Re: [Tutor] Coming from R, what's a good IDE editor? I've tried PyCharm and Spyder

2017-06-04 Thread Editor is my current favorite after having swapped around a lot.
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Re: [Tutor] Running Python code without python installed

2016-08-27 Thread
 There are actually some options here. But all of them will require
some form of a installer. The only gotcha is you need an installer for
each platform you plan on distributing too.
So for Windows I currently use: INNO Setup Installer  ( ) and package the Python
installer for windows with-in it; then install Python and after that
is complete I install my python program; once everything is installed
you can create a launcher. Inno comes with a nice little IDE to help
you create the installer. It also runs well in Wine in case you are on
For Linux: I use a self extracting shell installer script ( ) that runs the appropriate
installation commands for Linux to get a Python interpret installed
and then switch it over to Python to finish the install. But I also
test for Python and 99% of the time my installer has reported that
Python in some form was already installed on Linux.
For OSX I have not yet tried to get my code working there; but I am
fairly certain that Python is installed on most OSX installs by
default it just becomes a matter of upgrading it to a more modern
For Android and IOS I use Kivy and buildozer to create the necessary packages.

Also the web app option is another good possibility; as mentioned by
Alan; since HTML5 has done so much to improve the state of web

On Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 2:26 AM, Jade Beckmann  wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm creating a program using python that uses a GUI and I want to be able
> to give the file to others for them to use the program on their computer.
> I'm just wondering how someone who doesn't have the python software
> installed on their PC or mac would be able to run the program?
> Thanks,
> Jade
> ___
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Re: [Tutor] Best tool for programming interactive games in Python

2016-03-30 Thread
On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 10:36 AM, john <> wrote:
> On 03/30/2016 04:27 AM, wrote:
>>> I have a few students who are interested in creating interactive games in
>>> Python. We have learned how to use tkinter but we are looking for
>>> something more robust. I tried using pygame 
>> I recommend Kivy; because then it is easy to take the app from
>> computer to Phone; which opens the world of touch devices!
>> Though not specifically made for games it works very well for my
>> purposes which are a game.
> I believe Kivy requires pygame so he would get the same error.

Since Kivy 1.9 the requirement for pygame has been dropped and they
are now using OpenGL instead.
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Re: [Tutor] Best tool for programming interactive games in Python

2016-03-30 Thread
>I have a few students who are interested in creating interactive games in
>Python. We have learned how to use tkinter but we are looking for
> something more robust. I tried using pygame 

I recommend Kivy; because then it is easy to take the app from
computer to Phone; which opens the world of touch devices!
Though not specifically made for games it works very well for my
purposes which are a game.
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Re: [Tutor] OT: (Continuous) integration testing: Can a solo developer with very limited resources truly do this?

2016-03-12 Thread
>>> Does one need to already have installation media for each OS to be
>>> used, or are they pre-loaded?  If the first, for Windows that could
>>> potentially be a chunk of money!
>> See Here Free Virtual Machines for Windows:
> I saw these but my superficial impression was that these were for
> Explorer and Edge browser testing.  Are they in fact usable for any OS
> functions I might have my programs using?

Yes at least the last time I downloaded one from the site it was a
full up and functional version of Windows only stipulation is the
trial period but using Virtual Box Snapshot functionality I am always
able to easily revert the VM back to day 0 of the trial period.
> If yes, perhaps we should post to the entire Tutor list, too?

Sorry I mean to post to the entire tutor list; thanks for pointing that out.
> --
> boB
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Re: [Tutor] OT: (Continuous) integration testing: Can a solo developer with very limited resources truly do this?

2016-03-12 Thread
> You're already writing unit tests to exercise your code.  Whenever you
> modify or refactor your code, you exercise your test cases before you
> check in the code.  All you have to do now is exercise your test cases
> on each supported platform or environment.
> If your application is expected to run on different operating systems
> (MacOS, Linux, Windows, etc.), *** you need to test on all of them ***
> [My emphasis.].  If you expect your application to work on different
> versions of the Java Virtual Machine (VM) or .NET common language
> runtime (CLR), *** you need to test that as well *** [My emphasis.].
> I firmly agree that this -- in principle -- must be done.  But how on
> earth can a solo developer, perhaps hoping to make a buck or two, with

I as a solo developer have been unable to achieve this task too; but
once my software is closer to complete that is when I look to do
integration testing.

> very limited resources, accomplish manual (much less continuous,
> automated) integration testing on all reasonable environment
> possibilities?  Just the possibilities for Windows with their
> constant, unending (albeit, necessary) string of security updates
> boggles my imagination!

You can always download the free test versions of windows; that is
what I do and then I throw them on a virtual machine so as to not have
to suck up that cost. But dealing with what security updates break is
a different story all together.

> One of the many beauties of Python is its portability across many
> platforms, but it is not perfect.  And surprises can occur, even if it
> is not Python's fault.  I *thought* I was finally finished with
> supporting Python 2.4 at work, and could start using features
> available in Python 2.6.  While testing some new code where I had
> starting using "with ..." to take care of closing files, I started
> receiving erratic crashes.  Sure enough the traceback pointed to the
> sections of code using the "with ..." blocks.  Huh?!?  After
> investigation, I found that when my IS and commercial vendor friends
> installed the second computational server for the planning software we
> use, they did *not* install the *exact* same environment.  The OS
> version was the same, but not all of the other ancillary software was
> the same.  In this instance, they went backwards with Python and
> installed Python 2.4 on the new server.  Since which server gets used
> is out of the user's control, sometimes my tests ran on one server,
> sometimes on the other.  And since I am stuck doing manual testing,
> these kinds of things are especially hard to catch!  The only way I
> will ever be able to automate testing at work will be to write my own
> custom testing framework that can bridge the "automation gap" between
> the software we use with its proprietary scripting language which does
> not support automated testing of any sort and the Python that I find
> myself using more and more, where I have the potential to automate.
> But the bottom line is -- at work -- the core data I need is in the
> proprietary environment and after the needed processing with Python it
> has to be translated back into the proprietary environment's scripting
> language and run there.

Yes in my virtual environments I have over time been diligently
writing a testing automation tool; that starts when the OS boots; then
looks to a specific server for a specific directory to download the
code to be tested. But it is very rough; the key is to start small and
write code that can be re-used. But I am still missing an android and
IOS client so I have to test those manually.

> The above was just a single practical example (Rant?  Sorry!).  But
> even for stuff I do at home, even with using some complex combination
> of virtual environments to test all relevant OS's (Assuming I could
> even afford copies WinXP, WinVista, Win7, Win10, etc., with all their
> many permutations.), how can automated, continuous integration testing
> be accomplished *in practice* for the severely resource-constrained
> solo developer?

Good Luck!
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Re: [Tutor] How do I access and manipulate files?

2016-03-12 Thread
On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 8:03 PM, Justin Hayes
Basic Manipulation:
Please try some code and ask some more specific questions. The Python
documentation is pretty good and there is a wealth of information
> ___
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Re: [Tutor] Changing the interpreter prompt symbol from ">>>" to ???

2016-03-12 Thread
On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 1:53 AM, boB Stepp  wrote:

> Thanks for the feedback.  I tried out your link, .  I
> have to confess my experience was not a good one.  Firstly, the
> environment supplied would not accept my space bar characters!  So I
> could not type any import statements.  However, I did try:

Yes I do not endorse; but it is the only editor I
have access to while at work; so as the only it meets my needs barely.

> print('\u25ba'), which did not require any spaces and received an
> error stating that it would not accept values greater than hex ff.  So
> it is pretty clear that following Cameron's suggestion is not (At
> least on the surface.) doable in the codeanywhere environment.  Might
> I suggest pythonanywhere?  All of this works fine with utf-8 there.

I used to use but it is blocked; so it is no longer
an option.

> boB
> ___
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Re: [Tutor] Changing the interpreter prompt symbol from ">>>" to ???

2016-03-11 Thread
Also before I get called out; sorry for the top post; I blame G-Mail's

And good luck finding a better option; perhaps detecting if Unicode is
supported on the system then we could use something such as Right
Facing Triangle.
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Re: [Tutor] Changing the interpreter prompt symbol from ">>>" to ???

2016-03-11 Thread
 I am not surprised since you have set it to a usually non printable
character of ascii the data link escape. Perhaps you would have better
luck with the extended ascii characters; but not much in there for
arrows. I would probably go with chr(175) but that did not display
correctly in the web based terminal either; because it looked like an
underline at the top of the character block.

On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 10:59 PM, boB Stepp  wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 9:31 PM, boB Stepp  wrote:
>> Python 3.5.1 (v3.5.1:37a07cee5969, Dec  6 2015, 01:54:25) [MSC v.1900
>> 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
>> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> import sys
> sys.ps1 = '=>'
>> =>sys.ps1 = chr(26)
>> →sys.ps1 = chr(16)
>> ►
>> I personally like the last of these.  My question is, will this show
>> up as a black, filled-in arrowhead pointing to the right on everyone's
>> email?  I have yet to delve into Unicode display issues, but I have
>> vague recollections that the old ASCII table values might not always
>> display the same thing from one person's display to another one's.  Is
>> this correct?
> There looks to be the potential for problems.  I tried:
> ►for i in range(256):
> ... try:
> ... print(str(i) + ': ' + chr(i))
> ... except UnicodeEncodeError as e:
> ... print(e)
> which gave in some sections:
> 126: ~
> 127:
> 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\x80' in position 5: character
> maps to 
> 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\x81' in position 5: character
> maps to 
> So how reliable is the chr(16) character on people's displays?
> boB
> ___
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Re: [Tutor] Changing the interpreter prompt symbol from ">>>" to ???

2016-03-11 Thread
 On a web based terminal via setting sys.ps1 =
chr(16) results in no character being displayed. It is literally just
a new line. So something to think about. I set it back to sys.ps1 =

On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 10:59 PM, boB Stepp  wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 9:31 PM, boB Stepp  wrote:
>> Python 3.5.1 (v3.5.1:37a07cee5969, Dec  6 2015, 01:54:25) [MSC v.1900
>> 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
>> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> import sys
> sys.ps1 = '=>'
>> =>sys.ps1 = chr(26)
>> →sys.ps1 = chr(16)
>> ►
>> I personally like the last of these.  My question is, will this show
>> up as a black, filled-in arrowhead pointing to the right on everyone's
>> email?  I have yet to delve into Unicode display issues, but I have
>> vague recollections that the old ASCII table values might not always
>> display the same thing from one person's display to another one's.  Is
>> this correct?
> There looks to be the potential for problems.  I tried:
> ►for i in range(256):
> ... try:
> ... print(str(i) + ': ' + chr(i))
> ... except UnicodeEncodeError as e:
> ... print(e)
> which gave in some sections:
> 126: ~
> 127:
> 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\x80' in position 5: character
> maps to 
> 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\x81' in position 5: character
> maps to 
> So how reliable is the chr(16) character on people's displays?
> boB
> ___
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Re: [Tutor] AWS /Django/Apache/Python/Github

2016-02-12 Thread
I recommend that you give Kivy a try for desktop and mobile give it a look
up on YouTube.
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Re: [Tutor] AWS /Django/Apache/Python/Github

2016-02-12 Thread
What kind of apps do you want to deploy? Mobile; Web; Desktop; or Server?
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Re: [Tutor] question

2016-02-12 Thread
When you say "Window" are you referring to the Installer or Idle?
Which Operating System are you using and what version of Python did
you download? Did you run the installer that you downloaded?
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Re: [Tutor] Modularity

2016-01-15 Thread
 Modularity of code is difficult for sure and is kind of an art. To do
it best you will have to read about and implement some of the Design
Patterns. There are many but some of the ones that I have leaned
towards over time are Composition over inheritance, Message Passing
Interfaces, Mediator, and Model View Controller. Each of these is a
large subject in there own right; and how to use each in your use case
takes care and consideration. You also will need to consider that
there is a learning curve associated with each design pattern so you
will loose some time as you try to learn the pattern before it will
begin to save you time by making your code less coupled.
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[Tutor] Message Passing & User Interfaces

2016-01-15 Thread
I realize this is a higher level question; so please direct me as
appropriate. I can not seem to find a good standard that is in
practical use for controlling user interfaces via a message passing.
Does any one have any links to such an example? I would be most
grateful. Thank you.
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Re: [Tutor] Fwd: Re: creating a mspaint utility

2016-01-15 Thread
Might I also recommend Kivy as the GUI. It has a nice tutorial that is
actually on this subject.
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Re: [Tutor] Fwd: Kivy Install

2015-12-17 Thread
 This is a general Python mailing list. For Kivy please reference:!forum/kivy-users
or find the developers on freenode IRC in #kivy
This is the official Kivy repository here:
The official Kivy site is here:

But you are in luck I am a Kivy User too.
However I am a Linux OS user so your luck just became a little less.
For Windows I do not believe installing via Python's PIP is not
supported. However their are pre-built binaries for windows with
executable installers here:

So what exactly are you trying to do? Install Kivy on your windows
machine for development or Install Kivy on other peoples computers
that use your software which is built on Kivy?

On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 1:06 PM, peter mcfarlane
> Hi,
>  I don't know if this is the correct forum, I am new to Python and
> trying to install Kivy.  I keep getting the following error message.
> Can you help?
> thanks,
> pete
> pip install --user Kivy
> Collecting Kivy
>   Using cached Kivy-1.9.0.tar.gz
> Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade):
> Kivy-Garden==0.1.1 in c:\python27\lib\site-packages (from Kivy)
> Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): requests in
> c:\python27\lib\site-packages (from Kivy-Garden==0.1.1->Kivy)
> Building wheels for collected packages: Kivy
>   Running bdist_wheel for Kivy
>   Complete output from command C:\Python27\python.exe -c "import
> setuptools;__file__='C:\\Users\\edge\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\pycharm-packaging0.tmp\\Kivy\\';exec(compile(open(__file__).read().replace('\r\n',
> '\n'), __file__, 'exec'))" bdist_wheel -d
> c:\users\edge\appdata\local\temp\tmps896gmpip-wheel-:
>   [INFO  ] [Logger  ] Record log in
> C:\Users\edge\.kivy\logs\kivy_15-12-17_35.txt
>   [INFO  ] [Kivy] v1.9.0
>   [INFO  ] [Python  ] v2.7.11 (v2.7.11:6d1b6a68f775, Dec  5
> 2015, 20:32:19) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
>   Detected Cython version 0.21.2
>   Windows platform detected, force GLEW usage.
>   Using this graphics system: OpenGL
>   WARNING: A problem occured while running pkg-config --libs --cflags
> gstreamer-1.0 (code 1)
>   'pkg-config' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
>   operable program or batch file.
>   WARNING: A problem occured while running pkg-config --libs --cflags sdl2
> SDL2_ttf SDL2_image SDL2_mixer (code 1)
>   'pkg-config' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
>   operable program or batch file.
>   running bdist_wheel
>   running build
>   running build_py
>   creating build
>   creating build\lib.win32-2.7
>   creating build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   copying kivy\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   copying kivy\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   copying kivy\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   copying kivy\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   copying kivy\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   copying kivy\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   copying kivy\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   copying kivy\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   copying kivy\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   copying kivy\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   copying kivy\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   copying kivy\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   copying kivy\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   copying kivy\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   copying kivy\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   copying kivy\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   copying kivy\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   copying kivy\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   copying kivy\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   copying kivy\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   copying kivy\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   copying kivy\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   copying kivy\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   copying kivy\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   copying kivy\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   copying kivy\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   copying kivy\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy
>   creating build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy\adapters
>   copying kivy\adapters\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy\adapters
>   copying kivy\adapters\ ->
> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy\adapters
>   copying kivy\adapters\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy\adapters
>   copying kivy\adapters\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy\adapters
>   copying kivy\adapters\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy\adapters
>   copying kivy\adapters\ ->
> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy\adapters
>   copying kivy\adapters\ -> build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy\adapters
>   creating build\lib.win32-2.7\kivy\core
>   copying kivy\core\ -> 

Re: [Tutor] Mobile apps in Python

2015-02-14 Thread
I definitely recommend Kivy. I have enjoyed great success with it, and
it was very easy to port my code to work on Android.
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Re: [Tutor] Making Doubly Linked List with Less Lines of Code.

2014-12-30 Thread
On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 2:37 PM, Danny Yoo wrote:
 If that's the case, then none of this requires linked list storage.

 Instead, we can represent this as a list of rows.  Each row element
 would be itself a list of tiles.  In short, a matrix.  See:

True, I could use a multidimensional list. And originally I was using
a 2D list. But I wanted the ability to quickly search across a row or
up and down a column and so the added benefit of the linked list was
that it simply requires me to access the next node reference.

 And finding neighboring tiles also wouldn't be too bad: Given a tile
 at (i, j), we can find its neighbors through arithmetic (i plus or
 minus one, j plus or minus one).

 From a coding perspective the linked list seemed simplier, because my
other 2D list implementation required me to have a function that could
map from any position to North, South, East,  West, plus it needed to
perform bounds checking. Of course having the list now be doubly
linked has added complexity.

 If the game grid were a lot more dynamic and non-squarish, then that
 might make it appropriate.  Linked lists give us a flexible way to
 represent such a game board.  But at the moment, I think it's overkill
 for the scenario you're showing us.

That may be True.
I would like to know, if you know, would this doubly linked list be
more or less memory efficient than the 2D list method and which one
would provide faster look-ups? I do know that the doubly linked list
has an initial speed cost in constructing it, which is obviously more
than the 2D list. The overall application to which this code will be
applied is a Kivy App that will be deployed to mobile devices, that is
why I have these questions, although I realize this is pre-optimizing
which is the root of evil...
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Re: [Tutor] My Query - How to implement multi threading with remote execution capability in python to achieve parallel processing

2014-12-22 Thread
On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 6:27 AM, Vishwas Pathak wrote:
Your Disclaimer alone means that I can not respond to this question, or
else it would apparently become the property of Persistent Systems Ltd. I
prefer Open Source to closed source... good day.

 This e-mail may contain privileged and confidential information which is
 the property of Persistent Systems Ltd. It is intended only for the use of
 the individual or entity to which it is addressed. If you are not the
 intended recipient, you are not authorized to read, retain, copy, print,
 distribute or use this message. If you have received this communication in
 error, please notify the sender and delete all copies of this message.
 Persistent Systems Ltd. does not accept any liability for virus infected

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Re: [Tutor] My Query - How to implement multi threading with remote execution capability in python to achieve parallel processing

2014-12-22 Thread
On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 10:21 PM, Dave Angel wrote:

 On 12/22/2014 09:58 PM, Alex Kleider wrote:

 On Dec 22, 2014 12:36 PM, wrote:

 On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 6:27 AM, Vishwas Pathak wrote:
 Your Disclaimer alone means that I can not respond to this question, or
 else it would apparently become the property of Persistent Systems Ltd. I
 prefer Open Source to closed source... good day.

 Although I also find the disclaimer somewhat obnoxious and also prefer
 open source, I think you are mistaken in your conclusion about exactly what
 the disclaimer says.

 You're right that he's mistaken.  it's even worse.  The disclaimer claims
 I'm not permitted to read such messages, nor save them on my machine.  So
 I'm considering writing a filter to try to comply by deleting them before
 they accidentally come before my eyes.

 I had sent this just to Alex, but since reading your reply (Dave) I
figured I should just post it too.
Sent to Alex: You are completely correct. I more so felt like the OP wanted
us to help him with something that is clearly at a business level with the
expectation that it would disappear into his company. But then again I am
placing words into his mouth which clearly were not said. Although who is
the authorized party to read and retain his emails, it seems ambiguous when
he is sending it to a public mailing list?
Sorry for over generalizing and being overly sarcastic.
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Re: [Tutor] A question about using stdin/out/err vs named files

2014-10-18 Thread
Are you planning to pipe data to a python program? If so please
specify and you will get more complete answers.
Specifically I am thinking you want information pertaining to
subprocess in the standard library.

On Sat, Oct 18, 2014 at 2:36 PM, George R Goffe wrote:

 When you run a python program, it appears that stdin, stdout, and stderr are 
 opened automatically.

 I've been trying to find out how you tell if there's data in stdin (like when 
 you pipe data to a python program) rather
 than in a named input file. It seems like most/all the Unix/Linux
 commands are able to figure this out. Do you know how Python programs do this 
 or might do this?

 MANY thanks for any/all help/hints/tips/suggestions,

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Re: [Tutor] Python Question

2014-01-11 Thread
 It will also be helpful if you tell us your OS and Python Version.
Can you also tell us if you are writing the code to a file and
executing, using IDLE or some other IDE, or are you using the
interpreter interactively?

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 8:57 PM, Amy Davidson wrote:
 Hey Danny,

 I just started taking the course (introduction to Computer Science) on last 
 Tuesday, so I am not to familiar. I have been doing my best to understand  
 the material by reading the text book, Learn Python the hard way.

 In my quest to answer the question given to me, I have searched the internet 
 high and low of other functions thus, I am familiar with the basic knowledge 
 of them (i.e. starting with def) as well as examples.

 We can attempt the approach to the method that you prefer.

 Thans for helping me, by the way.
 On Jan 10, 2014, at 5:25 PM, Danny Yoo wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2:00 PM, Keith Winston wrote:
 Amy, judging from Danny's replies, you may be emailing him and not the
 list. If you want others to help, or to report on your progress,
 you'll need to make sure the tutor email is in your reply to:

 Hi Amy,

 Very much so.  Please try to use Reply to All if you can.

 If you're wondering why I'm asking for you to try to recall any other
 example function definitions, I'm doing so specifically because it is
 a general problem-solving technique.  Try to see if the problem that's
 stumping you is similar to things you've seen before.  Several of the
 heuristics from Polya's How to Solve It refer to this:

 If you haven't ever seen any function definition ever before, then we
 do have to start from square one.  But this would be a very strange
 scenario, to be asked to write a function definition without having
 seen any previous definitions before.

 If you have seen a function before, then one approach we might take is
 try to make analogies to those previous examples.  That's an approach
 I'd prefer.

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Re: [Tutor] os.system() not working

2013-08-28 Thread
On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 6:33 AM, Nitish Kunder wrote:
 I have a python program which i am calling from a php script.
 The arguments to the program is a path to the file
 The program when directly run from console executes normally.
 But when I try to execute the program from browser ie call the python script
 from php,
 os.system command is not working what might be the problem.

Due to the lack of context I am forced to think you must be slightly confused.
PHP is not Python.
Thus your PHP script can not execute the os.system() function, because
it does not exist in PHP, only in Python.
PHP equivalent would be exec() at least as far as I know, but use it
carefully and with caution.
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Re: [Tutor] global variables

2013-08-22 Thread

Thanks for all of this information.  It seems the OP has sparked the
kind of discussion that I had hopped for when I posted

Luckily though I did get an excellent response from Alan.

Still what you have posted here has been a good read, so, thank you.

On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 12:18 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On 23/08/13 00:59, Andy McKenzie wrote:

 Isn't object orientation kind of the whole POINT of Python?  From
 Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming
 with dynamic semantics.

 Well, yes and no.

 Python is an object-oriented language in the sense that all of Python is
 built using objects. Everything, including modules, functions, ints,
 strings, yes, even classes themselves, are objects.

 But also no, in the sense that the code you write doesn't have to be written
 using OOP techniques. Python is a multi-paradigm language in the sense that
 you can write code using any of these styles:

 - object-oriented

 - functional

 - procedural

 - imperative

 - or a mix of all of the above.


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Re: [Tutor] Parsing a multi-line/record text file

2012-11-13 Thread
On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 6:01 AM, Marc wrote:



 I am trying to parse a text file with a structure that looks like:

 [record: Some text about the record]

 Attribute 1 = Attribute 1 text

 Attribute 3 = Attribute 3 text

 Attribute 4 = Attribute 4 text

 Attribute 7 = Attribute 7 text

 [record: Some text about the record]

 Attribute 1 = Attribute 1 text


 Etc…for many hundreds of records

It looks like a Config or INI file to me.  It is worth a try to see if
configparser is able to process the file, if it can you have a solution, if
not you only wasted a few minutes trying.


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[Tutor] string to binary and back... Python 3

2012-07-19 Thread
  On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 12:33 AM, Dave Angel wrote:

 On 07/19/2012 05:55 PM, Prasad, Ramit wrote:
  I am not sure how to answer that question because all files are binary,
  but the files that I will parse have an encoding that allows them to be
  read in a non-binary output. But my program will not use the in a
  non-binary way, that is why I plan to open them with the 'b' mode to
  open them as binary with no encoding assumed by python. I just not have
  tested this new technique that you gave me on a binary file yet as I was
  still implementing it for strings.
  As far as I know, even in binary mode, python will convert the
  binary data to read and write strings. So there is no reason
  this technique would not work for binary. Note, I was able to use
  the string representation of a PDF file to write another PDF file.
  So you do not need to worry about the conversion of binary to strings.
  All you need to do is convert the string to int, encrypt, decrypt,
  convert back to string, and write out again.
  Note Python3 being Unicode might change things a bit. Not sure if
  you will need to convert to bytes or some_string.decode('ascii').

 In Python 3, if you open the file  with b  (as Jordan has said), it
 creates a bytes object.  No use of strings needed or wanted.  And no
 assumptions of ascii, except for the output of the % operator on a hex

 myfile = open(filename, b)
 data =

 At that point, convert it to hex with:
hexdata = binascii.hexlify(data)
 then convert that to an integer:
numdata = int(hexdata, 16)

 At that point, it's ready to xor with the one-time key, which had better
 be the appropriate size to match the data length.

 newhexdata = bytes(%x % numdata, ascii)
 newdata = binascii.unhexlify(newhexdata)

 If the file is bigger than the key, you have to get a new key. If the
 keys are chosen with a range of 2**200, then you'd read and convert the
 file 25 bytes at a time.

Thanks I will give this a try. Can you explian a little further for me what
exactly this:

newhexdata = bytes(%x % numdata, ascii)
line is doing? I don't quite understand the use of the %x % on numdata.



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Re: [Tutor] string to binary and back... Python 3

2012-07-18 Thread
On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 12:16 AM, Dave Angel wrote:

  On 07/18/2012 05:07 PM, Jordan wrote:
  OK so I have been trying for a couple days now and I am throwing in the
  towel, Python 3 wins this one.
  I want to convert a string to binary and back again like in this
  question: Stack Overflow: Convert Binary to ASCII and vice versa
  But in Python 3 I consistently get  some sort of error relating to the
  fact that nothing but bytes and bytearrays support the buffer interface
  or I get an overflow error because something is too large to be
  converted to bytes.
  Please help me and then explian what I am not getting that is new in
  Python 3. I would like to point out I realize that binary, hex, and
  encodings are all a very complex subject and so I do not expect to
  master it but I do hope that I can gain a deeper insight. Thank you all.
  import binascii
  test_int = 109
  test_int = int(str(test_int) + '45670')
  data = 'Testing XOR Again!'
  while sys.getsizeof(data)  test_int.bit_length():
  test_int = int(str(test_int) + str(int.from_bytes(os.urandom(1), 'big')))
  print('Bit Length: ' + str(test_int.bit_length()))
  key = test_int # Yes I know this is an unnecessary step...
  data = bin(int(binascii.hexlify(bytes(data, 'UTF-8')), 16))
  data = int(data, 2)
  data = binascii.unhexlify('%x' % data)

 I don't get the same error you did.  I get:

  File, line 13
 test_int = int(str(test_int) + str(int.from_bytes(os.urandom(1),

test_int = int(str(test_int) + str(int.from_bytes(os.urandom(1), \
# That was probably just do to the copy and paste.

 IndentationError: expected an indented block

 Please post it again, with correct indentation.  if you used tabs, then
 expand them to spaces before pasting it into your test-mode mail editor.

 I only use spaces and this program did not require any indentation until
it was pasted and the one line above became split across two line. Really
though that was a trivial error to correct.

 I'd also recommend you remove a lot of the irrelevant details there.  if
 you have a problem with hexlfy and/or unhexlify, then give a simple byte
 string that doesn't work for you, and somebody can probably identify why
 not.  And if you want people to run your code, include the imports as well.

 My problem is not specific to hexlify and unhexlify, my problem is trying
to convert from string to binary and back. That is why all of the details,
to show I have tried on my own.
Sorry that I forgot to include sys and os for imports.

 As it is, you're apparently looping, comparing the byte memory size of a
 string (which is typically 4 bytes per character) with the number of
 significant bits in an unrelated number.

 I suspect what you want is something resembling (untested):

 mybytes = bytes( %x % data, ascii)
 newdata = binascii.unexlify(mybytes)

 I was comparing them but I think I understand how to compare them well,
now I want to convert them both to binary so that I can XOR them together.
Thank you for your time and help Dave, now I need to reply to Ramit.


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Re: [Tutor] using dynamic import statements

2012-07-09 Thread
Might I recommend you use the logging module that is part of core
Python rather than rolling your own if Debug. I found the logging
module made growing my logging across multiple applications so easy!

On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 2:10 PM, Chris Hare wrote:

 Thanks all for the ideas.  I wanted to have my own error messages printed for 
 the user - something a little more meaningful than the standard error.

 Thanks for the advice - very helpful!

 On Jul 9, 2012, at 6:12 AM, Alan Gauld wrote:

 On 09/07/12 10:19, Kwpolska wrote:
 Why does this bloody ML want me to respond to the last person instead

 Because that's how it, along with many other mailing lists, works.
 If it helps, think of it as you receiving a mail from the sender and CCd to 
 the list. Therefore hitting reply sends to the person who sent the mail and 
 ReplyAll goes to everyone. Seems logical to me! :-)
 It allows me to choose to reply to the OP only or to the group, I use both 
 depending on the nature of my reply. (About 80% of my replies go to the 
 everyone.) But some prefer it differently... :-)

 Why not the more usual:

 import sys, os, imp, stat,\
re, webbrowser, Image, \
StringIO, shutil, datetime

 Why not the more standard:
 import sys
 import os
 and so on?

 Indeed but the OP seemed to want to remove duplicate coding so I assumed 
 that he included using multiple imports.

 Personally I'd probably code the above as:

 import sys, os, shutil, stat, datetime
 import re, StringIO
 import webbrowser,
 import Image,
 import imp

 Which groups things into roughly related categories - system,
 strings, other...

 OTOH I ignore large chunks of Pep 8 because I find its style harder to read 
 than the one I'm used to. But then, I'm not contributing to the standard 
 library etc... Style is largely a matter of taste.

 Alan G
 Author of the Learn to Program web site

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[Tutor] Is this possible and should it be done?

2012-05-21 Thread
All, I have had a curious idea for awhile, and was wondering the best
way to implement it in Python and if it is even possible. The concept
is this, a file that is actually a folder that contains multiple files
(Like an Archive format). The actual files are really un-important.
What I want is for the folder to be represented as a single file by
any normal file browser, but to be able to access the files with-in
via Python. I will actually use the word archive to represent my
mystical folder as a file concept for the rest of this message. Some
additional things I would like to be possible: is for multiple copies
of the program to write to the same archive, but different files
with-in at the same time (Reading  Writing to the archive should not
lock the archive as long as they are different files); and for just
the desired files with-in the archive to be loaded to memory with out
having to hold the entire archive in memory.
Use case for these additional capabilities. I was reading about how
some advanced word processing programs (MS Word) actually save
multiple working copies of the file with-in a single file
representation and then just prior to combining the working copies it
locks the original file and saves the working changes. That is what I
would like to do. I want the single file because it is easy for a user
to grasp that they need to copy a single file or that they are working
on a single file, but it is not so easy for them to grasp the multiple
file concepts.

MS Word uses Binary streams as shown here:
Is this easy to do with python? Does it prevent file locking if you
use streams? Is this worth the trouble, or should I just use a
directory and forget this magical idea?
A piece of reference for my archive thoughts, ISO/IEC 26300:2006 chapter 17.2
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[Tutor] Fwd: Is this possible and should it be done?

2012-05-21 Thread
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, May 21, 2012 at 2:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Is this possible and should it be done?
To: Steven D'Aprano

Thank you for the information. Sorry if I implied I wanted to
re-invent the wheel but actually this feedback is exactly what I was
looking for. I wanted to know existing methods to do just such
operations. Also good point about the file browsers the only
limitation to them is how much they understand the format.
So since tar looks like an excellent option for what I want to do, I
have another question before I begin my research. Do you already know
if any of these formats offer file locking with in them, ;et me say
that better. Can I open a, as example, tar file and lock a file with
in it, with out locking the entire tar archive? Just asking if you
already know if this is possible? Thank you again for the information!

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[Tutor] Is this possible and should it be done?

2012-05-21 Thread
Forwarded because I did not reply to the list properly. Hopefully I
did not forward wrong.
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, May 21, 2012 at 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Is this possible and should it be done?
To: Joel Goldstick

Thank you for your help Joel. In this case I don't want to know about
the details just want an easy implementation and tar looks like the
right solution. I also think that the compression being seperated from
the format is likely best and will probably not use the compression as
it would hinder my overall goal. OK going to read up on TAR now!
Thanks again.

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Re: [Tutor] Is this possible and should it be done?

2012-05-21 Thread
On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 4:06 PM, William R. Wing (Bill Wing) wrote:
 On May 21, 2012, at 6:38 AM, wrote:

 All, I have had a curious idea for awhile, and was wondering the best
 way to implement it in Python and if it is even possible. The concept
 is this, a file that is actually a folder that contains multiple files
 (Like an Archive format). The actual files are really un-important.
 What I want is for the folder to be represented as a single file by
 any normal file browser, but to be able to access the files with-in
 via Python. I will actually use the word archive to represent my
 mystical folder as a file concept for the rest of this message. Some
 additional things I would like to be possible: is for multiple copies
 of the program to write to the same archive, but different files
 with-in at the same time (Reading  Writing to the archive should not
 lock the archive as long as they are different files); and for just
 the desired files with-in the archive to be loaded to memory with out
 having to hold the entire archive in memory.
 Use case for these additional capabilities. I was reading about how
 some advanced word processing programs (MS Word) actually save
 multiple working copies of the file with-in a single file
 representation and then just prior to combining the working copies it
 locks the original file and saves the working changes. That is what I
 would like to do. I want the single file because it is easy for a user
 to grasp that they need to copy a single file or that they are working
 on a single file, but it is not so easy for them to grasp the multiple
 file concepts.

 As others have noted, this smells a lot like a .tar or similar archive.

 I'd suggest that it also smells like a scaled down and locally served 
 Concurrent Versioning System.  CVS does exactly what you want in terms of 
 preserving only differences between edited versions of a file and it only 
 locks the particular file that has been checked out; also allows you to back 
 up to any previous version of a file.  There are CVS-Python bindings (as well 
 as SVN-Python, SVN being a newer more modern version of CVS).  Google will 
 turn up lots of references to both.


Hey that sounds really interesting I did not know that SVN or CVS was
even an option, but can they work with an archive, I will have to
experiment, but that would take care of the multiple working copies
and final merges latter. Thanks for the idea!
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Re: [Tutor] Coding Challenges

2012-05-21 Thread
On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 4:47 PM, Malcolm Newsome wrote:
 Hey all,

 Being new to programming, I've found that my learning is accelerated when
 I've been asked to write scripts and deliver them in a specified time
 frame...Then, have those scripts critiqued.

 My question: Would the moderators of this list be interested in creating a
 monthly challenge of sorts? Then, those who participated could receive
 suggestions on how their code could have been written differently.

 If not, and you know of something else like this that exists, would you
 kindly share those resources?


 Malcolm Newsome

 Sent from my Windows Phone

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If they agree I am all for it, if not I would still like to know what
kind of plan that you come up with; as it will only make me better.
Jordan Farrell
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Re: [Tutor] Python problem

2012-01-10 Thread
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On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 11:04 AM, Bojan Antonijevic wrote:

 I send you a mail at 29.12.2011. about problem with my IDLE (Python GUI) and
 I didnt recive any ansfer; Instead, I am receiving  correspondence between
 other members of forum; Honestly, I don't want to receive all this
 Thank you.

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Re: [Tutor] Primitive Chess Clock Program Question

2012-01-10 Thread
 I assume you want to display something like this:

 Enter your next move: 0:30
 Assuming Steven has guessed right then I think you need to use one of the
 non blocking input mechanisms like kbhit() or getch() or somesuch.

 Those methods are notioriously unreliable and OS specific. For example you
 may need to use curses or the Microsoft runtime module msvcrt.
I would recommend termios for unix over curses, because curses pretty
much takes over. Something like this:
 label while awaiting user input is almost trivial
 (for a GUI).

I agree with Alan, a GUI toolkit makes this trivial because it can run
using events and timers. For a terminal I would recommend you use a
couple of threads. One that checks for input on getchar() and the
other thread, the main thread, that can update the display of the
prompt. You can use Queue to pass the key(s) recieved to the main
thread. Also to reduce or eliminate flicker I would also recommend you
look at sending the backspace characters to the terminal and then
replace the correct time. Something like this:
import sys


Of course that is assuming that your terminal will support \b .

On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 2:22 AM, Alan Gauld wrote:
 On 03/01/12 21:28, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 I assume you want to display something like this:

 Enter your next move: 0:30

 where the 0:30 is the time remaining, and is constantly updating. When
 it hits zero, the function returns whether the user has typed anything
 or not.

 Assuming Steven has guessed right then I think you need to use one of the
 non blocking input mechanisms like kbhit() or getch() or somesuch.

 Those methods are notioriously unreliable and OS specific. For example you
 may need to use curses or the Microsoft runtime module msvcrt.

 The general code will look like

 Display prompt
 while no key hit
    sleep briefly
    update time in prompt
    (using ctrl characters to delete/overwrire previouis entry)
 #when key hit
 process input.

 It is a non trivial problem and the details will depend on whether you use
 curses or the microsoft route.

 It is one of those few cases that is actually much easier to do
 in a GUI. GUIs generally make life more complex but in this case updating a
 label while awaiting user input is almost trivial
 (for a GUI).

 Alan G
 Author of the Learn to Program web site

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