"Web pages are not supposed to be software."

I think this is the core of our disagreement, and all further arguments will always end up returning to this one. While it may be your opinion that "web pages are not supposed to be software", other people have a different opinion, and for very good reasons. First of all: why not? With web based programming languages, it's a breeze to create a gui for your application, while on the desktop you have to deal with a huge jungle of different libraries like gtk, qt, wxwidgets and so on. All of those require a significant amount of time to get used to their very own way of creating a graphical frontend, showing buttons, forms, tabs, reacting on events - all the stuff that a browser can do easily and in a very intuitive way with html and javascript. Your app will very likely run on any device, at least if you take care, it can be even used with smartphones and tablets.

Why should I spent time and effort to learn a desktop gui library whose future is uncertain and radius is limited in order to create an app that a lot of people will not bother to download and install? It's already there: your browser can do all of this stuff. If you want it or not, webpages did become software. Rather than refusing to accept this development, we should rather face it and try to solve the ethical issues that come with it.
I already proposed a lot of steps how it can be done.

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