Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Connection to not happening

2010-04-29 Thread Hickup

The end of this thread... the Touch is up and running (more or less).

The update procedure will only work if the Diagnosis screen is accessed
from the first available opprotunity - the language selection. My Touch
is now connected to my NAS with the Squeezebox Server and plays music
just fine. If I do try to connect to Internet Radio or similar, it will
tell me, that this Squeezebox is already registered with a different
user! Seems like I need to debug some more (or call Logitech again -
extremely helpful and friendly hotline, btw.), just in case I will make
use of that feature.

Kind regards,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Connection to not happening

2010-04-24 Thread Hickup

I have no idea how suddenly the update was offered on the Touch. I put
it on USB memory stick and on SD card and tried a couple of
combinations, probably it was downloaded from Squeezebox Server - I
cannot say.

But after the update installed, it was not *quite* the usual routine.
It still tried to connect to, but after some time,
there was a timeout and I received a screen where I could change the
server... and my own was offered as well! I selected it, it is now
nicely connected to it and displays current time and date on its

After 18 hours of fiddling around with it I feel kind of relieved. But
before I have another problem I will not leave it and enjoy the
sunshine outside. I will give another message tomorrow on how this ends
(hopefully), just if someone else has the same problems.

Kind regards,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Connection to not happening

2010-04-24 Thread Hickup

Interesting as well. I did a shutdown of the NAS running the Squeezebox
Server, plus switched of all devices of the Squeezebox Duet.

Now, the Squeezebox Touch will not simply sit and wait forever with the
'funny' wheel on display, now it will proceed into a timeout where I can
launch system diagnosis. Within diagnosis, there are no visible
problems, all seems to be OK.

And I talked to Logitech customer support, there is currently some
ongoing maintenance on the servers, but he could not
tell me the current status of that. And I will receive a firmware for
the Touch for a manual install... if all of this fails, I will take it
back to the distributor and get myself a replacement and try that one.

My main target when listening to music is making this as easy as
possible, I want only a few clicks and no big amount of buttons. The
usability of the touchscreen for the Squeezebox Touch seemed perfect to
me, but this is getting ridiculous.

Kind regards,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Connection to not happening

2010-04-24 Thread Hickup

I just launched my laptop, fired up a 3G Dialup connection and shared
that, then connected the Touch with an ethernet cable to the laptop.

The behaviour is different now, instead of endlessly trying to connect
to, it will now give me an error message after a
short time, telling me that it is unable to connect and talks about
some firewall setting. There is none, I disabled the firewall on the
laptop for that task.

System diagnosis tells me the Touch aquired an IP in the local range,
set the correct Gateway and DNS Server (both which is the
laptop) and it did resolve the IP adress for correctly
to I can ping the machine from the laptop, but system
diagnosis on the Touch reports a ping error, probably it tries to reach
the server. Although I can ping that from the laptop

Ports 3483 and 9000 report that they are not connected.

I would expect the same behaviour when I do connect the Touch to my
home network environment insted of the laptop with its shared
connection and my guess is that now incoming packages from 3483 and
9000 fail to reach the touch as there is no port forwarding on that
shared dialup connection.

With the Touch up and running and displaying the diagnosis screen, I
then disconnected the ethernet connection and plugged the device into
my router. I rearranged my port forwarding on the router so that the
new IP of the Touch is now the target for the TCP and UDP packages, to
my amazement, the screen now displays that ping is ok and both 3483 and
9000 are ok as well. Back from the system diagnosis to the connection
and retry to connect: Guess what, now it is the endless waltz of the
dot again, it is again just stuck while trying to connect to

The diagnosis told me that the ports are open and is
reachable (at least with ping) - but it will still not proceed on that

Kind regards,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Connection to not happening

2010-04-24 Thread Hickup

Without the factory reset, there is no way of modifying information at
all, a simple reset will just immediatly jump to the connection screen
for without anything in between. Only the factory reset
(with the long press of that tiny button) will allow to change settings
- during those 6 hours last night, I attempted at least 10 to 15
factory resets just to change various settings. And after some hours of
sleep its still doing its 'Happy circle' routine without actually
connecting to or giving me the opportunity to skip

I am now downloading VMWare Player to install a Virtual Machine and
will install Squeezebox Server for Windows, then try to use the
Diagnosis functionality. Will my NAS with my 'real' Squeezebox Server
installation and the configuration of the Duet be in danger from that,
because then there will be two servers in my subnet?

Kind regards,


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Touch mailing list

[SlimDevices: Touch] Connection to not happening

2010-04-23 Thread Hickup

Hello World!

This week, I purchased the new Logitech Touch here in Switzerland. 6
hours before, I started to install the device, as of now, I am still
stuck at the screen where it says that it is trying to connect to

Basically the behaviour of the machine is always the same. I enter all
necessary information to make it part of my network (Wireless or
Ethernet, American Region, Other Region, German language, English
language, doesn't matter what I try) it will successfully connect to
the network and immediatly afterwards, I am stuck. Reset will just take
me to the same screen, a factory reset will result in all information to
be reentered and then be stuck at this screen.

I already opened ports 3483 (TCP/UDP) and 9000 (TCP) on the firewall in
my Netgear router and defined a rule, that all incoming traffic will be
send to the Squeezebox Touch (I also tried my NAS running the
Squeezebox Server 7.5 as a target for the rules - no difference again).
I even tried the wireless access of a neighbour, that made no

Right now I have been able to give the Touch a fixed IP (not that it
makes any difference). I am still stuck at the connection screen and I
do not have any option to prevent that or leave that screen.

I can monitor the incoming traffic on the ports with the protocol of
the firewall. Using a portscanner, I can see incoming packages and what
rules are applied. On 3483, the protocol tells me it correctly applies
the rule I defined. The portscanner then gives me a "connection
refused" message, but not a timeout, which I would expect if there is
nothing at this port. Apart from the package from the portscan, there
is no incoming traffic at all, certainly not from I
also defined a rule to protocol on outgoing traffic on port 3483 - no
traffic at this port outbound from the Touch. On what port does that
device try to communicate (although I could not find a way to monitor
on port 80 or 8080)?

I already own a Duet for quite some time and was rather happy with my
setup. But this is totally insane, the decision to make the Touch rely
on a working connection to a Server in the Internet is crazy,
especially without any timeout or an option to circumvent that. If
Logitech decides to shut down the servers for any given reason, I can
throw away my devices? Even if everything should be self sufficient: I
am running my own Squeezebox Server, I do not listen to Internet Radio.
And when the servers are down I cannot use the device to listen to music
I store on my own network? I know that Logitech is good on remote
controls, but I did not intend to give them the ability to remotely
control wether I can listen to music or not.

I cannot find any more information on this issue, the manual is a joke
and does not offer any help at all. I intended to buy an additional
Touch for my girlfriend, to set it up with an attached USB drive - she
has no Internet at home. I expected that to be sufficient, seems like
the Internet connection is a must have and actually there is no way of
really testing connections. I found some screenshots of a diagnostics
tab for the Windows installation of Squeezebox Server, but was unable
to find anything similar in the ReadyNAS Duo installation I use. And
although both devices of my Duet have appeared on the account I created
on, they are always displayed with a status of 'Not

Are there any further options to debug or analyse the situation?
Although I can connect to the web frontend of, does
this guarantee that the servers are really up and running for the
connection of the various Squeezeboxes (as there is no incoming
traffic)? Where can I find a real status page on the
servers? Is there any other possibility to run some diagnostics?

Writing this message took me roundabout half an hour, the Touch was
still doing its running circle without any change at all - I hoped that
at 3 o'clock in the morning, server traffic would be low on, as I also read about previous connection problems due
to the servers not up and running. No luck so far, I really do hope for
some hints from this forum.

Kind regards,


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