Re: [Trisquel-users] System76. A step in the right direction.

2017-12-03 Thread trisqit
It may not have seemed like an important point to Marketing. But the first  
post of the Reddit thread linked above, by their engineer, mentions it by  

Re: [Trisquel-users] System76. A step in the right direction.

2017-12-02 Thread trisqit

> More

No argument there.

Even so, this alone is enough to put System76 in first place when it comes to  
replacing my laptop in a few months. ( is charging several hundred  
dollars more for a comparable IME-disabled machine.)

Here's hoping ZAReason, ThinkPenguin, et. al. follow suit and widen the field  
of choices. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] About systemd

2017-09-14 Thread trisqit
“Hyperbola is a Free Software and Free Culture project aiming to provide a  
fully free as in freedom GNU/Linux distribution called Hyperbola  
GNU/Linux-libre. It is based on the packages of the Arch GNU/Linux plus  
security and stability patches of Debian GNU/Linux, with packages optimized  
for i686 and x86_64 CPUs under a Long Term Support (LTS) way. Hyperbola aims  
to keep its package and management tools simple, stable and secure. The  
primary goal is to give the user complete control over their system with 100%  
Free Software and Free Culture.”

“As systemd doesn’t follow our Social Contract, we have decided to remove  
it and use OpenRC as our default init system. The decision means that the  
Stable v0.1 will be the first and the last version supporting systemd.”

Re: [Trisquel-users] Feud between Chris & Francis Over! (I think)

2015-10-15 Thread trisqit

I bought me a TPenguin.

I bought a Francis X200 too.

But when the jxself laptop comes out, I promise to buy two.

: )

[Trisquel-users] Linux Luddites Ep 28

2014-11-11 Thread trisqit

Comprehensive podcast-based review of Trisquel 7.

These guys are definitely not libre purists. While they praise the distro on  
certain scores, the main utitlity of the review is in seeing how smart people  
from the outside view what Trisquel is trying to accomplish.


Direct link to the .ogg:

Re: [Trisquel-users] vPro

2013-06-23 Thread trisqit
I completely agree on the Klein and Snowden thing. But given all that  
bullshit, I'm not sure that the buggy features of this or that chip are worth  

If they're pulling a copy of all our traffic (and it seems clear that they  
are), then running a compromised chip is only represents a minor improvement  
in their ability to look in on you.

So if it's privacy you're after, the only way to get there is to type things  
into any computer you like ... but only after you've ripped out the ethernet  
and wireless and completely disconnected that box, so that there is no  

The military-industrial autocrats have put us in a situation where the  
solution to this problem no longer exists for the average person on the  
technological side.

The only true remedies remaining to us are political.

Re: [Trisquel-users] vPro

2013-06-23 Thread trisqit
If anything, you have to worry more. They just love letting themselves off  
the hook by saying we're only really putting our major effort into tracking  
those foreigners. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] vPro

2013-06-23 Thread trisqit

You do know how the Internet works, right?

And that ambassadors are paid to say that stuff?

Re: [Trisquel-users] vPro

2013-06-23 Thread trisqit

It probably is, for most of us.

But you live in Canada and run an adblock add-on, so you probably have  
nothing to worry about anyway. Problem solved.

:  )

(Seriously, if and when I find anything out, I'll post it.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Penguin GNU / Linux Laptop /w 1920x1080 Matte Screen Now Shipping

2013-06-22 Thread trisqit

I agree that this is a feature I'd rather not have around.

I agree that there's no particular reason to trust Intel.

On the other hand, it's (maybe/probably) not designed with nefarious intent.  
There's a pretty obvious answer to your why the hell would you do that!  
question, and it's hinted at in the flack piece you linked to. The feature  
makes computers easier to administer in large numbers, without having to  
physically send a tech to where the problem box lives. So their big  
enterprise customers are happy, and that's what they care about--not the tiny  
fraction of us individuals who care passionately about privacy.

This sort of crap exists in software form all over the userland of most  
companies, and it's usually very difficult or impossible to remove, or even  
see clearly most of the time.

The most troubling part of this version is how deeply it's baked into the  

Next time I boot, I'll try to remember to have a look at their but you can  
turn it off claim.

I appreciate you guys giving them hell for it, for what it's worth.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Two Questions

2013-06-21 Thread trisqit
Very useful discussion, Fabian. Thanks for the post and the linkage. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adskipping

2013-06-19 Thread trisqit
It was passed, but they've pushed back the deadline a few times to give the  
marketers more time to comply or some crap.

(For those who don't know, this sub-thread is talking about an internal US  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are most of you free software extremists?

2013-06-19 Thread trisqit
Thanks QG. Your opinion is more generous than most people, who seem to think  
that because they can't Friend me or Like me or Tweet me, I must be  
some kind of cave-dwelling luddite.

Of course, I might be!

But either way, no pictures of my cave remodelling project will ever hit the  
social media.

:  )

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are most of you free software extremists?

2013-06-19 Thread trisqit
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. --Barry Goldwater, of all  

Bruce Perens was instrumental in writing the Open Source Definition, and  
somewhere I read once that his idea was to bring Stallman's concepts out of  
the closet in a way that would have wider marketing appeal (especially to  
capitalists). The intention wasn't evasion, it was putting a face on it that  
would sell better.

I think Bruce Perens is smart and witty and talented. I enjoy reading his  
acerbic posts on Slashdot sometimes. But I'm not at all sure open source  
was such a good idea, in terms of the long game. And the long game is where  
RMS excels. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are most of you free software extremists?

2013-06-18 Thread trisqit

I'm an extremist because:

--I usually agree with RMS, and I'll spend plenty of time and money and  
effort into protecting and preserving my freedoms, and deny myself many  
popular functionalities (Facebook for example) in that effort.

I'm a moderate because:

--I didn't throw away my Mac when  I got my Linux system. I love Manjaro. I'm  
not going to run around with a Lemote Yeelong. And, I'm more interested in  
getting my work done efficiently than I am in getting it done purely.

I'm something else because:

I don't really care if the Year of the Linux Desktop never comes ... in the  
same way I didn't really care if my vote for a Green presidential candidate  
was 'wasted'. Expanding adoption of the best policies, whether they be  
technical or political, leads inevitably to dilution, compromise, and the  
money  vultures flocking. I'm looking at you, Mark Shuttleworth.

I'll live my life as I see best. Hang out where I can find like-minded souls  
like ya'll. And continue to studiously ignore the whiners, whether they're  
calling me an extremist or a bipartisan tool or worse. Their opinion just  
doesn't count for much, in mine. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Occultic origin of Ubuntu?

2013-06-18 Thread trisqit

If Mark actually were an evil occultist with a hidden agenda ...

I'd probably like him better than I do.

: )

Re: [Trisquel-users] PRISM break with Trisquel and Free Software

2013-06-17 Thread trisqit


To let *anyone's*  list decide for you what is ethical (or not) is to make  
the same mistake that fundamentalist religionists make all the time--to take  
a text as gospel and turn off your brain.

The FSF's strict standards are a good thing. I support them, and they have a  

But that use is not to be the sole arbiter of what is Ethical and what is  

Re: [Trisquel-users] PRISM break with Trisquel and Free Software

2013-06-17 Thread trisqit
I just watched the Stallman vid on Ubuntu spyware that someone linked again  
in another thread.

He says, roughly, that most distributions contain some ethical flaws.

A much more precise and accurate thing than saying Not On The List =  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Penguin GNU / Linux Laptop /w 1920x1080 Matte Screen Now Shipping

2013-06-14 Thread trisqit

You're right about the Strata being Fifteen-Six (and coming w/ an optical).

Source: I just measured the one in front of me.

I think Chris misspoke on that detail. He's probably right on the rest, if  
histtory is any guide. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Major changes in the next Trisquel release

2013-06-13 Thread trisqit

Blue J:

I think there's a lot of people around here that share your feelings about a  
Debian-based Trisquel being the best thing ever ... I'm certainly one of  

But it's clear that this is very unlikely to happen anytime soon, and it  
seems to be mostly related to the workload involved from what I gather.

In the meantime there is gnewSense. Also basically a one-man show, and  
therefore very slow in coming--the current beta is the first in four years,  
and it's still based on Squeeze. Or just Deb itself, and taking on the  
responsibility for purity yourself. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] If you needed another incentive to not use Google search or Bing...

2013-06-10 Thread trisqit

The hero Snowden, who threw his career away so that you might know this:

Re: [Trisquel-users] If you needed another incentive to not use Google search or Bing...

2013-06-10 Thread trisqit

Not caring whether they track you is beside the point.

Whether you care about the nearly complete perversion of your constitutional  
rights in this case is what matters.

Also, if you think that Adblock Plus is saving you from the three-letter  
agencies, you're very poorly informed on the subject. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your movies?

2013-06-09 Thread trisqit

Local used bookstore and media exchange.

No connection worries, no time limits, no ownership hassles, few and  
skippable ads, no premiums for getting the latest, extra content, and it's  
as Green as it gets. What's not to like?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there any interest in privacy free software friendly services?

2013-06-08 Thread trisqit


And the major difference between this administration and the last is that the  
first guys just didn't care about the law ... and the new guys are putting  
all their effort into doing the same unconstitutional bullshit and trying to  
make the law bless it, when they do it. Instead of reversing the horrors,  
they're trying to make them the new normal and wrap them in the mantle of  

I share your worry, and your fury.

I'm not sure I'm quite as pessimistic (as in the 'evidence' discussion  
below), but we're on the same page 95% of the way down. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there any interest in privacy free software friendly services?

2013-06-08 Thread trisqit
I heard someone say the other night that Americans tend to fear government,  
while the rest of the developed world fears corporate power. I think that's  
generally right.

In many ways the federal government is the only protection left to people  
without power. That's why business is all over Washington with lobbyists and  
elected shills, trying to mangle and break it.

The current news story unfortunately plays right in to the narrative of  
government as the bad guy. It's the military-industrial complex part of the  
government that's playing these games, just like Eisenhower warned us about  
50 years ago. I totally agree that there's plenty of reason to try and keep  
your data and demographics away from anybody that can afford to buy and sell  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Major changes in the next Trisquel release

2013-06-08 Thread trisqit

Yes you are, Dave, and you shouldn't have to say it for it to be true.

We're all impaired (not impaled, Telstar, for f's sake ... :)) and regardless  
of the flavor of our impairment, any project should take Real Accessibility  
seriously. From what I've read and watched, that's more true of Trisquel than  
it is of most. I'm sorry to say that I don't have a lot of expertise or  
evidence for that; it's just a casual perception. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there any interest in privacy free software friendly services?

2013-06-07 Thread trisqit
Regarding the free vs. evil freeloaders problem: If you want to keep it  
screened yet anonymous, there are ways. Money orders in a very small amount,  
for example, might be sufficient to rid yourself of the drive-by spammer  
types, at least. Or you could use the riseup model of write me an essay and  
tell me why I should trust you. It's all a lot of overhead, though. And  
since (I'm assuming) this is ultimately modeled as a business, it might not  
be cost-effective to be charitable.

As far as Hiding vs. Activism: There's no reason not to do both, and seeing  
it as either/or is limiting yourself. Most movements of resistance NEED both  
to move forward. And your assertion about what laws might or might not be  
passed soon is completely unsupported by evidence. Even if it turns out  
you're right someday, running your life based on what your antagonists MIGHT  
do is no way to live.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there any interest in privacy free software friendly services?

2013-06-07 Thread trisqit


Yes, limiting yourself to hiding is ultimately pointless and self-defeating.

And complete transparency in one's struggle is generally only possible for  
true saints.

Most of us occupy some point in between, and this is where I'm hoping that  
Chris's efforts will be useful. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there any interest in privacy free software friendly services?

2013-06-06 Thread trisqit

Chris, I would almost certainly sign up.

Although ...

I'd want a way to pay for the services I use, and not just plunk down c.$300  
a year for a bundle.

What you're probably looking at is tiered service levels, like most places  
have. Micro/Small/Med/Large, or something like that.

For the most part, the only relevant to your list that I shell out for are:

--Domain names
--SFTP-accessible raw web space, sometimes with modules available for things  
like blogs/wikis/CMSs

--Webmail and associated services, esp. aliasing

Generally speaking a modest package for the latter two runs around $100/yr.  
and I have two or three of those running at any given time.

My favorite vendors over the years have been NearlyFreeSpeech and the Church  
of the Swimming Elephant (cotse).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ixquick/Startpage launching new privacy-aware email service.

2013-06-04 Thread trisqit

Thanks for the tip Horgeon. Checking it out.

WRT privacy: No online service is going to protect you 100% of the time. With  
enough money, or abused power, or both, you will get got, if they want you  
got. By court order, or by bribery, or by hacking, or multiple other vectors.

Best you can do is keep most of your info out of most of the greedy hands  
most of the time. So Riseup, or rolling your own, instead of Yahoo. Startpage  
instead of Google.

Throwing up your hands and declaring privacy dead is stupid. Paranoia against  
everyone, all the time, equally so. Do the best you can wherever you can. It  
might not save you from everything in the end, but it's the most artful way  
to live.

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibreJS chrashes Abrowser

2013-05-30 Thread trisqit
Yes to your first question. By default (after you clean out the whitelist),  
JS is disabled everywhere.

Then you gradually build your whitelist back up, for your banking sites and  
other mission-critical browsing ...

Simplest and easiest way to do so is hovering the small NoScript button that  
installs at the very bottom of the browser.

It's an effort at first, but very well worth it IMHO. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why did you switch (or use) Free Software?

2013-05-29 Thread trisqit

If I can eat local and organic, instead of at a corporate factory chain ...

If I can support craftsmen who love what they do, instead of shopping at  
Walmart ...

If I can have a digital life that runs on collaboration and community instead  
of the profit motive ...

Then that's one less person contributing to making the world an ugly and  
violent place.

One more in the name of love.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I can easily steal your privacy data. Even with disabled cookies and Javascripts.

2013-05-24 Thread trisqit

Came in tonight on the old Mac.

Good old Little Snitch popped up: Do I want to connect to

Hell no.

End of story. You got nothin'.

I really, really wish there was an active Linux project doing that same  
thing. It's the main little piece of software that I haven't been able to  
find a good replacement for.

Probably need to hire someone to write it. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] I can easily steal your privacy data. Even with disabled cookies and Javascripts.

2013-05-24 Thread trisqit
Thanks mYself. I have links saved for those two softwares, and a few others.  
Need to dig a little deeper on them as I have time over the summer.

My first impression was that they don't have the kind of functionality that  
would allow me to choose on-demand to block emerging threats like the one in  
this thread. But still probably good for many situations, like blocking  
google-analytics globally and the like.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Privacy Security Tech to Watchful of: vPro

2013-05-23 Thread trisqit

Yes thank you.

Any pointers/tips/links on how to break/neutralize said features?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why Ubuntu as the base for Trisquel?

2013-05-23 Thread trisqit
From your lips to god's ears; amen. I hope your guess is right, and I hope  
Canonical knows it. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] gNewSense 3.0 beta 1

2013-05-22 Thread trisqit
It's my understanding that you have to go out of your way to enable the  
non-free repos in vanilla Deb.

And that the Debian Project developers have voted several times on bumping  
themselves up to FSF levels of purity, though the proposal has always failed.

That said, I think your first point was mostly right. There's not much reason  
for anyone with half a clue to install Gnewsense (instead of Debian), unless  
you count that extra purity as making the world a better place. And hell,  
maybe it does.

The FSF taking a hard line is a good thing.

The Debian project having a social contract, no corporate overlords, and  
opting to be the Universal Distro--a very good thing too.

If Gnewsense is where universality meets orthodoxy, then that's win/win. I  
doubt I'll need a partition with this particular distro, but I'm glad to see  
it finally update nevertheless. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fear and Loathing in Free Hardware build quality

2013-05-20 Thread trisqit
So it did take over two weeks--and they did screw up one of my distro  
requests (got vanilla Debian 7 instead of the requested XFCE)--but:

I'm satisfied with the Strata so far. It's much heavier, and a little bigger  
than I was after, but it does have a solid and polished feel to it so far.

If I had it to do all over again, I wouldn't change my choices, except that I  
probably would have gone with the 15.6 (at TP, or ZA) from the start.

My overall take. You're paying a premium for freedom. And another premium for  
a good chance at it just working with your Linux of choice. If you've got  
the cash to throw at, consider the extra money a donation to a good  
cause--real companies trying to turn a profit while kicking against the Borg.  
That's how I think of it.

If you've got more time than money, go ahj's route above. It's got a lot to  
recommend it too.

And now, onward. I see that Gnewsense finally dropped a beta3 after what,  
four years? That's intriguing, and I've got a nice empty partition just  
crying out for an install ...

Re: [Trisquel-users] blasphemous question here

2013-05-20 Thread trisqit

Interesting discussion.

I'm glad that there are people in this world like Richard Stallman. I'm glad  
there's a distro like Trisquel. I'm glad there is a company like  
ThinkPenguin. We need them all.

And, I'm not in a position to live that purely 100% of the time, personally.  
Yet. Something to work toward, yes. Something to litigate in the meantime?  

To the mods I would say: Someone once recommended Fedora to me here. The FSF  
doesn't consider it free enough to put on the Good Distros list. Was the  
person who made that recommendation in violation of the guidelines? I guess  
so. But nobody made a fuss, because Fedora isn't demonized in this theology,  
like Flash is.

As far as I can see, you're handling it about right. State the position,  
encourage what's right, but leave the banhammer in the drawer, as long as  
people are polite.

Freedom. Veneceremos. Peace.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why Ubuntu as the base for Trisquel?

2013-05-20 Thread trisqit

the distro is dead

You can certainly be forgiven for thinking so. It seemed the same to me.

But we were wrong!

FWIW I feel pretty much the same vague sense of dis-ease with the idea of  
basing on a Canonical product. However, I appreciate that Ruben is plenty  
smart enough to have considered the argument, and made his decisions  
regardless. If it matters intensely, jump the gnewsense train. Or fork!  
That's the beauty of the F/LOSS. Good hunting.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fear and Loathing in Free Hardware build quality

2013-05-04 Thread trisqit

Hi Chris, and thank you for the response.

I have great respect for what you're doing, both as an ethical small business  
person, and in your pro bono work within the Trisquel community. Most of it  
is outside my skillset (especially balancing capitalism and freedom!) ... we  
need people like you that can walk that line.

I'll continue to watch developments here closely, on both the hardware and  
software sides, as I move toward my own twisty blend of ethical purity in the  
digital realm.

I hoped, and continue to hope, that my story provides some insight into how  
the process looks from the customer side, for both vendors and fellow  
consumers. I don't really have any agenda beyond that in sharing--just  
feedback, from a particular point of view that some unknown number of  
potential customers might have as well.

And, in that spirit, an update: the ZA people offered to take their computer  
back, right on the edge of the 30 days, for a 15% restock fee. And they're  
sending out a Strata, which is larger--and, they say, sturdier. So I'm  
investing another $230 into the project, instead of into a used Thinkpad, or  
Chromebook ... time will tell if that was wise of me, or not.

[Trisquel-users] Fear and Loathing in Free Hardware build quality

2013-05-01 Thread trisqit
I'll give you the tl;dr first. 1) I'm very happy with the available software  
choices within Free Software, including Trisquel. 2) Hardware, under the  
hood, pretty much the same.
But: 3) Form factors and external build quality are still almost  
deal-breakingly bad out there.

Now the (very) long version.

1996-2004: Eight years almost exclusively a Windows user.
2004-2012 Eight years almost exclusively a Mac user.

Xmas 2012, I'm well fed up with both mega-corps and very motivated to replace  
my six-year-old G4 Powerbook laptop with a high-quality, free hardware  
machine that's multi-distro capable out of the box.

I distro-hop via USB stick. I find operating systems I like just as well as  
OSX Tiger--better, on some points (KDE and XFCE let you customize especially  
well), a little worse on others (no drop-in replacement for Little Snitch and  
a couple other apps).

I read a lot, most importantly on this forum, and it seems I can pay $600 for  
a stock retail laptop, and maybe figure out which ones will mostly work with  
most distros ... or, I can drop $1200 and get one that specs out a little  
better, and more importantly comes with a reasonable expectation of working  
with any free operating system.

I decide to pay the big bucks. Maybe not the smart choice, but worth it to  
me. If I pay too much, I'll consider the overpayment a donation to the Good  

I settle on a TP Royal Penguin, top of the line, maxed out. I add a printer,  
and a second pre-installed distro, and $1400 goes off to New Jersey.

It arrives quickly, it works great, and it's beautiful. Doesn't seem too  
fragile. But ... it has one horrifying flaw.

The ultra-thin keyboard that comes with this ultra-thin laptop is REALLY  
noisy and cheap-feeling. I'm used to aluminum keys and zero noise. Typing on  
the Royal, to me, sounds and feels exactly like pushing a shopping cart with  
a bad wheel. Clatter-racket-clatter-BUMP. There is just no way I'm going to  
be able to use this.

I write Support at TP. The tech is sympathetic. Yep, he had the same reaction  
at first, but ... it gets easier to ignore. (I find it hard to believe.) He  
assures me that the slightly cheaper, slightly thicker Gentoo model has a  
less horrible keyboard, but that I shouldn't expect anywhere near the quality  
of keying I've come to expect on my ancient Mac.

In the meantime, my SO falls in love with the Royal. She types with her long  
fingernails, and isn't as obsessive as I am about the noise.

We decide she will keep it, and I'll fork out another $1200 for a Gentoo,  
fingers crossed.

That weekend, I find the exact printer I just paid TP $75 for ... on a Target  
clearance shelf for $23. I bite my lip and soldier on.

In the meantime, I notice that has one called the Alto. The  
closer I look at it, the more it appears to be absolutely identical with the  
Gentoo from TP. Same ports in the same places, same range of HDs offered,  
everything. Spec'd out almost identically, it's $100 less.

But ... there's that wireless card issue, right? Only TP has the Atheros  
offered. Damn.

I shoot zareason an email and explain. Oh sure, they say. We get that  
question all the time, and we'll be glad to swap out the wifi card for your  
preferred freedom-loving one.

Hmm. Okay.

This time, my $1200 goes to Berkeley. I wait again, and this time the wait is  
longer. Speed points to TP.

The Alto arrives, and I'm thrilled again. Looks nice, works good, and this  
time the keyboard is acceptable. Not anywhere near great--I will end up  
spending another $40 on a wireless one for it--but at least not rattling  
garbage. I find myself, though, treating it very gently. It feels ...  
fragile. Hard to say why. But I do not feel free to bash-type away on it at  
100 wpm like I do the old machine.

28 days later, fragility is confirmed. I pull it out of it's branded ZA  
laptop case (another $40), and the hinge is broken. Not snapped, or cracked,  
just sprung. I have treated this laptop with great gentleness. It's less than  
a month old. I paid through the nose for it. And ... it just broke itself,  
inside a padded  bag.

That six year old P-book? I paid the same amount for it. I dropped it more  
than once, from desk height, hating myself every time it hit the ground. And  
after all the battle scars, it was fine. I'm typing this on it right now,  
even though I wish I was over on my brand-new machine inside Manjaro or  

The moral of the story, for ZA, and TP, and System76, and LACLinux, is this.  
I can't WAIT to give you my money. I LOVE what you're about, philosophically  
and commercially. I will HAPPILY overpay for a free as in speech product. But  
god. Damn.

I do need to feel that I'm not a complete idiot as a consumer.

Work with me.

Give me a machine that feels like a fat-finned Oldsmobile. That doesn't mind  
living in luggage half the day. That can take a punch like Humphrey Bogart.

I'll pay 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fear and Loathing in Free Hardware build quality

2013-05-01 Thread trisqit

Thanks for the reply, ahj. I think your advice is sound.

Cory Doctorow made kind of the same point last July, if you read his review  
carefully enough:

ZaReason doesn't really do a laptop for road warriors (yet) ... Though I  
thoroughly support ZaReason's mission, I regret to say that I'm not their  
target market.

My Alto will probably end up living a sheltered life as a desktop-replacement  
research machine. I'm back to square one on finding a capable, not-fragile  
travelling unit. I might do what you suggest, or I might try to hack around  
with a linuxified chromebook, single-distro. Either way, yes, 200-300, not  
$1000+ ... I won't be able to afford any more grand experiments for quite a  
while anyway. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] After version 6, Trisquel is moving to LTS only releases.

2013-03-13 Thread trisqit

A lot? I suppose ...

Definitely not all.

As for your kernel example, I'd say: you can have (corporate) money flowing  
around you in a number of different ways without profit being your End Goal.  
Conversely, you can have people dressed up like noble monks who turn out to  
really be (end goal) about the cash. (Walk through downtown Sedona or Santa  

If someone claims to be about selflessness and freedom, I'm inclined to give  
them the benefit of the doubt, until they prove themselves otherwise. But  
once they do, I'll judge them more harshly than I would someone who starts  
out an unabashed whore.

Because hypocrisy hurts the commons by breaking people's impulse to trust.

Re: [Trisquel-users] After version 6, Trisquel is moving to LTS only releases.

2013-03-12 Thread trisqit
I appreciate the clearly experienced advice. Thanks Andrew, I'll have a  
closer look.

My Mac-transitioning strategy so far has basically been: download all the  
XFCEs, move the main Panel to the top edge (and draw in a few more  
freestyle), and then pack on a Docky/AWN/Cairo dock down below. Feels pretty  
right so far.

I should say that the Mac I'm transitioning from is ancient PPC/Tiger, so the  
Gnome 3/hypervisory thing isn't really that much of a draw in my book. But  
... I'm still open and playing.

Sorry for all the O/T digressions. I'm not even sure that my experiences are  
that useful to the Trisquel devs--I'm atypical for a New User--but then  
again, I might not be all that unique, either. So factor all that in and do  
what you're gonna do, regardless, and in good spirits. : )

Re: [Trisquel-users] After version 6, Trisquel is moving to LTS only releases.

2013-03-12 Thread trisqit
Gracias quiliro. I do think there's a pretty wide distinction between  
including and recommending. The first seems felonious, I agree ... the  
second is more open to interpretation in my book. I know this makes me a less  
than perfect FS(F) partisan. I will take Gnash over Flash any day, for  
example, as long as it works ... though I do sin for convenience at other  

But we all seem to be on the same page in general terms, fine detail aside  
... no point in being here otherwise!

I will fold your suggestions into my research, and they're much appreciated.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] After version 6, Trisquel is moving to LTS only releases.

2013-03-12 Thread trisqit
DuckDuckGo recommends non-free software to me all the time in its little ads.  
I ignore them, of course, but I still use it, because it's the best available  
tool for the job (general search with some privacy).

I'm a big boy. I know the risks and responsibilities of enabling a nonfree  
repo, and I'll do so with caution. I think Stallman's point about distros is  
aimed at the clueless masses, and it's a good point, in their regard.

So to return to the point: I feel marginally more free using Debian than I  
would running a son of Mark distro, so that's the way I'm leaning as I  

Re: [Trisquel-users] After version 6, Trisquel is moving to LTS only releases.

2013-03-12 Thread trisqit
I'm not saying Burn The Witch. I'm not even sure I'm criticizing, though RMS  
basically did both WRT Canonical in December. Quote:

please remove Ubuntu from the distros you recommend or redistribute ... tell  
people that Ubuntu is shunned for spying.

On balance, it probably IS a good thing, for all of us, that MarkyMark poured  
his money and effort into distro(s), instead of land mines or a better floor  
wax, and that he continues to take risks. Even his fanbois are not very  
bothersome, compared to Apple's ...

I'm just trying to pick tools that match my needs, values, politics, and  
aesthetics. And I think there are better tools out there, on those criteria,  
in my unique use case.