Re: Multiple addJoin with OR

2009-03-02 Thread Hidde Boonstra [Us Media]
Hi Ludwig,

never done that, but I would suppose you could use criteria.getNewCriterion and 
use the SqlEnum.JOIN as your comparison. Than use criteria.criterion.or to 
create an or between the two.




- Ludwig Magnusson wrote:

 I want to create an SQLQuery that combines data from three tables.
 now, my javacode looks like this:
 This results in this SQL query: 
 AND =
 However, this is not the result I need. What I need is a query with
 instead of AND, like this:
 OR =
 I haven't found any way to do this using criteria. Is it possible?

Hidde Boonstra
Us Media B.V.
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Re: Antwort: Correct way to getRelatedObjects with each relatedObject reference to this object?

2009-02-12 Thread Hidde Boonstra [Us Media]
Hi Thomas,

as an user / programmer I would expect parent.getChildren().getParent() to 
return the original parent object. Thus I would agree that it feels natural to 
set the parent of the children upon retrieval of those children.



- Thomas Fischer wrote:

 The only way to achieve this in general would be modifying the
 object.vm template which generatates the get${relCol} method.
 I would believe that the behaviour you describe would make sense 
 generally. Any opinions on that from other people ? By doing this one
 would increase coupling between objects.

Hidde Boonstra
Us Media B.V.
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1073 AX Amsterdam

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Re: SQL TIMESTAMP and Torque java.util.Date mapping.

2008-08-07 Thread Hidde Boonstra [Us Media]


criteria.add(TestPeer.EXPIRES, (Object) null, Criteria.ISNULL)

doesn't work?


Shinkan wrote:

Hi again there !

I have a TIMESTAMP type column in a schema, and the Torque maps it to
java.util.Date, which is really convenient most of the time.
BUT, I would like to check for this column nullity, SQL point-of-view.
That's to say, I have to check that this field, let's call it expires, is
NULL Timestamp (00-00- 00:00:00).
Trying to compare expires against new Date(0) fails as new Date(0) gives
(and that's obvious), the first UNIX timestamp date.
I can use New Date(int, int, int, int, int, int) BUT it is deprecated, and I
really would like to avoid this.

So, how can I build a Criteria to check if my field expires from table
test is NULL timestamp (00-00- 00:00:00) ?
timeCrit.add( TestPeer.EXPIRES, ?);

Thanks in advance !

Hidde Boonstra
Us Media B.V.
Stadhouderskade 115
1073 AX Amsterdam

t: 020 428 68 68
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Re: Log4J + Torque ... gonna drive me mad.

2008-07-31 Thread Hidde Boonstra [Us Media]

Hi Shinkan,

I'm glad to hear you fixed it :-) An application should not output 
warnings if there is nothing to worry about, I agree. Are you 100% sure 
that Log4J is configured before anything else happens? I've seen those 
kind of messages, but mostly because things where being configured / 
started, or used before Log4J was up and running...

B.t.w. if you want to be sure nothing is written to the standard out or 
err, you can redirect the outputs using System.setErr and System.setOut. 
This might be a smart thing to do if your running as a deamon?

Kind regards,

Shinkan wrote:

As you say, this don't prevent Log4J from working.
But these 2 lines are really annoying as my app is a server app, which is
run in background as a daemon on Linux.
Thus, they are outputed from System.err, and I can't guarantee that
production tasks in production env which will use this server will not
require stop on standard error output.
Moreover, this is not really reassuring from a server that the firts 2 lines
you have talks about WARNING ... :D

Hidde Boonstra
Us Media B.V.
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1073 AX Amsterdam

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Re: Plural Tables Names

2008-01-28 Thread Hidde Boonstra [Us Media]

Hi Graham,

you can specify the java name of your table in the schema xml. You can 
specify it using the javaName attribute on the table element. See:

Kind regards,

Graham Stewart wrote:

This seems like it would be an FAQ, but I can't find the answer to it anywhere.

I have a database where the table names are all plural, but I'd really
prefer that my object names were not.

Is there any way to have Torque create an class called SiteUser to
represent the table site_users.

Hidde Boonstra
Us Media B.V.
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1073 AX Amsterdam

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Re: idbroker generates existing ID's

2007-11-16 Thread Hidde Boonstra [Us Media]

Thanks Adam  Alvaro,

I use a normal size integer, so I should be save for a while. The case
of the table name is a good issue. I have been struggling with MySQL and 
the id_table for a while. I have checked both databases, but alas, no 
double id tables. I think I'll fall back to Torque 3.2 for now and see 
if the problems reoccur. I might be 'blaming' Torque while the problems 
might be related to some other package:-)

Thanks for your input, and I'll keep the list informed if I find 
anything relevant...

Kind regards,

Hidde Boonstra
Us Media B.V.
Stadhouderskade 115
1073 AX Amsterdam

t: 020 428 68 68
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idbroker generates existing ID's

2007-11-15 Thread Hidde Boonstra [Us Media]

Hi all,

we're experiencing some weird trouble while using the IDBroker. Two of 
our sites (one running on MySQL 5.x + Torque 3.3-RC1 and one running on 
Postgres 8.x + Torque 3.3-RC2) start throwing duplicate key exceptions 
after running (without problems) for a while. The IDs generated are much 
lower than the next_id entry in the id_table. When I restart the 
application the problem is gone, but after a while (days/weeks) it 
returns. Does anybody know what is going on, or has experienced similar 

Thanks in advanced,

with kind regards,

Hidde Boonstra
Us Media B.V.
Stadhouderskade 115
1073 AX Amsterdam

t: 020 428 68 68
f: 020 470 69 05

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Re: Torque is very slow to do a .copy of an object :( Why?

2007-04-12 Thread Hidde Boonstra [Us Media]

Hi Alain,

does your object have many relations (foreign key constraints)? I just 
looked into the copy method and I see it does a deep copy, so if you 
have many relations, or many related entries in your database, these 
will all be copied into your copy. This might explain why it gets slower 
when there is more data...



philipina wrote:

I'm using torque to connect to my Mysql database.
I'm trying to improve performence of my application and I saw that torque is
taking more than 600 ms to execute a command like:
Object1 myCopiedObject1 = myObject1.copy();

Torque is only slow if I have a lots of data in my DB. I cannot understand
this! a copy should only do the work in memory and not access the DB.

Why is it soo slow? Any idea to speed-up this copy?

Thanks in advance.


Us Media B.V.
Stadhouderskade 115
1073 AX Amsterdam

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Re: Torque is very slow to do a .copy of an object :( Why?

2007-04-12 Thread Hidde Boonstra [Us Media]


sorry, but I think that's what I mean:-) So if you have object1 and 
object2 which references to object1 and you do a copy on object1 it will 
also copy and add all object2 instances that refer to object1. It looks 
like this is recursive, because objects that refer to object2 will 
probably be copied as well...

Hope this helps to explain your slowdown,


philipina wrote:


One other object has a reference to the object I want to copy but the object
I want to copy has no reference (foreign key) to any other object.


Hidde Boonstra [Us Media]-2 wrote:

Hi Alain,

does your object have many relations (foreign key constraints)? I just 
looked into the copy method and I see it does a deep copy, so if you 
have many relations, or many related entries in your database, these 
will all be copied into your copy. This might explain why it gets slower 
when there is more data...



philipina wrote:

I'm using torque to connect to my Mysql database.
I'm trying to improve performence of my application and I saw that torque
taking more than 600 ms to execute a command like:
Object1 myCopiedObject1 = myObject1.copy();

Torque is only slow if I have a lots of data in my DB. I cannot
this! a copy should only do the work in memory and not access the DB.

Why is it soo slow? Any idea to speed-up this copy?

Thanks in advance.


Us Media B.V.
Stadhouderskade 115
1073 AX Amsterdam

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torque-maven-plugin 3.3-RC1: 'subpackageManager' property - TorqueException

2007-02-06 Thread Hidde Boonstra [Us Media]

Hi all,

I'm using the Maven2 torque plugin to generate my object model. When 
using the 'subpackageManager' configuration property the generated 
classes end up in the specified package. However, the field 
'DEFAULT_MANAGER_CLASS' in my Base...Manager is missing the specified 
subpackage. This results in a TorqueException caused by a 
ClassNotFoundException. I have looked for another property but couldn't 
find any. Can anybody tell me if I'm missing something, or if this is 
perhaps a feature of the current version of the generator plugin?


Hidde Boonstra
Us Media B.V.
Stadhouderskade 115
1073 AX Amsterdam

t: 020 428 68 68
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Re: torque-maven-plugin 3.3-RC1: 'subpackageManager' property - TorqueException

2007-02-06 Thread Hidde Boonstra [Us Media]

Ok, my bad.

It says:

protected static final String DEFAULT_MANAGER_CLASS
  = ${packageManager}.${interfaceName}Manager;

in the head, in stead of

protected static final String DEFAULT_MANAGER_CLASS
  = ${package}.${interfaceName}Manager;

as in mine.

I've already created the issue (TORQUE-81), so feel free to close it as 
invalid / duplicate:)

Thanks  greets,


Greg Monroe wrote:

This may actually already be fixed in CVS.  It sounds like
one of the alternate package usage problems in the templates that 
I found/fixed right after RC1 was released. 

-Original Message-
From: Thomas Fischer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 9:09 AM

To: Apache Torque Users List
Subject: RE: torque-maven-plugin 3.3-RC1: 'subpackageManager' 
property - TorqueException


this sounds like a bug. could you please open a jira issue ?

  Thanks in advance,


Hidde Boonstra [Us Media] [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 06.02.2007

Hi all,

I'm using the Maven2 torque plugin to generate my object 
model. When 
using the 'subpackageManager' configuration property the generated 
classes end up in the specified package. However, the field 
'DEFAULT_MANAGER_CLASS' in my Base...Manager is missing the 
specified subpackage. This results in a TorqueException caused by a 
ClassNotFoundException. I have looked for another property but 
couldn't find any. Can anybody tell me if I'm missing 
something, or if 
this is perhaps a feature of the current version of the 

generator plugin?


Hidde Boonstra
Us Media B.V.
Stadhouderskade 115
1073 AX Amsterdam

t: 020 428 68 68
f: 020 470 69 05


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Hidde Boonstra
Us Media B.V.
Stadhouderskade 115
1073 AX Amsterdam

t: 020 428 68 68
f: 020 470 69 05

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