Re: Tomcat memory-leak problem

2001-07-11 Thread Sam Newman

I too have been having some problems with Tomcat + 
memory. I put it down to me running win98 and win98 not properly being able to 
address memory over 128MB. I normally have dreamweaver, netbeans and tomcat 
running, and reguarly run out of memory (I have  384MB Ram). I haven't 
noticed any similar problems running tomcat on linux (with a lower spec 
machine). Windows does have memory management issues however, and it might be 
the way tomcat threads means it causes problems with memory on win32 platforms. 
I downloaded Tweakall in the end, as this comes with a niffty utility which can 
free leaked memory.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 9:50 
  Subject: Tomcat memory-leak problem
  I'm using apache, tomcat jakarta 3.2.1, 
  jdk1.2.2 on a linux 6.2 and a MS SQL server on a Nt4 with sp 
  Having some trouble with memory-leak. After the 
  server has been running for a couple of days, it has eaten up all 512MB of 
  RAM. It is a server with some customers on and it handles about 1000 visitors 
  a day. We use JSP pages and servlets to show webpages. Servlets primary for 
  showing images from database or generating menues...
  So... what shall i do? It doesnt help to restart 
  tomcat. I need to reboot the server and start tomcat all over before we can 
  get in contact with the sites again.
  Thanks in adv.    
  Y. ' 
  ,.._   |`--"= Bjarne Jørgensen / 
  /    "-/  
  /)  |   |_ 
  `\|___   Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  \:::\___/_\__\___\ 

Re: c++ dll

2001-07-05 Thread Sam Newman

I would guess its because java can't find the dll in its pathtry putting
the DLL in windows/system.

- Original Message -
From: "Arik Levin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 12:15 PM
Subject: c++ dll

> Hi.
> I have some c++ dll, which I use thru native java class
> at my servlet. (I call it like.. System.loadLibrary("dll name"))
> When I use it at JRun env it works fine.
> I have Jboss-Tomcat env, and at this env It just
> wouldn't work. I have this Exception: UnsatisfiedLinkError.
> Please ,,, HELP 
> Thank's Arik

Re: Remote logging?

2001-07-04 Thread Sam Newman

You might want to consider using log4j (another jakarta project). Its manual
has brief converage of using it with tomcat, although I must admit up to now
I've only used Log4j in standalone applications.

- Original Message -
From: "Kimmo Hovi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2001 10:41 AM
Subject: Remote logging?

> I was wondering if it is possible to use a logging method
> other than "append to file", which seems to be the format
> favored by tomcat and server.xml.
> direct syslogd interface would be the most appropriate. I
> have a configuration where a computer is running
> syslog-ng (Thus logging incoming udp datagrams on port 514),
> and ideally all remote computers would be set up to use
> just their own syslog, using it to forward the required
> parts of the local logs to this
> So, is it possible to somehow configure tomcat to use
> either a pipe to logger, or directly talking to syslogd?
> --
> Kimmo Hovi (Email policy:
> Network Specialist
> CRF Box Ltd. - "for Wireless Clinical R&D"
> Lonnrotinkatu 19 A
> FIN-00120 Helsinki
> Finland - Europe
> Mobile +358 40 767 8610

Re: Apache - Tomcat - Servlet Mapping

2001-07-04 Thread Sam Newman

Right - firstly, don't use JServ, use mod_jk. The file 'tomcat-apache.conf'
is generating directives for the old jserv module and its quite possible
this isn't complete. Secondly, Tomcat automatically generates the apache
directives based on your tomcat config for mod_jk (server.xml and web.xml's)
and puts it in a file called mod_jk.conf-auto, which you can include in your
httpd.conf for apache. For more in-depth information check the docs that
come with the tomcat distro - namely the mod_jk howto. The only thing to
watch when using mod)jk.conf-auto is that it only uses ajpv12, which is
slower than ajpv13 (and has a few bugs), so you'd probably want to mount
using the newer ajpv13.

- Original Message -
From: "Colin Hawkett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2001 8:19 AM
Subject: Apache - Tomcat - Servlet Mapping

> Hi all,
> This question seems to be popping up pretty regularly, but I couldn't
> extract a solution to my problem - namely: getting apache to recognise
> servlet-mappings. I am running tomcat 3.2.2 and apache 1.3.11 on win98.
> I have a web application packaged up as a war file and deployed to the
> webapps directory.  The web.xml file contains (among other things)
> theServlet
> com.myco.test.TheServlet
> theServlet
> /myServlet
> Now, I've confirmed that the mapping is correct by accessing it using the
> http://myserver:8080//myServlet- This is fine, no
> As I understand it, this is connecting to the tomcat web server (on port
> 8080), which is aware of the servlet mapping because it has read the
> file for application.  And this is how I would expect it to work.  Cool.
> However, I don't want Tomcat to be my web server.  I want apache to be my
> webserver.  So I try to access the application using the URL
> http://myserver//myServlet-  This fails!
> everything about the web-app works with apache except the servlet mapping,
> so I assume Apache is unaware of it.  The closest thing to a solution I
> found is that I need to add a line to 'tomcat-apache.conf' that looks
> something like -
> ApJServMount//myServlet
> //servlet/theServlet
> which seems like a really annoying thing to have to do.  The whole point
> web-apps is that you define everything you need to in web.xml, so that you
> don't have to change configuration files on the deployment system.  If
> is necessary, then what is the point of the servlet-mapping?  Surely
> should generate the necessary ApJServMount lines in
> "tomcat-apache.conf" when it starts up and reads web.xml?
> So, the big question is -
> * Is it possible to get apache to recognise servlet mappings defined in a
> web-app's web.xml without explicitly making a modification to an apache
> config file? If so, how?
> * If not can someone give a concrete example of a servlet mapping, and the
> corresponding ApJServMount line that will get apache to recognise that
> mapping?
> I hope this all makes sense - appreciation in advance,
> Colin

Re: List traffic et al

2001-07-03 Thread Sam Newman

Milt wrote:

> This idea has come up before, and I think it's one of the best for
> dealing with the high volume on this list (I guess it's one of the two
> or three highest volume apache lists).  I even volunteered to take the
> lead in doing this.  So I sent a note to the list owner explaining the
> idea.  Unfortunately, I never heard anything back.  Without the list
> owner's cooperation/participation (or someone who can modify the
> apache/jakarta mailing lists), it won't be possible to do this.  So,
> we could do some work on this (i.e. figuring out what separate lists
> to have), but unless we know that it's going to come to something, it
> doesn't make sense to do too much work on it.

perhaps if we came up with a general consensus as to how to split the lists,
we might get more of a response? As a first draft proposal, what about the
following division:

tomcat-config - for deploying webapps (web.xml, war files), working with
server.xml, running on various platforms etc
tomcat-integration - for working with other webservers, EJB containers,
databases etc.

Please feel free to comment


Re: List traffic et al

2001-07-03 Thread Sam Newman

> I think tomcat is a really good product, but for me it did take time to
> figure out how the various config files, and their (initially) unwieldy
> syntax works.
> I no longer consider the tomcat configuration syntax unwieldy, but for a
> newbie it can be hard to understand.

My single bigest complaint is that when there is a problem with the syntax
(e.g. in web.xml) the error is typically not very informative. This in
itself leads to allot of problems.


Re: List traffic et al

2001-07-03 Thread Sam Newman

Sounds good. Aren't there online tools for creating FAQ's via a web-front
Of course, there are always going to be the people who ask first, read the
documents later :-)

- Original Message -
From: "Emir Alikadic (ADNOC IS&T)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 11:38 AM
Subject: RE: List traffic et al

> Why don't we then monitor the list for a while and figure out the exact
> questions that keep on coming up.  We can then create an FAQ for the list
> and post it somewhere (maybe Jakarta Project would host it) and we can
> direct all "newbies" there.
> We can then retain [what I perceive is] the purpose of this list, while
> reducing (dramataically) the volume of correspondence.
> How's that?
> Emir.

Re: I need help in tomcat configuration with Oracle 8.1.7

2001-07-03 Thread Sam Newman

I don't know anything too specific about use with 
Oracle, but I've certainly used servlets/JSP's to access DB's via JDBC in the 
past (read: maintained code which did it, not developed it!), so its certainly 
possible. Firstly, could you give the exact error you are getting from tomcat? 
Also, you might want to try using 3.2.2, which is the current stable release and 
might contain fixes to your problems already.

  - Original Message - 
  Internet Total 
  Solutions LLC - Customer Liaisons Department - 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 11:37 
  Subject: I need help in tomcat 
  configuration with Oracle 8.1.7
  I would like to know whether anyone is able to give me 
  a hint towards solving the following scenario. If anyone is available on 
  consultation basis, it is fine too.
  I have developed website personalization engine in 
  java that comes with it's own kind of application server to handle the 
  client access requests to the oracle 8.1.7 db through the use of tomcat 3.1 I 
  am using the oracle thin driver and in order to handle the 
  requests through the jdbc. However tomcat giving me serious errors and my 
  client application can't login to the database. Would anyone be able to help 
  me on that matter? 
  Tobias Hansen

Re: List traffic et al

2001-07-03 Thread Sam Newman

Paul Wrote:

> well there's already [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
> there's also [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> perhaps ppl with more development specific questions should use these?

Thanks for that Paul. I kind of stopped using the Sun Java forums because
they weren't much use, but after looking at the archives these look pretty
good. Incidently  I found a good archive of them (and others) at


Re: Does Tomcat needs jdk 1.2.2

2001-07-03 Thread Sam Newman

erm, my understanding is that Tomcat only requires Java 1.1.7 or above. By
default the server.xml that ships with Tomcat actually comments out those
areas of code that require Java 1.2/Java 2, e.g. the use of a security

- Original Message -
From: "Frans Thamura" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 11:09 PM
Subject: Re: Does Tomcat needs jdk 1.2.2

> Ya, JSDK.
> Because Tomcat is a server based on Java
> Frans
> - Original Message -
> From: "Eitan Ben Noach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 1:40 AM
> Subject: Does Tomcat needs jdk 1.2.2
> > Hello,
> >
> > Does Tomcat needs the installation of JDK 1.2.2?
> > If yes, what specific jars ( or any other resources ) are needed?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Eitan
> >

Re: List traffic et al

2001-07-03 Thread Sam Newman

Emir wrote:

> List is "tomcat-user" and not "java-server-development"; thus, issues such
> as getting Tomcat up and running (i.e. Tomcat configuration) ARE the
> of this list.
> Methinks you should get invovled into discussion more often, given as you
> say that getting Tomcat up and running is no issue to you: could you
> perchance share your knowledge with us?
> The lists are there to provide convenient ways of GIVING to the community,
> not only TAKING...
> My 2 cents.

I have no problem with "giving" to the community - its just that I've got
tired of answering the same questions again and again, and if I answered
every question that I had an answer for I wouldn't get any work done (like
most/all of us here I do have a full time job). Because I saw the same
questions coming up again and again I decided to get involved with the
tomcat-book project (which has had to take a back-burner for me at the
moment due to things going mental at work).  The fact remains that general
discussion as to servlet development DOES take place here, which leads me to
believe that there may be a place for a decent developmnet mailing list. Now
this (jakarta) might not be the best place to host it I'd admit, and if
anyone knows of a decent list which already exists that covers
servlet/jsp/taglib development, please let me know. On a related note I know
for a fact that the jakarta-taglib list contains probably 50% general taglib
discussion as opposed to specific stuff about the jakarta taglibs.
As to the general config issues for tomcat, there still might be some scope
for splitting the list - perhaps one for general issues, and one covering
integration with other tools (webservers, EJB containers etc). Its just that
given the volume of traffic I think the things that interest me (and the
things I could mostly helpfully contribute to) are getting lost. Also the
generla configuration issues are typically for the newer users, whilst more
advanced issues (SSL, working with IIS/Apache etc) concern those people who
are more familiar with Tomcat.
By splitting the list, you would reduce traffic for those people only
intersted in one side of it or the other, and those that still care about
both will recieve the same number of posts (bar some potential
cross-posting). This would reduce the amount of people (probably with
something to say) who leave the list because of the amount of daily posts..


List traffic et al

2001-07-03 Thread Sam Newman

Given the huge amount of traffic this list generates, I can rarely get
involved with the discussions that take place. It occurs to me that there
sems to be three major discussion themes on the list as a whole:

1.) General servlet/jsp development issues and how tomcat affects them
2.) General tomcat configuration issues
3.) Webserver integration issues

I guess as documentation improves (e.g. tomcat book, work by people like
Mike Slinn) points 2&3 will become less of an issue. I'm just wondering if
there is any millage in perhaps splitting the list into 2 or 3 lists?
Personally, I've got no issues with getting tomcat up and running and so
don't care too much about that end of things, however the servlet/jsp
development issues is more interesting to me.

I don't have too strong an opinion on it, its just that I worry I'm missing
some interesting topics because I don't have the time to work though all the


Re: out of environment space

2001-06-29 Thread Sam Newman

Right, this has nothing to do with tomcat. Windows console applications use
their environment space to store environment variables. Whats happening is
that when you run tomcat, you're filling this space up so some of variables
won't get saved - this could really screw tomcat up. You need to increase
your default environment size. You can do it by creating a shortup to a dos
program and change its properties, but probably the better way to do it is
to add an entry to your config.sys file - can't remember exactly what you
have to do though. Changing config.sys means all console apps will inherit
this value. Try searching microsofts site with the out of environment space

- Original Message -
From: "Gabriel Marti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 12:55 AM
Subject: out of environment space

> Hello, after scaling back to tomcat 3.2.2 from tomcat 4.0 beta 5, after i
> was informed that my jsp pages wouldnt refresh in the winX plat due to a
> bug, my jsp page no longer works. when i enter the command tomcat run it
> says "out of environment space".  Here is what i currently have in my
> autoexec:
> PATH=D:\jdk1.3.0_02\bin;%PATH%
> SET TOMCAT_HOME=D:\tomcat_3
> %CATALINA_HOME%\common\lib\servlet.jar
> SET JAVA_HOME=D:\jdk1.3.0_02
> I was able to view the page before, but ive seemed to have messed
> up and i cant fig out what it is: Here is the error that is generated:
> Error: 500
> Location: /clan/roster.jsp
> Internal Servlet Error:
> javax.servlet.ServletException: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]
> '(unknown)' is not a valid path.  Make sure that the path name is spelled
> correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file
> resides.

Re: FORM submission POST to a server

2001-06-28 Thread Sam Newman

I meant URLConnection class, not 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 4:19 
  Subject: Re: FORM submission POST to a 
  hmm, I think you probably want to use the URL 
  connection program. There is a javaworld tip about posting from an applet - 
  its more about the security considerations, but should contain the sample code 
  you want. I seem to remeber the O'Reilly java network programming book also 
  contains an example use of the UrlConnection - try downloading the examples 
  for the book.
  The javaworld tip:, 
  and the earlier tip:

Re: FORM submission POST to a server

2001-06-28 Thread Sam Newman

hmm, I think you probably want to use the URL 
connection program. There is a javaworld tip about posting from an applet - its 
more about the security considerations, but should contain the sample code you 
want. I seem to remeber the O'Reilly java network programming book also contains 
an example use of the UrlConnection - try downloading the examples for the 
The javaworld tip:, 
and the earlier tip:

  - Original Message - 
  pascal GEND 
  Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 3:30 
  Subject: FORM submission POST to a 
  I'd like to POST data to an http server with a 
  java program (in the same way a www browser does it), in order to parse the 
  response and do something with it. I have an example with the GET method but 
  not POST.
  For instance, consider the example 
  What is the corresponding JAVA code (I use the JDK 117B)?
  Many thanks,

Resin (was: So what *IS* available?)

2001-06-28 Thread Sam Newman

- Original Message -
From: "Eric Hartmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 11:49 AM
Subject: RE: So what *IS* available? 

> We used Resin for months in production without big problems. It's stable
> robust.
> Take a look at
> Eric

but resin is not free to use if "You get paid to develop with Resin" - this
basically means as far as I can see that for commercial use you'll need to
pay for each server - and it seems to cost around $500 a license.
If its benchmarks are to be believed, I'd certainly look at using it, but
would be interested in seeing some independant comparisons


Re: XML parser: old version

2001-06-22 Thread Sam Newman

Someone said he managed to get Xerces work without too mich bother. He
simply wedited the tomcat.bat/ startup script to put the xerces xml
parser in the classpath instead of the standard one. My only guess as to why
xerces is not used by default is Tomcat's history as being Suns reference

- Original Message -
From: "Sergey V. Udaltsov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 9:31 AM
Subject: XML parser: old version

> Hi all
> With Tomcat 3.2.2 RPMS, I got some XML parser.
> I suspect it is sun's JAXP implementation 1.0. It DOES NOT support
> namespaces (I found it from the error messages:) so it is not possible
> to use XSL in JSPs/Beans/servlets.
> Will it be any problem to use JAXP 1.1? Or Xerces? What is the current
> policy of using XML parsers in tomcat? Why tomcat does not use Xerces
> having the same Apache licence?
> Thanks for any comments
> Sergey

JSP class compilation error

2001-06-20 Thread Sam Newman

I have a JSP page which has suddenly stopped working. I've found a single
tag which, when included gives the stack trace found at the bottom of the
email. With the tag removed, everything works fine - even when I leave the
other tags in. I have tried this file on Linux & win98. The tag in question
doesn't do anything - the tag handler doAfterBody method simply returns
SKIP_BODY. I'm assuming I must of caused a problem with the XML files
somewhere, but can't for the life of me see where. Anyone get any ideas? I'm
currently using 3.2.1 and so am going to download 3.2.2 and try this version
to see if I can get a better error. I can compile the JSP page under
netbeans using the same libraries with or without the tag being in.


Stack Trace when JSP access (with tag):

Internal Servlet Error:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
 at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.doLoadJSP(
 at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JasperLoader12$
 at Method)
 at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.loadJSP(
 at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
 at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.doService(
 at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(
 at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.service(
 at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(

Root cause:
 at java.util.Hashtable.get(
 at java.beans.Introspector.getBeanInfo(
 at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser$Tag.accept(
 at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
 at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
 at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
 at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
 at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.doLoadJSP(
 at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JasperLoader12$
 at Method)
 at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.loadJSP(
 at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
 at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.doService(
 at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(
 at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.service(
 at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(

Re: Define the /var/www to serve .jsp ?

2001-06-19 Thread Sam Newman

When using tomcat and apache, you simply set up a 
new document root and mapping within httpd.conf for each webapp you want 
accessable via Apache. When you run tomcat, it automatically generates the 
Apache directives required to use Apache and Tomcat together uising mod_jk - 
look at the file mod_jk.conf-auto. This file is overwritten whenever tomcat is 
restarted, so don't edit it directly.
For more info check the mod_jk-howto included with 
the tomcat distro.
- Original Message - 

  Dino Ming 
  To: TomCat User 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 3:13 
  Subject: Define the /var/www to serve 
  .jsp ?
  Dear All,
      Sorry for my stupid question, 
  and I'm new to JSP & Servlet.
      Here are my 
      Is it good to set the Apache's 
  document root to pass .jsp to Tomcat ? Or I need to define a folder under 
  $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/"my new folder" , and putting all of my .jsp inside 
      It look like Tomcat 
  treat folders inside $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/ as an application 

Re: Tomcat 3.2.2 and Xerces

2001-06-19 Thread Sam Newman

If it was an inbuilt limitation of Tomcat, I wouldn't expect to see a
ClassDefNotFoundExceptionare you sure you've put your xerces parser .jar
file in the WEB-INF/lib directory of your webapp?
Also Mail Archive does have a search facility for this list. Its pretty crap
but its better than nothing :-)

- Original Message -
From: "Ben Rometsch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 3:08 PM
Subject: Tomcat 3.2.2 and Xerces

> Hi There,
> I'm new to the group - apologies if this has been asked 100 times before.
> I'm writing a web application that parses an XML file with SAX in order to
> retrieve database connection details. The beans responsible for this make
> use of the xerces XML parser. Testing the beans in JBuilder, everything
> works fine.
> When I compile the class files and attempt to invoke the methods through a
> jsp page in Tomcat, it throws a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError error.
> I've been scouring Deja and the tomcat documentation. It sounds like I
> use another XML parser on top of the one tomcat uses to parse its
> configuration information. Is this correct? If this is the case, is the
> solution to re-write the SAX parser bean to make use of JAXP?
> Thanks in advance,
> Ben

Re: What are EJB

2001-06-18 Thread Sam Newman

Hmm...I can certainly send you the config files Orcas uses to work with
Tomcat. I'll try and dig them out (off site at the moment - back next week).
One way to communicate with an EJB container without any config problems at
all, is to use RMI.You bind an RMI object at your EJB container's machine,
which will act as a proxy to the EJB (mine is in fact called
CentralServerProxy). Your servlets then act as an RMI client. All you have
to do to get this to work is run tomcat with a security manager (so you'll
need java 2, and you have to uncomment the relevent line out of your
server.xml), start an RMI security manager before retrieving the reference
to the object, and tailor your tomcat.policy file to allow access (I ended
up granting everything full permissions because I couldn't be bothered to do
it properly :-) ). The beauty of this approach is that:
1.)Tomcat doesn't have to be on the same machine as your EJB container as
the communication is RMI (wouldn't be that secure though). It could even
work over the web (RMI is simply a Java specific layer on Corba).
2.) You abstract the underlying EJB container. Different containers might
require different configuration's for tomcat and the container itself to get
communication to work.
I can go into more detail if you want (I have the code here). It doesn't
take too long to setup, and you can easily protoype the system without an
EJB container behind your Proxy RMI object - you could equally just use JDBC
to connect to MySql or something. Using servlets as an RMI client is
outlines in the Servlet Programming book, in the odds and ends chapter I
think (left my copy at the office!).
Obviously you could use other communication mechanisms to abstract the
communication - we also use 1024 bit encrypted secure pipes to communicate
over the web between out central EJB server and client processes.

- Original Message -
From: "Luba Powell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: What are EJB

> You think so?  I will give in another chance.
> Can you send to me configurations for Tomcat/EJB?
> thank you.

Re: What are EJB

2001-06-18 Thread Sam Newman

Problem is all the containers we've used up till now have had real problems
with bean managed a result we had to avoid it. They seem
better now, but its a bit late for us. The single biggest headache I've had
developing/designing EJB's is trying to make the OO centric java (e.g.
encapsulation of data and process) work with the non-OO databases without
sacrificing too many of the advantages of the two (databases speed, Javas
I'm looking forward to the new message beans which are in the new EJB 2.0
spec. Would of made my current project a whole lot easier... Sending
messages/setting state of beans via JMS could be very cool - if it works :-)


- Original Message -
From: "Luba Powell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 4:38 PM
Subject: Re: What are EJB

> << but a real mess of a database>>
> You are right here.  Because of it I stopped using Entity beans all
> together...
> - Original Message -
> From: "Sam Newman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 9:26 AM
> Subject: Re: What are EJB
> > The only real similarity between EJB's and normal JavaBeans is that they
> are
> > both based on component models. EJB's provide a java representation of
> some
> > data in a database - e.g. 1 EJB will equal 1 row in the table, 1 EJB
> > is tied to one table. XML is used to tie an EJB and its data to a
> database.
> > There is a bit of a problem with this approach, in that a typical OO
> design
> > for such a system can result in a good OO system on the surface, but a
> real
> > mess of a database
> >
> > EJB's need a compliant EJB server, and a database. There are a few free
> > versions around - try JBoss. They work fine with Servlets/Tomcat given
> that
> > they are also part of the j2ee. I personally use Cape Connect (previosly
> > Orcas) with tomcat without too many problems (there are a couple of
> > loader issues in some circumstances however). Orcas actually bundles
> Tomcat
> > with it, and they pre-configure it to work with their ejb container.
> >
> > sam
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Alexandre Bouchard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2001 6:07 PM
> > Subject: What are EJB
> >
> >
> > > I've got a simple question: What are Enterprise Java Beans. I mean,
> what's
> > > the difference between EJB and the beans I develop with JDK and run
> > > Tomcat?
> > >
> > > Thx
> > >
> >

Re: Tomcat-Apache configuration

2001-06-18 Thread Sam Newman

Read the mod_jk howto included with the documentation. Its fairly
straightforward. If you have problems after following the docs, post to the
list - loads of us have done this so there will be plenty of people around
who can help.

- Original Message -
From: "Shicheng TIAN(CMS)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 2:33 PM
Subject: Tomcat-Apache configuration

> Hello there,
> We have installed Tomcat 4.0 on our PC running Win2000;
> Tomcat works fine itself.
> We have the following two queries and would like to get advice from the
> 1. How to configure Tomcat so that it can work together
> with the Web server running at the same PC, which is Apache 1.3,
> i.e. Apache would pass servlet calls to Tomcat which would process the
> and then return the result bact to Apache?
> 2. Tomcat is installed on the PC at: C:\tomcat and its doc root at:
> C:\tomcat\webapps\ROOT;
> we wonder how to configure a remote mapping so that we can put some test
> files/code on
> another drive of the same PC, e.g. on the D drive at: D:\Test
> Thanks,
> Shicheng

Re: What are EJB

2001-06-18 Thread Sam Newman

The only real similarity between EJB's and normal JavaBeans is that they are
both based on component models. EJB's provide a java representation of some
data in a database - e.g. 1 EJB will equal 1 row in the table, 1 EJB class
is tied to one table. XML is used to tie an EJB and its data to a database.
There is a bit of a problem with this approach, in that a typical OO  design
for such a system can result in a good OO system on the surface, but a real
mess of a database

EJB's need a compliant EJB server, and a database. There are a few free
versions around - try JBoss. They work fine with Servlets/Tomcat given that
they are also part of the j2ee. I personally use Cape Connect (previosly
Orcas) with tomcat without too many problems (there are a couple of class
loader issues in some circumstances however). Orcas actually bundles Tomcat
with it, and they pre-configure it to work with their ejb container.

- Original Message -
From: "Alexandre Bouchard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2001 6:07 PM
Subject: What are EJB

> I've got a simple question: What are Enterprise Java Beans. I mean, what's
> the difference between EJB and the beans I develop with JDK and run with
> Tomcat?
> Thx

Re: Formatting Apache+Tomcat Java stack output errors: how?

2001-06-18 Thread Sam Newman

Well, IIRC the stack outputs simply get sent to Stderr (e.g. when you do
excp.printStackTrace()). You could make stderr point to a different stream
(can do it via the System object) and then have that output stream do the
formatting. The exception reporting provided by Alphaworks JLog can
certainly do some decent formatting (by-the-by, Jlog is NOT log4j, although
they were both originally written by IBM). If you decide to use JLog, please
check the license - it may still be under one of IBM's dodgy ones, as it was
last time I looked (e.g. free to use, but if you use it in your code IBM can
ask for your source code. And believe me, they've done it in the past!).
Personally, I found JLog a little easier to use that Log4j (if less powerful
in some regards), and would still be using it now if not for the shitty
license :-(

- Original Message -
From: "Michael 'Mickey' Sattler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 10:52 AM
Subject: Formatting Apache+Tomcat Java stack output errors: how?

> I apologize if this is covered somewhere, but I've spent the last few
> hours searching the Apache, Tomcat, and Java realms without success.
> There's just *too much* stuff out there :-|
> I want to tweak the Java stack output. Specifically, I'd like to (at
> a minimum) make the whole damn thing get word-wrapped so I can see
> everything without moving horizontally. If I could get tighter
> control over the main error line, etc., I'd do more formatting...
> Where is this controlled? Is there something which grabs all
> subshell-generated output, or is it more detailed as all that?
> Clueless and sleepy, I thank you for a helping hand...
> --
> Michael "Mickey" Sattler, Geek Times

> San Francisco, California, USA
> I was born not knowing and have had only a little time to change that here
> and there. -- Richard Feynman (1918 - 1988)

Re: Tomcat.log

2001-06-18 Thread Sam Newman

Or it errored before the log got createdbut yes, its just letting you
know where the log will be if you get errors. On a related note, does anyone
know of a good tail program for M$ which doesn't get defeated by win32 file
locking? I'd like to be able to keep an eye on my tomcat logs without having
to shut tomcat down - I HATE the file locking on windows :-(

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 11:07 AM
Subject: RE: Tomcat.log

> This file is under the logs only if there are problems during start. If
this file does not exist, there is no error!
> -Message d'origine-
> De: Rajeshwar Rao.V [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Date: lundi 18 juin 2001 10:58
> Objet: Tomcat.log
> Hi all,
> when start Tomcat, on the console I came across mthis message.
> *Starting tomcat. Check logs/tomcat.log for error messages*
> But in the Tomcat environment, i did not find file called tomcat.log.
> where it is going?
> please clarify
> -raj-

Re: Logging

2001-06-18 Thread Sam Newman

Tomcat 4 supports filters, which may do exactly what you want. They are
defined on the 2.3 spec IIRC. Basically, its a bit of code that gets
accessed before the requested page. There was an article about the use of
filters i think either on javaworld or Assuming you want a 3.2
anwser, then you could direct all traffic through a servlet (or several)
which does the logging, and then have that servlet forward on to the
original page, e.g.:

Would log access from the client, and forward the user to userpage.jsp. Of
course, you could equally develop some tags to automatically log the

- Original Message -
From: "Roland Carlsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 9:44 AM
Subject: Logging

> Hi!
> I wonder if it's possible to put a servlet or bean to pre-process all or
some of the requests that a tomcat-server will serv? The use I'm thinking of
is customized logging to be able to track sessions much closer than the
apache common log does without have put logging-code on every page that is
> Regards
> Roland Carlsson


2001-05-31 Thread Sam Newman

The taglib sutff provided by the apache taglib project can do this - I think
there is one specifically for session information retrieval. Check the
taglibs project on the webpage.

- Original Message -
From: "Peter Giannopoulos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 4:01 PM

> Hello all,
> Can anyone show me an example of accesing a session variable in a custom
> tag?
> Or at least point me towards documentation that explains it?
> (I have an object that I store in a session variable, I need to retrieve
> one of my custom tags)
> --
>  Peter Giannopoulos,Software Designer
>  Gemplus Software,  Advanced Projects Group
>  Phone: +15147322434
>  Fax:   +15147322401
>  Gemplus Canada Inc., Http://

Tomcat 3.2.2 vs 3.2.1

2001-05-04 Thread Sam Newman

I just wondered on the benifits of using tomcat 
3.2.2 over 3.2.1? I know that 3.2.2 is in beta right now, but what advantages 
does it give over 3.2.1? Does it simply contain bug fixes (I'm assuming its 
still the 2.2 spec)?

Re: virtualHosting of apache

2001-05-03 Thread Sam Newman

err..I'm not an Apache expert or something, but I 
think for a name based virtual server you want:


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 12:31 
  Subject: virtualHosting of apache
  Hi Everybody,
    I just installed 
  the apache server and changed the port to 8181.I can access it using .Now i want 
  that it should be accessible by using .If anyone can suggest how it 
  can be done, it will be a great help.I tried editing the httpd.conf file in 
  following way:
  # ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  # DocumentRoot /www/docs/
  # ErrorLog logs/
  # CustomLog logs/ common
  what else should i do to access it by name.
  Thanks and Regards 

Re: Still trying to configure mod_jk

2001-05-03 Thread Sam Newman

Lots of people have this problem. The downloadable mod_jk seems to work for
some people, but not all. I'd suggest downloading the mod_jk source and
build it yourself. Give your system, this shouldn't be too hard.

- Original Message -
From: "Laurence Mayer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 1:10 PM
Subject: Still trying to configure mod_jk

> Redhat 6.2
> Apache -1.3.6-1
> httpd start gives the following error
> Syntax error on line 214 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
> API module structure 'jk_module' in file /user/libexec/apache/ is
> garbled - perhaps
> this is not an apache module DSO?
> How do I fix?
> Can anyone shed some light, pleeeaaassse?
> Desperate
> Laurence

Re: Problem with Javamail

2001-04-26 Thread Sam Newman

I would guess the relevent jar (the ajva mail jar file) isn;t in the
WEB-INF/lib directory of your webapp.

- Original Message -
From: "Gustavo Comba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 12:17 PM
Subject: Problem with Javamail

> Hello,
> I'm trying Apache-SOAP Version 2.1 over Tomcat 3.2.1.
> I've written a simple Servlet that send e-mails using the Sun's
> implementation without any problem, but I cant get the SOAP running (even
> the sample servlets included with the implementation).
> I'm getting the following error:
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/mail/MessagingException
>  at pruebas.Correo.doPost(
>  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>  at
>  at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(
>  at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.service(
>  at
> 7)
>  at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(
>  at
>  at
> org.apache.tomcat.service.TcpWorkerThread.runIt(
>  at
> org.apache.tomcat.util.ThreadPool$
>  at
> I've checked the Apache SOAP documentation about the install using
> Tomcat. I'm running Tomcat as NT Service, and I've modified the class path
> in as following.
> wrapper.class_path=$(wrapper.java_home)\jre\lib\ext\xerces.jar
> wrapper.class_path=$(wrapper.java_home)\jre\lib\ext\xml4j.jar
> wrapper.class_path=$(wrapper.java_home)\jre\lib\ext\soap.jar
> wrapper.class_path=D:\Utils\JAVA\Sun\javamail-1.2\mail.jar
> wrapper.class_path=D:\Utils\JAVA\Sun\jaf-1.0.1\activation.jar
> (the first three lines are useless, I think)
> Then, I've tried running Tomcat from the command line, using
> "startup.bat". I've modified "tomcat.bat" as following:
> set
> il.jar;D:\Utils\JAVA\Sun\jaf-1.0.1\activation.jar;%CP%
> in place of "set CLASSPATH=%CP%"
> And nothing!!! What I'm doing wrong?
> If is some usefull information missing in my message, please let me
> know.
> Thanks in advance, and please forgive my horrible English! ;-)
> Gustavo Comba

Re: Please urgent : Why french accentual characters (like à è) not display

2001-04-26 Thread Sam Newman

Hmm, in which case  if that solved it I'd guess i could be down to java not
loading the right locale information. ISn't there some java code that can do
this on the fly?

- Original Message -
From: "Stefan Busse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 9:54 AM
Subject: Re: Please urgent : Why french accentual characters (like à è) not

> Are you using jdk 1.3 on unix ? I had the same problem with
> special characters and solved it by setting the system
> variable "LC_CTYPE" correctly. (must be set and exported
> before the jvm with tomcat is started) In my case, the
> correct value was "de_DE", in your case it probably would
> be "fr_FR" ...
> * stefan

Re: mod_jk default protocol in Tomcat-3.2.1

2001-04-25 Thread Sam Newman

Fraid not. What I really want is some kind of meta file in the conf
directory which tomcat uses to create the mod_jk.conf-auto file. I might
suggest it to the development team

- Original Message -
From: "Maring, Steve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat List (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 7:45 PM
Subject: mod_jk default protocol in Tomcat-3.2.1

> Is there a way to specify the default protocol that will be used when
> creating mod_jk.conf-auto?  It always uses AJP12 and I think AJP13 would
> probably be better.
> -Steve
> Tarpon Springs, FL

Re: apache and tomcat not working

2001-04-25 Thread Sam Newman

Do you get any output in the servlet.log file?
- Original Message - 
From: "Alejandro Arredondo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 4:38 PM
Subject: apache and tomcat not working

> Hello,
>I installed tomcat in my system. It works fine when
> I run it as stand alone server in the 8080 port. I 
> followed the steps to configure it with apache that are
> in the "Working with mod_jk" documentation. The 
> server restarts whithout trouble. I can see the 
> examples subdirectory, but I can not run the servlets
> and JSP's. They always throw an 500 Internal Server
> Error. I am using win 2000 with apache 1.3.19 and
> tomcat 3.2.1. I will also install it in my linux
> system, after making it work on windows. I added the
> mod_jk.conf-auto configuration to my httpd.conf. I
> copied the mod_jk.dll to the modules subdirectory.
> Can anybody help me?
> Thanks in advance
> _
> Free E-mail --->
> Letodesigns & Programming Free e-mail
> 6MB limit

Re: Please urgent : Why french accentual characters (like à è) not display

2001-04-25 Thread Sam Newman

you mean in the browser? Have you tried using another browser, or can you
see the character in a normal static page?

- Original Message -
From: "iscnet isc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 4:26 PM
Subject: Please urgent : Why french accentual characters (like à è) not

> Hello,
> I use tomcat, I wrote a servlet which works fine, but i have a problem in
> the french accentual characters, they always are replaced by ? character
> Can some one help me?
> Thank you
> _
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: iis & tomcat & virtual host

2001-04-25 Thread Sam Newman

There is an example virtual host config in the server.xml that comes with
tomcat. Looking at that should give you a good start.

- Original Message -
From: "George Sinclair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 3:53 PM
Subject: iis & tomcat & virtual host

> Hello,
> I was trying to find a way to set up virtual host for tomcat and I am
> using iis 5.0. If you could give me a link to some documentation or an
> example that would be appreciated very much.
> Thanks,
> George

Re: Tomcat and IIS

2001-04-25 Thread Sam Newman

Do you get any error in servlet.log in the tomcat/log directory? It looks
like your trying to connect to a port but failing - is anything else on port
Also, have you confirmed that Tomcat runs ok in standalone mode?

- Original Message -
From: "Nottebrok, Guido" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 3:47 PM
Subject: Tomcat and IIS

> Hallo,
> we have installed Tomcat Version 3.2.1 to run with IIS.
> The setup is done according to the tomcat documentation.
> In IIS we have the green arrow telling that everything should be o.k.
> When trying to access the tomcat examples with
> http://localhost/examples/jsp/index.html
> we get the error that the requested page can not be shown.
> isapi logfile:
> -
> [jk_isapi_plugin.c (408)]: HttpFilterProc started
> [jk_isapi_plugin.c (429)]: In HttpFilterProc test redirection of
> [jk_uri_worker_map.c (344)]: Into jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker
> [jk_uri_worker_map.c (406)]: jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, Found
a match ajp12
> [jk_isapi_plugin.c (439)]: HttpFilterProc [/examples/jsp/index.html] is a
servlet url - should redirect to ajp12
> [jk_isapi_plugin.c (461)]: HttpFilterProc check if
[/examples/jsp/index.html] is points to the web-inf directory
> [jk_isapi_plugin.c (408)]: HttpFilterProc started
> [jk_isapi_plugin.c (429)]: In HttpFilterProc test redirection of
> [jk_uri_worker_map.c (344)]: Into jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker
> [jk_uri_worker_map.c (430)]: In jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker,
wrong parameters
> [jk_uri_worker_map.c (434)]: jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, done
without a match
> [jk_isapi_plugin.c (452)]: HttpFilterProc [\jakarta\isapi_redirect.dll] is
not a servlet url
> [jk_isapi_plugin.c (461)]: HttpFilterProc check if
[\jakarta\isapi_redirect.dll] is points to the web-inf directory
> [jk_isapi_plugin.c (517)]: HttpExtensionProc started
> [jk_worker.c (123)]: Into wc_get_worker_for_name ajp12
> [jk_worker.c (127)]: wc_get_worker_for_name, done  found a worker
> [jk_isapi_plugin.c (539)]: HttpExtensionProc got a worker for name ajp12
> [jk_ajp12_worker.c (223)]: Into jk_worker_t::get_endpoint
> [jk_ajp12_worker.c (121)]: Into jk_endpoint_t::service
> [jk_connect.c (108)]: Into jk_open_socket
> [jk_connect.c (115)]: jk_open_socket, try to connect socket = 2380
> [jk_connect.c (124)]: jk_open_socket, after connect ret = -1
> [jk_connect.c (143)]: jk_open_socket, connect() failed errno = 61
> [jk_ajp12_worker.c (134)]: In jk_endpoint_t::service, sd = -1
> [jk_ajp12_worker.c (152)]: In jk_endpoint_t::service, Error sd = -1
> [jk_isapi_plugin.c (554)]: HttpExtensionProc error, service() failed
> [jk_ajp12_worker.c (163)]: Into jk_endpoint_t::done
> winnt\system32\LogFiles\W3SVC1:
> -
> #Software: Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0
> #Version: 1.0
> #Date: 2001-04-25 14:41:12
> #Fields: time c-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem sc-status
> 14:41:11 GET /examples/jsp/index.html 500
> 14:42:10 GET / 404
> 14:42:21 GET /postinfo.html 302
> 14:42:21 GET /postinfo.html/ 403
> 14:42:28 GET / 404
> 14:43:05 GET / 404
> 14:45:48 GET /examples/jsp/index.html 500
> 14:48:23 GET /examples/jsp/index.html 500
> Any ideas?
> Guido Nottebrok

Re: Adding modules(DSO)

2001-04-25 Thread Sam Newman
Title: RE: Adding modules

You can only make an Apache moudle a DSO 
module  by building it that way. But I thinkk that most if not all 
pre-built modules are built as DSO anyway? Apache itself needs to be build for 
DSO support. Assuming this is the case simply put the lines:
LoadModule libexec/
AddModule module.c
After any other LoadModule directuves in your 
httpd.conf file. If your apache is already a DSO one, you'll probably see many 
similar LoadModule examples.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 12:40 
  Subject: Adding modules(DSO)
  How to add a new module.How 
  to make it as a DSO.(in WINNT)

Re: Adding modules

2001-04-25 Thread Sam Newman

The module your trying to load is a module created to enhance the
capabilities of the Apache webserver. That is, the module is specific to
Apache. Tomcat is really only designed to serve .jsp and servlets although
it can also serve static content. For tomcat to be able to use Apache
modules would make it basically Apache - which is why mod_jk exists to allow
you to use tomcat and apache together to get the capabilities of both.

- Original Message -
From: "Manuel Melle Ocariz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: Adding modules

> Thanks Sam, I ve already tried that way and it works, maybe my question
wasn't clear, sorry. I m trying to do it without Apache. Actually Tomcat
doesn't need Apache for serving static content as HTML so why can't I also
load my module without Apache?. Maybe I don't have concepts clear enough,
> Thanks again,
> Manuel Melle Ocáriz
> Software AG - E-Business Competence Center

Re: Adding modules

2001-04-25 Thread Sam Newman

You simply get tomcat workig via apache, and it should work. Consult the
Apache/Tomcat howto, located on the doc directory of your tomcat install

- Original Message -
From: "Manuel Melle Ocariz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 10:02 AM
Subject: Adding modules

> Hi there,
> I m an Apache Web/Jserv user trying to migrate to Tomcat. I already have
Tomcat running on my system, but I use a database that requires a special
module to be loaded on the server. With Apache this was easy, I just had to
add the following portion of code to the httpd.conf file:
> LoadModule  ino_module modules/ApacheModuleIno.dll
> If possible, what is the way of doing that in Tomcat?
> Thanks and regards,
> Manuel Melle Ocáriz
> Software AG - E-Business Competence Center

Re: urgent

2001-04-25 Thread Sam Newman

I don't know of anyone getting tomcat to work with Personal Web Server
myselfyou might have more luck (and get more support) if you just
download Apache for win32.

> Jignasha Raval wrote:
> > i want to know how to configure tomcat with pws 4.0...
> > as the earliest
> >
> > pls send me the step by step method
> >
> >
> > Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: Problem at mod_jk.conf-auto

2001-04-25 Thread Sam Newman

Unfortunatley you cannot change this file. It would 
be nice if the contents of this file were based partyl on some meta file so you 
could change stuff like this, or for example which prootocl to use for the 
apache/tomcat connection.
If you want to change this file just paste its 
contents into your httpd.conf. I'd surround the block with some comments so its 
easy to find again. 
If you create new contexts in tomcat you can then 
paste the new sections from the mod_jk.conf-auto into httpd.conf

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 8:59 
  Subject: Problem at 
  hi there,
  Does anybody know how to change the configuration of 
  mod_jk.confg-auto ? I want to instruct Apache to load the jk module from 
  location other than the default libexec/

Re: Tomcat & SSL

2001-04-24 Thread Sam Newman

You might have problems detecting if you are working over a secure
connection. See if the isSecure() method works in a servlet when working
over SSL.

> > mod_jserv didn't support SSL neither ajp12. You must use mod_jk
> > with ajp13 to get SSL info forwarded from Apache to Tomcat.
> [ ... ]
> Can you clarify what you mean bu this?  Because I'm using Apache with
> mod_ssl, and Tomcat with mod_jserv, and things are working just fine.
> Perhaps there's some functionality I don't have, but I guess I haven't
> needed it yet.

Re: Tomcat & SSL

2001-04-24 Thread Sam Newman

The ajpv12 protocol is still used to stop tomcat. As such even if you just
use ajpv13 you should still start the ajpv12 connector to allow easy
restarting of tomcat. I guess that eventually ajpv13 will be capable of
handling a tomcat restart and ajpv12 can be removed completely.

> Wasn't there something about tomcat being more difficult to restart
> when using ajp13?  Like apache had to be restarted as well?  If true,
> I think that's too big an inconvenience to warrant switching.
> Milt Epstein
> Research Programmer
> Software/Systems Development Group
> Computing and Communications Services Office (CCSO)
> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

Re: Maybe rights problem, exception thrown by Catalina core

2001-04-24 Thread Sam Newman

I'm guessing its a catalina specific error as I've not seen a tomcat error
like that before except in my code. Have you looked at the sourcecode?

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 5:59 PM
Subject: Maybe rights problem, exception thrown by Catalina core

> Hi,
> I have solved my security problem, jndi.jar was under
> $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib and as soon I removed it, Tomcat/Catalina is
> working correctly. I decided to link it to /usr/local, but since then if
> I try to use it from there, I get "HTTP Status 503 - This application is
> not currently available". Looking into it, I find in
> localhost_log.2001-04-24.txt:
> 2001-04-24 18:51:42 StandardLoader[/examples]: Reloading checks are
enabled for this Context
> 2001-04-24 18:51:42 Manager[/examples]: Seeding random number generator
> 2001-04-24 18:51:42 Manager[/examples]: Seeding of random number
> generator has b een completed
> 2001-04-24 18:51:45 ContextConfig[/examples]: Configured an authenticator
for method FORM
> 2001-04-24 18:51:46 StandardContext[/examples]: Exception starting filter
Compression Filter
> java.lang.ClassCastException: compressionFilters.CompressionFilter
> at
> Anyone can give me an idea what can be wrong? If I switch back to
> /usr/local/encap/catalina-4.0b3 then it works. The files are the same
> under /usr/local, as they are symlinked to the first directory.
> Thanks,
> Laszlo

Re: Multiple Unique Instances WITHOUT multiple JVM?

2001-04-24 Thread Sam Newman

I think there is a simpler solution. Firstly, have one web app. Secondly,
have a database (could even be an encyrpted text file) containing user
When a user logs in. You check him against the database to confirm password
etc. You asertain from this which company he works for and you load those
properties. Each servlet's behaviour would depend on the company the user
works for. e.g.servlet A displays page bob.jsp for company bob, but fred.jsp
for company fred. The company properties would be stored in the session
This relies on some decent authentication and session handling stuff, but
makes your life allot simpler. If you want more specific info on tailoring
the content for specific customers, let me know - its a subject close to my
heart (currently anyway!)

- Original Message -
From: "Will England" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 4:42 PM
Subject: Multiple Unique Instances WITHOUT multiple JVM?

> Greetings!
> Here's what we want to do:
> We want to host our new servlet product as an ASP.  Each customer of ours
> would get a unique configuration for the product.  However, all of the
> servlets would run from one code base.
> We'd have the classes here:
> /webhome/classes/com/ourcompany/server/product
> and each customer would have their own WEB-INF:
> /webhome/customer1/WEB-INF/
> Each customers servlets would be mapped like this:
> /servlet/customer1/user
> /servlet/customer1/inventory
> /servlet/customer1/checkout
> And the second customer:
> /servlet/customer2/user
> /servlet/customer2/inventory
> /servlet/customer2/checkout
> user, inventory and checkout would all point to the same set of classes up
> in /webhome/classes.
> I know this is simple to do, if you are willing to spin up a new JVM for
> each customer / virtual host.  However, with one box and 30 customers,
> that'd be right memory intensive.
> Questions:
> 1) Will this even work?  Has anyone done this before?
> 2) How can we get different config files for each customer without
> explicitly referring to them as init-params in the web.xml file?  (we need
> to be able to get the config from non-servlet aware classes).
> Thanks in advance for any tips; ask me if you need any clairification.
> Will
> --
>   "If Al Gore invented the Internet, then I invented spellcheck!"
>   Dan Quayle, quoted at the National Press Club, 8/3/1999
>   Recovery  : PCS:  316-371-FOAD

Re: Catch me for writing a 'Never Before' BOOK on Tomcat!!!

2001-04-24 Thread Sam Newman

What would the scope of the book be? Will it be developing a webapp with jsp
and servlets under tomcat, or will it just be about configuring and setting
up tomcat? In either case, I'd guess given the posts I see day in day out on
this list, these following things are essential:

Tomcat & Apache using mod_jk - covering the ajpv12 & ajpv13 differences, and
why NOT to use JServ
Tomcat with SSL via Apache (perhaps including getting apache to use
Deployment using ANT
Tomcat & IIS

Should of course cover both *nix setups and win32 setups. The first two I
know a fair bit about. I know nothing about the second two.

I would guess the book would have to be targeted at tomcat 4.0 to stand a
chance of being up to date when released.


Re: Mission Impossible: Tomcat + Apache ???

2001-04-24 Thread Sam Newman

the mod_jk.conf-auto tomcat creates authomatically 
generates the apache directives so apache can see the contexts setup under 
tomcat. Whilst they use different document roots, you can easily make them look 
the same my tweaking the generated directives. The .jsp files & servlets 
have to sit under the tomcat webapps directory for them to get picked up by the 
tomcat classloader. The jsp file actually gets compiled at runtime to a servlet 
before being viewed.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 12:51 
  Subject: Re: Mission Impossible: Tomcat + 
  Apache ???
  Yes, I've read the apache-tomcat howto, and followed it's 
  instructions step by step.
  When I've put (as a test...) snoop.jsp in the 
  c:\apache\htdocs directory - it couldn't find it!
  Only once I've put it in the c:\jakarta-tomcat\webapps\ROOT 
  it was found and compiled.
  So, I figured out that by default they (Apache vs. Tomcat ) 
  have different "DocumentRoot" structure.
  That's my question.
  I've also tried to point in the mod_jk.conf and server.xml 
  the "/" dir of the tomcat to use c:\apache\htdocs - but still no 

Re: Problem with session tracking

2001-04-24 Thread Sam Newman

I guess its because your forwarding the context wholesale. I'd guess the
sesion is new within that given context, and because your effectively
recreating the context when you forward in that manner, it still counts as
new. I use sendRedirect  instead and this works fine - what do you loose my
using sendRedirect rather than forwarding?

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 11:21 AM
Subject: Re: Problem with session tracking

> Sam wrote:
> >
> > There is a difference between the way HttpSessions arew created and
> > and the Cookie objetc. The cookie object creates a persistant cookie on
> > clients machine. The HttpSession is just a memory cookie, and as such is
> > non-persistant and doesn't sit on disk.
> Interesting. Would you expect to see the session cookie when you call the
getCookies() method then or not?
> Since my last mail, I've made some progress and can get isNew() to return
false if I comment out the last few lines of the servlet method which
forward to a jsp page:
> ServletContext servletContext = getServletConfig().getServletContext();
> RequestDispatcher requestDispatcher =
> requestDispatcher.forward(request, response);
> Why would this screw up my session?
> __
> Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at

Re: Mission Impossible: Tomcat + Apache ???

2001-04-24 Thread Sam Newman

Have you read the Apache-Tomcat howto in the docs 
(comes with tomcat)? If so, can you give us more specific info on your 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 10:58 
  Subject: Mission Impossible: Tomcat + 
  Apache ???
  Hiya all,
  We're trying to migrate from running JSP's and servlets 
  under JWS2.0 to Apache+Tomcat.
  It seems like the simplest and most basic 
  configuration, yet I could find nowhere a way to make this 
  The same way JWS works, (and Apache-Jserv+GnuJsp) 
   1) Apache serves all static content.
  2) Tomcat serves servlets/JSP's (through apj12)
  3) They both share the same directory structure. 
  (C:\apache\htdocs) and *.jsp files can be anywhere in that directory tree - 
  not *ONLY* in the /examples dir or /jsp dir (!@!@#???)
  Did someone actually made this work? 
  how, exactly ?
  H E L P !!

Re: Problem with session tracking

2001-04-24 Thread Sam Newman

There is a difference between the way HttpSessions arew created and handled,
and the Cookie objetc. The cookie object creates a persistant cookie on the
clients machine. The HttpSession is just a memory cookie, and as such is
non-persistant and doesn't sit on disk. Looking at your code,
request.getSession() will return either the current session, or will create
a new one if none exists. I would expect that your servlet is the first one
to create the session. Try accessing another servlet after this one - have
that servlet get the session and see if its new. You could just put a link
to itself on the servlets page. The example servlets include a session
example which does just this.  Basically, there are several ways of tracking
sesions, and to make matters really complicated you can use allot of them at
once. It doesn't actually mean they share the data though :-)
It depends on circumstances and personal tastes as to which one you use.

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 9:36 AM
Subject: Problem with session tracking

> Hi there,
> I'm having trouble with session tracking in a servlet in that the session
always appears to be new. When exercising the following code fragment:
> HttpSession session = request.getSession();
> if (session.isNew())
> {
>   // Some stuff here
> }
> the isNew() call always evaluates to true. I also have noticed that no
cookies are being written since if I try:
> Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();
> System.out.print("Number of cookies is ");
> System.out.println(cookies.length);
> it is always zero. However, if I write cookies myself by calling
response.addCookie(), I get a cookie next time round.
> I'm finding this confusing since my understanding is that the session
tracking is by default implemented using cookies. I'm guessing that the lack
of cookies and the always-new-session are not unconnected but I've failed so
far to find a solution or a reference to this problem in the Tomcat FAQ.
> btw, I do have cookies turned on in my browser and the "noCookies"
parameter in server.xml is set to false.
> I would appreciate any ideas you might have.
> Regards,
> Alan Goulding.
> __
> Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at

Re: seems as though a servlet engine would have a little clearer documentation on getting servlets running

2001-04-23 Thread Sam Newman

Go back to first prinicples. Try accessing the servlet directly via tomcat
rather than worying about apache - try looking at
The port 8080 reefres to the port tomcat is running on. With no port
specified, it means you are trying to access via the standard http port of
80, which is where Apache (or some other webserver) is running.
If that works, its an Apache/mod_jk issue. If not, its a web.xml issue. Just
to reassure you, tomcat does work - I wouldn't be at all suprised if it has
the largest user base of all servlet engines currently on the market.
If you find that doesn't work, please post your web.xml so we can have a
look. If not, can you post the directives you use to get Apache running with
mod_jk (probably the mod_jk.conf-auto file generated in tomcat/conf).

- Original Message -
From: "Dan & Sharon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 6:55 PM
Subject: seems as though a servlet engine would have a little clearer
documentation on getting servlets running

> ok,
> install tomcat,
> jsps are workin,
> made new context,
> jsps are workin in it,
> write a servlet(5 min),
> try to get servlet working(5 hr),
> read documentation,
> it says put servlets in WEB-INF/classes dir, did that
> it says add servlet to WEB-INF/web.xml, did that
> servtest.class
> servtest.class
> restart tomcat(can't believe this has to be done everytime a servlet
> gets added or changed), did that
> it says call your servlet with
> "http://thehost/WEB-APP/servlet/theservletname";
> did that
> response: 404
> there's no servlet directory, kinda makes sense, but i thought mod_jk
> was taking care of that.  HMM.
> so now that i've followed the instructions and that didn't work, i make
> a servlet directory and add my servlet there.  web browser tries to
> download and save it to my disk, no display.
> i'm sure that this being a servlet engine, it would probably serve
> servlets, otherwise that would be really embarrasing for the
> programmers, so, anyone got any suggestions?

Re: SSL detection

2001-04-23 Thread Sam Newman

I'm not sure if this is different on winNT, as I did it on Linux, and so
these instructions are really for that. All the packages mentioned here i
think also come with win32 instructions. First, get Apache using mod_ssl.
Easiest way to do this is to download openssl 0.9.6a (, the
latest apache source ( and the mod_ssl source (search
google - can't remember the url - maybe  ) The mod_ssl
install file then explains how to build all 3 packages and get them running.
Then get Apache serving .jsp and servlets via tomcat using the ajpv13
protocol (look at the Apache-Tomcat howto in the docs). The older ajpv12
protocol has some issues with SSL. The servlets and jsps should work equally
well under https or http, with the exception (perhaps) of URL rewritting
when the client has cookies disabled (search the archive for recent posts
for more info).

As I said, this worked for me on Linux, more specifically under SuSE 7.0.

- Original Message -
From: "subbu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 3:27 AM
Subject: Re: SSL detection

> Hello SAM could U please tell me How to configure apache to support SSL
> (winnt)
> with love
> subbu.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Sam Newman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 3:59 AM
> Subject: SSL detection
> > I have Apache and Tomcat running together under SSL. I now want to
> a
> > page which only run under SSL. I want http and https to share the same
> > documents however. My first idea is to simply have a tag handler, which
> > detects the protocol, and if not SSL is simply redirects to a page
> explaning
> > why they cannot view the requested document.
> > By problem is that I'm not sure on the correct way to retrieve what type
> of
> > protocol is being used. There is a getAuthType method in
> HttpServletRequest,
> > but the return type is simply a string (e.g. "BASIC" or "SSL"). My
> > is that this return could vary from browser to browser. Can I assume
> if
> > using SSL the return will always be the string "SSL"? Also, how can I
> detect
> > which level of encryption is being used? Ideally, I'd like to restrict
> users
> > to connecting using 128bit only, or at least issue a warning when its at
> > 40bit.
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> >
> > Sam

Re: SSL detection

2001-04-23 Thread Sam Newman

I should of thought of that myself. The page will now actually behave
differently depending on whether the page is accessed securely now - aint
goal post moving a wonderful thing? I just hope I can finish the work before
they decide they want it done in ASP instead.

- Original Message -
From: "Jan Labanowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Jan Labanowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: SSL detection

> The simpler way would be to put into httpd.conf the block
>Order deny,allow
>Deny from all
> In the HTTP section (before the SSL section in the httpd.conf)
> and the block
>Order deny,allow
>Allow from all
> within the HTTPS section (within the SSL section of httpd.conf).
> You may also need to define "Alias", and to it by "Location",
> but try this first.

Re: SSL detection

2001-04-23 Thread Sam Newman

Many thanks for that. I was looking under get methods in the index so I
missed the isSecure one, d'oh!
Now all I have to do is to try and get the encryption strength.I think I
could do that with some client side java script though.

- Original Message -
From: "Wolle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 12:34 PM
Subject: Re: SSL detection

> Hello,
> you can check it with the methode "request.isSecure",.
> that will give you true or false, make shure you use the ajp13 protocol
> mod_jk.
> I don't know how to get the detailed information about the protocol and
the key.
> Greetings,
> Wolle

SSL detection

2001-04-23 Thread Sam Newman

I have Apache and Tomcat running together under SSL. I now want to create a
page which only run under SSL. I want http and https to share the same
documents however. My first idea is to simply have a tag handler, which
detects the protocol, and if not SSL is simply redirects to a page explaning
why they cannot view the requested document.
By problem is that I'm not sure on the correct way to retrieve what type of
protocol is being used. There is a getAuthType method in HttpServletRequest,
but the return type is simply a string (e.g. "BASIC" or "SSL"). My concern
is that this return could vary from browser to browser. Can I assume that if
using SSL the return will always be the string "SSL"? Also, how can I detect
which level of encryption is being used? Ideally, I'd like to restrict users
to connecting using 128bit only, or at least issue a warning when its at

Thanks in advance,


Re: Tomcat vs JServ

2001-04-19 Thread Sam Newman

I guess it comes down to if it aint broke, don't fix it. If your happy with
the old 2.0 spec, and the fact your unlikely to get much support if things
do go wrong, I guess there isn't much reason to change.
At the end of the day, tomcat is more uptodate than JServ, and using mod_jk
is easier to integrate with Apache.

- Original Message -
From: "Eric Mosley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 2:54 PM
Subject: RE: Tomcat vs JServ

> > I have a jServ box that has run with no problems of any kind for over a
> > year and a half. To me that says a lot of jServ. Does the latest release
> > of Tomcat finally support the automatic starting up of Tomcat (not
> > manual)? What about speed? In some casual tests my jServ system runs
> > faster than Tomcat. Has anyone done any real benchmarks?
> Actually this is the essence of what I was enquiring about! I also have an
> old JServ machine which has been running for two years with zero problems.
> The crucial issue (for me anyway) is which is faster and less memory
> intensive for basic servlets (where you would be happy with 2.0 servlet
> functionality)...
> Anybody!?

Re: newbie

2001-04-19 Thread Sam Newman

There is a tag you can put (in web.xml?) which will cal the init method of a
servlet on startup. Can't remeber whee I saw this though

- Original Message -
From: "Jim Willeke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: newbie

> Is there a way to "preload" the servlets on startup?
> -jim
> eric chacon wrote:

Re: Serialization problem between JVM 1.1.6 and 1.3

2001-04-19 Thread Sam Newman

Serialization is only really meant for short term storage, e.g. for
transmition over the network or between java pcoesses via RMI. Its possible
that the class youe serializing contains classes whose implementation is
based partly on native code, which may of changed between the two JVM's.The
only solution I guess is try load the file in a jdk1.1.6 program, export it
to some independant format (XML, CSV file) and then load it with a 1.3
program. I've spent the last month or so removing the use of serialization
from our code as it causes too many problems. Instead we've replaced it with
XML. Jdk 1.4 will include a mechanism for serializing using XML.

- Original Message -
From: "Andy C" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 12:20 PM
Subject: OT: Serialization problem between JVM 1.1.6 and 1.3

> OK,
> A little off topic, but this is stopping me upgrading the JVM that Tomcat
> uses.
> I have a serialzed class that was written out using the old 1.1.6 JVM.  I
> now need to read it in using the 1.3 JVM.  However if I try to do so I
> #
> # An EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW exception has been detected in native code
> outside
>  the VM.
> # Program counter=0x77e848dd
> #
> #
> Is there a solution to this ?  Is there a better place to ask.  I've
> search javasoft but to no avail.  I am a bit stuck at present !
> Andy C
> Editor The R2 Project

Re: Tomcat vs JServ

2001-04-19 Thread Sam Newman

I'm not sure which "issues" you 
I think that fact that JServ has been in bug fixing 
for a while now is more down to the fact that no more development is being done 
with it. Tomcat supports the latest standards and works fine with Apache via 
mod_jk. And its being actively developed. I for one would be eager to see more 
empahasis being placed on using mod_jk and apache rather than 

  - Original Message - 
  Eric Mosley 
  Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 10:59 
  Subject: Tomcat vs JServ
  I'm trying to 
  evaluate whether to use Tomcat or JServ. The system will be freeBSD and I know 
  that Tomcat has some "issues" with that - but I'm willing to take the 
  However, if speed 
  and memory are issues which would be best for basic servlet 
  Surely it would be 
  JServ as it has been in bug fixing mode for so long it will have matured and 
  is quite fast anyway?
  Any insights 

Re: Cleaning up servlets

2001-04-19 Thread Sam Newman

Well, the servlet will get destroyed when the servelet is garbage collected
I think. The JVM has a garbage collection thread which starts up
automatically, and its its job to  cleanup unused objects. I'm not sure if
this behaviour changes in tomcat. You can explicitly call the garbage
collector by calling System.gc(),or something similar.
Note that something will only be garbage collected when nothing holds any
references to it (an  oversimplification I know). If you simply want to free
some resources up after a servlet is used, do this in your doPost/doGet

- Original Message -
From: "H.F.N. den Boer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat users group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 10:42 AM
Subject: Cleaning up servlets

> When a servlet is destroyed, I log a number of things.
> >From the log I conclude that servlets are only destroyed when the NT
service is
> shut down manually.
> Do I need to run a separate process (thread) to monitor how long a servlet
> not used and from that process destroy it or is there some other way to
keep my
> environment clean ? Maybe a Tomcat setting ?

Re: newbie

2001-04-19 Thread Sam Newman

Let me guess, these servlets are using sessions? When a session is first
used, there is alarge lag whilst tomcat generates a list of large primes (I
assume) to maintain unique sesion identifiers.
This will happen once and once only, when the first session is accessed
after tomcat starts. Afterwards session access for everyone will see no
delay. It would be nice if you could get tomcat to do this at startup

- Original Message -
From: "Chris Nolte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 2:46 AM
Subject: Re: newbie

> This happens to me with my servlets--some of the time
> they take up to 30 seconds to load the first time.
> Is this normal behavior also?

Re: Code Q.

2001-04-19 Thread Sam Newman

You kight want to get some decent example code,then edit that to get you
started. If you have either of the O'Reilly books (servlet programming or
JSP) then download thier example code. The JSP code certainly works just by
unpacking under tomcat. You can then just edit/view thier simple examples to
start getting to know it.
For basic Java tutorial, Bruce Eckels has an online book called Thinking In
Java - which you can download for free.

- Original Message -
From: "Purcell, Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 10:21 PM
Subject: Code Q.

> Hello,
> I am learning JSP and have done quite a few examples from the Core
> and JSP book.
> I apologize for asking this q here, but I am trying to learn Tomcat and
> my whole picture together, and I figured that
> the people on this line, would probably know what these lines mean.
> Anyway, I keep typing these few lines but really don't have a grasp of
> they are doing.
> I would really like to understand in a 'Laymans' fashion what I am doing
> what these lines do.
> public class Hello extends HttpServlet {
> //I am assuming that the class Hello, that I am creating
> // is extending HttpServlet class?
> // but what does the extends really mean?
> public void doGet(HttpServlet request,
> HttpServlet response)
> throws ServletException, IOExcedption;
> // It looks like I am creating? or calling? a method here. And am I
> it the HttpServlet class?
> I am very confused on this, and would enjoy hearing from someone that
> wouldn't mind going over that with me.
> Thanks very much,
> Sincerely
> Scott

Re: WML and JSP

2001-04-19 Thread Sam Newman

Its possible, but not trivial. It will inevitably 
result in the use of some kind of MVC setup. I would guess the quickest way to 
go would be to abstract the business login into taglibs (e.g. most of the Java 
code in the jsp pages). Then code 2 different jsp files - one for WML, and one 
for HTML, both using the same taglib, just displaying the information in a 
different way. You could then get a servlet to handle the request and direct the 
user to the correct .jsp file.
The O'Reilly Java Server Pages book has a good 
chapter on taglibs & MVC stuff. It also touches on the use of JSP and XML 
specifically for WML, although I preferer the use of taglibs to their proposed 

  - Original Message - 
  Paul Yoon 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 8:13 
  Subject: WML and JSP

  I am an user of Tomcat.
  I would like to make a few page for mobile 
  Is it possible that HTTP users  
  and WAP users  can access same URL and get their own 
  If it is, how it can be possible? How tomcat 
  server know the difference?
  Thank you in advance.

Re: getInputStream

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

I'm pretty sure that if you use this package in a commerical product, you
have to make sure that each developer using the package has a copy of the
latest O'Reilly book. Check the license carefully.

- Original Message -
From: "Jeff Kilbride" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 7:43 PM
Subject: Re: getInputStream

> Hi Georges,
> There is a very easy to use class for doing file uploads available from
> Jason Hunter, who wrote the original oreilly book on servlets, at his
> website:
> Look for the com.oreilly.servlet package. I think it will greatly simplify
> what you are trying to do. There's a good deal of documentation available
> the site.
> Thanks,
> --jeff


2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

Whilst the mod_jk worked for me, I aggree that it could be more clearly
marked as to what platforms its currently supported on. As the the number
one issue raised on the list, over the last week or so it seems to be people
either not reading or getting confused by the howto docs

- Original Message -
From: "Jeff Kilbride" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 7:25 PM
Subject: Re: mod_jk - DEAD END! [POSTSCRIPT]

> Forgive the expression, but bullshit. :)
> The mod_jk compilation *is* trivial and since they don't list on the
> what version of Apache or Linux the binary is compiled for, it's pretty
> useless. I'd say the number one problem post I have seen since joining
> list relates to the fact that the binary doesn't work on most people's
> systems. If you give somebody with relatively little experience a binary
> that's supposed to work and it doesn't, it only confuses the matter that
> much more.
> By the way, I'd be interested in hearing what your config is, since it
> worked for you.
> Thanks,
> --jeff

Re: Getting the query string in a tag handler

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

Its ok, I solved it. I just cast the ServletRequest from pageContext to a

- Original Message -
From: "Sam Newman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 4:52 PM
Subject: Getting the query string in a tag handler

> Does anyone know how I can access the Query String in a tag handler? I can
> access the context of the page, and frm this get a ServletRequest. However
> the queryString is normally accessed from a HttpServletRequest, a
> ServletRequest subclass. Do I jsut try casting the request I get to a
> HttpServletRequest object and get the query string that way?
> sam

Re: setting up tomcat and apache to run together

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

The document you want to consult is the 
Tomcat-Apache howto which should be under the tomcat/doc directory of the tomcat 
install. Basically you end up including a file generated by tomcat in your 
apache's httpd.conf, and sticking mod) where apache can load it from (e.g. 
libexec). The online version of this doc is at:
Although your best of going straight 
as the Tomcat-Apache how-to confuses things by 
saying "Don't use Jserv. Heres how you use Jserv"

  - Original Message - 
  Greg Chakmakian 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 4:48 
  Subject: setting up tomcat and apache to 
  run together
  Bear with me, I 
  know you all have probably already been through this one before.  I have 
  Apache (for Darwin/Mac OS X) and Tomcat 3.2.1.  They both run great by 
  themselves; apache on port 80 and tomcat on 8080.  I want to setup the 
  two so that if I go to a jsp page on Apache it will use tomcat to process the 
  jsp pages; i.e - gets 
  processed by tomcat even though its being access through apache.  I know 
  I can turn off apache and reconfigure tomcat so that it runs off of port 80, 
  but I would rather do it the other way.  Like I said, I know this has 
  probably been discussed and I apologize for being repetitive.  I couldn't 
  find any information on how to do this.  Any help or direction you all 
  could give would be greatly appreciated.
  Developer[EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED]336-370-0604  

Getting the query string in a tag handler

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

Does anyone know how I can access the Query String in a tag handler? I can
access the context of the page, and frm this get a ServletRequest. However
the queryString is normally accessed from a HttpServletRequest, a
ServletRequest subclass. Do I jsut try casting the request I get to a
HttpServletRequest object and get the query string that way?


Sorry for double posting

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

Our mailserver is currently playing up, and as a result is sometimes double
posting. I applogies for this and am currently trying to work out whats
wrong. How I wsh we could afford a system admin!


Re: Accesslog in the style of Apache

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

I think if you change the debug setting for the app in question and redirect
output of tomcat you should get this displayed. Try setting the debug level
to 9 and redirect the stdout and stderr of the tomcat process and have a
look. It might also go to a file in the tomcat/logs directory

- Original Message -
From: "Jochen Wiedmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 3:14 PM
Subject: Accesslog in the style of Apache

> Hi,
> I would like to have some access logfile in the style of
> Apache's "AccessLog".
> More precise, I want a file where any request is logged
> in the following style:
> - - [17/Apr/2001:08:29:25 +0200] "GET
> HTTP/1.1" 200 1072
> - - [17/Apr/2001:08:29:25 +0200] "GET
> HTTP/1.1" 200 536
> - - [17/Apr/2001:08:43:53 +0200] "GET /tm/client HTTP/1.1"
> 302 0
> However, I don't know how to do this with TomCat. Any hints?
> Thanks,
> Jochen

Re: Problem with connection pool

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

I suspect that the servlet is trying to open aoscket or something to talk to
the other server to access the database? If so, the servlet security manager
may be stopping it. Make sure the security settings in tomcat.policy allow
you to open sockets for the servlet codebase.

- Original Message -
To: "Liste de diffusion TomCat (Adresse de messagerie)"
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 4:10 PM
Subject: Problem with connection pool

> Hi all,
> I'm using tomcat 3.2.1 with Apache. When I try running a servlet which
> makes an Oracle access, I have a 503 error telling me that it's impossible
> to create the connection pool.  My DB is on another server. Does this can
> be the problem? Does anyone already had this type of problem?
> thanks for help
> David.

Re: How to read property files?

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

You'll want to use getResource when your in a jar file. I've found the
safest way is just to know where the property file will be in relation to
the class loading it, and get the URL resource for the class itself. This
URL will differ for a class in a jar, but its still doable.

- Original Message -
From: "Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 3:08 PM
Subject: Re: How to read property files?

> >
> >   InputStream is =
> this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("");
> >   Properties p = new Properties();
> >   try {
> > p.load(is);
> >   } catch ( e ) {
> > // Can't load props file
> >   }
> >
> > That way the properties file can be anywhere in the classpath.
> >
> >
> Have you tried doing this from a class inside a .jar file?   I have
> and it didn't work.

Re: How to read property files?

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

I suspect getResourceAsStream can only locate property files in your
classpath. You will probably have to search the classpath yourself to do it.
Check the sorucecode for getResourceAsStream (assuming its not in native
code) and see how its done

- Original Message -
From: "Jim Willeke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: How to read property files?

> Thanks, this helps me.
> I was wondering though, can you determine where it found the properties
> file at?
> Thanks.
> -jim
> Samson, Lyndon [IT] wrote:
> > This works a treat for me
> >
> >   InputStream is =
> >   Properties p = new Properties();
> >   try {
> > p.load(is);
> >   } catch ( e ) {
> > // Can't load props file
> >   }
> >
> > That way the properties file can be anywhere in the classpath.
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 9:27 PM
> > Subject: How to read property files?
> >
> >
> > I would like to put a file in the top level directory
> > of my webapp. But I can't figure out what filepath to give the
> > Properties.load() method in order to load my servlet property object.
> > Can someone help me?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > =eas=
> >
> >
> >

Re: Servlet jar files

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman
Title: RE: Servlet jar files

You mean that you deploy servlets on customers 
machines? I'm not sure how easy it is to access files outside of the WAR file. I 
suspect you'd have to edit the tomcat.policy file to relax the security sandbox 
that servlets run it. Byd efault I don't think you can access anything outside 
the servlets web context. Alternatively you could deply the webapp unpacked 
(e.g. not use the WAR file). As far as I can see the only benifits of using a 
.WAR file is it looks a little neater, hides some of the internals and makes 
deployment a little easier.

  - Original Message - 
  Rida Ligurs 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 1:56 
  Subject: RE: Servlet jar files
  I was also thinking of using WAR files, but didn't know where 
  to put my properties files.  I don't think I wan't them in the WAR 
  because the customer will need to edit them.  Where should they 


2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

The file configures the worker threads that take requests
for servlets/jsp's from apache and processes them appropirately. As such,
when running Tomcat without Apache it will have no effect. You only need to
edit this file when you run Apache and Tomcat together. Infact you'll get a
syntax error on a non-PC platform if you forget to edit this file and try
and include it in the Apache directives. See the howto
for more information (its in the Tomcat docs somewhere).

- Original Message -
From: "Tassilo Pilati" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 1:47 PM

> Hello,
> i did not edit my file at all. I`m using Tomcat 3.2.1.
> is working with Apache and in standalone mode (besides that session
> tracking, using URL rewritting is not working, which is another issue).
> Anyway, I was wondering if I have to edit this file. For example I see in
> the file that the workers.tomcat_home and the workers.java_home is not set
> correclty, as it is configured for the windows plattform. Nevertheless,
> tomcat is starting up and working, so I was just wondering if that is

Re: Tomcat with Apache/URLRewritting and mod_rewrite

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

- Original Message -
From: "Tassilo Pilati" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 1:27 PM
Subject: AW: Tomcat with Apache/URLRewritting and mod_rewrite

> But SSL has nothing to do with my problem. The problem I have is that when
> using Tomcat in standalone mode URL rewritting works, however, running
> Tomcat in combination with Apache does not, because Apache does not hand
> request over to Tomcat. I think is is stange that there is nothing
> about this in the tomcat user guide - section Setting Tomcat up with
> I think so many people are using Tomcat with Apache that it is really a
> important issue ?! I mean session tracking is fundamental and it should
> using URL rewritting. I guess many people use cookies for session tracking
> instead of URL rewritting. Probably with cookies it should work, so maybe
> that`s why this issue hasn`t really come to the attention to the tomcat
> developers ? What do you think ?
Just to clarify, are you using jserv or mod_jk? And if you are using mod_jk,
are you using the ajpv13 protocl for connection? I'm using mod_jk and
ajpv13, and am session tracking using the HttpSesession class and it works
fine, as does parameter passing. I don't know too much about URL reqritting


Re: Very Basic question about Apache-Tomcat configuration

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

> Anyway, I am running now (examples at least - now I have to make my real
> work!) thanks again for the clues.
> Gerry

Allot of people have issues with the documentation for this area. All the
information is there, it just can be a little hard to find :-) The file also perhaps could be a little more intellegent
about file locations et al.

Glad to hear you got it working. As for creating your own webapp area, just
editing the server.xml should be enough. The autogenerated mod_jk.conf_auto
generated by tomcat when it starts will contain the directives apache needs
to recognise your new context. Let us know if you have any more problems
with it.


Re: IE problem or tomcat bug?

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

We've seen the same version of MS products working very differently on
different OS's. Because allot of the abilities of win32 programs are
fullfilled by the inderlying win32 API's, ther're often subject to change
between different operating systems due to slightly different underlying

The only way I could see the client causing a problem is byscrewing up the
request somehow, and it isn't being properly handled. You might want to
check the Apache logs and well as the tomcat logs. See if there are any
strange messages in access.log for example. I take it the problem context
hash debuing turned on? I would still suggest droping the mod_jk developers
a line, at least they can add it to thier bug database.

- Original Message -
From: "Michael Stacey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: IE problem or tomcat bug?

> At 07:59 AM 4/18/01, you wrote:
> >I've not seen this before. You might want to try contacting the
> >of mod_jk (I take it your using this if your using ajpv13?) directly. Its
> >always a pain when you can't reproduce these kind of problems. Are all of
> >the problems based around the same version of IE? Which browser do you
> >yourself use?
> >
> >sam
> Looks like different versions of IE all have the same problem.  To make
> matters worse, the same version of IE works fine on some computers but
> not others.  We have tested IE versions from 4.0 up and none have the
> problem in our tests.  We're assuming it may be an interaction between
> various MS programs (outlook, etc) on the client end.  Netscape users
> never experience the problem.
> Thanks for the response.
> -- Michael

Re: IE problem or tomcat bug?

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

I've not seen this before. You might want to try contacting the developers
of mod_jk (I take it your using this if your using ajpv13?) directly. Its
always a pain when you can't reproduce these kind of problems. Are all of
the problems based around the same version of IE? Which browser do you
yourself use?

- Original Message -
From: "Michael Stacey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 12:15 PM
Subject: IE problem or tomcat bug?

> We've recently moved to a tomcat/apache server under linux using the
> most recent release builds.  Some of our clients are experiencing
> strange behavior, like getting the following stack trace to their
> browser:
> Tomcat.core.ContextManager.internalService( at
> org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service( at
> at
> org.apache.tomcat.service.TcpWorkerThread.runIt(
> org.apache.tomcat.util.ThreadPool$
> at java.lang.Thread.Run(
> (may be incomplete; sent by a client in email since we cannot duplicate
> the problem)
> The common thread seems to be that they're using IE as the browser.  Is
> this a known problem (thought I couldn't find it in the archives)?  Is
> there some workaround?  Would backing off to ajp12 fix it (we never had
> the problem with apache/jserv on NT)?
> Thanks for any suggestions.
> -- Michael

Re: Very Basic question about Apache-Tomcat configuration

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

If you access file://localhost:8080/examples you are completely
circumventing Apache and going straight to tomcat. Assuming this is not what
your doing to get the jsp's to work, I'd hazard a guess that your web
context defined in server.xml under tomcat isn't correctly set. I would
suggest you try temporarily removing the use of JServ, and instead look at
using mod_jk. Tomcat automatically creates a configuration file for
inclusion in httpd.conf which configires apache to use Tomcat in line with
the server.xml file. As a minimum on a clean tomcat install, this will
automatically let you access the example servlets via apache with the
minimum effort. I take it you have consulted the Apache-tomcat howto?

- Original Message -
From: "Gerry Duhig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 12:11 PM
Subject: Very Basic question about Apache-Tomcat configuration

> Help please!
> I have Apache running with ApacheJServ  and working fine!
> I want to test tomcat and consider it as a replacement for JServ.
> I downloaded Tomcat and edited the Apache httpd.conf to include the
> apache-tomcat.conf file, instead of the JServ file.
> I start tomcat and I start Apache, Apache serves static html as expected,
> passes jsp requests to tomcat fine (the examples work), but it doesn't
> servlet requests through at all.
> I can test the servlet examples by using file://localhost:8080/examples,
> I cannot make Apache pass the requests across unless that port number is
> explicitly used.
> Am I supposed to find and use a special
> Am I supposed to create zone property files as in ApacheJserv?
> What am I supposed to do?
> Gerry

Re: WEB-INF/lib vs. TOMCAT_HOME/lib

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

I'm afraid to say its not a problem I've seen here. Which platform are you
running on?

> -Original Message-
> From: Chris Bailey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 7:32 PM
> Subject: WEB-INF/lib vs. TOMCAT_HOME/lib
> The Tomcat automatic setting of a classpath for a given webapp is not
> seeming to work for me.  I have my various jar files in .../WEB-INF/lib,
> for my web app.  But, that fails.  If I however, put them in
> $TOMCAT_HOME/lib, then they get added to the generic classpath (which is
> displayed on startup of Tomcat), and things work fine.
> How do I fix this?
> --
> Wego Systems
> **
> Information in this email is confidential and may be privileged.
> It is intended for the addressee only. If you have received it in error,
> please notify the sender immediately and delete it from your system.
> You should not otherwise copy it, retransmit it or use or disclose its
> contents to anyone.
> Thank you for your co-operation.
> **

Re: TOMCAT 3.2.1 and mod_jserv for FreeBSD

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

I'm skipping the jserv build issues - not sure this is the place for
problems with it. JServ was the old method for serving servlets via Apache.
It has been superceded by mod_jk which is much easier to setup and use. the is for mod_jk, the file is for mod_jserv. For a
comparison of mod_jk and mod_jserv have a look at the Apache-tomcat & mod_jk

- Original Message -
From: "Detlev Schlereth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 11:16 AM
Subject: TOMCAT 3.2.1 and mod_jserv for FreeBSD

> Hi !
> I´m a new user of the TOMCAT 3.2.1 system and
> I´ve some problems:

> second:
> in the prebuild binaries for TOMCAT 3.2.1 there are two .so files in
> x86/Linux
> why exists two files ?
> why not ?
> maybe,work these files on a FreeBSD 4.2 System ?
> with thanks
> Detlev Schlereth

Re: Tomcat with Apache/URLRewritting and mod_rewrite

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

It can (see the Apache-tomcat readme in the tomcat distro), but it is
strongly suggested that you use mod_jk & tomcat instead of using JServ as it
has less bugs, is faster, and I believe is also better maintained.

- Original Message -
From: "Tassilo Pilati" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 11:03 AM
Subject: AW: Tomcat with Apache/URLRewritting and mod_rewrite

> Do you know if the mod_jserv can be used with tomcat ?

Re: Tomcat and RMI

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

I've done it with servlets. First ly uou need to make sure your using a
SecurityManager before accesing the RMI object (i'll dig the code out of you
need it) - try searching for RMISecurityManager or something in the jdk API
docs. You may also want to change the tomcat.policy file in conf to allow
RMI access for your webcontext.

- Original Message -
From: "David Cummins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 8:55 AM
Subject: Tomcat and RMI

> Has anyone had to build a tomcat application (or any J2EE app server for
> that matter) that requires RMI client code to be executed in the JSP?
> We have an app that talks to an APS (Jacobs Rimmell All-Purpose
> directory server (sits on top of an iPlanet LDAP server).

Re: Servlet jar files

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

You should bundle servlets in a .WAR file. This is the same as a jar file.
It contains the WEB-INF directory for your webapp. See the docs for details
on deplolyment. This .WAR file will sit directly in the webapps directory.

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 9:50 AM
Subject: Servlet jar files

> Hi all,
> I would like to put all my servlet files in a jar file and then put the
> jar file in the classes/ directory. By doing this, Tomcat doesn't find my
> servlet and send me a HTTP 404 error. Does anyone how to specifiy to
> that the servlets are in a jar file?
> Thanks a lot
> David.

Re: Apache-SSL or Mod-ssl

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

Yep - never had a problem with RedHat rpms on SuSE. The only difference is
that SuSE tends to stick stuff under /opt, whereas allot of RedHat RPM's
i've used in the past seem to put software under /sw. SuSE 7.0 currently
comes with 6CDs, 1DVD and 1500 apps. Not to mention over 600 pages of

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 11:20 PM
Subject: RE: Apache-SSL or Mod-ssl

> >We're deploying on SuSE 7.0 anyway. I prefer SuSE purely because:
> >a) you get shedloads of apps on the source cd's (less downloading)
> >b) yast is brilliant for admin stuff
> >c) They release new versions pretty frequently
> Redhat, Suse, Mandrake are all great distribs. You allways get
> binaries and sources. And all use RPM packaging.
> RPMs built on Redhat must works on Suse and Mandrake, at least
> the .noarch since they depend on java JVM and have nothing to
> do with kernel or glibc.
> Just test my RPMs under Suse, and if necessary send me the
> corrections to apply to have them works under Suse :)

Re: Hiding JSPs from Public Access

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

I would guess you'd want to stick an action in that checks the current
session ID for user authentication info. If its not found, the rest of the
page isn't displayed (e.g. get a TagHandler to skip the rendering of the
rest of the page). Ideally you could do this via a Taglib and stick it at
the top of each page.

- Original Message -
From: "Tim Coultas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 11:42 PM
Subject: Hiding JSPs from Public Access

> Folks -
> I have run into the common problem where visitors can get at my jsp files
> even though I have set up log-in system of security using a central
> circle" servlet that forwards users to jsp pages.
> I have the servlets residing in a directory named jsp under the main
> directory.
> However, a visitor can get the jsp pages by going to:
> I have tried to cut off access by placing this directory in the WEB-INF
> directory, but I can still get to it at the URL above.  Also, I have tried
> to just dump all of the .jsp's into the WEB-INF directory (and not place
> them in a sub-directory) and I can STILL get to them by at the URL above.
> I have also tried to edit the web.xml security section by entering
> like "/jsp/*" and
> "/jsp/filename.jsp" but this does not have any
> effect.
> How the heck do I do this?
> Has anyone been able to do it?
> Thanks.
> Tim Coultas

Re: Servlet reloading problems

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

We have the Orcas EJB container, and they bundle tomcat. They seem to of
changed tomcat in some way so the server.xml is actually called tomcat.xml.
I guess from this post they are not the first people to do this. In Orcas's
case, the reason for the change is that they put all the config files in the
same place, and server.xml would look like a generic Orcas config file
rather than a tomcat specific one.

- Original Message -
From: "CPC Livelink Admin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 9:36 PM
Subject: RE: Servlet reloading problems

> I have never heard/seen of the TomcatConf.xml file, so you are one up on
> there.

Re: How to read property files?

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

Could you get the resource URL of the class loading the properties file, and
then strip off the package and class name? e.g. if Im loading
from class Bob in package com/fred/, my resource url for the class would be
/usr/tomcat/webapps/mycontext/WEB-INF/classes/com/fred/Bob.class. If I strip
off the package names and the Bob.class I'd get the path to a props file in
the root. You'll have to play around with this if the class is in a jar
file. Likewise, when loading the props file using the string name, remember
to use File.seperator rather than hardcoding a forward slash.

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 9:27 PM
Subject: How to read property files?

> I would like to put a file in the top level directory
> of my webapp. But I can't figure out what filepath to give the
> Properties.load() method in order to load my servlet property object.
> Can someone help me?
> Thanks
> =eas=

Re: Servlet reloading problems

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

- Original Message -
From: "CPC Livelink Admin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 8:14 PM
Subject: RE: Servlet reloading problems

> Actually, it does work - you have to set the reload attribute to true in
> server.xml - my entry looks like this :
>   crossContext="false" debug="0" reloadable="true" >
To be honest It seems it works for some people, and not for others. I'd
guess it probably works for certain servlets running under certain browsers
under certain configs. I basically never trust it. Given that tomcat takes
less than a minute to restart I always tend to do this to reload servets.
The only annoying part being the initial time for calculating session ID's.


Re: ServletOutputStream

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

Couldn't you try creating the jpg on the server side, then supply an IMG
link to it when you provide the page?

- Original Message -
From: "Georges Boutros" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 7:42 PM
Subject: ServletOutputStream

> hi,
> i want to use the ServletOutputStream to send the data of a JPG image to
> browser.
> ServletOutputStream ServletOut = response.getOutputStream();
> it's working good but i can't write any text before or after the image.
> if i set  response.setContentType("text/html");
> i see the text that i wrote and the data of the image as text
> (which is normal)
> and if i set  response.setContentType("image/jpeg");
> i don't see the text neither the Image
> i use ServletOut.Print("hello"); to write my text
> if i include a file with:
> request.getRequestDispatcher("/jsp/web/test.jsp").include(request,
> response);
> i got an error that OutputStream is already being used for this request
> can anyone help me
> thanks
> Georges

Re: Where does System.out.println go under Tomcat

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

I would strongly suggest you don't use System.out 
commands. Depending on how you run tomcat, it can be very easy to loose this 
information. Insteatd use the HttpServletContext log() method for debugging. I 
went as far as to use this for debugging support classes by passing a reference 
of the calling servlet into method calls. doing something like 
'this.getServletContext().log("msg")` in a servlet will stick stuff in the log 
files under tomcat/log. I belive you can also specify different log files for 
each web context.

  - Original Message - 
  Animesh Chaturvedi - US 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 7:13 
  Subject: RE: Where does 
  System.out.println go under Tomcat
  you got the solution to your problem. I am facing the same problem. I am using 
  unix and running tomcat as standalone. 
  I am 
  trying to debug some  classes. So I put some System.out.println 
  statements in them. I have put these classes at the first position in 
  classpath, so that these classes get picked up rather than those from the 
  standard .jars
  expect these System.out.println statements to be displyed on console or in 
  logs but could not find them. 
  anyone can point me where I am going wrong I will be 
  Thanks in advance

Re: mod_jk - DEAD END!

2001-04-18 Thread Sam Newman

Apache seems to identify servlets, b assuming that anything in a servlet
directory is handled by tomcat, so servlets will always appear in a servlet
directory. As for the docs, I'd aggree that given JServ is no longer the
prefered route all references to it should perhaps be moved elsewhere. To be
honest I'd concentrate on the mod_jk howto rather than the Apache-Tomcat
howto - its probably a little less confusing.
Basically, mod_jk and jserv do the same thing, but jserv is old and has some
issues. It also takes more work to get configured. Using mod_jk on its own
is the way to go. As I said, check the mod_jk howto (included in the tomcat
distro under docs).

- Original Message -
From: "Raj Subramani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 7:38 PM
Subject: mod_jk - DEAD END!

> Hi,
> I have been trying to get mod_jk to integrate with my Apache/Tomcat
> environment.
> The documentation talks endlessly about jserv and how to use it even
> though right at the top there is a line saying if you use "mod_jk"
> disable "jserv".
> Fantastic.
> Finally I reached this archive list to find that I was not alone. Thank
> god for that else I would have jumped off this floor that I am on.
> Since Apache cannot seem to resolve /example/servlet to /example
> (apparently that directive is in toncat-apache.conf which iis NOT TO BE
> USED if using mod_jk), what is the solution?
> Any takers?
> Cheers
> -raj

Re: question about CLASSPATH

2001-04-17 Thread Sam Newman

Tomcats special classloader should only access 
classes for each webapp under your webapp directory. You don't have to worry 
about classes in webapps/bob/WEB-INF/classes picking up 
webapps/fred/WEB-INF/classes for example.

  - Original Message - 
  Kresimir (Binsco) 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 5:37 
  Subject: question about CLASSPATH
  When setting up different applications in server.xml for an 
  instance of tomcat,
  is there a way to setup different CLASSPATH for each 
  Is there are way to setup CLASSPATH to be "application" 
  For example, if I have two different 
  .../jakarta-tomcat/webapps/prod... and
  Can I have tomcat use different CLASSPATH for 
  For example, if beyond these directories I have a 
  and my classes in package are the same, just different 
  versions (like test and prod instances)
  how can I make tomcat to use classes from 
  when I use URL:
  http://something/prod/jsp1.jsp - use 
  classes from prod/.../package and
  http://something/test/jsp1.jsp - use 
  classes from test/...package
  Assuming that in my classes (all of them) I use the same 
  import package.*
  Please help...

Re: Asking for an Opionio on Apache & Tomcat or Just Apache

2001-04-17 Thread Sam Newman

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 4:56 PM
Subject: RE: Asking for an Opionio on Apache & Tomcat or Just Apache

> Thanks. It's still not working. I get a 404 error now when I go to my
> application directory (
> I also get a 404 error when I type in the full path
> (
> myapp is a virtual directory. The physical path is something along the
lines of
> /users/me/myapp/
> Any help would be appreciated. Thx.

It sounds then like apache is not correctly serving jsp files then, or else
your trying the wrong URL. I take it the jsp works fine directly with
tomcat? If so, and assuming you are using mod_jk (please say you are!)
simply including the mod_jk.conf-auto generated by tomcat in httpd.conf
should get you started. try the Tomcat-Apahe howto, and the mod_jk howto
included in the tomcat distro



Re: Followup: WAR deployment with JSP's

2001-04-17 Thread Sam Newman

3rd party libs (e.g. xml parsers etc) should be placed in the WEB-INF/lib
directory. But this is valid jar files, not simple classes. If you have your
own classes, or even other peoples, unpacked and not in a jar form, put them
in WEB-INF/classes (remembering to mirror thier package in the directory
structure under classes).

So if I had a support class call com.mycomp.UserValidator.class, I would put
it in WEB-INF/classes/com/mycomp/. If I had a jar file I use called
validator.jar, it would be in WEB-INF/lib

Hope this helps,

- Original Message -
From: "Chris Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 4:52 PM
Subject: Followup: WAR deployment with JSP's

> I keep seeing in these posts that any support classes should be jar'd up
> placed in the lib directory under WEB-INF.  Does the jsp engine also look
> there??  I keep getting errors when processing my jsp saying it can't load
> the class.  Should this setup work???
> Thanks
> Chris

Re: Logging, server.xml and so on

2001-04-17 Thread Sam Newman

To get stuff into the log, you have to do the following (I'm assuming your
in a servlet at the time!)



this.getServletContext().log("msg", exception);

Check the API docs for HttpServletContext for more details. As to how you
can tailor this logging to reflect the debug level set for your context (ala
log4j), I don't know. This works a treat in all my stuff anyway.

- Original Message -
From: "Will England" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 4:59 PM
Subject: Logging, server.xml and so on

> Greetings!
> After many days of searching and so on, I am still looking for information
> on using the default logging built into Tomcat.
> I am running Tomcat 3.2.1 under apache 1.3.12 on Solaris 2.7, with Java
> 1.3.
> I have a servlet application set up that catches all the 'expected' errors
> and logs them to text files, databases, etc.  This includes bad input,
> missing or wrong parameters, and so on.
> However, I still need to catch 'unexpected' errors at the top level and
> log them to a standard log file.  Currently, I just am doing this:

Re: Asking for an Opionio on Apache & Tomcat or Just Apache

2001-04-17 Thread Sam Newman

have you edited the Apache directive for the default filex? Search for
index.html or index.htm in httpd.conf and try adding index.jsp. Apache
doesn't automatically look for any file called index - you need to
explicitly tell it what files to load as defaults. If this doesn't work but
typing in the index.jsp explicitly does, I'd guess is a problem with the
ajpv13 connector (or which ever one you are using).

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 4:06 PM
Subject: Re: Asking for an Opionio on Apache & Tomcat or Just Apache

> I have tomcat running within apache. This was recommended by the user
guide for
> performance reasons. I'm wondering if running tomcat within apache has
> to do with why I can't serve index.jsp as a default file for my
> directories. Do I have to anything on the apache end?
> Thanks.

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