[Fwd: Strange logging error for 4.1.18]

2003-03-14 Thread William Lee
I sent this to tomcat-dev, but maybe the user list is a better place to ask:

 Original Message 
Subject: Strange logging error for 4.1.18
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2003 17:50:18 -0800
From: William Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Tomcat Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: tomcat-dev [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm running Tomcat 4.1.18 on Solaris 8 and Sun's JRE 1.3.x.  I tried
searching for the list but I couldn't seem to find anything that'll
describe this problem.
Usually, I can start tomcat fine.  However, it seems like once in a
while I got this error from stdout:
org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: Class
org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JCategoryLog does not implement Log
at org.apache.tomcat.util.log.Log.log(Log.java:198)
at org.apache.tomcat.util.log.Log.log(Log.java:192)
at org.apache.tomcat.util.log.Log.log(Log.java:174)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)
Then Tomcat stops accepting connection and just hung there.  Looking at
the ThreadPool.java code I see around line 522:
/* Check if should execute a runnable.  */
try {
if(noThData) {
if(p.debug0) p.log( Getting new thread
noThData = false;
if(shouldRun) {
} catch(Throwable t) {
loghelper.log(Caught exception executing  +
toRun.toString() + , terminating thread, t);
* The runnable throw an exception (can be even
a ThreadDeath),
* signalling that the thread die.
* The meaning is that we should release the thread from
* the pool.
It seems to throw another exception on the loghelper.log() call inside
the catch(Throwable t) block.  From here I suspect class loading issues,
but I couldn't figure out what is wrong.   Note that I'm compiling
Tomcat from source using common-logging 1.0.2 and log4j 1.2.6.   I
didn't include log4j in the tomcat distribution (not in server/lib) but
I do have a servlet that uses log4j1.2.6 and have the jar in the
WEB-INF/lib directory.
Does somebody experience anything like this before?

William Lee (Will)| Sendmail Inc.
Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.sendmail.com
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Apache mod_jk's session not sticky

2002-11-11 Thread William Lee
I'm using Apache 2.0.43, mod_ssl, mod_jk 1.2, and Tomcat 4.1.14 (the 
test release).  I've set up Tomcat so it runs behind the apache.  My 
test of having 1 worker behind a load balancer works perfectly without 
any problem.  However, once I added another machine, it seems like my 
user's session is jumping back and forth between the two machines. 
This, of course creates a big problem.

My servlet involves a form-based login page, in which the login code 
would remove the old session and attach a new one once the user has 
authenticated against the authority.  Would this create a problem?  I'm 
wondering how mod_jk handles the stick sessions.  It does seem to be 
pretty random when it jumps back and forth between the two machines I 
have here.

I've turned on the debug log in mod_jk but it doesn't tell me all that 
much.  Is there any other mechanism available for me to debug this?

William Lee (Will)| Sendmail Inc.
Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.sendmail.com
Tel:(510) 594-5505|

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Re: Tomcat 4.1.12 hanging under stress?

2002-10-30 Thread William Lee
Ben Ricker wrote:

On Mon, 2002-10-28 at 20:24, William Lee wrote:

Hmm, it may have something to do with the kernel, I'll try later to see 
whether this is the case.  I don't think the log gives me much though. 
Anyhow, I've made a weird discovery that I found interesting.

After the other info you gave me, I am less concerned with the kernel
now. I would still upgrade it, though. There is a nasty networking bug
in the 2,4,9 kernel, I believe, that effects scalability.

It seems like there's a barrier when the JVM consume around 90MB of 
RAM.  Once the JVM got over that barrier, then things will keep working.

Well, it turned out this problem may not have anything to do with the 
JVM at all.

After trying various different JREs, -X flags, and garbage collection 
info, etc, I updated my tomcat to 4.1.14 (test) and now I got the 
following exception in stdout when I got into the situation where the 
connection hung:

Class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JCategoryLog does not 
implement Log
at org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.getLog(LogFactory.java:409)
at org.apache.tomcat.util.log.CommonLogHandler.log(CommonLogHandler.java:97)
at org.apache.tomcat.util.log.Log.log(Log.java:198)
at org.apache.tomcat.util.log.Log.log(Log.java:192)
at org.apache.tomcat.util.log.Log.log(Log.java:165)
at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool.logFull(ThreadPool.java:260)
at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool.runIt(ThreadPool.java:226)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:512)

Looking into the 4.1.14 source code it turned out that the thread (maybe 
the connection thread?) just died when calling the function logFull(), 
and somehow log4j failed to do so (?).  Does this have anything to do 
with class loader and using different versions of log4j?  Does anyone 
know how tomcat logged its messages?

William Lee (Will)| Sendmail Inc.
Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.sendmail.com
Tel:(510) 594-5505|

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Tomcat 4.1.12 hanging under stress?

2002-10-28 Thread William Lee
I'm running a Tomcat 4.1.12 (with the coyote connectors running SSL) on 
RH Linux with a 2.4.9 kernel and IBM JRE 1.3.1 build cxia32131-20020622.

I initiated around 50 concurrent https connections from JMeter to the 
test server I have (which is a moderately powerful dual PIII 500 with 
512 MB RAM and Ultra-SCSI drives) and I realized some random hangings 
after running for a while.  When the hanging happened, I could still 
connect to the port that I opened.  However, I couldn't do anything once 
I connected to the port.  The JVM seemed to be running still, but tomcat 
wouldn't response.

BTW, I tried connecting to the port using openssl s_client ... and I 
was able to connect to the port when it hung, but I can't issue any HTTP 

I can, however, shutdown the server from the control port with no problem.

Can somebody tell me how to address / debug this problem?

William Lee (Will)| Sendmail Inc.
Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.sendmail.com
Tel:(510) 594-5505|

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Re: Tomcat 4.1.12 hanging under stress?

2002-10-28 Thread William Lee
Ben Ricker wrote:

On Mon, 2002-10-28 at 14:38, William Lee wrote:

I'm running a Tomcat 4.1.12 (with the coyote connectors running SSL) on 
RH Linux with a 2.4.9 kernel and IBM JRE 1.3.1 build cxia32131-20020622.

I am wondering about the kernel version here; you have rather old
kernel, a version which is considered unstable. I would suggest
upgrading the kernel, especially since you have SMP.

This is just a small suggestion.anything in the logs?

Ben Ricker

Hmm, it may have something to do with the kernel, I'll try later to see 
whether this is the case.  I don't think the log gives me much though. 
Anyhow, I've made a weird discovery that I found interesting.

It seems like there's a barrier when the JVM consume around 90MB of 
RAM.  Once the JVM got over that barrier, then things will keep working. 
 The strange thing is, under not-so-heavy load ( 30 concurrent users), 
somehow it failed to break that barrier and the socket hung when it 
reaches that point.  If I drive the load up ( 50, 100, or even 200 
concurrent connections), somehow it breaks that barrier and things will 
work without any problem.  Does anyone know why this is the case?

William Lee (Will)| Sendmail Inc.
Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.sendmail.com
Tel:(510) 594-5505|

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Bug in catalina.sh? Problem using jpda

2002-10-08 Thread William Lee

I have been using jswat for debugging Tomcat for a while.  However, 
since I use the catalina's jpda start it doesn't work anymore.  It seems 
like in the java command arguments that catalina.sh script constructed 
are missing a -Xnoagent flag.  It's causing the jswat to skip all the 
breakpoint that I've set I think.

Also, it seems like the setclasspath.sh script is explicitly checking 
jdb and javac in your JAVA_HOME/bin directory before allowing you to 
pass.  That means you can't really use that script with any JRE for the 
binaries are not included...  I know jsp would not work with the JRE but 
I can use the JRE with just plan servlet with no problem and having that 
check there is somewhat redundent.

BTW, I'm currently using IBM JDK 1.3 and Tomcat 4.1.12 on Linux.

William Lee (Will)| Sendmail Inc.
Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.sendmail.com
Tel:(510) 594-5505|

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Tomcat 4.1.12: SSL warnings in catalina.out

2002-09-30 Thread William Lee

I've set up a standalone 4.1.12 Tomcat instance using SSL connection. 
When I looked into the catalina.out in the log directory, I realized 
that there are some warning lines in there that are pretty annoying. The 
lines are like:

[WARN] Http11Processor - -Exception getting SSL attributes 
javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated

I assume it's trying to do client authentication and failed (??). 
However, I have set the clientAuth=false in the the server.xml file. 
Why do I sill get a warning?  It happens each time the browser hits the 
page too, so I think this is going to be a problem (where the 
catalina.out will get big with all the lines of messages).  Is there a 
way to get rid of them?

William Lee (Will)| Sendmail Inc.
Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.sendmail.com
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Re: tomcat 4.1.12

2002-09-24 Thread William Lee

Tim Funk wrote:
 There was a security flaw in 4.1.11 and earlier that so that /servlet/* 
 could be used for bad things. The flaw was fixed in the invoker servlet 
 for the obvious issues but it still leaves the door open for people to 
 do other bad things if people aren't careful.
 In $CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml - look for the invoker servlet and 
 uncomment it to turn that functionality back on. My guess is it is now 
 commented out by default (which is a good practice to have).
 Personally - I hate the concept of /servlet/* being able to invoke a 
 class. It may make development easier - but then you run into subtle 
 security goofs.

Please excuse my ignorance, what's the preferred way to invoke a servlet 
class file then?

I have a servlet named smimc that I defined a web.xml inside the 
smimc/WEB-INF/ directory:


I used to be able to invoke it with the path /smimc/servlet/smimc

However, this doesn't seem to work anymore with the invoker turned off. 
I can turn the lines in tomcat's web.xml back on but that risks 
security (?).  So what's the proper way for this to work then?


William Lee (Will)| Sendmail Inc.
Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.sendmail.com
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Documentation on the ROOT servlet

2002-07-17 Thread William Lee

I would like to find out more about how the ROOT servlet work.  In 
particular, I would like to redirect the request from the ROOT to a 
certain servlet that I have installed in tomcat.  I've tried to map the 
/ context to a custom servlet that I have written but that doesn't 
seem to work.  The ROOT context apparently also serves resources such as 
images and stylesheets.  Is there any good way to accomplish this?

William Lee (Will)| Sendmail Inc.
Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.sendmail.com
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Re: multiple java processes

2002-01-18 Thread William Lee

David Bazell wrote:

 When I start tomcat and do a ps I see 18 java processes have started.  Is
 this normal?  Why are they all there?

You're probably running on a Linux system, I suppose?  Linux displays 
threads as process in ps.

William Lee (Will)| Sendmail Inc.
Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.sendmail.com
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Re: Tomcat is very slow when used with Netscape browser

2001-11-27 Thread William Lee

I have also had this problem.  Yes, it's Netscape 4.7x slow rendering speed that 
causes that slowness that you've seen.  You can try Netscape 6.x and you should see 
MUCH faster rendering speed.  Anyway, try reducing the complexity of the page.  
Reducing the use of css stylesheet classes and nested tables will greatly improve the 
speed on 4.7x.


 -Original Message-
 From: Kiran Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 5:53 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Tomcat is very slow when used with Netscape browser
 Iam using Tomcat 3.2.3 for my application.In my
 application iam reading the contents of a files
 present in directory outside the tomcat web server
 directory(i.e. my content is in c:\temp).The
 application is very fast if I browse the application
 using Internet Explorer.The same application takes too
 much of time to load if I use Netscape browser.
 Anybody have any idea why this is happening?Any ideas
 to fix this problem?

William Lee (Will)| Sendmail Inc.
Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.sendmail.com
Tel:(510) 594-5505|

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Re: SSL on AIX fails

2001-09-21 Thread William Lee

Make sure you follow Tomcat instructions exactly as it states.  The 
critical step is to put an extra line in the java.security (?) file and 
put your jsse jars in the lib/ext directory.  I used to have this 
problem but I solved it by doing such.

Good Luck.


 But when I do:
 tomcat writes:
 2001-09-21 09:49:49 - Ctx(  ): 400 R( /) null
 2001-09-21 09:49:49 - Ctx(  ): IOException in: R( /) Socket closed
 I have no idea what goes wrong and I do not understand the error message. My
 IE55 gets an DNS-Error (??).
 An installation on my windows-localhost works fine ...
 Best regards,
 Dipl.-Inf. Peter Kruse 
 Projektbereich Netzmanagement
 debis Systemhaus GEI GmbH 
 Geschäftsstelle Ulm, Standort Hamburg
 Hausanschrift: Lademannbogen 21-23, 22339 Hamburg
 Postanschrift: Postfach 630265, 22312 Hamburg
 Telefon: (040) 53 95 - 11 88
 Telefax: (040) 53 95 - 16 07
 Mobiltelefon: (01 70) - 83 64 15 9
 E-Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Internet: http://www.t-systems.de
 Dipl.-Inf. Peter Kruse 
 Projektbereich Netzmanagement
 debis Systemhaus GEI GmbH 
 Geschäftsstelle Ulm, Standort Hamburg
 Hausanschrift: Lademannbogen 21-23, 22339 Hamburg
 Postanschrift: Postfach 630265, 22312 Hamburg
 Telefon: (040) 53 95 - 11 88
 Telefax: (040) 53 95 - 16 07
 Mobiltelefon: (01 70) - 83 64 15 9
 E-Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Internet: http://www.t-systems.de

William Lee (Will)| Sendmail Inc.
Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.sendmail.com
Tel:(510) 594-5505|

Standalone Tomcat SSL Handshake problem

2001-08-27 Thread William Lee

I've searched in the mail archive but found no solution to the Tomcat
standalone SSL handshake problem that many people seem to experience.

I got the jsse and the certs installed according to the instruction.  I
used the keytool util to import a openssl-generated, self-signed,
certificate.  I can start the server fine with the following lines in

Connector className=org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector
Parameter name=handler 
Parameter name=port 
Parameter name=socketFactory 
value=org.apache.tomcat.net.SSLSocketFactory /
  Parameter name=keystore 
value=/tmp/keystore /
Parameter name=keypass 
  value=changeit /
Parameter name=clientAuth 
  value=false /

The keystore file is /tmp/keystore.

When I start the server, I got:

2001-08-24 17:57:33 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /admin )
Starting tomcat. Check logs/tomcat.log for error messages
2001-08-24 17:57:33 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx(  )
2001-08-24 17:57:33 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /test )
2001-08-24 17:57:34 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting HttpConnectionHandler
on 8080
2001-08-24 17:57:45 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting HttpConnectionHandler
on 8443
2001-08-24 17:57:45 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting Ajp12ConnectionHandler
on 8007

When I try connect to port 8443 using https from a browser:

2001-08-24 17:57:48 - Ctx(  ): 400 R( /) null
2001-08-24 17:57:48 - Ctx(  ): IOException in: R( /) Socket

I tried using openssl to connect to the server:
 openssl s_client -host sun8.dev-lab -port 8443
19354:error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert
Can somebody tell me how I can get it going?  I read from the archive
that this is common problem but I found no way to resolve this.  People
must have gotten it to work, right?...:)  BTW, I'm using JDK 1.3.1 on
Solaris 5.8, Jsse 1.0.2, and Tomcat 3.2.3.   

William Lee (Will)| Sendmail Inc.
Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.sendmail.com
Tel:(510) 594-5505|