On 18/03/2011 17:53, "fft2...@aol.com" <fft2...@aol.com> wrote:

> Any group is only as effective as the resources they have at their
> disposal, including money.  So yes, without money I'm going to be pointing
> fingers 
> at Rocket to ask, where's the financial support Rocket?

Are you being deliberately perverse or do you have some axe to grind with

You clearly have no idea what Rocket does for the user group and despite
being told that we can't take money but instead Rocket provides other
resources with which we are very happy you still say 'where's the financial

Let's be clear about this - the support that we have asked for has been
provided.  There is nothing that we are being held back from doing due to
lack of support from Rocket.

What the group needs is not support from Rocket, we have that, it is the
active participation of U2 users willing to put their time where their
mouths are and contribute to what the group is doing.  If you want to
contribute start putting some ideas forward and volunteering time to put
them into action. 

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