Re: [TruthTalk] The role of religion in a secular society

2004-12-03 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 12/3/2004 10:42:35 PM Central Standard Time, 
"Religion is man's way of approaching God; Jesus Christ is God's 
  way of approaching man."  

I like that analogy.  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Perceptions of the Divine Messiah in Intertestamental Jewish ...

2004-12-02 Thread LaurHamm

Of course I haven't read many of the references you refer to but I enjoyed 
the article.  It was interesting, informative and food for thought.  
Let us know how the professor liked it.  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Rush Limbaugh speaks

2004-11-24 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 11/24/2004 10:40:03 PM Central Standard Time, 
Thats right, 
  ladies and gentlemen.  Rush will be on C-Span 1 at 9:10 my time  
  (left coast time)   --  tonight.  John 

I saw part of it.  He doesn't mince words does he?   

Re: [TruthTalk] Unilateral covenant

2004-11-24 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 11/24/2004 5:55:31 AM Central Standard Time, 
  pray tell, do you find 'interesting' at both levels?

The preschool level gets the same point across but in words that little 
guys can understand.  Here is the text of the little take home board book 
that coordinates with the lessons.  
What's Faith
(the first few pages are the Christmas story since it is December)
Then they get into Abraham
God keeps his promises (Genesis 12-21)  This is January
God gave Abraham a promise.
One day his family would be as many as the stars in the sky
Abraham obeyed God and made good choices.
When God told Abraham and Sarah they would have a baby, they laughed and 
They did not understand, but God did what he said he would do,,,He gave 
them a baby.
God keeps his promises!
God loves families (Genesis 24,25 This is Februrary
Abraham and Sarah thanked God for Isaac.
Isaac grew up to be a man...
And married Rebekah.
Issac prayed for a baby,
And God answered his prayers.
Isaac and Rebekah loved Jacob and Esau.
They tanked God for their family.
God loves families!
Of course the artwork is on each page.  I think it is interesting 
because they give the preschoolers the Word in simple terms that they can 
understand.  The Adult lessons coordinate so the whole family is involved 
in the same concepts and hopefully it will make for great family time.  


Re: [TruthTalk] Unilateral covenant

2004-11-23 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 11/23/2004 9:16:13 PM Central Standard Time, 
  bless your heart.   I was kind of hoping for a little more meat on 
  the bone.   But "yes" may be profoundly to the point.   

I guess I am being simplistic but in order for God's plan to work (I 
realize that God knew what Abraham would do) he had to obey.  We have been 
studying Genesis this quarter and I am once again amazed at these men.  Can 
you imagine God appearing to a righteous man today and telling him to build an 
ark because though it had never rained it was going to (Noah)  
 or in Abraham's case telling him that he is going to give him a son 
at his age and that he will have more or as many heirs as the 
stars?    It kind of amuses me to think of that happening 
today.  I wonder if I would believe someone who told me that!  My 
daughter is an editor and her publishing house just finished a whole curriculum 
that encompasses all age levels from Preschool to adult.  It has been 
interesting to read some of the lessons on a "lower" level and then study the 
same material on an adult level.   Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Unilateral covenant

2004-11-23 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 11/23/2004 8:08:01 PM Central Standard Time, 
Was his 
  obedience necessary to the continuance and fulfillment of the covenant 

I haven't really thought about it.  I think I'd have to say yes.  
Anyone else disagree?  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Unilateral covenant

2004-11-23 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 11/23/2004 5:26:50 PM Central Standard Time, 

  while he 
  was asleep, Laura? how does this stuff work; e.g., what's the relationship betw 
  sleeping and dreaming and/or 'visions'; e.g., even you and the seer jt 
  'see' during your dreams don't you(?)--in a way, although perhaps it's 
  ovrlapping with Freudian modernity or something, isn't that vision (a) 
  vision(?)...of what is anthr question(?) for 

Sorry about that   I was talking about something else.  :0) 

Re: [TruthTalk] Unilateral covenant

2004-11-23 Thread LaurHamm

Abraham was an active participant.  He didn't just sit back and let 
God move - he had to ober God and do what God told him to do.  

Re: [TruthTalk] Two Covenants

2004-11-23 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 11/23/2004 4:46:25 AM Central Standard Time, 

  The Midrash, I think, merely sated that 
  Cain had no previous event upon which to base the severity of his action... 
  and this may very well be true. However, in trying to read the best out 
  of the situation, we cannot ignore the previous paragraph where God tells Cain 
  to watch his attitude.
  As far as the sacrifice goes, It is 
  probably not the sacrifice that was incorrect. Torah gives accounts of 
  sacrifices other than blood/flesh/animal sacrifices. Gen 4:5b-7 indicates a 
  severe problem between the two men and God is addressing it with Cain (cf. 
  Matt 5:23-24). The Prophets often speak of sacrifices not being given in the 
  proper "spirit" as well.
  I the end, the sacrifice (even if it 
  contained all the right physical components) was an improper sacrifice because 
  Cain's innards were at war.

I agree    Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Two Covenants

2004-11-22 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 11/22/2004 8:38:36 PM Central Standard Time, 

  I've always wondered what the mark was as 
  well. I've heard some people erroneously say it is dark skin. Others a 
  lightning bolt like Harry Potter (or some other insignia).
  The term for mark [in Hebrew] is 
  Ot. In the KJV, it's used as such: sign (x60), 
  token (x14), ensign (x2), miracle (x2), 
  mark (x1). It's also as consent (x1). 
  Strong's classifies the word as: a 
  signal (literally or figuratively), as a flag, beacon, 
  monument, omen, prodigy, evidence, etc.: - mark, 
  miracle, (en-) sign, token.

Thanks for responding.  I read several commentators views and only one 
thought it was actually a physical mark.  The article you sent was 
interesting too.  It is also interesting that some actually say the murder 
he committed was actually not a transgression because the law against murder was 
not yet given.  The only transgression was bringing the wrong 
offering.  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Two Covenants

2004-11-21 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 11/21/2004 8:50:12 PM Central Standard Time, 
Cain was 
  fearful of civilizations not defined in the biblical message except to 
  indicate that they were present in his time.    A mark or sign 
  was given to Cain to protect him

I think it would be interesting to discuss what that mark or sign 
was.  I understand that it was to protect him.  It is also interesting 
that noone else was given a similar mark or sign.  I'd be interested in 
what others think about this.  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Tearing Down

2004-11-21 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 11/21/2004 4:40:18 AM Central Standard Time, 
For the 
  record, Perry had complained to me how people ignored his posts of> 
  instruction and he did not know what to do to get people to comply.  
  Perry> and I both have desired people to quote only portions of 
  people's posts,as> you see I do by 

I don't respond to a lot of posts.  There are days when I get 75 posts 
or more and it is all I can do to skim them.  I try to seriously read those 
that are not simply one word responses.  Sometimes I have to unsub for 
awhile when it gets overwhelming.  There is no point in responding if I am 
going to just say the same thing someone else has said.  If it is a thread 
that doesn't seem to go anywhere I just follow the subject line and 

Fwd: [TruthTalk] Repentance

2004-11-17 Thread LaurHamm

My view of repentance is to turn from sin.  Doesn't the Bible tell us 
that unless we repent we will perish?   When we turn from sin we turn 
toward Christ.  Am I being too simplistic?  
--- Begin Message ---

This could be a good time 
to make a few random comments on repentance.  A few days ago 
Terry asked John why the outline of parts of his faith didn't include the word 
repentance.  Most people on this forum believe that repentance is necessary 
for salvation; they see it as a necessary step or condition for God to do His 
act of justification in our hearts.  Some may find it interesting to note 
that John's gospel does not use the word 'repent' once.  The concept of 
repentance is completely absent.  Now John states that the purpose of his 
gospel is to bring people to faith in Christ (John 20:31).  Knowing this is 
his purpose we must ask ourselves why John doesn't use the concept of repentance 
to illustrate the nature of the gospel.  Instead John uses the concept of 
belief.  Here is Charles Ryrie regarding the absence of repentance 
in the book of John:
"And yet John surely had 
many opportunities to use it in the events of our Lord’s life which he recorded. 
It would have been most appropriate to use repent or repentance in 
the account of the Lord’s conversation with Nicodemus. But believe is the 
word used (John 3:12, 15). So, If Nicodemus needed to repent, believe 
must be a synonym; else how could the Lord have failed to use the word 
repent when talking to him? To the Samaritan harlot, Christ did not say 
repent. He told her to ask (John 4:10), and when her testimony and the Lord’s 
spread to other Samaritans, John recorded not that they repented but that they 
believed (vss. 39, 41-42). There are about fifty more occurrences of “believe” 
or “faith” in the Gospel of John, but not one use of “repent.” The climax is 
John 20:31: “These have been written that you may believe . . . and that 
believing you may have life in His name.” (Charles C. Ryrie, So Great 
Salvation, Victor Books, p. 98)."
The Greek word for 
repentance is 'metanoia' which means 'a change of mind'.  It represents a 
180 degree turn in the opposite direction.  What it does not include is 
what many of us add to the concept of repentance which is - feeling sorry for 
something we have done.  The fact that we equate 'feeling sorry' with 
repentance illustrates how we have integrated the Roman Catholic doctrine 
of penitence with repentance.  Repentance, New Testament style, is belief 
or faith.  It is God breaking into our fallen minds, 
transforming them so that we are able to become free.
We must always keep in 
mind who the author and finisher of our faith is: Jesus Christ.  He who 
began the good work in us is faithful to complete it.  No act (repentance, 
belief, faith, baptism, circumcision, obedience) of our own can save us.  
It is God and God only who saves.  We are given the grace to 
I think it would be 
worthwhile to extrapolate these thoughts to a discussion of what occurs in 
forgiveness since repentance and forgiveness are often closely linked in our 
For further research on 
the Greek words for repentance please see the following article:
Jonathan Hughes  

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 12:57 
PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] 
119 - 138 of 613 Commands

In a message dated 11/17/2004 11:49:39 AM Central Standard Time, 

  jt: How do you know this woman was repentant? I've 
  never heard that before but I have heard ppl comment on the hypocrisy of 
  bringing her to Jesus and letting the man involved off (she didn't commit 
  adultery by herself); also if there is so much grace and warm fuzzies going on 
  how is it that Paul was scourged five times by the Jews while doing the Lord's 

Would Christ have forgiven her and sent her on her way if she was not 
repentant?  Laura

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--- End Mes

Re: [TruthTalk] 119 - 138 of 613 Commands

2004-11-17 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 11/17/2004 11:49:39 AM Central Standard Time, 

  jt: How do you know this woman was repentant? I've 
  never heard that before but I have heard ppl comment on the hypocrisy of 
  bringing her to Jesus and letting the man involved off (she didn't commit 
  adultery by herself); also if there is so much grace and warm fuzzies going on 
  how is it that Paul was scourged five times by the Jews while doing the Lord's 

Would Christ have forgiven her and sent her on her way if she was not 
repentant?  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Re:A Bookseller's 'wish'

2004-11-16 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 11/16/2004 8:34:31 AM Central Standard Time, 

  currently reading "The Jew and His Home"  by A.E. Kitov (English 
  Translation, of course)
  like it because of all the wisdom...especially regarding Beit Shalom (peace in 
  the home and how to acquire it and how to keep it).
  of the chapters
  Your Home
  Preciousness of Marriage
  Where Joy Dwells
  I will Dwell in Their Midst"
  Domestic Bliss (Shalom Bayit).(we use a different dialect of 
  Hebrew, hence the differences in spelling here and my spelling 
  Liberal Spirit
  Woman of Valor
  Modesty and Conduct
  Faithfulness and Devotion
  Being Content with Little
  Relatives and Neighbors

Sounds like one that everyone could benefit from!  

Re: [TruthTalk] 613 Commands

2004-11-15 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 11/15/2004 1:50:42 PM Central Standard Time, 

  Maybe Jesus had a copy of the Newer Testament in his back pocket as He 
  walked in Israel.

Yeah    wonder if it was NIV, KJV or maybe the 
Message?   Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] The infamous Billy T

2004-11-02 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 11/2/2004 1:24:20 PM Central Standard Time, 
=Vote early and 

I love it!!!   From the sound of things it seems like some in 
some states did just that!   

Re: [TruthTalk] The infamous Billy T

2004-11-02 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 11/2/2004 10:22:56 AM Central Standard Time, 
In a 
  message dated 11/2/2004 8:23:59 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  writes:It is snowing, 13 degrees, and the wind is blowing sleet into your 
  face at 30 miles an hour.   Lovely.Isn't it wierd how 
  different the weather is?    It was 82 here yesterday and sticky - 
  today is 76 and we have flood watches for later on and tomorrow is supposed to 
  be 66.  The weather is as diverse as our opinions are!   Hope 
  you are enjoying the winter preview!   LauraJohn 
  ---  Actually, we are having a great time.  My time with 
  Bill was great because it is always a good thing to fellowship those of like 
  mind.   I am busy to day and tomorrow setting tile for my 
  daughter.  And today, it is beautiful, will be 45 and life is good.  
  Vote your conscience  --  whether unconsciously or 
  not.  John--

I voted My Granddaughter was thrilled.  Her 
dad took her and she got to push the buttons -  She is all about this 
election and quite bold about her choices! Hope your tile setting goes well 
-  I have floor people coming tomorrow to replace my vinyl but opted not to 
upgrade. They installed it incorrectly and have to do it over.  Of course 
it has only taken them 4 years to get here -  Slow 
Slow  Slow!!  At least it is not costing me 
anythingl LOL   Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] The infamous Billy T

2004-11-02 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 11/2/2004 9:15:57 AM Central Standard Time, 
DAVEH:  Yeah Laura, but the difference is that the weather will 

wishful thinking maybe!!!   Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] The infamous Billy T

2004-11-02 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 11/2/2004 8:23:59 AM Central Standard Time, 
It is 
  snowing, 13 degress, and the wind is blowing sleet into your face at 30 miles 
  an hour.   Lovely.

Isn't it wierd how different the weather is?    It was 82 
here yesterday and sticky - today is 76 and we have flood watches for later on 
and tomorrow is supposed to be 66.  The weather is as diverse as our 
opinions are!   Hope you are enjoying the winter preview!   

Re: [TruthTalk] The Kryptonite Theory of Sin

2004-10-29 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/29/2004 8:49:49 PM Central Daylight Time, 

  Judyt notes: 
  When Messiah cleansed the temple He made the observation that it was full 
  of thieves and robbers - not a real good recommendation as far as who was 
  eligible to do what at the altar or in the temple itself.. 

I didn't think it was the priests who were thieves and robbers.  I 
thought it was being used to sell things - animals for sacrifices and to change 
money and that the people engaged in those activities were the thieves and 
robbers.  I always thought of it as being used for a bazaar type 
atmosphere.   They would tell the people that they had to buy the 
animals there because they were without blemish.  They also made the 
visitors change their money there and cheated them Where 
did I get that?   Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] The Kryptonite Theory of Sin

2004-10-29 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/29/2004 8:51:30 PM Central Daylight Time, 
  Henson wrote: 

See if this is what you mean...
Last month at work, the ISO9001 dude came through and asked me about 
my area and how I ran it. He also asked me what the company's ISO statement 
means to me. I told him (something like), "I see God as my employer. The 
work I do, the products I use to perform that duty, and the attitude I 
portray to my fellow workmen and the public needs to be pleasing to my 
Employer, otherwise I have failed as His employee. If it is pleasing in the 
eye of God, I have accomplished my goal and the product I produce will 
exceed any and all expectations."
(The next day, the ISO/Safety/Whatever Officer told me the only 
reason we maintained our ISO standing is because of my 
This, I think, attests to a non-compartmentalized lifestyle dedicated 
to Love of God and Love of Neighbor. By loving God at 
work, I automatically love my neighbor who was created in the Image of 
sladeCol.3:23 at work.  Nice 
  testimony.  It glorities our 


[TruthTalk] Reasons to vote

2004-10-29 Thread LaurHamm

I thought this might generage some interesting 
posts    Laura
Top 10 Moral Issues Facing America

From Chuck 
Every Christian needs to go to the polls on November 2 with 
firm convictions about how to cast their ballots.  To help, we've put 
together this Top 10 list of the significant moral issues facing America 
today.  I hope that it will elevate the tone of the debate and assist you 
as you prepare to exercise your God-given trust to vote.  For more 
information, you can order a CD from the BreakPoint 
Store with a compilation of BreakPoint commentaries in which I address 
these moral issues.
1. Sanctity of Life: Preserving sanctity of 
life by resisting the encroachment of abortion, euthanasia, cloning, and 
embryonic stem cell research. See BreakPoint Commentary, "Building 
Better Babies."
2. Religious Liberty: Defending the 
persecuted Church and others of faith around the world, and defending freedom of 
religion here at home. See BreakPoint Commentary, "Faithful 
Unto Death."
3. Human Rights: Protecting human rights, 
whether it's stopping sex-trafficking, slavery in 
Sudan, or the 
spread of AIDS. See BreakPoint Commentary, "An 
Evil We Can't Ignore."
4. Marriage: Protecting by law the 
traditional heterosexual definition of the family. See BreakPoint 
Commentary, "De-Lovely 
5. Terrorism: Strengthening 
America in the 
War on Terrorism and in the clash of civilizations against radical Islam. 
See BreakPoint Commentary, "Terrorism, 
War and Evil."
6. Judiciary Roles: Restoring the 
constitutional role of the Supreme Court and restricting judicial activism. 
See BreakPoint Commentary, "Free-for-all."
7. Faith-based solutions: Advocating 
faith-based solutions to societal problems. See BreakPoint Commentary, 
8. Marginalized Citizens: Caring for the 
poor and restoring prisoners. Preserving the financial stability of health care 
for the elderly and disabled. See BreakPoint Commentary, "Problems 
of the Heart."
9. Education: Improving education and 
promoting choices within the educational system. See BreakPoint 
Commentary, "Lectures 
on the Hill."
10. Media: Challenging the negative impact 
of the mass media on culture -- including speaking out against pornography, 
sexual exploitation, and violence. See BreakPoint Commentary, 
Call 1-877-3-CALLBP (1-877-322-5527) and 
request the audio CD âSetting Your Moral Compassâ (suggested donation: $20). You 
can also order the CD online from the BreakPoint 

Fwd: [TruthTalk] 613 Commands

2004-10-29 Thread LaurHamm

I am interested in Kay's post too after the weekend!   If she has 
a houseful of company she may change her mind about not being a man 
:0) Hope you have a nice weekend and that you enjoy your 
company.  Laura
--- Begin Message ---

NT is 
commentary on OT.
partition may be down, Judy, but there are still roles. I certainly don't want 
to be a man. God has ONE set of rules for ALL of His family.

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Judy 
  TaylorSent: Friday, 29 October, 2004 07.15To: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] 613 
  Judyt: Yes I'd be interested in the 1050 after this 
  weekend Kay; hope all goes well for you.  I had never considered the NT a 
  rule book... BTW Christians are to be a nation of kings and priests, and 
  didn't Jesus break down the wall of partition between Jews and Greeks, male 
  and female etc. do the rules address this also?
  On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 06:24:12 -0400 "Slade Henson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
613 commands in the Torah, yes. Directly from God, 
not man. Why? Because God says Be Holy, because I AM holy. This 
is HOW a holy, set-apart people live. This is how you deal with this, 
this is how you deal with that. God has a whole system of government set up. 
Gee, too bad we didn't follow it in the first place. Maybe then our courts 
wouldn't be as messed up as they are.
don't understand WHY people freak out over 613 commands. They're reiterated 
in the newer Testament. In fact, the newer Testament contains 1,050 
commands! Yeshua made the commands fuller, harder 
Yes, there are 613 commands. However, YOU don't 
have to follow each of them. There are commands for men, which you're not a 
man, so they don't apply. I know you're not a Levitical priest, 
so, whack away a whole SLEW of the 613. Let's about instructions 
(law) for you in particular since you're a woman.Not to get personal, 
but I believe you're an older woman, correct? Well, then you can knock 
out the laws for Niddah (the monthly cycle) as well as the child bearing 
When you were raising your children, didn't you 
have House Rules? Why did you give the Rules of the House to your children? 
To keep them safe? To keep order? To protect? God did the same thing for us. 
He's a loving Father who wants to keep His children safe and holy. Did you 
ever give your children a rule that they didn't understand? You knew the 
reasoning behind it and it was probably a good reason. God does the same 
thing. Every single one of the 613 fall under TWO categories. Every single 
law of the 613 have to do with either A. Loving God, or B. Loving your 
Neighbor. Funny, our house rules are just like that. I bet yours were, 
Kabbalah is something different, Judy. It's a much 
deeper spiritual application. I would not suggest reading it. There are also 
two different types of Kabbalah. God Himself says the laws He gives are "not 
far from you". It is NOT impossible. Maybe we should list all the laws and 
see exactly how many apply. Would that help?
Being worn out due to learning a new one every day 
is something Paul was attempting for others coming in. It's what he speaks 
of in Acts...Kay's paraphrase
Paul and the Council: Okay, we've got to DO 
something with these people coming in. We can't fellowship with them. They 
can't come into the sanctuary. In order to be able to do that...we have to 
give them these four rulesdon't fornicate, don't eat strangled 
foods, don't worship other idolsthey'll be coming to the synagogue every 
Shabbat. They'll be hearing the Torah when they come each week. It takes us 
three years to read the whole Torah. They can handle little bits of it each 
week. They'll learn. Slow, but sure, they'll build up and they'll learn. 
That's what we can do with them! Wow, we solved our 
I've got lots of people in for the weekend. I won't 
be on much. Shall we look at ALL the laws and see what they are about? See 
which ones apply and then maybe we'll have a good number? Maybe after that, 
we should check out the 1050 in the Newer Testament and compare when we're 
done with that.

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Judy 
  TaylorSent: Thursday, 28 October, 2004 06.57To: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The Early 
  Jewish Chrisitan Church
Once more I stand corrected. I was 
under the impression we were all talking about the same thing. 
Now I see we are not - 613 

Re: [TruthTalk] Arafat is Dying

2004-10-29 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/29/2004 5:29:54 AM Central Daylight Time, 

  Judyt responds: 
  I believe invoking mercy for 
  Arafat would be exactly what Jesus Christ would do. It is easy to attempt 
  to convey my theology (God-talk) in one sentence saying everybody is 
  automatically saved.  It of course does not do justice to the many times 
  I have explained my position.  I do believe 
  that everyone is included in Jesus 
  Christ.  I also have made it quite clear that this can be 
  rejected.  To confuse you I then go on to state that 
  those who chose to reject Jesus Christ are still included.  I use 
  the example of how my son may say to me, âDaddy, I hate you, I reject you, I 
  disown you and will have nothing to do with you.â  I may reply âOk, but you will always be my son.â  My son can never get rid of his sonship because it is something 
  I have bestowed on him regardless of whether he accepts or rejects 
  it.  In the same way if God chooses to bestow grace upon us the 
  grace stands regardless of our acceptance or rejection.  I believe that 
  the grace of Jesus Christ is that 


Are we a "child" or "son" of God if we choose to reject 
him?    I'm not talking about never hearing about God.  

Re: [TruthTalk] Arafat is Dying

2004-10-28 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/28/2004 1:52:26 PM Central Daylight Time, 

  responds:  My main 
  point is that believing and calling on his name are the requirements -  
  works are not required BUT they should naturally 
  follow.  Laura 
  Jonathan butts 
  in:  My main point would be that it is God who believes in us.  It 
  is God's response that matters much more than our own.  If our 
  salvation EVER rests upon what we do or don't do every single one of us 
  is doomed.  If instead our salvation is based upon the life, work, 
  and faith of Jesus Christ we can cling to His 

Laura replys:   I agree

Re: [TruthTalk] Arafat is Dying

2004-10-28 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/28/2004 1:49:15 PM Central Daylight Time, 
  like Terry and Laura are using different ways to say much the same 

We probably are saying mostly the same thing.  I'm not very eloquent 
most of the time. Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Arafat is Dying

2004-10-28 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/28/2004 1:43:04 PM Central Daylight Time, 

  thinkin' out loud :)
  On Thu, 28 Oct 2004 14:24:46 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

works are not required [possible?] BUT they 
should naturally follow.. 
e.g., ..God anointed 
Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power..[then] he went around 
doing good (Acts 

That is right.  We don't have to do anything but THEN if we really 
have a "changed heart" then we should be doing things!  Does that make 
sense?   We are saved by grace through faith but there should be 
evidence.  Grace is free though  right??? 

Re: [TruthTalk] Arafat is Dying

2004-10-28 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/28/2004 1:16:50 PM Central Daylight Time, 

Jesus died for all who would simply call on his name and ask for 
salvation.  Romans 10:9 It has nothing to do 
with God's mercy -  the opportunity to be saved is all about grace 
which none of us deserve.  If Arafat dies without having confessed with 
his mouth the Lord Jesus and believing in his heart that God raised Christ 
from the dead, he is a lost man.  Very simple.  Our part is to 
facilitate that opportunity.  
  Sister.  You can't cling to one verse and ignore the others.  Look 
  at the big picture please.  Grace is extended because of faith that 
  results in repentance and obedience.  Otherwise Jesus would not have 
  rebuked those outside His will when He said " Why do you call me Lord when you 
  won't do what I tell you"?  There is more to it than saying "Give me the 
  free fire insurance."I agree with your last sentence 
  wholeheartedly.Blessings, Terry

My main point is that believing and calling on his name are the 
requirements -  works are not required BUT they 
should naturally follow.  

Re: [TruthTalk] Arafat is Dying

2004-10-28 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/28/2004 8:27:03 AM Central Daylight Time, 

  Yes indeed, you must be 'born from above'. What 
  I'm saying and, what you've just said, I'd suggest, are not antithetical (in 
  reality...though in your way of thinking they are). Does anyone out there 

Laura-  I was swamped with emails last night and had to skim messages 
but I got the impression that some thought we could just pray that God would 
have mercy on him in spite of what he stood for.  I may have taken it 

Re: [TruthTalk] Arafat is Dying

2004-10-28 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/28/2004 7:35:21 AM Central Daylight Time, 
  Lance.  All those on the wide road are excluded.  Only those who 
  enter the narrow gate and walk the narrow path are included.  Jesus .died 
  for all that would die to self, take up their cross, and FOLLOW Him, obey Him, 
  Live for him, and if necessary, die for him.  To say you believe without 
  this is to have the same faith and the same future as the demons.God 
  proved His love for us by His actions.  Your actions must prove your love 
  for God.  Your righteousness must EXCEED that of the Pharisees.  No 
  such thing as a casual Christian, and you must give up even your favorite sin 
  to enter the gate.  The only thing others will ever hear from Jesus 
  is,"Depart from me.  I never knew 

Jesus died for all who would simply call on his name and ask for 
salvation.  Romans 10:9 It has nothing to do with 
God's mercy -  the opportunity to be saved is all about grace which none of 
us deserve.  If Arafat dies without having confessed with his mouth the 
Lord Jesus and believing in his heart that God raised Christ from the dead, he 
is a lost man.  Very simple.  Our part is to facilitate that 
opportunity.  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Mother God Goof grief!

2004-10-27 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/27/2004 10:17:29 PM Central Daylight Time, 

I just came into the room after getting my granddaughter 
breakfast.  Montel is on TV (The TV was on the news)   and he 
has a lady who has just written a book about "Mother God"   The 
first thing I hear is that Mary in her appearances in "modern times" tells 
the people she is the mother of God   not the mother of 
Jesus. So she says that all these religions that claim Mary is the 
mother of Jesus are wrong.  What a jerk    
LauraYou must be talking about Sylvia Browne, 
  who says she is a "psychic", and espouses her spirituality on the Montel 
  program weekly, along with her psychic abilities,  I believe.  She 
  has written about 28 books, the latest one being "Mother God".  She said 
  she grew up in Catholicism, so her viewpoint comes from that perspective, I 
  guess.  Don't see anything biblical about God having a 
  mother!Vee, Terry's wife

Wierd stuff for sure and not worth my time.  I hate that so many women 
at home could see such junk.  Laura

[TruthTalk] Mother God Goof grief!

2004-10-27 Thread LaurHamm

I just came into the room after getting my granddaughter breakfast.  
Montel is on TV (The TV was on the news)   and he has a lady who has 
just written a book about "Mother God"   The first thing I hear is 
that Mary in her appearances in "modern times" tells the people she is the 
mother of God   not the mother of Jesus. So she says that all 
these religions that claim Mary is the mother of Jesus are wrong.  What a 
jerk    Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] In-N-Out Double-Double

2004-10-26 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/26/2004 9:24:32 PM Central Daylight Time, 
Doon't worry about the pork, 
  right now.   Just focus on one error at a time.Pastor 

I'm trying hard.  Laura

Re: For Linda: FW: For Linda: FW: [TruthTalk] What is sin?

2004-10-26 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/26/2004 4:41:45 PM Central Daylight Time, 
  They say this is the 
  hottest in existence right now.  Boy do I want it.

When I lived in Delaware we used to go to a boardwalk store in Rehoboth 
that actually let you sample this stuff!  It was a 

Re: [TruthTalk] In-N-Out Double-Double

2004-10-26 Thread LaurHamm

OK  THis is funny   I just looked.  Myfavorite salt is 
alessi 100"% natural Mediterranean Sea Salt    The label 
says  Product of Italy   Tampa Florida! 
Is that a riot?   not Kosher though:0(  

Re: [TruthTalk] In-N-Out Double-Double

2004-10-26 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/26/2004 10:36:00 AM Central Daylight Time, 

  Terry did it.
  He was teasing me for not eating pork, but 
  posting a recipe with not-so-good ingredients. At least those ingredients are 

I know    I was just having fun.  I suppose if he 
prefers pork he could make his from ground pork.  I'll make sure I don't 
get any beef that has been used for a sacrifice  LOL   

Re: [TruthTalk] In-N-Out Double-Double

2004-10-26 Thread LaurHamm

How did pork enter into the picture?  I'm off in search of decent 
tomatoes and perhaps an onion.  That way I am free from coveting or lusting 
or (whatever it is that John stirred up) and back into right 
standing   :0)

Re: [TruthTalk] 4th Commandment

2004-10-26 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/26/2004 8:04:17 AM Central Daylight Time, 

  Confession will go a long way,  Izzy.  Recognizing the 
  problem is, at least, a first step.   I am proud of you for 
  that.  John 
  The Message says:

9Say the welcoming word to God--"Jesus is my Master"--embracing, 
body and soul, God's work of doing in us what he did in raising Jesus from the 
dead. That's it. You're not "doing" anything; you're simply calling out to God, 
trusting him to do it for you. That's salvation
 NIV says:9That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is 
Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be 
KJV says:9   That if thou shalt 
confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God 
hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved
Sounds to me like confession is all that is needed.  I realize that to 
be sincere "works" will naturally follow but works are only an evidence of 
salvation.  Does that open up a can of worms or what?

Re: [TruthTalk] In and Out

2004-10-26 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/26/2004 7:51:06 AM Central Daylight Time, 

  The Double-Double 
  with Cheese has got to be the finest 'burger around.

 Got the 
cheese    got the gr beef Tomatoes 
around here are lousy.  Can you send me a couple?    
Even when it is a good crop the ones here are not that great!   
Now they say the storms ruined so many that the restaurants are going to 
stop using them.  Hmmm   Guess we'd better change the subject 
line so people can delete this thread if they are not burger 


Re: [TruthTalk] In-N-Out Double-Double

2004-10-26 Thread LaurHamm


Re: [TruthTalk] What is sin?

2004-10-25 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/25/2004 10:13:04 PM Central Daylight Time, 
coveting what one cannot 
  possess (?)  Think In and Out.John 

Coveting   huh?  Who me???  

Re: [TruthTalk] What is sin?

2004-10-25 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/25/2004 8:41:43 PM Central Daylight Time, 

  Double-Double with Cheese has got to be the finest 'burger 

It is wrong for you guys to talk about these burgers when most of us can't 
get them where we live   ROTFL At least Kay said she'd try to 
look for the recipe.  And just "What is sin anyway?"   

Re: [TruthTalk] What is sin?

2004-10-24 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/24/2004 9:30:46 PM Central Daylight Time, 
i have called my wife and told 
  her to bring me an In and Out Burger  --- I hope you all are 
  happy.   John 

Yeah  That makes me happy (assuming you don't eat the bun)   
BUT  did you have to say In and Out Burger?   We don't have them 
here and my son went to CA and came back raving about them.  Now you made 
me hungry!!!  Laura

Fwd: [TruthTalk] What is sin?

2004-10-24 Thread LaurHamm

Hey John    You can have the whole thing!!!  No carbs 
and no fat!!  LOL  Laura
--- Begin Message ---

I hope 
you like cherry...

They're my favorite.
--- End Message ---

Re: [TruthTalk] Importance of This Election

2004-10-24 Thread LaurHamm

Your friend is to be respected for standing up and being counted in such a 
gathering.  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] The Early Jewish Christian Church

2004-10-23 Thread LaurHamm

Just a quick comment -  I appreciate this thread as it is constructive 
and I can learn something from it.  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Torah

2004-10-21 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/21/2004 8:16:01 AM Central Daylight Time, 
Let me 
  give you an illustration.  If I say that the automobile is both car 
  and Toyota, that would be a true statement without equating car and 
  Toyota. Consider the sentence, "the automobile has been around since 
  1892."  We could not substitute the word "Toyota" for "automobile" in 
  this sentence.  I see this kind of set similar to what was being said 
  about the WORD, Yeshua, and Torah.  In my illustration, the word 
  automobile corresponds to "the WORD," car corresponds to "Yeshua," and 
  Toyota corresponds to "Torah."Maybe I had better make a Venn diagram 
  for you after all.  Let me know if you think that is 

So Torah is the Word, Yeshua is the Word and Torah is not Yeshua?  Or 
the Word can be both Torah and Yeshua.  Do I have that right?  

Re: [TruthTalk] What is sin?

2004-10-21 Thread LaurHamm

This is interesting and I am anxious to check it out.  

[TruthTalk] Check out - Eye on the Issues

2004-10-20 Thread LaurHamm

here: - Eye on the Issues   This is a neat link to 
show where the candidates stand on issues.  Thought some of you might like 
to check it out.  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] What is sin?

2004-10-20 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/20/2004 9:41:51 AM Central Daylight Time, 

  Hi Laura,
  Let me rephrase some of 
  this.  Torah can be compared to logos in the sense that logos means word 
  (lowercase w meaning scripture).  Torah cannot be compared to Logos in 
  the sense of John 1.1 where Logos means Word (uppercase w meaning a 
  Person).  When you quote a verse from the NT it is the word, not the 
  Word.  Christ does refer to the law and quotes the Torah.  He also 
  came to fulfill it.  These points imply that Torah must be distinct from 
  the Word.  When Christ refers to Torah He is not refering to 
  himself.  When Christ quotes from the Torah He is not quoting 
  Himself.  When Christ fulfills the Torah He is not fulfilling 
  Himself.  The Torah must be kept distinct from the Person of Jesus Christ 
  for this to make any type of logical sense.  Translators of scripture 
  have almost universally translated logos in John 1.1 to mean the Person of 
  Jesus Christ, which is why it is given a captial W (Word).  Their intent 
  was to differentiate between logos and Logos (word and Word, thing and 
  Person).  The apostle John took a word (logos) that was well known to his 
  readers.  He then appropriated it to the Person of Jesus Christ.  
  This is not 'spiritualizing' words as Judy would have it (that would be 
  gnosticism).  This is a very real earthy thing.  Using the 
  vocabulary of his day John re-molds a word (pun intended) to mean something 
  distinct from the original interpretation.  When things are submitted to 
  Christ they change - even people.
  Jonathan Hughes 

Thanks for the explanation.  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] What is sin?

2004-10-20 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/20/2004 9:04:36 AM Central Daylight Time, 

  We could not rephrase John 1.1 as âIn the beginning was Torah, 
and Torah was with God and Torah was God.â   jt: Why would we want to when 
scripture clearly says "Word" but as Jeff and Slade both claim Jesus is the 
Word of God and Torah is The Word of God, so what's the problem?  

I don't see a problem with Jesus being the Word, the Torah being the Word 
or the scripture in it's entirety being the Word.  If I quote a verse from 
the NT it is also the Word.  After all, the Torah is the first 5 books of 
the Word or the law or whatever.  Christ referred to the law and quoted the 
Torah.  I have always called the Torah the law or the Pentateuch 
(sp?)   I don't discount the OT at all.  Christ came to fulfill 
the law - doesn't that mean the Pentateuch?  What am I missing here?  

Re: [TruthTalk] Family Advocacy

2004-10-19 Thread LaurHamm

Thanks Kay,   This is an interesting thread and 
"non-political"    My brain is on overload with politics!  
LOL   Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Check out The President's Agenda for Tax Relief

2004-10-18 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/18/2004 7:04:10 PM Central Daylight Time, 

  you're agreeing with 
  DavidM and calling Terry a 

not really   I am just saying that we don't always get a clear 
picture when we listen or read someone elses info   

Re: [TruthTalk] Check out The President's Agenda for Tax Relief

2004-10-18 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/18/2004 6:53:49 PM Central Daylight Time, 

  Oh myâif his actual 
  plan is your proofââ
  On Behalf Of 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 7:50 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [TruthTalk] Check out The 
  President's Agenda for Tax Relief
  Click here: The 
  President's Agenda for Tax 

Not proof but actual info on what his plan is.  Not what someone else 
says it is.  Laura

[TruthTalk] Check out Kerry's Tax Ad: Literally Accurate, But Misleading

2004-10-18 Thread LaurHamm

Click here: Kerry's Tax 
Ad: Literally Accurate, But Misleading   The site you referred to 
even says Kerry's ad is misleading.  I say that nearly everything the man 
says is misleading.  Laura

[TruthTalk] Check out The President's Agenda for Tax Relief

2004-10-18 Thread LaurHamm

Click here: 
The President's Agenda for Tax Relief 

Re: [TruthTalk] Bush on Tax Cuts

2004-10-18 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/18/2004 5:40:22 PM Central Daylight Time, 
Unfortunately you are wrong.  Even bipartisan sites agree that 
  Bush was ummerr lying.  Read Terry's post and see how much he got 
  from the tax cut wherethe majority "went to low and middle income 

I think you are being unfair.  There are numerous articles all over 
the place that show that David is correct.  Maybe you are the partisan 
one?  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] [TruthTallk] why christians don't vote

2004-10-15 Thread LaurHamm

I know nothing about the man Kay mentioned but I do know that a vote for 
him is a vote against Bush and in favor of Kerry.  That is 
scary!!!   If Christians don't stop bickering and start realizing that 
no political candidate is perfect, they will never win.  For me, the issue 
is not who we vote for but the fact that far too many Christians don't even 
bother to vote.  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] [TruthTallk] why christians don't vote

2004-10-15 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/15/2004 5:50:43 AM Central Daylight Time, 
Isn't voting our Civic duty?  Why turn the whole shooting 
  match over to the devil?

Voting IMHO is not just a civic duty or obedience to the Word of God - it 
is a ticket to complain    :0) 

Re: [TruthTalk] Agression vs Love

2004-10-14 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/14/2004 9:23:06 AM Central Daylight Time, 
  Disney is one of the worst. 

I know it and here we are guilty of watching the Disney Channel some and 
watching the movies.  We have Alice and Wonderland now from the 
library.   Maybe not a good thing!!!    Hard to keep a 
balance when we avoid Rugrats, Power Rangers, Pokemon etc.  Veggie Tales 
are good but they want other stuff too!  Right now Dora is 
on Nicolodeon but that channel has it's drawbacks too.   

Re: [TruthTalk] Why Christians don't vote

2004-10-14 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/14/2004 9:17:18 AM Central Daylight Time, 

That is a great article.  I would be interested to know if anyone on 
the list chooses NOT to vote and why?   

Re: [TruthTalk] Republican or Democrat

2004-10-14 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 10/14/2004 1:55:19 AM Central Daylight Time, 

  On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 02:13:12 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 20:35:26 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:In a message 
dated 10/13/2004 2:26:29 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
writes:John: So, eventually , on this earth, I Co 8:1-3 can be cut 
out of our Bibles.  I'll sharpen my scissors.  Most of us on TT 
have already excluded the passage anyway.  JohnJudyt:What 
has this conversation got to do with eating meat bought in the marketplace 
that has first been sacrificed to idols or"things offered to idols?" 
John: You think the principle of knowledge verse love only applies 
when we are arguing about the eating of meats?? JD  
Judyt:I've never argued about "eating of meats" because so far as I 
know the meat I buy at the Commissary has not been sacrificed to idols; but 
we see that it is not good to be in ignorance regarding this because Jesus 
says so when He brings up the subject once more in Revelations 
2:14,20.  I believe that idolatry is always divisive and never ever 
leads to unity.  When Jesus is the root in our heart we gladly put all 
of this away.  Incidentally our daughter's pastor uses the "meat 
offered to idols" argument to justify things like celebrating Halloween. I 
fail to see the connection but they respect him and this is what he has 
taught them, so sadly our grandchildren are not being tutored in true 
spiritual discernment and walking in the fear of God.  Our grandson 
along with all of his little Christian friends who attend the Christian 
school are heavily into Pokemon cards and this Yugi character which leads to 
a Japanese form of D&D; if not stopped this will eventually lead to the 
same type of fantasy role playing games along with the same evil fruit in 
the lives of these boys..
John: Did I miss something?   Nothing in the 
above paragraph has anything to do with my question about the principle of 
knowledge verses love.  
  Judyt: John, God is not against knowledge, that is the 
wisdom from above; who said to be wise as serpents but harmless as 
doves. Also there is no principle in all of the references about eating 
things strangled and meat offered to idols other than that 'if we love God 
we will not do it' 
John: Oh, and one more thing.  Pokeman will lead to nothing of the 
kind    unless done to excess.   We celebrate 
Christmas and entertain Halloween.   Been doing it for 38 years 
with my kids and now the grand kids.   All of them 
Christians.   All of them in some capacity of Christian 
leadership.   Everyone has their demons, I guess.  John
Judyt:  Well John, it's good if we are not condemned by the things 
we allow and what you, your kids, and grandkids have been doing for all 
these years is between you, them, and the Lord since He is the 
Judge.  However, that does not alter the fact that Halloween is and has 
always been the devil's day.  As for Pokemon.  Look at the 
characters and what they represent.  I guess it's like all sin, a 
little drink, a little cigarette, a little gambling, a little gossip, a 
little fornication,  never hurt anyone - Right?I've been lurking 
since I resigned up but wanted to interject a comment on Pokemon.  I 
see it as an agression to solve all problems issue.  I felt the same 
way with power rangers.  I even see it in Tweety and 
Sylvester.   So much of what these children watch is so 
agressive.  I discourage these shows.    As far as 
Halloween is concerned.  For us it is all about dress up.  We go 
with the kids and only let them trick or treat in areas where we know 
people.  Our church has trunk or treat where we decorate our trunks 
(nothing occult, evil etc) and the kids go from one car to the other and end 
up around a coppertype fire pit roasting marshmallows.  This year they 
are doing a hay maze and a chilli cook off.  It is more of a harvest 
party.  This year the girls are an M & M ,  a lion and a 
mouse.   Last year we had a butterfly, a spider (purple) and a 
target sales clerk (complete with headphones and a label machine (ala 
pricing machine)   To sum it all up -  evil or 
not    why do we let the media teach our children that we 
solve situations with physical means?


Re: [TruthTalk] Religious Books

2004-07-16 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 7/16/2004 7:16:37 AM Central Daylight Time, 

  I found a much more interesting section of a website that Jonathan sent (the 
  jokes!):. Izzy 
  pertinent to our discussions: 

Thanks for the diversion!   I had a good time reading some of 
those. Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Rock of Ages

2004-07-15 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 7/15/2004 1:51:31 PM Central Daylight Time, 

  are you intrigued w/ 
  Calvin's ubiquity? :)

Just interesting to read that!   

Re: [TruthTalk] Rock of Ages

2004-07-15 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 7/15/2004 1:18:58 PM Central Daylight Time, 

  Rock of Ages, cleft for me,Let me hide myself in Thee;Let the water 
  and the blood,From Thy wounded side which flowed,Be of sin the double 
  cure;Save from wrath and make me pure.
  Not the labor of my handsCan fulfill Thy lawâs 
  demands;Could my zeal no respite know,Could my tears forever 
  flow,All for sin could not atone;Thou must save, and Thou 
  Nothing in my hand I bring,Simply to the cross I 
  cling;Naked, come to Thee for dress;Helpless look to Thee for 
  grace;Foul, I to the fountain fly;Wash me, Savior, or I 
  While I draw this fleeting breath,When mine eyes 
  shall close in death,[originally When my eye-strings break in 
  death]When I soar to worlds unknown,See Thee on Thy judgment 
  throne,Rock of Ages, cleft for me,Let me hide myself in 
  Augustus Toplady, 1776. An 
  un­sub­stan­ti­at­ed sto­ry says the lyr­ics 
  were in­spired when 
  Top­la­dy took shel­ter from a storm un­der a rocky 
  over­hang near Eng­landâs Ched­dar Gorge; he 
  re­port­ed­ly wrote the words on a play­ing 

My pastor wrot a book called Then Sings My Soul  with our Music 
Minister.  This song is in there.  He wrote that Augustus's father 
died in a war and he ws spoiled by his mother.  Hardly anyone liked 
him.  At 11 he was interested in the Lory, by 12 he was preaching and began 
writing hymns at 14.  At 16 he was converted in a service in a barn.  
At 22 he became an Anglican Priest.  He was a Calvinist and despised John 
Wesley's theology and brote an article about God's forgiveness intenting it to 
be a slam against Wesley.  This article was ended with the poem 
above. My pastor said it is oddly similar to something 
Wesley had written 30 years before.  He didn't mention the playing 
card or the storm.   Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] have you noticed?

2004-07-15 Thread LaurHamm

I hope you are right!  I am about to unsub for a couple of 
weeks.  It is just too hard to read on digest and I am in and out of town 
for the next couple of weeks starting Sat.  I am enjoying reading 
everyone's posts so I didn't want anyone to think I was just gone.  

Re: [TruthTalk] Spirit/Soul

2004-07-14 Thread LaurHamm

My responses are in red. Laura
In a message dated 7/14/2004 10:23:04 AM Central Daylight Time, 

  Scripture teaches us that "God is a Spirit" John 4:24 
  - so how was Adam made in His Image aside from being created a spiritual 
  being?  God put His spirit in him
  In Job we learn "There is a spirit in man and the 
  inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding" (Job 32:8) I have to dash out but here is a verse that I 
4The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so 
that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the 
image of God. 2 Corinthians 4:4 
I believe the reason they are blinded is because they 
are unsaved and don't have the HS residing within them.  My opinion is that 
the HS spirit ministers from without before we are saved and from within after 

  David believed the same when under great duress he 
  wrote  "Into thine hand I commit my Spirit" (Psalm 31:5)
  Jesus on the cross right before giving up the ghost 
  cried "Father into thy hands I commend my spirit" (Luke 23:46)
  Stephen while being stoned cried "Lord Jesus receive 
  my spirit" (Acts 7:59)


Re: [TruthTalk] Marriage, divorce, remarriage, continued

2004-07-14 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 7/14/2004 7:52:46 AM Central Daylight Time, 
  Once I am finished erecting portable garage canopies, building worm beds and 
  cages, installing automatic watering systems and electricity,  we should 
  meet our goals with plenty of time left for fishing and hunting. 

Sounds like a plan but you have a lot of work ahead of you.  Watch 
yourself in that hot weather and PACE  PACE PACE   I thought your 
information was interesting.  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Spirit/Soul

2004-07-13 Thread LaurHamm

I have been thinking about this thread and in my opinion, we are born with 
a body and have a soul which represents life. I guess we could say we are a 
soul to be correct.  We receive the HS when we are saved.  Then when 
we die the soul goes to be with the Lord.  Do we even need the spirit 
because we will be in the presence of God the Father.  Just some rambling 
thoughts but I definately think the body and soul are two different 
things.  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Marriage, divorce, remarriage, continued

2004-07-13 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 7/13/2004 8:19:10 PM Central Daylight Time, 
  now, the demand exceeds the supply, as they are lower in cholesterol and fat 
  than poultry, beef, or pork.

OK  I can't imagine eating rabbit as a normal protein source.  Do 
you benefit from the skins also?  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Marriage, divorce, remarriage, continued

2004-07-13 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 7/13/2004 7:40:12 PM Central Daylight Time, 
Multiplying rabbits are greatly to be desired.  I am making cages 
  as I can afford to make cages.  The more they multiply, the more cages I 
  can afford.Terry

Now you have me intriqued!   What do you do with these 
rabbits?  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Marriage, divorce, remarriage, continued

2004-07-13 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 7/13/2004 7:02:44 PM Central Daylight Time, 
Wabbits is wodents Iz.  
  They chew right through anything softer than a diamond.  They eat 
  Rubbermaid like these skeeters drink skin so 

Wabbits multiply too Are you making enough 
cages?   Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Marriage, divorce, remarriage, continued

2004-07-13 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 7/13/2004 1:05:33 PM Central Daylight Time, 

  the same feeling that God has when we screw up our lives with sin, even while 
  believing in Him? 
  It was hard as a mother to sit 
  back and watch and realize that I couldn't fix my son's problems.  

Very likely the same thing.  I learned a lot about remaining quiet and 
trusting God.  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Marriage, divorce, remarriage, continued

2004-07-12 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 7/12/2004 7:49:03 AM Central Daylight Time, 

  only problem I see with this below is that (1) I see no scriptural backing for 
  âemotional damageâ, and (2) every time someone is not happy in his/her 
  marriage they think they are being âemotionally abusedâ.  In many cases they are simply not 
  getting their own way, and are rebelling against the Lordâs discipline in 
  their own life.  I believe that 
  God uses marital difficulties to help us walk in the Spirit, rather than in 
  the flesh.  We have ALL been there 
  at one time or another, havenât we? And wouldnât it be a shame if we used that 
  opportunity to declare ourselves free to take another spouse? We had better be 
  sure the Lord has declared our marriage vows broken, and not just ourselves. 
  Better to live alone than to take the chance of living in adultery. 
  the other hand, if I were being screamed at or insulted constantly, or my 
  children were, I donât think Iâd stick around long.  Iâm sure there are cases when there is 
  no sane way to deal with the hatred, and remarriage might be allowed by the 
  Lord then.  It would take a lot of 
  prayer.  I know in my former 
  marriage it had gotten just about that bad before I got solid proof of 
  adultery.  I was about at the 
  breaking point and considering legal separation, because I knew I didnât want 
  to spend the rest of my life being treated so badly for no reason.  The kinder I was to him, the angrier 
  he reacted.  The hatred was 
  palpable.  I afterwards learned 
  that when someone is cheating on you they become very angry with you because 
  they must make YOU the bad guy to justify their sin.  The cheater knows he/she is lying, 
  cheating, using pornography and drugs/alcohol, or whatever.  They canât deal with owning up to 
  their guilt, so they project their guilt onto the very person they are 
  abusing.  I think most emotional 
  abuse is due to this. Or perhaps the abuser is just suffering from acute 
  depression and needs medical treatment.  

This is exactly what happens.  We finally took some advice from a 
leader in our church and realized that my son's former wife had been playing a 
game for years.  It was all about her and she manipulated every 
situation.  My son fell for it and most of us did but after it was all over 
we began to see the truth.  The more he stayed home and did what she wanted 
the worse it got.  When Izzy talked about them transferring guilt it was 
another confirmation for me.  She was and is still running from the 
Lord.  I'm not even sure she was/is saved but of course noone knows the 
heart but God.  I can look back and see that there was no "fruit" that was 
pure.  Sin is horrible and love covers it until a person's eyes are 
opened.  Glenn's wife says that often the sin is not the divorce but the 
marriage.  She may be right!  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Marriage, divorce, remarriage, continued

2004-07-12 Thread LaurHamm

I think emotional abuse can be horrible too.  I watched my son go 
through it and there was nothing anyone could do.  His former wife started 
with subtle deception and it led to blatant lies.  She refused to go to 
church services and conjured up all kinds of stories which she told my son in 
law.  It was horrible and my son went to counseling.  The counselor 
met with her once and told him she was living a lie and that until she became 
honest with herself and dealt with some past issues there was no way for him to 
do anything.  She filed for divorce and he decided to move on with his life 
and not make it any more ugly.  It was a tough time for all of us because 
the "D" word was not part of our vocabulary.  Fortunately he has met a 
great gal and they are both enjoying doing things together.  It was hard as 
a mother to sit back and watch and realize that I couldn't fix my son's 
problems.  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Interesting Article

2004-07-08 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 7/8/2004 9:41:34 PM Central Daylight Time, 

   I wonder what impact a passage has on this discussion that 
reads, "God hates divorce."  I have never actually thought about it 
before.   I am listening, ya'll.  
  ask a far too complicated question for a country boy to fully answer John, 
  even though I once did a detailed study on the subject.  My findings did 
  not agree with the teachings of my pastor at the time, and I was advised not 
  to teach such stuff to my cell group, since some of them were divorced.  
  Being the dogmatic, narrow minded fundamentalist that I am, I left that church 
  rather than water down my findings.  If you or the group are interested, 
  we might be able to discuss the subject over a period of time.  For right 
  now, let me say that one does not always sin, even though they are doing 
  something God hates.  (Let me take cover now, lest I be 

Interesting -  I'm intrigued!  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Divine Nature

2004-07-06 Thread LaurHamm

If you right click on your mouse it will give you an option to clear the 
background   Laura

Fwd: [TruthTalk] [Fwd: Best buy for your money]

2004-07-06 Thread LaurHamm

Thanks for sending that info.  I had money burning a hole in my wallet 
and was about to rush out and buy the book (NOT) but I really need the other 
item.  In fact it is on the list for the store today!   You saved 
me from wasting my $.  Laura   
--- Begin Message ---


Clinton's new book is out. I located a better buy for your money.
~900 pages for $21.00 =
800 sheets for $2.09 = $0.003/sheet. 




<><>--- End Message ---

Re: [TruthTalk] question

2004-07-05 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 7/5/2004 9:16:45 PM Central Daylight Time, 
  question is: Why was Jesus baptized?  Certainly not to be saved, and 
  not for the remission of sins, so 

I always figured it was to set an example for believers.  Probably too 
simple!  LOL  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Fornication in the camp

2004-07-04 Thread LaurHamm

I am not finding fault with what you said but am curious as to whether you 
believe birth control is always wrong.  Do you believe in family 
planning?  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Just in time for the 4th!

2004-07-04 Thread LaurHamm

That is very interesting about Penn.  I lived just outside of the town 
where George Reed lived and it is historic.  They have celebrations every 
year on Separation Day which is the beginning of June.  The town was Dutch 
and the religions were predominately Anglican and Presbyterian.  It is 
still that way to a large degree.  I never realized they persecuted him 
though.  It is interesting to me that nearly every phase of their life was 
closely tied to the church and today they basically worship on Sunday Morning 
only.  How far many have strayed from the "founders" purposes!  

Re: [TruthTalk] Smithson: Kruger is the man.. Smithson waxes an elephant

2004-07-01 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 7/1/2004 8:03:42 AM Central Daylight Time, 
  assumes the Trinity for a number of reasons (biblical and historical) and 
  presents the idea that central to the reality of the Father, Son and Spirit is 
  the relationship 
  of the three to each other.  We tend to think of fellowship as something 
  that you seek to encounter or restore or to flee from; with God (the Father 
  Son and Holy Spirit) fellowship is something of a life source, it is that 
  which joins the Three.   Kruger describes this fellowship as the 
  womb of human history.  Applied to humans (Let us make man in our image), 
  I am thinking that God gives birth to that which also requires fellowship, and 
  more specifically, fellowship with Him.   And so here we 
  are.   The drag is this, many try to find meaning in their life 
  without God.    In a sense, God is our birthing parent.  
  We are in His image as a matter of creation. We have no choice. and when we 
  seek other definition, we resist the reality that fully explains who we 
  are.   When we seek other definition, we are a mess we kick 
  against the pricks.   When we are involved in passionate fellowship 
  with each other, when our search for God is centered in our outpouring for 
  others (Isa 58:9-11), we find God, we see Him, we realize His presence because 
  He is 
  what we are doing.   
  We do love -- He is love.  We do fellowship -- his very existence is 
  fellowship (Father Son and Holy Spirit).  In accepting His nature, we 
  move from doing to becoming.  And when we stand in the fulfillment of 
  that "becoming,"  when we are full grown we shine forth His light into 
  this world  --  like Father, like son.    

I like the use of the term relationship!   After all, when 
you think about it,   "we" were created to fellowship with God and each 
other. Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Check out MSN Video

2004-06-30 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 6/30/2004 9:48:50 PM Central Daylight Time, 
Izzy, no 
  fear. This video was an ultrasound.

Yes  I thought it was an ultrasound also.  I just thought it was 
interesting.  Laura

[TruthTalk] Check out MSN Video

2004-06-30 Thread LaurHamm

here: MSN Video   Some time ago we had a thread about when life 
really began.  This is a video from inside the womb.  I managed to 
open it but other I know had trouble.  Maybe some of you would like to view 
it.  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Soul Ties

2004-06-28 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 6/27/2004 11:18:26 PM Central Daylight Time, 

  a question for you all.  Do you 
  believe there are such things a âsoul tiesâ?  If so, what are they, and how do they 
  work? Izzy

Great question.  I'm anxious to hear the viewpoints.  

Re: [TruthTalk] Truth Talk or Politics

2004-06-23 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 6/23/2004 6:06:33 PM Central Daylight Time, 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:   

Great article.  Thanks for sharing.  

Re: [TruthTalk] President George Bush

2004-06-15 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 6/15/2004 1:28:25 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Just for the record.  I was at a concert to support Compassion International and Amy Grant was one of the singers - (I mainly went to hear Mercy Me)  She gave quite a testimony and spoke about her sin and restoration.  Laura Doesn't move me.   The plan for most in her situation is to go ahead and commit the deed, then repent after she /he has destroyed whatever is in her/his way, collected and possessed the benefit, and in general made a mockery of the Lordship of Christ. John 
Your choice to judge as you want.  I choose to let God do the judging.  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] President George Bush

2004-06-15 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 6/15/2004 1:48:11 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

A frequent story by those who intended to do wrong, did it, and intended to be âforgiven and restoredâ all along.  That does not change the fact that they are living in an adulterous relationship to this day (if they did not divorce on Biblical grounds).  Izzy
I'm not condoning what happened - just saying that the Lord appears to be using her and even though I don't buy her music, I did not walk out because she stepped up to the stage.  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] President George Bush

2004-06-15 Thread LaurHamm

Just for the record.  I was at a concert to support Compassion International and Amy Grant was one of the singers - (I mainly went to hear Mercy Me)  She gave quite a testimony and spoke about her sin and restoration.  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Reminder from the Moderator

2004-06-10 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 6/10/2004 11:13:22 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I agree with most of what you said but I do think we should include prayer requests.  I am sometimes overwhelmed with the number of posts but if someone thinks it is urgent or something that might get a thread going then I think you should allow it.  Maybe we should send these things to you and you can decide if it benefits the whole group.  Just my opinion.  Laura
1. Posts containing a link to an interesting web page you found. If a link helps to progress an argument, make a point, or directly relates to a topic of discussion, then use it. But, please avoid just sending a link that pertains to something you think is interesting.2. A one-liner that does not further a discussion, or multiple one-liners that each address only one point of a larger discussion. Try to respond to an entire post with a single response of your own. Occasionally, if you leave out an important point you intended to make, or want to change or correct a previous post, then a second post is warranted.3. One-line responses back and forth between two posters for an extended period. This is a discussion group, not an immediate message board. If you go one to two quick one-liner posts with another member, why not take it to an IM board, chat room, or to private email.4. A cute joke or anecdote that you found on the internet, or that a friend or relative sent you. I am sure we each get enough "FW:" email every day that we do not need to wade through it on TT.5. ANYTHING that ends with "Send this to xxx friends", or "If you love Jesus you will forward this to...". I would guess that Jesus could care less about your email, and doubt that not forwarding such will affect your state of redemption.6. Personal discussions between two members. Most probably don't care that Bobby is in graduate school at the same place the other member's brother's son went. If it becomes personal please use private email.Thanks,Perry the Moderator

Re: [TruthTalk] Aspartame

2004-06-08 Thread LaurHamm

I am glad you mentioned this, Judy.  I do know a gal who had some allegric reactions to beverages with aspertame and they cleared up when she discontinued it.  The symptoms did mask that of MS BUT this is not common.  Below is a report I found to be interesting.  Laura
 Is aspartame safe? 
 After reviewing scientific studies, FDA determined in 1981 that aspartame was safe for use in foods. In 1987, the General Accounting Office investigated the process surrounding FDA's approval of aspartame and confirmed the agency had acted properly. However, FDA has continued to review complaints alleging adverse reactions to products containing aspartame. To date, FDA has not determined any consistent pattern of symptoms that can be attributed to the use of aspartame, nor is the agency aware of any recent studies that clearly show safety problems. 
Carefully controlled clinical studies show that aspartame is not an allergen. However, certain people with the genetic disease phenylketonuria (PKU), those with advanced liver disease, and pregnant women with hyperphenylalanine (high levels of phenylalanine in blood) have a problem with aspartame because they do not effectively metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine, one of aspartame's components. High levels of this amino acid in body fluids can cause brain damage. Therefore, FDA has ruled that all products containing aspartame must include a warning to phenylketonurics that the sweetener contains phenylalanine. 

 Source: Excerpted from FDA Consumer, May 1994: Food Allergies Rare but Risky 

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Re: [TruthTalk] Mediation of Christ -- question

2004-06-06 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 6/6/2004 10:57:34 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Woodman Valley is the only church I know of in the Springs with those kind of numbers. I do not know if it is charismatic though.
Our Children's Ministry director just left to take a Children's ministry position there.   They are a huge church!  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] (no subject)

2004-06-03 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 6/2/2004 11:34:28 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
DAVEH:  Ignore for a moment your concern for a second chance after death.  (That is a different discussion, Laura.)  Do you believe those who do not have the chance to accept Jesus while in mortality, will have a chance to accept him after death?  To me, the Bible suggests that is the case.  Not only did some early Christians baptize for the dead (which implies they thought the previously dead folks would have a chance to accept Jesus in the post mortal realm), but I've previously mentioned 1Pet 3:18-19 and 1Pet 4:6 as evidence that Jesus preached the gospel to dead folks so that they could be judged as though in the flesh, in order that they can live according to God.  What passages do you feel suggest that those who did not have the opportunity to accept Jesus in mortality, would not have the chance after death?-- 

i have to agree with Judy's post and Ro 1:17 that Perry posted.  I don't think those who have not heard the gospel will have a second chance.  What would be the point in spending billions of dollars and sending people all over the world to tell others about Christ?  Why would Jesus have commanded us to "go into all the world..."   We could just sit back and enjoy our stained glass ornate buildings and spend our time anyway we want to.  Then when someone dies we could just go get baptized for them.  (I'm not suggesting that this is what LDS do)  I am just saying that we would be wasting our time making the effort to evangelize the world.  Why do Mormon's send out missionaries?  Is it not to spread their version of the gospel?    Again,  this is not a put down.  It just doesn't make any sense to me.  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] (no subject)

2004-06-02 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 6/2/2004 9:53:56 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DAVEH:  I'm hung up on it because I find the popular Christian perception to be very interesting.  To me it is obviously symbolic, but to most Christians it seems to be a literal lake of fire.  Yet (to me) it seems so illogical.That a loving God would punitively punish people who never had the chance to accept/believe Jesus by physically torturing them forever.  Seems pretty harsh.even for the wrath of God, does it not!  Contrast that to the Lord's story of the prodigal you find both teachings to be at odds?
I have been thinking about this response.  Putting aside those who die without the opportunity to hear about Jesus,DAVEH:  Why do that, Laura.  That seems like a much more interesting topic than the one you question below.   
Laura:  Because I think there is a difference -  I wonder how many actually don't have a chance to hear the gospel but those who reject I believe will end up in hell.

    What is your opinion of those who deliberately choose not to accept the gift of salvation?DAVEH:  As I've said many times before in TT..Jesus is not going to force anybody to heaven.  So, if somebody deliberately chooses not to be reside with him in heaven, he won't end up there.      Having said that I've also mentioned numerous times in TT.I believe Jesus' resurrection applies to all men.  All (mortals) will be resurrected due to the grace of our Lord. a sense, even those who reject the gospel message will benefit from our Savior's grace.

  Surely you don't think they get a second chance after death?  LauraDAVEH:  The question do you define what constitutes a first chance.  Does merely hearing Jesus' name mean that one has been exposed enough to the gospel to be convicted to a torturous eternal punishment if one does not grasp the concept of the gospel message?  Not in my opinion.  I believe there are a lot of folks who for numerous reasons simply do not understand the Savior's gospel message.  Will they be held accountable for their lack of knowledge???.not in my opinion.  At some point though, all will understand all knees will bow to our Lord.
Laura:  I mean a chance to accept Christ after physical death.

[TruthTalk] (no subject)

2004-06-02 Thread LaurHamm

DAVEH:  I'm hung up on it because I find the popular Christian perception to be very interesting.  To me it is obviously symbolic, but to most Christians it seems to be a literal lake of fire.  Yet (to me) it seems so illogical.That a loving God would punitively punish people who never had the chance to accept/believe Jesus by physically torturing them forever.  Seems pretty harsh.even for the wrath of God, does it not!  Contrast that to the Lord's story of the prodigal you find both teachings to be at odds?
I have been thinking about this response.  Putting aside those who die without the opportunity to hear about Jesus,    What is your opinion of those who deliberately choose not to accept the gift of salvation?  Surely you don't think they get a second chance after death?  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] The Mediation of Christ

2004-05-29 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 5/29/2004 7:27:51 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

What are the differences?  Just curious.  Laura-Good morning Laura:There are people called atheists who do not believe that there is a GodThere are people who are called agnostics that think there may or may not be a God. In either case, they are not really interested in pursuing the issue.There are people called believers that believe that Jesus was who He is and did what He did.  Satan is in this category.There are people who believe what Jesus teaches. That Jesus is not only their savior, but their Master. They no longer live to please themselves.  They have died to self and now live to please Him.  They are saved.I suspect that you would fall into this last category.Terry
I guess I am just naive.  I don't understand how you can believe Jesus was who he was and did what he did and not believe and follow what he teaches.  I guess it's what some refer to as head knowledge vs. heart knowledge.  BTW  I am enjoying the recent atmosphere - it is edifying!  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] The Mediation of Christ

2004-05-28 Thread LaurHamm

In a message dated 5/28/2004 9:27:59 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

There seems to be a confusion in nomenclature: 
There is a difference between BELIEVING IN Yeshua and BELIEVING Yeshua.
Perhaps this is the difference everyone is stepping around.
-- slade
What are the differences?  Just curious.  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] taking off

2004-05-26 Thread LaurHamm

Stay safe and we will be praying for your DIL and her unborn baby.  Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Prayer request

2004-05-25 Thread LaurHamm

I certainly will pray.  Keep us posted.  Laura

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