Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] A DAC for the SB

2010-12-21 Thread praganj

Some people get drunk with a cheap wine. There is also alcohol inside,
quality doesn't matter. ;)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Getting started help needed...

2010-12-21 Thread ChrisNY

Another nice feature for dbpoweramp is the Multi-encode functionality. 
It allows you to rip discs in multiple formats if desired all in one
process.  I rip my CDs to FLAC for the Squeezeserver and also rip to
MP3 for iPod/portable use.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Getting started help needed...

2010-12-21 Thread jfo

ChrisNY;596076 Wrote: 
 Another nice feature for dbpoweramp is the Multi-encode functionality. 
 It allows you to rip discs in multiple formats if desired all in one
 process.  I rip my CDs to FLAC for the Squeezeserver and also rip to
 MP3 for iPod/portable use.

I also add Replay Gain tags at the same time. These tags will not alter
your audio content in any way and can be enabled/disabled for each
player you may have. I don't use it for my main listening area, but
enable it on two other players where I don't want the volume changing
for different tracks. 

You include Replay Gain in dbpoweramp setup.


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[SlimDevices: Touch] Newbie question re: streaming audio from laptop?

2010-12-21 Thread JeepersCreepers

Hi, this is my first post so bare in mind that my knowledge is pretty
much zero :D

I am seriously considering getting a SB Touch, but really wanted to
know to what extent streaming from a laptop HDD running via Wi-FI will
affect the general operation of other programs on the laptop? I use the
laptop for a number of other things most of the time, and wondered if I
needed the laptop to be dedicated to the SB Touch whilst music was
streaming? Or do I just have music in a dedicated folder, and it plays

Hope that makes sense! Many thanks. JC.


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[SlimDevices: Touch] Touch mods from Soundcheck no more available

2010-12-21 Thread praganj

Luckily few months ago i downloaded and saved older modes...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] A DAC for the SB

2010-12-21 Thread magiccarpetride

eeagle;595574 Wrote: 
 I think you will be pleased with the Touch internal AKM4420 DAC, and
 would have to get into the high end DAC's  $1K to get a noticeable
 DAC listening improvements are very subjective; if you go that way see
 if your DAC source will loan a unit for you to compare (A-B test), and
 see if the improvement is worth the $.

I wouldn't advise you take the above approach. The reason is that DACs
are notorious for needing a lot of burn in time. If you get a new DAC
on loan, you won't have enough time to burn it in properly, and you'll
be running a risk of throwing out the baby with the bath water.

When I got my latest DAC, right out of the box it sounded horrendous.
Wimpy, subdued, muddy, just terrible. It broke my heart.

But after checking things out with the community, I've decided, on
their advice, to give it a world, and to let it burn in for about 200
hours (I left it on the continuous playback loop).

After the initial 200 hours of burn in milestone has been reached, the
DAC started coming out as the beauty that it is. However, it wasn't
before the 900 - 1,000 hours milestone of burn in that my DAC came to
the full bloom. Right now, it's one of the most musical pieces of gear
I've ever heard.

So the moral is that you must do your own research, commit to the
product you think hits the sweet spot for you, and then commit to live
with it for at least a few months. Keep listening to it and evaluating
it constantly. You will only then be able to know whether it's a keeper
or not.


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[SlimDevices: Touch] Newbie question re: streaming audio from laptop?

2010-12-21 Thread garym

for about a year I used my laptop (an old dell dual core processor) for
running SbS (streaming music) to my SB players. I had no issues
whatsoever. The music is streaming in the background and I'm happily
surfing the web, running programs, even running Stat programs with SAS
and 100,000 data points. No glitches on playing or on the other
programs I was running.

p.s. This said, I now have a vortexbox appliance holding and streaming
the music (and lots of SB players). But this was more for the 24/7
factor (and that my wife is now hooked on using the SB players and I'm
not always at home with my laptop).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] A DAC for the SB

2010-12-21 Thread Grahame

Or just ask the dealer for a demo unit/loaner that is already burnt in?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Getting started help needed...

2010-12-21 Thread whoosh

Atver;594146 Wrote: 
 I probably won't run a HD connected directly to the Touch, I'm talking
 strickly about USB vs SATA in my main computer streaming wireless to
 the Touch. I think I'll put a SATA in the case, then use a USB for
 backup only.
 When I said $3k-$5K for a music server, I'm talking building from
 scratch and including a high quality DAC. It adds up fast... Mac Mini,
 more and better HD's, Ayre QB-9, Software...etc...etc I was looking at
 about $3500. +
MacMini + external USB/Firewire HD is plenty. Check my sig below. :)


*Server*: Ubuntu 8.04 Server on Intel 1.66GHz Core Duo Mac Mini, 1GB
RAM, 72GB internal for OS, 750GB Maxtor One Touch Firewire for media.
SC 7.3.1~24372
*Main Audio*: SB Duet  Audio Research LS2B mkII  Audio Research VT100
mkII  Soliloquy 5.3
*Work Audio*: SB Duet  Jolida SJ801  NHT Super Zero's

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Newbie question re: streaming audio from laptop?

2010-12-21 Thread krochat

JeepersCreepers;596115 Wrote: 
 really wanted to know to what extent streaming from a laptop HDD running
 via Wi-FI will affect the general operation of other programs on the
 laptop? I use the laptop for a number of other things most of the time,
 and wondered if I needed the laptop to be dedicated to the SB Touch
 whilst music was streaming? Or do I just have music in a dedicated
 folder, and it plays regardless? 
 Hope that makes sense! Many thanks. JC.

It depends on a number of things:
1) Does the laptop have a dual-core processor? If not, there might be
2) Is your music MP3, CD-quality FLAC, or Hi-resolution FLAC?
The bigger the music files, the more likelyhood of problems.

If you're using MP3, things will more likely be fine, regardless of the
speed of the hardware. If you're using CD-quality flac on a single-core
processor, there's a possiblility of music interruptions when running
CPU intensive applications. If you're using hi-res, you'll need at
least a dual core.

I use an old Dell desktop, 2.4GHz Pentium single-core with Windows XP,
to feed 96/24kHz FLAC files to my Touch. I pretty much can't do
anything else on the machine without interrupting the music.

I also have a dual-core 2.1GHz Pentium desktop running Windows 7 that
can serve CD-quality FLAC files. When running CPU intensive
applications (like ripping to MP3 files on iTunes) I would get
occasional interruptions in the music.

On the other hand, if you have an old PC (or can get one for $5 at a
garage sale like I did recently), and load VortexBox (a Linux-based
Squeezebox server) on it, you'll be set for anything you want to play.



iZotope SRC (96kHz offline upsampler) - Touch - TacT RCS 2.2X -
Convolver PC (w/Acourate filter)- Apogee Big Ben - (TacT S2150 -
Vandersteen 3a Signature + TacT S2150 - TacT W210)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] A DAC for the SB

2010-12-21 Thread mlsstl

magiccarpetride;596144 Wrote: 
  The reason is that DACs are notorious for needing a lot of burn in
 time. snip 
I can't say I've run into that particular bit of notoriety before. 

The only problem with that theory is you'll basically never be able to
compare two pieces of equipment. The advocates of whichever piece of
gear loses the competition will be able to state that theirs had the
wrong number of hours on it. If it has 50, it should have been 100. If
100, it should have been 200. The debate is endless. It's stuff like
this that led me to happily surrender my audiophile card. 

In my case, the Lavry had a couple of years on it. The Touch I kept was
just out of the box and only had 25 or 30 hours on it at the conclusion
of my comparison. (Of course that brings up another aspect of burn-in I
find interesting - things only ever get better - never worse.)

I think the main point to the original poster is that he should try the
analog outs of the Touch before rushing to spend money on an external
DAC. His choice should not be the subject of a vote by others.


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