"I'm afraid we will have to wait to see if gnome-shell can be run with more free friendly graphic cards than nowadays."

I commented that. There is only Intel doing Freedom Friendly graphics, and Gnome Shell has run very well since version 3.0 with Intel Graphics.

The fact that people buy shit chips requiring proprietary drivers should never limit what Gnome does. There were Intel Graphics with free drivers developed by intel (with no proprietary drivers even available), and Gnome Shell worked perfectly with them.

Many mainstream people want eye candy. However, Gnome Shell is not just eye candy. It is original design and not a redo of Windows 95. No offence to Trisquel, but its desktop is Windows 7 redo, though, Trisquel had it before Windows 7. That might be fine for many, especially for Windows users.

For me it is not fine because I enjoyed Gnome Shell right away when I used it first time. And the more I have used it, the more I like it. It is fluid, clear, efficient, and enjoyable user experience for me.

So, now as I use Toutatis, which have funny dependency conflicts making Gnome Shell uninstallable without hacking, I can only curse what 1900 sucky design desktop in Toutatis I have to use. It looks darn ugly, it is slow and cumbersome to use, it requires precision guided mouse clicking, urgh, it just suck so big time it is unbeliavable I use it. If I would not care of freedom I could as well use windows -_-

Anyway, I understand 3D acceleration problems people are having, and in my opinion a more traditional default desktop for Trisquel could be better for other reasons too. I will just install Gnome Shell when I can do it normally, so not defaulting to Gnome Shell is in my opinion a very good decision.

What would be the best traditional compromise desktop for Trisquel I can not tell. I have installed Gnome Shell to everyone except my aunt. For my aunt I did not install it because I predict she would totally freak out of it. The rest have enjoyed it a lot, and a 7 years old girl used it without problems, actually it was easier for her to use than traditional 95 legacy desktop.

Haha, what a rant I wrote.

Have a good weekend and lets all be glad there is choise.

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