In a message dated 11/24/2004 5:55:31 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
What, pray tell, do you find 'interesting' at both levels?
The preschool level gets the same point across but in words that little guys can understand.  Here is the text of the little take home board book that coordinates with the lessons. 
What's Faith
(the first few pages are the Christmas story since it is December)
Then they get into Abraham
God keeps his promises (Genesis 12-21)  This is January
God gave Abraham a promise.
One day his family would be as many as the stars in the sky
Abraham obeyed God and made good choices.
When God told Abraham and Sarah they would have a baby, they laughed and laughed.
They did not understand, but God did what he said he would do,,,He gave them a baby.
God keeps his promises!
God loves families (Genesis 24,25 This is Februrary
Abraham and Sarah thanked God for Isaac.
Isaac grew up to be a man...
And married Rebekah.
Issac prayed for a baby,
And God answered his prayers.
Isaac and Rebekah loved Jacob and Esau.
They tanked God for their family.
God loves families!
Of course the artwork is on each page.  I think it is interesting because they give the preschoolers the Word in simple terms that they can understand.  The Adult lessons coordinate so the whole family is involved in the same concepts and hopefully it will make for great family time. 

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