Re: Differences

2004-04-30 Thread Results
Welcome to the lists! To answer your question, DB2 is a marketing term 
within IBM which denotes a family of databases (which includes DB2 
itself, UniVerse, UniData, and others). Therefore, a course in DB2 (the 
database) does not qualify you for other databases within DB2 (the 
*marketing* term).
UniVerse and UniData are siblings. As a result, they share a lot of 
traits but have certain points where they are fiercely different. This 
list is an excellent source for getting to know these two databases.

- Charles Barouch
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Zeus Data Integration
[EMAIL PROTECTED]- Consulting services
(718) 762-3884 x 1 - Key Ally Voice mail
Mount Olympus, Home of Zeus Data Integration
Trevor McNamara wrote:


Can someone please answer some questions as i am unsure on some 
database types.

Whats the difference between DB2 and UniVerse/UniData?

Are they the same sort of structure?

Can you do a DB2 course and be qualified enough to use UniVerse?

Any other information or websites on this sort of thing (Newbie 
questions:) ) would be much appreciated.



u2-users mailing list

Re: Frontend to UniVerse?

2004-04-30 Thread Results
[AD] You could push the data out using Zeus Data Integration and SAMBA. 
There are a lot of ways, both programmable and buyable. If you check the 
archives of this list, you'll see a lot of discussion on pushing data to 
Crystal Reports in the last few months.

- Charles Barouch
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Zeus Data Integration
[EMAIL PROTECTED]- Consulting services
(718) 762-3884 x 1 - Key Ally Voice mail
Mount Olympus, Home of Zeus Data Integration
Trevor McNamara wrote:


I would like to know what programming languages would be best to 
program a frontend to a UniVerse 10 database? Database on AIX5 P 
Series. I have done a frontend to a SQL Database using VS .NET before 
but nothing from a UNIX database?

The frontend end would run on WinXP Machines and need to run commands 
on the AIX machines to run daily processes and also reporting as well 
as you are currently manually putting in the UniQuery and then 
importing it into excel would be great if we could use Crystal Reports 
like i used on my SQL frontend.

Any help of websites reguarding this please let me know.

Thanks in advance.


u2-users mailing list

Re: [UV] Max RecId Length with Type1 files

2004-04-23 Thread Results
   Type 1 is only there for backward compatibility. Type 19 does the 
same job but has fewer complications.

 Charles Barouch


We've encountered a problem such that when writing records to a Type 1
file, with a Record Id length greater than 41 characters, the Record Id is
truncated to the first 41 characters.

u2-users mailing list

Re: UV 10.7 and replication

2004-04-22 Thread Results
Welcome to the group! I'm not familiar with the replication error you're 
having but it sounds like you may want to simply try making the 
replication time a lot longer. If the problem goes away, keep halving 
the time until you find a 'sweet spot'. It doesn't fix the problem, but 
it may make it go away long enough for you to find a real answer.

- Charles Barouch
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Zeus Data Integration
[EMAIL PROTECTED]- Consulting services
(718) 762-3884 x 1 - Key Ally Voice mail
Mount Olympus, Home of Zeus Data Integration
Jeremy Adell wrote:

Hello all,

The frequency of replication is 1 minute. 
Yesterday. the publishing system, another risc running on aix 5.1 with UV 
10.7, began to periodically give the error message 'udr log daemon is not 
responding, will try again' when trying to update certain files on 
publishing system. When the error message appears, the files will not be 
updated. A few seconds later, the same file may be updated without an error 

 Charles Barouch

u2-users mailing list

Re: We need a web based Forum!

2004-04-21 Thread Results
   A forum is a message board. If you subscribe to a listserver list 
(like this one) you start reading and responding from that point forward 
and everything is ::pushed:: to you mail box. With a forum, you can 
easily look at posts which pre-date your joining (a big plus) and you 
have to go to the forum board(s) to find new posts and new responses 
instead of simply receiving the new stuff as it happens (a big minus).

   - Charles Dictionary Barouch

Kate Stanton wrote:

My ignorance is showing.  What is the difference between a forum and a list
(like this)?

u2-users mailing list

Re: [UD] Known ODBC Linux or 6.0 issues?

2004-04-21 Thread Results
   At the risk of stating the obvious, have you checked that the 
correct version of the SUBR is cataloged?

Sorry to have to throw this out without fully researching it first, but
I've got a client with a pressing problem.
They are in the final stages of preparing to switch over from their
current DG-UX Intel platform running UniData 5.2 to a new Linux based system
running 6.0 and ODBC doesn't appear to be working correctly when they access
virtual fields that call SUBRoutines.

 Charles Barouch

u2-users mailing list

Re: GUI as nice as character-based

2004-04-19 Thread Results
   What constitutes an acceptable level of client install? After all, 
if they are running a Mac, Wintel, Linux box, etc., they have 
pre-installed software. What about auto-install, auto-config software? 
that requires nothing of the user, but still requires additional software.

   - Chuck Why's the Sky Blue Barouch

Dawn M. Wolthuis wrote:

Citrix and I don't get along -- too many bad memories trying to set up ODBC
so that client machines ... anyway, I know that there are reasons that shops
use it, just as there are reasons I hope not to have to touch the product
again ;-)
And I didn't intend for Java to be the only possible solution to fit the
rules -- I just tried to be sure to rule out the V-word ;-)  [Just a little
joke there -- I actually think that Visage is likely an excellent choice for
Microsoft-centric sites and I'm a Ross-fan myself, remember]
Cheers!  --dawn

Dawn M. Wolthuis
Tincat Group, Inc.
Take and give some delight today.

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Ross Ferris
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 7:21 PM
To: U2 Users Discussion List
Subject: RE: GUI as nice as character-based

Citrix Server would break DLG (Dawn's Law of GUI) rule 4 anyway, as you
would need to pre-install Citrix client software on most platforms.
BTW Dawn, do you have a mathematic proof of DLG ?

Just wondering, 'cause just like the Great Date Debate, many may be happy
to 'bend' these rules because they don't apply to the environment they use ?
For example, Citrix has MANY other advantages, especially in larger
organizations, when it comes to issues like securing the desktop, and
centralized updates etc.
In Wyatt's case, he can simply install SmartTerm (oops, Windows only
product, breaks rule 1 - hmm, but with Citrix his client 'can' be a Mac ?!!?
Your proof could be 'interesting' ?!?!) onto his Server, and it then
requires no pre-installation.
He can have a link on a web page to download the Citrix client software 
does this 'break' your 'rules', or does it fit ?
Of course Citrix Server/Terminal Server has an important place in larger
enterprises, addressing issues like security, desktop lockdown, patch/update
management, software distribution etc - which transcend DLG
Also with your rule revision below, as with the original DLG, you still
haven't included the J word, which I believe is an implicit (and
understood) requirement for DLG !?!
Ross Ferris
Stamina Software
Visage - an Evolution in Software Development

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Dawn M. Wolthuis
Sent: Tuesday, 20 April 2004 5:14 AM
To: 'U2 Users Discussion List'
Subject: RE: GUI as nice as character-based
Ah, I should add or modify one of the requirements -- when I indicated that
there needs to be no setup on the client, I should put that in the client
tier and consider citrix servers to be application clients, of sorts.  So,
for my purposes (though not for everyone), a citrix server is not an
1. Client Tier (no setup)
2. Http Server Tier (could include app server, such as tomcat or EJB
container such as Eclipse or WebSphere)
3. Database Server Tier
I'll clarify the requirements to add no more tiers.


Dawn M. Wolthuis
Tincat Group, Inc.
Take and give some delight today.

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Buffington, Wyatt
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 1:57 PM
To: U2 Users Discussion List
Subject: RE: GUI as nice as character-based
We have been using a product called SmarTerm from Esker. It allows us to
displays screen close to GUI that is easily configureable by the end
user with little to no programming. It allows for HotSpots which appear
as a button on the screen which the user can click on. Buttons are a
list of things that a user can do that are mundane or repetitive, these
can save wear and tear on the old fingers. It has a GUI pop up calendar
that can be invoked from the host and the date returned back to the
host. The user can change the colors on the screen to match their
preferences. Email addresses and http links are highlighted differently
and can be clickable. You can create you our macros that can be run from
a Button. We use triggers to change our screen colors depending on which
account we are in.
If anyone is interested in a screen shot of what can be done. Email me
offline at
We are currently using Version 11.0.5 on both PCs and Citrix Servers. I
am also in the process of testing 12.1 Beta.
-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Mark Johnson
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 1:45 PM
To: U2 Users Discussion List
Subject: Re: GUI as nice as character-based
Dawn: Good luck in your search for this holy grail. Lemme know if such a
silver bullet is found.
I've been hunting for years.

Mark Johnson

 Original Message -

Re: GUI from Mv code Re: Crystal Reports

2004-04-18 Thread Results
   Cubes are a way of displaying data. All those 1NF is the only way 
people discovered that flat data makes doesn't server whole categories 
of users. So they invented cross-linked (usually browser viewable)  
report format where for example:

   01/01/04 $1,000,000$657,823

Would be displayed and you can click on the dollar amounts to 'drill 
down' into the details. On that page, you should be able to drill down 
through a detail like 'expenses' to see the details of that value, and 
so on.

   - Charles CB3 Barouch

Mark Johnson wrote:

Not to be out of touch, but what is a Sales Cube. I saw Swordfish and I hope
that itn't it.

- Original Message -
To: U2 Users Discussion List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2004 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: GUI from Mv code Re: Crystal Reports

In a message dated 4/18/2004 10:18:11 AM Eastern Daylight Time,


For example, aligning this back to the original post, rather than

attempting to use CR for reporting, I'd simply create a Viságe.BIT cube to
give the users free-form enquiry and data exploration facilities into their
UV database. In our case we have replaced 300 sales analysis reports
currently provided in our R5 system with a single Sales Cube -   and this is
one of the facilities that makes Viságe better than

AccuTerm !

Warning! Salesman quote!
C'mon Ross :) A dataset that includes 50 fields and I only want to see 6

on my report.  So you replace that report with a cube where I (the user)
have to figure out exactly what I want to see, build the proper query
statement, format statement, display statement etc and then figure out how
to tell the system to remember my statement so next time I don't have to
THAT all again.

You replaced the 300 reports, with one huge cube where you STILL have

users recreating (or trying to) their original 300 reports...

  Users don't want to see 50 fields, they want to see the 6 fields

they've been analyzing for the past 3 years ...

u2-users mailing list


 Charles Barouch
u2-users mailing list

Re: UV to Text Conversion Standard?

2004-04-17 Thread Results

Perhaps we should all capitulate  start to use flat CSV files ?
You expect delimiters? When I started in computers, our binary only had zeros 
- and we were glad to have them!
The thing about MV or flat really comes down to a case-by-case to my way of 
thinking. I generally program Order Entry systems as 1NF, even on MV systems. Pricing, 
Inventory, and any number of other parts tend to lend themselves to MV. I like being 
able to choose the best form for each case.

 Charles Barouch
u2-users mailing list

Re: PI Open is going away

2004-04-16 Thread Results
   I'd like to write a 'memorial' article for Database Trends 
acknowledging the PI and Prime contributions to the community as a 
whole. Would a few of you be willing to write up some brief paragraphs 
on things like:
   So I said to Mike, we'll call them I Descriptors and he said it 
would never catch on...

   In other words, I'd like to collect some personal stories about how 
these functions came about. If I get enough (and enough variety) I'll 
present it to my editors. Contributions to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Charles Barouch

u2-users mailing list

Re: Conversions

2004-04-03 Thread Results
   Tell them you are re-purposing the old MV system as a data warehouse 
as a cost savings measure. That they'll understand and hopefully 
appreciate. Then do what you suggested:

One strange thought occurred to me that may not fly. Export all the
sales/customer/product data back to the MV system and use the existing
reports. At least they're already tested  finished.
Because that's the first step in creating a serious data warehouse.

 Charles Barouch

u2-users mailing list

Re: Conversions

2004-04-02 Thread Results
   As a Business Process Consultant (one of my hats), here's how I 
would approach it.

  1. You are already moving in the correct direction by pointing up
 productivity loss, but you have to frame the argument correctly:
1. We have implied and explicit deadlines in serving our
   customers. We will fail to meet them due to lost
   productivity unless we act now. Acting now will require
   either major changes to the new system to add critical
   functions, or a significant increase in staffing (with all
   the related costs). The first option will take a great deal
   of time and will be expensive. The second choice will take
   less time but will permanently decrease profitability by
   increasing staffing levels for an indefinite period of time.
   Doing nothing will cost us customers and that decreases revenue.
2. The changes are producing a morale problem. This will
   resolve itself over time, but combined with the current drop
   in productivity due to feature loss, it can become a major
  2. Understand that management may have reasons other than the pretty GUI:
1. The reporting at *their* level may be perceived as better
   (it might even be better) in the new system.
2. GUI is much easier for *occasional* users. Managers tend to
   be occasional users.
3. The business model may bee changing and management hasn't
   chosen to share the details at your level. The new system
   may be part of a larger plan.
4. Someone might have bought for  non practical reasons:  (my
   son sells this, my competitor has this, my accountant said
   it was good, etc.) Saying it is bad may become emotional 
   for the person who recommended or authorized the new system.
  3. Build details:
1. Get the people (lower mgmt) who are getting hurt to give you
   stats (we had xxx Orders completed per hour before, now we
   have yyy).
2. Depending on your audience, you might be better off showing
   Pie Charts - especially if management thinks GUI is pretty.
  4. Be on their side:
1. This sucks, why did you do it is a bad tactic.
2. We are seeing a drop in accuracy and the customers are
   noticing is much more inclusive.
3. Tone, attitude, and word choices will have a huge effect on
   your success.
4. Choose your cc:s carefully. Bob the CFO might have taken
   your side if you'd let him bring the case to the Bill the
   CEO, but you cc:ed the CEO. Mary the A/P manager might have
   ignored you, but you cc:ed Alice the A/R manager, so she has
   to reply and appear clever in her reply. Don't play
   politics, but don't dare ignore it.

   If you need more, I'll have to charge you by the hour. :)

 Charles Barouch
Mark Johnson wrote:

Does anyone have a short paper on the care and feeding of both the company and its employees during a conversion/migration from one system to another.

I'm facilitating a migration from MV/Results/Primac to Great Plains and it is a very large mismatch. GP seems to be shopping-cart oriented and Results/Primac are more of a traditional Order Entry system. 

I can't seem to convey that difference as management (read: those who don't use the computer) like the GUI and all of the nice links and screens. The worker bees are in a turmoil with the increased amount of carpal-tunnel potential mouse/keyboard back and forth as well as the absense of many functions that were present under the MV app. Their productivity has fallen 75% as it takes 4x longer to enter an order. 

There are no sales tax lookups, no product or customer lookups. You clearly cannot scroll through 35,000 line items. There's no easy alternate shipping addresses and the original reports leave a lot to be desired. The accounting package is appealing but a company doesn't exist just for the accounting dept. Not to mention all the hamburger-helper features i've installed over the last 6.5 years.

I also have to fabricate custom reports with Crystal Reports and/or Access as there are many fields of data that should be there like customer back orders, sample customers, customer categories and a whole truckload of sales reporting fields that simply don't exist. Am I wrong in concluding that Great Plains is just a glorified shopping cart application.

Has anyone else experienced this kind of mis-match, especially with great plains. At least i could inform the users that others have these growing pains. There doesn't seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel for them.

thanks in advance. 

u2-users mailing list

Re: Conversions

2004-04-02 Thread Results
Please IGNORE last post. It was meant to be private. I was meant to be 
Charles Barouch

u2-users mailing list

Re: The lists are closing

2004-03-30 Thread Results
   Don't put 'volunteer' in the past tense. We will be looking for SIG 
leaders soon, we will be looking for forum moderators soon, and we will 
be transitioning to an elected board. There's always work for more hands 
in an organization of this type. If IBM keeps growing the U2 market (and 
it seems to be growing as we speak) then there will only be more need in 
the future, not less.

   - Charles I Volunteered Barouch

David Wolverton wrote:

LOL - Ron - where were you while they were BEGGING for people to become
members and attend conference call meetings to decide how to set up the
user's group and forum area?  It was MONTHS ago that they asked for input,
but probably got just enough to realize they'd have to wing it...
And in reality, for a totally NON-funded, volunteer effort, all I can say is
**WOW**...  GOOD JOB!!
I look at it like this: If you had to do it yourself, honestly, could you
have done a better, more professional job?  And if so, why didn't you
volunteer to assist?!?  They would have LOVED to have more help I'm sure!!
Be glad people who are willing to do labors of love are here, and willing to
I look forward to the group pushing forward - perhaps the forum software in
use will have to ability to support email posts, but then again, that's when
the spam messages start hitting! g
Clif - thanks for the work over the ages - This email forum has been one of
my 'must do' areas - just to stay abreast of where people are taking the
software - even places IBM and others probably never imagined - the
resources have been incredible...
David W. 

If this statement is true it sounds like someone wasn't listening or asking
the users if they were even interested in this forum idea.  It seems to have
been done without the input of the very people it is supposed to serve.
For the record, I have unlimited internet access both at work and at home
but I think the forum idea sucks.  I want my list info via email so I can
filter it and read it offline at a time that is convenient for me and my
employer.  I have subscribed to U2UG but I don't expect to spend much time
Ron White

 Charles Barouch

u2-users mailing list

Re: dhl shipping software integration

2004-03-30 Thread Results
   I've done direct ODBC for UPS and FedEx from mv (D3 on linux in my 
case), so I suspect that DHL has to have the same ability.

   - Charles I actually received a check for .02 cents this week Barouch

George Gallen wrote:

Currently We integrate with our UPS Worldship software by FTPing our
shipping info over to the UPS machine, then an ODBC is setup to link the
ftp file
to it's own use.
Then all we need to do is key in a key on the UPS software, it looks
up the shipping
and everything else needed and fills in automagically. As well, when we
close out the
UPS machine, it creates a file which we then FTP out and parse apart for
the tracking#.
Does anyone know if DHL's software can handle the same thing? or what
methods you
use to interface with DHL shipping software.
Any not too pricy ($1000) 3rd party solutions ok as well.

We are on UV on Unix, and the DHL machine is on the network.

George Gallen
Senior Programmer/Analyst
Accounting/Data Division
ph:856.848.1000 Ext 220
SLACK Incorporated - An innovative information, education and management

 Charles Barouch

u2-users mailing list

Re: Modern Universe - was: The lists are closing

2004-03-30 Thread Results
   I *think* the issue is that the mv runtime does typecast variables 
on the fly, transparently. Which means that assigning a number or the 
result of a numeric expression (AVAR = 1 * 3) results in AVAR becoming 
an Integer variable. If you then say something 'string-ish'  (AVAR = 
The answer is  : AVAR)  then the variable is recast on the fly into a 
String variable.

   - Charles Constant Barouch

Trevor Ockenden wrote:

Thank you Will but I consider A = 1 to be an assignment of the number 1
being the result of expression 1 which in my books is numeric.
To clarify this point for others...

anything on the right hand side of an assignment symbol (in this case =)
is an expression

Trevor Ockenden
- Original Message - 
To: U2 Users Discussion List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 5:35 AM
Subject: Re: Modern Universe - was: The lists are closing


In a message dated 3/30/2004 12:35:32 AM Eastern Standard Time,


You are partly correct when you say UV treats all data as strings.


if the UV programmer is careful he/she can get it to do maths


Variables within UVBasic are string unless the result of an expression


numeric whereby it becomes numeric.

UV stores numeric data such as dates, time and numbers as a
string value with no decimal point etc. quite deliberately.

Trevor partly right.  However the MvBASIC statement A = 1 makes the

variable A into a numeric typed datum.  I'm not sure you could say this is
the result of an expression being mathematical, after all Store is both a
string and a numeric command.  The system converts the loading of a purely
numeric argument into a LOADN or STOREN type command on some MV systems,
which the loading of a string is a LOAD or LOADS or STORES or something
similar to that.

  Of course the programmer just says A = 1 or A = DOG and doesn't have

to worry about how the argument is typed in the run engine.

Run Engine Will
u2-users mailing list

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free by AVG 6.0.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.642 / Virus Database: 410 - Release Date: 25/03/2004

 Charles Barouch
u2-users mailing list

Re: Modern Universe - was: The lists are closing

2004-03-29 Thread Results
   If you have VISAGE questions, Ross Ferris of STAMINA is a list 
member (we still have a few days in which we can call ourselves list 
members) and I'm sure he can answer your pricing and technology questions.

   - Charles We'll miss Clif Barouch

Michael Spencer wrote:

Last I looked at Visage, it:

1) required javascript skills
2) had no published price
3) had no developer copy available
4) had not only a developers cost but a per seat cost
Apart from those 4 problems, however, the movies did make it look like
an impressive product.
-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Will
Sent: March 29, 2004 3:02 PM
To: U2 Users Discussion List
Subject: Re: Modern Universe - was: The lists are closing
You want Pick on the web... simple, use Visage!

Patrick Will Williams, President
American Computer Technics, Inc.
919-567-0042  Raleigh, NC
 - Original Message - 
 From: David T. Meeks 
 To: U2 Users Discussion List 
 Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 6:37 AM
 Subject: RE: Modern Universe - was: The lists are closing

 While one could make the argument that Pick has not embraced emerging
 technologies as rapidly as the 'Big Three', it HAS done so.
 U2, for example, has support for Java connectivity, XML, and I believe
 either have or are working on Web Services support (I know, for
example, that
 the DSEngine in DataStage has support for Web Services).
 One could argue the need or purpose of supporting certain
technologies, and
 the level of support currently within the products, but to say that
there is
 little/no support is a bit uninformed.
 The U2 products ARE supported in certain Integration software.  I
 typically consider SAP/PeopleSoft integration software.  They are
 Software Suites, but not geared particularly at 'integration'.
 However, given that SAP and PeopleSoft OEM the DataStage product sets
 for both of their integration products (SAP's BW, PeopleSoft's EPM,
 JDEdwards stuff as well), and given DataStage works very well with
both U2
 products, this point is actually wrong.  People who have SAP or
 solutions CAN, very easily, integrate their U2 data to/from those
 As to 'efficiency', one can measure that in a variety of different 
  From a memory/disk space/footprint/administrative overhead
dimensions, the
 U2 database products are VERY efficient.

 Finally, as to being slow, again this depends on the measurement
 being used.  From the perspective of concurrent user access and the
 of application style DB usage (largely input/output, multiple
 users, etc..),
 the U2 products stand up very well to the mainstream guys.  For
support of 
 highly transactional query-based usage models, and the like, it does

 Trying to make the U2 products into what they are not is wrong.  They
 not the
 panacea for every database requirement.  However, for certain
 those for which it was designed (embedded database for application 
 it is very efficient.


 At 10:24 PM 3/28/2004 -0500, you wrote:
 PICK is LEGACY Technology and does NOT Support alot of advanced
 level computing we have today. I belive PICK is Similiar to Legacy
 that used ISAM type of DataBases Access. Even IBM has moved DB2 (Now
 to a completly relational architecture.
 I belive some of the below are good reasons to Migrate to
 MainStream (Top 3 - DB2/Oracle/MSSQL etc) Databases.
 1. UV has Little/NO support for Emerging
Technologies(XML/XQuery/XSLT/WML etc)
 2. UV is Not supported in Most Integration Enterprise Software 
 3. UV is Not efficient compared to highly evolved
 4. UV Folks seem to use PICK, which is Not Compatible with many of
 of the Current Advanced Technologies and Techniques.
 5. UV is very SLOW, TOO Procedural and Not the right tool for
  an OLTP Environment.
 It would be nice if IBM provided a Package to convert all UV Stuff to
 IBM DB2 and perhaps provide some kinda code converter to convert
 all pick stuff to DB2 Stored Procs or Java Native Compiled
 I belive this would be ideal and would help corportations intergrate
 systems easily.
 Joe Eugene
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Phil Walker
 Sent: Sun 3/28/2004 7:59 PM
 To: U2 Users Discussion List
 Subject: RE: The lists are closing
 As the list is closing this is probably not off topic - so I will
 I believe PICK has been around since the mid to late 1960's, whereas
 and the SQL relation model has been around only since the mid to late
 early 1980's if you are talking about Oracle etc.
 I may be wrong.
 Phil Walker
 +64 21 336294
 infocusp limited
 \\ PO Box 77032, Auckland New Zealand \
 DISCLAIMER:  This electronic message together with any attachments is

Re: Modern Universe - was: The lists are closing

2004-03-29 Thread Results
   Here's a few things to consider. MV environments (including 
UniVerse), allow for small teams to develop and adjust business rules 
more quickly than you can you can in Oracle, Sybase, or Informix. 
Published statistics show that MV environments are roughly twice as 
efficient in disk usage (smaller footprint means faster searches - 
forget the 'who cares, disk is cheap' argument, search speed is always a 
premium issue). MV environments are typically three times as efficient 
on CPU and memory usage. That means that a given system running an MV 
environment is triple the speed of a Big Three database even when you 
ignore search speed.
   Also, since Datastage is one of the best data warehousing systems in 
the world (and it has a common ancestry to the U2 technology), you can 
be assured that MV environments make excellent data marts, data 
warehouses, and data repositories. Informix bought the U2 technology 
just to get Datastage.


 Charles Barouch

u2-users mailing list

Re: Modern Universe - was: The lists are closing

2004-03-29 Thread Results
   Have you checked the file sizes? Have you checked the index 
parameters? I'll make you a bet. You bring me in for a week (i'll 
probably need most of that week to prove my results, the fixes will take 
less than a day) and I bet you we can make a meaningful improvement in 
your response time. Just because UV doesn't require an Admin full time 
doesn't mean it won't benefit from occasional tune ups.

 Charles Give me a Week and I'll take down your Wait Barouch

Joe Eugene wrote:


Our Customer Information is stored in UV and accessed via PICK.
This FILE (as UV ppl call it) contains around 500,000 Records in it.
Everything is INDEXED Per UV Standards.
Here is simple WILD CARD Search Test.


Machine: 950 MHZ Athlon
Records: 20 Million
Indexes: NO
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I had to Increase the Time out on application servers to support MR.SLOW
How do you think I am supposed to believe UV Performs Well.

Joe Eugene

u2-users mailing list

Re: The lists are closing

2004-03-27 Thread Results
Your work here, even if it is carried over perfectly there, will be 
missed. We have all benefited from your light hand on the tiller. These 
sort of lists often die of neglect or of tyranny. You steered us clear 
of both and instead created a vibrant and live place where people could 
exchange ideas, opinions, and solutions. You have be invaluable to our 

   - Charles Barouch

Moderator wrote:

Dear Friends:

After 10+ years of either hosting or supporting the info-prime, 
info-unidata, info-vmark, info-informix, and u2-users etc lists, I 
have decided to shut down the list server.

u2-users and u2-community will cease to exist as of 1 April 2004. IBM 
is officially supporting the efforts of the new group. (Yes. 
I am a member of the establishing Board of that group. So this is not 
a coup or Sour Grapes!) If you check out the forums that have been 
set up, I think you will will see that they cover everything anyone 
has asked for over the years in this group.

I *really* want to encourage ALL of you to come over the the site and support this effort. This is *exactly* what many 
of you on this list have wanted over the years. If Not Now, When?

Almost ten years on my Watch. How many years before that on Mike 
O'Rear's Watch? In the Net World, this has been a Hell of a good run. 
(I just couldn't resist tripping the Net Nanny filters one last time 
very evil grin)

I'll see all of you on the other media, ok?

u2-users mailing list

Re: SB+ Information

2004-03-26 Thread Results
Kevin and everyone else,
   I'm collecting resource links for the MV Community. I'll add the SB+ 
group to the list I keep at the end of the MV Calendar I do for Database 
Trends, and on the one I'm doing for the folks. If you know of 
any other links like this, please share with me so I can help promote them.

   - Charles and soon Barouch

Kevin King wrote:

The group is sbsolutions @  We're
alive and well and always open to new members.
Moderator, SBSolutions

u2-users mailing list

Re: Uniobjects

2004-03-25 Thread Results
   Look at NRG (Nucleus  Accuterm). The screens are fast, the security 
is all server based (even at the field level), and the tool allows you 
to use the same code base to service green screens during the 
transition. Nucleus also lets you develop for the web and use those web 
pages as green screens as well.

 Charles Barouch
Steve Mayo wrote:

Hi Everyone,

We are in the process of analyzing different approaches to porting our
software to a GUI environment. We are currently looking at Uniobjects for
Java, System Builder, jBase with ObjEx, OpenInsight and Obsydian (which I
have yet to get information on). If you have any other ideas or have gone
through this process, I would like to know a few things:
1) How is the response time with multiple windows up at the same time?

2) How did you deal with security? We need field level security.

3) The approach you used to convert the screens, etc.

We are using Unidata on AIX, have 40+ users and have in excess of 200

Any help would be appreciated.

Steve Mayo

u2-users mailing list

Re: Correlative

2004-03-24 Thread Results


The width of 30 will make the wrapping happen.

 Charles Barouch
Kate Stanton wrote:

I have a file with field 1 containing description (30 chars), and field 10
containing notes (30 characters, multi-value).
For reports, I want to print a single column containing description with
notes underneath.
So if description is Name of item and notes line 1 is: First line of
notes, line 2 is 2nd line of notes, I want a column of:
Name of item
1st line of notes
2nd line of notes
I have tried the following correlative:  F1;'
but it repeats the description before each line of notes:
Name of item
1st line of notes
Name of item
2nd line of notes
If I just concatenate with F1;10;:  I am not surprised to get:

Name of item1st line of notes
2nd line of notes
I can't for the life of me work out how to do it.  Can anyone help?  Please!

TIA,  Kate

Kate Stanton
Walstan Systems Ltd
4 Kelmarna Ave, Herne Bay, Auckland, New Zealand
ph +64 9 360 5310  fax +64 9 376 0750
ah +64 9 378 9594

u2-users mailing list

Re: FW: UniVerse vs Progress Performance

2004-03-23 Thread Results
   You raise some good points. I always start with file sizes because 
it is usually easy to diagnose and frequently a quick win to get some 
speed back. André needs to also look at the complexity of the 
application. The 430 might be doing little more than they could do on a 
spreadsheet and the 190 might be doing complex sales analysis, stock 
modeling, JIT manufacturing, and logistics. Just because they are in the 
same business does not mean the software has similar abilities.
   The fact is, they may have done something brilliant with their 
system and your 'mileage' might be completely typical while they are 
experiencing atypically good results. Just because we are mv doesn't 
mean no one else is working at exploiting the efficiencies of those 
other systems.

   - Charles Right-Sized Barouch

Timothy Snyder wrote:

André Nel wrote on 03/23/2004 04:07:09 AM:


Comparing the 2 boxes, the amount of users on each box, any reason
why we are struggling with the 190 users? The transaction volumes of
the company running 430 users are considerably higher than ours?

You haven't provided enough information to say for certain; evaluating
performance bottlenecks can be quite involved.  How many disks are being
used, and what type of RAID is employed?  What are you seeing as far as CPU
utilization?  You can use sar or topas to determine this.  Naturally, there
are many, MANY metrics to consider, but seeing the way user, system, and
I/O wait time are represented is a good place to start.
Tim Snyder
IBM Data Management Solutions
Consulting I/T Specialist , U2 Professional Services
Office (717) 545-6403  (rolls to cell phone)

 Charles Barouch
u2-users mailing list

Re: U2 file articles in International Spectrum

2004-03-21 Thread Results
   What do you want to know? I am willing to be bribed for any/all 
information and I'm both cheap and easy.

   - Charles That came out wrong Barouch

Ross Ferris wrote:

I wonder when Gus is going to update the website, so those of us outside USA can have a read !?!

Ross Ferris
Stamina Software
Visage  an Evolution in Software Development

u2-users mailing list

Re: U2 file articles in International Spectrum

2004-03-21 Thread Results
   L-O-quint, as always. The show was 200-ish people in a nice sized 
venue with 75 or so classes on everything from products (including 
VISAGE and Zeus), technology (PDA programming, OO programing, GUI 
overview), technique (AIX/UniVerse Pitfalls, Help Desk Survival), and 
more. The floor had a wide range of vertical and database vendors, 
supplemented by booths for Database Trends, Spectrum Magazine, 
horizontals like OHM, and the Spectrum Deli (I kid you not).
   It was three and one half days of Revelation, Reality, U2, 
UniVision, D3, jBASE, and more. It marked the first Spectrum (that I 
know of) where Microsoft bought breakfast and ran special seminars.

   - Charles Hey, I forgot to take a bribe before I spilled my guts 

Ross Ferris wrote:

Ahhh, what do I want to know  and the answer given by all good users is if I knew what I didn't know then I wouldn't have to ask, but I don't know WHAT I don't know, so I don't know ! (or sumfin like dat)

Ross Ferris
Stamina Software
Visage  an Evolution in Software Development

u2-users mailing list

Re: U2 file articles in International Spectrum

2004-03-20 Thread Results
   I enjoyed the initial article. When you start the section titled 
The Hash Key the writing style changes for the better. The opening was 
a bit impersonal.
   From a technical standpoint, it wasn't new material for me, but it 
was is an excellent base for the rest of the series. I look to forward 
to the next entry. It's an excellent topic, complimented by strong writing.

   - Charles Picky Barouch

Jeff Fitzgerald wrote:

Peggy and I are writing a series of articles in Spectrum about U2 files.
The first one is in the March/April issue which is just out.  I'd be
interested in reactions and feedback.  The first article is pretty
introductory; we're going to do five or six and will strive for some depth.
Feel free to email any comments or post to the list if appropriate.

Jeff Fitzgerald
Fitzgerald  Long, Inc.
(303) 755-1102

 Charles Barouch

u2-users mailing list

Spectrum Show

2004-03-19 Thread Results
   The Spectrum show was small (200-ish) but very active. I got to 
spend time with Janet Oswald and Adam Van Beek (both of whom are IBM 
people who have commited time to the new international U2 User's group). 
Both my booth (Key Ally/Moose Enterprises) and the IBM booth gave out sticker and flyers.
   To all of you who could not be there, you missed a good show. There 
were several U2 specific classes and offerings. The next Spectrum, Sept. 
2004, will be in London. The October show will be in Australia. If you 
can manage either show, it is well worth attending.

 Charles Barouch

u2-users mailing list

Re: Mvquery Client Not Responding

2004-03-11 Thread Results
   Let's be fair. Windows guesses at the responsiveness of all sorts of 
applications. I've had Windows XP tell me that FreeCel was 
non-responsive because my Anti-virus stole too many timeslices.

   - Charles Non-Responsive to Windows Barouch

Brian Leach wrote:


1. Please do not post mvQuery questions to this list. Either send them to
your mvQuery supplier, or to mvquery support.
2. The task manager will show mvQuery as not responding whilst it is waiting
for the server to complete a select or process a record set. This is because
control has passed from the mvQuery client across to the UniLink driver
which is in turn awaiting messages from the server. mvQuery is still
running, and will respond when the selection has completed: but whilst it is
waiting it cannot respond to the task manager. You find the same thing
whenever a Windows application is busy waiting for another component - e.g.
Excel running an ODBC query.
This is usually noticeable when you are running large or complex queries, or
running against a limited server: for large queries we recommend using the
Print Server edition as that does not impact upon the desktop.

Brian Leach



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave S
Sent: 11 March 2004 15:48
Subject: Mvquery Client Not Responding

When running the Mvquery client on my desktop and performing 
a query, the windows task manager on my desktop  will show 
that the process is not responding. After a few minutes, the 
task manager wll indicate that the process is running.

I am running the 4.2 client on my desktop. The server is 
running Unidata 6.06 on Windows 2000.

Do you Yahoo!?
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u2-users mailing list
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Microgen Information Management Solutions

 Charles Barouch
u2-users mailing list

Re: Memory Utilization

2004-03-11 Thread Results
   Have look found a pattern in the slowdowns? It's possible that a 
program is hogging the CPU, or that only one file is horribly misused. 
I've had clients slowed to a crawl by an undersized control file that 
every application hits multiple times. Another candidate is locking. You 
may have a process which is choking other users by locking up critical 
items for minutes at a time.

   - Charles Barouch
Timothy Harkin wrote:

How does UniVerse take advantage of RAM on a server (Win2K).  I have a
poorly performing database with only 7 users.  I am currently resizing
files, but I have noticed that the server is using only about 192 MB of RAM,
when there is 1 GB installed.


Timothy Harkin


 Charles Barouch

u2-users mailing list

Re: [ADMIN] MOST IMPORTANT (Fwd: ENC: Notify about your e-mail account utilization.)

2004-03-09 Thread Results
   Outlook is the platform of choice for viruses. :/ Sorry to hear that 
you got stung.

   - Charles Used Outlook once but didn't inhale Barouch
Moderator wrote:


It appears that someone on the list got infected with a virus. One of 
these beasties goes through the infected Microsoft address book and 
starts faking these admin messages to the other addresses in the book.


datastage-users mailing list

 Charles Barouch
u2-users mailing list

Re: UniVerse on NT vs *nix

2004-03-09 Thread Results
   As a professional trainer, I can assure you that the cost of 
training staff in a second O/S is smaller than the cost of lost 
productivity corporate-wide. Tell them that they are moving from known 
stability to an unknown. Even if it works, they are facing weeks or 
months of settling in time. The overtime and delays in setting up the 
new system are likely to be larger than the delays caused by training.
   Please also point out that staff sees training as 'the employer 
investing in them' and downtime as 'the employer is mad at me' - they'll 
know which is better for morale in IT and corporate-wide.

   - Charles Barouch
Sara Burns wrote:

The general thinking is that it must be more effective to only have one
operating system.  Less staff training etc etc etc.
As there is so much that is NT based they think that all should be on 
That includes UniVerse and Oracle.  Of course SQLServer doesn't have the
The fact that UniVerse and Oracle are supported on NT makes it that much
harder to explain that this is not such a good idea.  I need facts to 
up my feelings.  Some years ago I was told by one of the knowledgeable
contributors to this list that We would be brave to go the NT route, 
as we
would be the biggest site to do this.  I am trying to find out if 
that has
changed with the evolution of new versions of NT - now W2K3.

Just my .02


 Charles Barouch

u2-users mailing list

Re: How to start windows programs

2004-03-03 Thread Results
   I know you can do it from AccuTerm, I don't know of a way to do it 
from wIntergrate.

   - Charles Barouch
Björn Eklund wrote:

Is there a way of starting windowsprograms on the users PC from a Unibasic
program or do I need Wintergrate or some other tool to do that?
I would like to send a invoice number away to an invoice archive on MS
sql-server to get a pdf copy of the invoice in an Internet Exploreror
acrobat reader window.
Björn Eklund


u2-users mailing list


2004-03-02 Thread Results
   I'm installing SAMBA on SCO (Open Server 5) tomorrow. All advice, 
hints, and tips appreciated. I've set up SAMBA before, but it was 
usually a config only issue (pre-installed) and this time I have to 
start from the install.

   - Charles I think I can - I Think I can Barouch

u2-users mailing list

Re: UniVerse to excel feeds [AD]-ish

2004-02-27 Thread Results
   We have a tool which can be automated to pull data at a specified 
time (or multiple times) from UniVerse and push it out in CSV (which can 
be read directly by excel). If that's a close enough fit, let me know. 
The product is called Zeus Data Integration and it retails for less than 

   - Charles Barouch
Don Cutting wrote:

Hi All,

	We are looking for a process, where a report run in UniVerse can feed direct into excel, with no human action being taken - or as little as possible. If you have a process or tool where you can do this, and are willing to share this information, please e-mail. We are on UniVerse 10.0.19 and AIX 5.2

	Thank you in advance for your suggestions.

Thanks and have a great day!

Donald H. Cutting
A. N. Deringer, Inc.
D. B. A. / Systems Analyst
Tel.  (802)524-8172
Fax. (802)524-8297
Our Service Recommends Us!

u2-users mailing list

Re: Recommended education

2004-02-23 Thread Results
Marcie at Discovery Computer Systems does a good job:

   - Charles Barouch
Cyndi Calvin wrote:

Hi All, any recommendations for newbie education on UniVerse?

My company has been using an old 7 version of universe for years and now
I'll be upgrading and migrating (in the other order).
Classes you'd recommend?


u2-users mailing list

Re: [ADMIN] The aforementioned and promised NAG about OVERQUOTING

2004-02-18 Thread Results
   Top Posting vs. Bottom Posting - didn't I see this in Gulliver's 
Travels with Big Endians and Little Endians? Where is our technical 
moxie boys and girls? With this group, I figured this would morph into a 
discussion on which of us could whip out a better e-mail client for 
parsing the responses to a different pane.
   Then we could fight about Right Posting vs. Left Posting.

   - Charles 'I deleted the entire previous response on this mail as 
a non-violent means of Civil Disobedience' Barouch

u2-users mailing list

Re: Distributing U2 files

2004-02-18 Thread Results
   The UniData DIR file is the functional equiv. to UniVerse Type 19.
Dawn M. Wolthuis wrote:

O bother ... I clicked before asking my other question ...
If I create the files in UniData instead of Universe, what should the
CREATE-FILE statement look like or is it important to make them type 19
Universe files?  Can the same paragraph to alter them to dynamic work in
both UV and UDT or not (I'm not very UV-savvy)?  Thanks.  --dawn
Dawn M. Wolthuis
Tincat Group, Inc.
Take and give some delight today.

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Jeff Schasny
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 12:04 PM
To: U2 Users Discussion List
Subject: RE: Distributing U2 files
O bother... I forgot.  

Install procedure 4.5:

Create Voc pointers (or send along a process to create them)

-Original Message-
From: Jeff Schasny [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 10:59 AM
To: U2 Users Discussion List
Subject: RE: Distributing U2 files
1) Make your source files Universe type 19s (eliminate the whole fnuxi
2) Gzip them all up along with a paragraph to be placed in the voc file to
resize them to whatever filetype you prefer (I'd go with dynamic for
anything other than source code files, but thats just me).
Installation procedure would then be:

1) download the gzip file
2) ungzip into an existing Uni* directory 
3) copy the paragraph to the VOC file
4) execute the paragraph
5) dance joyously

-Original Message-
I have a set of small UniData files that I would like folks to be able to
receive via e-mail and then install.  The requirements are:
1) OS can be most flavors of Windows or UNIX
2) DB can be UniData or Universe
3) I would like to have a single zipped up file for distribution, but if
two or more are best, I'd like to know that
4) assume there is only a windows server available for the packaging
function (no unix box available for that task)
5) the user should need to do almost nothing to be able to get to the
point where they can type LIST filename for these files and have them work
at the command prompt.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.  --dawn

Dawn M. Wolthuis
Tincat Group, Inc.
Take and give some delight today.

u2-users mailing list

Face-to-Face U2 gathering

2004-02-18 Thread Results
   Tuesday, March 16th, at the Spectrum show, we will be having an 
informal get together at 5:00 PM. We'll all meet in the Exhibit Hall at 
the Key Ally table (right near the door, across from IBM) as the 
exhibits break for the evening. Unfortunately, we can not fund dinner 
(this time) but we'd like to see who we can get together from the list 
and share a meal.
  You don't have to register, but I'd like you to e-mail me in 
advance, if you can - I'd like to get a rough head count for when we 
scout restaurants. (Include any food restrictions.)

   - Charles 'Table for 150, Please Barouch

u2-users mailing list

Face-to-Face U2 gathering

2004-02-18 Thread Results
  Tuesday, March 16th, at the Spectrum show, we will be having an 
informal get together at 5:00 PM. We'll all meet in the Exhibit Hall at 
the Key Ally table (right near the door, across from IBM) as the 
exhibits break for the evening. Unfortunately, we can not fund dinner 
(this time) but we'd like to see who we can get together from the list 
and share a meal.
 You don't have to register, but I'd like you to e-mail me in 
advance, if you can - I'd like to get a rough head count for when we 
scout restaurants. (Include any food restrictions.)

  - Charles 'Table for 150, Please Barouch

Note: Cross Posted from the Discussion list with the moderator's permission.

u2-users mailing list

Re: version control software

2004-02-18 Thread Results
   You can also look at Susan Josyln's offering:

   - Charles Barouch
Larry Hiscock wrote:

I am looking for a version control application for U2 software development.
Ideally it would have a check-out/check-in function, ability to track
changes, migration dates, etc

u2-users mailing list

MV Vendors

2004-02-17 Thread Results
   I'm managing two MV Community calendars (user group meetings, 
conferences, etc.). One is at and the 
other will be on the site in the near future. I need help. 
Please send me info, especially on Vendor-based events for anyone that 
has MV products.

   - Charles 'He's so slow they timed him with a calendar' Barouch

u2-users mailing list

Re: Wintegrate, UD

2004-02-16 Thread Results
You might also want to look at the AccuSoft graphical interface before you settle 
on wIntegrate.
- Charles 'I also like the Nucleus/Accusoft Combo' Barouch

Thomas Derwin wrote:

You might find something useful in the code samples that come with Wintegrate.  In Winteg 3, they're in the example subdirectory.

Hope this helps, 

	-Original Message- 
	From: Bjrn Eklund [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Sent: Mon 2/16/2004 4:30 AM 
	I've downloaded the Wintegrate trial version but I don't know where to
	start. Should I redraw my screens in the Wintegrate dialog designer or what?
	I have downloaded all the manuals but can't find anything at a glance that
	shows me where to start my GUItilazation.

u2-users mailing list

Re: Swap array values? In UV

2004-02-13 Thread Results
   XOR means Exlusive OR. Example:
   00110 BITXOR 10011 yields 10101

   because 0 XOR 1 = 1, 0 XOR 0 = 0, 1 XOR 0 = 1, (here's the tricky 
one) 1 XOR 1 = 0 (because it needs to be exclusive), and 0 XOR 1 = 1

   The example is still hard to read, even when you understand XOR, 
because it is a counter-intuitive approach. It is, however, 
frighteningly clever.

   - Charles 'Exclusive' Barouch

Glenn W. Paschal wrote:

Ok, I love brainteasers, but to be honest, I don't see how this works,
possibly because I am one of those who has never used BITXOR, and so don't
readily understand it.  Please elaborate!
Thanks, --Glenn.

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Glenn Herbert
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 2:25 PM
To: U2 Users Discussion List
Subject: RE: Swap array values? In UV
*lol*  i agree it's nasty and not readily obvious as to it's intent, but 
that wasn't the question posed...

sometimes it's just to exercise the mind

At 02:36 PM 02/13/2004, you wrote:

I understand why this works, but honestly, that's nasty.


No temp variable used.


u2-users mailing list

Re: D3 on NT

2004-02-11 Thread Results
   Could you do me a favor and not declare my entire market segment dead.
You now have the keys to data integration heaven and you don't need to buy
any more tools or migration services.
   The fact is, I could move data from any system to any other system 
before XML, we all could. The question is always the 'time value of 
money' equation. If a tool makes things work more consistently, faster, 
and with less setup time I still see a value.

   - Charles Barouch

Tony Gravagno wrote:

Without purchasing extra software, probably the easiest thing to do in a
migration these days is to take advantage of free .NET features which allow
seamless exchanges between XML and ADO.NET:
1) It's simple to write code to wrap data in XML.
2) You can use a program provided with the .NET Framework to generate a
Schema from the XML into a .XSD file.
3) ADO.NET imports XSD files to create an internal map of a dataset.
4) With one line of code ADO.NET can read XML and store the data as a
relational dataset.
Connecting the dots: It's easy to go from any MV platform into XML, then
into ADO.NET, and from there to any Relational DBMS.
And now that I've let the cat out of the bag, I have to retire a poor man.
You now have the keys to data integration heaven and you don't need to buy
any more tools or migration services.
Seriously the way the technology is implemented depends on the application.
If you ARE interested in data migrations From any platform To any platform,
I'll be happy to help.
Nebula RD
Former D3 DBMS Product Manager, Raining Data
Technical Editor, C#Builder Kick Start, SAMS Publishing
Author, Web Services and .NET series, Spectrum Magazine

u2-users mailing list

Re: TNET Client/Site licensing inquiry failed

2004-02-10 Thread Results
In English (According to

   Type of event: Error
   Origin of the event: UDTnet
   Category of the event: Unknown
   Id. of the event: 1002
   Date: 09/02/2004
   Hour: 07:14:52 p.m. 
   User: not available
   Description: TNET Client/Site licensing inquiry failed

It sounds like a problem with Licencing, not with the software or the 
Sonidos como un problema con Licencing, no con el software ni la 

Yimi Lopez wrote:

Tipo de suceso: Error
Origen del suceso: UDTnet
Categoría del suceso: Ninguno
Id. del suceso: 1002
Fecha:  09/02/2004
Hora:  07:14:52 p.m.
Usuario:  No disponible
TNET Client/Site licensing inquiry failed

u2-users mailing list

Re: Real Time Data Warehouse

2004-02-09 Thread Results
Sixty to ninety days from now, I'll have a solution for you ::sigh:: I 
have the UniVerse side in my Tier I product (Zeus) but the SQL won't be 
until Tier II (in development) and I may or may not have the jBASE bits 
by then.
   You may want to look at writing a straight SQL read/write solution 
with UniVerse handling everything through phantoms. As to DataStage - we 
have a Stager or two on the list with us - I'm sure they'll be happy to 

   - Charles 'SQL is Dead, Dawn Said So, but I'm still adding it to my 
product' Barouch

Tom Firl wrote:

So, I'm moving on from my encrypted database problem (that was put on hold) and now I have a new, interesting problem.  I'm looking at a proposal that seems to demand a solution that is a cross between a data replication system and a data warehouse.  

The system needs to be able to Extract data from a feed up updates to specified Universe or jBASE files in real-time (once a minute, or so will suffice), do some Transformation on the data, then Load the data into a DB2 or SQL Server (not my implementation requirement... don't yell at me).  During peak times, I'm supposing could be over a thousand updates per minute written to the data replication feed.  I don't know if it's reasonable to expect this system to be able to handle that kind of throughput... that is to be determined.

The rationale for the system is to allow people to use standard reporting, OLAP, and BI tools.  In industry parlance, I think such a system is called a Real Time Data Warehouse (RTDW).  

So, here's where you can help... 

I'm brainstorming for design/implementation ideas.  First, I'm trying to get the lay-of-the-land of tools and companies that can help with the ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) part of this project (is this what DataStage does?).  Where do I look?

Second, I'm searching for clever ideas about how to create and extract the data feed containing file updates -- such as leveraging UV-DR.  I'd prefer to create the data replication feed in isolation from the ETL tool.  Seeing as I'm a little lazy (and hoping we won't have to roll our own) I'd like to evaluate off-the-shelf solutions.


Tom Firl
Columbia Ultimate

u2-users mailing list

Re: Document scan and retrieval (looking for software)

2004-02-04 Thread Results

 When did 'google' become a verb? I'm not objecting to your use - I
say it, too. I'm just not sure when we started verbing that noun.

 - Charles 'I was an English Major In College and Look What
Happened' Barouch

George Gallen wrote:

  RE: Document scan and retrieval (looking for software)

  I thought smb was simple message block?
  I haven't googled it, just from memory...
-Original Message-
From: Anthony Youngman
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 11:04 AM
To: U2 Users Discussion List
Subject: RE: Document scan and retrieval (looking for

"Included with" and "part of"
aren't the same thing. That's why the samba teamdumped smbclientfrom
the samba package! (but put it back when too many people moaned.)

By the way - "smb" is an IBM
acronym for "Server Message Block" so even the fact that the names are
similar is no evidence that they are part and parcel of the same thing.
They just happen to have the same ancestor way back, like a load of
your cousins share the same surname as you ...


Behalf Of Jeff Schasny
Sent: 04 February 2004 15:32
To: U2 Users Discussion List
Subject: RE: Document scan and retrieval (looking for

Actualy smbclient is part of samba and works
quite nicely in reading and writing to windows shares. smbmount is
only available on linux samba installs.If someone would like a couple
UVBasic programs to "put" and "get" via smbclient I'd be glad to send
them along.

  -Original Message-
  From: Anthony Youngman
If you want to use a unix
*client* to access a Windows server, you need smbmount and friends,
which are not not not samba. If you want to what you suggest, using
samba, you need to get the pcs to save directly into a nix directory
which samba has exported to the network, rather than getting a nix box
to monitor a windows directory.



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