I am interested in Kay's post too after the weekend!   If she has a houseful of company she may change her mind about not being a man :0)     Hope you have a nice weekend and that you enjoy your company.  Laura
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NT is commentary on OT.
The partition may be down, Judy, but there are still roles. I certainly don't want to be a man. God has ONE set of rules for ALL of His family.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Judy Taylor
Sent: Friday, 29 October, 2004 07.15
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] 613 Commands

Judyt: Yes I'd be interested in the 1050 after this weekend Kay; hope all goes well for you.  I had never considered the NT a rule book... BTW Christians are to be a nation of kings and priests, and didn't Jesus break down the wall of partition between Jews and Greeks, male and female etc. do the rules address this also?
On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 06:24:12 -0400 "Slade Henson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Hi Judy:
613 commands in the Torah, yes. Directly from God, not man. Why? Because God says Be Holy, because I AM holy. This is HOW a holy, set-apart people live. This is how you deal with this, this is how you deal with that. God has a whole system of government set up. Gee, too bad we didn't follow it in the first place. Maybe then our courts wouldn't be as messed up as they are.
I don't understand WHY people freak out over 613 commands. They're reiterated in the newer Testament. In fact, the newer Testament contains 1,050 commands! Yeshua made the commands fuller, harder even. 
Yes, there are 613 commands. However, YOU don't have to follow each of them. There are commands for men, which you're not a man, so they don't apply. I know you're not a Levitical priest, so, whack away a whole SLEW of the 613. Let's see...how about instructions (law) for you in particular since you're a woman.....Not to get personal, but I believe you're an older woman, correct? Well, then you can knock out the laws for Niddah (the monthly cycle) as well as the child bearing laws. 
When you were raising your children, didn't you have House Rules? Why did you give the Rules of the House to your children? To keep them safe? To keep order? To protect? God did the same thing for us. He's a loving Father who wants to keep His children safe and holy. Did you ever give your children a rule that they didn't understand? You knew the reasoning behind it and it was probably a good reason. God does the same thing. Every single one of the 613 fall under TWO categories. Every single law of the 613 have to do with either A. Loving God, or B. Loving your Neighbor. Funny, our house rules are just like that. I bet yours were, too.
Kabbalah is something different, Judy. It's a much deeper spiritual application. I would not suggest reading it. There are also two different types of Kabbalah. God Himself says the laws He gives are "not far from you". It is NOT impossible. Maybe we should list all the laws and see exactly how many apply. Would that help?
Being worn out due to learning a new one every day is something Paul was attempting for others coming in. It's what he speaks of in Acts...Kay's paraphrase....
Paul and the Council: Okay, we've got to DO something with these people coming in. We can't fellowship with them. They can't come into the sanctuary. In order to be able to do that...we have to give them these four rules....don't fornicate, don't eat strangled foods, don't worship other idols....they'll be coming to the synagogue every Shabbat. They'll be hearing the Torah when they come each week. It takes us three years to read the whole Torah. They can handle little bits of it each week. They'll learn. Slow, but sure, they'll build up and they'll learn. That's what we can do with them! Wow, we solved our problem!
I've got lots of people in for the weekend. I won't be on much. Shall we look at ALL the laws and see what they are about? See which ones apply and then maybe we'll have a good number? Maybe after that, we should check out the 1050 in the Newer Testament and compare when we're done with that.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Judy Taylor
Sent: Thursday, 28 October, 2004 06.57
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The Early Jewish Chrisitan Church

Once more I stand corrected. I was under the impression we were all talking about the same thing. Now I see we are not - 613 Commandments, you've got to be kidding?  Last I heard mention of this was through Ellsman..........
So I did a search and found "Ask Moses" (modern day you understand) who tells me there are 248 positive and 365 negative commandments for a total of 613.  What a load whereas Jesus says "My yoke is easy and my burden is light" so I would much rather learn from Him.
I'm sorry Jeff and Slade as I thought we were talking about the same thing. When I say Torah I mean the writings of Moses as revealed by the Spirit of God without all of the add ons and extras.  I see where the Kaballah (that occult business Madonna is into) is attached to this in some way also which further complicates things. One
poor soul who is just beginning to learn of Jewish heritage wrote that every day they were learning about another law or commandment and they were worn out and overwhelmed by all the mitzvot!
Whew!!  Kay, do you do all this as well??


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