Re: [Trisquel-users] Proprietary software as result of psychological problems

2013-12-19 Thread mikko . viinamaki
You do realize that RMS himself faced that question and situation? He is a  
professional software writer and he decided against writing proprietary  
software for living.

Instead he wrote free software for living. Much of free software is written  
today by paid professionals in addition to the students and hobbyists.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proprietary software as result of psychological problems

2013-12-19 Thread arielxgbarton
You can't make money just from selling free software. You will sell a few  
copies, then free (as in money) downloads will be all over the internet. The  
best thing to do would be to free it after a decent amount of money has been  
made, or to do free software development as a part time job.

[Trisquel-users] I bought a Replicant/Cyanogenmod-incompatible Android phone.

2013-12-19 Thread aaz893

Samsung Galaxy Star Duos GT-S5282

1.I failed to find the device in compatibility lists. I found Samsung Galaxy  
S, maybe this is shortening for Star?

2.How can I help to create Replicant/Cyanogenmod version for my model?

P.S. I'm not going to return the phone in shop. That was the cheapest Android  
phone and I have big debts.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2013-12-19 Thread aaz893

Ethics are not the only argument for FLOSS.

You're right. But the ethical argument is the most absurd for me.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum moderation

2013-12-19 Thread Andrew Roffey
My thoughts on forum moderation:

1. I personally prefer minimal moderation, but occasionally some is
required (see below for more on this)...

2. Excessive and off-topic posting can drown out other posts which is
essentially a form of censorship itself. Occasionally there are some
users that constantly repost the same things. I think 'vPro' presented
this very well. I think after a warning a suspension or ban would be

3. I think we can agree to disagree on some things. However, personal
attacks etc. are unwelcome.

4. I think non-Trisquel discussions should go in the Troll Hole, since
there is currently no other forum for such discussions. For example, the
ethics of free software is more political than technical, so maybe
that's the best forum for it. This forum is supposed to be about
Trisquel with a focus on supporting users. In other words, I'm not
suggesting that threads should necessarily be deleted, but perhaps moved
or locked if they are off-topic.

5. Moderation is obviously needed to combat spam, I don't think anyone
doubts this.

6. Regarding proprietary software, if a user posts a link or recommends
other users to give up their freedom, I hope that other users will reply
with the usual warnings - I think that's enough to help users who read
the post. However, if the sole purpose of a thread is to promote
proprietary software, I think it should be deleted. If a user
excessively recommends proprietary software, I think they should be
warned and then suspended.

Deleting threads that recommend proprietary software I guess can be seen
as a freedom of speech vs. software freedom issue, but I agree with
jxself that there are other places users can discuss proprietary
software so the free speech issue isn't so bad. We should defend
software freedom instead.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2013-12-19 Thread Andrew Roffey
On 18/12/13 19:20, aaz893 wrote:
 Why non-FLOSS is unethical?

Because proprietary software stops a user from having control over their

Many forms of proprietary software save file/s on the computer, which
can only be used by proprietary software. If a user sends a file created
by a proprietary program to another user, that other user then has the
choice of getting a copy of the proprietary software and accepting the
EULA, or not using the file.

In a lot of cases, proprietary software has a cascading effect and most
people end up signing the EULA. All of those users rely on the software
developer, who can change the EULA whenever he/she wants to. I highly
recommend watching the film Terms And Conditions May Apply for reasons
as to why this is dangerous for society:

As RMS says, proprietary software is anti-social. All of the users
become helpless, and their acceptance of proprietary software cascades
and makes more users helpless.

So to answer your question, I think proprietary software is unethical
because it is anti-social.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2013-12-19 Thread aaz893

Because proprietary software stops a user from having control over their  

How about this case:

There is not such thing as freedom. All humans are slaves of the God.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2013-12-19 Thread Andrew Roffey
On 19/12/13 23:13, aaz893 wrote:
 Because proprietary software stops a user from having control over 
 their computer.
 How about this case:
 There is not such thing as freedom. All humans are slaves of the 

Software developers aren't gods, so no need to be a slave. :-)


Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2013-12-19 Thread shiretoko

man,never heard such crap before.

[Trisquel-users] New RPM-based fully free system distribution

2013-12-19 Thread janith

Re: [Trisquel-users] New RPM-based fully free system distribution

2013-12-19 Thread dadix

It's rpm better than deb?
It's Fedora better than Debian?
Hard to answer to these questions, so:

Why don't join the Trisquel team? They are open to accept new developers in  
the team.

The Linux world is divided in hundreds of distribution.
Let's do Gnu/Linux better and united !

Ututo project based on Gentoo is dead , but now we have Gdnewhat.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum moderation

2013-12-19 Thread superbyelich

Maybe a way to help this, is to have a new area for such debate.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New RPM-based fully free system distribution

2013-12-19 Thread onpon4
It looks like they've been doing it for a few months, maybe they should  
e-mail the FSF and ask them to endorse it?

[Trisquel-users] trisquel-libreplanet-2013 download and streaming link is dead ?

2013-12-19 Thread dadix

I try to view this file from this post :

but I can't view or download.
The download stoped at 4% .Can someone upload it to mediagoblin?

Re: [Trisquel-users] trisquel-libreplanet-2013 download and streaming link is dead ?

2013-12-19 Thread george . standish
while i view the use of ubuntuone as a fail, it certainly has gotten past 4%  
for me (using the suggested wget command).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2013-12-19 Thread det31995
Freedom is not necessarily the ability to do anything; it is the ability to  
do what is right. People should not need to be ruled by a sinful man, and all  
humans are sinful. That is why I use libre software.

How can you live with atheism, the idea that there is no reason why we are  

God is just and good, thus I do not mind the idea of being a slave of God.

If there is no God, there is no reason to live.

Re: [Trisquel-users] trisquel-libreplanet-2013 download and streaming link is dead ?

2013-12-19 Thread mikko . viinamaki

The download for the speech link works for me.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum moderation

2013-12-19 Thread stask

I second grimlok's new area idea.

At the edges of any debate, there are things to consider, things to ponder.  
It's uncomfortable there for everyone. However the struggle to express ideas  
clarifies them.

Even though I see RMS's points, and agree with them, I have benefited from  
reading all the posts.

Maybe an area called On Free Software or something like that?

Re: [Trisquel-users] trisquel-libreplanet-2013 download and streaming link is dead ?

2013-12-19 Thread george . standish
i spoke to soon.  it did eventually stop, and thus far my wget -c .. hasn't  
restarted it?  again, ubuntuone = fail 

Re: [Trisquel-users] New RPM-based fully free system distribution

2013-12-19 Thread stask

Seems like they want to focus on an enterprise system.

We will change current Fedora Remix base system for enterprise linux  
system like CentOS(or other clones) in next GdNewHat release in order to  
become more stable fully free system distribution.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum moderation

2013-12-19 Thread adfenohuvlov

david said:
When situations start to get serious, or just delve into personal attacks, I  
first try to contact the person individually to ask for a change of attitude,  
and if that doesn't work as expected, more public measures are attempted  
(probably the strongest one is right now about to be tested, as today marks  
the finish of the first two-week account blocking period for a certain user,  
as you might have read about).
It's very important to accept criticism and different points of view, and  
it's very important to avoid risking open participation recurring to  
excessive moderation, the line for censorship lies in different places to  
each one's eyes.
On the other hand, this is not just any software forum, so it's reasonable to  
expect a sensible effort to be made to explain, particularly to those not  
that much in-the-know, the importance of our principles (and yes, that  
includes the frequently controversial naming and 'I-have-to-feed-my-children'  
topics) ;-)

I think this is the right approach for these cases.

Perhaps the same tactic can be used to deal with the cases where one  
disrespects the guidelines.

I think that this tactic is more useful than banning a user straight away. We  
are all humans, and we can naturally make mistakes at various situations,  
like when reading a post/comment. Simply banning someone after reading his  
post/comment just because it's probably against the guidelines is very cruel.

We must also consider the fact that some users (like me, specially) have a  
native language different from the North American English or from the  
European English (and any other English variants) and, despite speaking it  
relatively well, we can make mistakes sometimes.

We can also make adaptations of this tactic, like three notices (which may or  
may not give a time limit for the user to justify or to correct himself),  
each one followed by a temporary deactivation of his account, and after this,  
if the user makes another mistake, another notice (with or without a time  
limit) and a ban.

Also, I think that it's best not to have just one moderator, but 3 or 5,  
which is useful because there is a possibility to get into a consensus before  
doing anything. Also, if these moderators are worried about attacks of any  
kind, it's useful to mask them as part of another group (like the  
administrators, members, users, but not as moderators).

Another option would be to have a page listing the notices to the user, along  
with the quantity of notices and account deactivations received. Each notice  
could have a footnote indicating how many moderators agree or disagree with  
such notice, there's no need for the to write comments here because,  
theoretically, the comments have already been made. The footnote could be  
like this:

“3 moderators agree with this notice, 2 don't”.

I think that the notice should not be sent to the user if a single moderator  
doesn't vote, this assures that all moderators must vote, and on top of that,  
that they'll be responsible for the vote.

The notification must reach the user somehow, that said, if the moderators  
don't want to be exposed by sending e-mails directly to the user, it's a good  
idea to place the notice in the user's profile page on this forum, and when  
doing so, it's a good idea not to have a footnote like “Last edited by  

Learning is like a group of mountains, some mountains can be hard to get on  
top and easy to get down and vice-versa. Sometimes we can even fall from it,  
and so we'll either have to start again or pass through it too fast and  
forget about everything we learned.

grimlok said:
Because of this you will surely get many folks from all walks of software  
life into the fold. This means a lot of differing views of what freedom in  
software means. It is a debate that HAS to be made on here I feel. I  
understand that some people are just plain trolls, but people questioning the  
intent of Richard Stallman, or the fsf, or free software and the GNU in  
general, should be allowed to question it so as to understand the view point.

grimlok said:
Maybe a way to help this, is to have a new area for such debate.

I agree.

andrew said:
4. I think non-Trisquel discussions should go in the Troll Hole, since  
there is currently no other forum for such discussions. For example, the  
ethics of free software is more political than technical, so maybe that's the  
best forum for it. This forum is supposed to be about Trisquel with a focus  
on supporting users. In other words, I'm not suggesting that threads should  
necessarily be deleted, but perhaps moved or locked if they are off-topic.

I think that the Troll Hole isn't the right place for such questions because,  
by doing this, we'll eventually do something which tells the involved users  
something like this: “Even if this question has been made by a new user, we  
consider it as troll intent”.

Best regards, ADFENO.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New RPM-based fully free system distribution

2013-12-19 Thread zatroch

Very interesting indeed!

Finally, Japanese folks haven't fell asleep; and stupid me nearly lost all  
hope in their nation and software freedom aspect on path of their future  

I am really happy to see such an effort showing up apart from quite known  
VineLinux [].

Don't bash them for not cooperating and uniting, yet. Please. (=

Re: [Trisquel-users] I bought a Replicant/Cyanogenmod-incompatible Android phone.

2013-12-19 Thread LDrumbler
Replicant developer (more accurately, someone allowed to call myself one)  
here. Unfortunately, the Galaxy S and Star are not the same device.

If you want Replicant support for the device, it needs to have CyanogenMod  
support first. But the existing CyanogenMod developers don't take device  
requests. You can try a port yourself by looking at their porting guide.

The good news is, this device actually looks it would be a good target for  
Replicant if there were CyanogenMod support. I'll have to ask Paul the lead  
developer about that.

Finally, you should know that the Replicant project itself has forums for  
questions like these! See

Re: [Trisquel-users] I bought a Replicant/Cyanogenmod-incompatible Android phone.

2013-12-19 Thread adfenohuvlov
Note for Armworm and other users: I promise that I won't discuss this here  

I have a Samsung Galaxy Pocket Plus (GT-S5301B), which I won from my  
biological father as a birthday gift.

It's a class M (Magical) smartphone [1], and in the last time I checked, it  
isn't supported by Replicant.

I can't return it because I think that it would look like some kind of  
negligence by my part, specially considering the fact that my biological  
father started to care for me just this year. Also, it's the only cellphone I  
have and my contacts call me by the number of my current SIM card, which I  
have since 2010.

I would like to test a Replicant build in my current cellphone, but at the  
moment, I am too dependent on its stability.

I managed to install F-Droid and a terminal emulator, but I can't properly  
login as an administrator.

Anyway, I won't go any further because this forum is not for smartphones.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2013-12-19 Thread onpon4
 How can you live with atheism, the idea that there is no reason why we are  

That's not atheism. That's nihilism. Don't confuse the two.

All being an atheist means is that you don't believe in any god or gods. More  
colloquially, that you don't believe in any religion. Most atheists I have  
seen (including myself) are not nihilists, and don't think that there's no  
reason to live or whatever.

I know it's hard to imagine, but if you ever find that the evidence for  
whatever god you believe in is unconvincing after all, you'll see that it  
really doesn't matter. You just get on with your life. (One exception: if you  
get forced out of a religious community you're attached to because of this,  
I've heard that the result is devastating. But this is because of loss of a  
community, not the loss of a belief in a god.)

[Trisquel-users] A laptop earns FSF Respects Your Freedom certificate

2013-12-19 Thread mikko . viinamaki

It's the Gluglug refurbished IBM ThinkPad X60.

Re: [Trisquel-users] A laptop earns FSF Respects Your Freedom certificate

2013-12-19 Thread spikeb
haha, i just posted another topic with this same information, didn't see your  

[Trisquel-users] FSF endorses a fully free laptop

2013-12-19 Thread spikeb
they certified the gluglug thinkpad that has been mentioned here in the  
forums. pretty cool.

Re: [Trisquel-users] A laptop earns FSF Respects Your Freedom certificate

2013-12-19 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Great minds think alike! :)

Here's the shop btw

Happy days.

Re: [Trisquel-users] A laptop earns FSF Respects Your Freedom certificate

2013-12-19 Thread lloyd


Does this mean there's finally a computer RMS can use?

Re: [Trisquel-users] trisquel-libreplanet-2013 download and streaming link is dead ?

2013-12-19 Thread jbar

It's also available in Rubén's personal blog

Re: [Trisquel-users] A laptop earns FSF Respects Your Freedom certificate

2013-12-19 Thread jgay
We published a press release, too:

@lloydsmart: This is the first laptop RMS would recommend people to buy and  
use as is. RMS and the FSF have many machines that run only free software  
(and user installable firmware). 

Re: [Trisquel-users] New RPM-based fully free system distribution

2013-12-19 Thread spikeb
I just found this distro the other day. i think it's very interesting,  
especially if they're going to be putting out a RHEL clone that's fully free.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-12-19 Thread chaosesqueteam

Updated to release 9.

New stuff: additions to the random duengon map darkhold9
improvements to the spell casting system (if you don't know the spell but  
have a scroll of the spell the scroll will be read) Keys: Z X and C (iter  
forward, backwards and cast).

Bunch of stuff for the release before this one (food, more maps, etc)

Try out darkhold9 with just medeval weapons (and a torch) and a few bots.  
There are lots of monsters and just like pandornormalcy it reconfigures its  
connections every play. Never the same map twice.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New RPM-based fully free system distribution

2013-12-19 Thread stask

Tried it in a VM and it seems to work pretty well.

Updated the software using their tools. All worked. Uses 3.11 Libre kernel  

Very slick interface, gnome 3 out of the box neat and clean. It is very  
interesting as others have said.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) released.

2013-12-19 Thread chaosesqueteam

You got a prank call about the mod?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum moderation

2013-12-19 Thread gramex
Users who want to promote proprietary software can go to the many other  
proprietary software forums and promote it there.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New RPM-based fully free system distribution

2013-12-19 Thread jason
It appears that they want to wait until they're rebased on CentOS before  
doing that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2013-12-19 Thread gramex

Ethics is the whole point of Free Software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New RPM-based fully free system distribution

2013-12-19 Thread gramex
What's better about CentOS? As far as I know, CentOS is rebranded, has RHEL's  
proprietary software removed, and you can get gratis binaries.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Merry Grav-mass!

2013-12-19 Thread gramex

 Grav-mass is an atheistic movement

I find that strange; Isaac Newton was a Christian.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Merry Grav-mass!

2013-12-19 Thread LDrumbler
But it is propagated by Richard Stallman as an attempt to avoid celebrating  
the Christian holiday Christmas.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Merry Grav-mass!

2013-12-19 Thread gramex

That's why I think it's ironic!

Re: [Trisquel-users] New RPM-based fully free system distribution

2013-12-19 Thread onpon4
It's based on Fedora right now, which gets frequent updates and reaches  
end-of-life quickly, and they want a more stable system.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2013-12-19 Thread george . standish

ssdclickofdeath FTW

[Trisquel-users] Why there is a .rpmdb directory in my system?

2013-12-19 Thread anandawardhana
While creating backups I happened to notice this directory called .rpmdb  
(with  files in it). Is this normal? What does this directory do? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why there is a .rpmdb directory in my system?

2013-12-19 Thread mikko . viinamaki
I seem to have one as well. Looks like a similar folder is related to the rpm  
package manager. I don't know what that's doing on a system that eats deb  
packages. Unless we both have ran alien, which converts rpms to debs, I  