Re: [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu 8.4.1

2008-07-12 Thread Lut4rp
 You will get 8.04.1. But do you really need to order it? Can you not
 get it from someone near you?


Ooops... Guess I was wrong... Intuition :-)

thanks for telling me that

lut4rp = malloc (sizeof (pratul)
dum vivimus, vivamus

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu 8.4.1

2008-07-12 Thread Lut4rp
 My question is if we were to order ubuntu hardy cd's would they
 incorporate these bug fixes or would they be the original release.


Nopes, the ShipIt CD is always the original release version. Unless
they changed their policies recently, (which I don't think they have
:-) they will ship the original version.


lut4rp = malloc (sizeof (pratul)
dum vivimus, vivamus

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] [ANNOUNCE] Bug Triaging and Packaging IRC sessions

2008-07-07 Thread Lut4rp
 Venue: #ubuntu-in @
 Dates: 12th , 13th July 2008.
 Time: from 2100 hrs onwards both days
 Agenda: (Keep
 an eye on that page for more news)

 This is the first of the many Jamming ;-) sessions planned before the
 gala event in August and also the first of its kind organized by
 Ubuntu India. So guys, make use of this opportunity and lets all join
 hands to make Ubuntu better!!!

 Lets ROCK!

Die bug, die!

can't wait!

lut4rp = malloc (sizeof (pratul)
dum vivimus, vivamus

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[ubuntu-in] Airtel Broadband dialup howto?

2008-07-04 Thread Lut4rp
I have been looking around the web for quite a while now, and I can't
seem to find any howto, about setting up Airtel broadband (with the
ADSL 220BX modem), for those who have a limited connection. I have
seen many howtos but all of them suggest changing the settings of the
ADSL modem, so that it connects automatically on startup. My friend
who needs this, cant do this since he has a limited plan, and wants to
dial on demand, like he does on Windoze.

I went through the Ubuntu help system, and found a way to use a ADSL
PPPoE modem, but it didnt work. Is there anyone who uses such a
system? I would be grateful if you share it on the list. I can then
update the wiki page as well.


lut4rp = malloc (sizeof (pratul)
dum vivimus, vivamus

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Re: [ubuntu-in] Airtel Broadband dialup howto?

2008-07-04 Thread Lut4rp
 use the following command in a terminal, and follow the onscreen setup :

 hope this will help your friend.


I mentioned in my mail, that I have tried the ppoeconf method from the
Ubuntu Help system. It isnt working... Maybe I did the wrong
setting-up? Hasn't someone actually done this yet? I am actually


lut4rp = malloc (sizeof (pratul)
dum vivimus, vivamus
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Re: [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu Global Bug Jam

2008-06-11 Thread Lut4rp
 The GBJ is proposed to take place during the weekend 8th August - 10th
 August 2008, hence comfortable for all to participate.

 With Regards,

 Parthan technofreak
 gpg  2FF01026

Brilliant, my exams are getting over on 20th June. Will meet over at
#u-i whenever possible.

dum vivimus, vivamus
70 72 61 74 75 6C

ubuntu-in mailing list

[ubuntu-in] [X-POST] Announcement: #hackers-india channel on Freenode

2008-06-08 Thread Lut4rp
Greetings to all,

This is a formal announcement about the creation of a new IRC channel,
#hackers-india on the Freenode IRC network.
The channel has been started to fill the void of a pure
hackery-codery-programming based Indian channel. The need for such a
channel was felt by me (and a couple of other hackers) during the
programming discussions held on ##linux-india. We are hoping that the
channel will go a long way in helping hackers around India during
need-of-the-hour, as well as future summer-of-codes, hackathons,
codefests etc.

Some other details:
  - Purely white-hat channel, no cracking paid softwares, warez talks;
AT ALL (read: instant permanent ban)
  - There is not restriction on programming language or even OS (yes,
Windows users welcome :-)
  - Discussions falling under the categories of network/machine
security, penetration testing etc. may be held on #security-india
(also on Freenode, pre-existing channel)

Feel free to post this mail to any other related list/website you
might subscribe to.
Pratul (aka lut4rp)

dum vivimus, vivamus
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ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu on Apple Mac's

2008-06-05 Thread Lut4rp
 I'm sorry I missed the first part of this conversation, but has anyone
 actually managed to dual-boot a MAC with Ubuntu ?

   Yes, my friend dual-boots his Macbook Pro with Ubuntu Hardy and OS
X Leopard. He claims to have faced no problems whatsoever.


dum vivimus, vivamus
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ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Installing Linux on my IMATE

2008-06-05 Thread Lut4rp
 I want to install linux on my Imate pocket PC. I searched on the net but
 could not find much resources or direct downloads / instructions. All
 articles are based on IPAQ but mine is IMATE ...does it make any
 difference ? any pointers on this regard will be very helpful to me...

I don't think it shall make much of a difference, since both are based
on Windows Mobile. You can try installing Openmoko (
Their wiki and IRC channel are very helpful.
Please bear in mind, that if you wreck/brick your phone, you shall
probably void your warranty, and might not even be able to repair it.
Be careful :)


dum vivimus, vivamus
70 72 61 74 75 6C

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu on Apple Mac's

2008-05-30 Thread Lut4rp
 Also apple machines always come packed with latest technologies. For
 ex. they started shipping graphics cards with DVI output interface
 long time before other vendors.
 Macbook seems to be favorite among FOSS developers. Check photos from
 UDS on planet Ubuntu you will know what I mean.
 As for disadvantage they are overpriced in my opinion. And if you plan
 to run on linux you will have some binary only driver, mostly graphics
 card but you may need for wireless too.

   I would like some clarification on what Mr. Slytherin :) has
written. Macs are favorites among FOSS developers, but do they use the
machine with Linux or with OS X? I have no idea, but you might?
And I agree they are grossly overpriced, but getting them from a
reseller, rather than an Apple Store, its comes out much cheaper.


 e) getting the latest generations of apple ipod to work under gnulinux
 is not so much a technical issue, as apple's extreme reluctance to
 work with the FOSS community and allow fair enduser rights for all

  Hmm, I must say Niyam's mail has compelled me to throw in my POV,
considering the fact I am going thru my 4th sem exams. But what are
you trying to say here? Trying to sync ipod with Linux (you know
that's easy), or running a Linux-kernel on the ipod? (possible with

 so, in purchasing a macbook, do i wish to convey my support with
 dollars, to a company whose business practices are at times quite

  I have been going through this debate since the last 2 years now,
and its the sole reason why I have stuck to my uber-cool desktop. But
if I think, isn't M$ more anti-customer? They practically don't give a
damn to what the consumer market says, Apple at least does that (I
have seen Apple's OS and devices show drastic improvement after every
iteration, most of the consumer grievances seem to be sorted out, yet
they do keep a few cards to themselves)

 nevertheless, i do have a few points on why i feel compelled to
 purchase a macbook running ubuntu, ubuntustudio, and debian, for

  I shall be grateful if you share some of those compelling reasons
with me? I shall have those ready as arguments, when I face my parents


dum vivimus, vivamus
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ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] wireless in Hardy

2008-05-02 Thread Lut4rp
I had the same problem on my HP Pavilion tx1000, and I found a
solution to it. I was upgrading from Gutsy to Hardy, and I am not sure
if this problem persists in a fresh Hardy install as well.

- In /cdrom/pool/main/b you can find the deb for b43-fwcutter
- Copy it to your disk and then run it.
- It should ask Do I search for the driver myself?. Say no there.
- You should recieve a prompt asking for the .o file of the driver.
- get it from
(use XP :)
- that should make your wireless run (at least it worked for me)

If this doesn't work out, follow instructions from the start from


dum vivimus, vivamus
70 72 61 74 75 6C

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] wireless in Hardy

2008-05-02 Thread Lut4rp
  - In /cdrom/pool/main/b you can find the deb for b43-fwcutter

 In my Linux directory, or in the online Ubuntu repository? (since you
 ask me to copy it to my disk)

   I meant the install CD :)

  - Copy it to your disk and then run it.
 Should I copy it to any specific directory?

   No, you can copy it anywhere, home, desktop.

  If this doesn't work out, follow instructions from the start from

   This is actually the best chance you have. Hope it works.


Your welcome :D

dum vivimus, vivamus
70 72 61 74 75 6C

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu India Hosting Fundraiser

2008-03-15 Thread Lut4rp
  As some of ou may know already, we have been contemplating to move to
  our own servers to host our website, wiki, forums, etc.

  Currently our hosting is sponsored by Canonical which though being
  excellent imposes some limitations; we need to contact them for any
  change in the system configuration etc.

Could you tell me what requirements you have? I have a good hosting
plan, and if possible I can allow hosting of the whole community
portal. If you could tell me the space, bandwidth requirements, and
any other add-ons you might require? (like cgi-bin, ssh etc.)

Would love to help in any way.

dum vivimus, vivamus
70 72 61 74 75 6C

ubuntu-in mailing list

[ubuntu-in] Need a /etc/fstab

2008-01-23 Thread Lut4rp
Hi everyone
I installed gutsy on my box, and I dont know what got into me, I
decided to do it using the text mode CD (alternate). It turns out that
if we use that it doesnt write the fstab for the NTFS windoze
partitions. All it does while startup is mount the ext3 partition.

Will someone be so kind and give me their fstab? Of course, I need one
with NTFS partitions and preferably gutsy (dunno if differs from
distro to distro)
Im having problems, and dont know if NTFS-3g is to be used somewhere.


dum vivimus, vivamus

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] What happened to ubuntu-in development ?

2008-01-21 Thread Lut4rp
 different wallpaper, different theme, sounds  possibly diff icon.
 Different default services, different default set of installed
 packages.Indian calendar + list of holidays.  Claws as default client
 rather than hte evolution monster... and many others.

Have you seen this project page?

 I'm not talking just abt different window manager but a better and
 friendlier linux distro based on ubuntu.

Im sorry, but if this is the case, then its a _totally_ new thing
altogether. As Parthan clarified earlier, maintaining new packages
itself is a mammoth task. Creation of a new distro altogether? Its
re-inventing the wheel. But, then again, if you _do_ have the
manpower, time and will to do so, you might find takers for your idea
:) just my opinion!


dum vivimus, vivamus

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Has anybody tried LinuxMint

2007-12-05 Thread Lut4rp
Did try it out on my PC with a live CD, no real eye-popping stuff,
except for the theme. Another addition to the 2000+ odd linux distros.
But then again, the whole of the Mint look is available on Ubuntu from, and im fine with that.


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Re: [ubuntu-in] [Repost]

2007-11-24 Thread Lut4rp
Muaah, muaah VK.. this questions remains unanswered... I am waiting
for any development on this direction..


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Re: [ubuntu-in] This is about Ubuntu Indian Members..

2007-10-31 Thread Lut4rp
Hmm, better for now I guess. Take some time out and try realizing your
project in a better light, you might get some brainwaves!
And best of luck with your media center.


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Re: [ubuntu-in] Scroll Area of tuochpad not not working.

2007-10-31 Thread Lut4rp
If i remember, there is a package for this in the repo, search for it
in Add/Remove packages. maybe you will get something?


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Re: [ubuntu-in] [Ubuntu Bangalore Team] The Bangalore team is up and rocking..!

2007-10-29 Thread Lut4rp
Anytime at all! Go Ubuntu India!

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Re: [ubuntu-in] [Ubuntu Bangalore Team] The Bangalore team is up and rocking..!

2007-10-28 Thread Lut4rp
I have made a forum in the Indian Teams category. Please check it out, and
tell me if you need anything else! I can make you sub-forums also (if the
need be).

Good luck

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Re: [ubuntu-in] [Ubuntu Bangalore Team] The Bangalore team is up and rocking..!

2007-10-27 Thread Lut4rp
 Another point, list is better than forum for a small community. Though the
 ubuntu india forums are up but one can see that there is not much activity.
 The reason is that forums work like a notice board. and notice boards work
 where there are large number of people and since community is not that big
 yet, members prefer straight talk which is best done through mail list.

Oh no, thats not the reason the forums arent working! The reason is
that we yet havent got a CNAME from the domain
administrators AND that there is no link from the Ubuntu India wiki
home-page even saying the forums exist!

Sorry, but some things have to be done to get other things done, eh? :)


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Re: [ubuntu-in] [Ubuntu Bangalore Team] The Bangalore team is up and rocking..!

2007-10-27 Thread Lut4rp
 Will contact voiran tommorow to convert our Bangalore forum into a

Are you not putting up your forum on the Ubuntu India forums? If yes,
you will need to tell me what all u need, coz I am the administrator.
Currently they are placed at till we get
the domain.


ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] [Ubuntu Bangalore Team] The Bangalore team is up and rocking..!

2007-10-26 Thread Lut4rp
Let a non-Bangalore, non-Kannada person give his opinion on this.
From what all I gather, this Bangalore Team idea is not bad, but don't
fork it! By forking it, I mean:

-- getting a new IRC channel
-- using the forum, while the Ubuntu India forums
also exist. You could have requested us to make a sub-category with as
many forums for you, we would have been glad!
-- using the ubuntu wiki for promotion as a separate LoCo team. I
suggest use the Ubuntu India resources please. We have a wiki and a
forum and an IRC channel as well.
-- you can very well use tags (you are using Ubuntu Bangalore Team) in
the mailing list so as to differentiate your mail. No need for a
separate mailing list as well.

You have a noble mission my friend! But using the right tools will
help you in the long run as well. We want to help you in any way we
can. If you get our point, this helps the Ubuntu India community as a
whole beautifully and supports your goal as well.

And this also reminds me of the Ubuntu India site upgrade, i will
holler on that point as well (separate mail :) )


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Re: [ubuntu-in] Has anyone reviewed Gusty

2007-10-20 Thread Lut4rp
Yeah, i have already downloaded and am seeding the
ubuntu-alternate-cd-iso, ubuntu-live-cd-iso and xubuntu-live-cd-iso...
I upgraded my box from Fiesty, so was a breeze :)
In all, ive been just poking around... A full review on my blog ASP,
but let me say i was dissapointed with CompizFusion, it gave better
effects on Fiesty, they seem to have removed 70% eye candy with the
final version!! eg: no dekstop cube effect, no rain effect.

Let see what happens over the weekend, fun!


ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] ubuntu India website redesign

2007-10-19 Thread Lut4rp
Please write mails in plain text, Manu. Its a problem to people who
have slow connections/handheld devices.

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] ubuntu India website redesign

2007-10-19 Thread Lut4rp
Few small updates...
* I updated the wiki at
* A Drupal install to test Ubuntu india beta, based on Drupal 5.3, will be
running on my hosting by today evening. Details later...
* Anyone else, apart from VK and me, who wants to help us out with testing
it, ping back!
Thats it.

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] List of Current To-dos

2007-10-19 Thread Lut4rp

 [2] Ubuntu-In Forums : Pratul has successfully created the forums.
 Updates on this (briefly please)

Forums are running fine! But since we dont yet have a CNAME record pointing
from to my server, there's not much traffic. I had a
small chat with g0sub and he told me he had forwarded a request to the
domain admins. I was also advised not to spread word until the CNAME job was
done. Still waiting...


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Re: [ubuntu-in] ubuntu India website redesign

2007-10-17 Thread Lut4rp

 1. Old team members feel that wiki is the way to go. I am one of them.
 New team members feel that some CMS like Drupal is the way to go.
 2. Old team members feel we should use existing infrastructure and
 make Ubuntu-IN website as beautiful as possible.
 New team members feel that existing infrastructure is not flexible enough.
 3. Old team members feel that there isn't enough contribution to content.
 New team members feel that old members are ranting.

The new team members are not saying no-wiki! We want a mixed solution like
the one that exists on A framework like Drupal will help us in
the long run. A totally wiki based solution is too geeky. And I am sure we
dont think that the old members are ranting. Its a critical overhaul and in
the best interest of everybody, such a decision is bound to recieve all
sorts of viewpoints!

1. The reason behind many pages being locked is a bot attack that
 happened long time ago. Please contact me on #ubuntu-in and I will
 unlock specific pages.

I did not know that MediaWiki had insecurity to this level, or that the
SysAdmins did not utilise the security to the max. Drupal is a highly-secure
platform. I have never heard of a Drupal website under attack.

3. We are using very old version of Mediawiki, 1.5. So I think it is
 better to look into upgrade of the software to 1.7. This will enable
 us to install some plugins for calendar, captcha etc. Having a
 calendar is the most importanmt thing now. And having a captcha
 mechanism will prevent bot attacks in future. G0SUB please take up
 this task or provide us the necessary information needed for this

The members with the provision to access the server are not doing their part
of responsibility. I looked up the version of MediaWiki on the Ubuntu india
website. We are on 1.5 and the latest stable build is 1.11

4. This is call for new contributors to try using existing
 infrastructure. Let's say we try it for next 6 months. If it doesn't
 work out then we can consider other solutions.

Nothing is going to change in 6 months, very sorry if I am being rude. It
shall only add to the straining infrastructure. Even after few years of
establishment, the community doesnt have many members.

5. Sine most of the old members are busy with their jobs and personal
 lives, I think it is time to pass on the admin rights to new members.
 We can have a meeting on this weekend on #ubuntu-in to decide who
 administrates what.

Now thats a nice idea. I hope the senior members will take some step in this
direction. We should have such a structure that people who feel they are not
getting enough time can gracefully exit the admin responsibilities.


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Re: [ubuntu-in] ubuntu India website redesign

2007-10-16 Thread Lut4rp
I suggest we shift to Drupal CMS, its a great community solution


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Re: [ubuntu-in] ubuntu India website redesign

2007-10-16 Thread Lut4rp
 Is not a community site? Is not a community site 
 ? There are
 plethora of examples where community websites are running on a CMS
 based solution.

Thats not all, the MTV UK website, the NASA Jobs website and Lifestyle
TV website are also on Drupal. Drupal is an excellent framework for
building highly scalable websites (read: personal to massive). If Mir
Nazim is on the list, Mir, I remember you once suggested re-design
using Drupal?

  One major reason for this is horrible navigation on the website. It
 was during discussion with Pratul that we realized the depth of
 content on the site and non-navigatability of the site. You are lucky
 if users stayed for minute and half. I normally would leave in half a
  Bad navigation was more of an impetus than look and feel, for me to
 propose this redesign.

Yeah, this was the MAJOR point of the discussion. All major wiki's I
have seen have nice navigation. One of my all time favorites: The
OSx86 project wiki (
One visit, and you have all the info you require in one-look on the
index page itself.

IMHO we do require an overhaul, but since I have been personally
attached to Drupal for quite some time, I suggested it. And yes, there
is no point denying that starting up a Drupal site is a little
time-consuming, but then its same for every solution.

If required I can setup a demo Drupal installation on my server, where
we might try out a new-look Ubuntu India. What do you say?


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Re: [ubuntu-in] repository at IIT roorkee + web space for CS Ubuntu

2007-10-12 Thread Lut4rp
 Not sure why!!.. :).. is it only for you or all other guys out there??
  Its not easy to keep a machine up
and running 24x7 for a public repo/site that too in India.

Nah.. its for everyone, everywhere. As VK said, its not at all easy
setting up a repo :) and a slow server will be a real killjoy.


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Re: [ubuntu-in] we need web space for CS Ubuntu

2007-10-12 Thread Lut4rp

 And what is the service like. Is it good

Its absolutely fanta-bulous!

@Amit Karpe: What have you decided? Should I give you space? I have no
problem in sponsoring it.. Im desperately in need of CS Ubuntu (kya kare...
cs student :) )

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Re: [ubuntu-in] repository at IIT roorkee + web space for CS Ubuntu

2007-10-12 Thread Lut4rp
 there are two domain names, for iit roorkee, and,
 the first one is one an old leased line, of 5-6Mbps, has to be slow,
 the new one has download link of 34Mbps, and unlimited uplink...
 and infrastructure and manpower does exist... no doubts about
 powercuts too..

Unfortunately, I just tried out the link also (if you try
it out now add a www, or it gives a SERVER NOT FOUND error) and I find
that it is as slow... Are you sure its on a new line? Or is it a new
domain, pointing to the old server from the old line?

The only problem we will face if I give the hosting is that the only
way to transfer the images is via FTP. But if the connection is fast,
I dont think thats a problem.


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Re: [ubuntu-in] we need web space for CS Ubuntu

2007-10-11 Thread Lut4rp
I dont have a personal server, but my hosting plan is a good one (read:
expensive :) ). It gives me unlimited bandwidth and nearly unlimited
space. I have no problem in giving you either the space or the bandwidth,
but how are you thinking of uploading 1 GB of data to the server?


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Re: [ubuntu-in] we need web space for CS Ubuntu

2007-10-10 Thread Lut4rp
How much bandwidth  space do you require?


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Re: [ubuntu-in] PeerToPeerFileSharing

2007-10-07 Thread Lut4rp

 I list a few of them here


 All these are clients which work on Bit Torrent protocol.. if youre
looking for a straight-p2p client, like Ares, try aMule. It works on the
eDonkey network, using ed2k magnet links. You might have to learn a bit
about ed2k if you havent tried it out before but its easy, they have good

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[ubuntu-in] The Ubuntu-IN forums are now ON!

2007-10-06 Thread Lut4rp
Hear, hear!

The official Ubuntu India forums are finally on! Now the Ubuntu India
community has all the three communities on! (read: forum, mailing
list, IRC).

I hope the forums will be a grand success. Please tell your friends
and spread the word. And yeah, someone shoot a mail to M$ India also,
they'll be interested as well! :)

Jokes apart, here's what YET needs to be done:
1. Someone from the Council will need to make a
URL. Until that time, the forums can be accessed at my URL,
2. We need to modify the wiki to accommodate the details of the forum also.
3. I will need friends  volunteers who can help with the moderation
and maintenance. There's a specific forum on the board where you can
apply for that.
4. Vivek Khurana has kindly agreed to make a Ubuntu-like design for
the board. That shall be on as soon as done.

Suggestions welcome as usual :D

Have fun!

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Re: [ubuntu-in] mailing Lists or Discussion Forums (was Ubuntu India Forum - )

2007-10-01 Thread Lut4rp

 We have had enough discussions. Let whoever wants to host a forum of
 Ubuntu-In and whoever wants to participate in it let them do. And
 those who feel more comfortable with the Mailing List way of things
 (like me) will continue to do so. I do not want another login (and
 passwords to remember) and another thing to check daily :) but for the
 best interest of the Ubuntu-In am shutting my mouth against the forums
 idea as of now :)

 Please carry on with the forum set-up. Good luck! :) But ensure the
 forum has a sticky pointing to Ubuntu-In wiki and Ubuntu-In mailing
 list, with information about the Ubuntu-In team. You can also put up a
 small post on how to join mailing list, how to search through the
 archives before asking a question, etc. Ask people to refer to our
 archives and wiki as far as possible. Also give them links to

Well then, thats that I guess. Of course I shall have links to all possible
places in the Ubuntu-In world! After all, these will be the Official Ubuntu
India forums (unlike, which were unofficial). I shall make sure
people search the wiki and mailing list archives before moving onto the
forum. And, I truly hope we succeed in what have actually set out for... Go
Ubuntu! Hail FOSS!

Now, I shall need some suggestions as to what should be the format of the
forums (even though i shall take some tips from the other international LoCo
forums). So, please guide me as to how we can have a better forum board.

Hearty thanks to everyone who participated in this discussion!
- Pratul
ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] mailing Lists or Discussion Forums (was Ubuntu India Forum - )

2007-09-30 Thread Lut4rp
Hi, hi, hello people!

I'm sorry, the man in question, the one who started this whole debate, that
is ME (Pratul) hasn't yet participated in this discussion... ha ha! I did
write to the list but i hadn't yet been verified, so the mail bounced back.
So, i am writing this again...

I'm sorry i couldn't register with the mailing list earlier... I was a
little busy (my college fest coming up :) ) and it seems that i missed out a
healthy discussion! But fear not! I have read the archives of the list, so i
am up-to-date with what all has been said. Here's what i have to say:

1. I wanted a forum because of the primary ease in accessing them. One of
our main goals in this community is to spread the use of FOSS like Ubuntu. I
suggest somehow replacing/modifying the lists with the forum. I dont think a
maiing list is that suitable for a country like India where people are still
new to FOSS. Someone mentioned on the list that forums require a lot of
bandwidth? Dont worry friend, I keep my DB optimised and believe me, they
are quite fast.

2. The wiki is not a very good source of India-specific Ubuntu info. It does
need to be updated. The IRC channel is way too unfamiliar to people in

3. We people (us who have been using Ubuntu for sometime now) aren't the
ones that need support! Its the n00bs.. Again, let me stress the point, I
have personally distributed over 100 Ubuntu CDs, and every time, people say
Isme net chalega? Isme game chalegi? Iska user forum kahaa hai? I have to
answer them Goto the wiki, Join the mailing list!. Every time, its the
same reply, mailing list? forum nahi hai? XP ka vo forum hai na,,
vaisa? Maybe we can get the point better now?? :)

4. BG provided 2 great ways to access the mailing list in an interactive
manner, and
. I shall add these to the wiki. This answered some of the queries by

5. I say, lets keep the wiki for advanced documentation  development
work/geeky stuff, and the forums for basic/advanced support. The wiki can
also act as super-important place where one should checkup before moving to
the forums.

6. Taking the example, they arent India-specific, they are
monstrously huge, and many, many countries have resorted to their own
mini-community forums. The wiki, too is used for advanced devels
only, so is the IRC channel. In fact, a check up at this URL,, shows very few LoCo teams that do not
have forum.

So... If i missed something, please point it out again. And, if anybody
noticed, I did create the forums using SMF (thanks for the advice, VK) on, till we get a URL.


On 9/29/07, Mir Nazim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 9/29/07, Ramnarayan. K [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  so my two paisa [make that 2 rupees considering the value of the rupee
  quite low there days ;) ]

 Dollar is down these days, so we can say Rupee is gaining(what if it
 is through a proxy ;) )
   Mir Nazim
 mobile: +91-9906478306
 Yahoo, Gmail/GTalk, Skype, AOL : mirnazim

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