Re: [Trisquel-users] i am going to challenge myself for 3 days

2015-08-31 Thread cdwaldrum
now to my laptop - installing antergos right now and i can sleep 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Very nice plymouth theme for Trisquel!

2015-08-31 Thread nicolasmaia
By the way, I noticed the progress bar doesn't go to the end. Is this  

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FCC is asking for comments on a proposal to to lock down computing devices (routers, PCs, phones)

2015-08-31 Thread cdwaldrum

i still like trying to send one to mine but that webstie is to confusing!

Re: [Trisquel-users] libre film scripting software?

2015-08-31 Thread pgpattison

I recommend Trelby. GPLv2

The .deb file on the Downloads page works with *buntu 14.04, so it should  
work with Trisquel 7.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Citizenfour on Popcorn Time

2015-08-31 Thread zatroch

Better late than never. Seen it after initial p2p release.

For your consideration (=

Re: [Trisquel-users] Location entry in Nautillus Manager

2015-08-31 Thread sradms0

Thanks to both of you.

[Trisquel-users] Weird behaviour of youtube-dl

2015-08-31 Thread j . schraten

Dear all,
when I run 'youtube-dl URL' in a terminal, I first get the 'WARNING: Your  
copy of avconv is outdated and unable to properly mux separate video and  
audio files, youtube-dl will download single file media. Update avconv to  
version 10-0 or newer to fix this', and then it takes ages to download the  

Searching for a solution, I found the tip first to run 'youtube-dl -F ULR',  
which is the same as 'youtube-dl --list-formats URL', and then to pick the  
best format. However, this option doesn't work at all. It is simply ignored  
by youtube-dl on Trisquel, despite being part of the man page.

Anybody with an idea hwo to fix it? (Meanwhile I'm using cclive.)


[Trisquel-users] Re : What free email provider do you prefer?

2015-08-31 Thread calinou

If you want to self-host, try Mail-in-a-Box.

If you don't want to self-host, give Tutanota a try. It offers 1 GB of gratis  
storage, a responsive Web interface and can send end-to-end encrypted  
e-mails. Beware, you can't access it using regular e-mail clients since the  
storage is encrypted. There are (free) mobile apps available though.

Re: [Trisquel-users] i'm going to buy a Nintendo 64 lads.

2015-08-31 Thread tomlukeywood

maby its being used in a different way here.

in the UK i have never know it to mean anything but referring to a male.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Weird behaviour of youtube-dl

2015-08-31 Thread tomlukeywood

you should upgrade youtube-dl

try running
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

Re: [Trisquel-users] Weird behaviour of youtube-dl

2015-08-31 Thread mcz

It happened to me as well, regardless of the update and upgrade.
I didn't fix it yet, but here's an answer:

Re: [Trisquel-users] i'm going to buy a Nintendo 64 lads.

2015-08-31 Thread tegskywalker
If it is a one function device and cannot go online to potentially share your  
info and habits, who cares if it is a jail? It's like me complaining about my  
toaster or microwave.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Weird behaviour of youtube-dl

2015-08-31 Thread j . schraten

I had a fully upgraded system.

The solution was to run 'youtube-dl --all-formats --get-filename URL'. The  
output was something like 'filename-XY.flv \\ filename-XY.mp4'. After that, I  
could run 'youtube-dl -f XY URL', and the warning disappeared. However, the  
download still took a lot of time. Cclive is much faster, by running 'cclive  
-p mp4 URL'.


Re: [Trisquel-users] i'm going to buy a Nintendo 64 lads.

2015-08-31 Thread tomlukeywood

"who cares if it is a jail?"

it would mean a lot of otherwise wasted machines like old microwaves, dead  
hard-drives or broken toasters could be reused as for example simple video  
games consoles or reused in other machines like toasters, CD players etc

also anything that in unnecessarily a jail is 

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FCC is asking for comments on a proposal to to lock down computing devices (routers, PCs, phones)

2015-08-31 Thread chris
So I have some updated information on this issue. Canada is going to have the  
same rules as the US and the EU are also going to be passing similar rules:

Industry Canada RSS-247

Posted on Industry Canada website: May 28, 2015 Issue 1

The EU is going to have similar software security rules 2014/53/EU (June  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel for PowerPC

2015-08-31 Thread cdwaldrum
Debian is one of my favourite distribution but lately i been wanted something  
more and trying out anterigos! Gnome has grown on me but i still think KDE  
and mate are more dominant! i believe we need to get some more updated DE  
like Gmone 3 and KDE and MAte iso!

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FCC is asking for comments on a proposal to to lock down computing devices (routers, PCs, phones)

2015-08-31 Thread nicolasmaia

Have you tried the Linux Action Show? They have a large audience on YouTube.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FCC is asking for comments on a proposal to to lock down computing devices (routers, PCs, phones)

2015-08-31 Thread tomlukeywood


Re: [Trisquel-users] i'm going to buy a Nintendo 64 lads.

2015-08-31 Thread tegskywalker
I understand the concept of tinkering with hardware you own. I just don't  
understand how someone would benefit from trying to shoehorn functionality on  
an N64 considering it has no hard drive, network access, USB ports, and the  
cartridges the games it came on weren't off the shelf.

I'm aware of devices like the EverDrive, but that would be unethical as it is  
another device to allow non-free games illegally downloaded from ROM sites.

If you are into making a homebrew or indie game, why not just make it with  
Trisquel 7 on modern hardware in a language like C or Python?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel for PowerPC

2015-08-31 Thread tomlukeywood
"i believe we need to get some more updated DE like Gmone 3 and KDE and MAte  

i am running gnome 3 with trisquel as i post this
you can run just about any DE you want on trisquel

but it would be good if it were easier to install them

Re: [Trisquel-users] Very nice plymouth theme for Trisquel!

2015-08-31 Thread tomlukeywood

"I know, I know.. dropbox.. meh.."

Have a mirror!:

Re: [Trisquel-users] i'm going to buy a Nintendo 64 lads.

2015-08-31 Thread tomlukeywood
"I'm aware of devices like the EverDrive, but that would be unethical as it  
is another device to allow non-free games illegally downloaded from ROM  

just about any computer can play illegally downloaded ROMS
by your logic the computer your posting this on is unethical for this reason.

"I just don't understand how someone would benefit from trying to shoehorn  
functionality on an N64 considering it has no hard drive, network access, USB  
ports, and the cartridges the games it came on weren't off the shelf."

its definitely not the most practical computer for modern uses and so apart  
from the fun of making it do stuff someone will probably not benefit too much  
from the n64 unless there rely good at programming it.
but with its 8MB of ram you should be able too run a modern operating system  
on it(and maby even with a basic window manager)

Re: [Trisquel-users] i'm going to buy a Nintendo 64 lads.

2015-08-31 Thread onpon4
Wiktionary suggests that the meaning I interpreted is one meaning of "lads"  
found in Ireland, Northern England, and Geordie:

(Note: this just applies "lads", not "lad". It looks like "lad" always refers  
to a boy or young man. A bit weird, but hey, language is weird sometimes.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Weird behaviour of youtube-dl

2015-08-31 Thread onpon4
The warning is just telling you that youtube-dl can only download the files  
which are complete audio and video files, i.e. one single file. YouTube  
recently (sometime in the last year, I think) started serving audio and video  
separately and combining them together with client-side JavaScript code  
(using Media Source Extensions, I believe, though I'm not entirely sure about  

To get the best-quality video, you need to get these separate audio and video  
files. youtube-dl has the capability to get them, but requires a recent  
version of avconv to actually combine the two files into one so you can watch  
the video properly. Since you don't have that recent version of avconv,  
youtube-dl is warning you that it's grabbing the legacy, single-file videos  
YouTube still offers for compatibility, and you therefore aren't necessarily  
getting the best quality available.

Re: [Trisquel-users] libre film scripting software?

2015-08-31 Thread cdwaldrum


Re: [Trisquel-users] libre film scripting software?

2015-08-31 Thread cdwaldrum
@tomlukeywood- check out final draft and celtx! there what the industry use! 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Very nice plymouth theme for Trisquel!

2015-08-31 Thread covalski . cleiton

This is a grub theme?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel for PowerPC

2015-08-31 Thread franparpe
I think he is referring to the latest version of gnome, with the new features  
included: gnome is constantly implementing new and very attractive  

Re: [Trisquel-users] libre film scripting software?

2015-08-31 Thread contactame+antiesnob
LOL I also thought it was about the shell scripting or sumthing and I didn't  
get it but he's talking about filming scripts like movies and documentals

Re: [Trisquel-users] How translate the documentation to a non-enabled launguage

2015-08-31 Thread contactame+antiesnob
I don't get what ur sayin bout  the 403 error but there's no greek language  
enabled so I don't know where are you clicking "to go for Greek".
Portuguese is a non oficial language and users r translating it in the  
English wiki but naming it in Portuguese. I don't know exactly how they deal  
with the non English characters
Take a look here -->

You can access that page thru this one clicking for the Portuguese  
translation mentioned on the page content.

Here u kn c the work on the All Manuals section

You can do the same for Greek.

Kisses to your hair

Re: [Trisquel-users] diffence in mac and ip?

2015-08-31 Thread contactame+antiesnob


Re: [Trisquel-users] diffence in mac and ip?

2015-08-31 Thread contactame+antiesnob
IP is for the DoD model (AKA TCP/IP or Internet model) while MAC is for the  
OSI model. OSI has 7 layers while DoD has 4.

Now I'm gonna say that what marioxcc is "partially wrong" in the sense of the  
use of the word Internet plus another thing I'm going 2 mention:

Internet AKA The Net differs from internet. An internet is any network which  
is interconected thru routers AND USES THE TCP/IP protocols to comunicate. On  
the other hand Internet is larger internet in the world (nd dee universe).

So, you can have (example here) 2 LANs connected with a router that connects  
them and are using TCP/IP. That's an internet. That internet may have a  
conection to Internet or not but it doesn't means that the communication must  
use Internet to be internet.,.,.,.,

Now you can read marioxcc answer and u'll get it, then read texts on the  
Remember that an IP address is a logical address while a MAC address is a  
physical one (anyway you can clone it, useful 4 binding n bonding)

You don't need to have knowledge to deploy a server because u can do it with  
a simple howto tutorial and you'll get it working without know anything. To  
deploy a server won't get you more knowledge on Networking. Not with a  
tutorial way.,.,

Re: [Trisquel-users] Citizenfour on Popcorn Time

2015-08-31 Thread Alexander Stephen Thomas Ross
you know with you get the best of both worlds.
download and watch while it downloads and/or stream. + there theres the
beta anonymous download option. proper cutting edge stuff! Tor tech and
bt combined to make a tor-like bit-torrenting.

so the main diff with tribler and popcorn time is film covers for browsing.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 'Abrowser' behaves strangely after a system update.

2015-08-31 Thread strypey
I just got back from a week AFK, and downloaded the latest ABrowser patch  
(40.0.3) on both Trisquel 6 and 7. This seems to have fixed the segfault  
crashes on 6 (writing this in 6), and improved the stability in 7. Thanks to  
everyone who helped triage and fix the bugs involved. Great work!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Crowdfunding a game I'm developing: ReTux (Mario-inspired game)

2015-08-31 Thread onpon4
9 days left! There hasn't been much in the way of new contributions, but  
there have been a couple -- and given how few people have contributed, that's  
actually quite significant (those two contributions acount for over 1/3 of  
the total money raised, after all).

I've run out of ideas for where to post about ReTux, unfortunately, so if  
anyone knows of any place where ReTux hasn't been posted, please either post  
there or let me know! :)

[Trisquel-users] Mounting HP Slate tablet as a USB external drive in Trisquel

2015-08-31 Thread strypey
I've got an HP Slate tablet. Apparently, it's possible to plug the USB  
charger cable into the USB port on a computer, and mount the tablet as a  
browsable drive. The device probably only comes with a Windows driver by  
default, and plugging it into my partner's MacBook doesn't seem to do  
anything. Any suggestions on how to get Trisquel to recognise it?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Very nice plymouth theme for Trisquel!

2015-08-31 Thread greatgnu

thx tomlukeywood :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] libre film scripting software?

2015-08-31 Thread taknamay

Scrivener is more for novels, but maybe you should take a look.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Very nice plymouth theme for Trisquel!

2015-08-31 Thread nicolasmaia

Is there a way to add a custom sound to the bootup procedure?

Re: [Trisquel-users] i'm going to buy a Nintendo 64 lads.

2015-08-31 Thread jabjabs

This is true but spying is only one of many issues that Free software solves.

Re: [Trisquel-users] i'm going to buy a Nintendo 64 lads.

2015-08-31 Thread tomlukeywood

"i don't do \"computing\" with them"
but you can do computing with them as they are computers technically and  

someone got unix to run on the GBA!(non-free but with src):

and there was a BASIC Interpreter for the Atari 2600:

and a home-brew basic interpreter for the Gameboy:

I think if its possible to make my floppy drive controller run a space  
invaders clone then the owner should beadle to do so!

and the same gose for microwaves, toasters, games consoles, Punch Card  
Controllers, Digital Radios, SD cards etc

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel for PowerPC

2015-08-31 Thread tomlukeywood

and Ubuntu is based on Debian

Re: [Trisquel-users] libre film scripting software?

2015-08-31 Thread catfishagain
There is this template which says it will work in libre office.

Re: [Trisquel-users] i'm going to buy a Nintendo 64 lads.

2015-08-31 Thread jabjabs
That would be because they where/are truely awful machines interms of the  
lock down they provide - Nintendo is one of the worst as well in terms of the  
control they put on every single element in the most extreme fashion. They  
have been doing that since the early 80's.

Re: [Trisquel-users] i am going to challenge myself for 3 days

2015-08-31 Thread jabjabs

Exactly, best in terms of ease of use and the freedoms are brilliant.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Scanner drivers won't install

2015-08-31 Thread wendythorn

Thank You Arielenter

I'm sorry for the late reply.

The scanner was not recognised when I tried to scan, I had to download the  
drivers from the Epson website. There were drivers for the Linux kernel, I  
also had to do this for the old OS before I switched to Trisquel, but on  
closer inspection of the "Readme" file, there was mention that some scanners  
require non-free plugins to work.  I suspect this may be the case here.  I'm  
putting these comments out here just in case another novice is asking the  
same questions :)and to thank you again for your help.

kind regards

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing a CA certificate authority system-wide

2015-08-31 Thread vfvs
I see the source, so It's working, so why Pidgin and other software don't  
recognize the fact that the Cetificate Authority is installed and tell me to  
trust the ssl certificate?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel for PowerPC

2015-08-31 Thread ethernet252
But debian isn't FSF endorsed... Ah well, Might as well be the only choice.  
But Trisquel is based on Ubuntu, not Debian!

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FCC is asking for comments on a proposal to to lock down computing devices (routers, PCs, phones)

2015-08-31 Thread davidvargas1

Chris and everyone

We could all take the Rebels view and see this as a power grab and the knee  
jerk reaction is "hands off my WiFi!"

I don't believe the FCC is there to hinder innovation, at least I hope not..  
this is not typically how the FCC works.. but I've seen them throw out  
straw-man proposals to engage the public, and this might be one of them.

So if, and when, you do submit comments, and in the US, as a citizen, this is  
your right, give it some thought and consideration as these are taken into  
the next steps on how the FCC will move. Don't flame them, that just gets  
ignored... be reasonable and thoughtful in what you say.

If anyone in interested in  understand FCC Frequency Spectrum, and 5 GHz  
Unlicensed Spectrum (UNII) then follow the links.

It's a very good thing the FCC decided to extend the time to comment for  
another two months, because we really all need to study what the FCC is  
actually proposing to do.

What I do know, in the past, having dealt with the FCC on a couple of  
projects, is that they are very receptive to input from the public - they're  
required to, it's in their charter - so raise a voice directly... it is your  
right to do so.

if one feels strongly enough, hit up your Representative and Senators, and  
that makes even a better impression, they will take consideration here -- but  
again, but thoughtful in your comments and objections.

With the Representative/Senators - I've always got a response back, not a  
form letter, but a signed response in Snail-Mail - I make my comments there,  
and yes, I do it often for issues I care about - just costs a stamp..

You want to read more in details take your time in doing so.

Re: [Trisquel-users] i'm going to buy a Nintendo 64 lads.

2015-08-31 Thread matt . ivie
What a strange place for this topic. There really is no way to enjoy N64  
games in true freedom is there?

One positive aspect of using an old used console is that you're not  
financially supporting the company that made it, as it is used. Secondly, you  
won't be breaking any laws by legally obtaining cartridges.

There are obviously far-reaching implications for one's freedom in terms of  
creating software for the device or changing the software you obtain.

Ultimately each person has to make their own choice on where they will  

Re: [Trisquel-users] libre film scripting software?

2015-08-31 Thread cdwaldrum
Trelby- was going to be the one but it not being maintain anymore and i still  
new on how to maintain the program like that...

Re: [Trisquel-users] i'm going to buy a Nintendo 64 lads.

2015-08-31 Thread tomlukeywood

"i'm going to buy a Nintendo 64 lads"

this implies that there are no women on this forum which is untrue

Definition of lad

Re: [Trisquel-users] Location entry in Nautillus Manager

2015-08-31 Thread moxalt
Open dconf-editor, go to org > gnome > nautilus > preferences and toggle on

Re: [Trisquel-users] i'm going to buy a Nintendo 64 lads.

2015-08-31 Thread nicolasmaia
"and the same gose for microwaves, toasters, games consoles, Punch Card  
Controllers, Digital Radios, SD cards etc"

That's a wild thought. I love it! I'd like to see some microwave hacking!

Re: [Trisquel-users] i'm going to buy a Nintendo 64 lads.

2015-08-31 Thread nicolasmaia
"and the same gose for microwaves, toasters, games consoles, Punch Card  
Controllers, Digital Radios, SD cards etc"

That's a wild thought. I love it! I'd like to see some microwave hacking!

Re: [Trisquel-users] What free email provider do you prefer?

2015-08-31 Thread moxalt
As Chris suggested, the best option for an email solution is to DIY.

If not, I would recommend You can find my recommendation, as well
as a whole bunch of other suggestions, on this thread:

Re: [Trisquel-users] how to fix my resolution on an old amd pc

2015-08-31 Thread moxalt
Bit more info would be nice.

Re: [Trisquel-users] i'm going to buy a Nintendo 64 lads.

2015-08-31 Thread onpon4
That's probably over-thinking it. We don't commonly use the word "lads" where  
I live, but it's commonplace for us to say "guys" to just refer to a group of  
people we're talking to, and there's no implication at all that everyone in  
that group is male. I get the impression that "lads" is being used here in  
exactly the same way.