Ben Ricker wrote:
On Mon, 2002-10-28 at 14:38, William Lee wrote:

I'm running a Tomcat 4.1.12 (with the coyote connectors running SSL) on RH Linux with a 2.4.9 kernel and IBM JRE 1.3.1 build cxia32131-20020622.

I am wondering about the kernel version here; you have rather old
kernel, a version which is considered unstable. I would suggest
upgrading the kernel, especially since you have SMP.

This is just a small suggestion.....anything in the logs?

Ben Ricker
Hmm, it may have something to do with the kernel, I'll try later to see whether this is the case. I don't think the log gives me much though. Anyhow, I've made a weird discovery that I found interesting.

It seems like there's a "barrier" when the JVM consume around 90MB of RAM. Once the JVM got over that barrier, then things will keep working. The strange thing is, under not-so-heavy load (< 30 concurrent users), somehow it failed to break that barrier and the socket hung when it reaches that point. If I drive the load up ( 50, 100, or even 200 concurrent connections), somehow it breaks that barrier and things will work without any problem. Does anyone know why this is the case?

William Lee (Will) | Sendmail Inc.
Tel: (510) 594-5505 |

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