{Virus?} Re: [U2] OpenOffice.org 1.9.100 and UniVerse JDBC

2005-05-11 Thread Hanwell, David
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ian Stuart
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2005 3:38 PM EDT
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: {Virus?} Re: [U2] OpenOffice.org 1.9.100 and UniVerse JDBC


That's the point; one sometime feels completely helpless in the face of
large corporations and the disinterested, stone-walling answers one
gets. I agree whole-heartedly - I'll live with being flamed if I can
eventually frame a  meaningful question and communicate with someone who
cares enouigh about where and how their software is being used and, just
as important, how the user wants to be able to use the software.

To use OOo with UniVerse:

Make sure you have jdbc installed on your server. On our AIX box it's in
/usr/ibm/unishared/jdbc. See, we do actually like IBM products.

Your UniVerse files must have @SELECT phrases created in the DICTS and
HS.UPDATE.FILEINFO must have been run in the account, if it is not a
schema - just like for ODBC. It's best to create a new account with
pointers to the data and local copies of dictionaries that do not have
"." in the names of the fields or file names - OOo assumes certain
things about table names that are "." delimitered and strange results
are obtained in the SQL it generates when joining files. Schemas and
Tables are "automatically" accessible. At this time I'm still battling
with JDBC not interpreting dates as DATE columns. To get around this
convert dates to the form MMDD via an itype specified as INTEGER SQL
datatype. Make use of field 8 in the DICT to specify the SQL data type
eg, INTEGER, NUMERIC,11,2 CHAR,20 etc. as JDBC does not seem to 
correctly use the CONV definition. JDBC seems to be a lot less strict
than ODBC but also is'nt as clever in all respects (I think?, maybe)

Download the Windows and/or Linux/Solaris version of  OOo.1.9.100 (2.0
beta) - this version incorporates three changes specifically requested
for UniVerse including not aliasing table names in queries  to the same
name, which may seem redundant but is a common implementation for other
database SQL query tools -(do you think M$ would respond to a request
from one lone voice in the wilderness and change MSQuery or Access to do
something like this)

Click on this link
http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=15113 and look for 
and download the attachment called Universe settings.bas - this is a
macro you will need to modify slightly, install and run once later for
each datasource you will be creating.

Make sure you have a JRE installed - the latest possible version Install
OOo on your system - on a P4 2.4Ghz on windows this takes less than 15
minutes and does not require a reboot.
Install UniVerse client software (objects JDBC etc) Fire up OOo - any
application, spreadsheet, word etc ( or right-clock on OOo image on
taskbar and select Database  if on windows or run sbase.exe) Click
File\New\Database Check "connect to existing database" and select JDBC
and click Next In the Data Source Url field enter
"ibm-u2://HostNameOrIPAddress/PathNameORAccountNameORSchemaName". In the
JDBC driver class field enter "com.ibm.u2.jdbc.UniJDBCDriver". Click
Test Class - you should get a dialog confirming it was able to load the
class Click Next and specify a user name and check the password required
check box Click Test Connection - if it works, great you have
successfully connected to UniVerse via JDBC - if not check out the
account name and/or path Click Next Check Register database Check Open
database for editing - do this only if you really want to use JDBC to
create new tables.

Now for the tricky bit:
Depending on what windows platform you are on, you will need to copy the
.odb file to an accessible path - I could'nt get OOo to work with a
pathname with spaces, maybe somone can help out here.  The .odb file is
a compressed xml file,  database document.  If your datasource was
created as MYDATABASE then a file called MYDATABASE.odb will be in
Documents and Settings\User\My Documents.  On Linux copy this to your
home directory.

If OOo is up, click on Tools\Macros\Organise\OpenOffiice.org Basic
Create a new Module under My Macros (I called mine UV - how original)
Copy in the source code from the Universe settings.bas you downloaded
earlier and make the following changes to the macro (Oh, what the hell,
here is the source code for the macro)

REM  *  BASIC  *

Sub Main
oDBC = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext" )
oDB = oDBC.getByName( "file:///C:/arjdbc.odb" ) 

Dim nFilterMode as Integer
nFilterMode = 0
AddDataSourceSetting( oDB, "TableTypeFilterMode", nFilterMode )

Dim bBeRespectful

RE: [U2] [AD] Programmer Needed In New Jersey

2005-01-27 Thread Hanwell, David
Well, Deb isn't completely correct. It would have been better for Barry
to say, "We have a junior level position open with commensurate
responsibilities and pay." That way, the job's characteristics are
immediately apparent to all.

Deb is not correct when she says that it "would be wrong would be to
hire a seasoned professional for a position for which they are grossly
overqualified and most likely underpaid." Companies don't draft
employees. If a more senior programmer applied, all the company can do
is make an offer. It's up to the person to decide whether to take the
offer or not. What would be wrong is for the senior Pick programmer to
bitch about being "grossly overqualified and underpaid" when he/she
accepted the position with his/her eyes wide open.

For someone unemployed with a family to support it is often life-saving
to be offered a job in our field in his/her location, even if "the
initial responsibilities of this position would be boring and no
challenge to a programmer of greater experience." The ex-unemployed
programmer can demonstrate both the skills and team attitude that will
encourage Barry's company to "give them more challenging tasks" and
presumably more pay.

The reasons that most companies don't like to do this are:
*   They think a senior person will bolt at the first better
opportunity. To overcome this, a company can require a contract in which
the person commits for, say, 5 years, pay and responsibilities flexible.
*   Some think that a senior, read older, person is more likely to
use his/her health benefits than someone younger and presumably
healthier. Companies are concerned about their health benefits premiums,
but they are wrong if they think as described. True, older folk tend to
be ill more often and more seriously than younger ones, but junior
programmers are often starting families and children can really drain
health benefits. Most insurance companies use average age of the
employee mix in their actuarial computation of health benefit premiums,
and a very low aged staff will get a higher fee charged for this
*   Most companies feel that a young person has been taught the
latest technologies, while Olde Farts are stuck in yesterday. This is
not the case in our part of the industry.

Finally, Barry's company is perilously close to open age discrimination
by placing an experience limit on a position. "Experience" is often
considered by the EEOC to be a token and a stalking horse for age. Were
I so inclined, and I'm not, so don't worry, Barry, I could forward his
E-mail directly to the EEOC with an official complaint. Even if the EEOC
decided not to issue a finding of discrimination after investigation,
the legal fees alone would be more costly to Barry's company than the
"experience", read age, limitation is worth. However, it is perfectly
legal to advertise that the company has a junior level position open
with commensurate responsibilities and pay but accepts applications from
people of any age.

"Play a little; sleep a little more; eat a lot more;
scratch where it itches. Dogs have the
right idea about life."

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Debster
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 9:13 AM EST
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: RE: [U2] [AD] Programmer Needed In New Jersey


You left yourself open to the abuse that always seems to erupt whenever
there is a job posted.

Karen is most likely right, but then again since the dawn of time there
have always been senior slots and junior slots.  Once upon a time we all
started in junior slots where we were the lowest on the pay scale
working our way through the ranks. Usually in this field that means
taking your knowledge elsewhere to attain the pay you think you deserve
based on your newly acquired knowledge.

Specifically seeking a junior is not really wrong. What would be wrong
would be to hire a seasoned professional for a position for which they
are grossly overqualified and most likely underpaid. In that case both
parties lose since the seasoned professional is insulted, bored, and
disgruntled concerning the person's pay scale and is only looking to
bail at the first opportunity. Whereas if the junior is finally given a
break, they grow into the position and both parties gain from it.

Feeding and nurturing juniors is what keeps our market growing. Only
having the seniors involved may only make U2 go the way of the

Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 8:03 AM EST
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: RE: [U2] [AD] Programmer Needed In New Jersey

What this means is that they don't want to pay $$$ for someone who knows
what they're doing.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark Johnson
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 9:08 PM EST
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: Re: [U2] [AD] Programmer needed in New Jersey

Wow. Never


2004-12-30 Thread Hanwell, David
<<"GOTO falls under the category of religion">>
As The Grand PooBah of the Church Of Where-Do-I-GOTO, I, The Reverend
Rabbi Ayatollah Davey Ben Davey, deeply resent the slur upon the fine
religion of Where-Do-I-GOTO by knaves and fools who know nothing of its
theology. This violation of Political Correctness can only be removed by
you, Mr. Charles Barouch, Atheist Moderator of Sin and spawn of Satan,
educating yourself on the moral, philosophical, spiritual, and
hedonistic principles of the exemplary Church Of Where-Do-I-GOTO. I
recommend my treatise "The Quim, or The Elementary Principals of the
Church Of Where-Do-I-GOTO and Why Infidels Claim We Observant
Worshippers Are Doomed to an Eternal LOOP RETURN". You can find this
outstanding theological work in Volume XXX of Larry Flynn's "Hustler"
collection of objects d'art, dated December 32, 1993. My work has been
nominated for the Nobel Prize in Theology for 11 consecutive years, but
unfortunately, when I nominate myself, nobody seconds it. So just
remember this: "For infidel know you have trod on the toe of The
Reverend Rabbi Ayatollah Davey Ben Davey".

Debster, please send a case of eggnog-and-rum bottles to me, The
Reverend Rabbi Ayatollah Davey Ben Davey. We Observants quaff this
libation throughout our services except for Communion, where we honor
Margarita, Mother of the Church Of Where-Do-I-GOTO by drinking from a
clay chalice containing a tequila-lemon-salt concoction.

"Justice is incidental to law and order." -
J. (John) Edgar Hoover (1895 - 1972)
David Hanwell

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Debster
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 11:26 PM
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: RE: [U2] LOOP or GOTO on READNEXT



Calm down

Take an egg nog in hand and sip slowly

We will take heed and GOTO to the community list and hope it does not do

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Moderator
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 6:33 PM
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: Re: [U2] LOOP or GOTO on READNEXT


This belongs on U2-Community, not on U2-Users. GOTO falls under the
category of religion and this is a technology mailing list. Off-topic
matters belong on U2-Community.

 - Charles Barouch, Moderator
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] - U2-Users Moderator
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RE: [U2] Kicked Again?

2004-11-15 Thread Hanwell, David
Me too. Yours was the first I've received all day.

"Friends help you move. Real friends help you move
body parts out of your car trunk." - The Great,
Unfortunately Imprisoned, "Little Nicky" Scarfo
Of Souse Joisey.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gerry
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2004 1:20 PM EST
Subject: [U2] Kicked Again?

Nada from this list all morning. Did I get booted off again??
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RE: [U2] Spammed

2004-09-21 Thread Hanwell, David
You got that right. The U.S. Postal Service managers get orgasmic just
thinking about it. Why, if bulk E-mail were taxed, they might even lower
the price of a stamp.

Nah, no way!

"In Russia, is not important how the people vote;
is important who counts the votes." - Josef Stalin

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Debster
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 10:39 AM
Subject: RE: [U2] Spammed

Or charge for sending bulk mail.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Don Kibbey
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 8:46 PM
Subject: RE: [U2] Spammed

Oh, if only they could tax spam  (politicians everywhere dreaming)

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RE: [U2] Attribute marks in comments?

2004-09-21 Thread Hanwell, David
@vars look weird when one documents numeric fields.

I know, why limit it to numeric fields? When documenting alpha fields
the @vars are not always apparent at first glance.

The original developers of our suite used the "AM, FM, VM, SM"
convention. Ugh!

"War is God's way of teaching Americans geography." -
Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914).

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Glen B
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 2:48 PM
Subject: RE: [U2] Attribute marks in comments?

 Here's my typical marking convention. You can always make up your own,
though. Why not use the @vars?

] = field mark
/ = value mark
^ = sub-value mark


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Barry Brevik
> Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 1:45 PM
> To: U2-users (E-mail)
> Subject: [U2] Attribute marks in comments?
> Is there a standard or convention for representing attribute marks in
> program comments?
> In other words, if I want to document the structure of a dynamic
> array in a
> comment, are there single characters that I would use instead of @FM,
> etc?
> ---
> u2-users mailing list
> To unsubscribe please visit http://listserver.u2ug.org/
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RE: [U2] Senior Pick Programmer position Denver, Colorado

2004-09-01 Thread Hanwell, David
But Debra, all you need is an "A" below the "B", on your (ahem, ahem),
and then you'll have a TBA tattoo ("To Be Announced"). You can have a
lucrative career doing commercials for TV Guide.

"It was like experiencing a nuclear explosion in a very small place." -
Loni Anderson, describing having sex with "WKRP in Cincinnati"
costar Gary Sandy
David Hanwell

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  On Behalf Of Debster
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2004 4:03 PM EDT
Subject: RE: [U2] Senior Pick Programmer position Denver, Colorado

And when you have keyboard imprints on your forehead, it's really gone
too far. I am still trying to get rid of the "T" on my forehead and the
"B" on my nose.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Glen B
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2004 3:46 PM EDT
Subject: RE: [U2] Senior Pick Programmer position Denver, Colorado

I think codingitis is the cause. Time to lay off the keyboard for a
while, man. You know, semi-colons start to disappear after 6 hours of
continuous coding. Any higher amount of time can cause strange things to
happen. I remember starting during mid-day and missing night-time once,
while programming a test application in Borland C 3.0. I think my brain
crashed and rebooted to idle, for the rest of the day. Though, I can't
really remember much about that day, or the application for that matter.
*pondering look* I do remember that there was one compiling error that
never went away. Probably a missing semi-colon.



> -Original Message-
> On Behalf Of Debster
> Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2004 2:09 PM EDT
> Subject: RE: [U2] Senior Pick Programmer position Denver, Colorado
> Chuck
> Did you have nourishment today?  Eat some carrots lately?  Have
> your glasses on?  ;-)  It's in the subject line..."Denver"
> ;-)
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Results
> Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2004 1:59 PM
> Subject: Re: [U2] Senior Pick Programmer position Denver, Colorado
> William,
> Unless I missed it, there's no locational information in the post,
> makes
> >Relocation will not be considered - we are seeking a local candidate.
> difficult.
> --
>  - Charles Barouch
>  (718) 762-3884 x 1   - Key Ally Voice Mail
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  - Consulting services
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] - U2-Users Moderator
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]- Zeus Data Integration
>  Mount Olympus, Home of Zeus Data Integration

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RE: [U2] Senior Pick Programmer position Denver, Colorado

2004-09-01 Thread Hanwell, David
Yes, but I understand Chuck's point. The Ad didn't say WHICH Denver,
Colorado. Did they mean the one in Canada or the one in Mexico?

"Faith is a bird singing in the darkness, anticipating the dawn."  -
David Hanwell 
ACE-INA, Information Technology

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  On Behalf Of Debster
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2004 2:09 PM
Subject: RE: [U2] Senior Pick Programmer position Denver, Colorado


Did you have nourishment today?  Eat some carrots lately?  Have your
on?  ;-)  It's in the subject line..."Denver"


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Results
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2004 1:59 PM
Subject: Re: [U2] Senior Pick Programmer position Denver, Colorado

Unless I missed it, there's no locational information in the post, which

>Relocation will not be considered - we are seeking a local candidate.


 - Charles Barouch
 (718) 762-3884 x 1   - Key Ally Voice Mail

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  - Consulting services
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] - U2-Users Moderator

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]- Zeus Data Integration
 Mount Olympus, Home of Zeus Data Integration
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RE: [U2] double postings

2004-06-08 Thread Hanwell, David
Me too; I get two copies of EVERY E-mail from either list, "Community"
or "Users", in Outlook. I also get 2 copies of each spam (don't get me
started on that subject). It must be something about MS Outlook and MS
Exchange. We all know how seamlessly compatible Microsoft products are.
I've never gotten triplets, at least so far. Interestingly, I set up
rules to put the Community messages into a "U2-Community" Outlook folder
and the User E-mail into a "U2-Users" Outlook folder, and always one of
the two copies goes correctly into its folder while the second always
goes into "Deleted Items".

"A wise man never plays leap-frog with a unicorn."
David Hanwell

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 3:23 PM EDT
Subject: RE: [U2] double postings

You're not alone...so far this week, I too have been getting duplicates
and in some cases triplicates of some messages (in Outlook).  --Brad

-Original Message-
From: Scott Ballinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 2:03 PM EDT
Subject: [U2] double postings

Is anyone else getting double posts? I started getting duplicate
messages on 6/1. Not on all messages, but about half of them show up
twice. Not necessarily always the same poster either. We are using
Exchange server, Outlook client.

Scott Ballinger
Pareto Corporation
Edmonds WA USA
425 670 0831
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RE: [U2] CallHttp and SSL

2004-05-20 Thread Hanwell, David
I agree wholeheartedly with Stephen; he says it all. I couldn't have
said it better myself.   ;-)

"Behold I am become Death,
the shatterer of worlds." - Vishnu,
in the Hindu "Bhagavad Gita".
David Hanwell

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stephen
Sent:  Thursday, May 20, 2004 1:15 AM EDT
Subject: [U2] CallHttp and SSL

u2-users mailing list

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RE: [U2] MV Fad

2004-05-07 Thread Hanwell, David
See a few comments below.

David Hanwell
ACE-INA Information Technology
Tel:  215.640.2212
Fax: 215.640.5538

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  On Behalf Of Lee Bacall
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 4:32 PM EDT
Cc: Harvey Rodstein; MIke Shebesta; Becky Piel; Porfirio Matt Sperandio
Subject: Re: [U2] MV Fad

Ross and others,
One would have to go back in time to around 1987 for those exciting
attendance figures for Spectrum. The shows at that time were incredible
events. Ask some of the old-timers like Charlie Noah and Henry Eggers;
they can tell you some interesting stories about "history".

No, Pick isn't a fad, as fads are fashion news.

Not exclusively. Here are some definitions of "fad":
\Fad\, n. [Cf. Faddle.] A hobby; freak; whim. See also Fad\"dist, n.
Source: Dictionary.com, (c) 2003

"It is your favorite fad, to draw plans." -- George Eliot.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, (c) 1996, 1998 MICRA,

n : an interest followed with exaggerated zeal: "He always follows the
latest fads"; "The convertible car fad was all the rage that season"
[synonyms: craze, furor, furore, cult, rage]
Source: WordNet (r) 1.6, (c) 1997 Princeton University

Most of us happen to work in an arena that is considered un-fashionable
by mainstream IT, which tends to favor large staff and huge budgets that
justify big salaries and senior IT titles.

Pick shops don't generally have titles like Chief Information Officer,
Director of Information Technology, or Vice President of Information
Systems. We tend to have a single programmer capable of supporting 500
users doing double duty as both support person and help desk while
enhancing applications and running reports for management.

<<"We tend to have a single programmer capable of supporting 500 users
doing double duty as both support person and help desk while enhancing
applications and running reports for management.">>
That is not a Fortune 500 or Fortune 1000 company that you are
describing. What you are saying is that Pick shops are almost
exclusively mid- to low-level companies. Then that is our market niche.

We have allowed it to become an environment that is looked upon by
management as a bastard child rather than as a valuable adjunct to the
business. The mainstream world shines in their ability to sell
management on their importance.

I'll pose this question rhetorically to the group. What have we done to
become the kicking post for CEOs and CFOs who now favor Oracle or even
Microsoft SQL Server as an environment?

I'll pose an even better question. What have we done to NOT become the
kicking post for CEOs and CFOs who now favor Oracle or even Microsoft
SQL Server as an environment?

Essentially, we have tried to "cheap out" by telling ourselves and
management that we can do it cheaper, when what we really should have
been saying is that we can do it better, but we are going to need more
money and more help and more education.  We didn't get, because we
didn't ask. Oracle sells because management "buys in" at the boardroom
level or on the golf course where bragging is king and no one can brag
about spending 50k on a database, but spending 2.5 million on Oracle
implies bragging rights.

Dick Pick although a gifted visionary in terms of seeing the elegance in
the methodology to flexibly store and retrieve data, truly screwed up
when Billy Gates asked hime if he would port Pick to a PC with two
floppy disc drives, as he said "no, go #$%(* yourself" in a fit of

Lee Bacall
Phone:   +1 (954) 791-8575
Cell:  +1 (954) 937-8989

- Original Message - 
From:   "Ross Ferris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent:Wednesday, May 05, 2004 8:51 PM EDT
Subject:   RE: [U2] MV Fad

> I don't recall there EVER being 5,000 people at a Spectrum conference,
not  that I have been to many,
> and based on the previous 2 years that I have attended, 500 sounds
like an increase.
> By definition a fad is also relatively short lived. To even make
reference to 5 years ago indicates that this is not
> the case, and the first International Spectrum I went to was in 1992,
so I think that for a "fast paced" arena like technology,
> multi-valued is not a "fad', though the growth rate could always be
better :-)
> Ross Ferris
> Stamina Software
> Visage,  an Evolution in Software Development

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RE: [U2] MV Fad

2004-05-06 Thread Hanwell, David
Better watch out, Jeff. Jeremy, a.k.a. Pope Innocent  of the 8th
century Transylvanian Church of the Immaculate Ellison, will have you
crucified for heresy.

The next thing you know, Jeff, you'll be talking just like Neo and
Morpheus, "Remember that Oracle is just a computer program."   ;-)

<<"I've heard that PICK programmers are too arrogant to recognize a
threat. Maybe that is why their database is losing to Oracle?  :)">>
Well, what are IBM's and Micro$leaze's excuses?

<<"Look at a legacy Oracle system with required database standards built
And the maintenance and consulting fees for which provide St. Larry with
85% of his profits. Licensing fees are a drop in the bucket because,
like SAS, an Oracle DB ties a company to so much more.

"A stray bullet killed one bystander
slightly." - from the "Maryville (MO) Forum"
David Hanwell

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jeff Ritchie
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 6:50 PM EDT
Subject: RE: [U2] MV Fad

And this month's Larry Ellison claim is ? Well, it will be coming in
the next version, or the one after that, or at least some one has an
email about it. If they didn't invent the term "vaporware" for Oracle
they really should have.

-Original Message-
From: Jeremy Adell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 6 May 2004 4:35 AM EDT
Subject: RE: [U2] MV Fad

Stiletos? {SIC} Pink shoes? I can definitely see what these two have in
common with a database.  :)

I've heard that PICK programmers are too arrogant to recognize a threat.
Maybe that is why their database is losing to Oracle?  :)

Of course, now I will be labelled a heretic by the 12th century Catholic
Church of database programmers, but really, look at those who designed
the pick {SIC} systems.

To last at anything, you have to be realistic about your threats and
weaknesses. Look at a legacy Oracle system with required database
standards built in and compare it to a PICK db with no standards and 20
years of maintenance. At the PICK convention in Vegas this year, maybe
500 people showed up. I heard 5 years ago there more like 5,000. Sound
like a fad anyone? Maybe IBM can fix it.

> Yes, but Dawn, fads change. For example, I'm sure that you know that
> the fad among twentysomething female professionals used to be to
> wear pink or baby blue Nike jogging shoes to work and to carry their
> work shoes. Now when those women get off of a commuter train in
> Center City it looks like there's a morticians convention in town.
> They are all dressed in black business suits, hair tied back in a
> bun, and walking on ugly, clunky black Amish granny shoes.
> I can even feel the next fad coming, for suddenly stiletto shoes have
> made an appearance. I was walking up the stairs at Suburban Station,
> just fascinated by the twentysomething woman just in front of me who
> had:
> * a huge purse slung over her right shoulder,
> * a smaller purse in the crook of her right elbow,
> * the obligatory Starbucks travel mug in her right hand, and
> * a cell phone on which she was conversing in her left hand,
> all the while wobbling up the steps on thin 5" stiletto heels.
> It was a truly amazing athletic performance!   ;-)
> Now, do we really want to be a fad?
> "Behold I am become Death,
> the shatterer of worlds." - Vishnu,
> in the Hindu Bhagavad Gita.
> David Hanwell
> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dawn M.
> Wolthuis Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 10:44 AM EDT To: u2-
> Subject: [U2] MV Fad
> I'm just smilin' big and decided to pass this along in case it
> brings a smile to your face too. Others in the "PICK world" or MV
> arena have been chatting on comp.databases.theory for much longer
> than I have (Wol introduced me to it).  But I've been on there for
> some months now, addressing the question of why we teach relational
> theory as if it were "truth" and yet non-1NF databases seem to yield
> greater flexibility and productivity when used in businesses.
> I've been asking a lot of questions and have learned quite a bit.  I
> also invited others on comp.databases.pick to pipe up on a particular
> posting, and several folks (most of them likely on this list too -
> thanks!) piped up.
> And then today ...
> Someone chimed in about the "MV Fad". So, there you have it -- you
> are not working with an outdated database, using an outdated data
> model -- now it's a fad! There are dollars in fads -- perhaps it's
> time to update our resumes.  Smiles.  --dawn
> P.S.-I would like to see non-relational data models (tree structures
> & di-graphs in particular) really become more than "a fad" (the next
> thing after strict RELATIONAL) because they work well and should
> have more industry resources angled their way.  So, there is more
> work to do.
> Dawn M. Wolthuis
> Tincat Group, Inc.
> www.tincat-group.com
> Take and give some delight today.
> ---
> u2-users mailing

RE: [U2] MV Fad

2004-05-05 Thread Hanwell, David
Yes, but Dawn, fads change. For example, I'm sure that you know that the
fad among twentysomething female professionals used to be to wear pink
or baby blue Nike jogging shoes to work and to carry their work shoes.
Now when those women get off of a commuter train in Center City it looks
like there's a morticians convention in town. They are all dressed in
black business suits, hair tied back in a bun, and walking on ugly,
clunky black Amish granny shoes.

I can even feel the next fad coming, for suddenly stiletto shoes have
made an appearance. I was walking up the stairs at Suburban Station,
just fascinated by the twentysomething woman just in front of me who
* a huge purse slung over her right shoulder,
* a smaller purse in the crook of her right elbow,
* the obligatory Starbucks travel mug in her right hand, and
* a cell phone on which she was conversing in her left hand,
all the while wobbling up the steps on thin 5" stiletto heels.

It was a truly amazing athletic performance!   ;-)

Now, do we really want to be a fad?

"Behold I am become Death,
the shatterer of worlds." - Vishnu,
in the Hindu Bhagavad Gita.
David Hanwell

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dawn M. Wolthuis
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 10:44 AM EDT
Subject: [U2] MV Fad

I'm just smilin' big and decided to pass this along in case it brings a
smile to your face too. Others in the "PICK world" or MV arena have been
chatting on comp.databases.theory for much longer than I have (Wol
introduced me to it).  But I've been on there for some months now,
addressing the question of why we teach relational theory as if it were
"truth" and yet non-1NF databases seem to yield greater flexibility and
productivity when used in businesses.

I've been asking a lot of questions and have learned quite a bit.  I
also invited others on comp.databases.pick to pipe up on a particular
posting, and several folks (most of them likely on this list too -
thanks!) piped up.

And then today ...

Someone chimed in about the "MV Fad". So, there you have it -- you are
not working with an outdated database, using an outdated data model --
now it's a fad! There are dollars in fads -- perhaps it's time to update
our resumes.  Smiles.  --dawn

P.S.-I would like to see non-relational data models (tree structures &
di-graphs in particular) really become more than "a fad" (the next thing
after strict RELATIONAL) because they work well and should have more
industry resources angled their way.  So, there is more work to do.

Dawn M. Wolthuis
Tincat Group, Inc.

Take and give some delight today.
u2-users mailing list

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[U2] I Can't Believe It!

2004-05-04 Thread Hanwell, David
Oh, my sweet Lord!

David Hanwell

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Larry Hiscock
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 12:01 PM EDT
Subject: RE: [U2] Test - please ignore

> The same artiste earlier in his career would sign his name to a piece
> tablet paper which he would crunch into a ball and then give to
> and acquaintances as gifts. Today an unfolded tablet paper with
> sells for about #1,500 at art auctions, while one that has allegedly
> never been unfolded brings #3,000. How one verifies the work of art I
> have no idea.

Reminds me of the Origami Boulder (http://www.origamiboulder.com/)

You buy wadded up paper now!

Larry Hiscock
Western Computer Services
u2-users mailing list

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RE: [U2] My Sincere Condolences

2004-05-04 Thread Hanwell, David
<<"No, we're not gonna try the old switch and hope he doesn't realize
it's not the same one.">>
Smart move, George. If your son hasn't faced death before, this might be
a good opportunity to gently introduce him to the concept.

At college I'd talk with the farm kids and realize what an advantage
over us urban kids they had as they developed. They saw the cycle of
existence right away - birth, life, death - and they didn't fear it.

Plus as teenagers they always had Ol' Bessie to sneak behind.   ;-)

<<"Our son's hamster died this AM. He doesn't know yet.">>
Well, somebody had better tell him that he's dead before he eats too
many peanuts and makes a mess somewhere.

Where I once worked we had a sign, copies of which hung in every
cubicle, which went like this:
"Remember that it is a violation of Company policy for an employee not
to fall over when dead. Failure to comply by remaining upright at one's
desk means that Management cannot differentiate between employees and
corpses. There have been several instances recently of failure to
comply, leading the Company to continue Direct Deposit paychecks well
after death. Appropriate disciplinary action was taken once it became
apparent to Management that a dead employee had violated this Policy by
failing to topple over."

"Behold I am become Death,
the shatterer of worlds." - Vishnu,
in the Hindu Bhagavad Gita.
David Hanwell

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of George Gallen
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 11:05 AM EDT
Subject: RE: [U2] My sincere condolences

Funny thing

Our son's hamster died this AM. He doesn't know yet. First my wife
calls, hysterical, "The hamster is dead!" Then I get an email titled "My
sincere condolences." I'm thinking, now, how the heck did the U2 list
find out about the hamster

Guess we will be hamster shopping tonight. No, we're not gonna try the
old switch and hope he doesn't realize it's not the same one.

Oh well...


>-Original Message-
>From: Results [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 10:32 AM
>Subject: Re: [U2] My sincere condolences
>If anyone is having trouble posting, they should contact the
>moderators immediately so that we can get it resolved.
>Everyone deserves
>to be heard. Use [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>- Charles Barouch, Moderator
>Dennis Bartlett wrote:
>>Condolences? The list appears to be suffering from asthma - no-one has
>>wot it takes to blow
>>bags of hot air around this mortal coil.
>>Huh? Wot ya on about?
>>Just seems there're only a few brave souls able to post. Tis very sad!
>>u2-users mailing list
>u2-users mailing list
u2-users mailing list

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RE: [U2] Test - please ignore

2004-05-04 Thread Hanwell, David
No, it's silent stripping. Performance art and all that, don'tcha know?

A mime stripper ("silent stripper") does have an excellent possibility of
winning the #30,000 Turner Award first prize. The last winner I recall
contributed to the culture vultures of this planet an empty room, the lights
of which went on and off on a 30-second cycle. A plaque in front of the room
read, "The lights go on; the lights go off." I always felt that the
electrician who rewired the lights should have won the award.

The same artiste earlier in his career would sign his name to a piece of
tablet paper which he would crunch into a ball and then give to friends and
acquaintances as gifts. Today an unfolded tablet paper with autograph sells
for about #1,500 at art auctions, while one that has allegedly never been
unfolded brings #3,000. How one verifies the work of art I have no idea.

I thought how wonderful it would be to have "The lights go on; the lights go
off" at a gallery display of other modern objects d'art, such as:

*Works of the Japanese artist who spilled paints of different colors
all around his canvas and then rode his bicycle through individual pools and
onto his masterpiece,

*Works of a different Japanese artist who dipped his pigtail into cans
of paint of differing colors and then swirled it onto his canvas,

*A framed portrait of - nothing. The entire canvas was covered
with whiteout and nothing else, and

*Six identical urinals attached in a row to a green wall.
Unfortunately for the gallery, several of New York City's most famous chic art
experts mistook the objects d'art for fully functional urinals. They were

"Behold I am become Death,

the shatterer of worlds." - Vishnu,

in the Hindu Bhagavad Gita.

David Hanwell

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Logan, David (SST -
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 11:56 PM EDT
Subject: RE: [U2] Test - please ignore

Is that a stripper without music?

David Logan
Database Administrator
HP Managed Services
139 Frome Street,
Adelaide 5000

+61 8 8408 4273 - Work
+61 417 268 665 - Mobile
+61 8 8408 4259 - Fax

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Larry Hiscock
Sent: Tuesday, 4 May 2004 1:02 PM EDT
Subject: [U2] Test - please ignore

Sorry folks ... just testing to make sure the mime stripper is working

Larry Hiscock
Western Computer Services

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