Re: [Trisquel-users] Which is better as per privacy and security?

2014-07-25 Thread mmoeller
They are both totally different approaches which you cannot really compare. I  
would also distinguish between privacy and anonymity.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Which is better as per privacy and security?

2014-07-25 Thread shiretoko

It is of course Tor.
The second solution means you are naked but _some_ advertising companies  
can't see you.
Tor protects your privacy in a lot more ways (see for instance

Keep in mind that tor can only hide your identity if it's used the right way:

Re: [Trisquel-users] My wifi card that isn't supported.

2014-07-25 Thread Tiberiu C. Turbureanu
On 25.07.2014 04:13, wrote:
 I'm actually shocked how high your prices are! Your little adapter is
 17x what I can get it for off eBay! [ everybody laugh ]

I was decent in my previous post, but I see you are bulling me. I
expected more from you, Chris.

I am not aware of offerings on eBay of this device. And Tehnoetic
TET-N150, ThinkPenguin TP-N150USB and Unex DNUA-93F is exactly the same
device device (I acknowledge it's Unex DUNA-93F on my product page).

So my little adapter is your little adapter, is Unex's little adapter.
And I didn't buy it for $2, even in buk it costed me about the same
price you expect a wifi adapter to be available in resellers stores.
Although I bought it at this price from the manufacturer.

 I'm just trying to point out how silly this is. Prices a year ago were
 higher than they are today and we've dropped them accordingly. Obviously
 the product offerings above are significantly different too. It's like
 comparing apples to oranges. With a $2 wifi adapter you don't actually
 expect the product to work, be supported, etc.

Really, you are doing FUD?

 We set the price for the item your referring to YEARS ago. The costs
 have come down since then and we spent months testing the waters to
 figure out what volume would work to get the profit margins as thin as
 possible. As it stands I'd be surprised if you can withstand the
 competition from us.

I've noticed you were trying to put me out of business as soon as I
entered the market and applied for RYF. In a post on this forum, you
specifically pointed out that ThinkPenguin has cut the prices almost to
half and the offer is better than one can find at competition. I was the
competition you were referring to, because once FSF has announced the
RYF certification for Tehnoetic TET-N150, you asked them to update it so
it states ThinkPenguin ships to Europe as well.

 Not the other way around. And by that I mean your
 not making sufficient profit at this price point to make it worthwhile
 selling. At least not in small quantities.

You made enough profit last year to have the power to try to force me
out this year. But I will not quit, instead I am working on extending my
offer with other freedom-respecting devices under the Tehnoetic brand.

 What is most humorous about this competition thing is that it would
 appear you responded to us and not the other way around. My colleagues
 telling me you had set a much higher price originally and it was only
 that by the time you announced it we had dropped our prices. It was only
 then that you lowered yours.

That's incorrect. I started by having prices lower than you and
continued to adjust them so I can stay competitive. I payed 50 euros for
an adapter from you in December. (And it arrived in 30 days.) My initial
offer was 45 euros and shipping was included as it always have been for
Tehnoetic TET-N150.

For 1-year warranty, the cheapest shipping which can choose that can
take 6-10 (to most destinations, may exceed 30) days, you get
ThinkPenguin TPE-N150USB for €24,5.

You get Thenoetic TET-N150 with 2-year warranty and shipping up to 5
days for €25.

If you choose air mail for a comparable shipping time of 1-5 days, you
get your ThinkPenguin TPE-N150USB for €31.

If you choose a longer warranty (you have only 3-year option left), you
get it for €35.

So is my Tehnoetic project small? Yes. Does it have better offer than
ThinkPenguin? Yes. In all cases above, my offer is better in at least
one regard (being that the warranty, the price, or fast air mail shipping).

 Lastly I've been contributing to the free software world a lot longer
 than ThinkPenguin has been around. So have a lot of the people around
 here. We're all struggling to one degree or another. That's no excuse to
 be rude to one another.

Excuse me? I only asked people to not forget Tehnoetic TET-N150 is also
RYF-certified, just becuase ThinkPenguin financially sponsors Trisquel,
when advicing new comers what wifi adapters they should buy to work with
free software. And if that's not enough, competition makes offers better
for users and I am still small having sold less than 100 devices and
need support.

 I'd have much rather worked with you than
 against you. 

Of course you did, Chris. I didn't feel working with you, because I
didn't like the way you were doing business or your philosophy
(freedom-friendly, nonfree BIOS, nonfree distros and you wanting to
become mainstream) and because I think independence is important and is
possible in the free software world we are building.

 I don't wish to bash your efforts, but when you so
 blatantly attack a project I've worked several years on it does get
 under my skin.

You have your feelings hurt because I told people the truth. And in
response you spread FUD ($2 adapter, x17 on eBay) and bullied me
(everybody laugh).

Tiberiu C. Turbureanu
Președinte, Fundația Ceata
Telefon: +40-761-810-100
GPG: 8B51 53CB 354E 3049 FAE9  3260 F033 8452 4154 1967

Re: [Trisquel-users] My wifi card that isn't supported.

2014-07-25 Thread shiretoko

I've searched the linked site for raspberry pi without any result.
If you make such accusations be more explicit and provide detailed  

Re: [Trisquel-users] My wifi card that isn't supported.

2014-07-25 Thread Tiberiu C. Turbureanu
On 25.07.2014 04:28, wrote:
 You don't seem to care that much about free software since you are

That's a false assumption.

 endorsing hardware that needs non-free blobs as seen here :

I am not endorsing any of the hardware besides the TET-N150. And the
ASUS laptop displayed has nonfree BIOS, but I can see why you didn't
picked on that too, because ThinkPenguin sells nonfree BIOS laptops.

I am not happy with the hardware displayed along my adapter, but at the
time those were the only devices I could easily get to make some photos.

I can try to get an x60 with libreboot and a Gluglug sticker and make a
photo with the TET-N150 in it as a proof of concept. I can try to find
another board too, and I welcome suggestions. Meanwhile, I can try to
blur the Raspberry Pi logo.

 If you are not aware, the raspberry PI is not a free software friendly

My friends use it as a personal server with no graphical interface. I am
not an owner myself, but I can understand why it's better to change the
board because of the graphics which require nonfree software.

Regarding how much care about free software I have, take a look again at
my product page. You won't see any nonfree distro endorsed as you see
on ThinkPenguin's: Ubuntu, Ubuntu, LXLE, LinuxMint (not Mint or
GNU/Linux Mint, CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux( not GNU/Linux),
OpenSuSE, *Raspbian* etc.

While ThinkPenguin specifically says it supports Raspbian (the nonfree
Debian-based ditribution to work on Raspberry Pi), I don't say I support
the distribution used for the Pi, I don't say I support the Pi hardware.
My photo can tell users my adapter supports the Pi, but I don't even
state that. From this to endorsing the Pi, is a long way. But anyway,
I got your point, you confirmed my doubts I had about that photo in the
first place.

Oh, and I forgot to mention one more reason I didn't want to work with
ThinkPenguin: its name refers to Linux, the kernel, with a penguin as
its mascot. The name translated means think the Linux way. Well, the
Linux way is open source camp's way, it's what we fix by blacklisting
nonfree blobs in Linux. That way is the way the free software movement
don't agree with and that way is the most important reason why RMS
insists on including GNU along Linux in the name of the GNU system with
Linux, the kernel. So that users have the chance to learn about GNU and
its free software philosophy and don't follow Torvalds blindly.

Tiberiu C. Turbureanu
Președinte, Fundația Ceata
Telefon: +40-761-810-100
GPG: 8B51 53CB 354E 3049 FAE9  3260 F033 8452 4154 1967

Susții libertatea artelor și tehnologiilor?
Înscrie-te ca membru! (

Re: [Trisquel-users] My wifi card that isn't supported.

2014-07-25 Thread shiretoko
Most computers need a piece of proprietary software (the bios) in order to  
boot except the old gluglug thinkpad and the even older lemote yeeloong.
I think the majority of members in this board think that we can endorse such  
systems nevertheless (thinkpinguin laptops for instance) since it's almost  
impossible or at least very hard to get a free bios.
Can't see much difference to the raspberry pi once the graphics stack is  

Re: [Trisquel-users] fre version from lazarus

2014-07-25 Thread onpon4

Lazarus *is* libre. What's the problem?

Re: [Trisquel-users] fre version from lazarus

2014-07-25 Thread webmaster
Then something must be broken. I get the following error when compiling an  
application in Lazarus:

/usr/bin/ld: warning: link.res contains output sections; did you forget -T?
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgtk-x11-2.0
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgdk-x11-2.0
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpango-1.0
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lcairo
project1.lpr(19,1) Error: Error while linking
project1.lpr(19,1) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping

I've tried to install some packages in Synaptic, but fails. (broken  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Which is better as per privacy and security?

2014-07-25 Thread onpon4
I agree with Eben Moglen that privacy is really a combination of anonymity  
(which you protect with Tor) and secrecy (which you protect with encryption).

Re: [Trisquel-users] fre version from lazarus

2014-07-25 Thread shiretoko

You have to be more specific.
Which packages did you try to install and what were the error messages?
Otherwise nobody can help.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I might install Mint 17 in Vbox if I can't print.

2014-07-25 Thread simonafreeman

Have you checked for hardware compatibility.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Which is better as per privacy and security?

2014-07-25 Thread mmoeller
Real anonymity is not possible with Tor only. You have to combine a set of  
solutions, like mac randomization, anoymous internet access from public  
wireless, vpn and Tor.

Even by using this techniques you might still get identified by service  
provides like google, which e.g. analyse your typing style.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I might install Mint 17 in Vbox if I can't print.

2014-07-25 Thread mmoeller
I might install Mint 17 in Vbox if I can't print. - is this a threat? Of  
course you can do whatever you want to, but by using trisquel, you agreed to  
know that hardware issued might occur because of the lack of free drivers  
available. If you cannot live with that, you propably don't want to use it.

Back to your question: lsusb might help. You should also provide some more  
details, like printer model etc.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Which is better as per privacy and security?

2014-07-25 Thread shiretoko
Real anonymity is not possible with Tor only. You have to combine a set of  
solutions, like mac randomization, anoymous internet access from public  
wireless, vpn and Tor.

Can you give some references for this statement?
Normally those techniques are not necessary.

Even by using this techniques you might still get identified by service  
provides like google, which e.g. analyse your typing style.
Analysing your typing style they can only _guess_ that it's you but they will  
never know for sure.

We should not mix this up with the reveiling of your ip adress.
Please don't spread FUD.

[Trisquel-users] Re : My wifi card that isn't supported.

2014-07-25 Thread magicbanana
Is it bad to support non-free systems? I do not think so. Users need to make  
a transition from proprietary to free. I'd rather not see the creation of an  
apparently impermeable border between the 100%-free GNU/Linux systems and the  
rest of them. Do you complain that  
(Emacs' main page) mentions Mac OS X, Windows and Solaris?

As for the distribution names not mentioning GNU, they actually are the names  
chosen by the projects themselves. I certainly do not approve those choices  
but is it a reason to change them? Maybe...

I would prefer the name ThinkGNU to ThinkPenguin. Anyway ThinkPenguin is no  
ThinkLinux. And I do not think the name matters more than the speech and  
the actions.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Greetings Trisquel users

2014-07-25 Thread zatroch
Welcome to the community Thiago! (= With every purchase in need mind Software  
Freedom, you shall be good then. Otherwise for hardware compatibility you may  
use As far as I can tell, I've tried Trisquel first in  
version 3.0 or 3.5. Good old times, constant hard  soft CPU lockups due to  
extremely experimental nVidia chip support.

Still I wish to become a paying member. Unsure whether Rubén the founder, is  
still coding the brighter future for kids in form of Sugar OLPC learning  
desktop environment simultaneously while being a lead maintainer of GNU  
IceCat fork of Mozillian web browser.

 Anyways, seems like in ver. 33 there is gonna be this controversial OpenH264  
cross-platform implementation [], we shall see then..  
I hope for EME extensions disabled by default as well.

Have a nice user experience and don't get discouraged by any challenges you  
face on road to independent computing and digital nomadism. ;D

Re: [Trisquel-users] fre version from lazarus

2014-07-25 Thread webmaster

According to a post I found in another forum:


I get the following messages:
 Depends: libpango1.0-dev but it is not going to be installed
 Depends: libcairo2-dev but it is not going to be installed

libpango1.0-dev aldo needs libcairo2-dev

So, I try to install that and get:

  Depends: libcairo2 (=1.10.2-6.1ubuntu3) but 1.10.2-6.1ubuntu3+12.04ac1 is  
to be installed
  Depends: libcairo-gobject2 (=1.10.2-6.1ubuntu3) but  
1.10.2-6.1ubuntu3+12.04ac1 is to be installed

And I'm stuck there, because those dependices is already installed.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Which is better as per privacy and security?

2014-07-25 Thread zatroch
Starting with Belenos, Tor is included by default for Incognito window. In  
form of xul-ext-torproxy + tor client.

For those interested in hosting own relay node, I suggest hardened image made  
by a developer from Gentoo project that fits into RAM with small memory  
footprint. d-_-b \m/  

Re: [Trisquel-users] My wifi card that isn't supported.

2014-07-25 Thread simonafreeman
At the end of the day Think Penguin can call their company whatever the hell  
they like it's none of my business. People talk about freedom on here which  
is not just software but freedom to express yourself and your own opinion.  
Yes most hardware is proprietary to some extent. As long as it is capable to  
run Trisquel isn't that all that matters. Cant we all just get along! They  
can take away our hardware but they'll never take away our freedom,  lol. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Seven!!!

2014-07-25 Thread zatroch
I've been using it for the building and development of libreCMC. - Way cool  
man, way cool! (=

Good luck with that, I will be one of your first testers. Since I am stuck  
with this s*it.. (see attachment).

Neither I tried admission into project nor am I  
able to grab a compatible box.

Re: [Trisquel-users] fre version from lazarus

2014-07-25 Thread shiretoko

Obviously the problem is libcairo...
This shouldn't happen since every package which appears in the repos should  
be installable.
Did you try installing the .deb package from ?

You install it via
sudo dpkg -i name_of_the_package.deb

and you might have to run a
apt-get install -f
afterwards to fix the dependencies.

Maybe it's a slightly older version which avoids the problems with libcairo.

Also try a

Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : My wifi card that isn't supported.

2014-07-25 Thread Tiberiu C. Turbureanu
On 25.07.2014 14:27, wrote:
 Is it bad to support non-free systems? I do not think so. Users need to
 make a transition from proprietary to free. I'd rather not see the
 creation of an apparently impermeable border between the 100%-free
 GNU/Linux systems and the rest of them. Do you complain that (Emacs' main page) mentions Mac OS
 X, Windows and Solaris?

My commercial project Tehnoetic is an extension of my activist work. I
don't need to list all common nonfree distros to say TET-N150 works on
them. I am advancing GNU/Linux-libre beginning with the title.

I didn't want to partner with ThinkPenguin, I wanted to be independent
and still do. I just listed my reasons and this one is one of them. I
run my business differently and strive to follow ethics in technology.

I have a question in the FAQ section where I write it works with other
systems (partially free distributions and Windows, while on Mac OS it
doesn't), but there is no guarantee the automatically installed firmware
is the free one, because those systems don't respect their users'
freedom (for instance, I advice all my Debian clients to not follow the
Debian wiki page and install the nonfree firmware). Instead, I point
them to download and install the Trisquel deb package. I have taken
steps to convince Debian to change its policy, include the free firmware
package and recommend it to be installed, instead of the nonfree one.

 As for the distribution names not mentioning GNU, they actually are the
 names chosen by the projects themselves. I certainly do not approve
 those choices but is it a reason to change them? Maybe...

See how the GNU project refers to them. We can try to make them change
their name to include GNU or use just the brand and put GNU/Linux in
description, if it's too long for them to include it in their trademark.
Regardless of their cooperation, I will not make the same mistake to
call them Arch Linux or Linux Mint.

 I would prefer the name ThinkGNU to ThinkPenguin. Anyway ThinkPenguin
 is no ThinkLinux. And I do not think the name matters more than the
 speech and the actions.

I don't like the name ThinkPenguin because it sends the wrong message.
And let us not forget the logo is a penguin and GNU mascots weren't
among penguin mascots at the ThinkPenguin stand advertised here.

Everybody is free to do whatever they want, me included. I didn't want
to work together with ThinkPenguin, although I respect and followed
their example with the freedom-respecting wifi adapters. That's all. I
hope this answers the freedom of expression question raised by another
forum user.

Tiberiu C. Turbureanu
Președinte, Fundația Ceata
Telefon: +40-761-810-100
GPG: 8B51 53CB 354E 3049 FAE9  3260 F033 8452 4154 1967

Susții libertatea artelor și tehnologiilor?
Înscrie-te ca membru! (

[Trisquel-users] laravel

2014-07-25 Thread blade . vp2020

Can I use laravel??
Is it free?

Re: [Trisquel-users] fre version from lazarus

2014-07-25 Thread webmaster
I downloaded the .deb package and tried to install it, but it needs the  
'libgtk2.0-dev' package.

I also tried to run, apt-get install -f, but it didn't fix anything.

Re: [Trisquel-users] laravel

2014-07-25 Thread shiretoko
According to the the readme file  
( it is under the  
MIT license which is considered to be a perfectly free software license.

So don't hesitate to use it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] fre version from lazarus

2014-07-25 Thread blade . vp2020

There are ways to install lazarus
but Has problems in the license( license violation)

Re: [Trisquel-users] I might install Mint 17 in Vbox if I can't print.

2014-07-25 Thread gary02121993

HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525

Re: [Trisquel-users] Which is better as per privacy and security?

2014-07-25 Thread gary02121993
Ah, ok. Thanks guys! :D 

Re: [Trisquel-users] fre version from lazarus

2014-07-25 Thread shiretoko
How many times do we have to tell you that there seems to be *no* problem  
with the license.

If you have further information please go ahead and explain it to us.

Re: [Trisquel-users] fre version from lazarus

2014-07-25 Thread blade . vp2020

I am not convinced
I think we should ask rms

Re: [Trisquel-users] SSH/SFTP to access free webhosting?

2014-07-25 Thread icarolongo

(Gratis, HTTPS, SSH, SFTP)
fortrabbit: |
(Gratis, HTTPS, SSH)
Free Shell Accounts:

Re: [Trisquel-users] fre version from lazarus

2014-07-25 Thread shiretoko
Ok, but please just bother this busy man only if you have serious doubts and  
if there is some ground for your suspicion.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Seven!!!

2014-07-25 Thread bob
I'm glad that you have an interest in libreCMC. Sadly, we can't support any  
ADSL+ modems / routers due to the non-free firmware that they need.

In regards to the OpenWireless project, there are some talks with the  
libreCMC project where we may include some components that they use. Sadly,  
their current images have non-free parts, but I am quite supportive of the  
idea of giving free wifi access to people.

If you want a router with libreCMC, ThinkPenguin will soon be selling one  
that will include libreCMC along with a nice source code CD (includes  
libreCMC + u-boot bootloader). 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Changing virtualbox with AQEMU

2014-07-25 Thread arielgnu
I guess this is the reason I believe reading somewhere that virtualbox should  
not be suggested then.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : My wifi card that isn't supported.

2014-07-25 Thread Quiliro Ordóñez Baca

El 25/07/14 07:20, Tiberiu C. Turbureanu escribió:
 Everybody is free to do whatever they want, me included. I didn't want
 to work together with ThinkPenguin, although I respect and followed
 their example with the freedom-respecting wifi adapters. That's all. I
 hope this answers the freedom of expression question raised by another
 forum user. 

That is nice. I think that I align with your ethic perspective more. I
also agree that ThinkPenguin has spearheaded the provision of hardware
which respects your freedom. Then comes Gluglug and then Tehnoetic. All
three are constructing a great ecosystem that helps users become free. I
think that it would be more useful for all projects that support freedom
(in a greater or lesser degree) to collaborate instead of competing. Of
course that competition would make the prices go down and the quality to
lower. But it could destroy some of the competitors. It is best to

Saludos libres,
Quiliro Ordóñez
600 8579

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[Trisquel-users] Re : I might install Mint 17 in Vbox if I can't print.

2014-07-25 Thread magicbanana
That printer can perfectly work:

However, it requires a more recent version (3.12.6 or later) of HPLIP than  
the one in Trisquel 6's repository (3.12.2).

You may want to early adopt Trisquel 7:

Otherwise, install that .deb of a more recent version of HPLIP:

That .deb requires some dependencies (GDebi will indicate them) that you  
would also have to download from the precise-backports section of

Re: [Trisquel-users] My wifi card that isn't supported.

2014-07-25 Thread legimet . calc

From FSF's website:
The startup program is, in fact, the same program that runs the GPU and the  
video decoding hardware. Thus, the GPU and the video decoding hardware are  
unusable in the free world, but these jobs can be done with free software on  
the CPU.

Also, someone ported Broadcom's code.

So I'm pretty sure this should allow the Raspberry Pi to boot without the  

Re: [Trisquel-users] My wifi card that isn't supported.

2014-07-25 Thread legimet . calc

He was referring to the picture on the USB adapter's product page.

Re: [Trisquel-users] fre version from lazarus

2014-07-25 Thread legimet . calc

I had that problem before, I think I installed an older version of libcairo2.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Seven!!!

2014-07-25 Thread joel

I'm looking forward to hearing the news!

I've been anticipating 7 for some time, especially with news of a newer  
version of Pitivi in the mix.

[Trisquel-users] LAN party: free software recomendations?

2014-07-25 Thread Andrés
Hi all, it has been a while since I have done a lan party.
Any recomendations? Any kind if game: shooter, strategy, arcade,...

Our Lan speed is really good but our broadband is pretty bad and we rather not 
use it.

Enviado desde mi teléfono con K-9 Mail.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Seven!!!

2014-07-25 Thread icarolongo
Some video editors using MLT:
See flowblade: and Shotcut:

[Trisquel-users] nsa makes Linux users terrorists and MS Windows the only legal OS

2014-07-25 Thread blade . vp2020

 naoI found this news

Is this true??
We've become terrorists
 naoI want to migrate to another planet
Like Uranus
To get absolute freedom.
And does not require refrigeration for cooling the CPU

Re: [Trisquel-users] nsa makes Linux users terrorists and MS Windows the only legal OS

2014-07-25 Thread em9002
The URL at the beginning of the article clearly has the word 'satire' in it,  
it appears to be from 2009, and the link is no longer active.

[Trisquel-users] consultation

2014-07-25 Thread contacto
Dear, I turn here because I got tired of sending emails from the contact form  
on Trisquel and never answered any.
Me monthly debited from my credit card money because I give my economic  
contribution to Trisquel, but lately my financial situation is not the same a  
few months ago, and here in Argentina the currency change does not favor us,  
for which I want unsubscribe and stop contributing financially to Trisquel,  
but not how to do it because I contact and nobody answers me.

Does anyone know how to unsubscribe?
From already thank you very much to all.