[twitter-dev] Re: What is included In the "Queries are limited 140 URL encoded characters." restriction?

2009-10-18 Thread leonspencer

So the conclusion is:

1. DO NOT use the search operators that appear in the queries
generated by the Twitter Advanced Search tool. For example,


Do not use "ands" in your queries.  The default interpretation of
spaces in yr queries is logical AND. And these do count against query

2. The "query" is the q name/value pair. "?q=" (i.e. name q and
proceeding "=") are not counted toward the 140 limit. Everything else
up until the next parameter (delimited by "&") is counted toward the
140 character limited - including the search operators and their
delimiters. Parameters (e.g. rpp), as these are separate name value
pairs, are not part of the query thus not counted toward the max 140
character count.

NOTE: There are exceptions and some overlap that may cause confusion.
For example, Twitter defines "until:" as a search operator while
you'll also see a "&until=" (i.e. "until" parameter) in the queries
generated by the Advanced Search Tool. As a result, both "until:" and
"&until=" are counted toward the 140 max character limit.

The Twitter API is smart enough to see this overlap and recognize what
you are going. However, it isn't documented. So you save you the
trouble, if you are reading this, I'm noting this here.


On Oct 17, 9:52 pm, Scott Haneda  wrote:
> I brought that up the other day, "twitter eating their own dog food",  
> to which I was told they do, but only in some parts. It would be nice,  
> so that when the API is down, twitter is down, and we as developers  
> did not look like our apps suck, but that may not be a goal for  
> twitter, or it may be, I just do not know. I hope it is though.
> --
> Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *

[twitter-dev] Twitter API Wiki Lockdown

2009-10-18 Thread DustyReagan

I was just wondering why the Twitter API wiki isn't open to edit?
Well, I can understand that Twitter wants full control of it, but it
seems like you could grow some really strong documentation using crowd-
sourcing. Twitter would put out the bulk of the content, but indie
developers could probably dot the i's and cross the t's.

Also, the comments are turned off. If they were turned on you might
get some good conversations going on the method pages. Kind of like
the PHP documentation, ex: http://php.net/manual/en/function.count.php

Then again maybe not. :)

Just something I think about when I visit the wiki. Thought I'd
finally comment on it. :)

[twitter-dev] Re: Draft of List API documentation

2009-10-18 Thread Dave Briccetti

Sorry, that video is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUVDP5sX2rA

Copy/paste error.

[twitter-dev] Re: Draft of List API documentation

2009-10-18 Thread Dave Briccetti

Once Twitter posted details of the API in this public forum, that
opened the door to our discussing lists publicly (if it wasn’t open
already). And I’ve been doing so. I even made a video showing
TalkingPuffin all of Robert Scoble’s lists at once on a big screen:

Simply enabling the Lists feature for many users and putting a little
message on the Web page saying, “please don’t blog about it” is not a
good approach. I’m not complaining, just explaining why I feel fine
about talking about it.

If I enter into an agreement with someone, I honor it, of course.

[twitter-dev] Re: Search API Rate limiting - App Engine (again)

2009-10-18 Thread vivekpuri


Sorry for not being clear. I was thinking about Abraham William's
suggestion above where Twitter Search API works with authenticated
sessions+rate limiting, instead of IP based rate filtering. Just so
you know, AppEngine has 30 second timeout on request to all AppEngine
urls, and 10 second timeout on each individual HTTP request made
within an AppEngine request. In case you are making multiple HTTP
requests to Twitter within each individual AppEngine request, all the
communication microseconds, from AppEngine to Proxy and Proxy to
Twitter and then Twitter to Proxy and Proxy to AppEngine, quickly
addup leading to timeouts. Personally i have tried quite a few
scenarios to catch all the data i can, but from my experience, i can
catch only 30%(sometimes better, sometimes almost nothing) of what i
want, and rest just ends up with 503 and eventually since_id/max_id
getting too old to get response from the Twitter Search API. So, right
now Twitter is putting it's resources to offer a very robust Search
API, but we as developers cannot use it effectively just 'cause of the
way the hits are counted. Not to mention we are also investing funds
to keep our apps running. Hope you understand our position.


On Oct 18, 3:12 pm, Chad Etzel  wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 8:09 AM, vivekpuri  wrote:
> > Will someone from Twitter please respond if there is an ETA to resolve
> > this issue. Work arounds can never be really as effective as the real
> > deal.
> Sorry, I thought it was clear from the previous email. There is no ETA
> because it's not going to be resolved. GAE does not use an IP
> infrastructure that is amicable to our rate-limiting logic, so if you
> want to integrate IP rate-limited calls into your web-based
> applications, you will need to either use the workaround stated
> earlier or use a hosting service that will let you use a static IP.
> -Chad

[twitter-dev] Re: Draft of List API documentation

2009-10-18 Thread Ollie Parsley

I created an app today using just the Lists API at http://listleagues.com
when can I start publicising it?

If anyone has any feedback let me know ol...@ollieparsley.com :



On Oct 16, 8:04 am, Marcel Molina  wrote:
> Hey folks. As some of you have likely read we're starting to do some
> private beta testing of our new lists feature. We're not quite ready
> to open it up to everyone but we've made some headway on the API and
> wanted to share some details of what we've got so far.
> There are a handful of things on our todo lists so don't consider this
> signed and sealed just yet.
> You may notice this API is a bit of a departure from the rest of the
> API. It's a bit more, errr, REST than the rest.
> First off, here's the current payload for a list:
>   1416
>   tall people
>   @noradio/tall-people
>   tall-people
>   0
>   3
>   /noradio/tall-people
>   public
>     3191321
>     Marcel Molina
>     noradio
>     San Francisco, CA
>     Engineer at Twitter on the @twitterapi team, obsessed
> with rock climbing & running. In a past life I was a member of the
> Rails Core team.
> http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/53473799/marcel-euro-rails-conf_no...
>     http://project.ioni.st
>     false
>     40059
>     9AE4E8
>     33
>     0084B4
>     DDFFCC
>     BDDCAD
>     354
>     Mon Apr 02 07:47:28+ 2007
>     131
>     -28800
>     Pacific Time (US & Canada)
> http://a1.twimg.com/profile_background_images/18156348/jessica_tiled
>     true
>     3472
>     false
>     true
>     false
>     false
> === Lists ===
> POST '/:user/lists.:format'
> Creates a new list for the authenticated user.
> Parameters:
>  * name: the name of the list. (required)
>  * mode: whether your list is public of private. Values can be
> 'public' or 'private'. Public by default if not specified. (optional)
> Usage notes:
>  ":user" in the url should be the screen name of the user making the
> request to create the list
> Supported formats:
> xml, json
> e.g.
>  curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -d "name=tall 
> people&mode=private"http://twitter.com/noradio/lists.xml
> POST/PUT '/:user/lists/:list_slug.:format'
> Updates the specified list.
> Takes the same parameters as the create resource at POST
> '/:user/lists.:format' (:name and :mode).
> Supported formats:
> xml, json
> e.g.
>  curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -d 
> "name=giants&mode=public"http://twitter.com/noradio/lists/tall-people.xml
> GET '/:user/lists.:format'
> Lists your lists.
> Supported format:
> xml, json
> e.g.
>  curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORDhttp://twitter.com/noradio/lists.xml
> GET '/:user/lists/memberships.:format'
> List the lists the specified user has been added to.
> Supported formats:
> xml, json
> e.g.
>  curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORDhttp://twitter.com/noradio/lists/memberships.xml
> DELETE '/:user/lists/:list_slug.:format'
> Delete the specified list owned by the authenticated user.
> Parameters:
>  * list_slug: the slug of the list you want to delete. (required)
> Supported formats:
> xml, json
> e.g.
> DELETEhttp://twitter.com/noradio/lists/tall-people.xml
> GET '/:users/lists/:list_slug/statuses.:format'
> Show tweet timeline for members of the specified list.
> Parameters:
>  * list_slug: the slug of the list you want the member tweet timeline
> of. (required)
>  * next/previous_cursor: used to "page" through results (optional)
> Supported formats:
> xml, json
> e.g.
>  curl -u 
> USERNAME:PASSWORDhttp://twitter.com/noradio/lists/tall-people/statuses.xml
> GET '/:users/lists/:list_slug.:format'
> Show a specific list you can use the new resource.
> Supported formats:
> xml, json
> e.g.
>   curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORDhttp://twitter.com/noradio/lists/tall-people.xml
> === List members ===
> POST '/:user/:list_slug/members.:format'
> Add a member to a list.
> Parameters:
>  * id: the id of the user you want to add as a member to the list. (required)
> Usage notes:
> The :list_slug portion of the request path should be the slug of the
> list you want to add a member to.
> Supported formats:
> xml, json
> e.g.
>  curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -d 
> "id=123456789"http://http://twitter.com/noradio/tall-people/members.xml
> GET '/:user/:list_slug/members.:format'
> Members of the specified list.
> Supported formats:
> xml, json
> e.g.
>  curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORDhttp://twitter.com/noradio/tall-people/members.xml
> DELETE '/:user/:list_slug/members.:format'
> Remove a member from the specified list.
> Parameters:
>  * id: the id of the user you want to remove as a member from the
> list. (required)
> Usage notes:
> The :list_id portion of the request path should be the slug of the
> list you want to add a member to.
> Supported formats:
> xml, json
> e.g.
> "id=123456789"http://twitter.com/noradio/tall-people/members.xml
> GET '/:user/:list_slug/members/:id.:f

[twitter-dev] Re: C# + OAuth + account/update_profile_image = 500 Internal Server Error

2009-10-18 Thread Nicholas Granado

I believe the body of your post might be incorrect. It should look like

POST /account/update_profile_image.xml HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
Host: twitter.com
Content-Length: 3863(this will probably change now..)

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="image"; filename="test.jpg"
Content-Type: image/jpeg

(there's a few K of binary data here, the contents of the file)

The rest of the OAuth variables should be passed on the query string.

I hope this helps.

Nicholas Granado
email:  ngran...@gmail.com
twitter: heatxsink

On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 2:42 PM, Zaudio  wrote:

> Hi David,
> I found your excellent post hoping that it would solve the same
> challenge for my app: updating profile image via Oauth... using
> similar .net base to yourself...
> BUT I just get the 401 all the time... despite taking your advice to
> just sign with the HTTPmethod & URL My post data is laid out much
> like yours... though I never got that 500 error...
> I've tried all sorts... dropping the & off the end different
> encodings...
> What encoding did you use to encode your image, and then to post the
> request?
> Does it still work for you... or did this get broken when Twitter
> 'fixed' their Oauth implementation?
> Can anyone else advise if they have got this working and where I might
> be going wrong?
> Thanks
> Simon (Zaudio)
> On Aug 19, 11:40 pm, David Carson  wrote:
> > Got this sorted out and working, and thought I should share the two
> > pitfalls which were causing me problems.
> >
> > First of all, unbelievably, the 500 Internal Server Error was being
> > caused by an extra carriage return between my last HTTP header and the
> > first multipart boundary. Seriously. I had two blank lines in there
> > instead of one. Removed the extra carriage return, and my 500
> > vanished, being replaced by a more reasonable "(401) Unauthorized -
> > Incorrect signature" error.
> >
> > Secondly, the OAuth documentation seems a bit shaky when it comes to
> > multipart/form-data POSTs. But basically, you do NOT use any of the
> > POST parameters when creating your signature. And this includes all of
> > the OAuth-specific parameters like oauth_consumer_key,
> > oauth_signature_method, etc. Bit of a security hole imho, OAuth
> > implements all this complexity to avoid man-in-the-middle or replay
> > attacks, and as soon as you do a multipart POST it's all negated.
> >
> > So, my signature base was literally:
> >
> > POST&http%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Faccount%2Fupdate_profile_image.xml&
> >
> > Just the HTTP method and the URL. No parameters.
> >
> > Once I made that change to the signature generation, my request went
> > through fine and my avatar changed.
> >
> > Hope this helps someone!
> >
> > Cheers,
> > David...

[twitter-dev] Re: Bug? Updates > 140 characters return success with prior update payload

2009-10-18 Thread Naveen

I agree. A silent failure seems like the wrong behavior.. It should
return an error if the tweet has failed to post.

Also this change was made without any announcement that I recall
seeing or can find now. This is a pretty significant change in
behavior for existing clients.. We are failing to post because people
are not getting an error and they believe it is our problem.

Because the failure is silent we do not notify the user of the
problem. We will update our code with a work around, but I would have
expected some sort of announcement that this was going to happen.

On Oct 17, 6:23 pm, Dave Sherohman  wrote:
> > On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 10:41 AM, Marc Mims  wrote:
> > > Updates longer than140characters should be forcibly truncated
> > > according to the documentation.  Instead, the update call returns with
> > > a 200 status and the payload contains the prior update.
> > > Has there been achangeto the API or is this a bug.
> On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 05:15:42PM -0500, Josh Roesslein wrote:
> > This is achangein the API confirmed by one of twitter's API members.
> > The docs should be updated soon.
> In that case, is there anychange(planned or current) which will
> indicate when this has happened, or if the update has been rejected for
> any other reason?  Failing silently does not seem appropriate,
> particularly when the failure returns the user's previous status.
> --
> Dave Sherohman

[twitter-dev] Re: C# + OAuth + account/update_profile_image = 500 Internal Server Error

2009-10-18 Thread Zaudio

Hi David,

I found your excellent post hoping that it would solve the same
challenge for my app: updating profile image via Oauth... using
similar .net base to yourself...
BUT I just get the 401 all the time... despite taking your advice to
just sign with the HTTPmethod & URL My post data is laid out much
like yours... though I never got that 500 error...

I've tried all sorts... dropping the & off the end different

What encoding did you use to encode your image, and then to post the

Does it still work for you... or did this get broken when Twitter
'fixed' their Oauth implementation?

Can anyone else advise if they have got this working and where I might
be going wrong?


Simon (Zaudio)

On Aug 19, 11:40 pm, David Carson  wrote:
> Got this sorted out and working, and thought I should share the two
> pitfalls which were causing me problems.
> First of all, unbelievably, the 500 Internal Server Error was being
> caused by an extra carriage return between my last HTTP header and the
> first multipart boundary. Seriously. I had two blank lines in there
> instead of one. Removed the extra carriage return, and my 500
> vanished, being replaced by a more reasonable "(401) Unauthorized -
> Incorrect signature" error.
> Secondly, the OAuth documentation seems a bit shaky when it comes to
> multipart/form-data POSTs. But basically, you do NOT use any of the
> POST parameters when creating your signature. And this includes all of
> the OAuth-specific parameters like oauth_consumer_key,
> oauth_signature_method, etc. Bit of a security hole imho, OAuth
> implements all this complexity to avoid man-in-the-middle or replay
> attacks, and as soon as you do a multipart POST it's all negated.
> So, my signature base was literally:
> POST&http%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Faccount%2Fupdate_profile_image.xml&
> Just the HTTP method and the URL. No parameters.
> Once I made that change to the signature generation, my request went
> through fine and my avatar changed.
> Hope this helps someone!
> Cheers,
> David...

[twitter-dev] Re: Why have you removed the HTML/CSS badge/widget?

2009-10-18 Thread Scott Haneda

click on html widget, and chose the one you want, it will help you  
build one.  They are all html, though use Javascript to pretty them up.

That link does not as far as I can tell, for the Web site widgets,  
make flash widgets.

I suspect you are confusing html widgets for flash widgets, just  
because Javascript is able to make them look more like what flash  
often appears.

I just made this one http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/340087/Drops/10.18.09/widget-b51545b8-142935.png 
 which is not flash, all html.

You are probably getting pretty close to moving into an area of asking  
questions on a mailing list that was not designed to answer your  
questions.  I suggest if you really do not like this, that you take it  
up with twitter support by opening a ticket.

Hope that helps
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *

On Oct 18, 2009, at 3:55 AM, Jonathan Timar wrote:

Yes, that is the one I mean.

Well I am on the developer website because I found it through Google.
And while I certainly know my way around HTML and CSS, any kind of
programming is beyond the scope of my brain, so no I could not make my
own widget without a lot of help.

My widget didnt stop working, I just find it baffling that Twitter
would remove access to a text/css widget on their website (and by
access I mean remove all internal links and mention of it), and
instead provide only bloated, impossible to truly customize flash
widgets, especially given the minimalist nature of the Twitter

On Oct 17, 11:24 pm, Scott Haneda  wrote:

Not sure I understand, you mean like this 

Either way, text only widget, you being on a developer mailing  
list, I

am sure in all honestly, a few lines, maybe 10 lines or so, and you
could have a widget to your liking.

Whatever old widget your refer to, has to be in use by others, they
could not just take it away, as that would break everyones sites who
included it in their website.

I suspect they may have moved it elsewhere, but I am certain the old
widget still works.  There are also 10's of websites that have  

widgets, from simple to complex.

Did your widgets stop working?  If not, just copy the source from
those and keep using them, they will continue to work.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *

On Oct 17, 2009, at 10:13 PM, Jonathan Timar wrote:

I am referring to the text only version of 
which is oddly still present on the Twitter website (I found it  

some in depth Googling) but no longer linked to or referenced in any
way, in favour of this page:http://twitter.com/goodieswhich features
some far less useful and customizable widgets.

What is the reasoning behind this? Does Twitter really think that
there is no demand for a simply, fully CSS styleable widget?

[twitter-dev] Private lists showing up on memberships page

2009-10-18 Thread Damon C

I've seen a couple instances now (@beaker and @mediaphyter) where a
private list shows up on the list of a user's memberships. It doesn't
seem like the existence of these private lists should be showing up in
the memberships list, nor can I reproduce the issue on my own account.
As an example, here's a brief snippet from 
(sidenote that the member_count shows up as 5 on the HTML version of
the memberships page).



[twitter-dev] Re: Laying the foundation for API versioning

2009-10-18 Thread Marcel Molina

The change has been made but it probably hasn't been pushed out yet to
the full cluster. I'll follow up with ops on Monday. Thanks.

On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 1:10 PM, Dave Briccetti  wrote:
> Thanks, but still failing today.

Marcel Molina
Twitter Platform Team

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Dewald Pretorius


These 502s happen in my high-volume processes. I can't manually
reproduce them.

Most calls don't 502 after the second geometric back-off.

I'm guessing it's just everyone doing a 9-hour catch-up against the


On Oct 18, 4:54 pm, Ryan Sarver  wrote:
> Dewald,
> Can you produce some TCP dumps and requests with headers so we can better 
> debug?
> Thanks, Ryan
> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 12:05 PM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> > I'm seeing lots of 502's now. Is the API overloaded?
> > Dewald
> > On Oct 18, 2:58 pm, Ryan Sarver  wrote:
> >> Michael,
> >> We are still working on getting the full picture, but once we have the
> >> details I will report to the group what the issue was.
> >> Thanks for updating us.
> >> Best, Ryan
> >> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 10:55 AM, Michael Steuer  wrote:
> >> > It is working for me. Would you mind sharing with the group what exactly
> >> > happened?
> >> > Thanks.
> >> > Michael
> >> > On Oct 18, 2009, at 10:53 AM, Atul Kulkarni  
> >> > wrote:
> >> > Works Fine... Duluth, MN.
> >> > On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 12:51 PM, Ryan Sarver  
> >> > wrote:
> >> >> I wanted to check in and see if everyone is back to normal? We think
> >> >> things have been fixed but its hard to confirm without your help.
> >> >> Let me know if you are still experiencing any issues and if so, where
> >> >> you are located.
> >> >> Best, Ryan
> >> >> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 10:48 AM, Dewald Pretorius 
> >> >> wrote:
> >> >> > Same here. Can connect again.
> >> >> > On Oct 18, 2:46 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
> >> >> >> The situation seems to have been resolved, at least for me, as of a
> >> >> >> few minutes ago. My Rackspace hosted servers can reach the API 
> >> >> >> again...
> >> >> >> On Oct 18, 2009, at 10:35 AM, Dewald Pretorius 
> >> >> >> wrote:
> >> >> >> > I don't really blame Twitter Ops for not knowing. It's probably a 
> >> >> >> > new
> >> >> >> > edge defense that was installed by their service provider during
> >> >> >> > Sunday night.
> >> >> >> > However, a while ago Alex said the Platform team were working on an
> >> >> >> > external monitoring solution. Hopefully Ryan, who is now Director 
> >> >> >> > of
> >> >> >> > the Platform team, will quickly move this forward to completion.
> >> >> >> > Dewald
> >> >> >> > On Oct 18, 1:30 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
> >> >> >> >> Amen to that. I find it kind of curious that as per John K., 5-6
> >> >> >> >> hours
> >> >> >> >> into this issue, the Twitter ops team was still blissfully unaware
> >> >> >> >> of
> >> >> >> >> anything going on... Also weird that they apparently are unable to
> >> >> >> >> reproduce the issue without our help, ie. they really haven't set 
> >> >> >> >> up
> >> >> >> >> any monitoring outside of their network...
> >> >> >> >> On Oct 18, 2009, at 9:05 AM, Dewald Pretorius 
> >> >> >> >> wrote:
> >> >> >> >>> I'd be more than happy to wait longer for snazzy API 2.0 features
> >> >> >> >>> so
> >> >> >> >>> that the Platform team can build a QoS system that monitors the
> >> >> >> >>> API's
> >> >> >> >>> availability and performance from the outside. That will enable
> >> >> >> >>> Twitter to catch these kinds of issues long before we do.
> >> >> >> >>> Dewald
> >> >> >> >>> On Oct 18, 12:47 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
> >> >> >>  This outage is now going on 7 hours. Any word from Twitter as to
> >> >> >>  an
> >> >> >>  ETA for resolution?
> >> >> >>  On Oct 18, 2009, at 8:08 AM, John Meyer 
> >> >> >>  wrote:
> >> >> >> > John Kalucki wrote:
> >> >> >> >> And here's the next question:
> >> >> >> >> Is anyone having trouble from non-service, non-hosted
> >> >> >> >> endpoints. In
> >> >> >> >> other words, problem from home ISPs and desktop clients?
> >> >> >> >> -John Kalucki
> >> >> >> >>http://twitter.com/jkalucki
> >> >> >> >> Services, Twitter Inc.
> >> >> >> > Yep. (comcast, cannot access through either the website or
> >> >> >> > desktop
> >> >> >> > clients).
> >> > --
> >> > Regards,
> >> > Atul Kulkarni
> >> >www.d.umn.edu/~kulka053

[twitter-dev] Re: Laying the foundation for API versioning

2009-10-18 Thread Dave Briccetti

Thanks, but still failing today.

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Ryan Sarver


Can you produce some TCP dumps and requests with headers so we can better debug?

Thanks, Ryan

On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 12:05 PM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> I'm seeing lots of 502's now. Is the API overloaded?
> Dewald
> On Oct 18, 2:58 pm, Ryan Sarver  wrote:
>> Michael,
>> We are still working on getting the full picture, but once we have the
>> details I will report to the group what the issue was.
>> Thanks for updating us.
>> Best, Ryan
>> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 10:55 AM, Michael Steuer  wrote:
>> > It is working for me. Would you mind sharing with the group what exactly
>> > happened?
>> > Thanks.
>> > Michael
>> > On Oct 18, 2009, at 10:53 AM, Atul Kulkarni  
>> > wrote:
>> > Works Fine... Duluth, MN.
>> > On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 12:51 PM, Ryan Sarver  wrote:
>> >> I wanted to check in and see if everyone is back to normal? We think
>> >> things have been fixed but its hard to confirm without your help.
>> >> Let me know if you are still experiencing any issues and if so, where
>> >> you are located.
>> >> Best, Ryan
>> >> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 10:48 AM, Dewald Pretorius 
>> >> wrote:
>> >> > Same here. Can connect again.
>> >> > On Oct 18, 2:46 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
>> >> >> The situation seems to have been resolved, at least for me, as of a
>> >> >> few minutes ago. My Rackspace hosted servers can reach the API again...
>> >> >> On Oct 18, 2009, at 10:35 AM, Dewald Pretorius 
>> >> >> wrote:
>> >> >> > I don't really blame Twitter Ops for not knowing. It's probably a new
>> >> >> > edge defense that was installed by their service provider during
>> >> >> > Sunday night.
>> >> >> > However, a while ago Alex said the Platform team were working on an
>> >> >> > external monitoring solution. Hopefully Ryan, who is now Director of
>> >> >> > the Platform team, will quickly move this forward to completion.
>> >> >> > Dewald
>> >> >> > On Oct 18, 1:30 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
>> >> >> >> Amen to that. I find it kind of curious that as per John K., 5-6
>> >> >> >> hours
>> >> >> >> into this issue, the Twitter ops team was still blissfully unaware
>> >> >> >> of
>> >> >> >> anything going on... Also weird that they apparently are unable to
>> >> >> >> reproduce the issue without our help, ie. they really haven't set up
>> >> >> >> any monitoring outside of their network...
>> >> >> >> On Oct 18, 2009, at 9:05 AM, Dewald Pretorius 
>> >> >> >> wrote:
>> >> >> >>> I'd be more than happy to wait longer for snazzy API 2.0 features
>> >> >> >>> so
>> >> >> >>> that the Platform team can build a QoS system that monitors the
>> >> >> >>> API's
>> >> >> >>> availability and performance from the outside. That will enable
>> >> >> >>> Twitter to catch these kinds of issues long before we do.
>> >> >> >>> Dewald
>> >> >> >>> On Oct 18, 12:47 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
>> >> >>  This outage is now going on 7 hours. Any word from Twitter as to
>> >> >>  an
>> >> >>  ETA for resolution?
>> >> >>  On Oct 18, 2009, at 8:08 AM, John Meyer 
>> >> >>  wrote:
>> >> >> > John Kalucki wrote:
>> >> >> >> And here's the next question:
>> >> >> >> Is anyone having trouble from non-service, non-hosted
>> >> >> >> endpoints. In
>> >> >> >> other words, problem from home ISPs and desktop clients?
>> >> >> >> -John Kalucki
>> >> >> >>http://twitter.com/jkalucki
>> >> >> >> Services, Twitter Inc.
>> >> >> > Yep. (comcast, cannot access through either the website or
>> >> >> > desktop
>> >> >> > clients).
>> > --
>> > Regards,
>> > Atul Kulkarni
>> >www.d.umn.edu/~kulka053

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Bryan Longworth

I am connected via AT&T DSL from Ft. Pierce, FL. I am unable to
connect with Firefox or TweetDeck. Firefox gives a time out error.

On Oct 18, 10:56 am, John Kalucki  wrote:
> And here's the next question:
> Is anyone having trouble from non-service, non-hosted endpoints. In
> other words, problem from home ISPs and desktop clients?
> -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
> Services, Twitter Inc.
> On Oct 18, 7:55 am, John Kalucki  wrote:
> > OK. I think we have enough traceroutes for now. Thanks for sending
> > them in!
> > If we need more datapoints or information, I'll update this thread.
> > On Oct 18, 7:14 am, John Kalucki  wrote:
> > > I don't see any operational issues from here, but I'm not an
> > > operational guy. At first glance the system looks fine, and the
> > > operational team isn't in response mode. This is puzzling.
> > > Seems like a connectivity issue upstream from twitter. At lest a few
> > > developers: please send a traceroute to this list. Also, if you aren't
> > > timing out, but rather are getting an HTTP error, send the response
> > > headers. After say 4 or 5 responses, they'll probably have enough info
> > > to triage this.
> > > -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
> > > Services, Twitter Inc.
> > > On Oct 18, 6:40 am, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> > > > Does anyone else have problems connecting to the API at the moment
> > > > (Sunday morning October 18)?
> > > > Dewald

[twitter-dev] Re: Search API Rate limiting - App Engine (again)

2009-10-18 Thread Chad Etzel

On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 8:09 AM, vivekpuri  wrote:
> Will someone from Twitter please respond if there is an ETA to resolve
> this issue. Work arounds can never be really as effective as the real
> deal.

Sorry, I thought it was clear from the previous email. There is no ETA
because it's not going to be resolved. GAE does not use an IP
infrastructure that is amicable to our rate-limiting logic, so if you
want to integrate IP rate-limited calls into your web-based
applications, you will need to either use the workaround stated
earlier or use a hosting service that will let you use a static IP.


[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Dewald Pretorius

I'm seeing lots of 502's now. Is the API overloaded?


On Oct 18, 2:58 pm, Ryan Sarver  wrote:
> Michael,
> We are still working on getting the full picture, but once we have the
> details I will report to the group what the issue was.
> Thanks for updating us.
> Best, Ryan
> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 10:55 AM, Michael Steuer  wrote:
> > It is working for me. Would you mind sharing with the group what exactly
> > happened?
> > Thanks.
> > Michael
> > On Oct 18, 2009, at 10:53 AM, Atul Kulkarni  wrote:
> > Works Fine... Duluth, MN.
> > On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 12:51 PM, Ryan Sarver  wrote:
> >> I wanted to check in and see if everyone is back to normal? We think
> >> things have been fixed but its hard to confirm without your help.
> >> Let me know if you are still experiencing any issues and if so, where
> >> you are located.
> >> Best, Ryan
> >> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 10:48 AM, Dewald Pretorius 
> >> wrote:
> >> > Same here. Can connect again.
> >> > On Oct 18, 2:46 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
> >> >> The situation seems to have been resolved, at least for me, as of a
> >> >> few minutes ago. My Rackspace hosted servers can reach the API again...
> >> >> On Oct 18, 2009, at 10:35 AM, Dewald Pretorius 
> >> >> wrote:
> >> >> > I don't really blame Twitter Ops for not knowing. It's probably a new
> >> >> > edge defense that was installed by their service provider during
> >> >> > Sunday night.
> >> >> > However, a while ago Alex said the Platform team were working on an
> >> >> > external monitoring solution. Hopefully Ryan, who is now Director of
> >> >> > the Platform team, will quickly move this forward to completion.
> >> >> > Dewald
> >> >> > On Oct 18, 1:30 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
> >> >> >> Amen to that. I find it kind of curious that as per John K., 5-6
> >> >> >> hours
> >> >> >> into this issue, the Twitter ops team was still blissfully unaware
> >> >> >> of
> >> >> >> anything going on... Also weird that they apparently are unable to
> >> >> >> reproduce the issue without our help, ie. they really haven't set up
> >> >> >> any monitoring outside of their network...
> >> >> >> On Oct 18, 2009, at 9:05 AM, Dewald Pretorius 
> >> >> >> wrote:
> >> >> >>> I'd be more than happy to wait longer for snazzy API 2.0 features
> >> >> >>> so
> >> >> >>> that the Platform team can build a QoS system that monitors the
> >> >> >>> API's
> >> >> >>> availability and performance from the outside. That will enable
> >> >> >>> Twitter to catch these kinds of issues long before we do.
> >> >> >>> Dewald
> >> >> >>> On Oct 18, 12:47 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
> >> >>  This outage is now going on 7 hours. Any word from Twitter as to
> >> >>  an
> >> >>  ETA for resolution?
> >> >>  On Oct 18, 2009, at 8:08 AM, John Meyer 
> >> >>  wrote:
> >> >> > John Kalucki wrote:
> >> >> >> And here's the next question:
> >> >> >> Is anyone having trouble from non-service, non-hosted
> >> >> >> endpoints. In
> >> >> >> other words, problem from home ISPs and desktop clients?
> >> >> >> -John Kalucki
> >> >> >>http://twitter.com/jkalucki
> >> >> >> Services, Twitter Inc.
> >> >> > Yep. (comcast, cannot access through either the website or
> >> >> > desktop
> >> >> > clients).
> > --
> > Regards,
> > Atul Kulkarni
> >www.d.umn.edu/~kulka053

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Hayes Davis

We're back in action from Slicehost in St. Louis and Rackspace in Dallas.


On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 12:58 PM, Ryan Sarver  wrote:
> Michael,
> We are still working on getting the full picture, but once we have the
> details I will report to the group what the issue was.
> Thanks for updating us.
> Best, Ryan
> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 10:55 AM, Michael Steuer  wrote:
>> It is working for me. Would you mind sharing with the group what exactly
>> happened?
>> Thanks.
>> Michael
>> On Oct 18, 2009, at 10:53 AM, Atul Kulkarni  wrote:
>> Works Fine... Duluth, MN.
>> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 12:51 PM, Ryan Sarver  wrote:
>>> I wanted to check in and see if everyone is back to normal? We think
>>> things have been fixed but its hard to confirm without your help.
>>> Let me know if you are still experiencing any issues and if so, where
>>> you are located.
>>> Best, Ryan
>>> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 10:48 AM, Dewald Pretorius 
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Same here. Can connect again.
>>> >
>>> > On Oct 18, 2:46 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
>>> >> The situation seems to have been resolved, at least for me, as of a
>>> >> few minutes ago. My Rackspace hosted servers can reach the API again...
>>> >>
>>> >> On Oct 18, 2009, at 10:35 AM, Dewald Pretorius 
>>> >> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> > I don't really blame Twitter Ops for not knowing. It's probably a new
>>> >> > edge defense that was installed by their service provider during
>>> >> > Sunday night.
>>> >>
>>> >> > However, a while ago Alex said the Platform team were working on an
>>> >> > external monitoring solution. Hopefully Ryan, who is now Director of
>>> >> > the Platform team, will quickly move this forward to completion.
>>> >>
>>> >> > Dewald
>>> >>
>>> >> > On Oct 18, 1:30 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
>>> >> >> Amen to that. I find it kind of curious that as per John K., 5-6
>>> >> >> hours
>>> >> >> into this issue, the Twitter ops team was still blissfully unaware
>>> >> >> of
>>> >> >> anything going on... Also weird that they apparently are unable to
>>> >> >> reproduce the issue without our help, ie. they really haven't set up
>>> >> >> any monitoring outside of their network...
>>> >>
>>> >> >> On Oct 18, 2009, at 9:05 AM, Dewald Pretorius 
>>> >> >> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> >>> I'd be more than happy to wait longer for snazzy API 2.0 features
>>> >> >>> so
>>> >> >>> that the Platform team can build a QoS system that monitors the
>>> >> >>> API's
>>> >> >>> availability and performance from the outside. That will enable
>>> >> >>> Twitter to catch these kinds of issues long before we do.
>>> >>
>>> >> >>> Dewald
>>> >>
>>> >> >>> On Oct 18, 12:47 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
>>> >>  This outage is now going on 7 hours. Any word from Twitter as to
>>> >>  an
>>> >>  ETA for resolution?
>>> >>
>>> >>  On Oct 18, 2009, at 8:08 AM, John Meyer 
>>> >>  wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> > John Kalucki wrote:
>>> >> >> And here's the next question:
>>> >>
>>> >> >> Is anyone having trouble from non-service, non-hosted
>>> >> >> endpoints. In
>>> >> >> other words, problem from home ISPs and desktop clients?
>>> >>
>>> >> >> -John Kalucki
>>> >> >>http://twitter.com/jkalucki
>>> >> >> Services, Twitter Inc.
>>> >>
>>> >> > Yep. (comcast, cannot access through either the website or
>>> >> > desktop
>>> >> > clients).
>>> >
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Atul Kulkarni
>> www.d.umn.edu/~kulka053

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread MikeF

On Oct 18, 1:51 pm, Ryan Sarver  wrote:
> I wanted to check in and see if everyone is back to normal? We think
> things have been fixed but its hard to confirm without your help.

I think everything is back to normal now.  This is a very useful site
to ping Twitter from around the world:


Just minutes ago it was showing 100 % packet loss from Austin and

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread MikeF

Twitter just came back  2 minutes in Chicago.

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Ryan Sarver


We are still working on getting the full picture, but once we have the
details I will report to the group what the issue was.

Thanks for updating us.

Best, Ryan

On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 10:55 AM, Michael Steuer  wrote:
> It is working for me. Would you mind sharing with the group what exactly
> happened?
> Thanks.
> Michael
> On Oct 18, 2009, at 10:53 AM, Atul Kulkarni  wrote:
> Works Fine... Duluth, MN.
> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 12:51 PM, Ryan Sarver  wrote:
>> I wanted to check in and see if everyone is back to normal? We think
>> things have been fixed but its hard to confirm without your help.
>> Let me know if you are still experiencing any issues and if so, where
>> you are located.
>> Best, Ryan
>> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 10:48 AM, Dewald Pretorius 
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Same here. Can connect again.
>> >
>> > On Oct 18, 2:46 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
>> >> The situation seems to have been resolved, at least for me, as of a
>> >> few minutes ago. My Rackspace hosted servers can reach the API again...
>> >>
>> >> On Oct 18, 2009, at 10:35 AM, Dewald Pretorius 
>> >> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> > I don't really blame Twitter Ops for not knowing. It's probably a new
>> >> > edge defense that was installed by their service provider during
>> >> > Sunday night.
>> >>
>> >> > However, a while ago Alex said the Platform team were working on an
>> >> > external monitoring solution. Hopefully Ryan, who is now Director of
>> >> > the Platform team, will quickly move this forward to completion.
>> >>
>> >> > Dewald
>> >>
>> >> > On Oct 18, 1:30 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
>> >> >> Amen to that. I find it kind of curious that as per John K., 5-6
>> >> >> hours
>> >> >> into this issue, the Twitter ops team was still blissfully unaware
>> >> >> of
>> >> >> anything going on... Also weird that they apparently are unable to
>> >> >> reproduce the issue without our help, ie. they really haven't set up
>> >> >> any monitoring outside of their network...
>> >>
>> >> >> On Oct 18, 2009, at 9:05 AM, Dewald Pretorius 
>> >> >> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> >>> I'd be more than happy to wait longer for snazzy API 2.0 features
>> >> >>> so
>> >> >>> that the Platform team can build a QoS system that monitors the
>> >> >>> API's
>> >> >>> availability and performance from the outside. That will enable
>> >> >>> Twitter to catch these kinds of issues long before we do.
>> >>
>> >> >>> Dewald
>> >>
>> >> >>> On Oct 18, 12:47 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
>> >>  This outage is now going on 7 hours. Any word from Twitter as to
>> >>  an
>> >>  ETA for resolution?
>> >>
>> >>  On Oct 18, 2009, at 8:08 AM, John Meyer 
>> >>  wrote:
>> >>
>> >> > John Kalucki wrote:
>> >> >> And here's the next question:
>> >>
>> >> >> Is anyone having trouble from non-service, non-hosted
>> >> >> endpoints. In
>> >> >> other words, problem from home ISPs and desktop clients?
>> >>
>> >> >> -John Kalucki
>> >> >>http://twitter.com/jkalucki
>> >> >> Services, Twitter Inc.
>> >>
>> >> > Yep. (comcast, cannot access through either the website or
>> >> > desktop
>> >> > clients).
>> >
> --
> Regards,
> Atul Kulkarni
> www.d.umn.edu/~kulka053

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Josh Roesslein

I am now able to connect to twitter here in Wisconsin. ISP is TDS


[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Michael Steuer
It is working for me. Would you mind sharing with the group what  
exactly happened?



On Oct 18, 2009, at 10:53 AM, Atul Kulkarni   

Works Fine... Duluth, MN.

On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 12:51 PM, Ryan Sarver   

I wanted to check in and see if everyone is back to normal? We think
things have been fixed but its hard to confirm without your help.

Let me know if you are still experiencing any issues and if so, where
you are located.

Best, Ryan

On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 10:48 AM, Dewald Pretorius  

> Same here. Can connect again.
> On Oct 18, 2:46 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
>> The situation seems to have been resolved, at least for me, as of a
>> few minutes ago. My Rackspace hosted servers can reach the API  

>> On Oct 18, 2009, at 10:35 AM, Dewald Pretorius   

>> > I don't really blame Twitter Ops for not knowing. It's probably  
a new

>> > edge defense that was installed by their service provider during
>> > Sunday night.
>> > However, a while ago Alex said the Platform team were working  
on an
>> > external monitoring solution. Hopefully Ryan, who is now  
Director of

>> > the Platform team, will quickly move this forward to completion.
>> > Dewald
>> > On Oct 18, 1:30 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
>> >> Amen to that. I find it kind of curious that as per John K., 5-6
>> >> hours
>> >> into this issue, the Twitter ops team was still blissfully  
unaware of
>> >> anything going on... Also weird that they apparently are  
unable to
>> >> reproduce the issue without our help, ie. they really haven't  
set up

>> >> any monitoring outside of their network...
>> >> On Oct 18, 2009, at 9:05 AM, Dewald Pretorius 
>> >> wrote:
>> >>> I'd be more than happy to wait longer for snazzy API 2.0  
features so

>> >>> that the Platform team can build a QoS system that monitors the
>> >>> API's
>> >>> availability and performance from the outside. That will enable
>> >>> Twitter to catch these kinds of issues long before we do.
>> >>> Dewald
>> >>> On Oct 18, 12:47 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
>>  This outage is now going on 7 hours. Any word from Twitter  
as to an

>>  ETA for resolution?
>>  On Oct 18, 2009, at 8:08 AM, John Meyer  

>>  wrote:
>> > John Kalucki wrote:
>> >> And here's the next question:
>> >> Is anyone having trouble from non-service, non-hosted
>> >> endpoints. In
>> >> other words, problem from home ISPs and desktop clients?
>> >> -John Kalucki
>> >>http://twitter.com/jkalucki
>> >> Services, Twitter Inc.
>> > Yep. (comcast, cannot access through either the website or  

>> > clients).

Atul Kulkarni

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Atul Kulkarni
Works Fine... Duluth, MN.

On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 12:51 PM, Ryan Sarver  wrote:

> I wanted to check in and see if everyone is back to normal? We think
> things have been fixed but its hard to confirm without your help.
> Let me know if you are still experiencing any issues and if so, where
> you are located.
> Best, Ryan
> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 10:48 AM, Dewald Pretorius 
> wrote:
> >
> > Same here. Can connect again.
> >
> > On Oct 18, 2:46 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
> >> The situation seems to have been resolved, at least for me, as of a
> >> few minutes ago. My Rackspace hosted servers can reach the API again...
> >>
> >> On Oct 18, 2009, at 10:35 AM, Dewald Pretorius 
> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> > I don't really blame Twitter Ops for not knowing. It's probably a new
> >> > edge defense that was installed by their service provider during
> >> > Sunday night.
> >>
> >> > However, a while ago Alex said the Platform team were working on an
> >> > external monitoring solution. Hopefully Ryan, who is now Director of
> >> > the Platform team, will quickly move this forward to completion.
> >>
> >> > Dewald
> >>
> >> > On Oct 18, 1:30 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
> >> >> Amen to that. I find it kind of curious that as per John K., 5-6
> >> >> hours
> >> >> into this issue, the Twitter ops team was still blissfully unaware of
> >> >> anything going on... Also weird that they apparently are unable to
> >> >> reproduce the issue without our help, ie. they really haven't set up
> >> >> any monitoring outside of their network...
> >>
> >> >> On Oct 18, 2009, at 9:05 AM, Dewald Pretorius 
> >> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> >>> I'd be more than happy to wait longer for snazzy API 2.0 features so
> >> >>> that the Platform team can build a QoS system that monitors the
> >> >>> API's
> >> >>> availability and performance from the outside. That will enable
> >> >>> Twitter to catch these kinds of issues long before we do.
> >>
> >> >>> Dewald
> >>
> >> >>> On Oct 18, 12:47 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
> >>  This outage is now going on 7 hours. Any word from Twitter as to an
> >>  ETA for resolution?
> >>
> >>  On Oct 18, 2009, at 8:08 AM, John Meyer 
> >>  wrote:
> >>
> >> > John Kalucki wrote:
> >> >> And here's the next question:
> >>
> >> >> Is anyone having trouble from non-service, non-hosted
> >> >> endpoints. In
> >> >> other words, problem from home ISPs and desktop clients?
> >>
> >> >> -John Kalucki
> >> >>http://twitter.com/jkalucki
> >> >> Services, Twitter Inc.
> >>
> >> > Yep. (comcast, cannot access through either the website or desktop
> >> > clients).
> >

Atul Kulkarni

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Ryan Sarver

I wanted to check in and see if everyone is back to normal? We think
things have been fixed but its hard to confirm without your help.

Let me know if you are still experiencing any issues and if so, where
you are located.

Best, Ryan

On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 10:48 AM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> Same here. Can connect again.
> On Oct 18, 2:46 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
>> The situation seems to have been resolved, at least for me, as of a
>> few minutes ago. My Rackspace hosted servers can reach the API again...
>> On Oct 18, 2009, at 10:35 AM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
>> > I don't really blame Twitter Ops for not knowing. It's probably a new
>> > edge defense that was installed by their service provider during
>> > Sunday night.
>> > However, a while ago Alex said the Platform team were working on an
>> > external monitoring solution. Hopefully Ryan, who is now Director of
>> > the Platform team, will quickly move this forward to completion.
>> > Dewald
>> > On Oct 18, 1:30 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
>> >> Amen to that. I find it kind of curious that as per John K., 5-6
>> >> hours
>> >> into this issue, the Twitter ops team was still blissfully unaware of
>> >> anything going on... Also weird that they apparently are unable to
>> >> reproduce the issue without our help, ie. they really haven't set up
>> >> any monitoring outside of their network...
>> >> On Oct 18, 2009, at 9:05 AM, Dewald Pretorius 
>> >> wrote:
>> >>> I'd be more than happy to wait longer for snazzy API 2.0 features so
>> >>> that the Platform team can build a QoS system that monitors the
>> >>> API's
>> >>> availability and performance from the outside. That will enable
>> >>> Twitter to catch these kinds of issues long before we do.
>> >>> Dewald
>> >>> On Oct 18, 12:47 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
>>  This outage is now going on 7 hours. Any word from Twitter as to an
>>  ETA for resolution?
>>  On Oct 18, 2009, at 8:08 AM, John Meyer 
>>  wrote:
>> > John Kalucki wrote:
>> >> And here's the next question:
>> >> Is anyone having trouble from non-service, non-hosted
>> >> endpoints. In
>> >> other words, problem from home ISPs and desktop clients?
>> >> -John Kalucki
>> >>http://twitter.com/jkalucki
>> >> Services, Twitter Inc.
>> > Yep. (comcast, cannot access through either the website or desktop
>> > clients).

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Michael Steuer

Setting up external monitoring isn't a huge undertaking. Their are  
plenty of existing services out there already. Even free ones like pingdom.com 
. Perhaps Twitter should set up a couple of those until they have  
their full QoS implementation in place. Pingdom for example would have  
started sending them emails and SMS messages at 2am pst this morning,  
when the issue started. They could have then escalated to their ISP  
and this whole thing wouldn't have lasted for close to 9 hours.

On Oct 18, 2009, at 10:35 AM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:

I don't really blame Twitter Ops for not knowing. It's probably a new
edge defense that was installed by their service provider during
Sunday night.

However, a while ago Alex said the Platform team were working on an
external monitoring solution. Hopefully Ryan, who is now Director of
the Platform team, will quickly move this forward to completion.


On Oct 18, 1:30 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
Amen to that. I find it kind of curious that as per John K., 5-6  

into this issue, the Twitter ops team was still blissfully unaware of
anything going on... Also weird that they apparently are unable to
reproduce the issue without our help, ie. they really haven't set up
any monitoring outside of their network...

On Oct 18, 2009, at 9:05 AM, Dewald Pretorius   

I'd be more than happy to wait longer for snazzy API 2.0 features so
that the Platform team can build a QoS system that monitors the  

availability and performance from the outside. That will enable
Twitter to catch these kinds of issues long before we do.


On Oct 18, 12:47 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:

This outage is now going on 7 hours. Any word from Twitter as to an
ETA for resolution?

On Oct 18, 2009, at 8:08 AM, John Meyer 

John Kalucki wrote:

And here's the next question:

Is anyone having trouble from non-service, non-hosted  
endpoints. In

other words, problem from home ISPs and desktop clients?

-John Kalucki
Services, Twitter Inc.

Yep. (comcast, cannot access through either the website or desktop

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Dewald Pretorius

Same here. Can connect again.

On Oct 18, 2:46 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
> The situation seems to have been resolved, at least for me, as of a  
> few minutes ago. My Rackspace hosted servers can reach the API again...
> On Oct 18, 2009, at 10:35 AM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> > I don't really blame Twitter Ops for not knowing. It's probably a new
> > edge defense that was installed by their service provider during
> > Sunday night.
> > However, a while ago Alex said the Platform team were working on an
> > external monitoring solution. Hopefully Ryan, who is now Director of
> > the Platform team, will quickly move this forward to completion.
> > Dewald
> > On Oct 18, 1:30 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
> >> Amen to that. I find it kind of curious that as per John K., 5-6  
> >> hours
> >> into this issue, the Twitter ops team was still blissfully unaware of
> >> anything going on... Also weird that they apparently are unable to
> >> reproduce the issue without our help, ie. they really haven't set up
> >> any monitoring outside of their network...
> >> On Oct 18, 2009, at 9:05 AM, Dewald Pretorius   
> >> wrote:
> >>> I'd be more than happy to wait longer for snazzy API 2.0 features so
> >>> that the Platform team can build a QoS system that monitors the  
> >>> API's
> >>> availability and performance from the outside. That will enable
> >>> Twitter to catch these kinds of issues long before we do.
> >>> Dewald
> >>> On Oct 18, 12:47 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
>  This outage is now going on 7 hours. Any word from Twitter as to an
>  ETA for resolution?
>  On Oct 18, 2009, at 8:08 AM, John Meyer 
>  wrote:
> > John Kalucki wrote:
> >> And here's the next question:
> >> Is anyone having trouble from non-service, non-hosted  
> >> endpoints. In
> >> other words, problem from home ISPs and desktop clients?
> >> -John Kalucki
> >>http://twitter.com/jkalucki
> >> Services, Twitter Inc.
> > Yep. (comcast, cannot access through either the website or desktop
> > clients).

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Michael Steuer

The situation seems to have been resolved, at least for me, as of a  
few minutes ago. My Rackspace hosted servers can reach the API again...

On Oct 18, 2009, at 10:35 AM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:

I don't really blame Twitter Ops for not knowing. It's probably a new
edge defense that was installed by their service provider during
Sunday night.

However, a while ago Alex said the Platform team were working on an
external monitoring solution. Hopefully Ryan, who is now Director of
the Platform team, will quickly move this forward to completion.


On Oct 18, 1:30 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
Amen to that. I find it kind of curious that as per John K., 5-6  

into this issue, the Twitter ops team was still blissfully unaware of
anything going on... Also weird that they apparently are unable to
reproduce the issue without our help, ie. they really haven't set up
any monitoring outside of their network...

On Oct 18, 2009, at 9:05 AM, Dewald Pretorius   

I'd be more than happy to wait longer for snazzy API 2.0 features so
that the Platform team can build a QoS system that monitors the  

availability and performance from the outside. That will enable
Twitter to catch these kinds of issues long before we do.


On Oct 18, 12:47 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:

This outage is now going on 7 hours. Any word from Twitter as to an
ETA for resolution?

On Oct 18, 2009, at 8:08 AM, John Meyer 

John Kalucki wrote:

And here's the next question:

Is anyone having trouble from non-service, non-hosted  
endpoints. In

other words, problem from home ISPs and desktop clients?

-John Kalucki
Services, Twitter Inc.

Yep. (comcast, cannot access through either the website or desktop

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Dewald Pretorius

I don't really blame Twitter Ops for not knowing. It's probably a new
edge defense that was installed by their service provider during
Sunday night.

However, a while ago Alex said the Platform team were working on an
external monitoring solution. Hopefully Ryan, who is now Director of
the Platform team, will quickly move this forward to completion.


On Oct 18, 1:30 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
> Amen to that. I find it kind of curious that as per John K., 5-6 hours  
> into this issue, the Twitter ops team was still blissfully unaware of  
> anything going on... Also weird that they apparently are unable to  
> reproduce the issue without our help, ie. they really haven't set up  
> any monitoring outside of their network...
> On Oct 18, 2009, at 9:05 AM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> > I'd be more than happy to wait longer for snazzy API 2.0 features so
> > that the Platform team can build a QoS system that monitors the API's
> > availability and performance from the outside. That will enable
> > Twitter to catch these kinds of issues long before we do.
> > Dewald
> > On Oct 18, 12:47 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
> >> This outage is now going on 7 hours. Any word from Twitter as to an
> >> ETA for resolution?
> >> On Oct 18, 2009, at 8:08 AM, John Meyer   
> >> wrote:
> >>> John Kalucki wrote:
>  And here's the next question:
>  Is anyone having trouble from non-service, non-hosted endpoints. In
>  other words, problem from home ISPs and desktop clients?
>  -John Kalucki
> http://twitter.com/jkalucki
>  Services, Twitter Inc.
> >>> Yep. (comcast, cannot access through either the website or desktop
> >>> clients).

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Hayes Davis

Just for the record, +1 from Slicehost in St. Louis and Rackspace in
Dallas. It's been happening since around 4am central.


On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 11:30 AM, Michael Steuer  wrote:
> Amen to that. I find it kind of curious that as per John K., 5-6 hours into
> this issue, the Twitter ops team was still blissfully unaware of anything
> going on... Also weird that they apparently are unable to reproduce the
> issue without our help, ie. they really haven't set up any monitoring
> outside of their network...
> On Oct 18, 2009, at 9:05 AM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
>> I'd be more than happy to wait longer for snazzy API 2.0 features so
>> that the Platform team can build a QoS system that monitors the API's
>> availability and performance from the outside. That will enable
>> Twitter to catch these kinds of issues long before we do.
>> Dewald
>> On Oct 18, 12:47 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
>>> This outage is now going on 7 hours. Any word from Twitter as to an
>>> ETA for resolution?
>>> On Oct 18, 2009, at 8:08 AM, John Meyer  wrote:
 John Kalucki wrote:
> And here's the next question:
> Is anyone having trouble from non-service, non-hosted endpoints. In
> other words, problem from home ISPs and desktop clients?
> -John Kalucki
> http://twitter.com/jkalucki
> Services, Twitter Inc.
 Yep. (comcast, cannot access through either the website or desktop

[twitter-dev] Re: Search API created_at date formatting

2009-10-18 Thread Cameron Kaiser

> I'm having problems with my code because it looks like the search
> method is returning the created_at date in the following format: Fri,
> 16 Oct 2009 16:40:25 +
> Everything else, and the documentation is using this format: Tue Feb
> 24 16:38:44 + 2009
> Is this being fixed?

Yes, this is known. Twitter has already stated that they will merge these
formats and other differences between Search API and regular timeline results
in a future API version (IDNSOWFT).

 personal: http://www.cameronkaiser.com/ --
  Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems * www.floodgap.com * ckai...@floodgap.com
-- Sarcasm is a spiritual gift. -- Paul Austin 

[twitter-dev] Search API created_at date formatting

2009-10-18 Thread Benjamin Lim

I'm having problems with my code because it looks like the search
method is returning the created_at date in the following format: Fri,
16 Oct 2009 16:40:25 +

Everything else, and the documentation is using this format: Tue Feb
24 16:38:44 + 2009

Is this being fixed?

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Bill Jacobson

Desktop via Comcast, Chicago, local times:
-last successful timeline call at 3:50am
-one search query got a response, at 7am
-no access to web site

Michael D. Ivey wrote:
> Yes. Unable to connect via Tweetie from home (one of my traceroutes 
> was from home) and lots of reports from iPhone, AT&T and Comcast users 
> in Southeast.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 18, 2009, at 9:56 AM, John Kalucki  wrote:
>> And here's the next question:
>> Is anyone having trouble from non-service, non-hosted endpoints. In
>> other words, problem from home ISPs and desktop clients?
>> -John Kalucki
>> http://twitter.com/jkalucki
>> Services, Twitter Inc.
>> On Oct 18, 7:55 am, John Kalucki  wrote:
>>> OK. I think we have enough traceroutes for now. Thanks for sending
>>> them in!
>>> If we need more datapoints or information, I'll update this thread.
>>> On Oct 18, 7:14 am, John Kalucki  wrote:
 I don't see any operational issues from here, but I'm not an
 operational guy. At first glance the system looks fine, and the
 operational team isn't in response mode. This is puzzling.
 Seems like a connectivity issue upstream from twitter. At lest a few
 developers: please send a traceroute to this list. Also, if you aren't
 timing out, but rather are getting an HTTP error, send the response
 headers. After say 4 or 5 responses, they'll probably have enough info
 to triage this.
 -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
 Services, Twitter Inc.
 On Oct 18, 6:40 am, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> Does anyone else have problems connecting to the API at the moment
> (Sunday morning October 18)?
> Dewald

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Michael Steuer

Amen to that. I find it kind of curious that as per John K., 5-6 hours  
into this issue, the Twitter ops team was still blissfully unaware of  
anything going on... Also weird that they apparently are unable to  
reproduce the issue without our help, ie. they really haven't set up  
any monitoring outside of their network...

On Oct 18, 2009, at 9:05 AM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:

I'd be more than happy to wait longer for snazzy API 2.0 features so
that the Platform team can build a QoS system that monitors the API's
availability and performance from the outside. That will enable
Twitter to catch these kinds of issues long before we do.


On Oct 18, 12:47 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:

This outage is now going on 7 hours. Any word from Twitter as to an
ETA for resolution?

On Oct 18, 2009, at 8:08 AM, John Meyer   

John Kalucki wrote:

And here's the next question:

Is anyone having trouble from non-service, non-hosted endpoints. In
other words, problem from home ISPs and desktop clients?

-John Kalucki
Services, Twitter Inc.

Yep. (comcast, cannot access through either the website or desktop

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread David Dellanave
Completely dead from multiple ISPs (Level3 upstream) as well as AT&T in

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Dewald Pretorius

I'd be more than happy to wait longer for snazzy API 2.0 features so
that the Platform team can build a QoS system that monitors the API's
availability and performance from the outside. That will enable
Twitter to catch these kinds of issues long before we do.


On Oct 18, 12:47 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
> This outage is now going on 7 hours. Any word from Twitter as to an  
> ETA for resolution?
> On Oct 18, 2009, at 8:08 AM, John Meyer  wrote:
> > John Kalucki wrote:
> >> And here's the next question:
> >> Is anyone having trouble from non-service, non-hosted endpoints. In
> >> other words, problem from home ISPs and desktop clients?
> >> -John Kalucki
> >>http://twitter.com/jkalucki
> >> Services, Twitter Inc.
> > Yep. (comcast, cannot access through either the website or desktop  
> > clients).

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Michael Steuer

This outage is now going on 7 hours. Any word from Twitter as to an  
ETA for resolution?

On Oct 18, 2009, at 8:08 AM, John Meyer  wrote:

John Kalucki wrote:

And here's the next question:

Is anyone having trouble from non-service, non-hosted endpoints. In
other words, problem from home ISPs and desktop clients?

-John Kalucki
Services, Twitter Inc.

Yep. (comcast, cannot access through either the website or desktop  

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Michael Steuer

I only have two endpoints to test from. Hosted: fails. Home DSL: no  
problem. I have several iPhone clients, but I'm bot sure if they're  
proxies or connect to the API directly...

On Oct 18, 2009, at 7:56 AM, John Kalucki  wrote:

And here's the next question:

Is anyone having trouble from non-service, non-hosted endpoints. In
other words, problem from home ISPs and desktop clients?

-John Kalucki
Services, Twitter Inc.

On Oct 18, 7:55 am, John Kalucki  wrote:

OK. I think we have enough traceroutes for now. Thanks for sending
them in!

If we need more datapoints or information, I'll update this thread.

On Oct 18, 7:14 am, John Kalucki  wrote:

I don't see any operational issues from here, but I'm not an
operational guy. At first glance the system looks fine, and the
operational team isn't in response mode. This is puzzling.

Seems like a connectivity issue upstream from twitter. At lest a few
developers: please send a traceroute to this list. Also, if you  

timing out, but rather are getting an HTTP error, send the response
headers. After say 4 or 5 responses, they'll probably have enough  

to triage this.

-John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
Services, Twitter Inc.

On Oct 18, 6:40 am, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:

Does anyone else have problems connecting to the API at the moment
(Sunday morning October 18)?


[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread John Meyer

John Kalucki wrote:

And here's the next question:

Is anyone having trouble from non-service, non-hosted endpoints. In
other words, problem from home ISPs and desktop clients?

-John Kalucki
Services, Twitter Inc.

Yep. (comcast, cannot access through either the website or desktop clients).

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread MikeF

On Oct 18, 10:56 am, John Kalucki  wrote:
> And here's the next question:
> Is anyone having trouble from non-service, non-hosted endpoints. In
> other words, problem from home ISPs and desktop clients?

Everything works fine from my home ISP in New York.

But Twitter is completely inaccessible from our servers in Chicago:

curl http://twitter.com/
curl: (7) couldn't connect to host

[twitter-dev] Re: connectivity problems

2009-10-18 Thread mDt

Me either. All sources say Twitter.com doesn't seem to be "down" but I
can't get anything from the site.

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Michael D. Ivey

Yes. Unable to connect via Tweetie from home (one of my traceroutes  
was from home) and lots of reports from iPhone, AT&T and Comcast users  
in Southeast.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 18, 2009, at 9:56 AM, John Kalucki  wrote:

And here's the next question:

Is anyone having trouble from non-service, non-hosted endpoints. In
other words, problem from home ISPs and desktop clients?

-John Kalucki
Services, Twitter Inc.

On Oct 18, 7:55 am, John Kalucki  wrote:

OK. I think we have enough traceroutes for now. Thanks for sending
them in!

If we need more datapoints or information, I'll update this thread.

On Oct 18, 7:14 am, John Kalucki  wrote:

I don't see any operational issues from here, but I'm not an
operational guy. At first glance the system looks fine, and the
operational team isn't in response mode. This is puzzling.

Seems like a connectivity issue upstream from twitter. At lest a few
developers: please send a traceroute to this list. Also, if you  

timing out, but rather are getting an HTTP error, send the response
headers. After say 4 or 5 responses, they'll probably have enough  

to triage this.

-John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
Services, Twitter Inc.

On Oct 18, 6:40 am, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:

Does anyone else have problems connecting to the API at the moment
(Sunday morning October 18)?


[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread John Kalucki

And here's the next question:

Is anyone having trouble from non-service, non-hosted endpoints. In
other words, problem from home ISPs and desktop clients?

-John Kalucki
Services, Twitter Inc.

On Oct 18, 7:55 am, John Kalucki  wrote:
> OK. I think we have enough traceroutes for now. Thanks for sending
> them in!
> If we need more datapoints or information, I'll update this thread.
> On Oct 18, 7:14 am, John Kalucki  wrote:
> > I don't see any operational issues from here, but I'm not an
> > operational guy. At first glance the system looks fine, and the
> > operational team isn't in response mode. This is puzzling.
> > Seems like a connectivity issue upstream from twitter. At lest a few
> > developers: please send a traceroute to this list. Also, if you aren't
> > timing out, but rather are getting an HTTP error, send the response
> > headers. After say 4 or 5 responses, they'll probably have enough info
> > to triage this.
> > -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
> > Services, Twitter Inc.
> > On Oct 18, 6:40 am, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> > > Does anyone else have problems connecting to the API at the moment
> > > (Sunday morning October 18)?
> > > Dewald

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread John Kalucki

OK. I think we have enough traceroutes for now. Thanks for sending
them in!

If we need more datapoints or information, I'll update this thread.

On Oct 18, 7:14 am, John Kalucki  wrote:
> I don't see any operational issues from here, but I'm not an
> operational guy. At first glance the system looks fine, and the
> operational team isn't in response mode. This is puzzling.
> Seems like a connectivity issue upstream from twitter. At lest a few
> developers: please send a traceroute to this list. Also, if you aren't
> timing out, but rather are getting an HTTP error, send the response
> headers. After say 4 or 5 responses, they'll probably have enough info
> to triage this.
> -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
> Services, Twitter Inc.
> On Oct 18, 6:40 am, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> > Does anyone else have problems connecting to the API at the moment
> > (Sunday morning October 18)?
> > Dewald

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Naveen Ayyagari

+1 also can not connect to twitter api from any of our servers.
On Oct 18, 2009, at 10:32 AM, Mark Ng wrote:

+1 can't connect from slicehost.com (I believe in St. Louis).

2009/10/18 Michael Ivey :

Further info I've collected:

Can't connect from:

AT&T DSL in South Alabama
AT&T iPhone network
Northwest Florida, probably Comcast
Other users in Atlanta
Scoble reported various flakiness
Servers at Slicehost in the St Louis datacenter

Can connect from:

Blackberry in Atlanta
iPhones in CA (@jess updated via Echofon a little while ago)

 -- ivey

On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 8:40 AM, Dewald Pretorius  

Does anyone else have problems connecting to the API at the moment
(Sunday morning October 18)?


[twitter-dev] Re: Search API Rate limiting - App Engine (again)

2009-10-18 Thread vivekpuri

Will someone from Twitter please respond if there is an ETA to resolve
this issue. Work arounds can never be really as effective as the real

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread uzyn

NTT America is not responding to requests coming from certain IP

According to my tests from a few different hosts, it seems that some
nodes of ntt.net are not relaying requests for US-based IPs, but a few
of Asian hosts that I tested from are able to reach twitter.com fine.

On Oct 18, 9:40 pm, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> Does anyone else have problems connecting to the API at the moment
> (Sunday morning October 18)?
> Dewald

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Mark Ng

+1 can't connect from slicehost.com (I believe in St. Louis).

2009/10/18 Michael Ivey :
> Further info I've collected:
> Can't connect from:
> AT&T DSL in South Alabama
> AT&T iPhone network
> Northwest Florida, probably Comcast
> Other users in Atlanta
> Scoble reported various flakiness
> Servers at Slicehost in the St Louis datacenter
> Can connect from:
> Blackberry in Atlanta
> Seesmic
> CoTweet
> Facebook
> iPhones in CA (@jess updated via Echofon a little while ago)
>  -- ivey
> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 8:40 AM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
>> Does anyone else have problems connecting to the API at the moment
>> (Sunday morning October 18)?
>> Dewald

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread MikeF

We also can't connect from Chicago.  I think we also lost connectivity
around 2am.

traceroute to cnn.com (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
 1  ip131.67-202-65.static.steadfast.net (  0.393 ms
0.467 ms  0.507 ms
 2  te-8-2.car3.Chicago1.Level3.net (  0.332 ms  0.370 ms
0.457 ms
 3  ae-32-56.ebr2.Chicago1.Level3.net (  6.576 ms  6.813
ms  6.557 ms
 4  ae-3.ebr2.Atlanta2.Level3.net (  29.152 ms  29.128 ms
29.121 ms
 5  ae-11-51.car1.Atlanta1.Level3.net (  20.158 ms
ae-21-52.car1.Atlanta1.Level3.net (  19.592 ms
ae-11-51.car1.Atlanta1.Level3.net (  20.479 ms
 6  * * *
 7  * * *
 8  * * *
 9  * * *
10  * * *
11  * * *
12  * * *
13  * * *
14  * * *
15  * * *
16  * * *
17  * * *
18  * * *
19  * * *
20  * * *
21  * * *
22  * * *
23  * * *
24  * * *
25  * * *
26  * * *
27  * * *
28  * * *
29  * * *
30  * * *

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Cameron Kaiser

> So somewhere before you reach twitter.com, traceroute must get
> blocked. I just did a traceroute from my home (Verizon DSL) where I
> can access Twitter perfectly, and traceroute still doesn't complete:

I wouldn't read too much into that. From what I remember of Twitter's
infrastructure (IDNSOWFT), NTT is their provider, so you are reaching their
network, and I would not be surprised if ICMP were blocked once you got
through the outside NTT perimetre.

 personal: http://www.cameronkaiser.com/ --
  Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems * www.floodgap.com * ckai...@floodgap.com
-- Seen on hand dryer: "Push button for a message from your congressman." -

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Michael Steuer

So somewhere before you reach twitter.com, traceroute must get
blocked. I just did a traceroute from my home (Verizon DSL) where I
can access Twitter perfectly, and traceroute still doesn't complete:

michael-steuers-computer:~ msteuer$ traceroute twitter.com
traceroute to twitter.com (, 64 hops max, 52 byte
 1 (  0.611 ms  0.311 ms  0.197 ms
 2 (  21.969 ms  22.321 ms  21.706 ms
 3  p0-3.lsanca-lcr-03.verizon-gni.net (  21.712 ms
21.478 ms  21.507 ms
 4  so-6-1-2-0.lax01-bb-rtr1.verizon-gni.net (  21.958
ms  21.830 ms  22.000 ms
 5  0.so-6-3-0.xt1.lax9.alter.net (  23.446 ms  23.323
ms  23.743 ms
 6  0.so-5-1-0.xt1.lax7.alter.net (  48.239 ms  24.029
ms  23.228 ms
 7  pos6-0.br2.lax7.alter.net (  23.472 ms  23.722 ms
23.467 ms
 8  p64-6-1-3.r20.lsanca03.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  25.215
ms  24.968 ms  24.735 ms
 9  as-0.r21.snjsca04.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  35.987 ms
36.747 ms  35.958 ms
10  po-2.r04.snjsca04.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  36.516 ms
37.034 ms *
11  * * *

So I don't know how helpful all these traceroute results are going to
be for Twitter, given that both from networks that can connect, and
those that can't the traceroutes fail in the "ntt.net" or "telia.net"

On Oct 18, 7:33 am, TCI  wrote:
> Tracert disabled from host - fail!
> But I assume that if we can't reach you, you should not be able to
> reach us either? My server's IP is (The Planet)
> On Oct 18, 8:14 am, John Kalucki  wrote:
> > I don't see any operational issues from here, but I'm not an
> > operational guy. At first glance the system looks fine, and the
> > operational team isn't in response mode. This is puzzling.
> > Seems like a connectivity issue upstream from twitter. At lest a few
> > developers: please send a traceroute to this list. Also, if you aren't
> > timing out, but rather are getting an HTTP error, send the response
> > headers. After say 4 or 5 responses, they'll probably have enough info
> > to triage this.
> > -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
> > Services, Twitter Inc.
> > On Oct 18, 6:40 am, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> > > Does anyone else have problems connecting to the API at the moment
> > > (Sunday morning October 18)?
> > > Dewald

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Dean Collins

Time Warner NYC

Tracing route to twitter.com []

  4 8 ms 8 ms 7 ms  gig10-0-0-nycmnya-rtr1.nyc.rr.com
  5 7 ms 8 ms 5 ms  tenge-0-3-0-nwrknjmd-rtr.nyc.rr.com
  6 6 ms 8 ms 7 ms  ae-4-0.cr0.nyc30.tbone.rr.com
  714 ms28 ms23 ms  ae-4-0.cr0.dca20.tbone.rr.com
  822 ms13 ms11 ms  ae-1-0.pr0.dca10.tbone.rr.com
  923 ms17 ms18 ms  if-11-1.icore1.AEQ-Ashburn.as6453.net
 1018 ms ** ix-2-8.icore1.AEQ-Ashburn.as6453.net
 1113 ms14 ms11 ms  ae-2.r21.asbnva01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net
 1213 ms14 ms11 ms  xe-6-1.r00.asbnva02.us.bb.gin.ntt.net
 13 *** Request timed out.
 1481 ms80 ms78 ms
 1581 ms79 ms82 ms
 1684 ms78 ms77 ms
 1779 ms81 ms82 ms







[twitter-dev] connectivity problems

2009-10-18 Thread John Meyer

I'm not able to connect to twitter via any interface or software.

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Richard

I'm getting this from my slicehost servers.

$ traceroute twitter.com
traceroute to twitter.com (, 30 hops max, 40 byte
 1  67-207-128-2.slicehost.net (  0.191 ms  0.165 ms
0.153 ms
 2  209-20-79-2.slicehost.net (  0.704 ms  0.776 ms  0.347
 3  ge-6-10-163.car1.StLouis1.Level3.net (  1.813 ms
1.747 ms  1.720 ms
 4  ae-11-11.car2.StLouis1.Level3.net (  1.678 ms  1.680
ms  1.863 ms
 5  ae-4-4.ebr2.Chicago1.Level3.net (  14.920 ms  14.921
ms  14.899 ms
 6  ae-2-56.edge3.Chicago3.Level3.net (  21.901 ms
ae-2-52.edge3.Chicago3.Level3.net (  21.860 ms
ae-2-54.edge3.Chicago3.Level3.net (  7.653 ms
 7 (  8.226 ms  7.614 ms  8.172 ms
 8  ae-1.r21.chcgil09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  7.824 ms  7.650
ms  7.420 ms
 9  as-1.r21.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  30.882 ms
33.149 ms  33.468 ms
10  po-2.r01.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  33.440 ms
33.412 ms  33.027 ms
11  * * *

It's working from Freedom2surf ADSL in the UK.

On Oct 18, 3:31 pm, Michael Steuer  wrote:
> On my end: my server (at Rackspace) can't connect to twitter.com... If I
> enter API URLs into my browser at home (Verizon DSL), I connect just fine.
> Here's a traceroute from rackspace:
> traceroute twitter.com
> traceroute to twitter.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
>  1  xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.static.cloud-ips.com (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)  4.000 ms  4.000
> ms  4.000 ms
>  2 (  0.000 ms  0.000 ms  0.000 ms
>  3  edge3-core7-vlan3307.dfw1.rackspace.net (  4.000 ms
>  4.000 ms edge3-core7-vlan2307.dfw1.rackspace.net (  4.000
> ms
>  4  dls-bb1-link.telia.net (  4.000 ms  4.000 ms  4.000 ms
>  5  verio-ic-127187-dls-bb1.c.telia.net (  96.005 ms  96.005
> ms  96.005 ms
>  6  * * *
> Based on my logs, this has been going on since before 2AM PST
> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 7:23 AM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> > traceroute to twitter.com (, 30 hops max, 40 byte
> > packets
> >  1  81.b5.85ae.static.theplanet.com (  1.351 ms  1.439
> > ms  1.464 ms
> >  2  et2-5.ibr01.hstntx1.theplanet.com (  0.198 ms  0.229
> > ms  0.266 ms
> >  3  et1-3.ibr01.hstntx2.theplanet.com (  0.444 ms
> > et3-2.ibr02.hstntx1.theplanet.com (
> > 0.224 ms et1-3.ibr01.hstntx2.theplanet.com (  0.466 ms
> >  4  et1-3.ibr02.hstntx2.theplanet.com (  0.519 ms
> > et1-2.ibr02.hstntx2.theplanet.com (  0
> > .454 ms  0.522 ms
> >  5  xe-4-4.r03.hstntx01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  167.161 ms
> > 167.045 ms  167.206 ms
> >  6  xe-0-1-0.r20.hstntx01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  1.185 ms
> > 1.164 ms  1.180 ms
> >  7  p64-7-0-2.r20.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  6.424
> > ms  6.331 ms  6.358 ms
> >  8  po-1.r01.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  6.400 ms
> > 6.451 ms  6.489 ms
> >  9  * * *
> > --
> > traceroute to twitter.com (, 30 hops max, 40 byte
> > packets
> >  1  81.b5.85ae.static.theplanet.com (  0.387 ms  0.432
> > ms  0.475 ms
> >  2  et2-5.ibr01.hstntx1.theplanet.com (  0.211 ms  0.257
> > ms  0.273 ms
> >  3  et1-3.ibr01.hstntx2.theplanet.com (  0.472 ms
> > et3-2.ibr02.hstntx1.theplanet.com (
> > 0.221 ms  0.249 ms
> >  4  et1-3.ibr02.hstntx2.theplanet.com (  0.404 ms  0.466
> > ms  0.553 ms
> >  5  xe-4-4.r03.hstntx01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  107.597 ms
> > 107.679 ms  107.742 ms
> >  6  xe-0-1-0.r20.hstntx01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  1.136 ms
> > 1.114 ms  1.035 ms
> >  7  p64-7-0-2.r20.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  6.293
> > ms  8.708 ms  6.335 ms
> >  8  po-1.r01.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  6.433 ms
> > 6.486 ms  6.535 ms
> >  9  * * *
> > -
> > traceroute to twitter.com (, 30 hops max, 40 byte
> > packets
> >  1  81.b5.85ae.static.theplanet.com (  0.429 ms  0.515
> > ms  0.567 ms
> >  2  et2-5.ibr02.hstntx1.theplanet.com (  8.956 ms  8.986
> > ms  9.024 ms
> >  3  et1-3.ibr02.hstntx2.theplanet.com (  0.439 ms  0.493
> > ms  0.546 ms
> >  4  xe-4-4.r03.hstntx01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  1.156 ms
> > 1.206 ms  1.254 ms
> >  5  xe-0-1-0.r20.hstntx01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  1.114 ms
> > 1.113 ms  1.131 ms
> >  6  p64-7-0-2.r20.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  6.280
> > ms  6.256 ms  6.717 ms
> >  7  po-1.r01.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  6.377 ms
> > 6.444 ms  6.499 ms
> >  8  * * *
> > On Oct 18, 11:14 am, John Kalucki  wrote:
> > > I don't see any operational issues from here, but I'm not an
> > > operational guy. At first glance the system looks fine, and the
> > > operati

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread TCI

Tracert disabled from host - fail!
But I assume that if we can't reach you, you should not be able to
reach us either? My server's IP is (The Planet)

On Oct 18, 8:14 am, John Kalucki  wrote:
> I don't see any operational issues from here, but I'm not an
> operational guy. At first glance the system looks fine, and the
> operational team isn't in response mode. This is puzzling.
> Seems like a connectivity issue upstream from twitter. At lest a few
> developers: please send a traceroute to this list. Also, if you aren't
> timing out, but rather are getting an HTTP error, send the response
> headers. After say 4 or 5 responses, they'll probably have enough info
> to triage this.
> -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
> Services, Twitter Inc.
> On Oct 18, 6:40 am, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> > Does anyone else have problems connecting to the API at the moment
> > (Sunday morning October 18)?
> > Dewald

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Michael Ivey
>From slicehost St. Louis:
traceroute to twitter.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1 (  4.000 ms  4.000 ms  4.000 ms
 2 (  4.000 ms  4.000 ms  4.000 ms
 3  edge3-core7-vlan3307.dfw1.rackspace.net (  4.000 ms
edge3-core7-vlan2307.dfw1.rackspace.net (  4.000 ms
edge3-core7-vlan3307.dfw1.rackspace.net (  4.000 ms
 4  dls-bb1-link.telia.net (  4.000 ms  4.000 ms  4.000 ms
 5  verio-ic-127187-dls-bb1.c.telia.net (  4.000 ms  0.000 ms
0.000 ms
6 * * *

traceroute to twitter.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1 (  4.000 ms  4.000 ms  4.000 ms
 2 (  0.000 ms  0.000 ms  0.000 ms
 3 (  104.006 ms  104.006 ms  104.006 ms
 4  gateway.above.net (  40.002 ms  40.002 ms  40.002 ms
 5 (  4.000 ms  4.000 ms
4.000 ms
 6  po-4.r02.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  4.000 ms  4.000 ms
4.000 ms
 7  xe-6-2.r01.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  0.000 ms  0.000
ms  0.000 ms
 8  * * *

traceroute to twitter.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1 (  4.001 ms  4.001 ms  4.001 ms
 2 (  0.000 ms  0.000 ms  0.000 ms
 3  edge3-core7-vlan2307.dfw1.rackspace.net (  0.000 ms
edge3-core7-vlan3307.dfw1.rackspace.net (  0.000 ms
edge3-core7-vlan2307.dfw1.rackspace.net (  0.000 ms
 4  dls-bb1-link.telia.net (  36.002 ms  36.002 ms  36.002 ms
 5  verio-ic-127187-dls-bb1.c.telia.net (  100.005 ms  100.005
ms  100.005 ms
 6  * * *

>From AT&T DSL in Alabama:
traceroute to twitter.com (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets
 1 (  1.940 ms  2.202 ms  1.527 ms
 2 (  8.080 ms  14.058 ms  11.673 ms
 3 (  9.230 ms  8.685 ms  8.809 ms
 4 (  16.000 ms  20.867 ms  17.520 ms
 5  axr00mgm-so-0-1-0.bellsouth.net (  16.704 ms  32.931 ms
16.616 ms
 6 (  32.417 ms *  16.573 ms
 7  pxr00mna-so-1-0-0.bellsouth.net (  16.955 ms  17.866 ms
17.136 ms
 8 (  16.129 ms  17.257 ms  16.649 ms
 9 (  24.977 ms  25.824 ms  26.831 ms
10  cr2.attga.ip.att.net (  30.323 ms  26.766 ms
cr1.attga.ip.att.net (  28.070 ms
11  ggr6.attga.ip.att.net (  25.732 ms  25.075 ms  25.209 ms
12 (  26.543 ms  25.269 ms  25.468 ms
13  p64-5-0-0.r21.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  44.591 ms
44.821 ms  44.474 ms
14  * * *

>From datacenter in downtown Atlanta:
traceroute to twitter.com (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
 1  atl-datacenter-r2.capitalinternet.com (  0.964 ms  0.526
ms  0.712 ms
 2  atl-downtown-r1.capitalinternet.com (  1.309 ms  1.567 ms
1.213 ms
 3 (  1.063 ms  1.326 ms  1.090 ms
 4  * * *

 -- ivey

On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 9:14 AM, John Kalucki  wrote:

> I don't see any operational issues from here, but I'm not an
> operational guy. At first glance the system looks fine, and the
> operational team isn't in response mode. This is puzzling.
> Seems like a connectivity issue upstream from twitter. At lest a few
> developers: please send a traceroute to this list. Also, if you aren't
> timing out, but rather are getting an HTTP error, send the response
> headers. After say 4 or 5 responses, they'll probably have enough info
> to triage this.
> -John Kalucki
> http://twitter.com/jkalucki
> Services, Twitter Inc.
> On Oct 18, 6:40 am, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> > Does anyone else have problems connecting to the API at the moment
> > (Sunday morning October 18)?
> >
> > Dewald

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Michael Steuer
On my end: my server (at Rackspace) can't connect to twitter.com... If I
enter API URLs into my browser at home (Verizon DSL), I connect just fine.
Here's a traceroute from rackspace:

traceroute twitter.com
traceroute to twitter.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.static.cloud-ips.com (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)  4.000 ms  4.000
ms  4.000 ms
 2 (  0.000 ms  0.000 ms  0.000 ms
 3  edge3-core7-vlan3307.dfw1.rackspace.net (  4.000 ms
 4.000 ms edge3-core7-vlan2307.dfw1.rackspace.net (  4.000
 4  dls-bb1-link.telia.net (  4.000 ms  4.000 ms  4.000 ms
 5  verio-ic-127187-dls-bb1.c.telia.net (  96.005 ms  96.005
ms  96.005 ms
 6  * * *

Based on my logs, this has been going on since before 2AM PST

On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 7:23 AM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:

> traceroute to twitter.com (, 30 hops max, 40 byte
> packets
>  1  81.b5.85ae.static.theplanet.com (  1.351 ms  1.439
> ms  1.464 ms
>  2  et2-5.ibr01.hstntx1.theplanet.com (  0.198 ms  0.229
> ms  0.266 ms
>  3  et1-3.ibr01.hstntx2.theplanet.com (  0.444 ms
> et3-2.ibr02.hstntx1.theplanet.com (
> 0.224 ms et1-3.ibr01.hstntx2.theplanet.com (  0.466 ms
>  4  et1-3.ibr02.hstntx2.theplanet.com (  0.519 ms
> et1-2.ibr02.hstntx2.theplanet.com (  0
> .454 ms  0.522 ms
>  5  xe-4-4.r03.hstntx01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  167.161 ms
> 167.045 ms  167.206 ms
>  6  xe-0-1-0.r20.hstntx01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  1.185 ms
> 1.164 ms  1.180 ms
>  7  p64-7-0-2.r20.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  6.424
> ms  6.331 ms  6.358 ms
>  8  po-1.r01.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  6.400 ms
> 6.451 ms  6.489 ms
>  9  * * *
> --
> traceroute to twitter.com (, 30 hops max, 40 byte
> packets
>  1  81.b5.85ae.static.theplanet.com (  0.387 ms  0.432
> ms  0.475 ms
>  2  et2-5.ibr01.hstntx1.theplanet.com (  0.211 ms  0.257
> ms  0.273 ms
>  3  et1-3.ibr01.hstntx2.theplanet.com (  0.472 ms
> et3-2.ibr02.hstntx1.theplanet.com (
> 0.221 ms  0.249 ms
>  4  et1-3.ibr02.hstntx2.theplanet.com (  0.404 ms  0.466
> ms  0.553 ms
>  5  xe-4-4.r03.hstntx01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  107.597 ms
> 107.679 ms  107.742 ms
>  6  xe-0-1-0.r20.hstntx01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  1.136 ms
> 1.114 ms  1.035 ms
>  7  p64-7-0-2.r20.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  6.293
> ms  8.708 ms  6.335 ms
>  8  po-1.r01.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  6.433 ms
> 6.486 ms  6.535 ms
>  9  * * *
> -
> traceroute to twitter.com (, 30 hops max, 40 byte
> packets
>  1  81.b5.85ae.static.theplanet.com (  0.429 ms  0.515
> ms  0.567 ms
>  2  et2-5.ibr02.hstntx1.theplanet.com (  8.956 ms  8.986
> ms  9.024 ms
>  3  et1-3.ibr02.hstntx2.theplanet.com (  0.439 ms  0.493
> ms  0.546 ms
>  4  xe-4-4.r03.hstntx01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  1.156 ms
> 1.206 ms  1.254 ms
>  5  xe-0-1-0.r20.hstntx01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  1.114 ms
> 1.113 ms  1.131 ms
>  6  p64-7-0-2.r20.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  6.280
> ms  6.256 ms  6.717 ms
>  7  po-1.r01.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  6.377 ms
> 6.444 ms  6.499 ms
>  8  * * *
> On Oct 18, 11:14 am, John Kalucki  wrote:
> > I don't see any operational issues from here, but I'm not an
> > operational guy. At first glance the system looks fine, and the
> > operational team isn't in response mode. This is puzzling.
> >
> > Seems like a connectivity issue upstream from twitter. At lest a few
> > developers: please send a traceroute to this list. Also, if you aren't
> > timing out, but rather are getting an HTTP error, send the response
> > headers. After say 4 or 5 responses, they'll probably have enough info
> > to triage this.
> >
> > -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
> > Services, Twitter Inc.
> >
> > On Oct 18, 6:40 am, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> >
> > > Does anyone else have problems connecting to the API at the moment
> > > (Sunday morning October 18)?
> >
> > > Dewald

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Dewald Pretorius

traceroute to twitter.com (, 30 hops max, 40 byte
 1  81.b5.85ae.static.theplanet.com (  1.351 ms  1.439
ms  1.464 ms
 2  et2-5.ibr01.hstntx1.theplanet.com (  0.198 ms  0.229
ms  0.266 ms
 3  et1-3.ibr01.hstntx2.theplanet.com (  0.444 ms
et3-2.ibr02.hstntx1.theplanet.com (
0.224 ms et1-3.ibr01.hstntx2.theplanet.com (  0.466 ms
 4  et1-3.ibr02.hstntx2.theplanet.com (  0.519 ms
et1-2.ibr02.hstntx2.theplanet.com (  0
.454 ms  0.522 ms
 5  xe-4-4.r03.hstntx01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  167.161 ms
167.045 ms  167.206 ms
 6  xe-0-1-0.r20.hstntx01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  1.185 ms
1.164 ms  1.180 ms
 7  p64-7-0-2.r20.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  6.424
ms  6.331 ms  6.358 ms
 8  po-1.r01.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  6.400 ms
6.451 ms  6.489 ms
 9  * * *


traceroute to twitter.com (, 30 hops max, 40 byte
 1  81.b5.85ae.static.theplanet.com (  0.387 ms  0.432
ms  0.475 ms
 2  et2-5.ibr01.hstntx1.theplanet.com (  0.211 ms  0.257
ms  0.273 ms
 3  et1-3.ibr01.hstntx2.theplanet.com (  0.472 ms
et3-2.ibr02.hstntx1.theplanet.com (
0.221 ms  0.249 ms
 4  et1-3.ibr02.hstntx2.theplanet.com (  0.404 ms  0.466
ms  0.553 ms
 5  xe-4-4.r03.hstntx01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  107.597 ms
107.679 ms  107.742 ms
 6  xe-0-1-0.r20.hstntx01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  1.136 ms
1.114 ms  1.035 ms
 7  p64-7-0-2.r20.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  6.293
ms  8.708 ms  6.335 ms
 8  po-1.r01.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  6.433 ms
6.486 ms  6.535 ms
 9  * * *


traceroute to twitter.com (, 30 hops max, 40 byte
 1  81.b5.85ae.static.theplanet.com (  0.429 ms  0.515
ms  0.567 ms
 2  et2-5.ibr02.hstntx1.theplanet.com (  8.956 ms  8.986
ms  9.024 ms
 3  et1-3.ibr02.hstntx2.theplanet.com (  0.439 ms  0.493
ms  0.546 ms
 4  xe-4-4.r03.hstntx01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  1.156 ms
1.206 ms  1.254 ms
 5  xe-0-1-0.r20.hstntx01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  1.114 ms
1.113 ms  1.131 ms
 6  p64-7-0-2.r20.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  6.280
ms  6.256 ms  6.717 ms
 7  po-1.r01.dllstx09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (  6.377 ms
6.444 ms  6.499 ms
 8  * * *

On Oct 18, 11:14 am, John Kalucki  wrote:
> I don't see any operational issues from here, but I'm not an
> operational guy. At first glance the system looks fine, and the
> operational team isn't in response mode. This is puzzling.
> Seems like a connectivity issue upstream from twitter. At lest a few
> developers: please send a traceroute to this list. Also, if you aren't
> timing out, but rather are getting an HTTP error, send the response
> headers. After say 4 or 5 responses, they'll probably have enough info
> to triage this.
> -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
> Services, Twitter Inc.
> On Oct 18, 6:40 am, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> > Does anyone else have problems connecting to the API at the moment
> > (Sunday morning October 18)?
> > Dewald

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread John Kalucki

I don't see any operational issues from here, but I'm not an
operational guy. At first glance the system looks fine, and the
operational team isn't in response mode. This is puzzling.

Seems like a connectivity issue upstream from twitter. At lest a few
developers: please send a traceroute to this list. Also, if you aren't
timing out, but rather are getting an HTTP error, send the response
headers. After say 4 or 5 responses, they'll probably have enough info
to triage this.

-John Kalucki
Services, Twitter Inc.

On Oct 18, 6:40 am, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> Does anyone else have problems connecting to the API at the moment
> (Sunday morning October 18)?
> Dewald

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Michael Ivey
Further info I've collected:

Can't connect from:

   - AT&T DSL in South Alabama
   - AT&T iPhone network
   - Northwest Florida, probably Comcast
   - Other users in Atlanta
   - Scoble reported various flakiness
   - Servers at Slicehost in the St Louis datacenter

Can connect from:

   - Blackberry in Atlanta
   - Seesmic
   - CoTweet
   - Facebook
   - iPhones in CA (@jess updated via Echofon a little while ago)

 -- ivey

On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 8:40 AM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:

> Does anyone else have problems connecting to the API at the moment
> (Sunday morning October 18)?
> Dewald

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread TCI

THANKS for posting - I've spent the last hour trying to figure this
out and since there were not reports I thought it was me.
Down from my server as well, although if I try the exact same calls
that my server (in USA) is making from my desktop (in Costa Rica) they
all return. This is what had me significantly confused.

Maybe they have different servers for each geo and only some areas are

On Oct 18, 7:40 am, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> Does anyone else have problems connecting to the API at the moment
> (Sunday morning October 18)?
> Dewald

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Michael Steuer

In fact, looking at my logs, the API was down since at least 2 AM  
Pacific (5 hours ago)...

On Oct 18, 2009, at 6:40 AM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:

Does anyone else have problems connecting to the API at the moment
(Sunday morning October 18)?


[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Michael Steuer

Yes, not connecting at all here. Kust timing out.

On Oct 18, 2009, at 6:40 AM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:

Does anyone else have problems connecting to the API at the moment
(Sunday morning October 18)?


[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Michael D. Ivey

Not just you. Every machine I've tried times out, but  
istwitterdown.com says No and Seesmic Web works. Seems to be  
connectivity issue.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 18, 2009, at 8:40 AM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:

Does anyone else have problems connecting to the API at the moment
(Sunday morning October 18)?


[twitter-dev] Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread Dewald Pretorius

Does anyone else have problems connecting to the API at the moment
(Sunday morning October 18)?


[twitter-dev] Profile photo - Access Denied

2009-10-18 Thread hr

Hi, I'm doing a Flash app using the Twitter Search API. In the ATOM
feed there's a node containing the profile photo url. However for some
users, when I try to get the photo I get a XML file similar to this:

Access Denied


Is this a bug? Or is there a workaround? Thanks in advance.

[twitter-dev] Re: Why have you removed the HTML/CSS badge/widget?

2009-10-18 Thread Jonathan Timar

Yes, that is the one I mean.

Well I am on the developer website because I found it through Google.
And while I certainly know my way around HTML and CSS, any kind of
programming is beyond the scope of my brain, so no I could not make my
own widget without a lot of help.

My widget didnt stop working, I just find it baffling that Twitter
would remove access to a text/css widget on their website (and by
access I mean remove all internal links and mention of it), and
instead provide only bloated, impossible to truly customize flash
widgets, especially given the minimalist nature of the Twitter

On Oct 17, 11:24 pm, Scott Haneda  wrote:
> Not sure I understand, you mean like this 
> one:http://twitter.com/widgets/html_widget
> Either way, text only widget, you being on a developer mailing list, I  
> am sure in all honestly, a few lines, maybe 10 lines or so, and you  
> could have a widget to your liking.
> Whatever old widget your refer to, has to be in use by others, they  
> could not just take it away, as that would break everyones sites who  
> included it in their website.
> I suspect they may have moved it elsewhere, but I am certain the old  
> widget still works.  There are also 10's of websites that have twitter  
> widgets, from simple to complex.
> Did your widgets stop working?  If not, just copy the source from  
> those and keep using them, they will continue to work.
> --
> Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *
> On Oct 17, 2009, at 10:13 PM, Jonathan Timar wrote:
> > I am referring to the text only version of 
> > this:http://twitter.com/widgets/which_widget
> > ,
> > which is oddly still present on the Twitter website (I found it after
> > some in depth Googling) but no longer linked to or referenced in any
> > way, in favour of this page:http://twitter.com/goodieswhich features
> > some far less useful and customizable widgets.
> > What is the reasoning behind this? Does Twitter really think that
> > there is no demand for a simply, fully CSS styleable widget?

[twitter-dev] Re: Bug? Updates > 140 characters return success with prior update payload

2009-10-18 Thread Dave Sherohman

> On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 10:41 AM, Marc Mims  wrote:
> > Updates longer than 140 characters should be forcibly truncated
> > according to the documentation.  Instead, the update call returns with
> > a 200 status and the payload contains the prior update.
> >
> > Has there been a change to the API or is this a bug.

On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 05:15:42PM -0500, Josh Roesslein wrote:
> This is a change in the API confirmed by one of twitter's API members.
> The docs should be updated soon.

In that case, is there any change (planned or current) which will
indicate when this has happened, or if the update has been rejected for
any other reason?  Failing silently does not seem appropriate,
particularly when the failure returns the user's previous status.

Dave Sherohman

[twitter-dev] Re: Draft of List API documentation

2009-10-18 Thread Dave Briccetti

Multiple identical list create requests result in multiple lists,
differing in slug/url/full name.
Perhaps it should ignore, or return an error?

$ curl -u dcbriccetti -d "name=Scala" http://twitter.com/dcbriccetti/lists.xml


$ curl -u dcbriccetti -d "name=Scala" http://twitter.com/dcbriccetti/lists.xml


[twitter-dev] Re: Draft of List API documentation

2009-10-18 Thread Dave Briccetti

Bulk add would be great. Here’s a log from doing individual adds.
Notice there were many over capacity errors. And that it took about a
minute 42 to add about 60 users. If I could do all in one request,
perhaps that would help reduce the over capacity errors.

I’m enjoying lists. Thanks for the feature.

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00:19:28,647 dcbriccetti POST 
00:19:28,802 dcbriccetti POST 
00:19:37,686 TwitterException  - Code: 503, Title: Twitter / Over
00:19:37,687 dcbriccetti POST 
00:19:43,698 TwitterException  - Code: 503, Title: Twitter / Over
00:19:43,699 dcbriccetti POST 
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00:19:56,129 dcbriccetti POST 
00:20:01,698 TwitterException  - Code: 503, Title: Twitter / Over
00:20:01,698 dcbriccetti POST 
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00:20:17,320 dcbriccetti POST 
00:20:17,734 dcbriccetti POST 
00:20:23,526 TwitterException  - Code: 503, Title: Twitter / Over
00:20:23,526 dcbriccetti POST 
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