Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] newbe advice please

2011-05-12 Thread toby10

Are you connecting the USB drive to the Touch or to your computer?
If the Touch it should just recognize the USB drive and start it's
internal server.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-05-12 Thread JohnSwenson

There is a different configuration you need for HRTs. I'll try and
gather the appropriate stuff for you today and post it. It might
already be in the thread though.

With the right configuration you can get them working great in 16 bit
mode, this means you can play redbook (cd rips or internet radio etc)
but you will not be able to play 24 bit files. I have a configuration
and a separate program you have to install to make 24 bit work, but it
still occasionally has clicks and pops on some systems, I haven't
figured out how to get rid of those yet.

If you setup the 16 bit mode you should leave the volume at 100 all the
time, anything else and you are loosing bits. 

BTW in either of these two modes Soundcheck's mods make a BIG
difference, the HRTs seem to be quite sensitive to these things. The
HRT, even in 16 bit mode with the TT2.0 is a pretty amazing aounding
device. Without the mods its so-so, but with the mods, wow.

John S.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] newbe advice please

2011-05-12 Thread falcoron

thanks, just into the touch directly


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Rebuffering problem since recent update

2011-05-12 Thread Moffedille

Same problem here. It usually occurs after half an hour or so of
listening, and then the only solution is to hard reboot the Touch.
Otherwise, the rebuffering continues with pauses of typically 20+
seconds, interspersed with ~1 second bursts of music.

And yes, it does occur with mp3s as well - yesterday I experienced a
rebuffering pause of several minutes in the middle of an mp3 track.

Server version: Latest 7.5.5 nightly (I switched from the official
7.5.4 to see if there was any improvement - there wasn't).

Touch fw version: 7.5.4-r9408

Does anybody know if the 7.6 firmware solves this problem?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Rebuffering problem since recent update

2011-05-12 Thread Soundman

Moffedille;630806 Wrote: 
 Does anybody know if the 7.6 firmware solves this problem?

The problem does not appear in 7.6 but you have to make a clean

1. Factory reset
2. Remove old database files
3. Install 7.6 
4. Rescan your files

Since I run 7.6 I never had any rebuffering problems at all.
Hope this helps.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-05-12 Thread BlindMouse

JohnSwenson;630798 Wrote: 
 There is a different configuration you need for HRTs...
 John S.
Dear John,

I have found the right setup for HRT DAC's in the post #113

pcm.usbdac {
type hw;
card II;
ctl.usbdac {
type hw;
card II;
pcm.!default usbdac

I also changed the buffer to 5. I will test this setup with a
Halide Bridge soon!
Thank you! :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] newbe advice please

2011-05-12 Thread toby10

That should be all you need, just plug in the USB drive, Touch will
inform you it has detected a USB device and will add USB to your Home
Menu, should self-start the TinySC server on.
Every once in a while you may need to *prod* the start of TinySC by
simply selecting USB from the Home Menu, then select Start SqueezeBox


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Help with NAS + Touch + iPhone

2011-05-12 Thread Zonker92

OK, here's an update:  I sent back the Touch under Amazon's lovely
30-day return policy, politely remarking that the SBS, while obviously
flexible and powerful, is also a bit finicky and wasn't working
properly in my application.  I will probably post a long review on
Amazon one of these days, explaining the virtues and drawbacks that I
perceive in it.  

I'm back to running my Sonos ZP-90.  It's playing ALAC files through a
PS Audio Digital Link III and sounds great.

It occurs to me that I can play with this issue some more, without
actually having a Squeezebox device at the moment.  One of these days I
may start working one converting my files to FLAC or WAV and archiving
them on some sort of newer NAS or headless PC, clean up their tags,
then try a Touch again once I have the files working properly with SBS.
Just a thought.

Anyway, thanks again for all the help.


Squeezebox Touch  Dynaco Stereo 70  Altec 846Bs with 902 drivers and
Z19 crossovers + Velodyne HGS-12

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Help with NAS + Touch + iPhone

2011-05-12 Thread snottmonster

Hello - only just saw your comment re. sending the problem file. By all
means upload the file somewhere and send me the details, if this is
still relevant given your last post


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Help with NAS + Touch + iPhone

2011-05-12 Thread Zonker92

snottmonster;630856 Wrote: 
 Hello - only just saw your comment re. sending the problem file. By all
 means upload the file somewhere and send me the details, if this is
 still relevant given your last post

Thanks!  I can recall which ALAC file was stopping and then starting
again.  What's the best way to send it to you?  Should I PM my email
address to you?

Of course, there was also the problem with indexing:  SBS would scan my
files for 24 hours or so and then I still couldn't play them.  Tagging
issues, too. :()


ALAC  Sonos ZP-90 PS Audio Digital Link III Dynaco Stereo 70  Altec
846Bs (GPA 902-8A drivers and Z19 crossovers) + Velodyne HGS-12

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Help with NAS + Touch + iPhone

2011-05-12 Thread aubuti

Zonker92;630854 Wrote: 
 It occurs to me that I can play with this issue some more, without
 actually having a Squeezebox device at the moment.  One of these days I
 may start working one converting my files to FLAC or WAV and archiving
 them on some sort of newer NAS or headless PC, clean up their tags,
 then try a Touch again once I have the files working properly with SBS.
 Just a thought.
All fine ideas. And you can even test it without getting a Touch again.
As a first test you could intall one of the SB software players such
as SqueezePlay on your pc and try streaming from SBS to that. The
software players are not as full-featured or robust as hardware
Squeezeboxes, but they are a great way of trying things out before you
buy. Or before you buy again :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Help with NAS + Touch + iPhone

2011-05-12 Thread snottmonster

Zonker92;630858 Wrote: 
 Thanks!  I can recall clearly one particular ALAC file that was stopping
 and then starting again.  Sometimes.  What's the best way to send it to
 you?  Should I PM my email address to you?
 Of course, there was also the problem with indexing:  SBS would scan my
 files for 24 hours or so and then I still couldn't play them.  Tagging
 issues, too. :()

I'll send you a PM


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Stock Touch sound quality - Variable

2011-05-12 Thread gilbodavid

Thank you for the advice. Well, very strange in a good way. I've tried
wav files again and I am astounded. The sound quality has transformed,
and is really good. I had the touch volume at 100% before, so its not
that. I'm guessing its a run-in thing. 

Anyway, the sound quality of wav files are really good. Amazingly good.
I've been fretting about affording a new dac, bu i'm now thinking that
if i do the output caps mod and do the software mods i shall have
absolutely no need, specially when John Swenson is saying that with
these mods (i'm not brave enough to disengage the screen yet) it is an
extremely good dac. I shall do the mods shortly and repeat Meanwhile
the analogue out is really good, almost up with my Newtonia Optia CD
player, a rare but wonderful high end machine. I'm getting width and
depth to the sound stage, really sharp imaging and placement of
instruments, tonality, musicality and PRAT. The bass is deep, not
bloated at all, tuneful and tonally very goo, treble is very very good,
and maybe there is a bit of a lack of power to the lower midrange, but
that may be my system. The last bit of richness and dynamic power isnt
quite there, but hey, I have been too busy listening to care tonight.
If the mods are as good as they say, i'm in for a treat.

This is an extremely good dac.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Help with NAS + Touch + iPhone

2011-05-12 Thread snottmonster

I've received an ALAC file from Zonker92 to test with - Loaded it onto
my NV+ (4 bay version of the Duo but with identical processor) which is
running a recent build of SBS 7.6 and streamed the track to SqueezePlay
running on my MacBook. 

The track played perfectly - no skips or pauses. The NAS utilisation
was typically as follows:


  22056 root  26  10  2912 1184  848 S 16.1  0.1   0:49.05 faad 
  21028 root  25  10  123m  93m 6880 R  4.2  9.5   9:37.94 squeezeboxserve

Note that I did also run a backup job on the same NAS while the audio
was playing and also tested simultaneously streaming wirelessly just to
be sure I wasn't only testing an 'ideal' setup - again no skipping.

I'll try again streaming to SB hardware rather than SqueezePlay just to
be complete - but that will have to be tomorrow.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Help with NAS + Touch + iPhone

2011-05-12 Thread Zonker92

Thanks for the testing!

Yes, I didn't, and don't, think the file itself is the problem.  If it
had been, it would not have been intermittent.  My best bet is that SBS
just doesn't run well on my NASDuo.  The stop/start problem occurred
when I tried it both wirelessly and wired.


ALAC  Sonos ZP-90 PS Audio Digital Link III Dynaco Stereo 70  Altec
846Bs (GPA 902-8A drivers and Z19 crossovers) + Velodyne HGS-12

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-05-12 Thread JohnSwenson

Its also critical to set the sample bits. In post 113 I said to set it
to 32, it turns ANYTHING other than 24 sets it to 16 bits, so you might
as well set it to 16 so its not confusing. 

This works with the HRTs because they can accept data in either 16 or
24 bit format. Many other asynch DACs only work at 24, and usually in a
24 bit format that the firmware in the Touch does not support. So by
using the asound.config you posted and setting the buffer to greater
than 5 and the samplebits to 16 you can make the HRTs work very

It seams like every asynch DAC is a different beast and needs a
different set of parameters to work. This particular setup works for
the HRTs, but will not work for  many others. 

Have fun!

John S.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Help with NAS + Touch + iPhone

2011-05-12 Thread snottmonster

Zonker92;630933 Wrote: 
 Thanks for the testing!
 Yes, I didn't, and don't, think the file itself is the problem.  If it
 had been, it would not have been intermittent.  My best bet is that SBS
 just doesn't run well on my NASDuo.  The stop/start problem occurred
 when I tried it both wirelessly and wired.
Good morning.
Just tested the track on my Boom - again, played back perfectly. (And
sounded great btw... )


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