Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 6 will include nonfree games... courtesy of Rubén

2013-02-17 Thread moilami
Someone said an excellent VLC analogy which can be extended to browsers. Most  
of the people use browsers to use non-free media.

Why game engines can't be used to watch non-free media?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 6 will include nonfree games... courtesy of Rubén

2013-02-16 Thread moilami
My understanding is that Trisquel GNU/Linux can be bundled with FotAQ data  
because Trisquel would honour both FSF guidelines and the spirit of the  
licence of FotAQ data.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 6 will include nonfree games... courtesy of Rubén

2013-02-16 Thread moilami

Non-functional Data

"Data that isn't functional, that doesn't do a practical job, is more of an  
adornment to the system's software than a part of it. Thus, we don't insist  
on the free license criteria for non-functional data. It can be included in a  
free system distribution as long as its license gives you permission to copy  
and redistribute, both for commercial and non-commercial purposes. For  
example, some game engines released under the GNU GPL have accompanying game  
information—a fictional world map, game graphics, and so on—released  
under such a verbatim-distribution license. This kind of data can be part of  
a free system distribution, even though its license does not qualify as free,  
because it is non-functional."

AFAIK the license of flight of the amazon queen gives you right to distribute  
it for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

  "2) You may charge a reasonable copying fee for this archive, and may
 distribute it in aggregate as part of a larger and possibly commercial
 software distribution (such as a Linux distribution or magazine
 coverdisk). You must provide proper attribution and ensure that this
 Readme and all associated copyright notices and disclaimers are left

On the other hand:

  "3) You may not charge a fee for the game itself. This includes
 reselling the game as an individual item."

You can't sell the game alone. You can sell the game if you bundle it with  

   "You can include it in a software collection, like a Linux distribution
  or coverdisk (which may be sold), but using it in things like commercial
  adventure game collections without asking is just playing dirty."

Bundling only adventure games and selling them "without asking" would be  
"dirty", not illegal.

What is "dirty" is (most of the time) a matter of irrelevant subjectivity.  
For example some argue anal sex is dirty or homosexuality is dirty. A young  
woman liking sex can be dirty according to some opinion.


From guidelines to free software distributions defined by FSF:

"This kind of data can be part of a free system distribution, even though its  
license does not qualify as free, because it is non-functional."


Kinda interesting borderline situation here.

The data does not have to be free as in freedom. It must be free to  
distribute and profit. FotAQ data is free to distribute and profit, though  
*the spirit* of the license seems to want to restrict a bit distribution for  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why should I continue with Triaquel 5.5 or anything related to it?

2013-01-28 Thread moilami
Try think about a car which could be repaired and modified only by company X.  
Now that would be a good business for company X. Company X could anytime  
chose that now we don't support certain car models anymore, and if you happen  
to have a car not supported anymore, then it is tough luck, but hey, you can  
always buy a new car we support. We are very happy to sell you a new car!  
Also, we can take your old unsupported car back to us and sell you a new car  
a little bit cheaper, a rather good deal, (because we don't want that you buy  
a car from our competitor).

Imagine your car being a black box none else can do anything but the company  
who manufactured the car. Thus, a car would be like proprietary software.  
Would it not be ridiculous and very bad for your freedom?

This is why educated people like free software.

[Trisquel-users] Sell installation disks to fund Trisquel GNU/Linux

2013-01-18 Thread moilami
I am wondering if project Trisquel could sell Trisquel GNU/Linux installation  
disks in order to get funds for development of Trisquel?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Interested in volunteering? Read this... update

2013-01-17 Thread moilami
Instead of spamming You could also take a look at and see how You can help?

Re: [Trisquel-users] dual boot with windows 7

2013-01-14 Thread moilami
You could just disable your internet connection when installing Toutatis by  
disconnecting the cable or from desktop environment use network tool to  
disable networking.

You can also type "sudo pkill wget" from console when the installation hangs.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Intel HD 4000 driver in Trisquel 6

2013-01-08 Thread moilami
I have Intel 4000 HD graphics too, and I installed a newer libre kernel Intel  
graphics updates from:

Standard Toutatis and Debian Wheezy have too old kernel and intel drivers for  
Ivy Bridge CPU and integrated graphics. They are too unstable for Ivy Bridge.  
Several times my whole machine hung with those, even though even Trisquel 5.5  
and Debian Squeeze booted to graphical desktop.

I don't remember exactly but it was maybe 3.4 series or 3.6 series kernel  
which begun to have stable Ivy Bridge support. 3.2 is crap for Ivy. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Interested in volunteering? Read this... update

2012-12-26 Thread moilami

Just a quick update on packaging.

The links above contain very interesting reading, but are mainly appropriate  
for developing Ubuntu and derivates of it using tools Ubuntu provides like  
launchpad etc. However, PPAs are quite excellent way to provide additional or  
alternative packages for Trisquel.

That said, first one needs to learn howto make deb packages. The following  
links give information how to get started.

A short guide

A long guide

There is tons of stuff to read, but it is all good reading and stuff to  

I will keep working on packaging and documenting it, time permitting, since  
it is something I definetly want to learn. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Unable to install in VirtualBox

2012-12-25 Thread moilami
It only happens if you install with networking enabled. I checked from logs  
what is happening.

It has happened at least with all Toutatis images, and with 5.5 images after  
the server stopped to respond.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Interested in volunteering? Read this... update

2012-12-24 Thread moilami

Thanks of the suggestions and links. Will begin to work on it.

I try packaging TripleA at first, and after that I should be able to make a  
first revised version for Trisquel of either of those packaging guides.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can not login to Trisquel 6.0 alpha Live CD

2012-12-24 Thread moilami

It worked when I made user "trisquel" and login with that user.

You might need to make password for the user too. It is done with "sudo  
passwd trisquel" command.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Unable to install in VirtualBox

2012-12-24 Thread moilami
The installation is trying to configure the fastest repository server by  
using wget to fetch files from servers. One server never responds, causing  
the installation just wait for a response.

If you open a console and type "sudo pkill wget" the installation should  
proceed forward.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Interested in volunteering? Read this... update

2012-12-23 Thread moilami
I am interested to make deb packages of games that are outdated in the repos  
or does not exist in repos at all.

Like UFO: Alien Invasion, Speed Dreams, TripleA, and World of Padman.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can not login to Trisquel 6.0 alpha Live CD

2012-12-23 Thread moilami
It seems you have encountered the same bug I once got. For some reason there  
is no default trisquel user. Did you use older beta image?

Anyway, to get over it do ctrl-alt-F1 to get a console and type "sudo adduser  
trisquel". Then alt-F7 or alt-F6 to get back to login screen. Now the login  
should be succesful.

"sudo restart gdm" might also work.

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibreCAD by default on Trisquel Edu

2012-12-12 Thread moilami
Dunno, if you say so I think there are reasons to do it. I have used QCad but  
have never heard of LibreCAD though.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Open Distribution, Closed Development

2012-12-11 Thread moilami
You know, there is this thing called big picture. There is Free Software  
movement. That's why "Trisquel GNU/Linux is just one distro taking advantage  
of other people work."

This is why there are so many ways to contribute. Even saying in your  
Facebook that you use this and that Free Software is contributing to the Free  
Software movement.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Open Distribution, Closed Development

2012-12-11 Thread moilami
It is an attack against free speech because the definition of free software  
is different between Debian and GNU.

Trisquel is effectively censoring Debian's definition of Free Software by  
excluding VRMS. If a government want to censor a newspaper, they read it in  
advance and tell what articles or words must be excluded.

There are reasons why VRMS reports GNU FDL docs as non-free.

However, there is no reason to exclude VRMS just because definitions of Free  
Software are different between FSF and Debian.

* * *

It seems people have hard time in understanding what censorship means. Lets  
look how Wikipedia defines it.

Censorship is the suppression of speech or other public communication which  
may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or inconvenient as  
determined by a government, media outlet, or other [b]controlling body[/b].  
It can be done by governments and private organizations or by individuals who  
engage in self-censorship. It occurs in a variety of different contexts  
including speech, books, music, films and other arts, the press, radio,  
television, and the Internet for a variety of reasons including national  
security, to control obscenity, child pornography, and hate speech, to  
protect children, to promote or [b]restrict political or religious views[/b],  
to prevent slander and libel, and to protect intellectual property.

Note that I was semi-active in Debian Devel List at those times when GNU FDL  
license was voted to be non-free license. I was very much against it, and  
stopped using Debian because of the result of the vote - and stopped trying  
to become a Debian dev too.

However, I still don't like that views of Debian about Free Software and  
licenses are censored.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Open Distribution, Closed Development

2012-12-11 Thread moilami

Trisquel GNU/Linux is just one distro taking advantage of other people work.


... I see, and you are not taking advantage of other people work? Are you  
using a computer?


Of course I am. I did not accuse anyone of anything. Just mentioned a fact.  
If you did not get the point since you wanted to selectively quote me, I can  
tell it again: I would rather fund GNOME, TripleA, Rawtherapee, and Gimp than  
Trisquel GNU/Linux.

The reason for that is that they need funding too, and they are preferred  
software for me I don't want to replace, even if I can. Trisquel, hmm, that I  
want to /replace/.

And all those projects I would like to fund are taking advantage of other  
people's work, which is a very good thing.


Well, perhaps you didn't see this:

Do you think they are part of Project GNU because of that?

Re: [Trisquel-users] On the Topic Release Schedule

2012-12-10 Thread moilami
It is an attack against free speech because the views are different between  
Debian and GNU. Different view of free software is not allowed by Trisquel if  
the package is removed.

A distro can of course select what packages it includes. But in this case  
additional work has been done to /exclude/ a package just because it uses  
debian guidelines for free software.

There are reasons why VRMS reports GNU FDL docs as non-free.

However, there is no reason to exclude VRMS.

VRMS is not pointless because it is a good joke. Also, VRMS could be  
developed to behave in a little bit same way as "your-freedom" package in  

Trisquel repos being free does not mean that the user of Trisquel would  
automatically use free software. Users can install software from some other  
places, and after that they can check does VRMS think their system is free.  
For example, I have heard people using Ubuntu PPAs in Trisquel, and I do it  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Open Distribution, Closed Development

2012-12-10 Thread moilami
Hmm, that reminds me how I could not make a print server in Parabola  
GNU/Linux with cups. It was not a major issue for me though, would had just  
been convenient.

Also Cups issues reminds me of my time with Gentoo. Interesting to hear that  
Cups still keeps buggering in rolling releases.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Open Distribution, Closed Development

2012-12-10 Thread moilami

Hmm, I don't think a fork would be needed for that.

One could just begin to work on more simple installation disk of Parabola for  
new users. But who would use it anyway? A marginal of a marginal. Maybe worth  

(For me the complexity to install Parabola GNU/Linux has never been an issue,  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Open Distribution, Closed Development

2012-12-10 Thread moilami

Trisquel GNU/Linux is just one distro taking advantage of other people work.

There is many ways to contribute to Free Software movement:

- use free software
- help people to use free software
- develop free software
- talk about free software

To accuse people not contributing if they don't fund Trisquel is very  
insulting. On the other hand, if I were able to fund financially something I  
would fund TripleA, Rawtherapee, GNOME, and Gimp to start with. Those are the  
most important projects for me.

Trisquel is attacking Free Speech in the name of Guidelines for Free Software  
Distributions + I would possibly only fund disto being officially part of  

Re: [Trisquel-users] On the Topic Release Schedule

2012-12-10 Thread moilami



Description: Purports to tell you about nonfree software on your system.
Problem: Incomplete, misleading, and not necessary for distributions that
 abide by the GFSD
Recommended Fix: Remove program/package
(Source) package name(s): vrms
Trisquel Status: Fixed (Package removed)

Man, this is so bad.

VRMS is Free Software. There is no reason to remove it just because it uses  
Debian's definition of Free Software.

For me Free Speech is 1 000 000 more important than Free Software. Removing  
vrms is outrageous attack against Free Speech.

Time to go back to Debian GNU/Linux or Parabola GNU/Linux, I guess.

Re: [Trisquel-users] On the Topic Release Schedule

2012-12-10 Thread moilami
To the OP: sounds very familiar. I was also a linux user, then found out  
about FSF, argued with Finnish Linux users should it be GNU/Linux or just  
Linux, stopped using Gentoo because of a message RMS posted to Gentoo mailing  
lists, used BLAG GNU/Linux, used gNewSense, was unable to use gNewSense  
because X4500HD Intel graphics were unsupported, used Trisquel GNU/Linux,  
used Kongoni GNU/Linux, used Parabola GNU/Linux, and now again using Trisquel  

Like someone said, Parabola is a good thing to try, especially if you want to  
play libre games. I don't use it because there is always very strange bugs  
with gthumb, namely, it doesn't show my RAW files correctly. Last time I also  
got bored in trying to get photo import from a camera to work on Parabola  
GNU/Linux. Other than that it has been a great distro and in my opinion by  
far the best libre distro.

It seems that Trisquel's strategy is to become funded for full-time  
development libre distro with the cost of ignoring volunteer help at this  
poing. Hope it works.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Unable to update kernel?

2012-11-29 Thread moilami

It should ask each time.

Nice you got it working.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Unable to update kernel?

2012-11-29 Thread moilami
There is possibly a version number bug, which makes your computer to think  
that you are installing a kernel already installed.

Your computer does not want to install the new kernel because it supposes you  
could have custom kernel modules installed with your old kernel, which the  
new kernel would delete, possibly making your computer not working anymore as  
it should.

This is actually update manager bug also. The update manager should give you  
a choise to update the kernel anyway, but it doesn't do that.

So you have to update manually. In the console type:

sudo apt-get upgrade

And select "update anyway" or something from the menu.

If that command does not upgrade your kernel, then type:

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Re: [Trisquel-users] More reasoning to use Startpage over Google

2012-11-26 Thread moilami
In the article was written that the suspect made searches like "22 ways to  
kill a man with bare hands" and someone else made searcher "foolproof  

Imagine someone saying to him/her that he knows 22 ways to kill you bare  
handed or how to suffocate you without leaving any evidence of that. Now the  
suspect is scared and want to know more can the threats be true. He/she makes  
searches and later those searches are used as evidence for murder.

Re: [Trisquel-users] More reasoning to use Startpage over Google

2012-11-26 Thread moilami
Interesting article. This is scary road. For example, someone having access  
to your computer makes that kind of searches and kill your wife. Your  
computer is examined and you are charged of murder.

This Google and Facebook, haha, it is funny to think that Google and Facebook  
can know more of you than your spouse. Actually, Google and Facebook can know  
more of you than anyone else.

Join EFF today!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fallback mode to disappear - DE brainstorming

2012-11-23 Thread moilami
You can find Intel Graphics in Desktops too. They used to be a chip on the  
motherboard, but the current generations has been integrated to the CPU. So,  
if you buy the right Intel CPU you get Intel Graphics too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fallback mode to disappear - DE brainstorming

2012-11-23 Thread moilami
"I'm afraid we will have to wait to see if gnome-shell can be run with more  
free friendly graphic cards than nowadays."

I commented that. There is only Intel doing Freedom Friendly graphics, and  
Gnome Shell has run very well since version 3.0 with Intel Graphics.

The fact that people buy shit chips requiring proprietary drivers should  
never limit what Gnome does. There were Intel Graphics with free drivers  
developed by intel (with no proprietary drivers even available), and Gnome  
Shell worked perfectly with them.

Many mainstream people want eye candy. However, Gnome Shell is not just eye  
candy. It is original design and not a redo of Windows 95. No offence to  
Trisquel, but its desktop is Windows 7 redo, though, Trisquel had it before  
Windows 7. That might be fine for many, especially for Windows users.

For me it is not fine because I enjoyed Gnome Shell right away when I used it  
first time. And the more I have used it, the more I like it. It is fluid,  
clear, efficient, and enjoyable user experience for me.

So, now as I use Toutatis, which have funny dependency conflicts making Gnome  
Shell uninstallable without hacking, I can only curse what 1900 sucky design  
desktop in Toutatis I have to use. It looks darn ugly, it is slow and  
cumbersome to use, it requires precision guided mouse clicking, urgh, it just  
suck so big time it is unbeliavable I use it. If I would not care of freedom  
I could as well use windows -_-

Anyway, I understand 3D acceleration problems people are having, and in my  
opinion a more traditional default desktop for Trisquel could be better for  
other reasons too. I will just install Gnome Shell when I can do it normally,  
so not defaulting to Gnome Shell is in my opinion a very good decision.

What would be the best traditional compromise desktop for Trisquel I can not  
tell. I have installed Gnome Shell to everyone except my aunt. For my aunt I  
did not install it because I predict she would totally freak out of it. The  
rest have enjoyed it a lot, and a 7 years old girl used it without problems,  
actually it was easier for her to use than traditional 95 legacy desktop.

Haha, what a rant I wrote.

Have a good weekend and lets all be glad there is choise.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fallback mode to disappear - DE brainstorming

2012-11-23 Thread moilami
Gnome Shell has worked a long time the best with FREEDOM FRIENDLY graphics,  
that is Intel Graphics, which have Free Drivers developed mainly by Intel.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Getting started; and Tanaris vs Brigantia

2012-11-15 Thread moilami

Pretty well said.

However, Magic Banana have a point too.

This game data problem is a huge one. It is ridiculous if you can't  
improve/reuse graphics, and share the results.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Getting started; and Tanaris vs Brigantia

2012-11-15 Thread moilami
In my opinion anyone have rights to read any book or watch any movie without  
paying a penny.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU OS

2012-11-15 Thread moilami

Well, there was a libre distro based on Slackware too. Talk about choise!

In my opinion it is very good to have libre derivatives of popular distros.

Maybe it takes another 5 years of evolution for one libre distro to get  
enough users and developers to be the leader of free distros, bettering the  
rest including the original.

I think 5 years ago there were no libre distros. Now we have 9 FSF approved.  
In my opinion it is progress, even though it is a mess.

Maybe the next step could be that one emerges above the rest. Or maybe the  
next step is that there will be three shining star libre distributions. The  
latter being hugely optimistical thinking.

If after 5 years the situation is the same it is now, then one maybe could  
argue that no progress has happened in 5 years.

GNU OS, in my opinion, should be released someday. Why it would not be, so to  
say, today?

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU OS

2012-11-15 Thread moilami


One True Distribution would by definition fulfill whatever needs.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU OS

2012-11-15 Thread moilami
I have been talking about /main/ libre distribution. Imagine it like Ubuntu,  
Debian, or Fedora, which have tons of derivatives.

I haven't said there should be only one libre distribution.

And you are wrong for saying there should not be one superior (main) libre  
distribution. It is like saying there should not be Fedora, Debian, or Ubuntu  
but instead a mess of distributions.

It is good to have a shining star leading the way.

Imagine it like this:

a) A mess of libre distributions.
b) One main libre distribution bettering a mess of libre distributions.


1. Which of the above situations describes best the current situation?
2. Which of the above situations would be better?

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU OS

2012-11-15 Thread moilami
Who said there is two exactly identical distributions? The point was that  
instead of actually improving the libre derivate distribution, people spend  
time in fixing freedom bugs from 10 different libre distribution. How is that  
not duplicate work? Another issue is different non freedom bugs, which must  
be fixed for a distro to become good. It doesn't matter are they similar  
between distros because they have to be fixed for each distro. So, actually,  
if they are different bugs like you said, then that just means more work  
because the solution to fix them does not work from one distro to another.

Now, lets go more abstract. I am sure you can handle this.

Let there be Y distributions with X bugs in each. Z people will be working on  
X * Y bugs, instead of Z people working on X bugs.


What is funny in all this is that people say that it is not worth it to do  
another libre distro, yet they say it is good to have 10 libre distros.

Double standard much?

Could you chose how it is, or is it so that 10 distros is The Holy Amount of  
distros xD

Anyway, have had enough of arguing about this here. In the first place I just  
wanted to say my opinion without beginning to argue about it.

You are free to have your opinions, they can be different than mine, and we  
can still get along, I think.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU OS

2012-11-15 Thread moilami
If something, then maintaining 10 different super minority libre distros is  
absurd waste of resources, and reinventing a wheel is genius when compared.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU OS

2012-11-15 Thread moilami

Someone said good things below are just a fantasy.

The good things would be:

1. It could exist as long as FSF exists.
2. It could become the main libre distribution, effectively obsoleting other  
libre distributions, which in turn unites the shattered community.

* * *

I remind that GNU project was a fantasy. Linux was a fantasy. Sage was  
fantasy. Everyone who believed in those fantasies has been blamed to be crazy  
and out of mind.

Someone said fragmentation is good because there is diversity like in cola  
drinks. That is, however, apples and oranges analogy. There is no bugs to fix  
in cola drinks and it is great if there is sustainable business for 1000  
different cola drinks.

But a cola drink have nothing to do with OS. It is bad if there are 10  
different sucky libre operating systems, each of them failing to fix bugs,  
when there could be one main libre system which could be developed to be  
superior derivate.

Why should there be 10 extreme minority libre distros, even if they would  
manage to fix bugs. Why to fix the same bugs in 10 different libre distros,  
when bugs could be fixed in one distro?

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU OS

2012-11-14 Thread moilami

I have actually years ago installed GNU Hurd. Good times lol.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU OS

2012-11-14 Thread moilami

Not really.

The good things would be:

1. It could exist as long as FSF exists.
2. It could become the main libre distribution, effectively obsoleting other  
libre distributions, which in turn unites the shattered community.

At least two very good things exist. If very good reasons exist, then it is  
not in vain to do something.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU OS

2012-11-14 Thread moilami

I could volunteer for GNU OS.

Re: [Trisquel-users] trisquel install hanging

2012-11-09 Thread moilami

sudo pkill wget

should get the installation to continue.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The Economics of Free Software

2012-11-07 Thread moilami

Very good reading!

I especially liked that "extraordinary profits are just that --  
extra-ordinary" part.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How many of you dual-boot

2012-10-24 Thread moilami

You think it was a joke xD

In 2000 I noticed that Windows 98 is wasting space in my 8 GB HD. I used  
GNU/Linux from 2000 to 2006 exclusively. Then I begun to play some games and  
dual booted at times up to this summer. Usually though it was too much of a  
hassle to boot to Windows for games, and I used Windows for nothing else than  

I could get legally  from my school Everything else from MS but MS Office for  
free and use them for non commercial purposes forever. I don't take them  
because I much more prefer superior GNU/Linux system to inferior MS system.  
MS products just suck too much to even take it for free as in free beer.

How awfull how quicly the time goes lol.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Toutatis for server now?

2012-10-24 Thread moilami

Good work, which also fits perfectly under the topic :D

I did not know Trisquel have that nice text based installer. It is good to  

Re: [Trisquel-users] A good reason to use a stable distribution instead of a rolling one

2012-10-24 Thread moilami
Note I wrote "if you do a full reinstall", which I do always. In that you  
install everything from scratch, which is effectively like your system would  
had broken.

Yeah, I know I would not have to do a full reinstall.

Re: [Trisquel-users] A good reason to use a stable distribution instead of a rolling one

2012-10-24 Thread moilami

[root@liekune ~]# pacman -Qdt
[root@liekune ~]#

No non-free software. The package "your-freedom" should had removed them when  
I installed it because it conflicts with non-free packages.

Indeed the multimedia keys does not work. I only use them to adjust volume  
though, but for that I find them very handy and much better than to use  

I use gnome-shell, it is good to have a system where gnome is not broken or  
altered in some peculiar ubunty way. Also, it is nice to have a much better  
control what you install in the first place. Parabola GNU/Linux is a very  
good tool in building my "own distribution" for my needs.

Re: [Trisquel-users] A good reason to use a stable distribution instead of a rolling one

2012-10-24 Thread moilami
"Stable" Ubuntu systems basicly break two times a year when you upgrade to  
the next STS, if you do a full reinstall.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How many of you dual-boot

2012-10-24 Thread moilami

No dual booting here.

Re: [Trisquel-users] A good reason to use a stable distribution instead of a rolling one

2012-10-24 Thread moilami

Oh that's very ugly.

I dunno about the topic. I just installed Archlinux and migrated it to  
Parabola GNU/Linux. Will probs move to use Parabola at home, if it works.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free Software Awards: Nominations

2012-10-19 Thread moilami
Chris made good points. I agree with him. The award should go to one who  
deserves it because of what (s)he has done and not because of gender.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Script to remove nonfree software from Ubuntu

2012-10-19 Thread moilami
It is not a reason good enough to blacklist Free Software because it is  
buggy. I don't understand why VRMS is blacklisted. It is an attack to Free  
Speech to blacklist VRMS.

I remember using years ago VRMS just for fun. I saw it was buggy, but it did  
not matter because I never considered it as a serious program but just a  
programming excercise and joke.

The right way to deal with VRMS is to send patches to the dev which make VRMS  
less buggy, and to inform users that it is buggy. The wrong way is to  
blacklist VRMS.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Midori makes internet think you run Safari and Mac

2012-10-18 Thread moilami
It is a bug in Internet. There are sites which only allow you to see the  
content if you use a browser they approve. Usually that is because they don't  
bother to do standards compliant sites.

To get around that bug by making a browser to cheat its true identity is  
kinda ugly hack because it affects the statistics, which affect what the devs  
approve as a browser to use to see their sites.

So to make a bug of Midori because it cheats its true identity is good. One  
should make Midori cheat its identity to the sites which refuse you to see  
the content with unapproved browsers.

Thanks anyway of your note. I can pay attention to it myself. In Toutatis the  
setting for ID is "automatic". I haven't yet checked how it works, but  
probably it works good because some sites try to say to me that they do not  
work with my browser and that I should get a better browser lol.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 6.0 Alpha Images

2012-10-18 Thread moilami
Been using Trisquel 6.0 Toutatis dev version for some time now and I have to  
say it works great now for my needs.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Toutatis for server now?

2012-10-17 Thread moilami
Exactly. That is what I am trying to show to them. I firmly believe Sage is  
better than Matlab for teaching mathematics. If they see that too, there is  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Toutatis for server now?

2012-10-17 Thread moilami
Hmm, they are combining IT-resources of several schools. My school will be  
combined with some other school, there is no way that giant organisation  
would pay anything to me. I am about 99% sure that they will trash Sage  
alltogether not long after I am gone. That's why I hope I can do my best in  
educating the mathematics teachers about the Sage so that they want to use  
it. Some teachers has been quite enthusiastic of it already, and why would  
they not be? Sage is very awesome especially for schools.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Toutatis for server now?

2012-10-17 Thread moilami
That is a very interesting concept and it could be the best way to go in  
theory. However, to know what should be upgraded because of a security bug  
fixed would be far too hard, and at some point some update could force other  
things you don't want to update to become updated, unless you backport  
security fixes by yourself, which is not that easy to do properly.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Toutatis for server now?

2012-10-17 Thread moilami
Trisquel GNU/Linux is viable for a server. But for Sage in school, hmm, there  
can be more viable OS. Sucks it can be that way.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Toutatis for server now?

2012-10-17 Thread moilami
I think the standard text installer does not offer you a chance to install  
non-free software. Expert installer does do that. It asks if you want to  
enable non-free and contrib.

For GNU manuals it could be best to install gnu manuals deb from gNewSense.  
They have made one, and by installing it you don't have to enable contrib or  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Toutatis for server now?

2012-10-17 Thread moilami
No probs, and be free to derail and hijack as much as you want threads  
started by me. I am a child of Usenet/Sfnet in my Internet life, hence I am  
not bothered at all who talks what and where. In Sfnet someone started a  
topic, some people maybe talked about the topic but usually very quicly  
several people were talking OT as much as they wanted. If someone would had  
said "this is my thread" people would had laughed so hard that several of  
them could had died of heart attack.

As an update by my side I can tell that I at first installed Ubuntu LTS to  
the school because I noticed Toutatis still have packages named *ubuntu*,  
which would had meant that every single package would had been upgraded at  
some point. I however very quicly became pissed of Ubuntu as each time I  
booted the machine I saw some "manage this server in ""  
login greeter. The final thing pissing me off was that I had to write a  
custom init script, and I read that Ubuntu uses Upstart. The benefits of  
Upstart were mainly for desktop machines, IMHO, so I thought fuck this shit  
gimme System V init or GTFO.

As a result I installed stable Debian and was very happy. Seriously, for  
important servers I rather play it as safe as I can. One  failure on the  
server is simply too much, if it can be avoidable with different OS. So,  
goodbye support for 5 years and hello maximum performance with Free Software.

I think Red Hat Enterprise or Cent OS could be alternatives for Debian, but  
since I am so much on the .deb camp in general I don't have to make things  
more difficult by considering them. Debian GNU/Linux should be 100% free  
without non-free and contrib repositories, which are not enabled by default.

Anyway, in my opinion Parabola GNU/Linux people have done the best job. They  
are not saying "it is upstream bug lol no can do" but have done impressive  
job in making Parabola better than the distro it is based on. I have used  
Parabola as a server in my home, and it worked like a charm. I would not use  
Parabola for anything serious though because it is rolling releases. For  
serious servers things are best to not change untill they must change.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Found it. GNU Art (and so legal info for mr Thinkpenguin.)

2012-10-16 Thread moilami

That's good stuff to support business.

Re: [Trisquel-users] A FSF supported project needs help: mediagoblin

2012-10-15 Thread moilami
Last time I heard they are not doing so good. GNU/Linux has been all the rage  
at least 12 years or more.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Tegskywalker needs help

2012-10-15 Thread moilami
Quiliro asked some interesting and good questions. I am waiting for the  
answers. And as a member of Free Software movement I think we should take  
care of those not so mature members and hope they grow up and become better  
people in general, if possible. Call it social responsibility, if you must,  
the phrase businesses used to tout around.

Re: [Trisquel-users] A FSF supported project needs help: mediagoblin

2012-10-15 Thread moilami

Just ask how *BSDs are doing.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Tegskywalker needs help

2012-10-14 Thread moilami

Ah, I see it now and I agree xD

Re: [Trisquel-users] Tegskywalker needs help

2012-10-14 Thread moilami
Lol, a good question and I dunno, maybe they are Ninja Moderatars - u never  
see them xD

Re: [Trisquel-users] Tegskywalker needs help

2012-10-14 Thread moilami

I have understood that we have a moderator here.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Tegskywalker needs help

2012-10-14 Thread moilami
I think there is a real problem. Usually if people dare to start this kind of  
topic and with their real name, there is a real problem. The OP named a few  
problems already. So, if there really is a person who only trolls and  
complains and makes no effort to work for Free Software, and if the problem  
becomes so big that one is ready to talk about it here with his own name -  
knowing for sure how it can feed the troll - then I think a lot has already  
been done and asking for more would be about the same as ignoring the problem  
instead of doing something to it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] abrowser version

2012-10-13 Thread moilami

It most certainly does.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Toutatis for server now?

2012-10-11 Thread moilami
I am not sure what it will be. It has been information technology and  
computer engineering.

I actually did not have plans to do a thesis related to Free Software either  
at first. I had other plans more into economics. It would had been highly  
theoretical and 100% fun project for me. But then I spoke about GNU Octave  
with one Mathematics teacher who taught us basics of Matlab. Later we talked  
more and he said that maybe a thesis could be done of GNU Octave. I agreed  
right away.

Re: [Trisquel-users] abrowser version

2012-10-11 Thread moilami

Ok, that's a great attitude and I think you can do it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Toutatis for server now?

2012-10-11 Thread moilami

Hmm, FSF mirror, thanks of the suggestion. Now I think Trisquel it shall be.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Toutatis for server now?

2012-10-11 Thread moilami
The only problem with Trisquel for this server is will the server in  
sources.list address exist next 5 years. If I could be as sure of that as I  
can be of that will exist next 5 years there would be no  

To get some knowledge of that I would have to know better who exactly is  
maintaining current Trisquel mirrors or the official Trisquel mirror.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Toutatis for server now?

2012-10-11 Thread moilami

I could easily use Trisquel for servers I maintain.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Toutatis for server now?

2012-10-11 Thread moilami

Hey and thank you very much of the suggestions, much appreciated.

I know of Octave. Years ago I had plans with a mathematics teacher to do my  
thesis of Octave as a replacement for Matlab.

Now we talked about GNU Octave too, but then I found Sage, which is a very  
interesting alternative in mathematical analysis and what not in schools  
because of the web browser interface, server/client model, feature to share  
and publish worksheets, individual user accounts with disk space for  
worksheets, and because Sage uses Python by itself.

Sage has gathered and united nearly 100 Mathematical Free Software programs  
under one and same user interface, which means you can in theory do tons of  
stuff by just installing one package. Among those are GNU Octave, so you can  
actually use Octave from Sage, if there is a reason for that.

My job is now to install and configure Sage for the school and educate the  
teachers how to use Sage. Next month I will have to get a new job xD So I am  
not maintaining Sage on the school, and that's why I want to make them a  
system which is running without problems after 5 years. Thus upgrading the OS  
after a year or so is not a choise.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How I fixed my suspend issue

2012-10-11 Thread moilami
Yeah, using Flash is the most underrated example how non-free software can  
suck. It compromises security in your computer, you can't do anything to fix  
it, and some think they are forced to use it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] abrowser version

2012-10-11 Thread moilami
One said he could patch FF, but that he haven't patched anything before. The  
offer is appreciated but it implies that patching would be trivial. It is not  
unless you get the patch from somewhere. If you have to make the patch, then  
it is not trivial.

Re: [Trisquel-users] abrowser version

2012-10-11 Thread moilami

Heh, the joy of the "latest and greatest".

Re: [Trisquel-users] Toutatis for server now?

2012-10-11 Thread moilami
Well, I think I must go for maximum customer satisfaction with Free Software.  
If I ever start a real business that will be my guiding principle.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How I fixed my suspend issue

2012-10-11 Thread moilami
Interesting, but I don't need flash and it is not installed on my computer. I  
am very lucky to not need it.

I can watch stuff from Youtube, mostly vids, and those work  
flawlessly at 1080p on my  few years old X4500HD Intel integrated graphics  
chip, were they HTML5 or Flash, for what I use with Gnash.

Before Gnash was usable I noticed that if some website required Flash I  
missed nothing when not being able to see it. It is not like there would be  
lack of flashless content in Internet.

[Trisquel-users] Toutatis for server now?

2012-10-11 Thread moilami
(This topic serves two purposes. At first it serves as an encouragement for  
students to go for Free Software solutions. Unexpectedly good results can  
happen by doing that. The second purpose is for me to become aware of things  
I haven't thought myself.)

Alright, I have finished my bachelor's thesis. Very surprisingly my (sucky)  
thesis about Sage as a replacement for Matlab in higher education rose  
interest in the teachers on my school. Now my job is to install and configure  
Sage server for my school, and educate Mathematics teachers to use Sage. It  
is greatly awesome beyond words that those doctorates of mathematics and  
physics are interested enough about Sage so that they are willing to spend  
time watching me demonstrate Sage and talk about Sage. So, go for it people  
with Free Software. You can never know what you can do with it.

Now to the next issue.

I need to install Sage server for my school. The options for OS are:

-Debian: Either stable or testing. The bad thing about stable is that it will  
be soon replaced with current testing version and hence not supported so long  
as current Ubuntu or Toutatis. The bad thing about testing version is that it  
is testing version and possibly not so secure.

-Ubuntu: The very good thing about Ubuntu is that just a moment ago LTS  
version of it was released. So in theory the same Ubuntu server could be used  
next 5 years.

Trisquel: Toutatis is the only version of Trisquel to consider. The good  
thing is that Toutatis is basicly current Ubuntu LTS, so it should be stable  
and secure and supported for a long time. However, Toutatis is not ready yet,  
and even though there might be no differences between packages on the server  
installation without X-server between Toutatis and ubuntu LTS, is it too  
risky to make the server of Toutatis at this point? Is there plans to support  
Toutatis for the same time as curernt Ubuntu LTS is to be supported?

What would you chose :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] How I fixed my suspend issue

2012-10-11 Thread moilami
Well, I know that none to whom I have installed GNU/Linux would not use it if  
they would have to stop using Flash.

Everyone using Flash does not solve the flash problem, but everyone using MS  
so that they can use Flash does not help a bit people to migrate to  

So you have two choises: a very bad choise and less bad choise. The very bad  
choise does not include anything good. It is completely and totally bad. The  
less bad choise includes something good. People can begin to learn to see  
that MS is not the only choise, and more demand for GNU/Linux support can  

In Finland broadcasting companies use Silverlight in their websites for  
streaming video. The national broadcasting company YLE (similar to BBC in  
England) and one other company does not. There is also a company who rents  
movies by using Silverlight. None of those work with Moonlight, and thanks of  
your link, now I can lose officially my hope in that they ever would.

Anyway, I may try to solve broadcasting etc. flash/silverlight problems by  
buying almost the same content and much better service from one awesome  
company in Finland who supports Free Software. I never watch TV, but my wife  
does, and I can't be horrible dictator saying that this policy prohibits you  
from doing what you want to do.

Regarding Skype, her relatives use it with her, but I managed to get her  
mother and her to try google talk/video (which needed some sort of  
proprieatary plugin). I wished they would had begun to use that because then  
I could had guided my wife to use Empathy/Pidgin. They did not, and one thing  
is quite sure: her 75 year old grandfather and 80 years old grandmother does  
not begin to use anything else than Skype since they have learned it.

It sucks, but there is not much what you can do before becoming an asshole.  
Free Software is good and important but better still not become an asshole  
but rather let people have freedoms they want in a same way you want freedom.  
If the "freedom" is forced upon them by you, then there is not much  
difference between you and those who try to take the freedom away from you. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] restricted formats, proprietary education software

2012-10-11 Thread moilami
Yeah, but it doesn't change the fact he supports non-free software by chosing  
to use it instead of boycotting whenever he can.

He has written even more about using non-free software. I remember that  
because years ago when I was unhappy to use proprieatary tools in programming  
in school I read RMS saying that it is not a problem. But the problem did not  
go away by RMS saying it is not a problem, and I made a decision to not use  
non-free software even in school, which took the problem away :D

I have though used at times www-browser and OS underneath it even I would not  
have to. That is something I will stop doing though, because I feel there is  
a problem which goes away if I don't use that non-free software. Besides it  
makes just good to use less www browser. There are other things to do, like  
go to a library and read something from a book or magazine.

Re: [Trisquel-users] abrowser version

2012-10-11 Thread moilami
Hmm, patching stuff is not trivial unless someone has made it to be trivial.  
If you are doing it to be trivial you need quite some skills in programming  
and you have to understand the software you are patching, else nasty ooops  
can happen.

Re: [Trisquel-users] abrowser version

2012-10-11 Thread moilami
Yeah, I have been thinking that too. But why you want it to be based on  
Ubuntu? I am interested to know why.

In my opinion Debian is a better choise because it does not have that much  
trademark and branding things like Ubuntu and when it gets good supplement  
repos the fact that there is not two annual distribution releases per year  
can release resources to keep the supplement repos in good condition.

On the other hand Ubuntu is a little bit more polished for average user and  
that average user can get more software installed out of repos (users must be  
able to do what they want to do). The polishing issue though should be solved  
by forking a polished version of Debian, and the software out of repos should  
be solved by good supplement repos.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How I fixed my suspend issue

2012-10-11 Thread moilami
Just note by the way that I fully support the policy of not helping people to  
use non-free software in Trisquel Forum, and I wont do that. Those who want  
to get help to use non-free software can get that help from Ubuntu forums.

I value highly this kind of 100% committed to Free Software distribution and  
community, even though I install that distribution to some machines and then  
Flash on top of it. But try ask me howto install Flash here :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] How I fixed my suspend issue

2012-10-11 Thread moilami
I have actually read everything many times and more what has been pasted here  
about RMS. Still I am very interested to read what he has said in order to  
see if there is something new for me.

In my opinion this is about how you climb to a tree to grab an apple. You can  
do it using your hands and succeed or you can restrict yourself and try it  
without your hands and never succeed.

So in my opinion the first step is to get significant "critical mass" of  
GNU/Linux users so that their needs matter to the devs and content holders.  
The more we get GNU/Linux users, the more we will also get people who  
understand the importance and goodness of Free Software in addition to that  
more users can mean more support to GNU/Linux devs.

You could grab an apple from a tree without using your hands, but it might  
require a lot more work to do to kick ladders under the tree so you could  
reach the apple with your bare teeths.

It is much better to have 1M of GNU/Linux users of which 10 000 is very  
concerned of Free Software than to have 100 000 GNU/Linux users of which 1000  
is very concerned of Free Software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How I fixed my suspend issue

2012-10-11 Thread moilami
By the way this topic needs more discussion so that it is better understood  
for it is an important topic.

I have friends and some of them has been using years GNU/Linux even though  
they are not at all computer people. They say that it is better than Windows.  
That is only possible because I install Flash and Skype for them, Skype only  
if they use Skype and using XMPP via Gmail does not work for them. If the  
hardware they have works with non-proprietary software I install Trisquel for  
them, and naturally install Flash from Ubuntu repos or from Adobe. If the  
hardware does not work without proprieatary software I install Ubuntu for  
them (without Unity, I don't want to teach people to become attached to  

The difference what those users make is that they contribute to the  
statistics on websites. If statistics say, for example, that 30% of the  
visitors are using GNU/Linux, then website devs will have to begin to pay  
more attention to the people using GNU/Linux. Now the statistics say maybe  
about 1% and the devs don't give a shit. The result is that the devs can  
easily make sites which does not work on GNU/Linux, and if the websites does  
not work with GNU/Linux then the masses wont ever want to use GNU/Linux.

This is especially important because of that (fucking) Silverlight. Moonlight  
lags so much behind of Silverlight that websites using Silverligh does not  
work with Moonlight unless you do tricks like hack the version number of  
Moonlight to be the same as the latest required Silverlight (and wish the  
best). If you don't do that (and masses don't do it ever), the website just  
says "please upgrade your Silverlight", which you can't do. With (fucking)  
Flash we don't at least have those problems (yet) and the world is a little  
bit better place for Free Software.

So, in the end it is better to install Trsiquel to people and then Flash or  
whatever they need, if that makes them happy and they stay inside the Free  
Software community. They become aware of Trisquel and some can even become  
attached to Trisquel. People become so very attached to Apple that they don't  
need that Flash on Apple tablets and iphones. The same can sometimes happen  
with Trisquel and people will be happy to use Trisquel even if they can't use  
Flash. You can help it to happen. Every little thing done for good helps and  
is a step forward.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How I fixed my suspend issue

2012-10-11 Thread moilami

You are doing it right.

The step to way of non-mainstream OS (µ$) is a huge step for normal people.  
There is no way they will keep doing it if they can't use their computer as  
they want.

This reminds me of the case when I consulted one organisation in moving to  
Free Software. I said things will work and people will manage with it as long  
as you install Sun Java and Flash, which are proprietary software. He said  
why Flash. I said because your workers browse web and want to see all kind of  
Flash stuff they get links onto (they even want to see advertisements  
correctly so that the pages look more beautiful). He said they do that yes,  
but if they don't have Flash and can't install it, then they can't do it. I  
said if they can't do it they will rise a helluva fight against GNU/Linux and  
without a reason. He said then they do it, it doesn't matter.

I did my best in trying to convince him that Flash is mandatory, but I  
failed. What happened in the organisation was that they used GNU/Linux and  
were able to do things with it, except not see content using Flash. That  
pissed them so much and turned them away of GNU/Linux that in the end the  
organisation had to revert back to Windows.

I am very sure those workers wont even think to try to use GNU/Linux in their  
personal machines ever. They have got terrible bad experience of GNU/Linux,  
and more, they will spread the bad word. It is very probable that they will  
never ever buy a computer having only GNU/Linux installed. Things like that  
is just bad for the Free Software movement. It is complete loss. So, it is  
definetly the best to try take care of the users - else you will lose them,  
and at worst you will lose them forever and not only them but some people  
around them.

Re: [Trisquel-users] restricted formats, proprietary education software

2012-10-11 Thread moilami
> "If I am visiting somewhere and the machines available nearby happen to  
contain non-free software, through no doing of mine, I don't refuse to touch  
them. I will use them briefly for tasks such as browsing. This limited usage  
doesn't give my assent to the software's license, or make me responsible its  
being present in the computer, or make me the possessor of a copy of it, so I  
don't see an ethical obligation to refrain from this."

In my opinion using those is accepting those are being used (in school) and  
hence supporting non-free software. I am quite surprised to see how liberal  
Stallman is in that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless card configuration

2012-10-11 Thread moilami
I did not point at you. It was just a general note what I wrote. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu's new model: donate money for new features. Will it affect Trisquel?

2012-10-10 Thread moilami
Hmm, in my opinion they have always been on that path. It is just a long road  
before they can succeed in it. It is to be seen will they ever.

Re: [Trisquel-users] one week in :)

2012-10-10 Thread moilami

Hey and welcome. You are doing it right :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu's new model: donate money for new features. Will it affect Trisquel?

2012-10-10 Thread moilami
Ubuntu should have dowloading instructions in as many languages as possible.  
Debian can dynamically change the language of the content on its website to  
the preferred language the user has chosen in web browser.

If Ubuntu can't do the same in their website for at least the major  
languages, then that is total fail. Everyone does not understand English.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu's new model: donate money for new features. Will it affect Trisquel?

2012-10-09 Thread moilami
It means they can get people to donate more money, which can be used to to  
improve Ubuntu.

Re: [Trisquel-users] abrowser version

2012-10-09 Thread moilami
Hmm, alright, it is worth to start searching with DuckDuckGo first then.  
Thanks of the info.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread moilami
Just noticed that you have written updates. This forum where you can inject  
messages between messages is confusing.

I am very sorry and pissed to hear what happened after your great success. I  
probably would drop the class without even giving it a second thought (after  
negotiating with the teacher and telling him that alright, I will take FAIL  
as a grade if I must use the Flash thingy). The thing just is that I am an  
reckless idiot xD

If the subject you are studying is worthwhile to you I could recommend you to  
just keep going, and keep the flag high. You did great job.

Re: [Trisquel-users] abrowser version

2012-10-09 Thread moilami
That Mycroft sounds good. DuckDuckGo is kinda meh, and good for simple  
searches only. Many times I have to do my searching with Google after trying  
first DuckDuckGo.

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