Re: [Trisquel-users] Ethical Javascript Reference

2017-05-28 Thread onpon4

> Why in the world would you avoid the webbrowser like that?

A Web browser is an HTML and JavaScript interpreter. I didn't say it had to  
be an interpreter that isn't a Web browser. Only that it shouldn't be on the  
Web, i.e. used by accessing it on the Web.

> You are aware that you can store many javascript apps onto your pc and then  
execute it without internet connection as many times as you want?

Yes, exactly! If you are using HTML and JavaScript to make applications,  
that's what I advocate.

> Very often the browser even does it for you, storing the code in his cache  
( a fact that you ignored through out your whole post).

I ignored that fact because it's irrelevant. The browser caches Web pages,  
and caching JavaScript code is a part of that. It doesn't cache them forever,  
only for a short time to avoid wasting bandwidth unnecessarily. This is  
entirely unrelated to what we are talking about.

> Of course many of those javascript apps are dependent on a working internet  
connection, but so are many desktop apps.

There's a big difference between a client you install connecting to a server  
and the server installing the client for you.

> Others are not. You can right now search for a simple calculator app  
online, go to "save page" and then pull the ethernet cable.

And that's fine. As long as this calculator program is libre, there's nothing  
wrong with it.

So let's get back to the original point: this is a separate thing from  
Websites. My points were thus:

1. Websites do not need JavaScript.

2. JavaScript applications do need JavaScript, by definition. However, they  
should not be made into "Web apps". They should be distributed the same way  
as any program. Therefore, the need for JavaScript applications to have  
JavaScript is not a valid justification for the use of JavaScript on the Web.

Notice that none of this has to do with the merits of JavaScript as a  
language for building applications. It's all about its use on the Web.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Vikings X200

2017-05-28 Thread info

Hi gderok,

You might also consider the Libreboot T400 from Minifree:

It uses the same CPU and GPU as the X200, but has a bigger screen and better  
cooling. It's currently at a special low price on Minifree.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Topic locked, huh? Follow up to making Coreboot work with full disk encryption on ASUS KFSN4-DRE

2017-05-28 Thread jason

Posts get automatically locked by the system after a period of time.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Vikings X200

2017-05-28 Thread tct

Three reviews are already on the product page under the Reviews tab:

Technoethical also sells X200 that is appreciated, with twelve reviews:

[Trisquel-users] Topic locked, huh? Follow up to making Coreboot work with full disk encryption on ASUS KFSN4-DRE

2017-05-28 Thread mcz
Original post (suddenly locked, go figure):

Yeah, so the real problem is that after cryptomount -a, "set  
root='lvm/rootvolume-logicalvolume" can't be found.
hmm... The only difference is that I have other disks, so other volume  

The other thing is trying to get SeaBIOS chainloaded from GRUB. In the  
Coreboot documentation, the path shown goes from memdisk.
I guess what cbfsdisk is (inside the rom), but what's this memdisk? The  
definition on the web isn't very easy to understand.

For the font issue, I'll try to add the font to the cbfs, and modify the path  
accordingly in grub.cfg.

Oh, and I gotta try with the officially unsupported 6 core CPU. Who knows,  
with some luck...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-28 Thread mcz

Great news, the price is nice! And it seems the RAM is upgradable as well.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-28 Thread info
Heather, so there you have it. It looks like I was right... except for the  
part about upgrading CPU. It seems you can use ivy CPU on sandy motherboard,  
on T420 at least. not sure about in factory BIOS but maybe you could ask in  
#coreboot IRC about it

Re: [Trisquel-users] p2p networks supported on trisquel? and p2p encrypted chat supported on trisquel?

2017-05-28 Thread greatgnu

mangy dawg, I'm disappointed. No ricochet?
Shame on you!

Re: [Trisquel-users] purism reverse engineering

2017-05-28 Thread infinityfallen

>The strength of the intel me verification is the fact, that
>we cannot do anything about the key because is in a rom?

I think so.

>Is it known where the keys are located?

The public key is on the ROM- which I'm pretty sure is embedded inside the ME  
and (although I might be wrong) read-only (ROM stands for read-only memory).  
If it is read-only, then you can't disable it- no matter how hard you try.  
The private key doesn't come with the computer at all.

>Do we know if each intel me computer model has its own
>verifying keys?

Each Intel ME version has a different keypair, but the keypair is the same  
for all MEs of the same version- as the good reference puts it, "This manifest is signed with a  
strong cryptographic key, which differs between versions of the ME firmware."

>If a computer model would turn out to be a non seller, then
>the manufacturer and intel, if agreeing about themselves,
>could make the intel me software and secret key public in
>order to increase sales to libre software people?

Yes, but no. It's certainly possible- indeed, Intel could do that by  
themselves, since even the manufacturer doesn't have the private key (they  
have one for the BIOS, but that's a separate issue). However, by the same  
token, one computer being a failure is unlikely to persuade Intel. Unless the  
Intel ME caused massive damage to sales for a significant number of devices  
with their chipsets, the sheer number of devices brought to market with such  
chips means the company likely wouldn't be phased if just one didn't sell.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-28 Thread vitacell
Someone upgraded (to i7-3632qm) T420 in Coreboot, he says that it needs some  
code for HD4000 GPU, nothing more. So, it is the same socket.

[Trisquel-users] Vikings X200

2017-05-28 Thread gderok
I thinking about buy an libre laptop : Vikings X200. Is there someone who use  
it too? I will be happy for any review about this laptop.

Cheers, Gderok.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-28 Thread vitacell
Leah I admire you and your work since Libreboot born. You always helped me a  
lot. Also thanks you for your most complete documentation, guides, and a lot  
of helpful info. Thanks for gift to us the most important program for free  
software community. I do not have much money but I always can make some small  
donations, and I can do some donations through paypal, yes I know it is not  
the best way. Thanks for your work!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-28 Thread info

What Leah said is true. Thanks, Leah!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-28 Thread info
Heather, you could consider Technoethical to get your X200T flashed, yes. I  
forgot about that one.

As I said, I'm not interested in X200T but you could ship your X200T to  
Technoethical for libreboot install. You'll still have to deal with customs  
and so on (Technoethical is in Romania, afaik).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-28 Thread info
your existing software configuration under GNU+Linux will work just fine.  
I've used KDE, GNOME, OpenBox, LXDE etc just fine on my own X60 and other  
libreboot systems

for libreboot install you just need a terminal, and the libreboot utils (e.g.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-28 Thread info
In our shop Technoethical we sell readily available X200 Tablets with  
libreboot and fully free GNU distros.

And we also offer the service of libreboot installation service for the  
laptops we sell T500, T400, X200 Tablet, X200, and for other hardware on  
customer's request.

We ship and install libreboot both in Europe and America.


[Trisquel-users] Kate has an intolerable flaw; read on, please.

2017-05-28 Thread amenex
Several times I have been working on an already-saved text file in Kate when  
I inadvertently touch a certain but unknown key on my keyboard that instantly  
transforms several kilobytes of data into a single line of text, usually the  
last line that I was trying to paste into the file. There is no safe way of  
undoing that error, and closing Kate then replaces the previous work with  
that one line, destroying the entire file.

There is no "are you sure ?" popup window, no menu choice appears. I'm hosed.

What is that miserable little key, and why does Kate permit this error in the  
first place ?

Until I find out what's wrong, Kate is banished. Gone.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-28 Thread noordinaryspider
You have encouraged me so much that I may have the machine I'm typing this on  
librebooted by the afternoon. ;)

Or not.

When I do either kill or free these 32 bit machines I use instead of  
eReaders, will I need to have the full Gnome desktop installed or can I "make  
it work" with Flux? If not, can I free them with the full gnome desktop and  
then just switch hard drives?

There are other posters on this forum who can answer these questions if you  
don't have time right now, so this is not personally directed towards you if  
you are busy, just something that is wrong with me that people who know me  
are already accustomed to.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-28 Thread info

Hi Heather,

I kind of have no choice but to be social publicly so I just stoic it up but  
yes I totally understand anxiety and all that

If you haven't already, the X60T is really easy to flash. You can it all in  
software, from the distro running on it, without taking it apart:

As for your X200T; that is a little bit harder. Unlike the regular X200 which  
has a SOIC-16 chip and is easier to flash (using a SOIC-16 clip), the X200T  
uses a different type of flash chip; you have to remove it with a hot-air  
gun, and then solder a SOIC-8 SPI chip (same pin-out as the WSON-8 chip on  
X200T) and flash that. swiftgeek on #libreboot IRC uses an X200T and can help  
you with that. My time is stretched so providing flashing service on X200T  
isn't really something I'm personally interested in... but there are people  
in #libreboot IRC who can help you.

Yes, keep an eye out for announcements on if and when X220  
becomes available. T420 would likely be easy, so at that time I'd be happy to  
help you flash it.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-28 Thread noordinaryspider

Thank you.

That may or may not work out better depending on my time and educational  
limitations and how things play out with the recent exploit.

I know that I don't have enough money/time/skills to do everything I want in  
life (I'm in my fifties) but this has been on my back burner for a LONG time  
and New Jersey is much closer to my physical location, which I don't like to  
discuss online any more than I have to.

The shipping to New Jersey is doable for me. I'll talk to Patrick if I decide  
to just let a big smart person make it all better for me, but do know that I  
wish I could support Minifree in my own small way even if that isn't  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ethical Javascript Reference

2017-05-28 Thread shiretoko

"Why did you say nothing to the last paragraph in my post?"

Because if you understood the rest of my points, your proposal in the last  
paragraph becomes obsolete. Using javascript locally with some kind of html  
Why in the world would you avoid the webbrowser like that? You are aware that  
you can store many javascript apps onto your pc and then execute it without  
internet connection as many times as you want? Very often the browser even  
does it for you, storing the code in his cache ( a fact that you ignored  
through out your whole post).
Of course many of those javascript apps are dependent on a working internet  
connection, but so are many desktop apps.
Others are not. You can right now search for a simple calculator app online,  
go to "save page" and then pull the ethernet cable.

Well, I agree that it would be handy to package bigger web apps as some sort  
of browser add on, so that it really stays in the browser and doesn't have to  
be downloaded over and over again.
By the way, I never claimed that the situation with web based apps should  
stay the way it is now, but I guess I start to repeat myself.

"No, they're inherently spyware because every time they're used, your server  
is contacted. As in, no matter how friendly the code is, it's set up in such  
a way that you can track when they are running the program."

Again, not true.
If the browser doesn't store the app in his cache, then it might be true, but  
it's a matter of configuration. And if the app depends on a server connection  
by its nature, then this would also hold for an equivalent desktop app.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-28 Thread noordinaryspider
I will take you up on that when it is a convenient time for both of us. Email  
and forums are easier for me, sometimes too easy.

I go by no ord inarys pider on IRC, without the spaces.

Besides the T420, I actually have project computers: two X60T plural and an  
X200T that I bought with the intention of doing my best trying to learn how  
to libreboot them and accepting the consequences if I bricked them.

Life happened and although I can spare the $15-$20 I spent on them, they are  
worth more than money to me now.

Please do remember the airplane oxygen mask metaphor and all that "I am old  
enough to be your mother" stuff though. We need you. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-28 Thread info

as a rule, I don't generally take "donations" as such.

Libreboot is currently attempting to re-join the GNU project. If that is  
successful, then the project might start accepting donations through the FSF.

If not, then we might set up our own non-profit organisation (not sure which  
country. Maybe Germany)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-28 Thread noordinaryspider
A...Leah I admire you so much, especially the way you just threw away a  
sale and encouraged me to use my brain instead of my credit card but I'm  
having the same problem getting this lousy twenty dollars to you. It isn't  
worth but so much trouble but I'm sad.

Oh well, mentally insert "Some work in progress who likes me wishes she could  
help and wants to as soon as she learns how.", okay?

I don't know you well enough to say "Love you, girl." so let's just settle  
for "Go, you!"

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ethical Javascript Reference

2017-05-28 Thread onpon4

Why did you say nothing to the last paragraph in my post?

> A lot of people already did learn them already. If those people want to  
make an app, why wouldn't they make use of their knowledge?

Maybe they would. Seriously, how could this possibly be your answer when I  
already clarified my position in the last paragraph of my previous post,  
which you didn't respond to? I'm not against JavaScript as a language. I'm  
against the use of JavaScript on the Web. If you already know JavaScript and  
want to make an application as a local JavaScript application, that's fine.  
It's when such a program is served by a server as a Web application that  
there's a problem.

> Now it is true that performance of interpreted languages

That's not what I meant by "inefficient". I meant that the system of  
JavaScript on the Web is inefficient. You can't just download the program  
once and execute it whenever you like; every time, you have to open a Web  
browser and navigate to the website. It's a waste of bandwidth.

> ... if used without care. But security issues are also present in the  
desktop world...

The system of JavaScript on the Web is what I was saying is unnecessarily  
dangerous. The system being one that just takes programs offered by arbitrary  
sources and runs them without question. This is not the same thing as normal  
security vulnerabilities. It's rather a security breach waiting to happen.  
This has nothing whatsoever to do with how you as a developer program things  
in JavaScript.

> That's just nonsense. The apps I built so far don't spy on anybody, and  
anybody who reads the source code can verify this.

No, they're inherently spyware because every time they're used, your server  
is contacted. As in, no matter how friendly the code is, it's set up in such  
a way that you can track when they are running the program.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-28 Thread info

Hi Heather,

Also, there is Libiquity which is based in New Jersey, USA.

I'm not sure whether they would actually sell T420/X220, when and if it would  
become available for Libreboot, but if you couldn't go to a workshop and  
couldn't install it yourself, you might be able to save a bit of money and  
ship it to them for flashing. You'd save money on international shipping, and  
wouldn't have to deal with customs etc.

That's Patrick's company (I mentioned Patrick in an earlier reply in the  
thread). It's basically Minifree's US counterpart (I don't run Libiquity,  
though, I just know the owner). He doesn't advertise a "libreboot  
installation service" on his website, but he has accepted peoples laptops  
before for that purpose.

That would probably be cheaper for you than getting Minifree to do it, which  
is based in the UK, if you couldn't flash it yourself and couldn't get it  
done at a workshop or hackerspace.


Re: [Trisquel-users] AMD Is apparently taking requests for feedback from community.

2017-05-28 Thread svhaab
Which answer would you prefer? The fsf is busy, we will not answer your  
email. Or Thank you for reaching out to us with your ideas. The latter  
saying, do not email us. We ignore your emails. I know which answer I would  
prefer. Responding emails with no content does not work for corporations. It  
is worse when fsf sends them.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ethical Javascript Reference

2017-05-28 Thread shiretoko
"Yeah, if that device has an Internet connection, and your server serving  
that Web app is still up, and all HTML features your Web app depends on are  
supporded and enabled. But you're approaching this from the standpoint of a  
developer who wants their app to be popular"

That's reminding me of somebody who is arguing against the benefits of cars  
in comparison to horses. "If the car is not running out of gasoline, if it's  
not broken, if there are big enough streets..."
There is no perfect technology so far, everything is evolving. Servers will  
become more reliable, internet connection just as normal as electricity.

"Are you implying that HTML and JavaScript don't have to be learned?"

A lot of people already did learn them already. If those people want to make  
an app, why wouldn't they make use of their knowledge?

"It's inefficient..."
depends on your criteria of "efficiency". For a webdeveloper, using the  
knowledge he already has in order to achieve the desired result is very  
efficient. For a user, getting his app without having to install it, just by  
clicking a link, is very efficient.
Now it is true that performance of interpreted languages like javascript are  
far inferior to compiled languages like c++.
But for a lot of projects, this doesn't really matter. By the way, python is  
also not one of the most efficient languages out there...

"...unnecessarily dangerous..."
... if used without care. But security issues are also present in the desktop  

" inherently spyware"
That's just nonsense. The apps I built so far don't spy on anybody, and  
anybody who reads the source code can verify this.
The only thing I can see is who actually requested the app, equivalent to who  
downloaded it in the desktop world.
Quite the opposite: while desktop apps come to the user most of the time in  
binary form, the user has to trust the guy who compiled and packaged the app  
not to mess with the code before compiling.
You can not check if the source code you see is really the source code you  
get. It's different with javascript apps: open the source code, and there you  
go, you can verify it right away.

" I'm sorry, but the popularity of your app, as a developer, is egotistical  
and unimportant. What matters is the liberty of the users."

You talk as if you have to decide for one single criteria. You can strive for  
popularity and still care about the liberty of the users, you know.

You're being overly dramatic and emotional here.

Re: [Trisquel-users] AMD Is apparently taking requests for feedback from community.

2017-05-28 Thread onpon4

Nobody does that. Anybody who does knows nothing about PR.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-28 Thread svhaab
Is a flashing something you can expect to do and not encounter errors? Or  
having to go through several flashing attempts? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-28 Thread svhaab

You are entitled to make this decision. My question to and is, could you on or add a webpage  
for voluntary paypal payments? A page saying, if you want to make a voluntary  
paypal payment you may do so to this email address. The email address is for  
voluntary payments only.

Re: [Trisquel-users] AMD Is apparently taking requests for feedback from community.

2017-05-28 Thread svhaab
Apparently I cannot make my point. I think my writing is explicit and should  
be understandable. The responses I get tell me differently.
I think you are the 3. person offering an explanation why fsf did not act on  
my suggestions or answer my questions.

That is missing the point.
My argument is, what ever reasons fsf may had to not answer my questions or  
discard my suggestions, fsf should write them in an email to me. You cannot  
write on behalf of the fsf.

Read my 6. post.

I do not applaud that the fsf did not either:
Answer my questions and took position on my suggestions.
Wrote me, the fsf is too busy to answer you.

Instead I got a brushing off corporate language answer. Which is  

I think people should not be overly loyal to the fsf.

Re: [Trisquel-users] p2p networks supported on trisquel? and p2p encrypted chat supported on trisquel?

2017-05-28 Thread silver

When I tried to fix broken package... I got this error
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by  
held packages.

E: Unable to correct dependencies
E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by  
held packages.

E: Unable to correct dependencies

thank you

[Trisquel-users] Re : p2p networks supported on trisquel? and p2p encrypted chat supported on trisquel?

2017-05-28 Thread pinmaritim

To fix broken packages

Choose Edit > Fix Broken Packages from the menu.

Choose Apply Marked Changes from the Edit menu or press Ctrl + P.

Confirm the summary of changes and click Apply.

Re: [Trisquel-users] p2p networks supported on trisquel? and p2p encrypted chat supported on trisquel?

2017-05-28 Thread silver
hi how I could resolve the broken page error issue in synapatic? I cannot  
locate broken package with custom filter.
I had broken page error when I tried to install follow package  
0.0.0+git20150512.r2844-1~trusty+1+7.0trisquel ?

What are the different  between Qtox, utox and other tox ?  is it better to  
use Qtox? (all the features?

Thank you

Re: [Trisquel-users] Er her andre fra Danmark?

2017-05-28 Thread jbahn

That sounds good. Please post a message once you know when you'll be here.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Er her andre fra Danmark?

2017-05-28 Thread jbahn

Hej Dasj.

Tak for dit svar. Jeg håber, vi ses måske på freenode eller i  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Mission impossible: Family privacy

2017-05-28 Thread jbahn

Hi all.

I haven't had time to write this week, but I have followed your comments all  
along the way. Firstly I am glad to see that so many has a say on this  
matter. Though these issues relate to most user here (I suppose), some of  
your comments are direct answers to my questions and frustrations. Thanks a  

There are a number of references to sites, books, video etc that are all  
relevant. I don't have time to check them all out but I will remember them  
and return to them later.

Your comments and advices have given me inspiration to tackle the issue  
though I am sure there is no easy solution. For now I consider these  

- Convincing my wife, that we must have clear and strict rules about the use  
of mobiles, tablets and computers. (This should preferably include not  
sending or posting pictures, but I that is such a big part of there social  
life so I don't believe it has much chance).
- coincidentally watch these movies when the big kids are around: Citizen4,  
1984, The story of Aaron Schwartz, Matrix (the others suggested here I don't  
know yet)

Besides, I would like to make a make - or better yet find - a collection of  
examples of people being affected to privacy issues including being hacked.  
For instance, there is a Danish story a you guy who was recorded from his own  
laptop when playing with himself  
Sorry for the language (Danish)

The above is aiming at the big kids. For the younger one, I will try to let  
her grow up with GNU and Replicant devices. Since I don't have the skills to  
show here the technical potential of libre software, my best shot will  
probably be to get her used to i.e. Trisquel and Replicant.

Aaaarrrghhh I need more time: I would like to make a wiki about these issues  
and possible approaches. Do you have suggestions for libre games for young  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ethical Javascript Reference

2017-05-28 Thread onpon4

> First of all: why not?

It's inefficient, unnecessarily dangerous, inordinately difficult for the  
user to control (if not outright impossible), doesn't work without an  
Internet connection, is inherently spyware, and unnecessary. Essentially,  
it's all the same problems as SaaSS, with added security risk.

"Why not?" is not a "very good reason" to do something. It's a question.

> With web based programming languages, it's a breeze to create a gui for  
your application, while on the desktop you have to deal with a huge jungle of  
different libraries like gtk, qt, wxwidgets and so on.

I have no idea how easy it is to design a GUI in an HTML page, but come on,  
you can't be serious. You don't need to deal with "a huge jungle" of  
different libraries. You just need to choose one of them. There are even  
pretty designer GUIs like Qt Designer that you can use.

> All of those require a significant amount of time to get used to their very  
own way of creating a graphical frontend, showing buttons, forms, tabs,  
reacting on events - all the stuff that a browser can do easily and in a very  
intuitive way with html and javascript.

Are you implying that HTML and JavaScript don't have to be learned?

> Your app will very likely run on any device, at least if you take care, it  
can be even used with smartphones and tablets.

Yeah, if that device has an Internet connection, and your server serving that  
Web app is still up, and all HTML features your Web app depends on are  
supporded and enabled. But you're approaching this from the standpoint of a  
developer who wants their app to be popular. I'm sorry, but the popularity of  
your app, as a developer, is egotistical and unimportant. What matters is the  
liberty of the users.

> Why should I spent time and effort to learn a desktop gui library whose  
future is uncertain and radius is limited in order to create an app that a  
lot of people will not bother to download and install?

Are we even on the same page here? I don't have a problem with using  
JavaScript as a language. I have a problem with embedding JavaScript code, or  
any software, into Web pages. If all you want to do is use HTML and  
JavaScript to write a desktop application that runs locally, have at it. Send  
people the download the exact same way you would any other download. You can  
even bundle in an HTML and JavaScript interpreter for good measure. This is  
very different from making users visit a Web page any time they want to use  
an app. It's not a Web application (it's not accessed through the Web), just  
a local JavaScript application.

Re: [Trisquel-users] purism reverse engineering

2017-05-28 Thread svhaab
>finding any such technique would be absolutely terrible, as it would render  
most forms of encryption ineffective.
You are right, but if any encryption can be broken, it is important it gets  
discovered and made public.

Re: [Trisquel-users] purism reverse engineering

2017-05-28 Thread svhaab
What I wrote about the public key was rubbish. The strength of the intel me  
verification is the fact, that we cannot do anything about the key because is  
in a rom? Is it known where the keys are located? I heard of a person who on  
an apple computer found the system verification software on a fan chip. He  
was able to disable the software. Then he could install another system on the  

Do we know if each intel me computer model has its own verifying keys?
If a computer model would turn out to be a non seller, then the manufacturer  
and intel, if agreeing about themselves, could make the intel me software and  
secret key public in order to increase sales to libre software people?

>finding any such technique would be absolutely terrible, as it would render  
most forms of encryption ineffective.
You are right, but if any encryption can be broken, it is important it gets  
discovered and made public.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-28 Thread Ignacio Agulló
On 28/05/17 04:30, wrote:
> I've re-added the T400 to Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled by
> default as before. This complies with the FSF's Respects Your Freedom
> certification.
> The price is also much lower than before (it's currently cheaper than
> all other Libreboot laptops sold by other companies):

 That's great news!  Helping people to break free.

Ignacio Agulló ·

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ethical Javascript Reference

2017-05-28 Thread shiretoko

"Web pages are not supposed to be software."

I think this is the core of our disagreement, and all further arguments will  
always end up returning to this one.
While it may be your opinion that "web pages are not supposed to be  
software", other people have a different opinion, and for very good reasons.  
First of all: why not?
With web based programming languages, it's a breeze to create a gui for your  
application, while on the desktop you have to deal with a huge jungle of  
different libraries like gtk, qt, wxwidgets and so on. All of those require a  
significant amount of time to get used to their very own way of creating a  
graphical frontend, showing buttons, forms, tabs, reacting on events - all  
the stuff that a browser can do easily and in a very intuitive way with html  
and javascript.
Your app will very likely run on any device, at least if you take care, it  
can be even used with smartphones and tablets.

Why should I spent time and effort to learn a desktop gui library whose  
future is uncertain and radius is limited in order to create an app that a  
lot of people will not bother to download and install?
It's already there: your browser can do all of this stuff. If you want it or  
not, webpages did become software.
Rather than refusing to accept this development, we should rather face it and  
try to solve the ethical issues that come with it.

I already proposed a lot of steps how it can be done.

[Trisquel-users] Re : p2p networks supported on trisquel? and p2p encrypted chat supported on trisquel?

2017-05-28 Thread pinmaritim

Hi Lynn
As explained above there are several ways in which you can install & run a  
Tox client

Trisquel repositary (easy & safe, it will receive security updates) (however  
the version, is an less recent version)

Install from the Tox repositary (adding this repositary to your list of  
software sources exactly like you did to install Jistsi)

Or a stand alone bundle tar.gz package (download, uncompress, and launch)

run in a terminal to choose your architecture
 $ arch
The Trisquel wiki page shows a stand alone bundle

It is handy to register a address, this makes easy sharing with  
others instead of sending

32145646467987456468456468567976789675643514313 to someone by mail ;-)