Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch won't boot -- endless 15 second cycle of logo/blank screen

2018-06-14 Thread aubuti

Yes, the SB3 PS works fine with the SB3. I don't have a DMM around, but
I can take the PS to someone who does.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch won't boot -- endless 15 second cycle of logo/blank screen

2018-06-14 Thread aubuti

So... it took a little while for me to get a new PSU. I double-checked
the specs, then plugged it in and...nothing but a blank screen on the
SBT. I tried it again using the SB3 PSU that had previously worked and
still nothing.

Any ideas from this point, or is he dead, Jim?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch won't boot -- endless 15 second cycle of logo/blank screen

2018-04-29 Thread aubuti

Tested it with my SB3 PSU and bingo, it worked! That was easier than
expected -- thanks.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch won't boot -- endless 15 second cycle of logo/blank screen

2018-04-28 Thread aubuti

Thanks. I figured that was a relatively easy and inexpensive thing to
try anyway. While I've got you here, these are the specs, right?

5V DC, 3A, 5.5mm OD, 2.5mm ID, center-positive

I have a couple PSUs for SB2 and SB3/Classic lying around, but I think
those are only 2A.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Touch won't boot -- endless 15 second cycle of logo/blank screen

2018-04-28 Thread aubuti

Hi all. I practically used to live in these forums back in 2006-2011 but
it has been years since I've stopped in. Glad to see the community is
still thriving.

My SB Touch started acting up recently. When I plug it in it shows the
Logitech logo for about 6 seconds, goes blank for about 8 seconds, and
then repeats the logo/blank cycle until I unplug it. If I put my ear
next to the SBT I can hear a faint click when the screen goes blank,
suggesting to me that the screen or perhaps the entire SBT is powering
off completely at that point. 

I've tried doing a factory reset a few times (holding reset button on
back for ~15 seconds until the screen shows "Factory Settings
Restored"), but no joy there.  

Any ideas? I'm thinking about replacing the power supply, which is the
stock unit that I got with the SBT. 

I've also thought about trying to reflash the firmware, but I've
forgotten how to do it. I did it a few times during the SBT beta testing
and I vaguely recall downloading a firmware image, putting it on a USB
stick, inserting the USB stick in the SBT, and then powering up. But I
suspect there are probably a couple other steps in there that I'm

Thanks in advance for any tips.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Does the Duet sound better than the Touch in stock form as a transport only?

2014-12-09 Thread aubuti

IIRC, there were a few threads around the time shortly before and after
the Touch was released (April 2010) that came to the opposite
conclusion, with lots of input by some of the more knowledgeable members
on this forum. The general gist was that the Touch was a cleaner design.

Or maybe the comparisons were between the Touch and the SB3/Classic. You
should be able to find them by searching. I just took a quick look and
couldn't find them.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch does not recognise Powerline ethernet

2014-08-03 Thread aubuti

My Touch has always worked fine with ethernet. Did you go back and re-do
the installation / setup of the Touch? Or did you just plug in the
ethernet cable and expect it to switch automatically?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Sbt & nas

2014-07-13 Thread aubuti

Yes, you would have to install LMS on the NAS. You can get LMS
pre-installed on some NASs, and on others installation is reasonably
straightforward. At the other extreme installation could require a lot
of hacking, or even be impossible. So you would have to choose your NAS

There are tons of threads about different NASs in the 3rd Party Hardware

I used LinkStation NASs for a couple years before switching over to a
headless small form factor computer. My standard advice now is to avoid
NASs and instead use a headless small form factor computer. It gives you
more flexibility because you choose the OS and have complete control
over the box. It's also usually less expensive for equal or better
performance. But I understand that some users would prefer the right NAS
that works straight out of the box.

Nothing high-end, but music anywhere I want it. 'MSI single-core Atom
('Debian' ( Squeeze 6.0.x) feeding: Living room:
'SB Touch'
> 'Emotiva XDA-1'
> 'NAD C325 BEE'
> 'Vandersteen 1' (;
Kitchen/Dining: 'SB2'
> 'AudioSource Amp100'
> 2 pair of 'Polk RC60i'
(; Basement:
> 'JVC JA-S44'
( > 'ESS
Tempest LS8'
Bedroom: 'SB Radio'
Study: 'Squeezelite local player'
> 'Klipsch ProMedia 2.0'
Backyard deck: 'SB Receiver'
( > 'AudioSource Amp100'
> 'Polk Atrium 45'
(; Kid's
bedroom:  'Boom'
(; Roaming
controllers: Retina iPad with Squeezepad & iPeng, iPod touch with iPeng,
3 'SB Duet Controllers'
(, various SB infrared
remotes, 'Nokia N800' (; In the
bullpen (boxed up and ready to use if one of the above quits): 'SB3'
and one more 'SB Receiver'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Amazon new streaming app

2014-06-16 Thread aubuti

Are you running the Touch's internal server (TinyLMS)? If not, then it's
no different from the general case: you need an LMS plugin or an app for

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Amazon new streaming app

2014-06-13 Thread aubuti

Short answer is (1) Amazon would have to provide an API, (2) someone
would have to write a plugin and (3) why start a new thread for this?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Music just added not showing

2014-04-03 Thread aubuti

What is your folder structure -- it's hard to tell from your
description. If it's the typical artist/album (ie, a folder for each
artist, and that artist's albums as sub-folders) then the first thing I
check in such cases is the read permissions on the folders for the new
albums. They need to be world-readable, or at least readable by the user
"squeezeboxserver", which is what LMS runs under. 

I can't think of why your new rips should suddenly get more restrictive
permissions than your previous rips, but that would be consistent with
what you describe, and is a fairly common "gotcha".

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Need Rubber Bumper for Touch

2014-04-02 Thread aubuti

I wouldn't think the shape matters so much as the thickness. You could
go to your local hardware store and look at the collection of vinyl or
rubber bumpers that are used for cabinets, or felt that is intended to
go on the bottom of furniture to avoid marring floors. Or once I was in
a furniture store that was selling "special" rubber/vinyl feet that
supposedly didn't mar wooden furniture tops the way that the feet on
"all standard" electronics equipment does (sounded a bit like audiophool
meets furniture dealer..). 

You may need to experiment to get the right height, but you should be
able to find something that works.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Getting frustrated keeping my Touch working

2014-03-23 Thread aubuti

shacky wrote: 
> LMS is 7.7.3.  I will turn LMS off on NAS too.  Thanks!  Really was
> looking for feedback on whether SB performance wa declining for lack of
> support but sounds like that is not the case.
Everything you've described points to home network issues, and nothing
that Logitech does or doesn't do wrt SB support is going to affect them.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Missing Files

2014-03-14 Thread aubuti

xdb wrote: 
> I think there is something strange going on.  I have a 10-CD box set of
> which 1 disc appears under 'Artists' but to see the other 9 I have to go
> to 'Music Folder'.  Perhaps I'm naive but I would have thought that all
> the discs in a professional box set would be similarly tagged etc.  So
> if I can see one why can't I see the other nine?
I'm with Stratmangler on this one. First, if it is a physical CD box
set, then those discs have no tags. They only have what is supplied at
rip time by you and/or an internet database, plus any further tag
editing that you may do. And as Strat says, the internet databases often
have errors.

Second, even if it's a set that you downloaded as FLACs, the downloads
from music companies -- and even from the web sites of artists with high
standards (eg, Peter Gabriel or B&W Society of Sound) -- have tagging
that is often atrocious. There's only one way to fix that and that's
doing it yourself with mp3tag.

For things like multi-disc albums, you also need to be careful about
your settings in LMS, such as whether to treat multi-disc sets as single
or multiple albums. If it's as a single album then you need to make sure
the album tags are _exactly_ the same on all discs, and that you have
the right info in the disc number tag.

If you don't care about the greater good or karma then you can re-tag
those albums without re-ripping.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Missing Files

2014-03-14 Thread aubuti

The devil is often found in the details of "_seem_ to be tagged
correctly". I don't have LMS in front of me, but I think if you navigate
to the "missing" tracks via Browse Music Folder (using the LMS web ui)
you can drill down to view the tags that LMS is seeing. Take a look
there -- a very close look, especially at the ARTIST, ALBUM,
ARTISTALBUM, and COMPILATION tags (some tracks may not have some tags).

Use this approach together with the various useful views that mp3tag
provides. In mp3tag, be sure that the files have only Vorbis comments,
and not any ID3vX tags.

And for the preservation of your sanity, pick just one or two of the
missing tracks and focus on solving them. After you figure out what the
problem is then the same solution may apply to other missing tracks, or
they may have different problems that require further investigation. But
don't try to solve all the problems at once. Good luck.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Can a router networked USB hard drive be used as SBT NAS

2014-03-09 Thread aubuti

Strictly speaking, Vortexbox is the operating system (based on Fedora
Linux). It can be installed on any x86 computer. The hardware system
that is sold through and Amazon is called a
"Vortexbox Appliance", or VBA for short.

Also note that this is essentially the "small form factor" pc that I
mentioned in my earlier post. In fact, for my current server I bought
the exact same hardware as the Vortexbox Appliance (minus the optical
drive), installed my own OS (debian) and paid only a little more than
one-half of what they charge for a Vortexbox Appliance. If you want
something that works straight out of the box, then a VBA is fine, but if
you are willing to do some of the work yourself you can save some money.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SBT Radios

2014-03-07 Thread aubuti

>From your scattershot description it's hard to figure out what is going
on. First try rebooting the Touch. Either give the little button on the
back a short press (2-3 seconds) or unplug it from the power outlet and
plug it back in. If that doesn't fix things, try a factory reset by
pressing and holding the little button on the back for about 15 seconds,
until the Touch's screen says "Factory reset" or something like that. If
that doesn't fix it, report back.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch > RCA > Dayton Audio DTA-100a Class-T Amp

2014-02-27 Thread aubuti

Unless the inputs on the Dayton are hyper-sensitive (which apparently
they aren't or you would have noticed) then that's the way to go. The
analog outputs on the Touch -- and all SB models, really -- have
voltages that are pretty much comparable to other sources such as CD
players or tape decks. If anything, the outputs on CD players etc. tend
to be a little "hotter" than the SBs' outputs.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Can a router networked USB hard drive be used as SBT NAS

2014-02-05 Thread aubuti

adamg wrote: 
> I am happy with the laptop as server but thought it worth investigating
> using a quieter server device.
There are at least two ways to crack that nut. One is to get a quieter
server. The other is to put the server somewhere you won't hear it. One
of the nice things about SB systems is that the server can be anywhere,
including far from the listening rooms. For years mine lived in the
basement, where the furnace and heating/AC ducts drowned out the
computer's fan and hard disk chirping.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How well does the Squeezebox Touch work with Ubuntu?

2014-02-05 Thread aubuti

Ocean56 wrote: 
> I have an old laptop w/Windows XP on it now.  I use it exclusively to
> run LMS.
> My concern is that XP support is going away in 4/2014.  I either need to
> replace the laptop, upgrade to 7 or 8 (which I doubt will work on an 8
> year old laptop)...or load Ubuntu.  I have no experience with linux,
> thus my question...:-).
If you don't have any experience with Linux, I recommend setting up your
laptop as dual-boot, so you can easily fall back to Win XP if you need
to for certain tasks. Windows and Ubuntu live together very easily, and
there are easy instructions for how to turn an existing Windows
installation into a dual-boot Windows/Ubuntu setup. The biggest
challenge for a lot of people is old computers tend to have full hard
disks, and you'll need to clear some space to set up a partition for

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Can a router networked USB hard drive be used as SBT NAS

2014-02-04 Thread aubuti

adamg, I think you're getting a little confused with your available

If you want to use the Touch's built-in server (TinyLMS) then you should
attach the USB drive to the Touch's USB port, not to your router's USB
port. It's technically possible to get the Touch's server to see a NAS
over the network, but it adds another significant level of complexity
and it is not reliable.

And you probably can't run LMS on the router. Consumer-grade routers
usually do not have enough processing power to run LMS. And usually you
can't get into them to install LMS anyway.

Going back to the idea of running the Touch's built-in server with the
USB drive directly attached, I wouldn't recommend that either. It works
for some people, but for most it is not reliable. The Touch does not
have the computing horsepower to run TinyLMS reliably. 

If you want to use something other than the PC to run LMS you could look
into one of the NASs that comes with LMS support, but my advice would be
to buy a small form factor pc instead. The "small form factor" could be
anything from a Raspberry Pi to one of these
. The small pc will give you much more flexibility than a NAS, and
typically lower cost per unit of processing power (though *some* NASs do
have advantages in terms of ease of setup). 

I guess some of it comes back to _why_ do you want to switch from
running LMS on your pc to something else?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How well does the Squeezebox Touch work with Ubuntu?

2014-02-04 Thread aubuti

Ocean56 wrote: 
> How well does Ubuntu work as a replacement for Windows?  And how well
> does it work with the Touch?> atrocity wrote: 
> > Perfectly.  I first got into Ubuntu specifically because I got a cheap
> > computer to use as a dedicated server.  Never looked back.> > 
Ubuntu takes a little getting used to, but no moreso than any other case
in which you are changing operating systems. In general, switching from
Windows to any form of Linux will breathe new life into old hardware. I
have an old laptop that is dual-boot Win XP and Ubuntu 12.04, and the
performance difference is striking.

@atrocity: Have you tried GnuCash? I switched to it from Quicken because
I got tired of Quicken requiring paid updates every three years or so.
It's a nice improvement, at least for the simple things I need it for.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Goodbye!

2014-02-01 Thread aubuti

gw43 wrote: 
> What wasn't great was the (sadly frequent) times when I had to spend
> 20-30 minutes fannying* about with the software to get it working. What
> wasn't great was on my wife's days off her calling me at work to say she
> couldn't get internet radio working. 
> Sophisticated devices - in my experience, the more sophisticated a
> device, the easier/better the user experience. I have had a couple of
> decades working in manufacturing, some of it in hi-tech. Make it work,
> make it work well, then make it cheap! Slim Devices, and then Logitech
> had barely got beyond the first stage.
> I do not need to try and impress upon them my "technology savvy" chops
> by having to dick about with the bloody Squeezebox Touch every third
> track 'cos it's dropped the connection.
> I'm glad to be moving away from a community that, on the basis of your
> post, seems to promote complexity over simplicity, makes a virtue of
> things being "difficult", and mocks well thought out solutions to
> problems.
It's too bad your SB experience was such a hassle, but it's really wrong
to extrapolate your personal difficulties in dealing with the system to
it being too complex to work. For me, and for many, SB "just works".  

If your Touch was constantly dropping the connection that sounds like a
fault with your wifi network, which is no fault of Logitech or Slim
Devices. In that situation, you could fix your network, or you could buy
a new one, which is effectively what you did with Sonos. It sounds like
you've found a match. Goodbye.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] problems with installing Touch Toolbox 3.0

2014-02-01 Thread aubuti

onenakhov wrote: 
> Ulrich, can you paste here link to another thread?
Oleg, I see you're new to the forums. If you click on Ulrich's name in
his post (the one in blue on the left, above the info on Join Date and
Posts) you will see a link to all posts by him. It's a short list
because Ulrich is also new. Hope that information is helpful for the
future, and here's the link:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Goodbye!

2014-01-21 Thread aubuti
amp; iPeng, iPod touch with iPeng,
3 'SB Duet Controllers'
(, various SB infrared
remotes, 'Nokia N800' (; In the
bullpen (boxed up and ready to use if one of the above quits): 'SB3'
and one more 'SB Receiver'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Goodbye!

2014-01-20 Thread aubuti

Cut-Throat wrote: 
> I thought I would ask Beats Audio myself, so I e-mailed them and asked
> about the Squeezebox integration.
> *-Hey Kevin,
> Thanks for following up. I'll pass on your feedback to our product team.
> Please know that we would love to develop a Squeezebox integration,
> it's just a matter of prioritizing resources at this point.  Our goal is
> to offer an open API in the future. 
> All the best,
> Zoƫ at Beats Audio-*
Thanks for going straight to the source. The stock reply is only
incrementally more informative than the idle speculation we've had on
this thread, but it's good to remind the Beats people about paying SB

The person who responded can be forgiven for not knowing, but I sure
hope someone on the product team is aware that SB integration is
_already_ developed. It's a very small part of the package for which
they paid US$14m.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Goodbye!

2014-01-20 Thread aubuti

Ikabob wrote: 
> In my opinion, i do not think that the new Beats service will just dump
> MOG subscribers and leave them high and dry.
I don't think Beats will just dump MOG subscribers either -- that would
make no sense. But continuing MOG services is not the same thing as
continuing MOG services in a SB-compatible way. 

At some time or another they are probably going to want to change their
API, perhaps to add new features, and someone has to adapt the current
SB plugin or "app" accordingly. Will Logitech provide an update? I doubt
it, unless it's only a minor tweak. Will Beats have an open API that
will allow an independent developer (ie, not a corporate partner like
AT&T, Sonos, or Logitech) to make the necessary updates to the plugin? I
hope so, but if anyone at Beats knows they aren't saying at this point.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Goodbye!

2014-01-19 Thread aubuti

Cut-Throat wrote: 
> Thinking about the Beat Audio launch scheduled this month. It would not
> be a very good launch plan to render MOG useless for all Squeezebox
> Touch users. I am sure that they are aware that they have quite a few
> Monthly Subscriptions from Squeezebox Touch users. If you think about
> it, this would be a Bigtime Mistake for Beats Audio.
> I would bet they'll make it work!
How much do you wanna bet?  

Only kidding, but sorry, I bet the number of monthly subscriptions from
SB users (and it can be any SB, no reason it has to be a Touch) is
pretty small in the Beats business plan scheme of things. Of course, I
don't have the numbers to back that up, and I doubt you have the numbers
either. I don't expect they'll go out of their way to break the current
functionality, but there have been plenty of cases of streaming services
innocently breaking things when they upgrade their side of things, and
those were for cases that were a continuation of existing services,
rather than a cut-over to a new service. 

We can all hope, but I don't take the lack of communication to SB owners
from Beats about a change that is happening in two days to be a positive
sign. Fingers crossed, and listening to MOG right now

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Goodbye!

2014-01-19 Thread aubuti

Cut-Throat wrote: 
> I think alienating MOG/SB Touch Users would not be part of the plans of
> Beats Audio.
Cut-Throat wrote: 
> The thing that worries me, is that the current SB Touch Pluggin would
> fail to operate under the new MOG.
That's exactly my point. Beats doesn't have to be out to alienate SB
users deliberately. But it's quite likely that their new service will
have a different API, and Logitech is no longer positioned to adapt.
Sure, Beats wants partners (esp live partners like AT&T), but there's
very limited growth potential with a discontinued product line. Will
Beats provide an open API and play friendly with a "white knight" from
the SB Community? I hope so, but I'm not holding my breath.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Goodbye!

2014-01-18 Thread aubuti

Cut-Throat wrote: 
> If Sonos cannot stream MOG, it would be a non-starter for me!.. MOG
> is a higher quality streaming service than Spotify.
> It is integrated perfectly into the Squeezebox Touch that I can control
> with my Laptop.
> If Sonos can do this, I might look at it. Otherwise, it is Bush League
> and a NO GO!
MOG support could well become a moot point very soon on both platforms.
MOG has been acquired by Beats Music, and Beats Music has not been very
clear about their plans for the transition. I read something in another
thread about a cut-over on January 21, but without any details for what
that means for current MOG subscribers, and especially what the future
holds for partners like Squeezeboxes.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch cannot list music as stored on HD

2014-01-03 Thread aubuti

Mardler wrote: 
> aubuti - I cleared the W7 My Music folder of all content when I started
> using the SBT; it's still empty. I use a library folder with the same
> name in a HDD root directory. LMS points to the My Music in the root
> directory on that HD (I just checked!).
I didn't say anything about your "My Music" folder. I was referring to
the "My Music" menu item on the Touch (or on the LMS web ui). You still
have not confirmed what Touch menu items you are using, despite several
requests from people who are trying to help you. I am increasingly
thinking that the source of your problems may be a basic confusion on
this point (folder structure versus LMS/Touch browse modes). So, once
again, what menus are you using on the Touch to browse your library?
Please state them, step by step. If it's in a language other than
English, state them verbatim in the language you see.

Mardler wrote: 
> All this arose because the Touch was reading wrong files i.e. clicking
> on an album or track as displayed played something totally different
> (using LMS server) using the PC's folder hierarchy. Naturally, I checked
> LMS on the PC which is where I found a particular album has two missing
> tracks. However, I now see that the corrupt data appears if I list the
> Artists using LMS - it shows (e.g. under that artist's missing tracks
> album) multiple entries some with a single track and one album cover for
> a totally different artist but correct, though duplicated, tracks for
> this artist! There appears to be some very nasty tagging. Maybe it's
> this that is fooling the Touch somehow because last time I used it it
> also showed these multiple entries? The music folder looks fine. Maybe
> it's my fault, maybe not!
I'm not sure I follow. It sounds as if you see or expect different
results when using LMS (presumably the web ui) on the server pc from
what you get on the Touch, when in fact all the Touch is doing is
reading what is fed to it by LMS (when using one of the tab-based browse
modes such as Artists, Albums, Genres, etc), or reading the folder
structure of the music library location (when using "My Music > Music

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch cannot list music as stored on HD

2014-01-02 Thread aubuti

Is it correct to assume when you say that you "browse by artist/album"
you mean you are browsing using the directory structure of your files?
Are you sure you're not getting "Music Folder" mixed up with "My Music",
which are different menu levels? That is, you are doing _everything_ via
My Music > Music Folder and not using LMS's menus for Artists, Albums,
etc. (eg, My Music > Artists)? 

If you're not confusing "Music Folder" with "My Music", I wonder if one
(or both) of two possibilities could be at work. 

1) Do you have any shortcuts or symbolic links that point from one part
of your music folder to another? If so, that could possibly create
multiple listings, one being the actual file and the other(s) being the
result(s) of followed links.

2) I wouldn't think that LMS's Guess Tags feature would be a factor, but
it's worth checking just to rule it out. Go to Settings > Advanced >
Formatting and delete all the contents in the "Guess Tags Formats"
boxes. Then click the apply button. 

Btw, when using Music Folder browsing, the scanning and the database
shouldn't come into play at all. Moreover, Music Folder browsing does
not present a "replica" of the music folder. Rather, it is reading the
folder contents directly from the drive.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch cannot list music as stored on HD

2013-12-28 Thread aubuti

Mardler wrote: 
> the thing is not fit for purpose.
In all your ranting you haven't bothered saying whether you are using
the Touch's built-in server or are running LMS on a proper computer. If
the former, then it is well-known that it doesn't work reliably, and the
built-in-server-as-after-thought never should have been promised. If the
latter, it actually works just fine generally, and what you're
experiencing is likely some user error that people here will be happy to
help you troubleshoot if given reasonable information and less rant.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch display lagging one track behind and losing gapless

2013-12-05 Thread aubuti

Are you sync'ing more than one SB, or are you getting this with a single
Touch? I've only ever seen the display lagging a track or lost gapless
when I was sync'ing two or more SBs, and even that hasn't happened to me
since they improved the sync several years ago.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch vs Duet question..

2013-11-22 Thread aubuti

In addition to the DAC itself, many on this forum (including some whom I
regard as quite knowledgeable on the subject) have claimed that the
audio quality of the Touch is also better because of a cleaner signal
path (ie, less noise) within the unit. Or something like that.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Always-on solution for Touch

2013-11-07 Thread aubuti

Along the lines of garym's auto-sensing amp, I have been very happy with
the two AudioSource AMP100 models that I have. In the US you can get one
for less than $100 from Amazon. I have them tucked away in hard-to-reach
locations, so the always-on aspect is worth it. When in standby mode it
draws something like 1-3 watts. So it's not zero, but it's pretty low. 

Strictly speaking they are power amps and some would argue that you
should pair them with a pre-amp, but they work just fine for me taking
input straight from an SB.

Nothing high-end, but music anywhere I want it, and it's '100% wind
powered' ( 'MSI single-core Atom
('Debian' ( Squeeze 6.0.x) feeding: Living room:
'SB Touch'
> 'NAD C325 BEE'
> 'Vandersteen 1' (;
Kitchen/Dining: 'SB2'
> 'AudioSource Amp100'
> 2 pair of 'Polk RC60i'
(; Basement:
> 'JVC JA-S44'
( > 'ESS
Tempest LS8'
Bedroom: 'SB Radio'
Study: 'Squeezelite local player'
> 'Klipsch ProMedia 2.0'
Backyard deck: 'SB Receiver'
( > 'AudioSource Amp100'
> 'Polk Atrium 45'
(; Kid's
bedroom:  'Boom'
(; Roaming
controllers: Retina iPad with Squeezepad & iPeng, iPod touch with iPeng,
3 'SB Duet Controllers'
(, various SB infrared
remotes, 'Nokia N800' (; In the
bullpen (boxed up and ready to use if one of the above quits): 'SB3'
and one more 'SB Receiver'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SBT - Using a NAS for music & Apps iPeng and Squeezepad

2013-10-29 Thread aubuti

pippin wrote: 
> ...even 100MBit Ethernet will slow things down considerably.
Which things will slow down? Scanning is understandable, since the
server is reaching over the network for the metadata and album art, but
anything else?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch works as a controller ?

2013-10-16 Thread aubuti

garym wrote: 
> yes, to control the receiver. But you couldn't use the TOUCH to "setup"
> a receiver.
Just to expand on that a bit. To setup the Receiver you would need to
use SB Duet Controller or the Net::UDAP command-line utility. I believe
there is also some Android-based software that can be used to setup a
Receiver, but I forget the name.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] MOG has a new Genre Feature...However I cannot find it in the LMS Plugin?

2013-10-09 Thread aubuti

Cut-Throat wrote: 
> This is not 'clearly' to me at all. Just because the Squeezebox is a
> Dead Product line, does not mean that Beats Audio will not want the
> Squeezebox Customers. If they don't provide Squeezebox Support, I will
> drop my MOG subscription immediately.
There's only so much support MOG can provide for SBs. Basically, they
need to put the information out there in a usable form and provide the
appropriate API. But someone has to tell LMS / / SBs how to
display and use the MOG genre information. 
MOG can't be writing menus for Squeezeboxes. Someone, be it Logitech or
the SB community, has to pick up the ball.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] IP address listed different in Touch settings vs router ?

2013-10-08 Thread aubuti

garym wrote: 
> Shouldn't really matter which approach you use.
Agreed, as long as your DHCP server and clients aren't flaky. If one or
more are, then the true fixed IP is a better approach.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Tap to 'add to end' instead of 'play'. VERY annoying when playlist is lost.

2013-09-15 Thread aubuti

Mnyb wrote: 
> It's there in 7.8 scroll down , it's not on the top of the page .
Good to hear. I *knew* I should have checked with a normal browser,
instead of one of the iPad browsers that doesn't handle LMS web ui well

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Tap to 'add to end' instead of 'play'. VERY annoying when playlist is lost.

2013-09-14 Thread aubuti

JJZolx wrote: 
> On my server I see this setting for Touch and Radio, but why not
> Transporter?
Good point. It's not there for SB2, Boom, or Receiver either. The "Play
other songs on album" setting also isn't there (i.e., Settings > Player
> Basic Settings) for those players. I wonder if those settings are on a
different menu, or not in the settings interface for the older players.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Tap to 'add to end' instead of 'play'. VERY annoying when playlist is lost.

2013-09-13 Thread aubuti

Glad to be of help. Enjoy the music!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Tap to 'add to end' instead of 'play'. VERY annoying when playlist is lost.

2013-09-13 Thread aubuti

LMS (back when it was called something else) briefly had a feature
called "Party mode" that did exactly what you want. That feature was
removed, but it has been re-introduced in LMS 7.8, which is currently in
beta. It is a switchable feature, so you can have either the current
behavior or your preferred behavior. You can download 7.8 from

The behavior you seek is also available on some of the other SB
interfaces, such as iPeng (iPhone/iPad/iPod touch).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SQTouch Connecting to LMS but no sound on internet radio

2013-09-05 Thread aubuti

Moisturefarmer wrote: 
> Is it obligatory for lms to do a complete scan of the music library or
> is it ok to "abort" without completing a scan. Could this be stopping
> the failure to start at windows login?
If you want to browse the library by artist, album, genre, new music,
etc then LMS must successfully complete a scan of the library. It
doesn't have to scan every time you start LMS, as the scan creates a
database that is saved to disk. But it does have to have at least one
successful scan, and then new-and-updated scans whenever you add music
to your library or edit tags.

If the scan doesn't complete then you should still be able to browse
your library using the "Music Folder" menu, which simply uses the folder
and file structure of your library instead of the metadata in tags. 

Sorry, don't know the answer to your second question, but I wouldn't
think the failed scan would prevent LMS from starting.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SQTouch Connecting to LMS but no sound on internet radio

2013-09-05 Thread aubuti

Moisturefarmer wrote: 
> 7.7.1
No need to SHOUT, all the versions ever released are here:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Touch and using a WD NAS drive

2013-08-29 Thread aubuti

In addition to getting something with sufficient horsepower to run LMS,
I would also suggest using something that is sufficiently "open" to
allow you to install what you want. 

Consider this example. There are already changes in LMS 7.8.0 (currently
in beta version) that provide support for TuneIn via the locally-running
LMS, which could be important when the plug is eventually pulled on It is quite possible/likely that Logitech will never
officially release 7.8.0, instead leaving it as a SB-community-supported
effort. In turn, this could mean that the people at ZyXEL never release
an LMS update to the "unofficial" 7.8.0. The question then becomes, can
_you_ install the community-supported 7.8.0 on the NAS, or is the ZyXEL
firmware too locked-down, making it difficult or impossible for you to
do so?

I realize the paragraph above has a lot of "ifs", "maybes", "likelys",
and so forth, but I don't think it is wild speculation about what the
future may hold. If you want to buy a NAS that may still be usable for
SBs in a few years, make sure you get something that allows you
sufficient root/admin rights to install whatever flavor of fix the
community comes up with, and doesn't leave you entirely dependent on
Logitech or the NAS manufacturer.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Seagate Expansion 2 TB USB 3.0 Desktop External Hard Drive STBV2000100

2013-08-28 Thread aubuti

danfzx9r wrote: 
> When you say "headless pc" are you referring to a device like the
> Raspberry Pi? If not please point me in the right direction to look into
> this option. Thanks!
By "headless pc" I mean any computer that doesn't have a monitor,
keyboard, or mouse. It could be a Sheevaplug. Or a Raspberry Pi. Or a
NAS. Or a normal computer that is set up to be controlled by another
device. For example, I use one of these for running LMS: . It
sits on a shelf and just runs -- if I need to do anything then I login
to it from another computer or tablet. Similar offerings may be found

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Seagate Expansion 2 TB USB 3.0 Desktop External Hard Drive STBV2000100

2013-08-28 Thread aubuti

danfzx9r wrote: 
> Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated:confused:
Do it. You'll find running LMS externally much more stable than relying
on the Touch's built-in server. 

A Sheevaplug is fine. If you go for a NAS, I would _strongly_ recommend
one that is very open, that is, one that allows you to login as
root/admin, install LMS, etc without being dependent on Logitech or the
NAS manufacturer for updates to LMS or for not dropping LMS support in
subsequent firmware updates. Unless you have a specific need for a NAS,
in general I think that an inexpensive small form factor headless pc is
much more flexible and cost effective than most consumer-grade NASs. And
it's easy enough to turn that headless pc into a NAS.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Touch just lost library

2013-08-21 Thread aubuti

garym wrote: 
> you never owned a 1972 Chevy Vega   ;-)
That's a great reality check! My first car was a '71 Vega -- fill the
oil and check the gas!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Touch just lost library

2013-08-19 Thread aubuti

Sorry if this is stating the obvious, but it sounds as if the scan isn't
completing successfully. Check the scanner.log -- you can see the
location, and view excerpts, under Settings > Information in the LMS web

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Is a new Touch or Boom in the future?

2013-08-15 Thread aubuti

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch loses USB and locks up.

2013-08-01 Thread aubuti

Slowitchu wrote: 
> And if a 4gb works good, there shouldn't be any differences with a
> larger flash memory the right?
Success at 4GB is no guarantee of success at 128GB. The bigger the
library, the greater the chances of problems with scanning (eg,
incomplete scans).
> Is it possible to connect two memory sticks to the touch with maybe a
> USB-hub?
The server software on the Touch will only mount one volume at a time.
For example, if you insert both a USB stick and an SD card, it will only
"see" one of them. I expect the same is true of two USB sticks on a hub,
unless you managed to set up a symlink.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch loses USB and locks up.

2013-07-31 Thread aubuti

You have a lot of things going on here. First, the Touch itself has
borderline computing power to run LMS. It will do it, but it is finicky.
It works reliably for some people, but for most it is hit-or-miss, just
as you are experiencing. Second, it has more problems with USB-powered
drives than with drives that have their own external power supply. Which
kind is your USB drive? Third, I'm wondering if the frequent power
on/off of an in-car application is making things more difficult,
requiring more frequent rescans. I'm not sure about this, but worth a

There are people on the forum who successfully use a Touch + external
USB in their cars, so hopefully one or more of them will weigh in.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Is a new Touch or Boom in the future?

2013-07-24 Thread aubuti

Okay, thanks, that's clearer to me. And I would agree that the
cross-grade is a signal -- albeit a weak one, imo -- that may
have a longer lease on life than it did before cross-gradability.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Is a new Touch or Boom in the future?

2013-07-24 Thread aubuti

pippin wrote: 
> Now what I _do_ read into this announcement is that they are going to
> keep MySB around for (at least) as long as they keep around
> which is probably something like two years after the
> last one has been sold (otherwise they'd have a serious warranty issue
> in Europe where they sell most if the stuff; no idea about the
> implications in the US).
Maybe I'm splitting hairs here, or maybe I'm not understanding
something. Couldn't Logitech conceivably pull the plug on two
years after the sale of the last "SB Radio", as that is the last model
sold that depends on I would think they could tell people who
bought a UE Smart Radio and then switched it to use that it was
sold as a "UE" device and they just need to switch it back Or to put it another way, that the cross-grade to is an optional, "non-core" feature of the product and not
required to be supported for >=2 years after sale.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Is a new Touch or Boom in the future?

2013-07-23 Thread aubuti

Ikabob wrote: 
> Now that Logitech is seemingly supporting the future of
> functionality (thank you, thank you!), is there any possibility that
> there could be a SBTouch or a SBBoom in the future?
I never say never, but this time I'm very tempted. Logitech has
completely fumbled the Slim Devices acquisition. Now they are miles
behind the mass market (which is focused on simpler AirPlay, DLNA,
Bluetooth, etc devices) and have absolutely no foothold in the higher
end market. 

My reading of the "Logitech UE Smart Radio" and the recent
cross-gradability to LMS/mysb is that it's the last gasp to squeeze some
last bits of revenue out of their sunk investment. Making the UE Radio
work with does not represent any longer term commitment to

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox is continually scanning.

2013-07-19 Thread aubuti

Thanks. A picture worth 1000 words and all that. 

I've never worked with a setup with multiple drives, but what you have
looks like it should work without shortcuts. In fact, I would suspect it
would work better without shortcuts, since you have explicitly listed
the other drives.

At this point I can only think of two things:

1) try un-ticking the boxes on the last line, where you have no
drive/folder specified but have selected all three options (music,
photos, and video). I don't see how that does you any good, and can
imagine that it would cause problems by setting LMS to scanning
everything after it has already scanned all of your music drives.

2) make sure that the drives are all recognized when LMS starts. As a
test, try stopping LMS, confirm that Windows sees all the drives, then
restart LMS and manually invoke a complete clear and rescan.

And I suppose a third thing would be to consider getting a larger hard
drive and putting all of your library on that. Seems like it would be
easier to manage in a variety of ways.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox is continually scanning.

2013-07-18 Thread aubuti

thehague wrote: 
> Thanks for looking into this. Re your questions: please bear in mind
> English is not my native language (I'm from The Netherlands) and my LMS
> is a Dutch version. I hope I make myself understood nonetheless.
> 1) I just tick the boxes for music files, not for other media.
> 2) In LMS I browse for the chosen drives / folders and make them visible
> in LMS. E.g. "E\music"; "H\"; "J\"; "K\";  "L\"; "M\music".  I can't
> think of anything, it just happened overnight.
> The last thing that occurred is LMS terminating the last scan, stating
> this error in the scanner logfile: "Failed when running main scan:
> [D:\4423e5bdd567c19fbc269f06bb: Invalid argument at
> /File/ line 217." I
> don't know what this means. There seems something terribly wrong.
> Btw it's bedtime here. Tomorrow I will put some screenshots here to show
> what setting I have chosen.
1) You tick the boxes, but do you put in a path for the music folder(s)?
If you don't specify a path then it's no surprise that LMS would scan
everything. Normally users specify the path to the music files.

2) Normally when users spread their music library across multiple drives
or partitions in Windows they use a Windows shortcut in one of the
folders to point to the music folders on the other drives. So, for
example, if your music on the local hard drive is in "C:\Music" you
would have shortcuts in C:\Music that point to the music folders on
"E:\music", "G:\", "H:\", etc.

3) From your description I'm more surprised that it was working before!

Groetjes (that's about the extent of my Dutch).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox is continually scanning.

2013-07-18 Thread aubuti

Some basic questions:
1) what are you putting in the box(es) for Media Folder under LMS
Settings in the web ui?

2) how are you implementing the "directory which is allocated to my
media collection"? In other words, unless you are listing the five
drives separately in question (1), how are you indicating to Windows/LMS
that these drives (or certain folders on these drives) should be
included in your music library? Windows shortcuts?

3) Can you think of anything you've changed on your system around the
time it stopped working as before?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Smart Gain

2013-06-29 Thread aubuti

Yes, unfortunately that's a major downside to having to depend on the
NAS manufacturer for updates. They generally don't update their firmware
for beta versions of things like LMS.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Smart Gain

2013-06-28 Thread aubuti

touchmatt wrote: 
> I've tried updating the firmware, but I can't do it automatically. Is
> there a update available for the Synology server do you have advice how
> I can update it?
Unfortunately I'm not familiar with the Synology family. How do you
normally update LMS? Is it through a Synology firmware update? If so,
then it's probably not available now because 7.8 is still beta software.
I have no idea what Synology will do about updating to 7.8, especially
as I've read that Logitech will not officially release 7.8.

If, on the other hand, you can update LMS without depending on Synology,
have a look at and
download the appropriate package.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Smart Gain

2013-06-25 Thread aubuti

touchmatt wrote: 
> I'm very sorry for the dumb question, but I can't find this setting on
> my server which is installed on a Synology NAS. Can you please explain
> where I can set it?
> I'm using Logitech Media Server Versie: 7.7.2 - r33893 @ Wed Mar 14
> 06:37:22 MDT 2012
I believe the setting for getting Smart Gain with a external sources
(internet radio, Pandora, etc) is only in LMS 7.8, and you are running

If you mean the general Smart Gain setting for local music only, open up
the LMS web interface and look under Settings > Players > Audio > Volume

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Clock is losing time on Touch running TinyLMS

2013-06-17 Thread aubuti

P Nelson wrote: 
> Thanks John!
> I did do a search but did not find that thread as I did not think to
> search for NTP.
> I read through the entire thread and did not understand all the
> disucssion, as I don't know linux.  If I understood it correctly, Jean
> created a NTP client which requires  downloading, some edits to select a
> NTP server, transfering to the Touch, and finally execute the
> script/program on the Touch.   However, the last post, says the Touch
> already has a NTP client, I just need to start it up.   In other words,
> I don't need to install Jean;'s script.
> If the Touch already has the ability to automatically set the time, why
> did they not turn it on?  (Michael, any idea?)
> Below is the entry from the last post in John's link:
> Please confirm if this is what I need to do:
> 1.  Get some software such as putty to log into the touch from my
> windows machine.
> 2.  Type the commands:
> ls -la /usr/sbin/m*
> execute /usr/sbin/msntp -r
> Sync
> Per John's instructions, I added "sync" to the list of commands.
> Is there a particular directory or location that I enter these commands?
> It is obvious, I have NEVER done this before.
> If I screw this up and brick it, will hiting the reset but undo the
> damage?
> Thanks for your help!
> Paul
You don't need to run "ls -la /usr/sbin/m*" , but it will confirm that
msntp is in that directory. Note that "ls -la" is akin to "dir" in
DOS/Windows land.

Then, the second command is "/usr/sbin/msntp -r" . In other
words, you should not type the word "execute".

And yes, if you run into problems a reset (holding down the back button
for ~15 seconds) will set you straight.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Is Ipeng a suitable replacement for LMS ?........

2013-05-04 Thread aubuti

Read the iPeng info on pippin's web page -- it has way more info than
you could possibly think to ask about. Also be sure to check out the
tutorials. It is feature-rich, but not a substitute for LMS.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] WOL with Squeezebox Touch - no magic packet??

2013-05-03 Thread aubuti

Not sure if this is the issue, but the Touch sends the packet to the
last server to which it was connected. Is it possible that it was most
recently connected to a different server?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Can't browse by Artist. Anybody knows how to solve?

2013-03-17 Thread aubuti

If you can browse by Artist on all other devices, but just not on the
Touch itself, then the problem isn't with the scan, but with the Touch.

First step is to reboot the Touch. Press and release the small button on
the back of the Touch and it will reboot. If that doesn't solve the
problem, then do a reset of the Touch by pressing _and_holding_ the same
button for 10-15 seconds, until the screen indicates that it is doing a
factory reset.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Question on using Vortex vs USB

2013-03-13 Thread aubuti

Actually then, Vortexbox is designed for you. It is Linux underneath,
but it has a convenient web interface that allows you do almost anything
you need, without having to go anywhere near a scary Linux command line

Also, a point of clarification. "Vortexbox" is software, and "Vortexbox
Appliance" is hardware. The software is an entire operating system,
which replaces the existing operating system on a computer. As garym
said, it is based on Fedora Linux, but is customized for LMS and other
media applications, and is made to be user-friendly. It costs nothing to
download and use. It is designed to run "headless", without a keyboard,
mouse or monitor, and be controlled by another device via the web
interface. It will run on any x86-compatible computer (that is, anything
that will run Windows), so if you have an old computer lying around or
wanted to get an inexpensive computer to run as a dedicated music
server, you could install Vortexbox software and be good to go. 

The "Vortexbox Appliance" is a small, low-power computer (but plenty
adequate for LMS duties) that is sold with the Vortexbox software

For a long time I enjoyed the tinkering, testing Squeezebox beta
hardware and software, updating the server software regularly, etc. Now
that there's not as much new stuff that interests me, I just set it and
forget it, and it works fine. I was being a little facetious about the
"choose a headache". 

My suggestion to you is forget about TinyLMS because the probability
that it will have a happy ending for you is very low. Use a separate
server, whether it's your current Windows box or something new you buy
as a dedicated server. 

Finally, note that with simple power management that is standard with
Windows and Linux (including Vortexbox), you don't need to keep the pc
on 24/7 or walk over and turn it on when you want to listen to music.
Use sleep or hibernate mode, and your Touch can wake it up automatically
when you want to use it. If you want to get your hands a little dirty,
the Server Power Control plugin also lets you have the server
automatically go into sleep or hibernate mode (or shutdown) after a
specified period of inactivity.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Question on using Vortex vs USB

2013-03-13 Thread aubuti

garym wrote: 
> vortexbox, squeezeplug, PC, Mac: these are all variants of the same
> thing. That is, a computer running LMS.  Some of them are more powerful
> computers than others, but they are all just computers.  (in fact the
> TOUCH is a computer too, running LMS, but it is just way, way
> underpowered to run full LMS and barely runs the stripped down
> "tinyLMS".
Exactly. As for "...the headache of running another system...", if one
wants to use a network music player like the Touch then one has to
"choose a headache":

1) running TinyLMS on the Touch,
2) running LMS on the current system (ie, computer) enough to serve your
music needs, or
3) running a different system (Vortexbox, Squeezeplug, NAS, small
computer, etc) to serve the music needs. 

Most users find (1) to be the biggest headache, but there are notable
exceptions, so it may be fine for P Nelson's needs.  For me (3) is the
smallest headache, using similar hardware to the Vortexbox that I
assembled myself for less than US$300 (and that was many years ago, you
could do it cheaper now).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Having a problem using external hard drive/

2013-03-06 Thread aubuti

garym wrote: 
> it's on the HDD (not the Touch). connect the HDD to the MAC, and
> somewhere in the MAC file explorer (or whatever you call it in a Mac)
> you tell it to "show hidden files/folders".
You may also be able to access the hidden folder via the Mac while the
HDD is still attached to the Touch. Enable file sharing on the Touch,
and the HDD becomes a network drive, accessible from any computer on
your network, including the Mac.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Scanning tracks is giving problems; not a new problem, but is there a solution????

2013-03-06 Thread aubuti

One more thing to note. In addition to setting the permissions so that
your music and album art files can be read by all users, you need to
make sure that you give all users permission to read _and_\"execute\"_
the folders in your music library. In the case of folders, "execute"
means that users can read the contents of the folder.  Basically, you
want to make sure that all the folders in your music library are mode
755, and all the files are 644.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Scanning tracks is giving problems; not a new problem, but is there a solution????

2013-03-06 Thread aubuti

Luidspreker wrote: 
> In the tab File sharing and privileges I made user and group readable
> and writeable, where ever I could do so (had done this already for
> user). This did not help at all. Thanks anyway. I hope that other users
> may have an idea.
Whether that works or not depends on your group definitions. It sounds
as if the user that LMS runs under isn't in the group that owns the
files. You should make them readable by everyone (that is,
world-readable), just as Mnyb said. User and group readable is not
sufficient in your setup.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] USB speakers connected directly to touch?

2013-03-04 Thread aubuti

jfo wrote: 
> They use a 3.5mm jack to connect to the source. USB is power only it
> appears.
Ah, good eye. That explains things for those speakers at least.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] USB speakers connected directly to touch?

2013-03-04 Thread aubuti

Mnyb wrote: 
> Realyy can you send analog signals down the USB cable ?!? huh
I dunno, maybe there is a DAC in these US$10 speakers?
I assumed that if I could electricity down a USB cable (eg, to charge my
phone or iPod) that I could also send analog audio signals, but I don't
really know. Caught me before my coffee.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] USB speakers connected directly to touch?

2013-03-04 Thread aubuti

jimbobvfr400 wrote: 
> Well I have a very limited understanding but AFAIK USB speakers would
> have to have a DAC of some sort wouldn't they?
Not necessarily. A lot of USB "computer speakers" use the DAC on the
computer's sound card.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Experiencing Squeezebox Touch + EDO + Dac

2013-02-12 Thread aubuti

naka9 wrote: 
> Can anyone recommend a quiet NAS?
Does it have to be quiet? One advantage of using a NAS or a pc instead
of a HDD is that you can locate the NAS or pc far away from your
listening area. I used to keep mine in the basement near the furnace,
now I keep it in the kitchen pantry.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch: Artists sorting?

2013-01-29 Thread aubuti

I strongly doubt there is any magic tagging combination that will do
what you want within the stock LMS, but maybe Erland's Custom Browse
plugin can do this.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Setting up Touch without connecting to

2013-01-29 Thread aubuti

Some plugins are lightweight enough that they can run in TinyLMS, but
there is no interface for adding them, so you would have to login to the
Touch and do some manual file copying and probably editing. Other
plugins are too demanding of the Touch's meager resources -- you may be
able to force them in there, but they could bring TinyLMS to its knees
or worse.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Setting up Touch without connecting to

2013-01-29 Thread aubuti

If I remember correctly you can escape the sign in with a
left-to-right finger swipe on the Touch's touchscreen. You may also be
able to do it by stepping back using the back arrow in the upper left

If you have to restart the process, you can improve your "luck" in not
connecting to by temporarily disconnecting your router from the

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How to get playlists to start at beginning

2013-01-27 Thread aubuti

I don't recall whether this behavior has changed in different versions
of slimserver/SqueezeCenter/Squeezebox Server/Logitech Media Server. But
I'm pretty sure the behavior is consistent across all SB players.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How to get playlists to start at beginning

2013-01-26 Thread aubuti

I suspect that what you're doing now is navigating to the playlist and
then selecting Play. One simple way to get what you want is to instead
load the playlist (using Add to End, or Play Next, etc), and then select
the first track in the playlist. It's a few more button pushes and not
particularly obvious, but it is simple.

By default, the "stopping place" in the playlist is saved in the
"#CURTRACK" line at the top of .m3u playlists.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] What is the best Firwmare to use?

2013-01-15 Thread aubuti

One is for computers running Windows Home Server, and the other is for
computers running other flavors of MS Windows.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Albums Correctly Tagged With MP3tag Don't Show Artists

2013-01-09 Thread aubuti

If you can't find a pattern then it's hard to help, but maybe we can
deepen the diagnosis. What type of files are these (FLAC, MP3, etc)?
What type of tags do you have (eg, ID3v1, ID3v2.3, ID3v2.4, Vorbis

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] IR blaster: Will (almost) any IR emitter work?

2013-01-05 Thread aubuti

The one I have used is mono.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] IR blaster: Will (almost) any IR emitter work?

2013-01-04 Thread aubuti

No guarantees, but yes, only an ordinary IR emitter is needed. And as
you have observed, there are many.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Problem Setting Up A Server System (SBT, LMS On Host PC, USB Hard Drive)

2012-12-14 Thread aubuti

jeromeharris wrote: 
> Please explain. Is "service" and "unc" Unix terminology? I'm not
> Unix-savvy; I'm running Windows 7 Pro). There was a time when I had some
> DOS chops, but they've atrophied as my gray hair came in :).
Nope, they are fairly generic terms that apply to Windows as well as
Unix and OSX. "Service" essentially means software that runs in the
background and is accessible to users on the computer or elsewhere on
the network, even if no one is logged on to the computer running the

UNC is Universal Naming Convention (or University of North Carolina...),
and is a way of referring to the shared space on a network drive as
\\servername\sharename, where "servername" is the network name for the
computer and "sharename" is the shorthand for the folder or group of
folders that are shared on the network.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] My favourites

2012-12-13 Thread aubuti

Sorry, but you'll need to explain better what you did and what you lost.
You ran LMS on your laptop, then you "returned to LMS" (where?) and
logged back into Where are Favorites you're trying to access,
and where is your Touch connected? And where are the Radios connected?
(they can be on the same network but connected to different servers --
LMS or

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Rebuilt PC - how do I reconfigure LMS?

2012-12-11 Thread aubuti

There are two sets of Favorites, one stored on your local LMS and the
other on 

If you had Favorites stored on then they haven't gone anywhere.
If you go to the LMS web ui, click "Settings" in the lower right-hand
corner and then insert your correct login credentials on the
"" tab then it will find your Favorites for

If you had Favorites stored on your local LMS, then you need to put them
into your new LMS. The easiest way to do this is to copy the file
favorites.opml from the last system backup you did when running XP to
the correct folder in Win7. I don't know what folder that is, but you
can easily find it by (a) creating a single new favorite in local LMS,
and then (b) searching for the file favorites.opml, which will have been
created when you saved that favorite.

As for other LMS settings, you should be able to get back to where you
were by copying the file server.prefs from your XP system backup to your
new Win7 setup. Please note that you _must_ stop LMS before making this

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch "music folder" access very slow

2012-12-09 Thread aubuti

I'm stumped, too. The old desktop only has a little more juice than the
Tranquil, but much faster scans. I want to say it's probably a WHS
issue, but that's only because I don't know anything at all about WHS.
And because the other difference with garym's scan times (which are
around the minor differences I would expect) is that garym's slower
machine is running Linux.

I don't suppose you'd like to try installing VBA or some other Linux on
the Tranquil? Especially with no guarantees whatsoever that it would
improve performance substantially.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch "music folder" access very slow

2012-12-08 Thread aubuti

ChipMonk wrote: 
> After each of these four stages I did a complete cache cleanup and
> overnight scan on my Tranquil BBS2 Atom WHS 2011 server. I have to
> report that, within experimental error, the scan times remained pretty
> much the same i.e. about six hours for a full scan, about 2 hours for a
> rescan for files changes. In parallel to this, at each stage, I used my
> newly updated music library backup on an old, energy profligate, desktop
> machine, (Win7 with LMS same version 7.7.2) to do faster scanning checks
> for errors etc. In this case, full scan was consistently about 2 hours
> re-scan 10 -15 mins throughout.
What are the hardware specs on the Tranquil and the old desktop? The
scan times are dramatically different, so if the old desktop doesn't
have equally dramatically better hardware then it would seem that you
may have configuration issues on your Tranquil, either with the
hardware, with WHS, or with LMS itself. You could look in the
performance section of LMS (Settings > Advanced > Performance) to see if
they are very different between the desktop and the Tranquil. As others
have mentioned, browsing music folders is largely a function of the OS
itself, rather than LMS.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SqueezePad or iPeng app?

2012-11-25 Thread aubuti

garym wrote: 
> agree. I have both (actually, 3 - ipeng for iphone, ipengHD for ipad,
> and squeezepad for ipad). I like them all for different reasons and
> agree with Mnyb's general description of the differences.
I first used iPeng, and I initially found the UI a bit counterintuitive
in places, but after getting the hang of it it really is feature-packed.
Squeezepad is also a great app, with a more gentle learning curve. I use
both pretty interchangeably.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Lost Musicip

2012-11-23 Thread aubuti

Bert57 wrote: 
> I added L:music to the LMS scan, did a clear and rescan and now have
> musicip working.
Great, glad to hear it. Enjoy the music!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Lost Musicip

2012-11-21 Thread aubuti

Okay, then I don't quite understand your "push M" comment in the OP, but
never mind.

What version of LMS are you running? What do you get when you look at
the MusicIP gui (http://:10002)? And don't be insulted, but
are you sure the MusicIP plugin is active?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Lost Musicip

2012-11-21 Thread aubuti

Quite some time ago (maybe LMS 7.7.0??) the "M" in the web interface
stopped meaning "MusicIP mix" and started meaning "More info". Instead
you need to drill down to track info on the left side of the screen,
where you will find a "Create MusicIP mix" link. I don't have LMS in
front of me right now to give you the full step-by-step, but that's the
direction you need to go.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Any 'Audiophile' using an SBT instead of their hi-end CD Player or Transport?

2012-11-04 Thread aubuti

congole wrote: 
> One could argue that the copies cannot be guranteed to be bit-perfect
> accurate (after all, EAC does state some level of 'confidence'), 
The number that AccurateRip gives for confidence is the number of
entries in the database that have _exactly_ the same CRC as the rip you
got. Chances of getting the exact same error as someone else are
infinitesimally small, so even a 'confidence' of only 1 is good news.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Cannot reach SBTouch through browser

2012-11-01 Thread aubuti

sroux wrote: 
> Ok so I'm totally wrong. Thanks for making things clear.
I wouldn't say that you're totally wrong, but you do seem to be working
at cross purposes if on the one hand you are (a) running the Touch's
built-in server and (b) applying some of soundcheck's mods (and you
didn't say you were, but your reference to the blog suggests you may be
thinking about it). 

Also, while the principles put forth on that blog are that it is better
to minimize the Touch's computing load, opinion is completely divided on
whether it really makes any difference. I tried the "tt 2.0" version of
soundcheck's toolkit and I didn't hear any clear differences. Your
mileage may vary.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Cannot reach SBTouch through browser

2012-11-01 Thread aubuti

toby10 wrote: 
> Without reading the many pages in that blog, where does it say you can
> access the Touch's inbuilt server via a web browser?
> I see mention of SSH, WinSCP, Putty, etc... which are not web browsers.
Correct. And one of the main principles of soundcheck's blog is that for
optimal sound quality the Touch should do as little processing as
possible, which includes _not_ running the built-in LMS.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Cannot reach SBTouch through browser

2012-11-01 Thread aubuti

One very important thing you haven't indicated is where you are running

The web interface you are trying to use for LMS only works if you are
running LMS on a computer, a NAS (network attached storage) or similar
_external_ device. If you are using the Touch's built-in server (also
known as TinyLMS, TinySBS, or TinySC) then you cannot control it via a
web browser. You can, however, control it via infrared remote,
touchscreen, mobile device plus relevant app (iPeng, Squeezepad, etc) or
SqueezePlay running on another computer.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] can i run SBT s/ware totally from usb

2012-10-29 Thread aubuti

Mnyb wrote: 
> Nope full LMS is already on there just some stuff turned of in the
> startup script, that's because the Touch does not have the memory to run
> the full version if it could it would already do that . Touch has no
> swap so it would probably crash as soon as someone used the web-UI for
> example .
Exactly. The main constraint with TinyLMS isn't that there isn't enough
RAM to hold LMS, it's the feeble processing power. Storing LMS on a USB
stick won't make the Touch's CPU run any faster, and the I/O would be

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] can i run SBT s/ware totally from usb

2012-10-28 Thread aubuti

No need whatsoever to run LMS on a USB stick. If you only want to listen
to internet radio then you can simply connect the Touch to and choose your stations. Then switch back to LMS on
your pc when you want local music. 

Or you could use the Touch's built-in version of LMS.

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