Re: mod_jk2 and stickySession

2003-08-14 Thread NormW
Good evening Christian.
Have you set the jvmRoute parameter in each Tomcat, and the TomcatID (aka
route) for each JK worker?

- Original Message - 
From: Christian Traber [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2003 6:40 PM
Subject: mod_jk2 and stickySession


 I've configured jk2 with a loadbalancer and stickySession=1 and made
 a simple Testservlet with a getSession().

 I can see the JSESSION cookie in my browser but the loadbalancer
 still uses all workers and not only the worker with my session.

 What is going wrong?


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Re: jk2_init Error ??

2003-08-14 Thread NormW
I'll take the 'scoreboard' question...
It's the shared memory area for mod_jk2... it facilitates the creation the
/jkstatus page it is also saved to disk and is represented in under the [shm] section, with details such as shm file
path+name and file size attributes.
I think if you did a text search for 'scoreboard' in the Tomcat docs there
might be a bit more information.

- Original Message - 
From: Richard Park [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 2:59 PM
Subject: jk2_init Error ??

Hi, here's my setup:

Apache 2.0.47
Tomcat 5.0.7

Occasionally when I startup Apache and check the Apache error log I see the

[error] mod_jk child init 1 0
[error] jk2_init() Can't find child 7299 in scoreboard
[error] mod_jk child init 1 -2

The number 7299 is not always the same - it varies - but the other numbers
are always the same.
Does anyone here know:

1/ what the 7299 signifies?
2/ what the scoreboard is?
3/ what the init 1 0 and init 1 -2 mean?

- All tomcat examples work fine via and
- There are no other error messages
- Tutorials from Beginning JSP 2.0 work fine as well


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Re: mod_jk v1.2.5

2003-08-11 Thread NormW
Good morning John.
I had intended to effuse greatly if I actually got a reply but the breadth
of it suggests such a response would be over-reaction.

- Original Message - 
From: John Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 10:22 PM
Subject: Re: mod_jk v1.2.5

 AFAIK, still coming if ever.


 NormW wrote:
  Good afternoon all.
  What has become of the mod_jk binaries for v1.2.5?
  Still coming or some place other than: ?
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mod_jk v1.2.5

2003-08-08 Thread NormW
Good afternoon all.
What has become of the mod_jk binaries for v1.2.5?
Still coming or some place other than: ?

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Re: Re: mod_jk round robin problem stateless session beans

2003-07-15 Thread NormW
Good morning Simon.
Thanks for the research.

- Original Message - 
From: Simon Pabst [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 3:58 AM
Subject: Re: Re: mod_jk round robin problem  stateless session beans

 I did a short test with Apache 2 worker mpm today and now mod_jk2 seems to
 distribute the sessions more evenly,
 will post more results tomorrow.

 So round robin code is broken with current mod_jk1/2 and prefork Apache
 (1.3.27 and default Apache 2 configuration)
 Unfortunately you can't use Apache 2 everywhere, i think it doesn't
 with worer mpm on solaris for example.

 To install Apache 2 with worker mpm you need to build it from source and
 use the following configure:
 ./configure --with-mpm=worker ...

 This should be fixed so Apache 1 users get a working round robin too.

 Although i don't know much about the mod_jk(2) code, I agree to Bill, this
 should be a relatively easy fix.
 In jk2 there's a shared memory file at least, should be enough to store
 information about the last used worker if there's no other way.

 At 11:37 15.07.2003 +0200, you wrote:
 Thanks for you wisdom guys :-)
 I'll try and test if Apache 2 with worker mpm works better,
 although i still suspect the stateless session beans are part of the
 Since like i said with sticky_session off
 or the SessionExample with sticky_session on
 the round robin seems to works fine.
 Besides the behaviour of sticky_session off should be theoretically
 similar as when
 any new user logs on to the server and hasn't established a session yet,
 The mod_jk lb_factor and lb_value also seem to do pretty nothing (on
 prefork Apache):
 - Tested low lb_factor on first Tomcat and increased lb_factor on
 following Tomcats,
last Tomcats with higher lb_factor still got no requests
 - lb_value is almost always the same as lb_factor in JK2's jkstatus page
when you access the application the lb_value changes to exactly twice
  as the lb_factor
(on first Tomcat mostly) and then goes down to value of lb_factor
(before request: lb_factor 100, lb_value 100
after request: lb_factor 100, lb_value 200
a bit later: lb_factor 100, lb_value 100 again)
 How the Load Balanciung of mod_jk could be enhanced to be a real load
 balancing, not just round robin:
 Have some rules regarding the Status/Load of Tomcat/JVM, which you can
 in any order you prefer (mod_backhand does sth. similar) (those will
 propably need jni or sth. else to work):
 - byJVMThreads
 - byJVMMemoryUsage
 - byJVMCPUUsage
 - byRoundRobin (and one which actually works ;-)
 We considered alternative methods for load balancing too, but they all
 have some other downsides, so the best thing would still be if mod_jk
 round robin works as its supposed to be:
 - DNS Round Robin or Apache mod_rewrite Round Robin (similar sub-URLs for
 one app on same server - saves you from buying several SSL certificates)
  - Bookmarks
  - No real load balancing (ok mod_jk doesn't seem to have this
  - Requests go to down Tomcats also, no failover
 - Apache Loadbalancing with mod_backhand
 Nice approach of several Load Balancing decision rules (byCPU,
  byApacheChilds, byRandom etc.), which the user can put in any order he
  - HTTPS Apache in Front with mod_backhand using Proxy
  to connect to Apache/Tomcats in back causes problems because of URL
  Redirects from Tomcat/Java
  - Requests go to down Tomcats also, no failover
  - Not sure if keeping Sessions works (backhand could use
  JSESSIONID for sticky sessions, have yet to test that)
 - Hardware Load Balancer (dind't investigate much on that)
   - IP based, read sth. that this ain't a particular good
solution too
 Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 15.07.03
   This is a pretty good description of what goes on, and it results in
   highly skewed distributions that you are seeing.  I had thought that
if you
   are using Apache-2 with the 'worker' MPM, that you should get a better
   distribution (but haven't tried it myself).  With Apache-1.3.x or
   with the 'pre-fork' MPM this is as good as it gets at the moment
(since the
   'pre-forked' processes don't talk to each other).  In theory, it
  be a
   relatively easy fix in Jk2 to get 'pre-fork' working, but AFAIK, it
   been implemented yet.
   NormW [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
Good morning Simon.
'RoundRobin' is less likely the more Tomcat's you add I suspect. The
balanced worker program always searches for a new worker by starting
pointers from 1 rather than the last successful worker used,
  (AFAICT), and
if a worker

Re: mod_jk round robin problem stateless session beans

2003-07-14 Thread NormW
Good morning Simon.
'RoundRobin' is less likely the more Tomcat's you add I suspect. The
balanced worker program always searches for a new worker by starting
pointers from 1 rather than the last successful worker used, (AFAICT), and
if a worker is free for the task it makes for muddy water indeed if you
bypass it in the hope of finding something better... You need to remember
which one was used 'last', which is a 'state' not remembered if/once session
ID's are used (which go to the worker that handled it the last time). If you
think about 'balancing' it is 'mindgame' to decide how a 'load' might be
distributed... based on session counts? based on request handling time? and
what 'integration' period would you use? ... and then there are preferences
based on load, server grunt, network traffic, background tasks...  at the
end of the day, the idea is to handle user requests, so if they're getting
processed in a 'timely' manner perhaps you can put the 'unused' Tomcat's
behind another Apache? ... or start a new thread here on how balancing might
be better handled in different situations...

Another 'possible' might be to add more balance workers and split your url's
to these, in turn connected to more ajp13 workers using some of the Tomcat's
currently sitting idle.

- Original Message - 
From: Simon Pabst [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 7:17 AM
Subject: mod_jk round robin problem  stateless session beans

 We have the following setup:
 One Apache with HTTPS/SSL with mod_jk (one load balancer, sticky sessions
 on) in front
 Eight Tomcats in back

 Round Robin doesn't work, but instead the Users are distributed on the
 Tomcats like this:

 Tomcat No.| User Count (approx. daily)
 T1 70
 T2 30
 T3 15
 T4 6
 T5 1
 T6 0
 T7 0
 T8 0

 This occurs both with Apache1.3.27/mod_jk1.2.x and Apache2.0.45/mod_jk2.x
 (mod_jk 1 and 2 built from source of jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.24-src
 and later also of tomcat-connectors-1.1M1-src).

 Anyone ever experienced something similar or has any insight in this?

 According to the application developer the application is using stateless
 session beans.
 (Since i'm just a stupid server admin and no Java Programmer i don't
 now what that is :-)

 I tested the Load Balancing with the Tomcat SessionExample and round robin
 seemed to work fine.
 If i switch of sticky session round robin also works fine, but not the
 application :-)

 Do stateless session beans even work with mod_jk's sticky session stuff?
 (in this discussion
 somebody said:
 if the application stores the stateless session bean in the httpsession,
 the application risks having all of the workload to only one of the nodes
 in the cluster)

 If anyone knows how sticky sessions of mod_jk(2) work, please enlighten me
 Is it IP based in any way, are Cookies involved or JSESSIONID or anything
 Could it be a problem that all Tomcats are on the same machine? (i tested
 this with pseudo network addresses for each Tomcat too, but
 didn't help either)
 Could HTTPS cause any troubles for this?

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Windows, Mod_Jk2, SHM and Load Balancing.

2003-06-26 Thread NormW
Good morning all.
Trying to get loadbalancing working on a WinNT box with mod_jk2 to two separated 

- Setup is Apache 2.0.46 + latest cvs mod_jk2 on WinNT;
- /jkstatus page works but reports 'no shm'. The shm memory file is created and 1MB+, 
all 0x00;
- General log entries indicate the lb:lb worker can't find a worker available. (I get 
back a custom NoWorkerMsg, although the 503 code is not to be seen);
- The TomcatID's on the two workers are set uniquely and match the jvmRoute set in 
their respective Tomcat's;
- Both workers are in group=lb:lb;
- The lb:lb has workers=worker1,worker2;
- The uri's are aimed at lb:lb.

A search of Apache on Google suggests this config doesn't come up often.
Any insight appreciated.

Aching head,

Re: Problems with mod_jk2

2003-06-24 Thread NormW
Good morning Nikola.
What do you have in your http.conf file(s)?
I assume is the machine you are running Tomcat on and is DNS

 Hi all.

 mod_jk2 is bugging me properly. It is not working right now and it never
did. I could have made a number of mistakes, so if someone could point at
them, I'd be grateful. This are the relevant files:



 Service name=Tomcat-Apache-JK2
 !-- Define a Coyote/JK2 AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 --
 Connector className=org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector
port=8009 minProcessors=5
maxProcessors=75 enableLookups=true redirectPort=8443
acceptCount=10 debug=0
connectionTimeout=0 useURIValidationHack=false

 Engine name=ajp13 debug=0/
 Host appBase=/usr/users/test/webapp
path=/tomcat-docs /
   Context docBase=evracun path=/evracun


 info=Maps the requests. Options: debug

 # Alternate file logger

 info=Scoreboard. Required for reconfiguration and status with multiprocess

 info=Global server options

 info=Ajp13 forwarding over socket


 info=Status worker, displays runtime information

 info=Display status information and checks the config file for changes.

 info=EVracun application on

 [Tue Jun 24 14:22:20 2003] [notice] mod_jk.post_config() first invocation
 [Tue Jun 24 14:22:22 2003] [notice] LDAP: Built with OpenLDAP LDAP SDK
 [Tue Jun 24 14:22:22 2003] [notice] LDAP: SSL support unavailable
 [Tue Jun 24 14:22:23 2003] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest
authentication ...
 [Tue Jun 24 14:22:23 2003] [notice] Digest: done
 [Tue Jun 24 14:22:24 2003] [notice] mod_jk.post_config() second invocation
 [Tue Jun 24 14:22:24 2003] [error] jk2_init() Can't find child 26827 in
 [Tue Jun 24 14:22:24 2003] [error] jk2_init() Can't find child 26576 in

 [Tue Jun 24 14:22:19 2003] ( info ) [jk_logger_file.c (184)]  Initializing
log file /usr/opt/Apache-2.0.46W/logs/jk2.log
 [Tue Jun 24 14:22:22 2003] ( info ) [jk_logger_file.c (184)]  Initializing
log file /usr/opt/Apache-2.0.46W/logs/jk2.log
 [Tue Jun 24 14:22:24 2003] (error ) [jk_logger_file.c (172)]  Can't open
log file /usr/opt/Apache-2.0.46W/logs/jk2.log
 [Tue Jun 24 14:22:24 2003] (debug ) [jk_uriMap.c (377)]  uriMap.init()
Fixing Host
 [Tue Jun 24 14:22:24 2003] (debug ) [jk_uriMap.c (464)]  uriMap: fix uri
null context null host *
 [Tue Jun 24 14:22:24 2003] (debug ) [jk_uriMap.c (464)]  uriMap: fix uri
/jkstatus context null host
 [Tue Jun 24 14:22:24 2003] (debug ) [jk_uriMap.c (464)]  uriMap: fix uri
/evracun-jk2/* context /evracun host
 [Tue Jun 24 14:22:24 2003] ( info ) [jk_uriMap.c (490)]  uriMap: creating
 [Tue Jun 24 14:22:24 2003] (debug ) [jk_uriMap.c (464)]  uriMap: fix uri
null context null host *
 [Tue Jun 24 14:22:24 2003] (debug ) [jk_uriMap.c (464)]  uriMap: fix uri /
context / host
 [Tue Jun 24 14:22:24 2003] (debug ) [jk_uriMap.c (464)]  uriMap: fix uri /
context / host *
 [Tue Jun 24 14:22:24 2003] (debug ) [jk_uriMap.c (464)]  uriMap: fix uri
/evracun context /evracun host
 [Tue Jun 24 14:22:24 2003] ( info ) [jk_workerEnv.c (403)]
workerEnv.init() ok /usr/opt/Apache-2.0.46W/config/add-on/workers2.prop
 [Tue Jun 24 14:22:24 2003] (error ) [mod_jk2.c (557)]  mod_jk child init
1 -2
 [Tue Jun 24 14:22:24 2003] (error ) [jk_logger_file.c (172)]  Can't open
log file /usr/opt/Apache-2.0.46W/logs/jk2.log
 [Tue Jun 24 14:22:24 2003] (debug ) [jk_uriMap.c (377)]  uriMap.init()
Fixing Host
 [Tue Jun 24 14:22:24 2003] (debug ) [jk_uriMap.c (464)]  uriMap: fix uri
null context null host *
 [Tue Jun 24 14:22:24 2003] (debug ) [jk_uriMap.c (464)]  uriMap: fix 

Re: Problems with mod_jk2

2003-06-24 Thread NormW
Good morning Eric.
The setting format for 'config.file' at least confirms what a trowel through
the source code turned up. Thanks.
The 'TomcatID' parameter is also alternately named 'route' in mod_jk2, and
is, I think, used mostly in load-balance situations, where, at the Tomcat
end, it is called 'jvmRoute' on the Engine element.
The port and address are not 'normally' needed as mod_jk2 will also use the
channel.socket name elements [channel.socket:host:port] for these
parameters... (which is not entirely kosher in my view). Hence the clearest
method would be to include both the port= and host= parameters under the
[channel.socket:.] section.
I _think_ this helps.

- Original Message - 
From: Eric J. Pinnell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 9:52 AM
Subject: Re: Problems with mod_jk2

 Here is a simple config to get if off the ground for a TCP connection:

 After you have loaded in the modules directory of apache add:

 LoadModule jk2_module modules/
 JkSet config.file /path/to/apache/conf/

 to your httpd.conf file.

 Then in /path/to/apache/conf/ put:


 # Example socket channel, override port and host.

 # define the worker

 # Uri mapping

 You can also use tomcatId instead of calling out the host and the port.

 Then use the file that comes with tomcat.  This is the one
 that has everything commented out.  You don't need it because apache is
 doing the work.

 Use the default Connector entry in server.xml for the Coyote/JK2

 This creates a simple single worker, non-loadbalanced connection.  You can
 look at the example that comes with the connectors
 source and get an idea how to do loadbalancing.  But basically you create
 loadbalancing workers and add workers to the load balancer group.  Then
 you map the URI to the loadbalancer group and it uses the workers you
 defined in that have in that group to connect to Tomcat.

 At least that's what I have been working with.  Seems to work.


 On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Nikola Milutinovic wrote:

  Hi all.
  mod_jk2 is bugging me properly. It is not working right now and it
never did. I could have made a number of mistakes, so if someone could point
at them, I'd be grateful. This are the relevant files:
  Service name=Tomcat-Apache-JK2
  !-- Define a Coyote/JK2 AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 --
  Connector className=org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector
port=8009 minProcessors=5
 maxProcessors=75 enableLookups=true redirectPort=8443
acceptCount=10 debug=0
 connectionTimeout=0 useURIValidationHack=false
  Engine name=ajp13 debug=0/
  Host appBase=/usr/users/test/webapp
 path=/tomcat-docs /
Context docBase=evracun path=/evracun
  info=Maps the requests. Options: debug
  # Alternate file logger
  info=Scoreboard. Required for reconfiguration and status with
multiprocess servers
  info=Global server options
  info=Ajp13 forwarding over socket
  info=Status worker, displays runtime information
  info=Display status information and checks the config file for changes.
  info=EVracun application on
  [Tue Jun 24 14:22:20 2003] [notice] mod_jk.post_config() first
  [Tue Jun 24 14:22:22 2003] [notice] LDAP: Built with OpenLDAP LDAP SDK
  [Tue Jun 24 14:22:22 2003] [notice] LDAP: SSL support unavailable
  [Tue Jun 24 14:22:23 2003] 

Re: Problems with mod_jk2

2003-06-24 Thread NormW
Good morning again.
Tomcat supports having multiple ServiceEngine entries within the
Server.xml, and each one would need to be identifiable when a single
Apache/jk(2) setup is forwarding requests to the one Tomcat.
The [channel.socket:...] identifies where/how to get from mod_jk(2) to the
Tomcat machine (ie host/port), but the actual workers need to be able to
identify either:

- which ServiceEngine entry to aim at on a given machine OR
- mod_jk(2) needs to be able to tag which worker processed a request so that
the session goes back to the same worker.


 Ya.  You are right.  I think tomcatId is just something tomcat uses to
 internally to keep track of the workers.  It could be anything such as


 but you really define the host and the port in the [channel...] section as
 you mention.  You could have multiple workers pointed at the same host on
 the same port.  The only way to tell them appart is by the tomcatId.  (I

 There is a little bit of difference between the configs if you run tomcat
 and apache on the same box or if they are two seperate boxes.  I think
 that is the most confusing part/lack of docs.
The major difference is that [channel.socket:..] points port= to 'localhost'
(ie 'this machine') if Tomcat is on the same machine as mod_jk(2) or to an
actual ip or domain name name if Tomcat is running on another machine.

Some packet probing might resolve this.
For now,


 On Wed, 25 Jun 2003, NormW wrote:

  Good morning Eric.
  The setting format for 'config.file' at least confirms what a trowel
  the source code turned up. Thanks.
  The 'TomcatID' parameter is also alternately named 'route' in mod_jk2,
  is, I think, used mostly in load-balance situations, where, at the
  end, it is called 'jvmRoute' on the Engine element.
  The port and address are not 'normally' needed as mod_jk2 will also use
  channel.socket name elements [channel.socket:host:port] for these
  parameters... (which is not entirely kosher in my view). Hence the
  method would be to include both the port= and host= parameters under the
  [channel.socket:.] section.
  I _think_ this helps.
  - Original Message -
  From: Eric J. Pinnell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 9:52 AM
  Subject: Re: Problems with mod_jk2
   Here is a simple config to get if off the ground for a TCP connection:
   After you have loaded in the modules directory of apache
   LoadModule jk2_module modules/
   JkSet config.file /path/to/apache/conf/
   to your httpd.conf file.
   Then in /path/to/apache/conf/ put:
   # Example socket channel, override port and host.
   # define the worker
   # Uri mapping
   You can also use tomcatId instead of calling out the host and the
   Then use the file that comes with tomcat.  This is the
   that has everything commented out.  You don't need it because apache
   doing the work.
   Use the default Connector entry in server.xml for the Coyote/JK2
   This creates a simple single worker, non-loadbalanced connection.  You
   look at the example that comes with the connectors
   source and get an idea how to do loadbalancing.  But basically you
   loadbalancing workers and add workers to the load balancer group.  The
   you map the URI to the loadbalancer group and it uses the workers you
   defined in that have in that group to connect to Tomcat.
   At least that's what I have been working with.  Seems to work.
   On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Nikola Milutinovic wrote:
Hi all.
mod_jk2 is bugging me properly. It is not working right now and it
  never did. I could have made a number of mistakes, so if someone could
  at them, I'd be grateful. This are the relevant files:
Service name=Tomcat-Apache-JK2
!-- Define a Coyote/JK2 AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 --
Connector className=org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector
  port=8009 minProcessors=5
   maxProcessors=75 enableLookups=true redirectPort=8443
  acceptCount=10 debug=0
   connectionTimeout=0 useURIValidationHack=false
Engine name=ajp13 debug=0/
Host name=Kerberos

Re: JK2 config

2003-06-22 Thread NormW
Good evening Nikola.
Best of luck and I will watch your 'thread' with interest.
I asked some technical questions about mod_jk2 a few weeks ago and got
deafened by the silence.

Considering a predominance of questions here are about configuration issues,
it is amazing there seems to be enough time to answer the questions (most
anyway) and yet not enough time to get the docs up to scratch and reduce the
'clutter' here.

Depending on your skills, sometimes wading through the source code can
reveal needed things of use. Another method would be to write up a list of
specific things you want to know rather than seek the 'grail' of
comprehensive mod_jk2 documentation. (The module itself is still 'under
construction' and the  manual is developed from that.)

On the other hand... if it exists, one ought to read it. I know there is a
document in the Tomcat 4 doc set about 'virtual' hosts configuration, which
might get you started at least, and there are a number of documents with the
Apache manual about the topic... If you have read them, ask questions to
clarify what is there, if not,...

AFAIK, basically you need to add multiple host   / sections in Tomcat's
server.xml and 'inside' those, nest the required context / elements, then
adjust the parameters to suit each host added to keep them unique It's a
similar thing at the Apache end; create VirtualHost sections within
httpd.conf, and inside these create Location  entries, inside which use
'JkUriSet  worker  workername'. If you create only one worker in, workername can be the same one for all hosts. Create
a channelSocket entry in that points to the Tomcat
machine/port. Aim the workername entry at the channelSocket entry and it
ought to be very close to going.

Hi all.

Is there a comprehensive mod_jk2 guide? I'm mostly interested in
comprehensive explanation of the syntax and semantcis of
and files.

The docs coming with TC are confusing and full of holes, to say the least.

Right now, my immediate question would be: how to setup Apache 2.0.46 with
virtual hosts on one machine to map TC (with virtual hosts) on another

For instance:

Apache2: HOST: (also holding
TC 4.1.24: HOST: (also holding

Coyote HTTP/1.1 connector is working on TC and I can browse to (you guys can't, it is on our
Intranet :-)). Now, I would like to map a context test from into /my_test/* under hosted on

What exactly should I do?

All the examples on the TC-docs make many assumptions or, shall we say, skip
a lot of explanation teritory.

Also, I've done this (almost) with mod_webapp and it makes sense to monkey
around with VHosts under TC - each Apache VHost maps to the corresponding TC
VHost, defined under WARP engine. Does it make sense when using JK1/2? Can I
map a context defined under one VHost on TC under totally different VHost on
Apache? Is there something special in the syntax of in
such case?


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Re: Question regarding tomcat-apache.conf file.

2003-06-16 Thread NormW
Good evening Kevin.
I think you might need to read a little further..
AFAIK there is a specific startup option for Tomcat to generate the .conf
file for Apache, and that's assuming Tomcat 4.0 supports it
Apologies for the vagueness but it's not a feature I've actually used.

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas, Kevin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 7:36 PM
Subject: Question regarding tomcat-apache.conf file.

 Hi there,

 New to the list, but with a hopefully simple question to answer.

 I'm currently trying to integrate Apache 1.3.6 and Tomcat 4.0.6 on a
 Unix box and have been following the instructions in the usual howto's on
 the jakarta site. However, there are several references to the
 generated tomcat-apache.conf file. According to the instructions this
 should appear in the $CATALINA_HOME/conf directory...unfortunately in my
 case, it isn't.

 Tomcat is up and running in standalone mode with no problems, however the
 .conf file is not being produced. There wasn't a $CATALINA_HOME/conf/auto
 directory (that I saw being referred to in one message) so I created on in
 the hope that Tomcat would write out to it, but no luck this way either.

 Can anyone shed any light on why the tomcat-apache.conf file would not be
 produced even although Tomcat is running fine.


 Kevin Thomas
 Technical Analyst
 Technical Authority, Deregulated Applications
 Utilities Group, SAIC Ltd.
 5 Redwood Place
 Peel Park
 East Kilbride
 G74 5PB
 Tel: 013558 45260 ( 708 5260 internal )

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Re: Question regarding tomcat-apache.conf file.

2003-06-16 Thread NormW
Good evening Kevin
AFAIK Tomcat 4.1 doesn't have the auto configure option so I've never tried
it personally; I get by with manual configuration. What module are you
using? Mod_jk or md_jk2?

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas, Kevin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 8:16 PM
Subject: RE: Question regarding tomcat-apache.conf file.

 Thanks for the reply.

 When you say you haven't used it, does that mean you don't run with Apache
 and Tomcat talking to each other, or just that you've found another way
 round it?


 -Original Message-
 From: NormW [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 16 June 2003 11:17
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Question regarding tomcat-apache.conf file.

 Good evening Kevin.
 I think you might need to read a little further..
 AFAIK there is a specific startup option for Tomcat to generate the .conf
 file for Apache, and that's assuming Tomcat 4.0 supports it
 Apologies for the vagueness but it's not a feature I've actually used.

 - Original Message - 
 From: Thomas, Kevin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 7:36 PM
 Subject: Question regarding tomcat-apache.conf file.

  Hi there,
  New to the list, but with a hopefully simple question to answer.
  I'm currently trying to integrate Apache 1.3.6 and Tomcat 4.0.6 on a
  Unix box and have been following the instructions in the usual howto's
  the jakarta site. However, there are several references to the
  generated tomcat-apache.conf file. According to the instructions this
  should appear in the $CATALINA_HOME/conf directory...unfortunately in my
  case, it isn't.
  Tomcat is up and running in standalone mode with no problems, however
  .conf file is not being produced. There wasn't a
  directory (that I saw being referred to in one message) so I created on
  the hope that Tomcat would write out to it, but no luck this way either.
  Can anyone shed any light on why the tomcat-apache.conf file would not
  produced even although Tomcat is running fine.
  Kevin Thomas
  Technical Analyst
  Technical Authority, Deregulated Applications
  Utilities Group, SAIC Ltd.
  5 Redwood Place
  Peel Park
  East Kilbride
  G74 5PB
  Tel: 013558 45260 ( 708 5260 internal )
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  For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Question regarding tomcat-apache.conf file.

2003-06-16 Thread NormW
Good evening (here)... how's Monday going?
What platform are you running Apache and Tomcat on, and will they be on the
same or different machines?
Nothing wrong with 'dummies' doing this sort of stuff if the documentation
was okay; how many people know how are a car or TV works and they're used
every day by just about everyone.

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas, Kevin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 8:47 PM
Subject: RE: Question regarding tomcat-apache.conf file.


 I'm planning on using the mod_jk module. I've been searching for info on
 web about getting the two talking, there's plenty of info but no real,
 dummies guides. Mind you I don't suppose dummies like me should be
 tinkering with this stuff!! ;o)


 -Original Message-
 From: NormW [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 16 June 2003 11:32
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Question regarding tomcat-apache.conf file.

 Good evening Kevin
 AFAIK Tomcat 4.1 doesn't have the auto configure option so I've never
 it personally; I get by with manual configuration. What module are you
 using? Mod_jk or md_jk2?

 - Original Message - 
 From: Thomas, Kevin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 8:16 PM
 Subject: RE: Question regarding tomcat-apache.conf file.

  Thanks for the reply.
  When you say you haven't used it, does that mean you don't run with
  and Tomcat talking to each other, or just that you've found another way
  round it?
  -Original Message-
  From: NormW [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 16 June 2003 11:17
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: Re: Question regarding tomcat-apache.conf file.
  Good evening Kevin.
  I think you might need to read a little further..
  AFAIK there is a specific startup option for Tomcat to generate the
  file for Apache, and that's assuming Tomcat 4.0 supports it
  Apologies for the vagueness but it's not a feature I've actually used.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Thomas, Kevin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 7:36 PM
  Subject: Question regarding tomcat-apache.conf file.
   Hi there,
   New to the list, but with a hopefully simple question to answer.
   I'm currently trying to integrate Apache 1.3.6 and Tomcat 4.0.6 on a
   Unix box and have been following the instructions in the usual howto's
   the jakarta site. However, there are several references to the
   generated tomcat-apache.conf file. According to the instructions
   should appear in the $CATALINA_HOME/conf directory...unfortunately in
   case, it isn't.
   Tomcat is up and running in standalone mode with no problems, however
   .conf file is not being produced. There wasn't a
   directory (that I saw being referred to in one message) so I created
   the hope that Tomcat would write out to it, but no luck this way
   Can anyone shed any light on why the tomcat-apache.conf file would not
   produced even although Tomcat is running fine.
   Kevin Thomas
   Technical Analyst
   Technical Authority, Deregulated Applications
   Utilities Group, SAIC Ltd.
   5 Redwood Place
   Peel Park
   East Kilbride
   G74 5PB
   Tel: 013558 45260 ( 708 5260 internal )
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Re: Question regarding tomcat-apache.conf file.

2003-06-16 Thread NormW
Just a tad too quick with the 'send'... mod_jk or mod_jk2? If you don't have
a preference, go with mod_jk... it has only recently been updated and if you
get auto config working, it only supports jk anyway.
There are slots at Jakarta for the binaries for mod_jk for different
versions of Solaris but are presently empty... do you 'roll-your-own'
[compile] or prefer 'ready-made' [binaries]?
Solaris is not on my 'accreditation list' so this will be strictly theory...

But before going on, best if you nominate your jk(2) module and wether you
compile or buy...

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas, Kevin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 9:00 PM
Subject: RE: Question regarding tomcat-apache.conf file.

 Monday is as usual, a struggle! The excesses of the weekend are taking

 I'm running both on the same machine, Sun boxes running Solaris 8, if that
 helps any.

 Nothing wrong with 'dummies' snip
 Very true!

 -Original Message-
 From: NormW [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 16 June 2003 12:00
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Question regarding tomcat-apache.conf file.

 Good evening (here)... how's Monday going?
 What platform are you running Apache and Tomcat on, and will they be on
 same or different machines?
 Nothing wrong with 'dummies' doing this sort of stuff if the documentation
 was okay; how many people know how are a car or TV works and they're used
 every day by just about everyone.

 - Original Message - 
 From: Thomas, Kevin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 8:47 PM
 Subject: RE: Question regarding tomcat-apache.conf file.

  I'm planning on using the mod_jk module. I've been searching for info on
  web about getting the two talking, there's plenty of info but no real,
  dummies guides. Mind you I don't suppose dummies like me should be
  tinkering with this stuff!! ;o)
  -Original Message-
  From: NormW [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 16 June 2003 11:32
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: Re: Question regarding tomcat-apache.conf file.
  Good evening Kevin
  AFAIK Tomcat 4.1 doesn't have the auto configure option so I've never
  it personally; I get by with manual configuration. What module are you
  using? Mod_jk or md_jk2?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Thomas, Kevin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 8:16 PM
  Subject: RE: Question regarding tomcat-apache.conf file.
   Thanks for the reply.
   When you say you haven't used it, does that mean you don't run with
   and Tomcat talking to each other, or just that you've found another
   round it?
   -Original Message-
   From: NormW [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: 16 June 2003 11:17
   To: Tomcat Users List
   Subject: Re: Question regarding tomcat-apache.conf file.
   Good evening Kevin.
   I think you might need to read a little further..
   AFAIK there is a specific startup option for Tomcat to generate the
   file for Apache, and that's assuming Tomcat 4.0 supports it
   Apologies for the vagueness but it's not a feature I've actually used.
   - Original Message - 
   From: Thomas, Kevin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 7:36 PM
   Subject: Question regarding tomcat-apache.conf file.
Hi there,
New to the list, but with a hopefully simple question to answer.
I'm currently trying to integrate Apache 1.3.6 and Tomcat 4.0.6 on a
Unix box and have been following the instructions in the usual
the jakarta site. However, there are several references to the
generated tomcat-apache.conf file. According to the instructions
should appear in the $CATALINA_HOME/conf directory...unfortunately
case, it isn't.
Tomcat is up and running in standalone mode with no problems,
.conf file is not being produced. There wasn't a
directory (that I saw being referred to in one message) so I created
the hope that Tomcat would write out to it, but no luck this way
Can anyone shed any light on why the tomcat-apache.conf file would
produced even although Tomcat is running fine.
Kevin Thomas
Technical Analyst
Technical Authority, Deregulated Applications
Utilities Group, SAIC Ltd.
5 Redwood Place
Peel Park
East Kilbride
G74 5PB
Tel: 013558 45260 ( 708 5260 internal )
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Re: Question regarding tomcat-apache.conf file.

2003-06-16 Thread NormW
Good evening Kevin.
Takes my cue! What they are configuring there are the example applications
that come with Tomcat read what you can of the Tomcat docs once you get
Apache and Tomcat working and 'see' how straight-forward the setup actually
is... a bunch of settings that tell Apache what to send to the jk module and
a few more settings to configure jk and how it should contact Tomcat... this
is definitely not Harry Potter stuff! But the number of people who seem to
look for a magic phrase... Also the configuration of Tomcat is primarily
done by server.xml, so definitely read that (lots of comments) and get a
'feel' for what is used and can be used in your situation.
Best of luck,

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Re: Question regarding tomcat-apache.conf file.

2003-06-16 Thread NormW
Still at it?
Good evening Kevin.
I think it's saying your LoadModule line in httpd.conf needs a tweak.
It should read:
LoadModule jk_module libexec/mod_jk-1.3-etc

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas, Kevin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 10:17 PM
Subject: RE: Question regarding tomcat-apache.conf file.


 I used the basic format that being offered on that website to understand
 what changes were required. After following them (making my own tweaks to
 ensure correct paths etc), I attempted to restart Apache and got the

 Syntax error on line 233 of
 Can't locate API module structure `mod_jk' in file

 mod_jk: can't find symbol
 bin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started

 Any ideas? (sorry to bug you with this one!)

 -Original Message-
 From: NormW [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 16 June 2003 12:54
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Question regarding tomcat-apache.conf file.

 Good evening Kevin.
 Takes my cue! What they are configuring there are the example applications
 that come with Tomcat read what you can of the Tomcat docs once you
 Apache and Tomcat working and 'see' how straight-forward the setup
 is... a bunch of settings that tell Apache what to send to the jk module
 a few more settings to configure jk and how it should contact Tomcat...
 is definitely not Harry Potter stuff! But the number of people who seem to
 look for a magic phrase... Also the configuration of Tomcat is primarily
 done by server.xml, so definitely read that (lots of comments) and get a
 'feel' for what is used and can be used in your situation.
 Best of luck,

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Re: Apache issue

2003-06-16 Thread NormW
Hmmm...seems familiar.
If you have the Tomcat documents also installed, check:

- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 8:58 AM
Subject: Apache issue

 tomcat 4.1.24
 redhat 7.3
 apache 1.3.20 
 jdk j2sdk1.4.1_02
 I have poured through the web and just can't find what
 is the deal here.
 I am linking tomcat to apache (or trying to!) using
 the mod_jk, so that is all installed.
 All the docs said that the running of tomcat should
 produce a file in conf called mod_jk.conf-auto
 it does not work. (I have tomcat starting in
 standalone mode does that matter?)
 I did find one doc which said you need to insert a
 line in the server.xml file - ApacheConfig /
 it says where to put it but the example it gave, is
 not in there! so where do I need to put this line?
 my server file is very long, so unless you guys need
 it I will not include it yet.
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JK2 Documentation

2003-06-07 Thread NormW
Good evening All.
I have a few questions re the configuration and operation of mod_jk2 that I hope some 
better informed user may be able to answer.

1. The documentation describes setting parameters in the httpd.conf file using JkSet, 
and I have had success with worker parameters, but trying to set something like the 
config file keeps eluding me. The 'object' name usually comes from the section head 
[config], and since there is no local component name one expects the setting would be:
   JkSet  config.file conf/filename
However when I start apache2 the following error is generated depending on the form 

[Fri Jun 06 20:08:31 2003] [notice] mod_jk2: Unrecognized option config:file 
[Fri Jun 06 20:17:55 2003] [notice] mod_jk2: Unrecognized option config.file 
[Fri Jun 06 20:43:03 2003] [notice] mod_jk2: Unrecognized option config:.file 
[Fri Jun 06 20:45:28 2003] [notice] mod_jk2: Unrecognized option config:file 

Can someone enlighten me please?

2. The documentation indicates all objects have three standard properties, namely 
'disabled', 'debug' and 'version', yet when 'version=0' is included in under, for example, ajp13, mod_jk2 reports it as an unrecognised 
option. Which is correct, the module or the documents?

3. The basic premise of load balancing is understandable but not the method by which 
mod_jk achieves it.  If two workers have the same lb_factor of 1, does that imply 
every second (unique, assuming sticky sessions) request goes to each Tomcat?  ... and 
if the lb_factor is raised to 5 each? 5 to one then 5 the other?
If one Tomcat has an lb_factor of 20 and the other 2, does one do ten times the 'work' 
and if so how is this 'measured'? ...over a period of time, by counters, by preference?

I've read mod_jk2 is still a work in progress but hope the questions might provide at 
least a few ideas for inclusions.
Thanks in advance for any reply,

Re: tomcat stops when logout

2003-03-19 Thread NormW
Good morning.
I read in my Tomcat book that shutdown on exit was a known problem with JRE
1.3 on Windows and it recommends upgrading to 1.4 (now 1.4.1).

- Original Message -
From: Wey Hueymeei [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 4:17 AM
Subject: tomcat stops when logout


 I am new to tomcat.
 I manually start tomcat from $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ as root from
 I found everytime I logout, tomcat stops. Am I missing anything?


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Re: User Interface To Tomcat User List

2003-03-19 Thread NormW
Good morning Eric.
I wasn't 'pushing' for a change as I will go back to just viewing the
Archives until I need to pose another question; that's why I mentioned that
I'm only new to TC and not even close to being able to help with 99% of what
comes in my Inbox.
That's what I liked with the Newsgroup format... I can browse them online,
and, in the event I can offer some assistance, it's easy to do so...and
don't have to wade through (66 this morning) a lot of messages I cannot do
anyhing for.
While pulling down particular threads is feasible, my knowledge isn't that
'compartmentalised'; I might know 4 facts on advanced config and 100 on
where to find docs; AIX, Linux, Solaris, Windows 2K, etc I can provide a cup
of coffee for.
I gather the mailing lists have been going for a number of years so
something must be working; I was just thinking it might have been easier.
Thanks for the feedback though.

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Re: User Interface To Tomcat User List

2003-03-19 Thread NormW
Good morning Bill.
No, I hadn't noticed. (Can't sleep and up early).
Will check it out.
Thanks for the feedback.

- Original Message -
From: Bill Barker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 7:17 PM
Subject: Re: User Interface To Tomcat User List

 As you might have noticed from this reply, it is currently possible to
 access this list from the unsupported by, and in no way connected to or
 endorsed by Jakarta/Apache news group

 NormW [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Good afternoon All.
 Only new to the Tomcat User Mail List and may likely opt out soon to
 conserve my Inbox, but wanted to say that getting 91 emails in one session
 (2 were relevant to the question I asked) isn't helping me or likely of
 use to anyone else for that matter either. (Perhaps my ISP who charges by
 the amount downloaded?)

 I have limited exposure to Tomcat and the docs and config files to some
 extent, so I probably could help a few, but not if I have to keep clearing
 my my Inbox every hour or so.

 Newsgroups are what I got used to for Netware, with the various products
 broken up into different categories like install, utils and so on, that
 ANYONE can browse, and if you see a message that you can offer some help
 just click on 'reply to group', say your piece and send; no cluttered
 Inboxes and, I suspect, a lot less traffic for the server. A moderator
 (unknown) vets/removes anything of a stupid/antisocial nature, and in five
 plus years that I've experienced it, it seems to have worked well.

 I've received emails recently that are proposing eForum(s), and, while the
 format is unknown to me, believe there is a sound basis for looking at
 changing the way the users list works, regardless of the method used.

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Re: jk2 and passing env vars

2003-03-18 Thread NormW
Good morning.
If you are using the 2.0.43.dll version of JK2 you are not alone.

- Original Message - 
From: grenoml [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 6:14 AM
Subject: jk2 and passing env vars

   Is the method for passing environment vars between Apache2 and Tomcat
 the same for mod_jk and mod_jk2?  I am using jk2 now and when I tried
 adding the line: 'JkEnvVar MyEnvVar' to httpd.conf it results in this
 error when starting Apache2: 
 Invalid command 'JkEnvVar', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module
 not included in the server configuration.
   I have the LoadModule directive declared for jk2_module and the
 connector is working fine otherwise.  Does jk2 not recognize the Jk*
 directives?  It doesn't seem to recognize any of them.
 Thanks :-)
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Re: jk2 and passing env vars

2003-03-18 Thread NormW
Good morning Gerry.
I'm working with Tomcat on Netware and only got involved because of a desire
to try JK2;...then find it isn't available for Netware because the way it
works internally cannot be easily ported.

I downloaded mod_jk2-2.0.43.dll as I'm not set up for compiling here, and
found that, even with 2.0.43 Apache2 installed (WinNT), the Jk directives
were not being recognised in httpd.conf.

I had a Ifmodule mod_jk2.c directive that WAS being interpreted correctly
[mis-spelling the module name would cause Apache to bypass the directives]
so I know it could see the module, but not the Directives. Given that I
couldn't put the dll to much use (I was mostly curious to see the 'status'
ouput) I left it at that in hope the next release of JK2 provides docs that
allow a functional spec of the module to be derived... from which a port to
Netware might be created. Wether this was a bug carried over from the source
or a corrupted dll I couldn't say, but your experience suggests it might be
in the source.

On a side note, can't say I'm impressed with the 'everyone gets all the
mail' methodology after working with conventional newsgroups... I had one
simple question and, on one morning alone, got 91 emails... sheesh!...
99.99% I couldn't even answer and not in regard to my question... which is
why I'll probably opt out and just read the archives.

As far as passing environment vars to Tomcat, I assume that is used when
Tomcat is run in a JVM within the Apache web space because there doesn't
appear to be any mention of passing vars in the ajp13 protocol description,
although it is listed as an enhancement in the proposed ajp13 upgrade
For now

- Original Message -
From: grenoml [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 7:36 AM
Subject: Re: jk2 and passing env vars

   Yes, my Apache2 is 2.0.43 and I built locally.  BTW, do
 you know if there is  bug open on this in bugzilla?  Do you think this
 is just a lack of configuration documentation or should this be posted
 as a bug?


 --- NormW [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Good morning.
  If you are using the 2.0.43.dll version of JK2 you are not alone.
  - Original Message -
  From: grenoml [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 6:14 AM
  Subject: jk2 and passing env vars
 Is the method for passing environment vars between Apache2 and
   the same for mod_jk and mod_jk2?  I am using jk2 now and when I
   adding the line: 'JkEnvVar MyEnvVar' to httpd.conf it results in
   error when starting Apache2:
   Invalid command 'JkEnvVar', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a
   not included in the server configuration.
 I have the LoadModule directive declared for jk2_module and the
   connector is working fine otherwise.  Does jk2 not recognize the
   directives?  It doesn't seem to recognize any of them.
   Thanks :-)
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User Interface To Tomcat User List

2003-03-18 Thread NormW
Good afternoon All.
Only new to the Tomcat User Mail List and may likely opt out soon to conserve my 
Inbox, but wanted to say that getting 91 emails in one session (2 were relevant to the 
question I asked) isn't helping me or likely of much use to anyone else for that 
matter either. (Perhaps my ISP who charges by the amount downloaded?)

I have limited exposure to Tomcat and the docs and config files to some extent, so I 
probably could help a few, but not if I have to keep clearing my my Inbox every hour 
or so.

Newsgroups are what I got used to for Netware, with the various products broken up 
into different categories like install, utils and so on, that ANYONE can browse, and 
if you see a message that you can offer some help to, just click on 'reply to group', 
say your piece and send; no cluttered Inboxes and, I suspect, a lot less traffic for 
the server. A moderator (unknown) vets/removes anything of a stupid/antisocial nature, 
and in five plus years that I've experienced it, it seems to have worked well.

I've received emails recently that are proposing eForum(s), and, while the format is 
unknown to me, believe there is a sound basis for looking at changing the way the 
users list works, regardless of the method used.

Re: jk2 and passing env vars

2003-03-18 Thread NormW
G'day (Short)
Thnk U 4 msg.
Sent a msg re list format.
Will C apr13+? doc myself.

- Original Message -
From: Chris Dodunski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 12:24 PM
Subject: RE: jk2 and passing env vars

 Why not a Tomcat eForum, like those at  Visitors can
 expand only those threads which interest them, and notifyEmail is only
 dispatched to the thread initialiser and post authors within that thread.
 Problems are not missed, and solutions persist...  Blah blah blah, so it
 goes on.  Mailing lists are fine for eCommunities, but not for eContinents
 (was that an echo? :-).


 -Original Message-
 From: grenoml [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, 19 March 2003 1:02 p.m.
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: jk2 and passing env vars

   I took a look at AJP13 Extension Proposal and it looks at though the
 original JkEnvVar should have been inherited from AJP12 into AJP13 so
 it should be working unless someone maybe fubar the old code.  Well,
 we'll see if apache group responds to my bug 12186.
   I know how you feel about all the emails from these lists.  I wish
 they would add an option to just let you flag topics that you want to
 watch and forget the rest.  I took a yahoo account with 4MB limit just
 to discpline myself to manage the different maillist inboxes.  I either
 manage it or I cannot send or receive mail - great incentive.
   And good luck on Netware conversion.


 --- NormW [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Good morning Gerry.
  I'm working with Tomcat on Netware and only got involved because of a
  to try JK2;...then find it isn't available for Netware because the
  way it
  works internally cannot be easily ported.
  I downloaded mod_jk2-2.0.43.dll as I'm not set up for compiling here,
  found that, even with 2.0.43 Apache2 installed (WinNT), the Jk
  were not being recognised in httpd.conf.
  I had a Ifmodule mod_jk2.c directive that WAS being interpreted
  [mis-spelling the module name would cause Apache to bypass the
  so I know it could see the module, but not the Directives. Given that
  couldn't put the dll to much use (I was mostly curious to see the
  ouput) I left it at that in hope the next release of JK2 provides
  docs that
  allow a functional spec of the module to be derived... from which a
  port to
  Netware might be created. Wether this was a bug carried over from the
  or a corrupted dll I couldn't say, but your experience suggests it
  might be
  in the source.
  On a side note, can't say I'm impressed with the 'everyone gets all
  mail' methodology after working with conventional newsgroups... I had
  simple question and, on one morning alone, got 91 emails...
  99.99% I couldn't even answer and not in regard to my question...
  which is
  why I'll probably opt out and just read the archives.
  As far as passing environment vars to Tomcat, I assume that is used
  Tomcat is run in a JVM within the Apache web space because there
  appear to be any mention of passing vars in the ajp13 protocol
  although it is listed as an enhancement in the proposed ajp13 upgrade
  For now
  - Original Message -
  From: grenoml [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 7:36 AM
  Subject: Re: jk2 and passing env vars
 Yes, my Apache2 is 2.0.43 and I built locally.  BTW,
   you know if there is  bug open on this in bugzilla?  Do you think
   is just a lack of configuration documentation or should this be
   as a bug?
   --- NormW [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Good morning.
If you are using the 2.0.43.dll version of JK2 you are not alone.
- Original Message -
From: grenoml [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 6:14 AM
Subject: jk2 and passing env vars
   Is the method for passing environment vars between Apache2
 the same for mod_jk and mod_jk2?  I am using jk2 now and when I
 adding the line: 'JkEnvVar MyEnvVar' to httpd.conf it results
 error when starting Apache2:
 Invalid command 'JkEnvVar', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a
 not included in the server configuration.
   I have the LoadModule directive declared for jk2_module and
 connector is working fine otherwise.  Does jk2 not recognize
 directives?  It doesn't seem to recognize any of them.

 Thanks :-)

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Tomcat 3.3 to 4.1 - Changes?

2003-03-15 Thread NormW
Good evening All.
Working with Tomcat on Netware (no cringing please).
Trying to upgrade Tomcat from 3.3 to 4.1.x (current).

- Has the 'ContextXMLReader' directives/function been dropped in the latest releases?
  (Cannot find reference to it in the Docs and cannot get it to work on 4.1)
- Will Tomcat 4.1.x work with web apps outside its own webapps directory?
  Have set the docBase var for the context to an absolute path sys:/.. (etc)
  (I get the impression it's not reading the associated web.xml file)


Re: Tomcat 3.3 to 4.1 - Changes?

2003-03-15 Thread NormW
Good morning Craig.
Hope you get to read this..
(ie this system has me confused after working with newsgroups).
Thanks for the feedback. Will try changes based on your suggestions and go
from there.
Thanks; this Java is worse than 'black-box' at the moment!

- Original Message -
From: Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2003 5:54 AM
Subject: Re: Tomcat 3.3 to 4.1 - Changes?

 On Sat, 15 Mar 2003, NormW wrote:

  Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2003 20:58:53 +1100
  Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Tomcat 3.3 to 4.1 - Changes?
  Good evening All.
  Working with Tomcat on Netware (no cringing please).
  Trying to upgrade Tomcat from 3.3 to 4.1.x (current).
  - Has the 'ContextXMLReader' directives/function been dropped in the
latest releases?
(Cannot find reference to it in the Docs and cannot get it to work on

 Tomcat 4.x and 5.x haven't ever had anything exactly like
 ContextXMLReader.  A somewhat similar capability is to put just an XML
 file containing a Context element into the webapps directory (this is
 how the admin and manager webapps are configured by default).

  - Will Tomcat 4.1.x work with web apps outside its own webapps
Have set the docBase var for the context to an absolute path sys:/..
(I get the impression it's not reading the associated web.xml file)

 You have to use a path that the JDK considers to be absolute (i.e.
 something that will return true for).  All other
 paths are interpreted as relative to the appBase directory of the Host



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Re: JK2

2003-03-15 Thread NormW
Good morning Chris.
The download page for mod_jk2-2.0.43.dll suggests it will ONLY work for that
version of Apache and no other; hence...
I installed 2.0.43 win version of Apache2 (NT box). The module 'loads'
without error, but a syntax check (-t) of the httpd.conf (with LoadModule
and JK directives) failed on each Jkxxx directive, as if the module wasn't
exporting the Directives to Apache on loading.
I had IfModule mod_jk2.c ahead of the Jkxxx commands in the httpd.conf so
I know it could see the module itself.

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