Re: [twsocket] HttpCli / Async in thread problems --- Tryng to trace

2011-03-28 Thread Frans van Daalen

Arno Garrels wrote:

Frans van Daalen wrote:

One was using webmarshal and the other ISA.  But i'm not behind a
proxy and also still keep getting the HTTP component  is busy
error message when using the async get.

It still doesn't work probably so don't send it to your customer
yet. I'm working on this stuff again since a couple of hours with
some progress, I'll commit another fix soon when it's ready, not
before monday.

Ok !  There is other work laying around so...  ;-)

Well, I just checked in a new change with log:

Any progress with patch rev #669+ ?

It's on my list to test this week. WIll let you know as soon as I have 
done my first test run. If that seems to work I will send it to a client 
to also test it.


Sorry to inform you that the problem is still there. Even when not behind a 
proxy the GetAsync will fired the requestdone even when not ready causing 
the next call to generate an exception HTTP component  is busy

Used V7 daily archive download from the site for testing. 

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Re: [twsocket] HttpCli / Async in thread problems --- Tryng to trace

2011-03-28 Thread Frans van Daalen


thanks for the report.

Sorry to inform you that the problem is still there. Even when not behind 

proxy the GetAsync will fired the requestdone even when not ready causing
the next call to generate an exception HTTP component  is busy

Are you able to reproduce the issue with OverbyteHttpAsy demo? Is it an 
publicly accessible? If yes, please send me that URL or post it to this 

Maybe the reason is not related to redirection and proxy usage at all?

It's an page request that generates a 301 status. HttpAsy is not a threaded 
application, seems there the same url will then not generate a problem. 
HttpThr1 doesn't do a async call so again no problem.

I can send you a few links but then again I do not know if those always 
generate that error. My test does a few thousand calls and some generate 
that error.

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Re: [twsocket] HttpNoBasicAuth

2011-03-01 Thread Frans van Daalen

it's time for a rewrite from
scratch IMO.
And give it a different name, to bypass the no brake early code rule, 
or some of the annoyances will have to remain. Or start a new branch of 
renewed components.
And, IMHO, if technically possible, the THttpCli should mix HTTP and 
HTTPS, and handle internally what protocol to use, based in the current 
URL, that can originate from an usual HTTP to HTTPS redirect.

In my opinion, the future cross platform Delphi which will come sooner or 
later (hopefully sooner) will be the best candidate for a rewrite.

It will be ICS V8.

Given the fact that even the basic function (GetASync) is broken and hard to 
correct IMHO waiting for a next version of delphi is to late to start ( 
planning ) a rewrite. 

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Re: [twsocket] HttpCli / Async in thread problems --- Tryng to trace

2011-02-18 Thread Frans van Daalen

That's not all, I found and fixed some more problems so far.
I just checked in Rev. #670 into SVN, please test the fix
and report back as soon as possible, thanks for your help.

Proxy authentication with relocations (hopefully) fixed. SSL not tested 

If it still doesn't work it's probably a buggy proxy server i.e. 3Proxy.
Parse NTLM user codes into domain and user name parts and pass them to
NtlmGetMessage3 in method GetNTLMMessage3.

Arno, Thanks again for the work! I will make time next week to test together 
with the user that had the problem, so I know for sure it is solved :-)

In the mean while i wrote a workaround by recalling the get and resetting 
the proxy values when a 407 was received. Easy to do in my application as 
that 407 should never happen at that moment.

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Re: [twsocket] HttpCli / Async in thread problems --- Tryng to trace

2011-02-18 Thread Frans van Daalen

What proxy server does your client use?

One was using webmarshal and the other ISA.  But i'm not behind a proxy and 
also still keep getting the HTTP component  is busy error message when 
using the async get. 

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Re: [twsocket] HttpCli / Async in thread problems --- Tryng to trace

2011-02-17 Thread Frans van Daalen

Update : Seems there are still scenario's where the problem returns
also sometimes the proxy settings are lost creating a 407 when a
relocation happens. Seems to happen when executing a GetAsync and a
relocate is triggered (with follow relocation set)

Thanks for the report. That's probably because SetReady is skipped with
it's code related to proxy and www-authentication :(
The HTTP component is a TRUE beast.

Yes, it is! Is there not something like a full-blown http test tool which we 
can run against it and then start rewriting some parts to get it back in 
it's cage ? I found several on the web but have no idea if it has ever been 
used for THttpcli

Can you locate that setready skipping somewhere? I have been maintenace 
programmer for a long time so used to reading others code but this one is 
hard to read and understand. 

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Re: [twsocket] HttpCli / Async in thread problems --- Tryng to trace

2011-02-16 Thread Frans van Daalen

You are right, I did not test the GetAsync, in async mode
RequestDone is actually fired with StatusCode 0 after relocation.

Triggered by a call to CheckDelaySetReady in GetBodyLineNext.

When I add a check for FLocationFlag there it _SEEMS_ to fix it,
has to be still tested very hard in order not to introduce new bugs:

   if {(FResponseVer = '1.0') or (FRequestVer = '1.0') or  }
   { see above}
   { [rawbite 31.08.2004 Connection controll] }
   (FCloseReq) then { SAE 01/06/04 }
   else if not FLocationFlag then // == Try this change and 
test, test, test...

   CheckDelaySetReady;  { 09/26/08 ML }

I tested it and it seems indeed to solve the problem. I spend several 
hours extra trying to read and understand the reason behind this but 
httprot file is not that easy to read :-)

Well done and thank you!

Update : Seems there are still scenario's where the problem returns also 
sometimes the proxy settings are lost creating a 407 when a relocation 
happens. Seems to happen when executing a GetAsync and a relocate is 
triggered (with follow relocation set) 

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Re: [twsocket] HttpCli / Async in thread problems --- Tryng to trace

2010-12-24 Thread Frans van Daalen

Frans van Daalen wrote:

seems that the bug is also somewhere related to the NTLM code or call
because the icslogger shows the following

- Starting relocation process
- state = httpReady
- PrepareNTLM
- PrepareNTLM
- RequestDone psss why is that
It will trigger the onRequestDone

That is intended in case of SetReady was called in StartRelocation or
LocationSessionClosed because LocationChangeMaxCount reached the limit.

It did not reached its locationmaxcount. I think it it a SetReady from

procedure THttpCli.StateChange(NewState : THttpState);

line 1478

   if PrepareNTLMAuth(FlgClean) or
   {$IFDEF UseDigestAuthentication}
   PrepareDigestAuth(FlgClean) or
   PrepareBasicAuth(FlgClean) then begin
line 1534
   TriggerRequestDone;   *

But I have trouble tracing the exact moment the ready is set.

Question : Before we re-enter login should we not set the state to 
htttpNotConnected when moving from to ?

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Re: [twsocket] HttpCli / Async in thread problems --- Tryng to trace

2010-12-24 Thread Frans van Daalen

You are right, I did not test the GetAsync, in async mode
RequestDone is actually fired with StatusCode 0 after relocation.

Triggered by a call to CheckDelaySetReady in GetBodyLineNext.

When I add a check for FLocationFlag there it _SEEMS_ to fix it,
has to be still tested very hard in order not to introduce new bugs:

   if {(FResponseVer = '1.0') or (FRequestVer = '1.0') or  }
   { see above}
   { [rawbite 31.08.2004 Connection controll] }
   (FCloseReq) then { SAE 01/06/04 }
   else if not FLocationFlag then // == Try this change and test, 
test, test...

   CheckDelaySetReady;  { 09/26/08 ML }

I tested it and it seems indeed to solve the problem. I spend several hours 
extra trying to read and understand the reason behind this but httprot file 
is not that easy to read :-)

Well done and thank you! 

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Re: [twsocket] HttpCli / Async in thread problems

2010-12-23 Thread Frans van Daalen
Forgot to say that the logged status after the call  is almost always 

and that the exact line in HttpRequestDone is

  If (Sender as ThttpCli).State in [httpReady,httpAborting,httpClosing] 

 PostMessage((Sender as THttpCli).CtrlSocket.Handle, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);

- Original Message - 
From: Frans van Daalen

To: ICS support mailing
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 6:32 PM
Subject: [twsocket] HttpCli / Async in thread problems

I have this code

HttpClient.OnRequestDone := HttpRequestDone;
HttpClient.OnCommand := HttpClientCommand;
HttpClient.OnLocationChange := HttpClientRelocate;

in HttpRequestDone i have the following code

PostMessage((Sender as THttpCli).CtrlSocket.Handle, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);


Sometimes when I check the status after the GetAsync with this code

if HttpClient.State  httpready
then LogEvent('Execute','After 

I find several entries in the log event, but I have trouble understanding. 
Can someone give me a hint

As far as I can find the problems begin when the call gets a 302 and in 
this case the 302 will relocate from www. to

Tested both in V6 and V7


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Re: [twsocket] HttpCli / Async in thread problems --- Tryng to trace

2010-12-23 Thread Frans van Daalen
Forgot to say that the logged status after the call  is almost always 

and that the exact line in HttpRequestDone is

  If (Sender as ThttpCli).State in [httpReady,httpAborting,httpClosing] 

 PostMessage((Sender as THttpCli).CtrlSocket.Handle, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);

I have this code

HttpClient.OnRequestDone := HttpRequestDone;
HttpClient.OnCommand := HttpClientCommand;
HttpClient.OnLocationChange := HttpClientRelocate;

in HttpRequestDone i have the following code

PostMessage((Sender as THttpCli).CtrlSocket.Handle, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);


Sometimes when I check the status after the GetAsync with this code

if HttpClient.State  httpready
then LogEvent('Execute','After 

I find several entries in the log event, but I have trouble 
understanding. Can someone give me a hint

As far as I can find the problems begin when the call gets a 302 and in 
this case the 302 will relocate from www. to

Tested both in V6 and V7


Found an error in OverbyeIcsHttpProt, not the reason for the error above

line 1760 :
DebugLog(loProtSpecDump, Format('PrepareNTLMAuth end, FStatusCode = %d ' +

should be

DebugLog(loProtSpecDump, Format('PrepareNTLMAuth Begin, FStatusCode = %d ' +

seems like a copy past errror.

seems that the bug is also somewhere related to the NTLM code or call 
because the icslogger shows the following

- Starting relocation process
- state = httpReady
- PrepareNTLM
- PrepareNTLM
- RequestDone psss why is that there??  It 
will trigger the onRequestDone but at the same time the relocation is still 
going on because this is the rest of the ics log while I also get the trace 
from my own software due to the trigger.

- Login
- State = httpDnsLookup

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Re: [twsocket] help on httpcli post

2010-10-12 Thread Frans van Daalen

Hi Xavier,

Francois is trying to tell you that you need to read some more about the 
difference between post and get and the way those work in a form.

Try the following

url = POST /hfs/.
data = 

this will upload a file (test.txt) from the desktop of user XX to the 

- Original Message - 
From: Xavier Mor-Mur

To: ICS support mailing
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 1:23 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] help on httpcli post

 Hello Francois

As I know HFS have a some kind of code but I don't know how to call it 
from client.
Open on your navigator; and will see a very 
easy web page with list of files with two buttons UPLOAD and LOGIN. 
Upload button allow select up to 10 files and then upload it using UPLOAD 
FILES button.
HFS is one exe and one config file, don't need install and all work is 
done internally.

I tried some demos using http post and only found one which works.
Demo which works is submitfile from
I don't know it does but it works, but other http demos from same site 
using post don't work.

Any idea is welcome, in the mean time will try with options of HFS.


Al 12/10/2010 09:48, En/na Francois PIETTE ha escrit:
I try to include http get and post to my program and doing tests on 
OverbyteIcshttptst demo.

I get function GET work but not with function POST.

I configured at home free HFS - HTTP File Server from

When running demo I set
Data = C:\Mis documentos\c-obfuscado.txt
Button GET works and how text file in panel
Button POST give sequence events bellow.
POST Failed !
StatusCode   = 404
ReasonPhrase = Request aborted on timeout

Sure I missing to do something but I don't know what.

You cannot do a post to a document link unless there is a script (or 
whatever code is required) at server side to handle the post.

I suggest you first try posting using your favorite internet navigator to 
validate the webserver configuration, then you may start doing the same 
with the component.

Usually, the webserver has an HTML form with some fields (including file 
field) and a submit button. behing the submit button, you have the URL 
used to post the form. This is the URL you have to use with the 

The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)

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Xavier Mor-Mur

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Re: [twsocket] FTP client supports Utf-8 in ICSv7 now

2008-09-19 Thread Frans van Daalen
- Original Message - 
From: Francois Piette [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Angus and I added UTF-8 support to the TFtpCli V7.

 I think Angus and Arno deserve a BIG thank from all of us for the huge 
 they've done supporting internationalisation in FTP component.
 Thanks guys !

+1  ! 

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Re: [twsocket] trying to avoid MS tcp throttling ('half-open' connections limit); problems with aborting connections.

2008-03-10 Thread Frans van Daalen

- Original Message - 
From: Merijn Bosma [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 1:57 PM
Subject: [twsocket] trying to avoid MS tcp throttling ('half-open' 
connections limit); problems with aborting connections.

 Hi all,

 We've been using ICS for quite a while now, but recenlty we've come at
 the point that we hit the limit of 10 'half-open' connections introduced
 in Windows XP SP2.

 In an attempt to avoid hitting the maximum of 10 'half-open' connetions
 (meaning status is SYN_SENT, client sent SYN, but did not receive ACK
 (yet)) when trying to build up
 a lot of TCP connections, I'm limiting the time each connection has to
 'get connected'.

I download some software to patch the system file 

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Re: [twsocket] HTTP Get problem.

2007-04-24 Thread Frans van Daalen
did you test it with overbyteicshttptst.exe ? I get the same results as in 

- Original Message - 
From: Jean-Paul Passama

Hi all,

I try this request with my browser :

I have a good result (Ok at the end).

When I try it with the HTTPclient component, not the same result.

(The PHP script is looking in a table for the club number 5500051 and
the tournament M200704 : if found : Ok)

Thank you for your ideas
JP Passama

Gary Stafford a écrit :

 I have an application that creates the data to send over a socket on the 
 and would like to have a progress bar that tells me how much data is left 

 So what is the best way to get information about the buffer that is used 


 Thanks for your help


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[twsocket] Httpcli cookie

2007-04-21 Thread Frans van Daalen
While the discussion for the urlencode on autorelocate is going nicely :-) I 
also have a small remark to make about the cookie property.

Currently the following is done when a cookie is received
else if Field = 'set-cookie' then begin
bAccept := TRUE;
TriggerCookie(Data, bAccept);

would it not be beter to save the recieved cookie somewhere in the httpcli 
component? I believe that this cookie-property is the only received property 
that is not feed back into the component when recieved.

Currently I handle this in the oncookie event but that means that I have 
extra variables laying around for every httpcli component I use and i really 
not like that. It's a kind of weird that after a get or post I need to 
access on variable to see the real returned cookie value.

I have the code available so i can propose the change but would like to see 
some comments on the basic idea first

Kind regards,


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Re: [twsocket] Httpcli cookie

2007-04-21 Thread Frans van Daalen
From: Francois PIETTE
 Normally, cookies are managed by the application. It is not always that
 simple because of path and expiration. You can have a lot of cookies 
 from one or even several URL while redirecting. So you should really write
 some manager code to have cookies somewhat persistant. That's why the 
 pass the cookie thru an event and do not store it in the component.

 Note that you can derive your own HTTP component from ICS component and 
 the storage or manager you like. In my opinion, it is better to write a
 separate class for cookie management and link that class to your HTTP
 component. A cookie manager component would be a nice addon to ICS :-)

Yes, deriving would be an option, did not think about that one. But just 
recently I came across some weird and wonderful websites that did 
non-standard thinks to the cookie, so far for bad excuses :-)

How would you add to the current httpcli (v6) component a cookie-manager in 
a non code breaking manner as the current cookie is defined as a string?

I'm willing to spend time on writing a rudimentary manager as this would add 
more value the your component and it's a nice way to contribute something 
other then the postcard :-) 

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Re: [twsocket] Httpcli cookie

2007-04-21 Thread Frans van Daalen
From: Francois PIETTE
 Note that you can derive your own HTTP component from ICS component and
 the storage or manager you like. In my opinion, it is better to write a
 separate class for cookie management and link that class to your HTTP
 component. A cookie manager component would be a nice addon to ICS :-)

 How would you add to the current httpcli (v6) component a cookie-manager
 a non code breaking manner as the current cookie is defined as a string?

 Write a TCookieManager component.
 Create a new property CookieManager in the HTTP component.
 At design time, link the cookie manager component to the http component.

 In the http component, when a cookie is received and the cookie manage is
 assigned, the HTP component call the appropriate methods in the cookie
 manager. The same when a request is sent: if cookie manager is assigned, 
 http component request the cookie manager to get the cookie list to add to
 the request.

Nice, agreed. I will add this to my list. As soon as a first version is 
available I will post it here.

For all readers, if you can think of any cookiemanager functions etc, just 
list them and I'll see what I can do.


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Re: [twsocket] Httpcli cookie

2007-04-21 Thread Frans van Daalen
From: Francois PIETTE

 For all readers, if you can think of any cookiemanager functions etc, 
 list them and I'll see what I can do.

Your funtions are based on the assumption that there is a manager per 
httpcli, but maybe beter to have a manager that can handle multiple httpcli?

 procedure AddCookie(const Cookie : String);

procedure AddCookie(Host : String; Data : String);

Add cookie for a host to the collection. Maybe terurn value must be set to 
see if the cookie is accepted by the manager?

 function ScanCookies(const URL : String) : String; // Return a list of
 header lines (CR/LF delimited) with all stored cookie valid for the given

procedure ScanCookies(Host:String;Path:String): String;

Returns a string with all cookies for a specifiek path for a specifiek host, 
maybe use ; as delimeter as that would allow to connect it to the current 
cookie in thttpcli. If Path is not given default path =/ will be used.

 procedure Clear;  // Delete all

procedure ClearAll

Clears all cookies for all hosts

 procedure Clear(Host: String; Path:String)

Clear cookies set for a host and specifiek path. If path not set default 
path =/ will be used.

function GetCookiePath(Host : String) : TStringList;

will return all available paths for which a cookie has been saved for named 

 procedure SaveToStream(Stream : TSream);

Maybe also SaveHostCookieToStream(Host : String : Stream : TStream)

saves all cookies for all paths for 1 specifiek host

 procedure LoadFromStream(Stream : TStream);

Maybe also LoadHostCookieFromStrea,(Host : String : Stream : TStream)

loads all cookies for all paths for 1 speciek host

 procedure Purge; // Purge all expired cookies

? what should this one do?

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Re: [twsocket] httpcli v6 bad request

2007-04-21 Thread Frans van Daalen
From: Arno Garrels

 Instead the component should provide access to parts of a URL,
 either by var-parameters in event OnLocationChange

As said before the OnLocationChange is to late. That event is triggered just 
before the relocate will execute. All properties of the thttpcli are then 
already set. Therefor my proposal for a new event

2) A new event OnRelocationRecieved(data : String; Accept : Boolean) to be
called around line 2675 (procedure getheaderlinenext)

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Re: [twsocket] Httpcli cookie

2007-04-21 Thread Frans van Daalen
From: Frans van Daalen 
 procedure Purge; // Purge all expired cookies
 ? what should this one do?
arg maybe I schould read the command about the expired cookies :-)

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Re: [twsocket] httpcli v6 bad request

2007-04-19 Thread Frans van Daalen
- Original Message - 
To: ICS support mailing
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] httpcli v6 bad request

 On Apr 18, 2007, at 15:11, Frans van Daalen wrote:

 Please note that the following will cause the server to include a %20
 sending the header

   p = here.html
   response.redirect p

 Are you sure it is the server and not the client that is making the
 translation?  It may also be an ASP feature that performs the
 translation, in which case it is still a client solution (by client
 I mean that it is not directly the server, but a consumer of the
 services provided by the server, in this case the ASP framework).

No idea, I can only see that the send header in this case will have the %20 
included already. 

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Re: [twsocket] httpcli v6 bad request

2007-04-19 Thread Frans van Daalen

 Notice that replacing spaces may not suffice, as it may fail too if any
 other unencoded character is included; so if you want HttpCli to handle
 it, I would suggest rather a call to an HTML-Encode function for the
 URL prior to posting the response.  However, I still think that this
 should go at the point of actually sending the response, to make sure
 that *any* URL requested is encoded properly, regardless of where it
 was captured (user, redirect response, etc.).


Or allow to do it yourself at onrelocation event but as stated before that 
event is constructed such that it does not allow access to the url.
So either a new event at the correct point or a automatic urldecode call to 
format the url correctly. 

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Re: [twsocket] httpcli v6 bad request

2007-04-19 Thread Frans van Daalen
   As I mentioned before, replacing spaces will still
 leave you open to other invalid characters.  If you
 want a quick fix for your current problem, then I
 suggest URL-encoding the entire URL instead of just
 the the spaces.  Its been a while since I've used
 HttpCli, so I'm not sure if it provides one, but
 creating a URL encoding function is not that hard
 (its basically turning every invalid character into a
 code of the form %XX where XX represents the ASCII
 code for character in Hex), contact me privately if
 you need help with it.

thank you for the offer. Urldecode and Urlencode are present in the ics 
library so that is not a problem.

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Re: [twsocket] httpcli v6 bad request

2007-04-19 Thread Frans van Daalen
my 2 cents on this :

If you feed Thttpcli.url with a invalid url no urldecode is executed. To 
keep consistency in behavior I would not just do an automatic urldecode on a 

The main issue is however that with the followrelocate set it will generate 
an error while a browser will not.

To allow a programmer to make a decision on an invalid relocate url the 
component must provide an option to do so.

I therefore see 3 possible solutions.

1) A new property AutoDecodeRelocationUrl  type Boolean. Default FALSE. If 
set TRUE will execute a urldecode on the relocate AND possible on the 
httpcli.url also. But if it include the later option as well the name maybe 
should be AutoUrlDecode.

2) A new event OnRelocationRecieved(data : String; Accept : Boolean) to be 
called around line 2675 (procedure getheaderlinenext)
co=32js=1.4sr=1024x768re= }
FLocationFlag := TRUE;
if Proxy  '' then begin
something like
co=32js=1.4sr=1024x768re= }

   baccept := true;
   if Assigned(FOnRelocationRecieved) then 
   If baccept then

FLocationFlag := TRUE;
if Proxy  '' then begin
This would allow the programmer to temporary overrule the FFollowRelocation 
setting on demand but also allow adjustment of the received header data. I 
think that would enhance flexibility.

3) A change to the procedure getheaderlinenext to just change the received 
data. In my opion not the best option as it can cause confusion about what 
is really received.

Feedback appreciated :

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Re: [twsocket] httpcli v6 bad request

2007-04-18 Thread Frans van Daalen

The website and page that is the cause of this problem is rather hard to get 
to. I'm trying to create a simial problem on one of the website I have 
myself. As soon as I have done that I will let you know.

I have solved it for now by with

httpClient.FPath :=  stringreplace(httpclient.fpath,' 

in a onLocationChange event


- Original Message - 
To: ICS support mailing
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 2:38 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] httpcli v6 bad request

 Hello Frans,

 I'm back from vacation and see your messages.
 Do you have a reproductible case that I could try easily ?

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 - Original Message - 
 From: Frans van Daalen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: ICS support mailing
 Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 7:29 PM
 Subject: Re: [twsocket] httpcli v6 bad request

 arggg...found it!

 The location url contains a space. I'm now trying to solve this. Using 
 OnLocationChange to adjust the url doesn't work because of
if Assigned(FOnLocationChange) then
SaveLoc := FLocation;  { 01/05/03 }
FLocation := SaveLoc;
FDocName  := FPath;

 FPath already holds the new location value. Anyone with some ideas?

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Re: [twsocket] httpcli v6 bad request

2007-04-18 Thread Frans van Daalen

I constructed a 301 page for you at

If you use IE this link will relocate you to

If you use OverbyteIcsHttpTst it will give you a 400 Bad Request because 
of the space in to here.html

The asp code for the fromhere.asp is
   p = here.html
   Response.Status=301 Moved Permanently
   Response.AddHeader Location, p

Please note that the following will cause the server to include a %20 before 
sending the header

  p = here.html
  response.redirect p


- Original Message - 
From: Frans van Daalen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ICS support mailing
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 6:49 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] httpcli v6 bad request


 The website and page that is the cause of this problem is rather hard to 
 to. I'm trying to create a simial problem on one of the website I have
 myself. As soon as I have done that I will let you know.

 I have solved it for now by with

 httpClient.FPath :=  stringreplace(httpclient.fpath,'

 in a onLocationChange event


 - Original Message - 
 To: ICS support mailing
 Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 2:38 PM
 Subject: Re: [twsocket] httpcli v6 bad request

 Hello Frans,

 I'm back from vacation and see your messages.
 Do you have a reproductible case that I could try easily ?

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 - Original Message - 
 From: Frans van Daalen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: ICS support mailing
 Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 7:29 PM
 Subject: Re: [twsocket] httpcli v6 bad request

 arggg...found it!

 The location url contains a space. I'm now trying to solve this. Using
 OnLocationChange to adjust the url doesn't work because of
if Assigned(FOnLocationChange) then
SaveLoc := FLocation;  { 01/05/03 }
FLocation := SaveLoc;
FDocName  := FPath;

 FPath already holds the new location value. Anyone with some ideas?

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Re: [twsocket] httpcli v6 bad request

2007-04-16 Thread Frans van Daalen
That appears correct, the THttpCli changes a POST to a GET request
when automatically redirecting.

RFC1945 however say that this is wrong:

 That's true.  We found the same thing while building an interface to one
 server.  Note, however, the major browsers all change the POST to a
 GET.  The server we interface with, in fact, expects a GET at the 
 it redirects us to with the 302 response.

 I remember long time ago we discussed this topic (post changed to get 
 relocation) and we concluded that it must be done so because most browser 
 not follow the standard and not doing like the browser will result in
 failure. That is probably how a bug in a well known browser become a
 de-facto standard ! Like it or not, if you don't do the same, your program
 will be accused of malfunction even if it perfectly follow the standard.

Is it possible that httpcli will not send/set the cookies after recieving a 
302? I think that might be the reason for recieving the bad request 

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Re: [twsocket] httpcli v6 bad request

2007-04-16 Thread Frans van Daalen
arggg...found it!

The location url contains a space. I'm now trying to solve this. Using the 
OnLocationChange to adjust the url doesn't work because of
if Assigned(FOnLocationChange) then
SaveLoc := FLocation;  { 01/05/03 }
FLocation := SaveLoc;
FDocName  := FPath;

FPath already holds the new location value. Anyone with some ideas? 

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[twsocket] httpcli v6 bad request

2007-04-05 Thread Frans van Daalen
Hi all,

Something i'm trying to solve for some time now

I have http.postasync call that returns a h1Bad Request/h1 Using a
sniffer however I see no such respons from the server, in fact I can only 
see the
expected response!  (302)

Anyone with a hint where to start looking?

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Re: [twsocket] httpcli v6 bad request

2007-04-05 Thread Frans van Daalen
Tested it without firewall etc.

The first postasync generate 302 from the server. As follow is set the 
httpcli will also do a get for the relocation.

after processing of the result of that relocation

the second postasync to the same server will generate again 302, follow is 
set. This time in the code I see the response bad request. In the sniffer 
I will however see the  302 (as expected) but there is no additional get to 
relocate send out by the software.

So it seems that after receiving the 302, the thttpcli tries to generate the 
correct values to do a relocation and fails somewhere/somehow?

Kind regards,


- Original Message - 
To: ICS support mailing
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 6:44 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] httpcli v6 bad request

 Maybe some security product which filter your requests ?

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 - Original Message - 
 From: Frans van Daalen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: ICS support mailing
 Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 6:11 PM
 Subject: [twsocket] httpcli v6 bad request

 Hi all,

 Something i'm trying to solve for some time now

 I have http.postasync call that returns a h1Bad Request/h1 Using a
 sniffer however I see no such respons from the server, in fact I can only
 see the
 expected response!  (302)

 Anyone with a hint where to start looking?

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Re: [twsocket] Confirming an Abort in THttpCli

2007-01-18 Thread Frans van Daalen

I have a multi-threaded application that uses a dynamically created
 THttpCli synchronously. I know that ICS is normally used
 asynchronously, but I could not determine a good way to handle that
 with all the dynamically created threads I have to use for database
 access anyway.

 When I want to terminate the thread normally or when I force it to
 terminate I call the THttpCli.Abort method. How can I insure that the
 THttpCli component is indeed aborted before freeing it and ending the

 Right now I do:
 while HTTP.StatehttpReady do

 Is this incorrect, unecessary or adequate?

 I was getting some ICS errors when freeing the thread which may have
 been related to freeing the THttpCli or the underlying receive stream.


 -Johnnie Norsworthy


I did the same thing (except for the sleep) but keep getting troubles with 
the abort (hangs). The sleep I did not because I called the abort outside 
the thread and you don't want to sleep the main thread!  I guess you also 
call it outside the thread as you use a sync call in the thread :-)

I changed to async calls but with the http.CtrlSocket.MessageLoop to mimic 
sync behaviour. And for the abort I then used the 
PostMessage(Http.CtrlSocket.Handle, WM_QUIT, 0, 0) to kill it. Never had any 
troubles again!

Nice thing is that my multihreaded app is now showing much beter cpu load 
then with the sync call !

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Re: [twsocket] How to uses many THttpCli simultaneously ?

2006-12-16 Thread Frans van Daalen
 ... and I get a Violation access. I guess it's because all the THttpCli 
 uses the same RequestDone procedure (the THttpCli is known by its Tag : 
 1 to 5).
where did you get the av, and can you show the code for that line?
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Re: [twsocket] Freeze when using smtp after recreating itsparentform

2006-12-14 Thread Frans van Daalen

So how to proceed? Can we come up with some other test scenarios?
The answer must have something to do with _how_ ICS load the dll... or any
other ideas?

// Henrik  

Henrik, any default units that gets automatically added in your project like 
madexcept or fastmm4 ?

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Re: [twsocket] Freeze when using smtp after recreating its parentform

2006-12-12 Thread Frans van Daalen

 Question: We do understeand the word 'Freeze' the right way ?  Form
 cannot moved, closed, application cannot quit, etc... Right ?

It was writen in some previous posting that the application was then at 50% 
cpu, so on a hyperthreaded cpu, the application is in some fast loop, i gues 

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Re: [twsocket] Freeze when using smtp after recreating itsparentform

2006-12-12 Thread Frans van Daalen
  Question: We do understeand the word 'Freeze' the right way ?  Form
  cannot moved, closed, application cannot quit, etc... Right ?
 It was writen in some previous posting that the application was
 then at 50% cpu, so on a hyperthreaded cpu, the application is in
 some fast loop, i gues

 It's an Intel Core Duo on the machine I use to duplicate the problem. Can
 the type of processor be a problem in this case?
 // Henrik

I have really no idea, I was just guessing that the problem was a fast loop 
due to the reported cpu load. But with the log you provided maybe someone is 
able to help. I can not :( 

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Re: [twsocket] TWSocket Digest, Vol 199, Issue 2 (Aleksey Potjomkin)

2006-12-12 Thread Frans van Daalen

  Have a look at FtpAsy sample program (In ICS-V5 but also good for V6
  provided you change the uses clause).

 Sorry, but i couldn't find any such sample as in ICS archive, same not at
 your website (User made section). Can you please give me exact way where 
 get this sample ?

  You may also have a look at the MailSndAsync demo of V5, it's SMTP but

 Same problem as with FtpAsy, i can't find that anywhere.

just download the ics v5 and then have a look in de ics/internet directory 

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Re: [twsocket] TWSocket Digest, Vol 199, Issue 2 (Aleksey Potjomkin)

2006-12-12 Thread Frans van Daalen

- Original Message - 
From: Aleksey Potjomkin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 10:36 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] TWSocket Digest, Vol 199, Issue 2 (Aleksey 

 Hello !

just download the ics v5 and then have a look in de ics/internet

 OK, I did. But i'm still can't understand main point of it. How to handle
 concurrent connections ??? As I understood, main feature of it is event
 OnRequestDone and there I can make a switch:

just create some more ftp's components or maybe as many needed. Have a look 
at the httpasy project for some nice idea's :-) 

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Re: [twsocket] Freeze when using smtp after recreating its parent form

2006-12-11 Thread Frans van Daalen

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 9:59 AM
Subject: [twsocket] Freeze when using smtp after recreating its parent form


 I have probably misunderstood something because I get the same behavior
 described below no matter which of the components SmtpCli, SyncSmtpCli and
 HtmlSmtpCli I use.

 The problem has to do with freeing the smtp-components parent form. You 
 easily duplicate the behavior with one of the standard demo applications:
 * Open Your favorite demo of  MailSnd, MimeTst or MailHtml. (I proceed 
 MailSnd-demo below.)
 * Add a new form with a button to the project. Write the following in the
 buttons OnClick method:
  procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  SmtpTestForm := TSmtpTestForm.Create(Application);

 When entering the second time is the form already released then?

I normally just call .free never used .released. I also make the 
SmtpTestForm a procedure based variable in these kind of constructions. 

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Re: [twsocket] Freeze when using smtp after recreating itsparentform

2006-12-11 Thread Frans van Daalen

 I normally just call .free never used .released.

 You have to use Release when called from an event handler which originate
 from the form you are freeing. Release make sure all curent events are
 processed. Free does an immediate free which will crash the application if
 one event handler is still running.

But that was not the case with this code, there was just a showmodal 

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Re: [twsocket] Freeze when using smtp after recreating itsparentform

2006-12-11 Thread Frans van Daalen
Hi Frans!

Yes, each time You press the button the form is created and then released.
You also get the same problem if You set Action to caFree in the OnClose of
the created form.

Sorry, for not expressing myself any better.

My question was If you run the debug and while entring the buttonclick is 
the .release finished so did you find the form to be free-ed already  and 
my second remark was If you replace the .release with .free is the problem 
still there?.

My final remark was that I normally have the form as a procedure variable as 
it is not needed to be defined outside the buttonclick event and maybe that 
also solves your issue.


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Re: [twsocket] Acess Violation - TCustomWSocket

2006-12-04 Thread Frans van Daalen
What is the value of WSocketGCount when you get the av?
- Original Message - 
From: Marcelo Grossi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ICS support mailing
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 1:17 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] Acess Violation - TCustomWSocket

 Anyone has any idea on this?

 Best regars,

 Marcelo Grossi

 - Original Message - 
 From: Marcelo Grossi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 10:20 AM
 Subject: [twsocket] Acess Violation - TCustomWSocket

 Hello everyone,

 There is this weird AE happening when I free my TWSocket... I managed to
 debug it up to the point below:

 Line 3516
if WSocketGCount = 0 then begin
WSocketUnloadWinsock;//  AE
 happens here
 {   WSocketGCount := 0;  // it is set to 0 in
 WSocketUnloadWinsock }

 Line 1798
 function WSocket_Synchronized_WSACleanup : Integer;
if @FWSACleanup = nil then
@FWSACleanup := WSocketGetProc('WSACleanup');
Result := FWSACleanup; // --- AE happens right after this 

 I don't know what I did wrong for this AE to be thrown. I can't even 
 the exception. This happens all the time on my machine but on most
 machines using my app this problem never occurs...
 I cannot give you more details on the architecture of my app right, but
 any help on this matter will be greatly apreciated.


 Marcelo Grossi
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Re: [twsocket] THttpCli.GetAsync without any time-out implementation?

2006-11-25 Thread Frans van Daalen

- Original Message - 
From: Cosmin Prund [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ICS support mailing
Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2006 2:07 PM
Subject: [twsocket] THttpCli.GetAsync without any time-out implementation?

 Two simple questions, both related:
 (1) Is it OK to create a new THttpCli component and call GetAsync from 
 an THttpCli.OnDocData event handler?

If tha getasync is the one of the new thhtpcli component, yes it is ok

 (2) If I do THttpCli.GetAsync *without* any kind of time-out mechanism, 
 what's the worst thing that might happen? Will the component run for 
 ever or will it stop when the TCP/IP stack gives up?

Only thing I can think of is that the component will hang/run for ever
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Re: [twsocket] What might cause ICS to fail and we need to be aware of?

2006-11-21 Thread Frans van Daalen

- Original Message - 
From: Cosmin Prund [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ICS support mailing
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2006 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] What might cause ICS to fail and we need to be aware 

 Francois Piette wrote:
 I don't know of ANY component where it is safe to call the message pump 
 one of its event without knowing what happend. Even for a simple
 TButton.OnClick, you can get strange result if you call the message pump
 within the OnClick handler because the handler is re-entered. The problem 
 more visible with TWSocket since it is likely the event is always 
 because of the high rate network I/O has.

 That's not entirely true. Delphi's GUI model is event-driven so I'm
 willing to bet ANY call to Application.ProcessMessages will be made as a
 result of handling an message or event. And I'm willing to bet most
 calls to Application.ProcessMessages can be traced to ether an
 TButton.OnClick event or a menu item's OnClick! And if it's such a big
 issue for ICS, why isn't there a simple 5-line-of-code test that would
 raise an exception if any code is re-entered?

Why ? It is correct that it should enter that event. Incorrect use of 
processmessage lead to the incorrect moment of entry!

 Besides, I'm asking about such behavior because of the way the THttpCli
 component behaves for me. If you remember one of my earlier questions, I
 had lots of problems with the component failing to connect to my HTTP
 server. Using Ethereal I determined the connection is poor (lost
 packets, duplicate ACK's) BUT the component still averages an too high
 number of failed connections. I don't think I've had 5 consecutive
 sessions where no connections timed-out. And I'm saying the failure
 rate is too high because I never saw such a problem using my web
 browser. Not once! And after the time out expires and the component
 aborts and restarts it's Get, it usually finishes very very quickly.
 So I need to ask: Is there some other obvious thing I'm missing, like a
 call to Application.ProcessMessage? What else should I be looking for.

So did you trace you browser then ? My gues is that there are as many 
failures but they are handled by the browser. You could do that as well in 
you application. It is not the responsibility of the httpcli component.

 callok := true
until callok or tried5 

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Re: [twsocket] Connection Problem SFTP

2006-10-18 Thread Frans van Daalen

- Original Message - 
From: Beacon - Business Solution Architects [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 12:20 PM
Subject: [twsocket] Connection Problem SFTP


I'm struggling with a strange problem at the moment establishing a SFTP
connection. (Delphi 6)

When executing the following procedure FTPClient1.PutAsync. I get the error
. Application raised exception class FTPException with message 'FTP
component not ready.'




I'm not a export on the ftp component but the connect is async so at the 
moment the putasync is called the connect might not be ready yet

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Re: [twsocket] ICS V6. and W98/W95

2006-10-18 Thread Frans van Daalen
- Original Message - 
From: jan hek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ICS support mailing
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 3:48 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] ICS V6. and W98/W95

Hello François,
Applications generated by Delphi 7 with ICS v6 don't work under W95/W98. I
tested in W95 and W98SE.
If the application has a twsocket or derived on the form the application
gives a : eedfade error.
In the case the socket is created after a buttonclick, the creation fails.I
don't have details : I don't have delphi 7 running in W98


I have no problems with v6 on W98SE. Application is build using D7 and uses 

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Re: [twsocket] Bug found in THttpCli--seeking solution, please help!

2006-10-09 Thread Frans van Daalen

- Original Message - 
From: Fastream Technologies [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ICS support mailing
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2006 5:21 PM
Subject: [twsocket] Bug found in THttpCli--seeking solution, please help!

 Dear ICS People,

 Please use the THttpCli demo to navigate to .
 This Apache server returns a chunked encoded response of 301--a 
 to but the component cannot understand the
 header ends and data starts!!

 Looking forward to your attention.

 Best Regards,


Confirmed : tested in v5 and v6. Version 5 works as aspected Version 6 not.


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Re: [twsocket] Bug found in THttpCli--seeking solution, please help!

2006-10-09 Thread Frans van Daalen

- Original Message - 
To: ICS support mailing
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2006 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] Bug found in THttpCli--seeking solution, please 

 Please use the THttpCli demo to navigate to
 This Apache server returns a chunked encoded response of 301--a
 to but the component cannot understand the
 header ends and data starts!!

 Confirmed : tested in v5 and v6. Version 5 works as aspected Version 6

 The bug is in THttpCli.GetHeaderLineNext.
 I checked V5 and V6 and the code is the same.
 Which V5 version are you using ? I mean which HttpProt.pas version do you
 have ? I have V1.93.


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Re: [twsocket] How to use THttpCli with threads?

2006-10-06 Thread Frans van Daalen

- Original Message - 
From: Abdullah AlQasim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ICS support mailing
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 3:51 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] How to use THttpCli with threads?

I think the best way Francois provide us a full multi-threading  example
 for HttpCli or any member in the list already done sample for that.

like HttpThrd which is a http thread demo and available in the demo 
directory ??? 

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[twsocket] Http traffic counters

2006-09-29 Thread Frans van Daalen

I have several thttpcli's in serveral threads doing some websearching. Can 
someone point me to a way to keep track of the total kb send/recieved 
/minute by all thttpcli's together.

Thanks in advance


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Re: [twsocket] Problem with THttpCli

2006-08-03 Thread Frans van Daalen
some proxy-servers do not allow the head command.


- Original Message - 
From: Fastream Technologies [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ICS support mailing
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 3:36 PM
Subject: [twsocket] Problem with THttpCli


 I am trying to add our web server cache to proxy server. So far so good 
 there is a problem:

 I first send the HEAD command to learn the last modified date and file 
 Then in onheaderend, I launch the GET command if the cache cannot satisfy
 the request. Here, sometimes the component does not fire the onheaderdata
 and onheaderend of the GET. They all use the same component and no 
 is raised. I put socketspy between the proxy and the web server and the 
 reaches the web proxy however what I could figure out from the delphi code
 is that the state of the component is httpwaitingheader after the HEAD
 whereas it ought to be httpReady. Any idea?

 Best Regards,


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Re: [twsocket] THttpCli v6 - Relocation Problem

2006-07-25 Thread Frans van Daalen

- Original Message - 
From: Arno Garrels [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ICS support mailing
Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2006 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] THttpCli v6 - Relocation Problem

 Frans van Daalen wrote:

 I tested this url and your change (only GetHeaderLineNext) and yes
 with connection keep-alive of no setting on connection all is fine.
 However with connection set to close the relocation fails on the
 third one. If I try to find where it hangs it shows

 with fstate = httpwaitingbody.

 Hmm, I'm still not familiar with this component (looks rather 
 however that error doesn't happen if I include the second change. Just 
 HTTP1.1 with Connection := 'Close' successfully, are you able to
 reproduce the same?


mhhh, just found some time to continue... At this moment without your second 
change also a Close will work correctly...It seems that the 
httpwaitingbody already had a startrelocation implementated so I think that 
during the tests the server responded rather slow on a connection close

...goes away and makes extra checks

arr...forget the above it seems the link is not langer making 3 
relocations but only twoanyone with a new link to test this?

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Re: [twsocket] THttpCli v6 - Relocation Problem

2006-07-04 Thread Frans van Daalen

I tested this url and your change (only GetHeaderLineNext) and yes with 
connection keep-alive of no setting on connection all is fine. However 
with connection set to close the relocation fails on the third one. If I 
try to find where it hangs it shows

with fstate = httpwaitingbody.

- Original Message - 
From: Arno Garrels [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ICS support mailing
Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2006 8:07 AM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] THttpCli v6 - Relocation Problem

 Frans van Daalen wrote:
 If you want me to
 check it in detail just let me know and I will do so for you.

 Thanks, could you please check my small changes below? Try with both
 HTTP 1.0/1.1, with as well as w/o property Connection set to 'Keep-Alive'/
 It's working here using GET, only I'm not sure whether it might have some
 other side effects, RequestDone is not triggered on each relocation.
 Problem URL:
 leads to three relocations, first goes to a different host.

 1 - procedure THttpCli.GetHeaderLineNext

 { FContentLength = -1 when server doesn't send a value }
if ((FContentLength = -1) and  { Added 12/03/2004 }
((FStatusCode  200) or{ Added 12/03/2004 }
 (FStatusCode = 204) or{ Added 12/03/2004 }
 (FStatusCode = 301) or{ Added 06/10/2004 }
 (FStatusCode = 302) or{ Added 06/10/2004 }
 (FStatusCode = 304) or{ Added 12/03/2004 }
 (FStatusCode = 401) or{ Added 12/28/2005 } //AG 
 (FStatusCode = 407))) { Added 12/28/2005 } //AG 
(FContentLength = 0)
(FRequestType = httpHEAD) then  begin
{ TriggerHeaderEnd;  }{ Removed 10/01/2004 }
if {(FResponseVer = '1.0') or (FRequestVer = '1.0') or}
   { [rawbite 31.08.2004 Connection controll] }
FCloseReq then begin
if FLocationFlag then  { Added 16/02/2004 }
StartRelocation{ Added 16/02/2004 }
else begin { Added 16/02/2004 }
if FRequestType = httpHEAD then begin { Added 
 23/07/04 }
{ With HEAD command, we don't expect a 
 document }
{ but some server send one 
FReceiveLen := 0;  { Cancel received 
 ta   }
FNext := nil;
FCtrlSocket.CloseDelayed;  { Added 10/01/2004 }
 =  else begin // not FCloseReq
 =  if FLocationFlag then
 =  StartRelocation
 =  end;

 2 - Not so important, but LocationChangeCurCount has been counted 
 procedure THttpCli.StartRelocation
FRcvdCount:= 0;
FReceiveLen   := 0;
FHeaderLineCount  := 0;
FBodyLineCount:= 0;

if {(FResponseVer = '1.1') and}
{ [rawbite 31.08.2004 Connection controll] }
   (FCurrentHost = FHostName) and
   (FCurrentPort = FPort) and
   (FCurrentProtocol = FProtocol) and
   (not FCloseReq) then begin  { SAE 01/06/04 }

{ This block moved 03/07/2006 }
 =  {  V1.90 25 Nov 2005 - restrict number of relocations to avoid 
 continuous loops }
inc (FLocationChangeCurCount) ;
if FLocationChangeCurCount  FLocationChangeMaxCount then begin
AllowMoreRelocations := false;
if Assigned (FOnLocationChangeExceeded) then
FOnLocationChangeExceeded(Self, FLocationChangeCurCount,
if not AllowMoreRelocations then begin
 =  end;

{ No need to disconnect }
{ Trigger the location changed event  27/04/2003 }

 Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

 Frans van Daalen wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Arno Garrels [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Since I've never been using THttpCli in one of my applications I'm
 not very familiar with HTTP as well as the THttpCli. That's why I
 wonder whether it is intented to trigger RequestDone on each
 relocation or not (sometimes it's triggered in V5, V6 sometimesnot),
 probably someone more familiar with the component can clear me up?
 With two simple changes I can make the FollowRelocation feature
 working for the problem URL of the OP, however w/o RequestDone being
 triggered on relocation.

 If I remember

Re: [twsocket] V6 ThreadDetach #2

2006-06-22 Thread Frans van Daalen
and if you replace waitfor it with a ThreadTerminated construction, maybe 
thats easier? I used waitfor only once and had deadlock issues which caused 
me to removed asap :-)

- Original Message - 
From: Arno Garrels [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ICS support mailing
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2006 8:01 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] V6 ThreadDetach #2

 Francois PIETTE wrote:
 This is surely not the problem, but WaitFor should be avoided when
 possible. It is known to create deadlocks.

 I already exchanged it by a simple WaitForSingleObject(ThreadHandle)
 since WaitFor is know to make trouble, anyway the problem persists.

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 - Original Message -
 From: Arno Garrels [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: ICS support mailing
 Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2006 6:59 PM
 Subject: Re: [twsocket] V6 ThreadDetach #2

 Fastream Technologies wrote:
 I had the same problem. In my case, I had to post a message before
 ending the thread. There was pending messages that called GetHandle
 which called AllocateHwnd()!!!

 My problem still persists, sometimes the exception Cannot attach
 when not detached is raised. However I cannot imagine that
 exchanging WaitFor by your method can change anything basically.
 Probably the strange GetHandle() getter is the culprid?



 - Original Message -
 From: Arno Garrels [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: ICS support mailing
 Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2006 4:20 PM
 Subject: [twsocket] V6 ThreadDetach #2

 I have the following problem in V6:

 constructor TListenThread.Create(AServer: TMtWSocketServer);
inherited Create(True);
FreeOnTerminate := FALSE;
FServer := AServer;

 procedure TListenThread.Execute;

 procedure TForm1.btnStartClick(Sender: TObject);
//properties of Server1 are assigned
FListenThread := TListenThread.Create(Server1);

 procedure TForm1.btnStopClick(Sender: TObject);
PostMessage(Server1.Handle, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);
   = here the Server1.Handle is not 0!
Server1.ThreadAttach; // so raises an exception

 Any idea?

 Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

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[twsocket] THttpCli v6 : FollowRelocation / httpDnsLookup triggers request done

2006-05-06 Thread Frans van Daalen
If FollowRelocation is set then on some sites the requestdone event is 
triggert on a httpDnsLookup. Is this correct?

I have a wm_quit on requestdone to end the messageloop but with a 
httpDnsLookup that is not a good idea :-) 

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Re: [twsocket] THttpCli v6 : FollowRelocation / httpDnsLookuptriggersrequest done

2006-05-06 Thread Frans van Daalen
To: ICS support mailing

 If FollowRelocation is set then on some sites the requestdone event is
 triggert on a httpDnsLookup. Is this correct?

 At first glance not. Do you have an URL which show this behaviour and
 another which doesn't ?

one with this behaviour is easy, I'm still searching for one that doesn't

just use httpasy with the url. Add this url twice and hit 
execute without the Simultaneous setting. In de IDE you will get a http 
component httpcli1 busy message on the second url because the first one 
fired req done on a httpdnslookup

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Re: [twsocket] THttpCli v6 : FollowRelocation/httpDnsLookuptriggersrequest done

2006-05-06 Thread Frans van Daalen

- Original Message - 
To: ICS support mailing
Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2006 3:39 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] THttpCli v6 : 
FollowRelocation/httpDnsLookuptriggersrequest done

 just use httpasy with the url. Add this url twice and hit
 execute without the Simultaneous setting. In de IDE you will get a 
 component httpcli1 busy message on the second url because the first one
 fired req done on a httpdnslookup

 OK. And for another url with relocation which doesn't show this behaviour 

mhhhseems I can not find one. 

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Re: [twsocket] THttpCli v6:FollowRelocation/httpDnsLookuptriggersrequest done

2006-05-06 Thread Frans van Daalen
 So, this is the normal behaviour :-)
 You can either ask the component to not follow the relocation, or use a 
 in the OnLocationChange and OnRequestDone to handle that particular case.

mhhh.just tested it with v5 and you're right. Seems there has always 
been a bug in my code :(

I therefore have to change the requestdone event from

PostMessage((Sender as THttpCli).CtrlSocket.Handle, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);


   If (Sender as ThttpCli).State  httpDnsLookup
   then PostMessage((Sender as THttpCli).CtrlSocket.Handle, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);

Thanks for helping! 

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Re: [twsocket] ICS-V6 Beta almost finalized

2006-04-30 Thread Frans van Daalen

 The latest V6 beta needs designide.bpl. if deployed as package
 Do you have any idea why ?

removing the following two lines from the package removed the dependency
//  OverByteIcsWSocketE in 'OverByteIcsWSocketE.pas';
//  OverbyteIcsNntpCli in 'OverbyteIcsNntpCli.pas';

did not check it in detail, was in a hurry, sorry

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Re: [twsocket] ICS-V6 Beta almost finalized

2006-04-30 Thread Frans van Daalen
 The latest V6 beta needs designide.bpl. if deployed as package

 Do you have any idea why ?

 removing the following two lines from the package removed the dependency
 //  OverByteIcsWSocketE in 'OverByteIcsWSocketE.pas';

 That's normal. It is a registration unit for a custom property editor.
 Should never be included in runtime package.

 //  OverbyteIcsNntpCli in 'OverbyteIcsNntpCli.pas';

 Strange. I don't see anything which would need DesignIde.bpl.

that might be correct as I only removed line by line until the issue 
disapeared. As said i was in a hurry :) 

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Re: [twsocket] HTTPCli in dynamically-loaded BPL

2006-04-06 Thread Frans van Daalen

- Original Message - 
From: Mike Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 11:13 AM
Subject: [twsocket] HTTPCli in dynamically-loaded BPL

 I'm wondering how to get an HttpCli to work in a dynamically-loaded BPL.
 I have made a BPL with forms that open  close OK when called
 dynamically from a test app, but when I tried to use HtppCli  I got a
 crash on closing the test app; if I put  the  HttpThr1 demo in, it
 crashes as soon as I click  the Do It button..

 Mike Scott

I use httpcli in bpl without any problem, either as a component dropped or 
dynamicly created by code. Maybe the debug statement in the crash gives some 
pointers to what is the issue?

FYI : madexcept might be very helpfull 

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[twsocket] wm_quit in requestdone in thread

2006-04-05 Thread Frans van Daalen
I have the following code

procedure TConsumerThread.Execute;
...some code
 while GetMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0) do
if Msg.Message = WM_REQUEST then
...some code
...some code

in the requestdone I have

PostMessage((Sender as THttpCli).CtrlSocket.Handle, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);

This wm_quit will hoverever also stop the thread can i solve 
that ? 

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Re: [twsocket] wm_quit in requestdone in thread

2006-04-05 Thread Frans van Daalen
- Original Message - 
From: Fastream Technologies [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ICS support mailing
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] wm_quit in requestdone in thread


 Why don't you use the Release method of VCL in the requestdone?



Isn't the release the start of a destroy? The http component is re-used 
until de thread execute recieves no new items to be processed

 - Original Message - 
 From: Frans van Daalen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: ICS support mailing
 Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 6:44 PM
 Subject: [twsocket] wm_quit in requestdone in thread

I have the following code

 procedure TConsumerThread.Execute;
 ...some code
 while GetMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0) do
if Msg.Message = WM_REQUEST then
 ...some code
 ...some code

 in the requestdone I have

PostMessage((Sender as THttpCli).CtrlSocket.Handle, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);

 This wm_quit will hoverever also stop the thread can i 
 that ?

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Re: [twsocket] wm_quit in requestdone in thread

2006-04-05 Thread Frans van Daalen

- Original Message - 
From: Arno Garrels [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ICS support mailing
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 7:46 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] wm_quit in requestdone in thread

 Eh, my OE has no syntax check, why?


 while GetMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0) do
if Msg.Message = WM_REQUEST then
...some code
else if Msg.Message = WM_MY_MESSAGE_AFTER_RQ_DONE then
...some code after requestdone
else if Msg.Message = WM_WHATEVER_MSG then
else begin

m...I see some light in the tunnel now, will try some new thinks 
according to this code to see if that is indeed the end of the tunnel or the 
train :-)

Thanks for the help! 

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Re: [twsocket] wm_quit in requestdone in thread

2006-04-05 Thread Frans van Daalen
thanks for the extra info
- Original Message - 
From: Wilfried Mestdagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ICS support mailing
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 8:20 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] wm_quit in requestdone in thread


 Release post a message to the component's hidden window to destroy it.
 The destruction is done in the message handler.

 WM_QUIT will exit the message loop if using GetMessage, and it will also
 terminate program for example, but it is not the same. It is pure
 depandant of what the programmer do in his message pump.

 Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]

 Wednesday, April 5, 2006, 18:41, Fastream Technologies wrote:

 WM_QUIT has the same effect as Release!



 - Original Message - 
 From: Frans van Daalen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: ICS support mailing
 Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 7:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [twsocket] wm_quit in requestdone in thread

 - Original Message - 
 From: Fastream Technologies [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: ICS support mailing
 Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 6:05 PM
 Subject: Re: [twsocket] wm_quit in requestdone in thread


 Why don't you use the Release method of VCL in the requestdone?



 Isn't the release the start of a destroy? The http component is re-used
 until de thread execute recieves no new items to be processed

 - Original Message - 
 From: Frans van Daalen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: ICS support mailing
 Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 6:44 PM
 Subject: [twsocket] wm_quit in requestdone in thread

I have the following code

 procedure TConsumerThread.Execute;
 ...some code
 while GetMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0) do
if Msg.Message = WM_REQUEST then
 ...some code
 ...some code

 in the requestdone I have

PostMessage((Sender as THttpCli).CtrlSocket.Handle, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);

 This wm_quit will hoverever also stop the thread can i
 that ?

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Re: [twsocket] Port number

2006-03-31 Thread Frans van Daalen
- Original Message - 
From: Wilfried Mestdagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ICS support mailing
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] Port number

 Hello Werner,

 When the server listen to port 2500, and the socket port start increasing
 from 2000. Do I get in trouble when it comes finaly to port 
 the same port where the server is listening, or is this handled 

 No the OS will skip port 2500 and will get the first next free port.
 Probably 2501.

 command, then close again. And I see the port increasing fast, what about 
 limit ? can I reset the portnumber?

 No you cannot reset, but normally no problem. There are 65535 ports. And
 the TIME_WAIT ports will be released after 2 minutes. So a long time
 before yoiu have reach the highest port the low ones are free again, so
 OS will get ports back on the low range.

was the default not 240seconds, posible minumum value 30sec ? And the port 
limited by maxuserport? 

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Re: [twsocket] Httpcli not working, need suggestions

2006-03-31 Thread Frans van Daalen
- Original Message - 
From: Jazzy Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 8:22 AM
Subject: [twsocket] Httpcli not working, need suggestions

I just downloaded the ICS ver 5 a few mins ago, I compiled it under BDS2006 
using bcb2006 with the updated patch.  I compiled the example httptst to see 
if it could go to a webpage that required a username and password.  When i 
ran the program (get button), this is the error message that i get.

  RequestDone Error = 11001
GET Failed !
StatusCode   = 404
ReasonPhrase = can't resolve hostname to IP address

  //--- code -//
  HttpCli1-Password = pass;
HttpCli1-Username = user;
//--- code -//

  even if i try a google address to se if it works, i still get the same 

  If I click on the head button, the program seems to go to the internet 
then to retrieve the details of the webpage.  But the get button does 
nothing but produce an error message.

FVD: Seems to go? Or did go and returned with the header info? You're not 
behind a proxy or firewall with access control on program level? 

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Re: [twsocket] ICS V6 Http Post problem

2006-03-24 Thread Frans van Daalen

Data := 'FirstName=' + stringofchar('A',600) + '' +
'LastName='  + stringofchar('B',600)  + '' +
'NextName='  + stringofchar('C',600)  + '' +

 This is wat the sniffer reports

 Content-Length: 1844

So counting the chars it seems that a content-length above 1460 will create 
this problem. It seems some buffer position is not correctly set.

 Anyone with a idea or can someone confirm that this behaviour is on their 
machine as well? 

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Re: [twsocket] ICS V6 Http Post problem

2006-03-24 Thread Frans van Daalen
 Hello Frans,

 I  never used HTTP component (only basic WSocket) but may be you could
 check if you are using HTTP 1.0 or 1.1 content data can be splitted in
 multiple blocks when using HTTP 1.1. I don't know if it will help you,
 this is a simple idea.



as far as i understood the http component has some 1.1 functionality 
implemented and can there split long sendstreams but somehow the buffer 
position is not correclty set in this example (I think) 

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Re: [twsocket] ICS V6 Http Post problem

2006-03-23 Thread Frans van Daalen

- Original Message - 
From: Francois Piette [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ICS support mailing
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 8:52 AM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] ICS V6 Http Post problem

 In your application, are you calling the message pump somewhere ? 
 Specially from one of the ICS
 component event handler ? This will cause a lot of trouble with the 

 btw: The message pump is typically Application.ProcessMessages, but can 
 also be anythoing calling it
 indirectly (such as a modal form) or calling GetMessage/PeekMessage and 
 the likes.

 Is it possible for you to slightly change the Http demo to do your post 
 and if it reproduce the
 problem, mail it to me ?

My dll is using messageloop but not from one of the ics event handlers.

I will try to change the http demo such that the problem arises there as 

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Re: [twsocket] ICS V6 Http Post problem

2006-03-23 Thread Frans van Daalen
 In your application, are you calling the message pump somewhere ?
 Specially from one of the ICS
 component event handler ? This will cause a lot of trouble with the

 btw: The message pump is typically Application.ProcessMessages, but can
 also be anythoing calling it
 indirectly (such as a modal form) or calling GetMessage/PeekMessage and
 the likes.

 Is it possible for you to slightly change the Http demo to do your post
 and if it reproduce the
 problem, mail it to me ?

 My dll is using messageloop but not from one of the ics event handlers.

 I will try to change the http demo such that the problem arises there as

Well that was easy. I took the httppost demo off version 5. D7 IDE will 
convert it to V6 automaticaly (still need to manual remove the old httprot 
unit reference)

and then chnages the following three lines (at line 172 in the 
PostButtonClick event)

Data := 'FirstName=' + UrlEncode(Trim(FirstNameEdit.Text)) + '' +
'LastName='  + UrlEncode(Trim(LastNameEdit.Text))  + '' +


Data := 'FirstName=' + stringofchar('A',600) + '' +
'LastName='  + stringofchar('B',600)  + '' +
'NextName='  + stringofchar('C',600)  + '' +

This is wat the sniffer reports

Packet Summary
Sequence: 1
ID: 1
Time: 9:50:50.312
Process: HttpPost (3948)
Server Information
IP Address:
Header Contents
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; ICS)
Content-Length: 1844


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[twsocket] ICS V6 Http Post problem

2006-03-22 Thread Frans van Daalen
Already asked this in the borland newsgroup but was advised to asked it here 

I use v6 latest beta and if I do a asyncpost wiht some long parameters like

para3=..(about 1600 chars)

I will see something else with a sniffer

para3=..( only a part of them)
para3=..(again a part of them)

Anyone with a hint how to solve this.?


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