Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

2011-03-18 Thread Brian Leach

As always, you make some good points.

I think maybe we I was wrong to talk about 'marketing' - a better word would
have been 'awareness'. That's what we (U2UG) have to get to grips with, and
haven't yet.

One of the questions I hear all too often - and I'm sure others on the list
do as well - is 'who else is using this?'. (and too often from senior
managers who haven't heard of the technology and want to close it down).

We all know, individually, that this is a thriving platform, powering
applications in every business vertical and of every size. But the problem
has always been the same - most MV developers feel they part of an isolated
community, lone voices crying in the wilderness. We've spoken in the past
about the age profile of the community as a cause for concern because we're
not reaching younger developers. Not making the platform seem sexy. 

Frankly, the vendors and vars aren't going to solve these issues, for the
reasons that George highlighted. So who will?

Where groups like U2UG should be leading, is in making their presence felt
and providing an opportunity for building that awareness. An in that I have
to return to my main point - it's not the 9 people on board who matter, it's
the users of the technology getting in contact with us and making use of us.
Maybe the technology is so perfect that we don't need any changes (!) - but
even if that were the case, we want/need people to know that there are
others out there using this.

So how do we go about that? (without spending money..)

I've posted about the education agenda, trying to show what the technology
can achieve. That's the first step - there is no point welcoming people to a
technology they can't see or know where to begin. 

Then there's the wider context - one of the encouraging signs has been the
growth in the number of blogs regarding multivalue. I would like to see the
next stage translating into things such as postings on Code Project (which
just about every other developer reads) and Tech Republic; kicking off some
genuinely useful open source projects (watch this space!); postings to the
website; discussions around the new features that have been/are being added
to the products. 

Things that can show that this technology is alive. 

In today's world every post, every blog, every tweet, every article, every
public discussion is a form of marketing. Just getting out there are saying
- hey, I implemented SSL on UniVerse (and it worked) - is valuable. 

You can draw a comparison between our community and the PHP community. Like
us, PHP was swimming against the tide and like us, does many things that the
rest of the IT world is sometimes (and almost always wrongly) sniffy about.
Like multivalue it can easily solve issues in ways that are usually simpler,
faster and require less effort than the alternatives. It's never going to be
the dominant technology, but it has a strong user base and strong awareness.
Oh, and Microsoft is releasing a version for .NET. 

Of course, there are three key differences:

It's open source, so anyone can play.
It doesn't carry a lot of legacy. 
And the people who first used it were enthusiastic and told the world about

That's what we're missing.
Go Forth And Post.


U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

2011-03-18 Thread George Land
On 15/03/2011 20:04, wrote:

 In a message dated 3/15/2011 5:10:43 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
 Plus of course, since we don't charge
 fees, we don't have any budget to advertise our presence!
 Why isn't Rocket themselves giving a budget?

A big part of the reason is that the user group is not a properly
constituted organisation in the sense of being a corporation or other legal
entity that can hold money.  Whilst incorporation has been a topic over the
years there are difficulties within it, not least where to incorporate and
the problems inherent in being an international group.

So don't blame Rocket for not providing a budget, if they provided money we
don't have the ability to accept it.

George Land
U2 User Group Board Member

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

2011-03-18 Thread David Jordan
Dan raise some interesting questions and I thought I would put down some answer 
below to the points he raised.  However the issue here is not the effectiveness 
of the board, but we as a community.  After a number of years as second fiddle 
through Informix and IBM, we have all developed a siege mentality, just trying 
to justify why U2 should continue.  We see the emails of the CEO wanting to 
replace the U2 application with SAP and Oracle and there is this morbid 
acceptance that U2 will lose out.  

To me the siege is over, the gates are open and U2 is on the attack with RDBMs 
on the run.   I have developed a new application in U2 and I am selling and 
beating the big names as many other ISVs are.  In tough times, U2 enables me to 
succeed when my competitors are going out of business.  Rocket is an exciting 
new opportunity, we already have DataVu as a result of that marriage.  I have 
even been talking to the guys at Rocket about selling U2 with CorVu.  I am 
excited with the opportunity that is out there to be grabbed, but that 
excitement is not in the community.  I can be the greatest evangelist for U2, 
but I am not going to win the world over by myself.  If people are thinking 
that a director of the U2UG is going to be the panacea for change, it is not 
likely to happen, we are volunteers with limited time and resources.  However 
in Egypt the masses changed a government and that is what is needed here, 
enthusiasm and excitement of the group.

These are my thoughts to some of the issues raised.

*What do you see as the most important role of the U2UG?
The U2UG plays a number of important roles to empower users to develop their 
skills, improve their career opportunities, spread the message and enhance the 
U2 products. Some of the issues that I have worked on within the user group has 
included working to open the U2 knowledge base that had been previously been 
restricted to licensed users, in lobbying management in IBM and Informix to 
recognise the U2 technology and issues such as connection pooling and better 
documentation.  These were made possible by showing solidarity of a passionate 
group of users.

*How do you see the International User Group supporting existing local user 
groups and helping establish new local user groups?
I have run user groups in the past and the changing nature of the industry has 
caused many traditional user groups to decline.  Due to the wide geographic 
spread of users, those outside of major centres were disadvantaged.  This is 
why I was involved in founding the international U2UG to try and provide all U2 
users benefits through the internet rather than just person to person in major 
centres.  However I believe U2UG should support and encourage those who want to 
run regional user groups and provide advertising through the web site to those 

*What do you think can be done to attract new developers  ISVs to U2 and where 
do you see the role of the U2UG in this?
New technologies such as DataVu will enhance the attractiveness of the product 
to new users and I like other Directors have been working with Rocket to 
enhance these products.  As an ISV myself and having developed a new product 
with U2 technology I believe I have some understanding how we can attract new 
developers and I as other directors have worked towards attracting new 
developers with actions such as the incubator project.

*What do you hope to achieve by the end of this term if you are elected and how 
do you see it benefiting the community? How will you measure your success in 
This is actually a good question. The success of the user group is not in the 
activities of its directors, but in the activities of its community.  Something 
like the Microsoft MSDN community it has a life of its own, there are really no 
key people driving it.  What I believe is more the role of directors is to 
enable and facilitate the user community to have a life of its own.  We are 
more capable as a group than as individuals. Success is not in what the 
directors do, it is in what the community does.  I think success is when 
directors are no longer needed to ensure an active group.

*What specifically do you think will increase the active member-base of the 
U2UG and how do you intend to monitor this?
Again this is a question that needs to be turned around. An increased active 
member base, new ISVs, getting the message out, these are not the role of 
directors, this is the role of all of those involved in the U2 community.  If 
you earn a living from U2, then you need to assist in making U2 prosperous for 
your own benefit.  If the only thing driving the U2UG are the directors, then 
we have lost.  The directors role needs to be encouragement, coordination and 
enablement, not about being a one man band to solve all problems. As a USA 
President said, 'Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do 
for your country'.  So the answer is not what I can do to do to 

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

2011-03-18 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/18/2011 4:24:44 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 A big part of the reason is that the user group is not a properly
 constituted organisation in the sense of being a corporation or other 
 entity that can hold money.  Whilst incorporation has been a topic over 
 years there are difficulties within it, not least where to incorporate and
 the problems inherent in being an international group.
 So don't blame Rocket for not providing a budget, if they provided money 
 don't have the ability to accept it.

Not relevant.
Rocket can provide a *budget* item, which the U2UG could *direct* without 
the U2UG ever actually holding the money.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

2011-03-18 Thread George Land
 Not relevant.
 Rocket can provide a *budget* item, which the U2UG could *direct* without
 the U2UG ever actually holding the money.

Speaking as a member of the U2 user group board I think I represent the
views of the whole board when I say that we have no issues whatsoever with
the support that we receive from Rocket.  There is a senior representative
on hand at every board meeting, we have access to software, to people and to

The limitations of the user group are entirely due to the limited time that
board members have to spend on it and are nothing to do with Rocket.  So
please let's not make out that any perceived problems with the user group
stem from Rocket, they don't.  If we want a better user group we need more
people to be engaged with it, you don't need to be on the board to help,
again I'm sure that I speak for the entire board when I say that we would
welcome any help that anyone is willing to give.

George Land
U2 User Group Board Member

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

2011-03-18 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/18/2011 10:23:09 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Speaking as a member of the U2 user group board I think I represent the
 views of the whole board when I say that we have no issues whatsoever with
 the support that we receive from Rocket.  There is a senior representative
 on hand at every board meeting, we have access to software, to people and 
 The limitations of the user group are entirely due to the limited time 
 board members have to spend on it and are nothing to do with Rocket.  So
 please let's not make out that any perceived problems with the user group
 stem from Rocket, they don't.  If we want a better user group we need more
 people to be engaged with it, you don't need to be on the board to help,
 again I'm sure that I speak for the entire board when I say that we would
 welcome any help that anyone is willing to give.

Any group is only as effective as the resources they have at their 
disposal, including money.  So yes, without money I'm going to be pointing 
at Rocket to ask, where's the financial support Rocket?

Resources without financial resources, are not a full set of resources.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

2011-03-18 Thread George Land
On 18/03/2011 17:53, wrote:

 Any group is only as effective as the resources they have at their
 disposal, including money.  So yes, without money I'm going to be pointing
 at Rocket to ask, where's the financial support Rocket?

Are you being deliberately perverse or do you have some axe to grind with

You clearly have no idea what Rocket does for the user group and despite
being told that we can't take money but instead Rocket provides other
resources with which we are very happy you still say 'where's the financial

Let's be clear about this - the support that we have asked for has been
provided.  There is nothing that we are being held back from doing due to
lack of support from Rocket.

What the group needs is not support from Rocket, we have that, it is the
active participation of U2 users willing to put their time where their
mouths are and contribute to what the group is doing.  If you want to
contribute start putting some ideas forward and volunteering time to put
them into action. 

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

2011-03-18 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/18/2011 1:02:07 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Are you being deliberately perverse or do you have some axe to grind with

Yes be sure to throw an ad hominem attack in there to try to convince the 
reading audience not to listen.

 You clearly have no idea what Rocket does for the user group and despite
 being told that we can't take money but instead Rocket provides other
 resources with which we are very happy you still say 'where's the 

Asked and answered.  A group doesn't need to take money, in order to 
use money.  Address that.
Why doesn't Rocket have a budget earmarked Money to be used to support the 
U2 user group's activities?

 Let's be clear about this - the support that we have asked for has been
 provided.  There is nothing that we are being held back from doing due to
 lack of support from Rocket.

Then you need to ask for more.  Clearly the current strategy is not 

 What the group needs is not support from Rocket, we have that, it is the
 active participation of U2 users willing to put their time where their
 mouths are and contribute to what the group is doing.  If you want to
 contribute start putting some ideas forward and volunteering time to put
 them into action. 

Sure let's continue a strategy that doesn't work.  That is a great 
marketing approach.

On your next point, I volunteer more time to promote MV than most.  I'm not 
willing at all, to promote Rocket at the expense of other MV Vendors, as a 
volunteer with no support from Rocket themselves.

Clearly you have no idea what I do, or what I've been doing.
Maybe you should figure that out first, before you go spouting off about 
what you think I should be doing.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

2011-03-18 Thread George Land
On 18/03/2011 21:49, wrote:

 In a message dated 3/18/2011 1:02:07 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
 Are you being deliberately perverse or do you have some axe to grind with
 Yes be sure to throw an ad hominem attack in there to try to convince the
 reading audience not to listen.

Not sure what element of that was 'ad hominem', but if that's how you want
to take it that is up to you.

 You clearly have no idea what Rocket does for the user group and despite
 being told that we can't take money but instead Rocket provides other
 resources with which we are very happy you still say 'where's the
 Asked and answered.  A group doesn't need to take money, in order to
 use money.  Address that.
 Why doesn't Rocket have a budget earmarked Money to be used to support the
 U2 user group's activities?

Why do you think Rocket doesn't have a budget earmarked for user group
activities?  You clearly have no idea what involvement they have in their
user group.

 Let's be clear about this - the support that we have asked for has been
 provided.  There is nothing that we are being held back from doing due to
 lack of support from Rocket.
 Then you need to ask for more.  Clearly the current strategy is not
Why ask for more, what would we do with it?  What activities do you think
the user group should be doing that are restricted by lack of money?   We
are a user group, not a body dedicated to marketing a technology.

 What the group needs is not support from Rocket, we have that, it is the
 active participation of U2 users willing to put their time where their
 mouths are and contribute to what the group is doing.  If you want to
 contribute start putting some ideas forward and volunteering time to put
 them into action.
 Sure let's continue a strategy that doesn't work.  That is a great
 marketing approach.
 On your next point, I volunteer more time to promote MV than most.  I'm not
 willing at all, to promote Rocket at the expense of other MV Vendors, as a
 volunteer with no support from Rocket themselves.
 Clearly you have no idea what I do, or what I've been doing.
 Maybe you should figure that out first, before you go spouting off about
 what you think I should be doing.

I have no idea who you are, you hide behind a meaningless name - - you could be anyone.  OK, so you don't want to promote
Rocket, let's remember that this is a U2 user group we are talking about.
It's not a Pick user group, an MV user group, a jbase user group, an
Intersystems user group.  It is U2, that is Rocket and Rocket support their
own user group.

It sounds to me like you are someone whose involvement in MV has a bias
towards the non-U2 side, that is your choice but have you discussed with
anyone at Rocket what their strategy is?  Do you have any information about
what they are doing?

U2 is sold OEM, license numbers are growing, revenues are growing, ISVs are
prospering.  OK, so there are less companies doing their own in house
development, but that is the way the market is moving.  Today it is
increasingly about selling applications, not databases or development tools
and as a specialist at selling OEM that is good for Rocket and U2.  So you
think it's a strategy that doesn't work, well that's your choice, but you
probably have no sight of sales figures, no idea of licenses sold, no
information on which to make that judgment.

George Land
APT Solutions Ltd
Rocket U2 UK Distributor
U2UG Board Member

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

2011-03-18 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/18/2011 3:34:36 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 On 18/03/2011 21:49, wrote:
  In a message dated 3/18/2011 1:02:07 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
  Are you being deliberately perverse or do you have some axe to grind 
  Yes be sure to throw an ad hominem attack in there to try to convince 
  reading audience not to listen.
 Not sure what element of that was 'ad hominem', but if that's how you want
 to take it that is up to you.

The element that says you... you... some personality trait you are 
perverse you have an axe to grind.
That's ad hominem.  If you have an issue with my argument, than address the 
argument, not my person.

  You clearly have no idea what Rocket does for the user group and 
  being told that we can't take money but instead Rocket provides other
  resources with which we are very happy you still say 'where's the
  Asked and answered.  A group doesn't need to take money, in order to
  use money.  Address that.
  Why doesn't Rocket have a budget earmarked Money to be used to support 
  U2 user group's activities?
 Why do you think Rocket doesn't have a budget earmarked for user group
 activities?  You clearly have no idea what involvement they have in their
 user group.

Again it's not about their involvement only about their financial 

  Let's be clear about this - the support that we have asked for has been
  provided.  There is nothing that we are being held back from doing due 
  lack of support from Rocket.
  Then you need to ask for more.  Clearly the current strategy is not
 Why ask for more, what would we do with it?  What activities do you think
 the user group should be doing that are restricted by lack of money?   We
 are a user group, not a body dedicated to marketing a technology.

Outreach.  Outreach.  and Outreach.

  What the group needs is not support from Rocket, we have that, it is 
  active participation of U2 users willing to put their time where their
  mouths are and contribute to what the group is doing.  If you want to
  contribute start putting some ideas forward and volunteering time to 
  them into action.
  Sure let's continue a strategy that doesn't work.  That is a great
  marketing approach.
  On your next point, I volunteer more time to promote MV than most.  I'm 
  willing at all, to promote Rocket at the expense of other MV Vendors, as 
  volunteer with no support from Rocket themselves.
  Clearly you have no idea what I do, or what I've been doing.
  Maybe you should figure that out first, before you go spouting off about
  what you think I should be doing.
 I have no idea who you are, you hide behind a meaningless name - - you could be anyone.  OK, so you don't want to promote
 Rocket, let's remember that this is a U2 user group we are talking about.
 It's not a Pick user group, an MV user group, a jbase user group, an
 Intersystems user group.  It is U2, that is Rocket and Rocket support 
 own user group.
 It sounds to me like you are someone whose involvement in MV has a bias
 towards the non-U2 side, that is your choice but have you discussed with
 anyone at Rocket what their strategy is?  Do you have any information 
 what they are doing?
 U2 is sold OEM, license numbers are growing, revenues are growing, ISVs 
 prospering.  OK, so there are less companies doing their own in house
 development, but that is the way the market is moving.  Today it is
 increasingly about selling applications, not databases or development 
 and as a specialist at selling OEM that is good for Rocket and U2.  So you
 think it's a strategy that doesn't work, well that's your choice, but you
 probably have no sight of sales figures, no idea of licenses sold, no
 information on which to make that judgment.

My name is not meaningless.
And there is a difference between what the *group* does and what *I* do.
I do not have an bias away from U2, or toward anything non-U2.
I see no point in discussing with anyone at Rocket what their strategy 
is, since my entire point is, outreach.
Outreach is not inreach.  If I have to contact them, that's not outreach is 

To your claim that license numbers are growing I have to respond 
I've seen no evidence of that.  What's your evidence.
If you want to demonstrate your claims, than do so with sources.
Anyone can make claims.  I can claim just as easily that everything you've 
said is exactly upside-down.

Claims are not worth the air into which they are propelled.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment - The I-Beam

2011-03-18 Thread Bill Brutzman
I learned about the I-Beam of Interpersonal Communications at a ToastMasters 

The idea is to stop using the word you altogether.  Easier said than done.

The beauty of the I-Beam is that it removes blaming others.  


I wish that Rocket would see that 123 and then did ABC along the lines 
of XYZ...  

I am in favor of...

I am not in favor of...   are decent I-Beam constructs.

On the other hand...

YOU are a dirty rotten bungling oaf and it is all YOUR fault.  This 
of course not I-Beam.  It uses the inflamatory blame word (YOU).  The word YOU 
is toxic.


U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment - The I-Beam

2011-03-18 Thread Bill Haskett


My wife has reminded me of this fact for years!I hardly know what 
the word you means anymore.  :-)


On 3/18/2011 5:14 PM, Bill Brutzman wrote:

I learned about the I-Beam of Interpersonal Communications at a ToastMasters 

The idea is to stop using the word you altogether.  Easier said than done.

The beauty of the I-Beam is that it removes blaming others.


I wish that Rocket would see that 123 and then did ABC along the lines of 

I am in favor of...

I am not in favor of...   are decent I-Beam constructs.

On the other hand...

YOU are a dirty rotten bungling oaf and it is all YOUR fault.  This 
of course not I-Beam.  It uses the inflamatory blame word (YOU).  The word YOU is toxic.


U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment - The I-Beam

2011-03-18 Thread Robert Houben
Good point, Bill,

I think one sometimes uses you when one means someone other than themselves, 
without intending to pin the reader with the crime being mentioned.  The 
English language does not differentiate plural, general you from singular, 
specific you (unless you're from the deep south, in which case you have the 
unique y'all, which oddly enough I've always heard used as the singular, 
specific form.)

For instance, I might have written:
I think you sometimes use you when you mean someone other than yourself...


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bill Brutzman
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2011 5:14 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment - The I-Beam

I learned about the I-Beam of Interpersonal Communications at a ToastMasters 

The idea is to stop using the word you altogether.  Easier said than done.

The beauty of the I-Beam is that it removes blaming others.


I wish that Rocket would see that 123 and then did ABC along the lines 
of XYZ...

I am in favor of...

I am not in favor of...   are decent I-Beam constructs.

On the other hand...

YOU are a dirty rotten bungling oaf and it is all YOUR fault.  This 
of course not I-Beam.  It uses the inflamatory blame word (YOU).  The word YOU 
is toxic.


U2-Users mailing list
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment - The I-Beam

2011-03-18 Thread Charlie Noah

Hi Bill,

First, I believe what you say. I just find it hard to accept that 
ToastMasters, a fine and well-respected organization, would want 
everyone to always say I, and never say you. Personally, if someone 
I was dealing with constantly said I this and I that, I would tune 
them out very quickly. Most people would rather hear about themselves 
than the speaker. Now, denigrating someone while saying you is 
something else again. So, the context of the message is the important 
thing, not being sure never to say you. Just my 2 cents - admittedly 2 
cents is not worth much these days. ;-)

All that being said, I have read your posts often over the years, and 
find you to be both knowledgeable and honorable. Oops, should I not have 
said you there? big good old southern boy grin

Charlie Noah
Charles W. Noah Associates

The views and opinions expressed herein are my own (Charlie Noah) and do 
not necessarily reflect the views, positions or policies of any of my 
former, current or future employers, employees, clients, friends, 
enemies or anyone else who might take exception to them.

On 03-18-2011 7:14 PM, Bill Brutzman wrote:

I learned about the I-Beam of Interpersonal Communications at a ToastMasters 

The idea is to stop using the word you altogether.  Easier said than done.

The beauty of the I-Beam is that it removes blaming others.


I wish that Rocket would see that 123 and then did ABC along the lines of 

I am in favor of...

I am not in favor of...   are decent I-Beam constructs.

On the other hand...

YOU are a dirty rotten bungling oaf and it is all YOUR fault.  This 
of course not I-Beam.  It uses the inflamatory blame word (YOU).  The word YOU is toxic.


U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list