In a message dated 3/18/2011 1:02:07 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Are you being deliberately perverse or do you have some axe to grind with
> Rocket?

Yes be sure to throw an ad hominem attack in there to try to convince the 
reading audience not to listen.

> You clearly have no idea what Rocket does for the user group and despite
> being told that we can't take money but instead Rocket provides other
> resources with which we are very happy you still say 'where's the 
> financial
> support?'

Asked and answered.  A group doesn't need to "take" money, in order to 
"use" money.  Address that.
Why doesn't Rocket have a budget earmarked "Money to be used to support the 
U2 user group's activities?"

> Let's be clear about this - the support that we have asked for has been
> provided.  There is nothing that we are being held back from doing due to
> lack of support from Rocket.

Then you need to ask for more.  Clearly the current strategy is not 

> What the group needs is not support from Rocket, we have that, it is the
> active participation of U2 users willing to put their time where their
> mouths are and contribute to what the group is doing.  If you want to
> contribute start putting some ideas forward and volunteering time to put
> them into action. 

Sure let's continue a strategy that doesn't work.  That is a great 
marketing approach.

On your next point, I volunteer more time to promote MV than most.  I'm not 
willing at all, to promote Rocket at the expense of other MV Vendors, as a 
volunteer with no support from Rocket themselves.

Clearly you have no idea what I do, or what I've been doing.
Maybe you should figure that out first, before you go spouting off about 
what you think I should be doing.

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