Hi Alain,

does your object have many relations (foreign key constraints)? I just looked into the copy method and I see it does a deep copy, so if you have many relations, or many related entries in your database, these will all be copied into your copy. This might explain why it gets slower when there is more data...



philipina wrote:
I'm using torque to connect to my Mysql database.
I'm trying to improve performence of my application and I saw that torque is
taking more than 600 ms to execute a command like:
Object1 myCopiedObject1 = myObject1.copy();

Torque is only slow if I have a lots of data in my DB. I cannot understand
this! a copy should only do the work in memory and not access the DB.

Why is it soo slow? Any idea to speed-up this copy?

Thanks in advance.


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