Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Automatic brightness control

2015-05-23 Thread 505

ply3908 wrote: 
 I did a factory reset on my radio.  I want to install the brightness
 control patch again but not able to find it under Patch Installer
 I have LMS 7.9 Linux and the radio has 7.7.3-r16676 firmware.

It appears to be a bug in 7.9. On 7.8.1, the repo containing the patch
is loading okay. I've submitted a issue for it:

My patch: 'Reduce brightness when screen saver is active'
( for Touch (and maybe Radio)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] how to set the squeezebox as a audio playback device

2012-08-22 Thread 505

If you want to stream music from your PC to Squeezebox, just install
Logitech Media Server on that PC.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Automatic brightness control

2012-08-21 Thread 505

A new version has been uploaded to the beta repository. This has the
extra option to disable the gradually decrease in brightness to safe the
screen. You can test this version by adding the beta repository
( You first
need to uninstall the current version, then install the beta version.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Automatic brightness control

2012-08-16 Thread 505

As the author of the brightness patch, Madler asked on my weblog if it
was possible to disable the brightness decrease when viewing photos. As
noted here, that decrease is there to save the screen a bit. It only
occurs when the brightness is set above 50%.

It's not that difficult to add to my patch. Al that is needed is an
extra menu item, and an extra check on 'this line'
The actual decrease is calculated two lines below, on '473'
This wouldn't be too difficult to make, and probably I have some time to
build a new version somewhere next week. I'll release that on the beta
channel. Although I'm not quite sure if it is actually useful, because
the decrease is minimal.

For the timer functions mentioned by m4rk, that is more difficult,
because it would require more code. Not sure yet if I'll do that,
depends on my time, my interests, and if others are interested in such a

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Automatic brightness control

2012-03-31 Thread 505

slartibartfast;698663 Wrote: 
 That seems to have fixed it. Excellent work.

That's cool. Do the sliders look okay? The code for the radio is a bit
different from the touch. The sliders should have some nice buttons
with icons on both sides that you can press to move the slider up/down.
No idea what the standard sliders on the Radio should look like.


My patch: 'Reduce brightness when screen saver is active'
( for Touch (and maybe Radio)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Automatic brightness control

2012-03-30 Thread 505

slartibartfast;698620 Wrote: 
 Hope this is OK.

That certainly helped. Try installing the patch again, and see if it
works now.


My patch: 'Reduce brightness when screen saver is active'
( for Touch (and maybe Radio)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Automatic brightness control

2012-03-29 Thread 505

slartibartfast;698274 Wrote: 
 Tried a factory reset and reinstalled the patch, still the same.

I've looked at the new version of LMS yet. Possibly the new version
changed something, so that the patch cannot be applied properly. I'll
update my system to 7.7.2 tonight, and fix the patch if needed.


My patch: 'Reduce brightness when screen saver is active'
( for Touch (and maybe Radio)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Automatic brightness control

2012-03-29 Thread 505

slartibartfast;698140 Wrote: 
 I've just installed the latest version of the patch on my two Radios
 after updating to the new firmware and I can't adjust any of the
 automatic brightness settings. The screen just bumps. Is this a known
 problem or have I done something wrong?

Just to be clear, you've added my beta repository XML and installed the
patch from there?
Based on the discussion in this thread, I released the new version of
the patch, which also includes settings for the automatic brightness
control. I only own a Touch, so I can only test it on that device.
Nothing changed in the code for 7.7.2, so the patch for the Touch is
still working.

I put together a version for the Radio, which I thought could work. Not
sure, since I cannot test it. Could very well be that there is some
error in the code for the radio.

As for a fix:
- I could either restore the old version, which does only better
brightness control for the manual setting. Someone once reported that
to work on the Radio
- Or I need some help debugging the code on the Radio. I would be best
if someone with some developers skills could assist. I'm sure the code
is 99% complete, so it does not involve a lot of coding, only debugging
making small changes until it works.


My patch: 'Reduce brightness when screen saver is active'
( for Touch (and maybe Radio)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Automatic brightness control

2012-03-29 Thread 505

slartibartfast;698417 Wrote: 
 Yes I installed the patch from the beta repository but I did not install
 the latest version until after the latest firmware update so I don't
 know if it worked with the previous firmware. Maybe another Radio owner
 will confirm the problem.

I would be good to know the error message, this might give me an idea
what I should fix. To get it, log in using SSH and type less
/var/log/messages. If you don't know SSH/Linux command shell, no
worries, I'm sure some other forum member could get the error message.


My patch: 'Reduce brightness when screen saver is active'
( for Touch (and maybe Radio)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Automatic brightness control

2012-03-07 Thread 505

stereoptic;694438 Wrote: 
 Very nice app, I installed it tonight.   I haven't had a chance to
 determine the settings that are best for me yet. I did notice that
 after it installed and rebooted, the SBT was flickering until I went
 into the settings and modified one.  After that, it hasn't flickered.

Great to hear you like it. It reminds me to do some testing after a
factory reset. With the new version, I only tested it by overwriting
the older version. Some settings might be missing when first starting
the patch. That's the only reason I can think of why this might happen.


My patch: 'Reduce brightness when screen saver is active'
( for Touch (and maybe Radio)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Automatic brightness control

2012-03-02 Thread 505

Pascal Hibon;693548 Wrote: 
 If the now playing screen would work as a regular screensaver then your
 plugin would not work anymore. Most states of the SBT are screensavers
 (playing, stopped and off). So there would be no difference between the
 SBT in the off state and playing state. Or am I missing something?

The automatic mode has an option to always thread the playing mode as
active. If you enable that, and your playing, the active brightness
settings are used, even if a screen saver is active. This could be
useful if you are using a custom screen saver to display the
information about the currently playing song.


My patch: 'Reduce brightness when screen saver is active'
( for Touch (and maybe Radio)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Automatic brightness control

2012-03-01 Thread 505

Pascal Hibon;693460 Wrote: 
 I have been playing around with the plugin and I'm happy to report that
 the plugin does exactly what I was looking for. Thanks again for your
 help and efforts!

Good to hear. The only 'problem' left is the now playing screen saver,
which is not detected as a screen saver. There's a 'thread'
( about this
problem, and the 'bug report'
( already has a patch
to fix this.

It might not be a problem for you, but others might prefer it
differently. I'm waiting on the developers to respond, if this is a
true bug, and will be fixed in an official release. Otherwise, I might
publish it as a separate patch, or as part of this patch.


My patch: 'Reduce brightness when screen saver is active'
( for Touch (and maybe Radio)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Automatic brightness control

2012-02-29 Thread 505

1. True. Hadn't noticed that before, even with the old patch. The
NowPlaying screen is not really a screen saver. I use a standard
function to detect if a screen saver is running, and with the now
playing screen is always returns false.
Still, in that case, the patch will always take the active brightness
settings. These should still apply.

2. When a screen saver is on (e.g. the SBT is off), the patch can work
as the default. Set the minimum and the maximum brightness setting, and
it will stay between those values.

What you write below that, I think the current patch can do that
(unless I'm still misreading your post):
For example:
- set active max to 100% and active min to 50%. Now, when playing, the
brightness will never go below 50%.
- set screensaver max to 100% and screensaver min to 0%. Now, when not
playing, it can take any brightness available.


My patch: 'Reduce brightness when screen saver is active'
( for Touch (and maybe Radio)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Automatic brightness control

2012-02-28 Thread 505

Okay, now I understand what you want. This is certainly possible, but I
have to look closely at the design. Two things that I want to focus
- The settings should easy to use, even for the casual user
- It's a patch, so I do not want to rewrite the existing file too much,
only add stuff.

That being said, I'll try working on it. As soon as I have something,
I'll publish it to the beta repository and send you a PM, so you can
test it.


My patch: 'Reduce brightness when screen saver is active'
( for Touch (and maybe Radio)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Automatic brightness control

2012-02-27 Thread 505

Or you can use the patch I wrote for this exact problem. After the patch
is applied, switch to the manual mode. When playing, the normal
brightness setting is used. When stopped, or switched off, the minimum
brightness setting is used.

To install, first enable 3rd party plugins. Then install the patch
installer plugin. After which you can install my 'Reduce Brightness

See signature for a link with a bit more information.


My patch: 'Reduce brightness when screen saver is active'
( for Touch (and maybe Radio)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Automatic brightness control

2012-02-27 Thread 505

Pascal Hibon;692822 Wrote: 
 The ideal solution would be to use autoamatic brightness control but
 limit the minimun treshold to a certain level (configurable) when
 playing. Could you modify your patch to do that?

Just to understand, you want the following:
- When stop: always the minimum brightness level
- When playing: automatic brightness control, but never below the

Correct? I'll have to see if that is possible.


My patch: 'Reduce brightness when screen saver is active'
( for Touch (and maybe Radio)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Podcasts - how and why not?

2011-08-01 Thread 505

You can certainly play podcasts directly from the Touch. You need the
Podcasts app for that. Go to, log in, and add the
app, under All Apps - Podcast services. You can add/modify/remove the
podcast feeds through that web site. However, you can add the app
itself to the main menu of the Touch, and from there you can select the
podcast episode you want to play.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Anyone else's Touch updated to 7.5.4?

2011-04-01 Thread 505

See 'Upcoming Squeezebox software updates'
( announcement in
the beta forum.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Display light when in sleeping mode

2011-03-29 Thread 505

When you set the brightness control to automatic, the Touch calculates
the light intensity of its surroundings, and matches its brightness
settings. So, if it's quite light in your room, then the brightness
will be high. The minimum brightness is only set when it's dark
(depending on how low your minimum setting is).

That was frustrating for me too. I wanted full brightness when playing,
but minimum brightness when stopped or off. I wrote a 'patch'
( for that, if
you're willing to try. You'll need to install the patch installer
plugin, and add my repository file to the additional plugins.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Further Dim Display on 'When Off' Screensaver

2011-03-18 Thread 505

Just go a Squeezebox Touch, and wanting this too. I've now achieved this
by hacking the code a bit, but it's not the most elegant solution.
Trying to write an applet to do this, once I find out how to properly
code an applet.

I you need this now, connect via SSH to your Touch, and modify the file

Line 139, replace getBrightness() with settings.minimalBrightness
Line 229, replace self:getBrightness() with settings.brightness

Restart. Now, after 10 seconds of not using the Touch, it will dim to
the minimal brightness setting. When using the remote, or touch, it
will set the brightness to the manual brightness setting. It only works
when the brightness detection setting it set to manual.

I hope a I can release a proper plug-in for this, with easy


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