record and then goes back
 to the jsp
 list page. If some one deletes a record it calls a servlet to delete and
 then the servlet redirects back to the jsp list page. But the list doesn't
 display the updated data without having me hit the refresh button in the

 I tried using Tomcat and now am using Jrun and am still having the same

 I've included all the proper meta tags in the jsp list page not
 to cache but
 it's not working. I've also tries doing it with reponse.setHeader but it
 doesn't work either.

 I've tried sending a random number param to the page
 ShowList?rnd=Randomnumber it still doesn't work.

servlet or page target _top in IE

2000-12-08 Thread Michael Remijan


Ok, in Navigator I can use
META HTTP-EQUIV="Window-target" CONTENT="_top"
and have a servlet call a page and have that page not be in a frame.

As usual, Navigator and IE don't agree.  IE ignores this META tag so
the page still appears in the frame.  I also tried
response.setHeader("Window-target", "_top"); but that doesn't work for
Navigator or IE.  So anyone know how to target _top?

Michael J. Remijan
Software Engineer

dChain Commerce
2401 South Neil Street
Champaign, IL 61820
217.398.1860 x249

servlet or page target _top in IE

2000-12-07 Thread Michael Remijan


Ok, in Navigator I can use
META HTTP-EQUIV="Window-target" CONTENT="_top"
and have a servlet call a page and have that page not be in a frame.

As usual, Navigator and IE don't agree.  IE ignores this META tag so
the page still appears in the frame.  I also tried
response.setHeader("Window-target", "_top"); but that doesn't work for
Navigator or IE.  So anyone know how to target _top?

Michael J. Remijan
Software Engineer

dChain Commerce
2401 South Neil Street
Champaign, IL 61820
217.398.1860 x249