You are right, I did not test the GetAsync, in async mode
RequestDone is actually fired with StatusCode 0 after relocation.

Triggered by a call to CheckDelaySetReady in GetBodyLineNext.

When I add a check for FLocationFlag there it _SEEMS_ to fix it,
has to be still tested very hard in order not to introduce new bugs:

           if {(FResponseVer = '1.0') or (FRequestVer = '1.0') or  }
               { see above                                }
               { [rawbite 31.08.2004 Connection controll] }
               (FCloseReq) then     { SAE 01/06/04 }
else if not FLocationFlag then // <== Try this change and test, test, test...
               CheckDelaySetReady;  { 09/26/08 ML }

I tested it and it seems indeed to solve the problem. I spend several hours extra trying to read and understand the reason behind this but httprot file is not that easy to read :-)

Well done and thank you!
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