Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-12-12 Thread ChipMonk

JohnSwenson wrote: 
 The only thing I can think of right now is that your disk controller
 might be running in PIO mode rather than UDMA mode, 

Thanks John but no - all discs running at Ultra DMA Mode 6 and in no
respect do the HDDs seem slow other than Music Folders navigation via
Controller or Squeezeplay or the Touch.

Any other Tranquil BBS2 users out there suffering from the same Music
Folder problem?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-12-09 Thread garym

aubuti wrote: 
 What are the hardware specs on the Tranquil and the old desktop? The
 scan times are dramatically different, so if the old desktop doesn't
 have equally dramatically better hardware then it would seem that you
 may have configuration issues on your Tranquil, either with the
 hardware, with WHS, or with LMS itself. You could look in the
 performance section of LMS (Settings  Advanced  Performance) to see if
 they are very different between the desktop and the Tranquil. As others
 have mentioned, browsing music folders is largely a function of the OS
 itself, rather than LMS.

don't know, but it almost seems like something on the Tranquil system is
doing something with all these files as they are being scanned thus
leading the much longer scanning time (some sort of permission check,
virus check, something?)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-12-09 Thread ChipMonk

aubuti wrote: 
 What are the hardware specs on the Tranquil and the old desktop? 

The Tranquil BBS2 Server is WHS 2011 on Intel Atom D510MO, 1.66GHz,
2-core 4GB RAM, no antivirus. Windows explorer works just fine both
through Remote Desktop or Network Share on this machine. The old
desktop test system is Win7 x64, Athlon 2.2GHz 2-core 4200+, 4 GB RAM,
ESET SS. Same LMS 7.7.2 with 1GB RAM performance setting etc etc on
both machines. 

If only LMS Music Folders worked as smoothly as Windows Explorer does on
the Tranquil server, I would be a very happy bunny!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-12-09 Thread garym

ChipMonk wrote: 
 The Tranquil BBS2 Server is WHS 2011 on Intel Atom D510MO, 1.66GHz,
 2-core 4GB RAM, no antivirus. Windows explorer works just fine both
 through Remote Desktop or Network Share on this machine. The old
 desktop test system is Win7 x64, Athlon 2.2GHz 2-core 4200+, 4 GB RAM,
 ESET SS. Same LMS 7.7.2 with 1GB RAM performance setting etc etc on
 both machines. 
 If only LMS Music Folders worked as smoothly as Windows Explorer does on
 the Tranquil server, I would be a very happy bunny!

seems powerful enough. I'm stumped. just as an example on my dell laptop
(intel core i7, win7(64), running LMS 7.7.2, with an attached USB HDD,
2.0), I just ran a clear and rescan on 69,582 music files and it ran in
less than an hour. All files have good tags on at least artist, album,
track#, title, genre. 

Discovering files/directories: E:\All Music Files   (77018 of 77018)  
Complete  00:01:04
Scanning new music files: E:\All Music Files   (69582 of 69582)  
Complete  00:43:00
Discovering playlists: C:\Users\gary\Music\Playlists   (2 of 2)  
Complete  00:00:00
Scanning new playlists: C:\Users\gary\Music\Playlists   (1 of 1)  
Complete  00:00:03
Pre-caching Artwork   (3399 of 3399)   Complete  00:09:12
The server has finished scanning your media library.
Total Time: 00:53:19 (Sunday, December 9, 2012 / 10:01 AM)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-12-09 Thread aubuti

I'm stumped, too. The old desktop only has a little more juice than the
Tranquil, but much faster scans. I want to say it's probably a WHS
issue, but that's only because I don't know anything at all about WHS.
And because the other difference with garym's scan times (which are
around the minor differences I would expect) is that garym's slower
machine is running Linux.

I don't suppose you'd like to try installing VBA or some other Linux on
the Tranquil? Especially with no guarantees whatsoever that it would
improve performance substantially.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-12-08 Thread ChipMonk

An update for all of you who provided advice to help me with my very
long scan times and, mainly, my slow and clunky music folder navigation.
I have spent a silly amount of time over the last week tidying up my
collection in order to try to solve these issues. I tackled it in 4

1. Studying the scanner log showed that the main error messages were
caused by a significant number of cue files unable to locate the
corresponding full disc flac file. Invariably the problem had been
caused by foreign characters in some of the file/track names getting
mangled (oh the joys of an old classical music collection). I went
through correcting all these errors
2. I found substantial blocks of tracks with little or no tagging data
attached, which had been missed in the past - these tags were updated
3. I finished the ongoing process of converting residual ape and wv
files to flac.
4. I used cue splitter to split up all remaining whole disc flac files
into individual tracks and eliminated cue files.

After each of these four stages I did a complete cache cleanup and
overnight scan on my Tranquil BBS2 Atom WHS 2011 server. I have to
report that, within experimental error, the scan times remained pretty
much the same i.e. about six hours for a full scan, about 2 hours for a
rescan for files changes. In parallel to this, at each stage, I used my
newly updated music library backup on an old, energy profligate, desktop
machine, (Win7 with LMS same version 7.7.2) to do faster scanning checks
for errors etc. In this case, full scan was consistently about 2 hours
re-scan 10 -15 mins throughout.

At the end of all this I certainly have a more orderly collection, the
database of my music should be in much better shape and sql based random
playlists will find long lost tracks. But I’ve seen absolutely no
evidence that it has noticeably improved scan times and Music Folder
navigation (my preferred means of music selection) appears to be as
erratic and clunky as ever. Which is a great pity!

In the middle of all this, I received an email from Logitech customer
services requesting feedback and my opinion about their products and
whether or not I recommended them to friends and colleagues. I took the
opportunity to express, in no uncertain terms, my “disappointment” at
their dropping the Squeezebox line just as the market for quality
streaming products is taking off. I trust that everyone else has done
the same.

Thanks again for everyone's help with this - I am still open to any
suggestions as to how I can improve Music Folder navigation and, if at
all possible, how to stop the automatic scanning which appears to be
triggered when moving through Music Folders.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-12-08 Thread aubuti

ChipMonk wrote: 
 After each of these four stages I did a complete cache cleanup and
 overnight scan on my Tranquil BBS2 Atom WHS 2011 server. I have to
 report that, within experimental error, the scan times remained pretty
 much the same i.e. about six hours for a full scan, about 2 hours for a
 rescan for files changes. In parallel to this, at each stage, I used my
 newly updated music library backup on an old, energy profligate, desktop
 machine, (Win7 with LMS same version 7.7.2) to do faster scanning checks
 for errors etc. In this case, full scan was consistently about 2 hours
 re-scan 10 -15 mins throughout.
What are the hardware specs on the Tranquil and the old desktop? The
scan times are dramatically different, so if the old desktop doesn't
have equally dramatically better hardware then it would seem that you
may have configuration issues on your Tranquil, either with the
hardware, with WHS, or with LMS itself. You could look in the
performance section of LMS (Settings  Advanced  Performance) to see if
they are very different between the desktop and the Tranquil. As others
have mentioned, browsing music folders is largely a function of the OS
itself, rather than LMS.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-12-03 Thread Jaca

jimbobvfr400 wrote: 
 Might it be worth scheduling a new and changed scan for 4am in the
 morning or similar time. At least that way it'll be out the way and done
 every night. In theory if the music folder navigation is being slowed by
 scanning it will help, possibly. 
 Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk 2

I did try that, but scan actually never completed - resulting in failed
morning alarm and backup funky bass line again :). 

btw I having same experience with scan for 'changed and new music' take
much longer (that's if finish properly at all) then 'clear and scan
I suspected that there is smth wrong with tags/files in my library but
never managed to get this diagnosed.. well never had time to do it

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-12-03 Thread Mnyb

Jaca wrote: 
 I did try that, but scan actually never completed - resulting in failed
 morning alarm and backup funky bass line again :). 
 btw I having same experience with scan for 'changed and new music' take
 much longer (that's if finish properly at all) then 'clear and scan
 I suspected that there is smth wrong with tags/files in my library but
 never managed to get this diagnosed.. well never had time to do it

I would tryu by disabling upnp/dlna and all video and photo scanning
,untick video and photo for your music folder

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-12-03 Thread JohnSwenson

Mnyb wrote: 
 I would tryu by disabling upnp/dlna and all video and photo scanning
 ,untick video and photo for your music folder

+1 on this. The only time I have ever had a long (several hour) search
for new files was when my wife had been playing some games and wound up
with 40 million little GIF files on the disk. It took forever going
through all these.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-12-02 Thread jimbobvfr400

Might it be worth scheduling a new and changed scan for 4am in the
morning or similar time. At least that way it'll be out the way and done
every night. In theory if the music folder navigation is being slowed by
scanning it will help, possibly. 

Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk 2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-12-01 Thread ChipMonk

I accept that the LMS system has been, sadly, designed to work primarily
through searching Tags. However, for many of us, perhaps especially with
significant classical collections, selection via music folder will
always be the first choice for much of our listening. As my collection
grows, it's becoming increasingly annoying when the whole system grinds
to a halt for several minutes when someone starts to navigate through
the folders - especially if a few new files have gone in since the last
scan. My wife is currently listening to random rock tracks in the
kitchen and I've just brought her entertainment to a juddering halt by
looking for a new podcast download in the audio files from my hideaway
in the study.

Is there no fix or hack that can be implemented to either mitigate this
problem or at least get individual tracks immediately scanned so they
not lurking there for the next unsuspecting folder opener? Regular full
scans are out of the question - they take ages and, since v7.6, another
helpful innovation prevents folder access when scanning is underway. It
seems weird to me that Logitech should have put so much effort into
devising a system that requires very few resources yet has this flaw at
its core, for no obvious reason, which appears to require heavyweight
computing to overcome. Over the years of pleasure my, now quite
extensive, Squeezebox system has given me, there have been numerous
glitches and annoyances. Almost all have been sorted one way or another.
But this Music Folder weakness just goes on and on and gets worse and

Please, any solutions other than the usual tagging suggestions?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-12-01 Thread Mnyb

ChipMonk wrote: 
 I accept that the LMS system has been, sadly, designed to work primarily
 through searching Tags. However, for many of us, perhaps especially with
 significant classical collections, selection via music folder will
 always be the first choice for much of our listening. As my collection
 grows, it's becoming increasingly annoying when the whole system grinds
 to a halt for several minutes when someone starts to navigate through
 the folders - especially if a few new files have gone in since the last
 scan. My wife is currently listening to random rock tracks in the
 kitchen and I've just brought her entertainment to a juddering halt by
 looking for a new podcast download in the audio files from my hideaway
 in the study.
 Is there no fix or hack that can be implemented to either mitigate this
 problem or at least get individual tracks immediately scanned so they
 not lurking there for the next unsuspecting folder opener? Regular full
 scans are out of the question - they take ages and, since v7.6, another
 helpful innovation prevents folder access when scanning is underway. It
 seems weird to me that Logitech should have put so much effort into
 devising a system that requires very few resources yet has this flaw at
 its core, for no obvious reason, which appears to require heavyweight
 computing to overcome. Over the years of pleasure my, now quite
 extensive, Squeezebox system has given me, there have been numerous
 glitches and annoyances. Almost all have been sorted one way or another.
 But this Music Folder weakness just goes on and on and gets worse and
 Please, any solutions other than the usual tagging suggestions?

Do a scan for new and changed when adding something much faster a then
a complete rescan .

If anyone wants to listen to rock and pop and other such more tag
friendly genre ,tag these files well and use artist and album browsing
for this , only use music folder when the tagging schemes shows it
limitations .
Even if you use music folder a lot keep good tags the whole system
benefits anyway, such as for a rock record ,when artist or album is much
better .

Other than that I only se Erlands custom browse and custom scan etc
plugin as a solution for classical or even his multilibrary plugin ,
there you can use custom tags to design your own browsing experience .
It has some learning curve I never go there myself .

But some users have elevated the custom browse and custom scan use to an
art form .

Some have even tweaked the tag concepts a bit such as for classical
album is not always proper , the orchestra chooses to play a bunch of
unrelated or weakly related stuff .
Some user have opted to substitute album=work thus skipping the CD=album

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-12-01 Thread Mnyb

..and I forgot music folder is much like actually browsing the folders
on your OS so you can see it that other way around ,the database access
via album and artist is much faster than browsing folders ever can be .
A pity that it is extremely limited and not possible to configure you
cant even browse the actual tags LMS combine those due to some internal
logic ?

So another workaround is to use a very powerful server with ssd drive
and ram disc , a slow NAS or *shudder* using the Touch itself an then
browse folders would be painful .

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-12-01 Thread ChipMonk

Mnyb wrote: 
 Do a scan for new and changed when adding something much faster a then
 a complete rescan . 

Don't I know it! That's exactly what I meant by a full (collection
rather than folder) rescan. My system is a Tranquil BBS2 Intel Atom
D510MO 4GB RAM with WHS 2011. Much better than a NAS and great as a
media server and for home computing backups. But a 70K track collection
takes 6 hours for a from scratch scan - not something I want to do
very often and a scan for new and changed files can take 2 hours.
That in itself wouldn't bother me - although I'm intensely annoyed by no
longer being able to navigate folders whilst scanning in progress.

I'd happily forfeit having a fully a up to date database (only used for
random play of certain collections anyway) by completely emasculating
the auto-scan on folder exploration (I assume that's what's going on)
if it allowed me to navigate Music Folders with the facility that I can
navigate Windows Explorer on my server.

Is there really no way to block this?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-12-01 Thread garym

ChipMonk wrote: 
 Don't I know it! That's exactly what I meant by a full (collection
 rather than folder) rescan. My system is a Tranquil BBS2 Intel Atom
 D510MO 4GB RAM with WHS 2011. Much better than a NAS and great as a
 media server and for home computing backups. But a 70K track collection
 takes 6 hours for a from scratch scan - not something I want to do
 very often and a scan for new and changed files can take 2 hours.
 That in itself wouldn't bother me - although I'm intensely annoyed by no
 longer being able to navigate folders whilst scanning in progress.
 I'd happily forfeit having a fully a up to date database (only used for
 random play of certain collections anyway) by completely emasculating
 the auto-scan on folder exploration (I assume that's what's going on)
 if it allowed me to navigate Music Folders with the facility that I can
 navigate Windows Explorer on my server.
 Is there really no way to block this?

Odd. I have a vortexbox appliance which is on the low end of decent
power for a pc (about like yours) and I can do a clear and rescan of my
70k tracks in a hair over an hour. Most FLAC and most have artwork and
basic tags. So I'm surprised at the 6 hours. 

Sorry, no help on whether the folder auto scan can be turned off. No way
I can see from all options.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-12-01 Thread Mnyb

ChipMonk wrote: 
 Don't I know it! That's exactly what I meant by a full (collection
 rather than folder) rescan. My system is a Tranquil BBS2 Intel Atom
 D510MO 4GB RAM with WHS 2011. Much better than a NAS and great as a
 media server and for home computing backups. But a 70K track collection
 takes 6 hours for a from scratch scan - not something I want to do
 very often and a scan for new and changed files can take 2 hours.
 That in itself wouldn't bother me - although I'm intensely annoyed by no
 longer being able to navigate folders whilst scanning in progress.
 I'd happily forfeit having a fully a up to date database (only used for
 random play of certain collections anyway) by completely emasculating
 the auto-scan on folder exploration (I assume that's what's going on)
 if it allowed me to navigate Music Folders with the facility that I can
 navigate Windows Explorer on my server.
 Is there really no way to block this?

Weird scan for new and changed only take like 20 seconds if add for
example 5 new albums ? I only have an 37000 files collection btw ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-12-01 Thread guidof

ChipMonk wrote: 
 Don't I know it! That's exactly what I meant by a full (collection
 rather than folder) rescan. My system is a Tranquil BBS2 Intel Atom
 D510MO 4GB RAM with WHS 2011. Much better than a NAS and great as a
 media server and for home computing backups. But a 70K track collection
 takes 6 hours for a from scratch scan - not something I want to do
 very often and a scan for new and changed files can take 2 hours.
 That in itself wouldn't bother me - although I'm intensely annoyed by no
 longer being able to navigate folders whilst scanning in progress.

Two hours for a scan for new and changed files? Something is quite wrong
here. Even a slow device takes only a few seconds per album. I suspect
that LMS is not the culprit.

Guido F.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-12-01 Thread garym

Mnyb wrote: 
 Weird scan for new and changed only take like 20 seconds if add for
 example 5 new albums ? I only have an 37000 files collection btw ?

Yep, new and changed for me (70k tracks) takes a few short minutes. I
wonder if your long times is because you have a lot of untagged files.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-12-01 Thread garym

guidof wrote: 
 Two hours for a scan for new and changed files? Something is quite wrong
 here. Even a slow device takes only a few seconds per album. I suspect
 that LMS is not the culprit.
 Guido F.

Agree. Has the OP set the scanning log to debug level and looked at the
logs to see what may be happening.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-12-01 Thread ChipMonk

Thanks for the all your comments - I'll look into a re-scan and
investigate the logs some time soon. I have been slowly tidying up tags
over the last year or so, but there is probably still some messiness in
there - my heart isn't really into spending an age on it since it's of
very limited value to me - other than the possibility that it's
impacting indirectly on this Music Folder problem

Again, I must stress that a wonderful, up-to-date tag database is far
less important to me than being able to navigate Music Folders smoothly
and without causing LMS hangs. I'd happily do a painful, slow full
overnight re-scan, say once per quarter, if I could only stop this
wretched auto-scan on folder navigation.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-12-01 Thread garym

ChipMonk wrote: 
 Thanks for the all your comments - I'll look into a re-scan and
 investigate the logs some time soon. I have been slowly tidying up tags
 over the last year or so, but there is probably still some messiness in
 there - my heart isn't really into spending an age on it since it's of
 very limited value to me - other than the possibility that it's
 impacting indirectly on this Music Folder problem
 Again, I must stress that a wonderful, up-to-date tag database is far
 less important to me than being able to navigate Music Folders smoothly
 and without causing LMS hangs. I'd happily do a painful, slow full
 overnight re-scan, say once per quarter, if I could only stop this
 wretched auto-scan on folder navigation.

Just curious. Do you have lots of untagged files? (missing album,
artist, etc. metadata). This might explain the unusually long scan

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-09-03 Thread xicoxicao00

thks to all!
This thread has been very helpful to me. I understand that tagging the
files is not the same as reorganising the hdd folders. I've been
experimenting different forms of tagging in the past few days but I
haven't found the right form for me yet, probably because my music
folders are not consistently organised in the same way. What I mean is
that generally the organisation is done as follows:
Artist  Album  Title
However I have some folders that by having more files and subfolders,
are organised in a different way, such as:
Various  Genre  Title
Various  Genre  Artist  Album  Title
I've tried as a first approach a tagging by going to mp3tag, Actions,
Format values and:
but with, this what the program did was to interpretate all the folders
(artists) and some of the subfolders (albums) as artists so when I now
connect the hdd to the SB some of the albuns are actually displayed as
Specific example:
In my hdd I have a folder that is organised like this:
The Police  Outlandos d'Amour  titles
 Reggatta de Blanc  titles
 Zenyatta Mondatta  titles
This kind of organization has not been tagged as I wanted because for
folders like this (that have more than one album) the mp3tag is tagging
the subfolder (albums) as if they were artists.
When in my hdd I have something simplier, like (only one album per
Lana del Rey - Born to die  Titles
it works fine.
So, how can I get the hdd folders to be tagged as artist, the
subfolder as album, and the files as titles, so that it would be ok
for folders with more than one album?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-09-03 Thread garym

xicoxicao00 wrote: 
 thks to all!
 This thread has been very helpful to me. I understand that tagging the
 files is not the same as reorganising the hdd folders. I've been
 experimenting different forms of tagging in the past few days but I
 haven't found the right form for me yet, probably because my music
 folders are not consistently organised in the same way. What I mean is
 that generally the organisation is done as follows:
 Artist  Album  Title
 However I have some folders that by having more files and subfolders,
 are organised in a different way, such as:
 Various  Genre  Title
 Various  Genre  Artist  Album  Title
 I've tried as a first approach a tagging by going to mp3tag, Actions,
 Format values and:
 but with, this what the program did was to interpretate all the folders
 (artists) and some of the subfolders (albums) as artists so when I now
 connect the hdd to the SB some of the albuns are actually displayed as
 Specific example:
 In my hdd I have a folder that is organised like this:
 The Police  Outlandos d'Amour  titles
  Reggatta de Blanc  titles
  Zenyatta Mondatta  titles
 This kind of organization has not been tagged as I wanted because for
 folders like this (that have more than one album) the mp3tag is tagging
 the subfolder (albums) as if they were artists.
 When in my hdd I have something simplier, like (only one album per
 Lana del Rey - Born to die  Titles
 it works fine.
 So, how can I get the hdd folders to be tagged as artist, the
 subfolder as album, and the files as titles, so that it would be ok
 for folders with more than one album?

You will need to separately run your mp3tag FILE  TAG actions on these
differently organized directories.  For example, just pull up the
ARTIST/ALBUM/Track organized items and then use FILENAME  TAG for them,
etc.  You should be able to easily do the police example you mention. 
This would be the following in the mask:

\%artist%\%album%\%track% %title%

See picture. In this example, I have x:\music\flac\mp3AAConly\10,000
Manics\Blind Man's Zoo\tracks
My Tribe\tracks...
and so on. That is, several albums under one artist.

You can see in the pic that mp3tag is previewing that CONVERT  Filename
to Tag, previews the artist, album, track #, and track name properly. 
By the way, if the mask is even a little off, you won't see any
PREVIEW in the popup box. For example, in my case, if my mask above had
%track%-%title% instead, i.e., a dash between track number and name, I
wouldn't see the preview info. because the filename does NOT have the
dash.  So you can easily preview when you have it right.  But again,
you'll have to do this separately for differently organized directories.

|Filename: CropperCapture[1].jpg|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-09-03 Thread xicoxicao00

Thks for all the detail garym, that was really helpful;).
I will follow your instructions and run the mp3tag separatelly for the
different types of folders so that everything is well organised and
flowing on the SB. After having these issues and reading the tough
experiences of other users who wanted to use the SB connected to an
external usb hdd, I was getting afraid that the SB wouldn't work
properly for me. Turns out that I only need some tweeks in my library
tagging and everything will be fine! I have to say that the SB is a
great audio device and that the logitech forums are, in terms of
community help, something which I've never witnessed before in a product
brand. Great resources in terms of users support!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-09-03 Thread garym

xicoxicao00 wrote: 
 Thks for all the detail garym, that was really helpful;).
 I will follow your instructions and run the mp3tag separatelly for the
 different types of folders so that everything is well organised and
 flowing on the SB. After having these issues and reading the tough
 experiences of other users who wanted to use the SB connected to an
 external usb hdd, I was getting afraid that the SB wouldn't work
 properly for me. Turns out that I only need some tweeks in my library
 tagging and everything will be fine! I have to say that the SB is a
 great audio device and that the logitech forums are, in terms of
 community help, something which I've never witnessed before in a product
 brand. Great resources in terms of users support!

And the time you spend in getting your files' metadata (tags) properly
filled in will pay dividends down the road no matter which music
database or network player you may choose to use.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-09-02 Thread garym

xicoxicao00 wrote: 
 I just didn't want to reorganise my disk, but hey, if by doing so I get
 some good results, I think that it will worth it ;)

Fixing your tags is not reorganizing disk. You're just
adding/correcting the metadata contained in the files tags (e.g.,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-09-02 Thread Mnyb

garym wrote: 
 Fixing your tags is not reorganizing disk. You're just
 adding/correcting the metadata contained in the files tags (e.g.,

You can do both, although i never tried, after the tags are ok can for
example mp3tag also move the files/folders around acording to some rules
? ( I think soo)

But as usual Back up the tunes before doing anything at all !!!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-09-02 Thread garym

Mnyb wrote: 
 You can do both, although i never tried, after the tags are ok can for
 example mp3tag also move the files/folders around acording to some rules
 ? ( I think soo)
 But as usual Back up the tunes before doing anything at all !!!

you are correct. mp3tag can also reorganize your file directory
locations (and rename the files themselves) based on tag information.
This is with the CONVERT  TAG  FILENAME menu item. It works, very very
well by the way. You can use any sort of mask to pick up just what you
want. Here's an example of a mask I use:

.\%artist%\%album%\$num(%track%,2) - %title%

This would create an ARTIST subdirectory, with an ALUBM subdirectory
underneath. And then within the ALBUM directory, it would save the files
themselves with the format 01 - TrackName, 02 - TrackName etc.  The
period at the very beginning of this mask is telling it to create all
this underneath the current directory where the files are located
(before they are renamed/moved). One may or may not need this and
there are many other ways to do such a mask.  Anyhow, works well. And
always have backups before experimenting/learning how all this works.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-09-01 Thread garym

and if you have a well organized file structure (e.g,  
x:/artist/album/tracks/01 - trackname, etc., then  mp3tag can easily
create artist, album, track number, track name tag data in a
batch/automatic approach. Works very well (mp3tag menu, FILE  TAG
option, play around with mask to match up with your file name format

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-09-01 Thread xicoxicao00

Thks both for your help!
I'm running the SB as a standalone attached to a WD hdd (500gb, 3.5 bus
powered and NTSF formatted), which has been working very well (apart
from the issue of the music folder access), so, I'm running the LMS
from the SB and not from a pc. My music library is fairly small, around
40gb, so there's plenty of space left in the hdd. Actually, knowing that
if I organise my library I can get the SB to work properly by accessing
the files from the artists or albums, is a relief. I just didn't
want to reorganise my disk, but hey, if by doing so I get some good
results, I think that it will worth it ;)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-09-01 Thread dasmueller

If you correctly tag your files life will be so much better. As garym
suggested try using mp3tag to batch correct your current tags.  Prior to
doing so make a copy/backup and keep that just in case. Your library is
fairly small compared to many of the other forum users so it may not be
too painful.  You might want to try a small portion of your library as a
test. Point LMS at it w your current tags and then after correction
point LMS at the corrected files/folders and note the change in

At any rate, good luck, and glad you posted over here.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-09-01 Thread Mnyb

Yep fix the tags , we all been there ,it's work but better learn while
collection is small.

Mp3tag , tagrename , puddletag comes to mind when doing this .

Also if you rip your own stuff rip lossles to FLAC , then you don't have
to do it all over again when you realise that you wanted lossles , if
you have used windows media player to rip to WAV , you may have more
work as they no tags at all but can converted to FLAC and tagged .

Running Touch standalone can work OK with a fairly small collection
and if you are not interested in any plugins or flexibility ( more
settings ) or using the web interface to controll stuff , but if
performance takes a dive when the collection groves , you be better of
running the servers on some other hardware .

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch music folder access very slow

2012-08-31 Thread Mnyb

It's like this , artist ,album,genre et all uses the database that you
get by scanning your files .
It is therefore faster , the software nows everything it needs to know
about the file ( including where it is ).

 Music Folder  is working just like when you browse folder via the
explorer in windows for example .
This is slow on slow hardware ,if you run the server on a modern pc you
would not notice on a NAS or on the Touch itself with limited CPU it
gets slow .
This mode is a fallback solution for badly tagged or untagged content ,
so the files are just presented in their folder in the OS sort order
,but the software actually checks if the file migth not be in database
anyway if not it gets scanned on the spot ,this check is done on each
folder level.
Why is that, the meta data ( tags ) is not only scanned and used to
power the search function and set up the artist ,album etc structure ,
it is also used for presentation on the screen ,you are seeing the title
not the file name and also cover art if it exists.

What to do , improve tagging and general organisation of the files is
the best way in the long run .

Other things you can do is have a reasonable folder structure, if you
remember an old windows computer with slower CPU if one opened a folder
with thousands of files/folders in the same folder it could take time to
open the folder . The same apply here.

Avoid a to flat file/folder structure .
worst case is just dumping 4 mp3 files in the same folder .

Use something in the line off /artists/album/track as a minimum.
Some have even more elaborate schemes  like /genre/a/artist/album/track
with a folder for each letter in the alphabet .
Or listener to classical,music can have a structure based on other
criterias as the pop oriented artist/album don't fit that good.

What are you running the server software on ? The Touch itself with
attached drive or a computer or a NAS .
If you collection is growing very large it migth be time to use more
powerfull hardware .

Compounding this are the fact that the Touch itself is very underpowered
to actually run the server software it barely works if you are lucky .
They should have given the poor Touch some more ram .

The Browse Folder function is not a high priority for Logitech it was
deviced as a  test mode  and sometimes they even thought they should
scrap it completely ?
This mode of accesings one music has been more common than Logitech
foreseen ,they have not devoted enough resources to improve it .

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