Re: [twsocket] Adding some new OpenSSL declarations

2015-11-20 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> Could you apply following patches with some new OpenSSL functions

Thanks, will be added shortly.  

Strangely, I'm writing a new ICS ACME component (automatic certificate 
environment) component to acquire and install SSL certificates (initially from 

I realised yesterday I need public and private keys for authentication which is 
morning's job.  But you seem to looked at this already. 

What is your SSL project? 


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Re: [twsocket] HTTPS URL won't load (SSL error)

2015-11-05 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> No, but since sites now seem to be defaulting to using EC I'll 
> change the default for SslECDHMethod to sslECDHAuto.  

The overnight zip now has ICS v8.20 which the new default, only really matters 
projects that did not update SslContext properties, but that included some of 
my own.

> Is the latest ICS from the overnight ZIP suitable for production
> releases?

Most recent changes to ICS are relatively minor and 'safe', not having major 
on existing projects.  The worst time is new compilers that introduce issues and
also the effort to build and test all the new packages and files added for each 
compiler, such as adding them to the zip, etc.  

Generally, I don't update SVN until I've build one or more of my own projects 
the latest ICS changes, and those projects are usually how the changes get 
My various projects use most of the ICS high level components, TCP, HTTP, FTP, 
servers and clients, POP3 client (no server yet), DNS, ICMP, telnet, MIME, etc. 

One of my public SQL driven web sites uses SSL HttpAppServer with thousands of
accesses per hour, as you can see from the status page:

There is also a public SSL FTP site on the same server.  My ComCap, DUN Manager 
MailMaint applications variously use the client components, and all have new 
releases done or imminent.  

So yes, the current overnight ICS zip is ready for production use.  


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Re: [twsocket] HTTPS URL won't load (SSL error)

2015-11-03 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> Does anyone know why this URL won't open/load:
> I get this (I'm not sure what it means):
> SslHandshakeErrCode> 1080 (0 if no error)
> SslHandshakeRespMsg> error:14077438:SSL 
> routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1
> alert internal error

That URL displays OK in my latest build of the ICS sample web browser, 
including the
140 images it downloads and in the HTTPS sample which says:
Verify result: ok Verify depth: 1
Received certificate
Issued to:, 
Alt Domains:, *,
*, *, *, *, 
Issuer: COMODO ECC Domain Validation Secure Server CA 2, COMODO CA Limited
Expires: 15/09/2016, Signature: ecdsa-with-SHA256
Public Key: id-ecPublicKey
Verify result: ok Verify depth: 0
Handshake done, error #0 - SSL Connected OK with TLSv1.2, cipher
ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, key exchange ECDH, encryption AESGCM(128), 
authentication AEAD

My first call for strange SSL issues is to test the site at:

This tests the certificate and protocols supported by the server, and gives 
lots of
clues as to what is wrong.  

The most likely explanation here is "This site works only in browsers with SNI
support" since the real server is

But it could also be you have disabled Elliptic Curves encryption which is 
for this site, only TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_xx protocols. Or maybe you have not 
supplied a
DHParams file which will disable ECDHE as well? 

Are you using the latest ICS from the overnight zip?


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Re: [twsocket] HTTPS URL won't load (SSL error)

2015-11-03 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> Or maybe you have not supplied a DHParams file

Sorry, brain fade, you only need a DHParams file for servers to support DH, and 
protocols, not clients.


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Re: [twsocket] Should I be concerned about

2015-11-03 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
>  I can leave it always set to auto, right

Yes, Auto is fine for clients, EC is only used if the server cipher suite 
it and is otherwise ignored.  

Auto only actually works with OpenSSL 1.0.2 and later, otherwise falls back to
sslECDH_P256, but the rule now seems to be use the absolute latest OpenSSL for 
the latest security fixes and we don't test with old stuff.  


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Re: [twsocket] Should I be concerned about

2015-11-03 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> Here's another issue... I can't open this URL either (with v8.18):

Again the HTTPS sample works fine, make sure you have set SslECDHMethod to


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Re: [twsocket] HTTPS URL won't load (SSL error)

2015-11-03 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I would assume "Elliptic Curves encryption" is enabled by default.

No, but since sites now seem to be defaulting to using EC I'll change the 
for SslECDHMethod to sslECDHAuto.  

I also need to improve EC to handle other curves, but that is a little harder.  

> Yeah! Upgrading to 8.18 seems to have fixed it. Pretty sure I was
> using 8.16 before.

There was an EC fix in 8.17, that probably did it. 


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Re: [twsocket] Internet connection speed

2015-10-07 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> In my audio + video streaming i must know the client internet 
> connection speed so that the application will react based on this 
> connection speed , so please how it's possible to calculate the 
> user's connection speed asit's being used on SKYPE  ' Call Quality 
> Indicator ' or used here :

Not sure if you are talking about a client or server application here.
A server has no knowledge of client performance, even a client has difficulty in
knowing, it might have a fast wireless connection to a router and then a 
slow internet connection, or vice versa.

Using ping you can find the round trip time in milliseconds to a host that 
to pings, but many hosts don't respond and firewalls often block pings.  If ping
works, it can be used to check the quality of a connection by looking for packet
loss, which can be devastating for streaming which is often not error corrected.
ICS has a ping component and trace route demo. 

Internet speeds are best measured from the client to a speedtest site, but this 
be time consuming and you don't want to do it very often, also many such sites 
unable to cope with the 150Mb and higher speeds common today on cable modems and


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Re: [twsocket] Internet connection speed

2015-10-07 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> yes i'm talking about the Client app , i must calculate
> the user's internet connection speed because based on this 
> information some separate  procedures will be invoked 

Try my previous suggestions and let us know how you get on.

Beware testing performance is not fast, you won't want to do it often, and 
you should test against the servers providing the streams. 


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Re: [twsocket] Internet connection speed

2015-10-07 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> + how it's possible to get the client's connection speed from the 
> ping result that means how can  we tell the user :
> your internet speed is  : xxx   after getting the ping result

Pings do not tell you the speed, they give milliseconds round time to the host. 
get less than 10ms to servers in London, 100ms to 200ms to the USA, so from that
would be assume performance is better locally. If you send 100 pings and 10 
you've got packet loss and a lousy connection, so speed will be low. 

A real speed test means downloading a file using HTTP or FTP, for a minimum of 
seconds, ideally longer, and timing it.  So ideally you download a small known 
media file. 


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Re: [twsocket] Serious bug in SmtpCli/TWSocket: infinite loop

2015-10-02 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> This server responding but incorrectly ! 
> After connect they return just array of zeroes #0 without any data.

This is now fixed, but needs more testing before I commit it to SVN.
> This will works only for Smtp protocol. But I think it's should be 
> fixed on TWSocket level to fix possible problems with all remaining 
> protocols.

We have a long term problem with ICS, that different protocol components were
written and updated at different times, often using differing techniques.

For instance, most protocols use ASCII command lines and TWSocket offers 
LineMode to
return simple lines, and yet many protocols have their own line parsing code
duplicating LineMode, but not always successfully as with your bad server.  

I used LineMode for the SMTP server, and the HTTP client uses it for commands 
changes back to binary for bodies), but the SMTP, POP3 and FTP clients don't 
use it
and all have different line parsing functions.  

I guess the reason the protocols were not updated to LineMode is not wanting to
change something that works.  But sometimes the benefit of a change are 
justified by
increasing reliability, as with your bad server, where the data is simply 
and the remote server drops the connection.  

I'll also update the POP3 client, since I'm updating two of my own applications 
send and receive email, and I can test the changes easily.


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Re: [twsocket] Serious bug in SmtpCli/TWSocket: infinite loop

2015-09-30 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> Just found serious problem of TWSocket/TSmtpCli:
> infinite loop around DoRecv/DataAvailable in TWSocket !
> It's happens only with some misconfigured/buggy MX servers.
> Yes, is misconfigured (i check it using sniffer - 
> they return 4096 bytes of
> zeroes (\0) as reply) but ICS should handle all situations anyway.

If the remote SMTP server does not respond to commands, nothing will work.  I'll
make sure there is a timeout or something.


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Re: [twsocket] Serious bug in SmtpCli/TWSocket: infinite loop

2015-09-30 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> This server responding but incorrectly ! 

There was no valid banner response, so a timeout is a valid concept.

> After connect they return just array of zeroes #0 without any data.

Which should be ignored, but might have been followed by valid commands.  

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Re: [twsocket] HTTP Tunnel

2015-09-24 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> *Subject:* Re: [twsocket] HTTP Tunnel
> We have a program that controls equipment. This program constantly 
> sends log and error information to our supervisors room at our 
> company so that any problem can instantly be addressed by one of 
> our technicians. The connection is a TWSocket on the client side 
> that connects to our server that uses a TWSocketServer to listen 
> for connections.
> We now have a new client that refuses to open the port necessary 
> for the equipment to log on to our server. However, http surfing is 
> liberated. I would like to know the simplest solution to make a 
> connection and pass the same data as always embedded in html.

Since you control the client and server, surely you can just update them to use 
80 or 443 (TSocketServer has multilisten to support multiple IPs and ports) and
continue using your existing protocol.  

If your customer has a proxy or firewall than insists on checking for the HTTP
protocol, use the web server component and PUT or POST your data, obviously more
work than adding an extra listener but not too hard.


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Re: [twsocket] How to enable IPv6 on client components?

2015-09-24 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I have been searching the mailing list, unit notes, and web trying 
> to find out what needs to be done on the client side to enable 
> IPv6, if anything, but I haven't found anything definitive. Does it 
> all "just work" under the hood, or do I simply change the 
> components' SocketFamily property from sfIPv4 to sfAny, or is it 
> more involved than that?

I've been meaning to write notes about IPv6 for a long time, I've updated most 
of my
components and applications, except the Internet Packet Monitoring Components 
are 90% done, maybe next month, but also have some SSL improvements pending.  
And a
component to automatically install free SSL certificates.  

But essentially IPv6 just works once you set SocketFamily, several of the 
have examples.  

One issue is presentation of IPv6 addresses, which usually have [] around them 
so a
browser looks them up instead of searching Google, so I wrote a simple 
function that creates [2a00:14f0:e03d:2::142]:21 if the IP address is IPv6, and
another that strips the brackets.   

My public server has IPv6 versions of the ICS web and FTP servers for testing.  
now have my own IPv6 address allocations, but still use free Sixxs IPv6 tunnels 
testing due to firewall configuration issues.

BTW, none of my customers have ever asked about IPv6.


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Re: [twsocket] TWSocket.Connet/GetHostByName bottleneck

2015-09-18 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> At this time I see this way:
> 1. Use TDNSQuery.MXLookup to resolve MX, then TDNSQuery.ALookup to 
> resolve MX's IP. Then supply resolved MX IP to TSmtpCli to avoid 
> GetHostByName.
> 2. Cache both MX and A results in my own DNS cache.

Seems sensible, just make sure you time out the cached entries. 

Most of the client components are designed for that use, not to be used in 

> But maybe you can suggest more efficient way ? Maybe some tuning or 
> secret option in ICS ? 

No secret options.

I have been planning a relaying demo combining the SMTP server I wrote a couple 
years ago and Magenta Mail Queue which queues sending, but not got around to 
MX checking to the latter. 


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[twsocket] Delphi 10 Seattle Announced

2015-08-31 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
RAD Studio 10 Seattle, Delphi 10 Seattle and C++ Builder 10 Seattle, have been
announced today:

and more developer oriented at:

ICS has been tested with Delphi 10 Seattle and new packages are available.  The 
packages have the suffix D10S instead of DXEn.  

Major improvement in Delphi 10 Seattle is large memory address model (4GB 
instead of
2GB) for IDE and applications, making more memory available to build complex

The ICS component library contains 94 sample projects, but it's been many 
since we could build all of them in a single session to test a new Delphi, so we
split them into several separate project groups.  With XE8, the compiler was 
out of
memory after building about 25 projects, With Delphi 10 Seattle I can build all 
projects at least twice without any memory errors

I've created a Stable Version ICS V8.18 available from the download page as an
alternative to the daily V8 snapshot that, rarely, does have a bug that takes a 
days to fix:

>From XE8 onwards, Delphi includes a new GetIt tool that offers a catalog of 
party components, and allows them to be automatically downloaded and installed. 
same stable ICS version should be available from GetIt in a day or two once 
is complete. 


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Re: [twsocket] SSL handshake failed at

2015-08-19 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 This seems to have fixed the problem:
 SslContext-SslOptions=SslContext-SslOptions  sslOpt_NO_SSLv2 
 I suppose I will just leave it and hope it doesn't cause any issues 
 for my customers.

Most SSL web servers will have disabled SSLv3 to stop the Poodle and Beast 
some may disable TLSv1 to stop Beast but this breaks too many older browsers as 

I've just disabled DH ciphers on my Windows 2012 IIS8.5 server to mitigate a DH 
exploit caused by Microsoft having the same hardcoded 1024 bit DHParams key on 
single server, instead of generating a new key for each server.  

The ECDHE ciphers are better than DH and DHE alone, and are still supported.  

This is not a problem with OpenSSL because we can generate and specify our own
DHParams keys and even if you use the files bundled with ICS, there are too few
users to make it a security risk. 

We only added DH and ECDH support in V8.15, and there was an ECDH fix in V8.17. 


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Re: [twsocket] SSL handshake failed at

2015-08-19 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
  Seems to work here with the OverbyteIcsHttpsTst sample, connects 
 Hmm... Strange. I'll have to make sure I'm using the right 
 how do I try connecting with TLSv1.2?

Did you try the sample application?  

It shows how to restrict which SSL/TLS versions are used, and how errors are
reported.  There were a lot of SSL changes over the last six months to support 
latest protocols. 


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Re: [twsocket] BCB5 and ICS-SSL

2015-08-16 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 Can BCB5 run ICS-SSL?
 I downloaded ICS-V5

BCB5 is equal to Delphi 5, which ICS has not supported for a long time.

In theory the old ICS V5 does support BCB5, but we no longer support it, and 
the SSL
version it supported is being obsoleted in four months time.


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[twsocket] OT: Windows NCSI

2015-08-14 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
Ever wondered how Windows knows whether your PC has network connectivity?  It's
something called Network connection Status Indicator, or NCSI, described here:

Essentially, Windows contacts a dedicated web site and page:

which returns a single line of text - Microsoft NCSI. 
For IPV6, it then tries:

These servers are hosted by the usual Microsoft CDN partners (Akamai and 
others) and
so should be easily accessible worldwide. 

They may also be useful if your own ICS application wants to ping something to 
for network connectivity, as my own do.


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Re: [twsocket] How to keep SslWSocket open in a multi-threaded console app?

2015-07-29 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 Should I be calling MessageLoop or ProcessMessages?

Neither, Delphi windows services are message driven just like Windows 
Most of my windows services are actually dual GUI/service, with a simple GUI 
does not require any interaction when run as a service.  This makes testing 
easier, since the program can be run under the Delphi debugger and then 
installed as
a Windows service once it's working. 

Originally I wrote a simple service starter application that runs a standard 
application as a service (with a command argument) and waits for it to finish 
stopping, and sends a message if told to stop.  I still sell an application 
this technique after 18 years.   

The second generation used the SvCom environment from:

which creates a single application that can be run as a service or GUI, just 
components on a form, jkust works, but it's commercial.

For new applications I use DD Service Application Framework written by one of 
ICS developers, but his web site seems to be down at the moment.  I think it's 
Code Central but search is useless and brings up thousands of results.


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Re: [twsocket] How to keep SslWSocket open in a multi-threaded console app?

2015-07-28 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 In a console app's thread, I make a valid connection, I call 
 SslWSocket-Send, followed by MessageLoop.
 Once I receive OnDataSent message I call 
 And the data is sent and the control returns to the thread - 
 The second time I want to send data (without closing-reopening the 
 connection - which is not allowed by Apple) the MessageLoop 
 immediately returns as SetTerminated(TRUE) was called once the 
 MessageLoop was exited in the previous send.
 *Question what is the correct way to use a SslWSocket to send data 
 over a continuously open connection?*

If I understand you correctly, you are exiting the thread after open and a 
send, which will close the connection.  

You need to keep the thread running and send a message to it (or use a thread 
to pick something up) to send the next block.


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Re: [twsocket] How to keep SslWSocket open in a multi-threaded console app?

2015-07-28 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 In fact I am not exiting the thread but I am calling:
 to break out of the socket MessageLoop
 In doing so this sets the SslWSocket Terminated to true

Don't call it then!  

I thought PostQuitMessage was to break a thread, it posts WM_QUIT which is 
the end of all processing.


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Re: [twsocket] OpenSSL update distributor

2015-07-16 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 There is a way to detect the directory from which was loaded dll 
 when that was done by windows?

Look at the code attached to the last message.


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Re: [twsocket] ICS - TWSocketThrdServer Client

2015-06-19 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 to Angus: In one of your responses you mentioned that you had an
 unpredictable but very slow memory leak in one of your apps using 
 the ICS multithreaded server - I suspect that this is the issue.

I don't used TWSocketThrdServer or threads for ICS sockets, and don't have any
memory leaks.   

But I'll check what happens OnClientDisconnect to see if it causes other 


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Re: [twsocket] Some questions for you

2015-06-16 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 I tried to load MagentaXferXE4Run.dpk and MagentaXferXE4Design.dpk 
 packages into Delphi XE7 unsuccessfully

In what way?  What error message? 

You don't actually need to install the packages to run the demo, it creates the
components at run time.  

 No idea what you mean by 'SendFile'.
 This is an example of using ICS from the Overbyte / Products / 
 User Made web page

Probably very, very old. 

There are two sample application with the main ICS distribution: 
and OverbyteIcsRecv which send and receive a file, but you are then responsible 
all the extra overhead which FTP does for you. 

The TMagFtp component is only a client, you still need an FTP server to receive 
files.  You can use one off the shelf, like FileZilla Server, or write your own 
the ICS FTP Server component, if you need to process the files as they arrive. 

I wrote a complex application a while back that had three servers sending 
files to 500 vehicles, and collecting files from those vehicles, over wifi and 
it used a combination of FTP clients and servers, and a custom client/server SQL
protocol that controlled everything, and reported the status of the 500 
vehicles on
web pages every minute. TMagFtp, TMagFileCopy and several of my other components
(like SMART, WMI, CheckDisk, IpHlp) were originally written (and paid for) by 


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Re: [twsocket] Some questions for you

2015-06-16 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 After discovering ICS, I have tried to load and run Magenta Systems 
 File Transfer components and samples or SendFile from your web site
 None of them can be compiled with ICS V8.16 out of the box.

Which web site?  The main web site for Magenta Systems File Transfer Components 

However the last update there was 18 months ago with packages for XE4.  No 
reason to
believe it will not work with later releases without change, it does here, and 
a new
version is due next month now an ICS SSL package issue has been fixed (this 

No idea what you mean by 'SendFile'. 

 Do you have any recommendation/suggestion or pointing me to a 
 working example/source code for such integrated light web server?

ICS has two web server sample, simple web server and application web server, 
will suffice, the second does more, an example is:

which is a Delphi ICS application using SQL server. 


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[twsocket] OpenSSL 1.0.2c support

2015-06-15 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
The new OpenSSL 1.0.2b and 1.0.1n versions lasted one day, and were replaced  
1.0.2c and 1.0.1o to fix a bug, which may be downloaded from:

They can be used with ICS V8 releases later than 25th March 2015 that relax the
check for minor versions of OpenSSL, to avoid rebuilding projects.

Note that one of the security fixes increases the minimum SSL server DH Param 
length to 768 bits, which means use of the 512 bit key which is currently the
default in ICS will give this error:  

SSL Handshake Failed - error:14082174:SSL 
key too small

If you use a DH Param key file, to enable DH or ECDH key exchange, you will 
need use
the 1024 bit or larger keys files.  

This only effects SSL servers, not SSL clients.

My pending list still has ICS SSL improvements to support embedding SSL files 
in the
application, and support for multiple DH Param key sizes, hopefully to be done 
late July.


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[twsocket] OpenSSL 1.0.2b support

2015-06-12 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
OpenSSL has released new versions this week, ICS versions of OpenSSL 1.0.2b and
1.0.1n may be downloaded from:

These new OpenSSL versions fix several moderate security holes.  

They can be used with ICS V8 releases later than 25th March 2015 that relax the
check for minor versions of OpenSSL, to avoid rebuilding projects.

The overnight V8 zips includes some SSL changes this week: 

OverbyteIcsWSocket.pas - Jun 05, 2015 V8.18 Angus

Enabled SSL engine support, which are cryptographic modules adding extra
algorithms.  These modules are contained in the small DLL files distributed with
OpenSSL, mostly to support dedicated cryptographic hardware to improve 
on busy servers or add extra features. 

All ICS packages are now include OverbyteIcsMsSslUtils and
OverbyteIcsSslX509Utils (and some other dependent units) which include SSL
certificate display and validation functions, and which were previously only in 
SSL samples directory which made them hard to use in other projects and 

Beware this meant updating dozens of dpk and dproj files, and I only had time to
test three Delphi versions, please let us know if any packages will not build.  

Added Samples/Delphi/AllDemosProject.bpg which includes all 95 sample
projects, making it easier to build them all together, assuming the version of
Delphi does not run out of memory first.


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Re: [twsocket] ICS FTP - OnProgress strange behavior

2015-06-07 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 Everything worked fine in my app till 31 May 2015.
 FLastProgress  : Int64;
 if FLastProgress  GetTickCount then begin
 Do I have to clear the FLastProgress and  FProgressCount variables 
 after upload complete?

Had your program been running for 49 days on 1 June?  

GetTickCount returns a longword, which wraps after 49 days, but you save it as a
int64 which does not wrap.  You should reset FLastProgress to ensure progress is
should immediately.  

For the purpose of a second time, the wrap does not matter, if you need to time
something over the 49 day wrap then you need more care in processing ticks, 
the FTP component does internally.  

Or you can use the 64-bit tick functions in OverbyteIcsTicks64.pas (but never 
mix 32
and 64-bit ticks.


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Re: [twsocket] ICS FTP - OnProgress strange behavior

2015-06-07 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 I'm using ICS FTP client in an application to upload large files to 
 a ftp server. In order to know hoe much data from the file has been 
 transferred I use the onprogress property.
 Everything worked fine in my app till 31 May 2015.
 Starting from 1 June 2015 i got no reply from the progress. The 
 files are uploaded but i have no visual feedback until the process is 
 done.The only way to get the progress is to restart my application.
 Any idea why is this happening? I used a built in debugger to trap 
 errors in my application but there appears to be no error.
 Could it be related to date?

It's very unlikely to be the date, there is no data processing during an FTP 
More likely the size of the file, the first was 6GB, the second 22G, perhaps you
don't reset some counters before an upload and exceed something somewhere. 

Very unlikely to be a problem in the component.  But make sure you have an 
handler in the onprogress event, since exceptions in events may be ignored. 


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Re: [twsocket] Delphi XE8 Announced

2015-04-16 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
The Stable Version ICS V8.16 can now be downloaded and installed from within
XE8, using Tools, GetIt, along with other various open source components.  

GetIt downloads from our wiki download page, unzips, builds and installs the
packages and adds the source path.  

Currently, only planning for stable versions to be installed by GetIt, not the
latest SVN overnight zip.  If you update a GetIt install with a later version
for VCL, the path will be:


which translates on my PC to:


Note currently GetIt is installing FMX and VCL versions separately in different
directories, I'm trying to get this fixed. 


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Re: [twsocket] Which SSL Options are recommended?

2015-04-09 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 I've seen a list of SSL Options here:
 Are there recommended options that should be set?  (I'm using the 
 latest Open SSL version 1.0.2a).

I don't think many of these Options matter now, many are historic for old
browsers and bugs.  

For my public web site I use the following

SslDHParamFile := (myfile) 
SslVersionMethod := sslBestVer_SERVER ; 
SslOptions := [sslOpt_NO_SSLv2, sslOpt_NO_SSLv3, 
SslECDHMethod := sslECDH_P256 ;
SslCipherList := SslCiphersMozillaSrvInter ;  

Those settings get me a test result of A at:

Adding an extra HTTP header to each page gets my result up to A+:

CExtraHeaders := 'Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000'+CRLF; 

This forces use of HTTPS by the browser. 

If you are using a client, I'd use the same SslOptions, but the server may have
different ideas, it really controls what happens. 


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[twsocket] Delphi XE8 Announced

2015-04-07 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
Delphi XE8 has been announced today:

ICS has been tested with XE8 and new packages are available.

I've created a Stable Version ICS V8.16 available from the download page as an
alternative to the daily V8 snapshot that, rarely, does have a bug that takes a
few days to fix:

From XE8 onwards, Delphi includes a new GetIt tool that offers a catalog of
third party components, and allows them to be automatically downloaded and
installed. This same stable ICS version should be available from GetIt in a day
or two once testing is complete. 


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Re: [twsocket] SslWSocketServer

2015-04-03 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 But, the server private key, must be present as a file on the local 
 PC running the application. This means that the private key is 
 anything but.

Currently, SslContext only reads keys and certificates from files, not streams
or anything else.  That was how I added DHParams last month, but in retrospect
these (up to four of different key lengths) would be better loaded as streams.
So I'll look at loading all files as streams, but it may be a few weeks. 

 subsequent attempts to connect fail with error code 10053

You can convert winsock error numbers to messages with
WSocketGetErrorMsgFromErrorCode, it will tell you aborted which does not mean
much.  You have probably not closed the previous connection.


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Re: [twsocket] Mail Send with SSL

2015-03-22 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 I  want use the Overbyte ICS component for sending Mails with SSL. 
 The demo is running fine (I can send Mails).

 Now I wanted to create my own certificates (according to the 
 instructions in the directory SSlCerts File IcsSslBuildCerts.bat).

SSL client applications generally don't need SSL certificates, they are
required by all servers to actually encrypt the data, and optionally to prove
the server and domain match.  

An SSL client only needs a private key and certificate if it needs to prove
it's identity to the server as a second level over passwords, and the server
owner would normally issue the certificates. 

If you want to create a certificate request to buy an SSL certificate or create
a untrusted self signed certificate, build the OverbyteIcsPemTool sample
application which provides a GUI to do all this.  You can copy the code into
your own application for end users, generally only servers again.  

If an SSL client wants to check the server certificate is trusted, you need a
trusted store of root certificates, and these regularly expire or are cancelled,
so need to kept up to date somehow. 

The OverbyteIcsPemTool allows you to explore the Windows trusted store and
export all the trusted certificates into a single file or directory that
OpenSSL understands.  Or look at the OverbyteIcsMsVerify sample that
illustrates how to check certificates directly against the Windows trusted
store (which Windows Updates keeps up to date).

BTW, secure email testing is best done against Google gmail.  


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[twsocket] OpenSSL 1.0.2a support

2015-03-19 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
ICS v8 has been updated to support OpenSSL 1.0.2a and 1.0.1m, which include
various security advisory fixes.  

The changes and OpenSSL zips may be downloaded from the SVN repository or the
overnight zip file at:

These SMPT and POP3 mail components now both support the IcsLogger.

I added the logger to try and find out why I could no longer collect email from
Hotmail/Live at after updating to OpenSSL 1.0.2 which appears to
be because it used very old ciphers.  

SSL Connected OK with TLSv1, cipher RC4-MD5, key exchange RSA, encryption
RC4(128), message authentication MD5

No idea why Microsoft uses such old ciphers, whereas Google goes out of it's
way to use the latest ciphers, as does Windows 2012. 

Fortunately, this transpires to be a limitation of OpenSSL 1.0.2, not an ICS
bug, and is unchanged in 1.0.2a.  I found users of other applications with a
similar problem, although one solution found is to set SslVersionMethod :=
sslTLS_V1_CLIENT; to force TLSv1 instead of starting with TLSv1.2.  

Alternatively if support for older ciphers is important, stick to 1.0.1m which
still works OK.


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[twsocket] OpenSSL 1.0.2 support, DH and EC key support

2015-03-17 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
ICS v8 has been updated to support OpenSSL 1.0.2 and DH and EC keys, 
and to better support TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 protocols.   The changes 
may be downloaded from the SVN repository or the overnight zip file at:

Sorry, François's ISP is still unable to get the wiki server running. 

This group of changes allow ICS SSL servers to support DH (Diiffie-
Hellman) and EDH/DHE (Ephemeral DH) key exchange, and EC (Elliptic 
Curve) encryption) for ECDH and EECDH key exchange, as well as the 
older RSA key exchange.  Note SSL clients already supported these key 

DH support requires supply of DH Parameters which are used to 
generate new keys for each session, which implements Forward Secrecy
preventing decryption of old sessions if the certificate key is later 
broken or stolen.

Currently, ICS only supports reading DH Parameters from a file generated
using the openssl.exe utility with key lengths of 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
bits and it's recommended these are generated when an application is
installed, although three prepared files are supplied. Beware 
generating DH Parameters takes a while, about 15 minutes for the 2048 
bit file, 30 seconds for the 1024 file.  ICS does not yet have a 
function to generate DH Parameters but I'll add it shortly, also a 
way to build them into the application rather than using a file.

EC support is much easier, just selection of SslECDHMethod as s
sslECDHNone, sslECDHAuto, sslECDH_P256, sslECDH_P384 and 
sslECDH_P521.  Currently MSIE 11 does not seem to like the ICS EC 
support, still investigating.

Note that server use of these new options needs matching Ciphers to be
available, and all testing has been with sslCiphersMozillaSrvInter.

SVN notes for specific units:

Mar 16, 2015 V8.15
Angus added more SslOptions: sslOpt_NO_COMPRESSION, 
sslOpt_CISCO_ANYCONNECT, sslOpt_NO_TLSv1_1 and sslOpt_NO_TLSv1_2
Added more SslVersionMethods: sslTLS_V1_1, sslTLS_V1_2 and sslBestVer 
which is eqivalent to sslV23 and actually means any of SSLV3, TLS1, 
TLS1.1 or TLS1.2. To disable some versions, use sslBestVer and 
disable specific ones using SslOptions. To force only one version, 
set SslVersionMethod to that version. Choosing a specific TLS version 
will fail if matching Ciphers are not available OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT 
removed so SSL Server Name Identification is always supported
Added SslDHParamFile to load a DH Parameters for Diiffie-Hellman DH 
and EDH key ciphers. DH param files may have key lengths of 512, 
1024, 2048, 4096 bits and currently need to be generated using the 
opensll.exe utility (or use those that come with ICS)
Added SslECDHMethod to select Elliptic Curves to support ECDH and 
EECDH key ciphers
Note, only OpenSSL 1.0.1 and later are now supported since this added 
TLS 1.1/1.2

Mar 13, 2015 V8.07
Angus allow load of OSSL 1.0.2 (briefly tested)
Note, only OpenSSL 1.0.1 and later are now supported, removed some old
conditionals and code
Added functions and literals for DH and EC key support

Mar 13, 2015 V8.01
Angus updated SSL_OP option literals, added TLS v1.1 and 1.2 methods
Added functions need to generate DH keys for EDH ciphers with Forward
Note, only OpenSSL 1.0.1 and later are now supported, removed various

OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT now disabled

Mar 16 2015   V8.01
Angus added DH File (mainly for servers)
Added SSL Version and Cipher edits to make testing easier
Reset SSL when changing parameters to force new negotiation

Mar 16, 2015 V8.00 Angus default key length now 2048

Mar 16 2015  V8.01
Angus added DHParam File needed to supporting DH key exchange
Set ECDH method to support ECDH key exchange

Mar 16 2015  V8.02
Angus added DHParam File needed to supporting DH key exchange
Added EllCurve to support ECDH key exchange
Display SSL handshake info on demo menu
Added Server Name Indication (SNI) display, used to support multiple host
and certificates on the same IP address
(note the OverbyteIcsSslSniSrv sample is better and changes the SslContext)

Mar 16, 2015 V8,00 Angus uses Sha256 instead of Sha1 for all signing

DH Parameter files with different key lengths.

Re: [twsocket] ICS - TWSocketThrdServer Client

2015-03-10 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 due to the BannerTooBusy string that is sent

These banners do cause trouble, I might clear them, I got caught a long time
ago with a new server. 

 It is therefore necessary to change the 'Client.Close;' line to 
 'Client.CloseDelayed;' in 'OverbyteIcsWSocketS.pas' 

I'll have a look at that, maxclients is not something often reached.


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Re: [twsocket] Lazarus and free pascal?

2015-03-09 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 Are there any ICS versions that will work with Lazarus and FPC?  
 Windows only would be fine.  

ICS has been used with FPC in the past and still contains some conditions
relating to FPC.  

But I've never used FPC myself so I've no idea if changes have been made that
are FPC incompatible.

You'll just have to test it.


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Re: [twsocket] SSL Problem

2015-03-04 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 My ICS has revised date: Sept 3, 2014. It's a nightly snapshot. I 
 have OpenSSL 1.0.1k (compiled by you). 

You may have have them, but it's unlikely you are using them together since
1.0.1k was only released on 19th January 2015 and needs a nightly snapshot
dated then or later to install it.  ICS does not load newer versions of OpenSSL
that have not been tested. 

 I have an SMTP client and an HTTP client.

SSL client have much less control over ciphers than servers, essentially only
flags like sslOpt_NO_TLSv1, sslOpt_NO_SSLv2, sslOpt_NO_SSLv3 to refuse old
ciphers. SslVersionMethod is very crude and does not support TLS 1.2, so you
have to leave it as sslV23_CLIENT.

If you use a specific CipherList with a client, you risk being unable to access
a server that does not match it, maybe not today, but probably tomorrow when
the server is hardened. SSL servers need to be updated frequently to counter
new threats. 

 Can you tell me why I get the 'SSL3_CLIENT_HELLO:no ciphers 
 available' fatal error I have a USENET news
 reader program that uses an indy nntp client and the suite works 
 fine with it.

Ciphers are primarily chosen by the server, so unless you are using the ICS
SMTP and HTTP client to talk to an NTTP news server, what Indy supports is


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Re: [twsocket] SSL Problem

2015-03-03 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 I have a high security email program that I'm trying to correct for
 POODLE in. It also uses https. 

Which version of ICS TWSocket are you using, and which OpenSSL version? 1.0.1j
fixed Poodle.  Is this a client or server?  

A client has much less control over ciphers than a server, the latest ICS V8
provides several levels of Ciphers used by Mozilla with
sslCiphersMozillaSrvHigh being the best.

This was all discussed when I explained how to stop Poodle in a mailing list
post on 20 October 2014. 

Connecting to Gmail, I get excellent ciphers:

SSL Connected OK with TLSv1.2, cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, key exchange
ECDH, encryption AESGCM(128), message authentication AEAD


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Re: [twsocket] ICS - TWSocketThrdServer Client

2015-02-23 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 - What OS - I am using Win7 Ultimate and a Win Server 2008 for 

Both 64-bit with at least 8GB?  Windows Server 2008 (aka Vista) is getting old
now, from 2008 R2 onwards 32-bit was abandoned. 

 Local testing is however representative of both operation
 on a Win Server installation and using completely asynchronous 

Maybe, maybe not. A fairer test would be several clients each running a few
hundred sessions against the server, more real world.  Better to test this now
rather than when the project is live.


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Re: [twsocket] XE7 support

2015-02-23 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 I want to ask if there will be a new version of ICS for Delphi XE7?

ICS V8 was updated for XE7 on 3rd September 2014 and announced in this mailing

Just download the overnight SVN V8 version, normally from the Wiki site but the
ISP is still trying to fix it, also from:

ICS is always immediately available for new releases of Delphi, it used to be
on the companion DVD before that disappeared.  With the six monthly release
cycle of Delphi, XE8 must be just around the corner.  


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Re: [twsocket] looking for a image or a video stream demo

2015-02-21 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 Title says it basically am in need of a demo showing how to use 
 Overbyte to stream a image over network

There are no such samples with ICS.  The concept of 'streaming' is inherent in
networking, but there are numerous ways of doing it with either TCP or UDP.


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Re: [twsocket] ICS - TWSocketThrdServer Client

2015-02-20 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 looked at the Wiki (when that was working

The SVN over night zips last successfully uploaded to the wiki server a week
ago, I've asked François to chase his ISP.  

The SVN zips can also be downloaded from:

but have not changed in the last week.

 I can connect and stream to approximately 3500 clients (500 per
 thread) simultaneously on an I7 machine 

What OS is this?  Windows desktop systems are performance crippled to make you
buy proper Windows Servers.  

There is only restricted non-paged memory in Windows, and I suspect you are
hitting that limit. 

This has been discussed years here ago, but is not specifically an ICS issue,
Googling for socket based applications using thousands of connections may bring
some suggestions.

I've personally only tested several hundred connections, never any more.


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Re: [twsocket] FTP Client - Port Number

2015-02-13 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 I have a user who wants to change the FTP Port number to something 
 like 14581. 

Component wise there is no problem using strange ports, I use 2100 for testing

But NAT routers may be less forgiving, they need to modify IP addresses in the
control channel to forward packets and know which port to open for the data
connection, and expect port 21.
This is mainly a server issue, the client can use passive mode.


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Re: [twsocket] C++ Builder 6: Compiling ICSv8

2015-02-04 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 Is there a reason why C++ Builder 6 doesn't/can't support the 
 building of ICSv8?

Sorry, we don't currently support C++ Builder for new ICS versions, none of us
have the sufficient C++ knowledge to do so.

The earliest Delphi we still support is 7 due to new language features in that
release, I don't know which C++ version matched that.


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Re: [twsocket] SSLHttpServer...

2015-01-22 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 I am testing with the OverbyteIcsSslWebServ1 demo using version 
 If I test with HTTP it fails with: [12:33:26] 
 SslHandshake failed. No other error, nothing else logged.

Most likely you don't have valid SSL certificates set-up, that always causes
SSL to fail.

But you are also using an ancient version of ICS, specifically there were
improvements to the reporting of SSL handshaking errors last month, so you
should update to the v8 from the overnight zip at:


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[twsocket] OpenSSL 1.0.1k binaries available

2015-01-20 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
Thanks to RTT for recompiling the OpenSSL 1.0.1k binaries so
there are no external dependencies with Microsoft runtime libraries. 

1.0.1k contains eight security fixes.

These need to be used with the latest ICS v8 from the SVN, which has been
updated to support 1.0.1k and earlier. 

The nightly ICS v8 and OpenSSL binaries may be downloaded from:

Note most users only need to download the 32-bit DLLs, the 64-bit DLLs are only
for use with Delphi applications compiled for the 64-bit platform.  The 32-bit
DLLs work on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows with 32-bit applications. 

There was another OpenSSL version the day after these DLLs were built, 1.0.1l,
but the only changes were for building the DLLs, so don't think we need it. 


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Re: [twsocket] UNICODE Issue with OverByte ICS SSL SMTP

2014-12-21 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 3.  I received numerous errors concerning TSmtpSslType and 

Most likely you don't have ICS SSL installed, remove the dot from the $DEFINE
USE_SSL line in 


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Re: [twsocket] UNICODE Issue with OverByte ICS SSL SMTP Client

2014-12-16 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 Will you please send your eight sample messages to

I received several MIME emails:

Content-Type: application/octet-stream; Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=SSL SMTP Component Message 01.eml

I was expecting emails composed and sent by the component, not emails prepared
a few weeks ago sent as email attachments. 


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Re: [twsocket] Quick way to get users MS ping?

2014-12-15 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 Am looking for a quick dirty way to get users MS ping from main 
 chat server to client I seen a ping demo in src but seams over 
 complex is there a easier way to get users ping speed?

No easier way, ping does not require much code, this is a cut down example from
the IP Logger component I asked you to look at last week:

with TPingThread.Create (True) do   // create suspended
FreeOnTerminate := True;
PingId := Socnr ;
OnTerminate := PingThreadDone ;
PingHostName := RemHost ;
PingSocketFamily := BindFamily ;  
PingSrcAddress := ICS_ANY_HOST_V4 ;
PingSrcAddress6 := ICS_ANY_HOST_V6 ;
PingTimeout := FPingWaitSecs * 1000 ;
PingTTL := 40 ; // hops
PingLookupReply := false ;  // reverse DNS
Resume ; // start it now, with Delphi XE should use Start
result := true ;
end ;

procedure TMagIpLog.PingThreadDone (Sender: TObject);
  with Sender as TPingThread do   // this event is thread safe
   if ErrCode = 0 then
   RemIp := DnsHostIP ;
   BindFamily := PingSocketFamily ;
   if DnsHostIP  ReplyIPAddr then
   FLastErrorStr := FCurTitle + ' Ping Did Not Reach Host';
   end else
   FLastErrorStr := FCurTitle + ' Failed Ping' ;


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Re: [twsocket] FTP Error

2014-12-13 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 I have one client that is always getting problems with the FTP 
 transfers we are performing.
 Any clues as to what could cause the error at 18:10:37.544

It looks like you are opening a second FTP control connection to a different IP
address before closing the first connection. 


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Re: [twsocket] IcsLogger

2014-11-26 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 I have been unable to establish if ICS  supports
 TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2. I expect it does, but would appreciate your
 confirming this.

Yes, OpenSSL supports TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2, you should see this reported in the
handshake completed event like:
Secure connection with TLSv1.2, cipher AES128-SHA, 

But OpenSSL settings may disable some features for backward compatibility, so
you do need to check carefully.

 Thank you so much for your reply. I'm taking your advice and 
 forgetting the IcsLogger and pursuing SSL errors via SSL events.

I've been debugging a handshake problem and it turns out that currently the
IcsLogger uses some OpenSSL error handling routines that are not currently
public in twsocket.pas so can not be accessed by applications.  

so you may get more detailed errors using IcsLogger for SSL errors at present.
I'm going to try and improve the SSL error reporting next month. 


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Re: [twsocket] IcsLogger

2014-11-23 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 I'm trying to use the IcsLogger to trace down an SSL problem, but 
 I'm only getting this one line in the log file:
 15:21:49:633 InitCtx OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1i 6 Aug 2014

You also need to attach the logger to any socket or other components you are
using, they should all have an IcsLogger property (so that is also an ambiguous
name for a component). 

But generally you are unlikely to learn more about any SSL errors from the
logger than from properly reporting errors after SSL requests complete.  The
logger is primarily for internal ICS development purposes.  Few people
understand the actual OpenSSL calls, I certainly don't.  


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[twsocket] OT: Let's Encrypt free SSL/TLS certificates

2014-11-19 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd

From next summer, it will be possible for applications to automatically request
and install free SSL/TLS web domain certificates, using infrastructure from
Let's Encrypt certificate authority:

Essentially, the client runs an application that creates the SSL private keys
and certificate request, and sends it automatically to Let's Encrypt.  There
are then challenges to prove the domain is owned by client, either by creating
a DNS record or a specific file on a web server, which the CA checks before
automatically sending a new certificate back, which can be installed
automatically.  Revocation is automated in a similar manner.

The specifications are at:

Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME)
ACME is a protocol for automating the management of domain-validation
certificates, based on a simple JSON-over-HTTPS interface. This repository
contains the specification for ACME.

Effectively these are domain verified SSL certificates, which currently cost
about $16 per year from automated CAs like RapidSSL, 
not a certificate that shows a business name which still costs $200 per year or
more.  Not sure when testing starts, but I'll certainly create an ICS component
to get these SSL certificates, I need it for my own applications.


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Re: [twsocket] OpenSSL and Poodle exploit

2014-11-07 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 I see you speak of fixing web servers in regard to the poodle 
 exploit. Is there any problem with clients? I see mine are set to 
 sslv23. I believe that was the default. Should I change this and if 
 so, to what?

The issue with clients is they usually need to access a wide range of servers,
some of which may not be using TLS.  Not everyone keeps their servers up to
date.  You can try disabling v2 and v3, but then check your common sites are
still available.  

SslContext.SslOptions := [sslOpt_NO_SSLv2, sslOpt_NO_SSLv3];
 Also, I was wondering if it's possible to get a snapshot of your 
 openssl 1.0.1i or 1.0.1j?

1.0.1i has been available since August at the downloads page:

We've not yet done an ICS 1.0.1j version, it's a minor release with mitigation
for poodle, but setting options works just as well.  There is quite a lot of
effort in updating and testing new OpenSSL releases, and they are getting too


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[twsocket] OpenSSL and Poodle exploit

2014-10-20 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
There has been recent press about an SSL server exploit called Poodle, which
only effect SSLv3, not the more recent TLS 1.x protocols.  

Disabling SSLv3 in servers can be done by setting:

SslContext.SslVersionMethod := sslV23_SERVER;
SslContext.SslOptions := [sslOpt_NO_SSLv2, sslOpt_NO_SSLv3,

v2 was obsolete long ago.

You should also change the cipher suite, Mozilla now suggests three levels of
ciphers, which are all now added to the latest overnight ICS v8 SVN.  

The minimum browsers these ciphers support are:

sslCiphersMozillaSrvHigh - Firefox 27, Chrome 22, IE 11, Opera 14, Safari 7,
Android 4.4, Java 8

sslCiphersMozillaSrvInter -  Firefox 1, Chrome 1, IE 7, Opera 5, Safari 1,
Windows XP IE8, Android 2.3, Java 7

sslCiphersMozillaSrvBack - Windows XP IE6, Java 6 

so since IE6 is long obsolete I suggest:

SslContext.SslCipherList := sslCiphersMozillaSrvInter; 

Once you have your ICS SSL web server updated and installed on a public server,
there is an excellent SSL testing web site at:

It takes a few minutes to test all the ciphers, but generates a detailed
security report giving your web site a letter rating.  Making the changes above
raised my ICS SSL site from C to A-.  


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Re: [twsocket] Use of TSslContext in sending SSL email (quick question)n)

2014-10-10 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 Is it necessary for me to create a separate TSslContext each time I 
 create a new TSslSmtpCliWithFEhloCount

No, an SslContext set-up for SSL client or a single SSL server certificate can
be shared by multiple socket components.  

The only issue is in SSL servers using MultiListen, where different IP
addresses will need different certificates and all will share the same context
so will fail.  Just got caught on this with a project.


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Re: [twsocket] What is the correct format for friendly FROM address in TSslSmtpCli?

2014-10-08 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 I've tried several combinations (Using delphi with TSslSmtpCli) 
 sending both through gmail and through my own ISP's server to both 
 hotmail and a pop3 address. I can't seem to get the right 'from' 
 email to show up when going through gmail. It keeps showing the 
 real gmail account email instead.

That's a Gmail anti-spamming feature.  So you can not forge the From address. 


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Re: [twsocket] Help with sending mail through gmail please

2014-10-07 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 The .exe in the zip runs ok but no matter which host and 
 corresponding user/password I use it always reports
 Can Not Open Mail Server: name of the mail server:25 - 426 Timeout

Without SSL, you won't be able to connect to Gmail, see below. 

Just tested the original binary, all I did was changed To: my own email address
and clicked Send Mail, that will also work for you since it will send to my
account through, but obviously not to email addresses hosted
by my server. 

These EXE does need the old OpenSSL files included in the zip, it's not been
updated for two years.  
 And the .proj file I can't get to compile because of loads of 
 errors based around not being able to find types eg
 [Pascal Error] MagentaMailQueue.pas(125): E2003 Undeclared 
 identifier: 'TSmtpSslType'

SSL is optional for ICS applications, these are the errors you get when don't
specify USE_SSL in the project file or don't change:


After either change, rebuild the project so all conditional SSL code is built. 


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Re: [twsocket] Help with sending mail through gmail please

2014-10-07 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 I agree with Angus, you would be better off to send the e-mails 
 individually to the recipients' mail servers.  

My main point was it's better to send individually addressed emails, than bulk
BCC, they are less likely to be intercepted as spam, even if it takes longer to
do so.  

I did mention sending directly to recipients' mail servers, but this was mainly
if the mail levels are higher than a Gmail account allows.  

There is a spam detection risk when sending from known dynamic IP ranges, and
without reverse DNS for that address, ideally you need DNS MX records and a
mail server to receive bounces. 


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Re: [twsocket] TWSocketServer listen connections

2014-10-07 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 I do not want to close the connection, and not destroy it, must 
 leave all connected clients and access them when needed to send
 data and information,
 I do not need to use Cliente.Free? it will not overload the memory?

No, your Cliente is simply a pointer to the real client in the component, there
is no memory used and free closes the real client, which reduces ClientCount,
so your loop goes mad. 

Note that clients are totally dynamic, each time a client closes or another one
connects, the client total goes up and down, and the index of each client

Maybe this does not matter for your display, but otherwise you need to keep
track of where a connection from, if you wish to respond to it. CliId is unique,
incremented for each new connection.   


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Re: [twsocket] Help with sending mail through gmail please

2014-10-06 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 see how much I can remove to get just the
 core functionality and minimum property seting needed to simply 
 automatically send a emailed newletter.

Please do look at the Mail Queue Component I mentioned, the demo is actually a
cut down version of a mailing list application I wrote 15 years ago and use


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Re: [twsocket] TWSocketServer in depdicated thread

2014-09-11 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
  However the question is: why events 
 are not raised in case of moving TWSocketServer out of main 
 application thread? 

Because you need a message handler in the thread.  There are lots of samples
that show how to use threads. 


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Re: [twsocket] TWSocketServer in depdicated thread

2014-09-10 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 I'm trying to make TWSocketServer pworking in a separate thread

Why not start with TWSocketThrdServer? 

Look at the sample OverbyteIcsThrdSrvV3.dpr which uses it. 


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Re: [twsocket] Simple Example to receive POST Data with THttpAppServer?

2014-09-09 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 yes, I've looked at the example. But if I try to implement this to 
 my application the OnPostedData-Event is never raised. I don't know 
 why :-(.

 Is there a Handler for POST-Data, that I have to register first?

You do need an AddPostHandler page handler for each POST page you need, maybe
as well as a AddGetHandler, and you check Client.Method to see which called it.


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Re: [twsocket] issues with POSTing data to ICS HTTP server (reproducible with ICS HTTP server demo)

2014-09-04 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 For a current project I need to build an HTTP server to which data 
 can be POSTed, so I build one using OverbyteIcsWebServ.dpr as an 
 I ran into stability problems, and starting slimming my code down 
 to isolate the problem.

Please try uploading your file to one of my public servers, which uses the ICS
webapp server component, and see if you get the same problem.


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Re: [twsocket] issues with POSTing data to ICS HTTP server (reproducible with ICS HTTP server demo)

2014-09-04 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 Thanks for the idea, can I upload files from software instead of
 using the webpage?

This is explained when you read the web page.


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Re: [twsocket] issues with POSTing data to ICS HTTP server (reproducible with ICS HTTP server demo)

2014-09-04 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 No, I can't reproduce using that URL

You did not succeed in saving any files on the server, because my application
ignores all upload file names with file path delimiters.  It will be a better
test if you strip off the path and just leave the XML file name.  

12:42:59 Request:[id=5398] from
i-bin/FileUpload/books.xml POST 
12:42:59 Received Post Data File, Size 4,550, Content Type: application/binary
12:42:59 Illegal Upload File Name: merijn.test/cgi-bin/FileUpload/books.xml
FileName: merijn.test/cgi-bin/FileUpload/books.xml
Post URL:
From IP Address:
12:42:59 Request Completed:[id=5398]
(, Result 200, took 0ms, CurRead 4.97 Kbytes, CurWrite 2.35


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Re: [twsocket] issues with POSTing data to ICS HTTP server (reproducible with ICS HTTP server demo)

2014-09-04 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 I've tried a number of times with this url
 Can you please confirm if the upload went ok?

 Received Post Data File, Size 4,550, Content Type: application/binary
 FileName: merijn.test/cgi-bin/FileUpload/books.xml

No, my application decodes the received POST data with TFormDataAnalyser, and
that has the longer CGI file name.  

It ignores the URL argument if the HTTP content says multipart/form-data.

It's a couple of years since I worked with this stuff and I don't POST files in
any of my active applications, so I'm a little hazy on why it's there -
possibly to test the form decoding components when someone in this mailing list
was having a problem. 


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[twsocket] OT: Buffer Overflow in VCL Bitmap Processing Code

2014-08-22 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
Because Embarcadero is still trying to get it's forums and newsgroups running
after two weeks downtime, some may have missed a security vulnerability in the
VCL graphics unit processing bitmaps:

The bug needs a two line fix in graphics.pas, in all versions of Delphi.


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Re: [twsocket] OpenSSL 1.0.1h binaries available

2014-08-01 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
The Overbyte web sites have finally returned to life, so the new OpenSSL
binaries are also available on the wiki download page:


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Re: [twsocket] THTTPCli and 307 or 308 redirects with non GET methods

2014-07-09 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 Not easy to get it from the RFCs or from the online discussions, 

Can we please make a final decision if further redirect changes are needed now,
just doing other updates. 


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[twsocket] Magenta Systems IP Log Streaming Component

2014-07-08 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
Version 2.0 of the Magenta Systems IP Log Streaming Component may now be freely
downloaded from:

Version 2.0 adds IPv6 and SSL support including certificate checking
using a PEM bundle file or Windows Certificate Store, adds host name
support for clients and adds sending a stream of unlimited length. 

The component needs ICS v8 dated April 2014 or later installed. 


TMagIpLog is designed for IP stream logging, using TCP Client, TCP Server, UDP
Client or UDP Server protocols, sending simple text lines across a network so
they may be displayed or written to disk remotely. The component allows two way
communication with TCP and UDP, so may also be used for simple protocols such
as communication between two applications. The component supports multiple
client sockets so may be used to send data to two or more different remote
servers at the same time. For TCP and UDP clients, the component will
optionally ping the remote computer first before opening an IP connection to
allow faster failure retries and some confirmation that UDP may work. TCP
client provides repeated connection retry attempts, including re-establishing a
lost connection. UDP client will optionally keep pinging the remote during a
connection to ensure it's still there. UDP server sends data to the IP address
and port from which it last received data. TCP server supports multiple remote
clients connecting. Received data is parsed for various line endings optionally
removing control characters and triggering an event for a received line. The
only other two events are optional, one for state changed when starting and
stopping, the second offering progress information and errors.  The component
supports both IPv4 and IPv6, host name lookup for TCP and UDP Client, and SSL
connections for TCP Client and TCP Server, including remote server certificate
checking using either a local PEM bundle root file or the Windows Certificate

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[twsocket] Future improvements for HTTP components?

2014-06-25 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
This message is intended to start a dialog about future improvements to ICS
components for Windows, in particular the HTTP client and server components
where the world is moving ahead of us. 

Currently, new features tend to get added as needed by the main ICS developers
for specific projects, for instance I've added cookie and better MIME support
recently for my own projects.  Other users have customised ICS components for
their own purposes, sometimes submitting them as 'usermade' back to ICS,
sometimes making them public in other ways.  

So the first question here is are new features needed for future Delphi
projects using ICS, and if so what, in which order of priority? 

The next question is has someone done this work already, and are they prepared
to donate the work to ICS for others to share?  

Finally, all this new stuff has to integrated and tested with the existing ICS
code, which can be time consuming on it's own, so who can help?  Usually that
is those benefiting from the improvements?

Specifically, for the HTTP client and server components:

1 - Support all the current requests, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, TRACE, OPTIONS and
CONNECT, optionally. 

2 - Support OAuth and/or OpenID authentication.  

3 - Support Web sockets (not really HTTP), already done by Stan Korotky at


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Re: [twsocket] Nagios like communication

2014-06-25 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 which component can be used as client to talk to the above server 
 Building an http server into my program sounds good but is way too 
 much for what I need.

Look at free Magenta Systems IP Log Streaming Component at:

which is a high level TCP/IP and UDP/IP, server and client, all in a single
component, that can be dropped on a form and only needs a couple of events to
send and receive lines of data.  

There is an EXE demo in the zip.  It handles all the boring error handling,
connection and disconnection events, retries on failure, etc, so you just
program your own protocol. 

I've just finished a new version supporting SSL and IPv6, not on the web site


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Re: [twsocket] Future improvements for HTTP components?

2014-06-25 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 basic http server that handles requests but process them on 
 different and configurable number of threads. Anyone?

Have you looked at the existing threaded components and demos: 

OverbyteIcsWSocketTS.pas - Winsock component for building multithreaded servers

OverbyteIcsThrdSrv.dpr - Basic multithreaded TCP server, banner sent in main

OverbyteIcsThrdSrvV2.dpr - Basic multithreaded TCP server, banner sent in
worker thread

OverbyteIcsThrdSrvV3.dpr - Basic TCP server showing how to use

Effectively, the existing HTTP server component needs OverbyteIcsWSocketS.pas
replacing with OverbyteIcsWSocketTS.pas.

I might look at this in a few months, since my own web server is currently
blocking for a few milliseconds while SQL requests complete, but no-one has
ever complained.  


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Re: [twsocket] Nagios like communication

2014-06-10 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 The linchpin of all this is, that the program itself is up and 
 running, doesn't hang and that it can
 still response. Otherwise, days can go by and no data is recorded.

I hope your application is already a Windows service, you can then make use of
the various service restart options if it stops. 

These options do not handle lock-ups, so you really need a second Windows
service sending messages to the first, and using various methods to crash and
restart it if there is no response, maybe also checking a shared file or
registry key to make sure the first program is working.  

 So my idea was to have a little watchdog (to be programmed) running 
 on a server which regularly connects to all of the clients to get a
 response that all is well. 

Several years ago I had a large project with PCs running on road vehicles,
which is a horrible environment, power surges, heat and vibration.  I had three
'vehicle activity servers' using TWSocketServer which the remote vehicles
contacted via wifi (and later 3G) every five minutes, which updated a SQL
database, reported on web pages.  

I designed a simple TCP/IP ASCII protocol that ended up with about 50 different
commands each way, returning status information like fan speeds and CPU
temperatures so we knew when the PCs were about to die (50% of CPU fans died
within a year).  

Some of this you can do with off the shelf software, I sell an application
ComCap that accepts UDP and TCP messages, and will email based on content or
when they stop, and I use it myself so I know when my remote hosted servers
goes off-line.  

Nagios is probably similar, but much more specialised than ComCap, but I've no
idea what sort of input streams it expects. 


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Re: [twsocket] THTTPCli and 307 or 308 redirects with non GET methods

2014-06-07 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 Not easy to get it from the RFCs or from the online discussions, 
 but I've now checked how Firefox and Chrome are implementing it

Exactly, each browser has implemented redirection in different ways for
different requests, there is no general consensus

If you can just check MSIE as well, harder without source, we can be sure to
following most browsers. 


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Re: [twsocket] THTTPCli and 307 or 308 redirects with non GET methods

2014-05-27 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 This subject doesn't deserve not even a reply?!

I'm the only one able to fix things here at the moment, and I have a lot of
other priorities.  But I'll put it on my list for next month.


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Re: [twsocket] TSslPop3Cli... 6.13

2014-05-26 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
  Note messages are only deleted when the mailbox is actually 
  closed with the QUIT command.
 I think that is the issue. This is a 24/7 program and I do not 
 issue the quit until the program is stopped.

POP3 mailboxes are rarely dynamic, they show a snapshot of the content when
opened, and not email that arrives while they are open.  Otherwise the STAT,
LIST and UIDL command message numbers would not match the message numbers when
you retrieve or delete something.  

I guess they could retrieve new content each time one of those commands is
issued, and maybe that is what a modern database driven POP3 mailbox can do,
unlike the old flat file mailboxes from years ago.  

But generally closing the POP3 mailbox as soon as possible is the way to work. 


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Re: [twsocket] C++Builder XE6

2014-05-13 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 I would be happy to share my work if you'd like and you think it 
 might be helpful to others... 

Probably, but we really need all three missing BCB versions tested, which needs
someone with all these versions installed, which is not trivial. I have Windows
7 VM that is currently 120 gigs with 13 (I think) versions of Delphi/BCB
installed, which I use for testing ICS, it was a pain to set-up, I hope it
never self destructs so I don't have to start again. 

 Also, I have a question about the 'Debug' vs 'Release' build. Right 
 now it seems the projects compile with the 'Debug' build. What
 advantage does compiling for 'Release' have? 

What actually happens for debug and release builds can be customised, but
generally release is smaller since there is no debug information in the EXE.  


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Re: [twsocket] TFtipClient and TFtpServer and 10053 error after Transmit successful...

2014-04-25 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 Not sure if this gives us more information to go on.  Any ideas?

Assuming you are logging OnError, I can see no errors reported, so all we have
is the error code 500 after a sequence of FTP events that all appear to have
completed correctly. Are you logging the ErrorMessage property at the end, it
may have something? 

However, there seems to be a missing response to QUIT, it should be:

 221 Goodbye.
FTP Session Closed

so maybe this is where your abort error is coming from.  If you log a different
client without the error, do you see 221? 

I've never used TRANSMIT, or any of the other methods that do a complete FTP
session using a single method, the problem is you really have no idea when it
fails as to why, as you've discovered.  I use the separate methods and check
for errors after every command.  But I ignore errors for QUIT and ABORT, since
nothing actually matters at that point.


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Re: [twsocket] TFtipClient and TFtpServer and 10053 error after Transmit successful...

2014-04-22 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 The Transmit method returns failure even though the file is 
 successfully uploaded. Notice how the request is 18, the StatusCode
 is 226 but an Error 500 is returned with a winsock error of #10053).  

226 is success, so no idea why you get 500 as well.  

The transmit method does several commands in sequence, but you are not logging
enough to see where the error is happening.  You really need to log the
onDisplay, OnError and OnResponse events so you see all the command responses
being processed. 

#10053 is connection aborted, which generally does not matter if the important
commands have already been successful. 


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Re: [twsocket] HTTP PATCH method for the HttpCli

2014-04-20 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
SVN is now updated with the PATCH method in the HTTP Client.


 Original Message 

*Subject:* Re: [twsocket] HTTP PATCH method for the HttpCli
*From:* RTT
*To:* ICS support mailing
*Date:* Fri, 18 Apr 2014 17:31:38 +0100

On 18-04-2014 16:34, Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd wrote:
 So there is no way for us to test the changes, without extra development to
 change our web samples?

 I also can not make TortoiseSVN recognise your patch file, which is either
 faulty or badly formatted, or maybe I just don't know how to use SVN.
I've sent you the file OverbyteIcsHTTProt.pas, with the changes already 
applied, and the OverbyteIcsHttpTst1 project, changed files, with the 
Patch method implemented.

You can test it against this online service
Just set the URL to the patch endpoint,, add 
some text to the data field, and click the Patch button.

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[twsocket] SSL improvements

2014-04-20 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
To improve handling and reporting of PEM SSL certificates, there is a new
component class TX509Ex derived from TX509Base adding properties for most
common certificate entries including extensions, there are the properties
reported for my code signing certificate, as reported by the updated
OverbyteIcsPemTool tool: 

ISSUED TO (Subject)
Common Name (CN):Magenta Systems Ltd
Alt Name (DNS):
Alt Name (IP):
Organisation (O): Magenta Systems Ltd
Country (C): GB
State/Province(ST): England
Locality (L): Croydon
Serial Number: 
Title (T): 
Initials (I): 
Given Name (G): 
Surname (S): 
Description (D): 
Email (Email): 

Common Name (CN):Thawte Code Signing CA - G2
Organisation (O): Thawte, Inc.
Organisational Unit (OU): 
Country (C): GB
State/Province(ST): England
Locality (L): Croydon
Email (Email): 

Serial Number: -1
Issued on:12/10/2013
Expires on:16/10/2014
Key Usage: 
Extended Key Usage: Code Signing, Microsoft Commercial Code Signing
Basic Constraints: CA=FALSE
Authority Info Access: OCSP - URI=

A certificate authority certificate is reported similarly to the following,
which is reported as self signed, by a CA:

ISSUED TO (Subject)
Common Name (CN):thawte Primary Root CA
Alt Name (DNS):
Alt Name (IP):
Organisation (O): thawte, Inc.
Organisational Unit (OU): Certification Services Division, (c) 2006 thawte, Inc.
- For authorized use only
Country (C): US
Locality (L): 
Serial Number: 
Title (T): 
Initials (I): 
Given Name (G): 
Surname (S): 
Description (D): 
Email (Email): 


Serial Number: -1
Issued on:17/11/2006
Expires on:16/07/2036
Key Usage: Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
Extended Key Usage: 
Basic Constraints: CA=TRUE
Authority Info Access: 

The OverbyteIcsPemTool listview now reports the common name, issued to and
issuer, for each certificate it finds in the specific directory. 

When using OverbyteIcsPemTool to create self signed certificates, certificate
requests, and creating PEMs from the Windows Certificate Store, optionally
clear text comments can be added before the base64 blocks to easily identify
different certificates (which otherwise all look much alike), ie:

# X509 SSL Certificate
# Subject Common Name: RapidSSL CA
# Subject Alt Names: 
# Subject Organisation: GeoTrust, Inc.
# Issuer: GeoTrust Global CA
# Expires: 18/02/2020

When creating a certificate requests and self signed certificates, the private
key and certificate may now be optionally saved to separate files, since you
certainly don't want to distribute your private key anywhere. 

Note these changes are in OverbyteIcsSslX509Utils.pas which is currently in the
Samples/Delphi/SslInternet directory, it may be more convenient to copy it to
the main source directory. 


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Re: [twsocket] HTTP PATCH method for the HttpCli

2014-04-18 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 Any technical reason for discarding this functionality I submitted
 some time ago?

How do we test it?  There is no sample to run.  Nothing to test against.  I
don't have time to read the Google Drive API,


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Re: [twsocket] Clarification Re: FTP TLS, SSL, + passive mode problem

2014-04-18 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 asked me about it), this server is private (hosting in US :

So you are using a public server on a WAN, with a NAT routers or a firewall on
either end of the connection?
 as another test i also installed local filezilla server and was 
 able to reproduce same problem with it (ICS upload to local 
 filezilla server)

But now you say it fails on the LAN as well, is that with the ICS SSL demo FTP

This is an extract log from the ICS FTP server I asked you to test against,
which shows Passive mode with SSL does work OK.  This test is done using my DUN
Manager application you can download and test from:

Starting FTP Download from:
Connect/Logon to FTP Server:
Check for Old SSL Session
! SSL handshake OK
SSL Handshake Done OK, Secured with TLSv1, Cipher AES256-SHA, Secret Bits 256
(Total 256)
0 Certificate(s) in the verify chain
Starting SSL Session
Cache SSL Session: New
 220-ICS TFtpServerW (c) 1998-2013 F. Piette V8.04
 220 Server: MAGPUB2 at 2014-04-08T19:17:26
FTP Session Connected to

Downloading File: /test/testcode.asp to E:\temp1\testcode.asp, size 10.7 Kbytes
 227 Entering Passive Mode (217,146,102,142,82,82).
 RETR testcode.asp
Check for Old SSL Session
 150 Opening data connection for testcode.asp.
! SSL handshake OK
SSL Handshake Done OK, Secured with TLSv1, Cipher AES256-SHA, Secret Bits 256
(Total 256)
0 Certificate(s) in the verify chain
Starting SSL Session
Cache SSL Session: Reuse
 226 File sent ok
! 10.7Kbytes received/sent in 250 milliseconds
Downloaded File e:\temp1\testcode_asp.tmp, size 10.7 Kbytes
Updating Time Stamp: E:\temp1\testcode.asp to (UTC)=20080307-23
Download OK: E:\temp1\testcode.asp, size: 10.7 Kbytes, duration 0:00, average
speed 38.1K/sec


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Re: [twsocket] HTTP PATCH method for the HttpCli

2014-04-18 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 It's exactly the same code as for POST and PUT. Only the HTTP 
 method name changes. 

So there is no way for us to test the changes, without extra development to
change our web samples? 

I also can not make TortoiseSVN recognise your patch file, which is either
faulty or badly formatted, or maybe I just don't know how to use SVN.


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[twsocket] OT: Microsoft network sniffers

2014-03-11 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
Never noticed them before, but Microsoft has two network traffic monitoring or
sniffer tools.

The older one is Microsoft Network Monitor 3.4 for XP and later, and Microsoft
Message Analyzer 1.0 for Windows 7 and later, both free from the download

Has anyone tried either? 

I note that Nirsoft 'Who is connected sniffer' supports WinPcap and both the
Microsoft tools, so presumably there is a published interface for them to allow
application control.

Has anyone tried the Microsoft sniffers?


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Re: [twsocket] When receiving UDP datas, find if there were sent through a broadcast

2014-02-25 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 I have a server with an UDP socket listening.
 Some Clients connect with the Ip address of the server : Direct 
 Some Clients do not know the Ip address of the server, therefore 
 they connect by sending a broadcast.
 In OnDataAvailable event, i would like to know which Clients have 
 been connected through a broadcast.

I don't believe there is anything in the IP protocol that will identify a
broadcast.  So you can either arrange the clients tell you as part of the data
you send, use a different port for broadcasts, or keep track of the IP
addresses locally (if you know already). 

In DataAvailable, you can use ReceiveFrom the get the IP address of the remote


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Re: [twsocket] Handshake of TWSocket

2014-02-18 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
  is there anybody who can and will explain to me if the socket 
  handshake protocol is implemented 

   GET /chat HTTP/1.1
   Upgrade: websocket

Sorry, websockets is not supported by the ICS HTTP components.  

Another ICS user has implemented websockets:

although I've never looked at it, and the project does not seem to have been
updated for over a year. 


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Re: [twsocket] Basic HTTP Authentication over SSL

2014-02-18 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
The process should be as follows:
1)  Use HTTP POST to pass username and password parameters to login URL
2)  A token string is returned if login was successful
3)  The token is then used as Basic Authentication using HTTP GET to
retrieve JSON from different API URL

Step 1 and 2 are normal and simple, step 3 is unusual, basic authentication is
rarely used to pass tokens, they are normally sent as parameters with the
request or handled as cookies.  

You really need a proper log in your code so you can see exactly what commands
are sent, and the responses received.  Look at the Browser demo, which supports
authentication and cookies.  


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Re: [twsocket] No Socket Handshake available

2014-02-18 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 I encountered that the socket handshake, as described in RFC 6455, 
 is not implemented in the ICS components of overbyte.

That standard is websockets, not sockets, totally different. 

Websockets is not supported by ICS, see the answer I gave you yesterday which
you ignored, I suggest an ICS component that does websockets. 


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Re: [twsocket] default gzip of json by THTTPServer - is it possible or am I to do it myself?

2014-02-12 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 Not used JSON myself, but I'd guess if it's a compressable response 
 then 'application/json' needs to added to that line so compression is 
 not skipped.

SVN was updated a couple of days ago with this JSON fix in the HTTP Server,
also now compressing Javascript, and recognising both as MIME types.


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Re: [twsocket] OverbyteIcsFtpCli v8 (current) old problem resurfaces

2014-02-07 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 { V8.03 InternalReady happens between multiple commands, ignore it }
 if FState in [ftpReady {, ftpInternalReady}] then begin
 Include ftpInternalReady in the check and it should work again.
 @Angus, why did you change it?  

For the reason documented in the code, the longer version is at the top of the

 Fixed bug in WaitUntilReady that meant some sync methods with multiple
 commands randomly terminated prematurely allowing further commands to
 be sent usually resulting in not ready errors.

TriggerRequestDone is called after each command which sets ftpInternalReady
(except for passive PUT), but this means it's set briefly during numerous async
methods, often after PORT before LIST, GET or PUT has started.  So
WaitUntilReady exits before other commands are done.  I'd been seeing these
errors for many years.



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Re: [twsocket] default gzip of json by THTTPServer - is it possible or am I to do it myself?

2014-02-07 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 I have enabled content encoding on my THTTPServer:
 And return content to my client using AnswerString
   200 OK,
 However if my client includes Accept-Encoding: gzip in its 
 request header the OnHttpContentEncode event is not called.

  if (ContType = '') or (Pos ('text/', ContType)  0) or (Pos 
 ('xml', ContType)  0) then begin{ only compress textual stuff }

Not used JSON myself, but I'd guess if it's a compressable response then
'application/json' needs to added to that line so compression is not skipped.


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