Re: [Ubuntu-be] New Banner - Call for propositions

2010-06-16 Thread Steven De Baets
Hi to all,
Hello Jean,

As asked by Jean, I added 2 proposals with black and grey "be" parts.

@Jan: designed using linux software that can handle cmyk and converted
to png :-D . Indeed the spacing in the beta font isn't correct. I
noticed that as well and made small adjustments to the text.

Kind regards,

On 14-06-10 20:56, jean7491 wrote:
> Steven,
> To keep it simple and as suggested by Jan, could you present another
> proposition using use a (dark) grey or maybe even black for the "be"
> part ?
> jean7491
> Ubuntu Belgium Events Team
> On 10/06/10 13:07, Steven De Baets wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> According to the Visual Identity guidelines, one cannot change the shape
>> or colour of the circle of friends.
>> I also read that there has to be a "registered trademark" sign when the
>> ubuntu logo is being published in a size over 3 cm wide.
>> Yesterday there also leaked a beta version of the ubuntu-font on the
>> internet. Only the internationalisation of the font isn't finished yet.
>> The beta version is complete for our language, it works well, and I used
>> it in this version.
>> I also used the official cmyk colours for this one.
>> Personally, I think that the Belgian colours don't work well with the
>> orange of the Ubuntu logo in any way (trust me, i tried to make them
>> work), and logos with Belgian colours give a rather cluttered impression
>> (except for the ones where the circle of friends have the colours, but
>> as we said earlier, we can't).
>> Furthermore, using both the belgian colours and the "be"-text seems
>> double, as everyone understands "be" stands for "Belgium".
>> We have to keep it clean and simple. That's the only way to keep things
>> highly recognisable, and true to the minimalistic direction and the
>> decluttering actions both Canonical and the distribution have taken
>> recently (eg. Ubuntu Light and the Unity desktop).
>> When I created the current posters (Ontketen je computer), I took a
>> minimalistic approach as well, because I thought it was the right way to
>> go. I haven't changed my mind since then...
>> But that's just me...
>> Regards,
>> Steven.

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Steven De Baets

Tel: +32 495 183090
Fax: +32 70 429691

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] New Banner - Call for propositions

2010-06-10 Thread Steven De Baets
Hi folks,

According to the Visual Identity guidelines, one cannot change the shape
or colour of the circle of friends.
I also read that there has to be a "registered trademark" sign when the
ubuntu logo is being published in a size over 3 cm wide.
Yesterday there also leaked a beta version of the ubuntu-font on the
internet. Only the internationalisation of the font isn't finished yet.
The beta version is complete for our language, it works well, and I used
it in this version.
I also used the official cmyk colours for this one.
Personally, I think that the Belgian colours don't work well with the
orange of the Ubuntu logo in any way (trust me, i tried to make them
work), and logos with Belgian colours give a rather cluttered impression
(except for the ones where the circle of friends have the colours, but
as we said earlier, we can't).
Furthermore, using both the belgian colours and the "be"-text seems
double, as everyone understands "be" stands for "Belgium".

We have to keep it clean and simple. That's the only way to keep things
highly recognisable, and true to the minimalistic direction and the
decluttering actions both Canonical and the distribution have taken
recently (eg. Ubuntu Light and the Unity desktop).

When I created the current posters (Ontketen je computer), I took a
minimalistic approach as well, because I thought it was the right way to
go. I haven't changed my mind since then...

But that's just me...


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Re: [Ubuntu-be] New banner voor Ubuntu-be

2010-05-25 Thread Steven De Baets
I agree with Pieter to only use the monotone and duotone (with orange COF).
Nice idea to print on a banner (Ubuntu-be ubuntu-be...)

I also agree on the domain. It redirects to a company, and
Ubuntu isn't even mentioned once on their site...
They (openminds bvba) registered the domain on 18/07/2006.
Canonical filed the European trademark on 29/04/2004 and got the
registration on 16/12/2005.
Maybe there is someone in the list that knows the company (current owner
of the domain name)?

Holland, Germany and other locos have the same problem.

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] New banner voor Ubuntu-be

2010-05-22 Thread Steven De Baets
Hi guys,
I agree with Dries on the coloring of the "be".
It kinda looks like we get support from the government...
Here's a variation with the Belgian colors like Koen did it.

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[Ubuntu-be] New banner voor Ubuntu-be

2010-05-22 Thread Steven De Baets
Hi folks,

A little while ago I slowed down my activities in the community
following my very busy personal life at the moment, but being a graphic
designer, i would like to add my two cents to this discussion.

First of all I have to say that the designs look nice, but some of them
seem kind of 'bloated' to me.
Don't get me wrong, there is just too much information and too much
going on for a logo.
A logo should be remembered in a fraction of a second looking at it.

Using the full name of the website and at the same time showing the
ubuntu logo and the circle of friends makes it all too busy for me.
After all the logo should promote ubuntu in the first place, and not
only the belgian loco site.

Some other loco teams are now adopting the new logo and most of them use
following setup:
ubuntu logo with the little circle of friends to the right of it (which
is the standard ubuntu logo and is highly recognisable), followed by the
two letters of the country (which in our case is "be").

Examples are the Spanish loco ( and South
Africa (
I personally think this is the way all teams will go in the end.

According to those other teams, i attach two examples of how i see it at
the moment.

I'll be happy to follow this for the moment, and would like to hear any
thoughts on this...

Kind regards,

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[Ubuntu-be] Happy holidays to everyone in the list!

2009-12-24 Thread Steven De Baets
Dear members of Ubuntu-be,

I haven't been that active in the community for the last couple of
months, due to lots of work (both professionally and in study) and on
top of that I'm building a new house which should be finished by the end
of may, but that doesn't mean that I've abandoned my efforts for the
I will still be busy for the next couple of months, but I still continue
to promote Ubuntu everywhere (In fact, I've built and sold a brand new
preinstalled Ubuntu PC for a friend today).

In the meantime I wish all of you, and your families, a magical
Christmas and a truly prosperous 2010!

Kind regards,
Steven De Baets.

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] karmic koala release party - english translation

2009-10-07 Thread Steven De Baets
Hi Pierre,
I would have added the english translation to your calendar addition,
but it seems I can't translate on the site, I can only add content...
Oh I see, I think you can only edit when you are a member of the web
editors in Launchpad.

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] Proposal for printing new posters for Ubuntu-be - ed. 2

2009-07-18 Thread Steven De Baets
Hi everybody,
About the posters:
I'm with Jan: The desktop looks best.
I think the poster looks much cleaner and more appealing now with less text.
You get the message straight away with just a glimpse at the poster.
Very good job Jean!
(The only thing that can be said, is that the 2 bottom lines of text can
be closer together stylewise to make it really perfect, but that really
is nitpicking)

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] About the Belgian Local Community Team (BelgianLoCo Team)

2009-07-13 Thread Steven De Baets
This discussion is clearly getting out of hand.
People shouting about, making statements or insulting others don't help
anybody and certainly don't help ubuntu-be.

Here are my two cents:

1. Language is not an issue. Depending on what you are writing about and
to whoms intrest, you can choose whatever language you like to write in.
If an issue is purely aimed at the Flemish part, feel free to write in
Dutch. If there is a bigger interest, write in English. As simple as that.
But please do remember you are not alone on this planet, and the
Ubuntu-movement is a very big movement spread all over the globe.
2. We do need more structure. Nobody knows who's doing what, lists are
not updated, and people who want to get involved and take
responsabilities, please do so. Put your skills on, get your profile up in the
Ubuntu wiki.
Switching to a more formal structure is a thing that will be necessary,
but it won't and it shouldn't happen overnight. Let's walk before we
start running.
3. In addition to point 2: We would clearly benefit from a team
structure. I'm very happy to hear the Events Team has been created, but
we need more teams such as marketing, translation, and so on. I don't
know who can put them up? If I can help, I would be happy to do so.
4. As Pierre wrote: A voting system with deadline would be a great
feature to facilitate decision-making (for instance on spending or
ordering things). Once the deadline has passed, everybody had their
chance to vote and post suggestions, and the decision has been made. Done.

Maybe we do have to get better Launchpad integration for some issues (if
possible?), as I have found Launchpad pretty helpful in working with the
international teams.

And please, Rome wasn't built in one day, so do never expect to turn the
key today and have a perfectly working organisation tomorrow.
Things will have to be thought through and discussed, let's do it in a
decent and respectful way.

This will always be a long and winding road, but if we do this one step
at a time, you never know we might get somewhere...

These are my thoughts on the matter...

Anyway, i'll be leaving the country for a couple of days now, and hope
to get busy when I return!


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Re: [Ubuntu-be] About the Belgian Local Community Team (Belgian LoCo Team)

2009-07-11 Thread Steven De Baets
Hallo iedereen,

(om 11 juli te vieren ook in het Nederlands :-) )

Ik heb het startschot gegeven, daarna mij een beetje afzijdig gehouden,
heb alles gevolgd en zie dat er hier opeens ongelooflijk veel beweging
in komt, hetgeen ik enkel maar kan toejuichen.

Hetgeen ik uit de vorige berichten distilleer is dit:

1. Als er over de vereniging gesproken wordt, ontstaat er opeens wel een

2. Er is overduidelijk een roep naar meer structuur. Dat het nu in het
honderd loopt kunnen velen beamen.

3. Er zijn wel degelijk een aantal personen die het niet plezant vinden
dat er heel veel gepalaverd wordt over het nemen van eenvoudige
beslissingen. Ja, er zijn posters en flyers nodig, maar door de
structuur van de organisatie is het heel moeilijk om een beslissing te
nemen en tussen de lijnen door gelezen is er ook niemand die de
beslissing zelfs kan nemen. Er zullen altijd voor- en tegenstanders
zijn, het is dan ook een vereniging en geen one-man show, maar
beslissingen zullen moeten genomen worden.

4. Ik merk ook een roep naar het opsplitsen van de Belgische Loco naar
een Vlaamse en een Waalse. Ook hier denk ik dat er op lange termijn geen
andere mogelijkheid is. Anders gaan we volgens mij ook discussies
krijgen zoals in de politiek tussen het federale en de gewesten, haha.
Matthew en Martijn: punten 1,2,3 en 4: JA! (Naam Vlaamse kant: FL-Ubuntu
(in tijden van Mexicaanse griep kan dit tellen) of Ubuntu-FL (spreek
uit: oeboentoeffel) haha, nee is een grapje tussendoor, even serieus
weer nu...)

5. Het "Team"-idee van Jean wordt ook gesmaakt. Ook hier voorstanders...
Hoewel ik denk dat je eerst een basis moet hebben en dan pas over teams
kan beginnen spreken, maar als voorlopige maatregel zeker te overwegen!
De teams kunnen ook later onder een overkoepelende structuur gehuisvest

Kortom: er is beweging.

Wat mezelf betreft, wil ik een bijdrage leveren aan een bepaalde
toekomst in een goed gestructureerde organisatie.
De markt is redelijk groot en ik denk nog steeds dat er een toekomst is
weggelegd voor goed een alternatief tegenover Windows en Mac.
Om dat alternatief de naambekendheid en de gebruikersbasis te geven die
het verdient, zal een goede organisatie nodig zijn, dat op termijn kan
groeien tot een goed geoliede machine qua marketing en ondersteuning.

Het doel definieren is eenvoudig.
Het doel bereiken, zal niet in één dagje gebeuren, er zal jaren werk aan


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[Ubuntu-be] Rechtsvorm van Ubuntu-be / Legal information about Ubuntu-be - sorry but only in dutch

2009-07-10 Thread Steven De Baets
If someone has time to spare during the holidays, they can always read
the following.
It is a bit of a long term idea, and it might be something interesting
to keep in mind.

Sorry to everyone, but as the following is rather technical and full of
legal stuff, and I am afraid I would translate legal terms the wrong
way, I will have to write the next part in Dutch only.
If anyone could translate that to french, that would be brilliant!
(Unless everybody thinks we should go regional and have a flemish and a
walloon LoCo, like NVA in politics! lol!)

Als ik het goed versta is "Ubuntu-be" een feitelijke vereniging en geen VZW.

In het Belgisch recht heeft de feitelijke vereniging geen juridische
grond en kan omschreven worden als een "clubje" van enkele mensen die
samen een idee en/of een doel voor ogen hebben.
Doordat de feitelijke vereniging geen juridische grond heeft, zijn er
ook geen vormvereisten, maar belangrijker is de aansprakelijkheid van de
oprichters en de leden.
Enkel de oprichters beheren de vereniging.
De oprichters EN de leden zijn persoonlijk en onbeperkt hoofdelijk
Een feitelijke vereniging bestaat enkel door haar oprichters en door de
inbreng van de oprichters.
Ze kan ook geen verbintenissen aangaan, en geen schenkingen aanvaarden.

Dit lijkt mij op lange termijn onhoudbaar als men iets wil aanpakken en
het laten uitgroeien tot een volwaardige vereniging.
De betere verenigingsvorm is de VZW, die wel degelijk
rechtspersoonlijkheid heeft en waar de leden niet aansprakelijk zijn
voor eventuele schulden van de vereniging (behoudens fraude).

Er is ook nog de VSO (vereniging met sociaal oogmerk), die ook niet de
bedoeling heeft winst te maken, maar een sociaal doel heeft.
Hier weet ik weliswaar niets van qua vormvereisten en dergelijke, en ook
niet als we kunnen vallen onder de noemer "sociaal doel" (-> gratis
besturingssysteem voor iedereen). Ook de VSO heeft een

De VZW heeft dan wel een boekhouding, maar die is zeer beperkt en zeer
eenvoudig bij te houden, dus qua kost is dit ook niks, daar kan gerust
door iemand kosteloos voor gezorgd worden (secretariaat/penningmeester).
En juridisch en structureel sta je veel sterker met onder meer een raad
van beheer en een eenvoudige boekhouding.

Dit is nu niet echt hoogdringend, maar ik denk dat er naar de toekomst
toe toch moet aan gedacht worden...
Als men wil gaan groeien , gaat men ook financieel het hoofd boven water
moeten houden, dus gaat men ook moeten inkomsten genereren om te kunnen
uitgeven aan promotie van Ubuntu.

Ik ga stoppen nu, want de meesten zullen nu toch al in slaap gevallen
zijn ;)

Er is nog zoveel werk

Sorry for the text in flemish, but I really didn't have the time nor the
knowledge to translate those legal terms...

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[Ubuntu-be] Sponsoring & donations

2009-07-10 Thread Steven De Baets
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Hi guys,

I was thinking... again...
Wouldn't it be possible to create sort of a sponsoring module or -page
in the site?
Maybe in the participate-section of the site, although I think it
belongs on a seperate page?
A paypal-button on the home page or something (paypal buttons can be
linked to belgian bank accounts)...
Perhaps with a sponsorlist where we put the name of the sponsor and a
link to their website for instance...
Just to encourage people to sponsor us or donate to pay for our
publicity, posters, gadgets (ubuntu pens, coffee mugs, t-shirts for
the contributors,...) .
You never know if that could generate some cash to fund our expenses...

And i was wondering, is ubuntu-be a "vzw" or something? Is there a
non-profit structure?


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Re: [Ubuntu-be] Proposal for printing new posters and flyers for Ubuntu-be

2009-07-09 Thread Steven De Baets
Just a quick question:
Can somebody show me an image of the posters we still have in stock?
I have no idea what they look like and if I could see one, I might be
able to get my opinion in as well...
But I do have to say that 235 euros for 5000 flyers and 250 posters
sounds cheap to me, so apart from all that the price is right anyway.


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Re: [Ubuntu-be] Foldable CD sleeves

2009-07-08 Thread Steven De Baets

Hi Jean,

The sleeves I have posted are the ones I print, but of course I'm not
printing 50 in one go...
Anybody who gets a CD from me gets one, so I only print one or two when
I need them.

But you are right... if you have to print 50 at once it consumes a lot
of ink.
If it's okay for you I would be happy to rework a CD sleeve especially
for the Belgian LoCo.
I'll get a Localised and ink-friendly version out in the coming weeks.
Next week I'm on holiday, so I'm afraid it'll be after my holiday if
that's ok?


jean7491 schreef:

During the Dipro fairs, we distribute cd's to interested people:
generally we have a limited stock of original cd's from Canonical, and,
when the stock is distributed, we start burning cd's and insert it  in
white paper bag's or jacket's we buy at the fair.  
How many jacket's do we need? Based on my experience, at each fair we
distributed +/- 30 originals and 40 self-burned cd's. 50 jackets could
be enough for 1 fair.
The CD sleeve you propose is very nice, but difficult to use for 50
items due to the folding-manipulation and the inkt-consumption when you
use your homeown inkjet printer.
A cheaper alternative could be to print one side of the white jacket
with a lighter design composition (inkt-economy), something like this:
  Ubuntu Belgium Events Team
Steven De Baets a écrit :
Hi everybody,

Last week someone mentioned foldable paper CD-sleeves...
I have published the CD sleeves I've been using for a while now for
version 9.04.
Here are the links:
Marketing wiki:

Dag iedereen,

Er was vorige week sprake van de vouwbare CD hoesjes, en die gebruikte
ik al een tijdje.
Ik heb mijn huidige CD-hoesjes om Ubuntu versie 9.04 te verdelen
gepubliceerd op
de Marketing wiki:
op SpreadUbuntu:


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Re: [Ubuntu-be] Foldable CD sleeves

2009-07-08 Thread Steven De Baets

Hi Pierre,
Hi Jean,

Thanks for your reaction.

I'm happy that my previous mail made some people think about some
I really do think we should all (or at least the people who are active)
interact much more.

As it has been said, we are in need of a stable 'foundation' or
structure to build on, but that demands a lot of dedication.
I really think there is a potential growth in the marketshare of
Ubuntu, and that's the main reason I chose to dedicate (part of) my
spare time to support Ubuntu.

I always try to react to any post, missing the occasional one where I
don't know anything about, like Jean's questions about the printing of
the posters and flyers, where I really have no idea if, when or how
many we do need. I'm not experienced at fairs at all, since I've only
been here for a month.

But if we could just try to give 30 seconds of our spare time, even if
it is just to say 'cool',  and answer the posts or mail where we DO
have an opinion, that is what will keep the community alive and
everybody will learn off everybody.
That is what will keep the community active as well.


Pierre Buyle schreef:
This is really nice. At this time, I've no personal use for these but
I'm sure it can be of great help for those distributing CDs. Thank you
for sharing.
PS: As a consequence of your previous mail, I decided to try to give
more feedback here, even if that's just to say "it's cool".
  2009/7/8 Steven De Baets <>

Last week someone mentioned foldable paper CD-sleeves...
I have published the CD sleeves I've been using for a while now for
version 9.04.
Here are the links:
Marketing wiki:

mongolito404, king of the mongolian people

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[Ubuntu-be] Foldable CD sleeves

2009-07-08 Thread Steven De Baets
Hi everybody,

Last week someone mentioned foldable paper CD-sleeves...
I have published the CD sleeves I've been using for a while now for
version 9.04.
Here are the links:
Marketing wiki:

Dag iedereen,

Er was vorige week sprake van de vouwbare CD hoesjes, en die gebruikte
ik al een tijdje.
Ik heb mijn huidige CD-hoesjes om Ubuntu versie 9.04 te verdelen
gepubliceerd op
de Marketing wiki:
op SpreadUbuntu:


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Re: [Ubuntu-be] My Summary After 4 weeks of membership

2009-07-07 Thread Steven De Baets


Thanks for your reaction.
Don't get me wrong, I never expected to be overloaded with flowers  :-D !
I never thought of timing to be the cause. I have been self-employed
for quite some time now and my work never stops, there is always things
to be done...

After reading your reaction I just think I might have been too
enthousiastic from the beginning.
Mainly hat came because of the fact that joining the community has been
something I have been planning for a longer time, I never want to join
something and then after a couple of weeks let eveything go... I hope
to be active for a long time coming.

I was also mistaken by the fact that you said there are only a bunch of
10 being active, mainly because I saw the 400 support points we have.
That made me think that there were at least half of them who were
active in the community. 
I wonder what would happen if we would ask an installation disc to all
the members claiming to be a support point...

I had just been wondering if my efforts were not useless, and I asked
myself if I shouldn't have been doing something else for the community,
but the things I did are the things I might be good at... Just knowing
that my efforts are not useless, makes me happy, and therefore your
reaction is truly appreciated.

Keep up the good work, I'll sure do the same.

Thanks and best regards,

Alain Baudrez schreef:


2009/7/7 Steven De Baets :
You can't imagine how my motivation has been lowered to help the local
I really wanted to push things forward and even donate some printed
materials to the LoCo for free...

  don't think because we do not overload you with flowers :-) , that we
do not appreciate your efforts for Ubuntu and/or the Loco team and do
not feel bad about writing this. But ...

Look a the timing of your efforts. The month of June, the examination
month for the majority of junior Loco-team members. Probably they had
other priorities.
Reading through the IRC reports that Jean publishes, you'll notice
that nobody was on-line two weeks ago and that the IRC meeting had to
be canceled. So the lack of interest you noticed was not a 'personal'

Secondly, if you look at our wiki at the priorities of the Belgian
Loco Team, you'll notice that everything is aimed at the upcoming
Dipro fairs and the Koala launch and that we are working towards the
first Dipro, and we will re-group, re-arm and replenish from
mid-august onwards.

Regarding your Ubuntu miniguide, I put a link to your site on the
Linux Mailing List of Seniorennet and got positive feedback. You
surely noted the increased hits on your page.

About converting people to Ubuntu (or any other brand of Linux). This
is not something you do in 4 weeks. Students will not have problems to
get started with Linux, so they just need to be made aware that Linux
is an alternative to their current OS, and the people I work with,
which are 45 - 65 year olds, like a more personal approach with
somebody explaining it to them. Those are not on the maillinglist
here, but I tell them about your miniguide and the Belgian Loco Team.
If you followed the maillinglist, you saw that we are about to get new
flyers and posters printed.

Have some patience. Look back at the end of the year of what the Loco
team has done in 2009 and you'll see that your recent experience was
merely due to the timing of the year.
Keep up the good work and I hope to see you in one of the upcoming
Dipro's. We need guys like you who can deliver products that we can
use at our booth in the next Dipro's.

One last thing. The international community is a bit bigger than our
Belgian Loco Team, where approx. 10 man/women at the max are actively

aka Wamukota


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[Ubuntu-be] My Summary After 4 weeks of membership

2009-07-06 Thread Steven De Baets
Hi everybody!

I have been subscribed to the memberlist for nearly one month now, and
there is something that I would like to discuss.
But first this: Please take this entry as a positive thing, because I
really want to help the community as much as I can.

One month ago I decided to dig into the community and get involved in
spreading the word about Ubuntu after I've been using Ubuntu for quite
some time now.
I subscribed to the LoCo mailing list, translated texts in Launchpad,
joined both the Marketing and Translation teams.
I have dedicated my time to create two translated posters ("baby tux"
and "choose your warrior", printed them on a couple of A3's and put them
up at the evening classes I was attending), create a new 8-page brochure
(Ubuntu miniguide - printed 20 of them and spread them amidst friends)
and a new "dutch materials" page on the SpreadUbuntu-site.
I have had great responses to my materials from the international
community and friends (2 of them are already using Ubuntu now), but
while all this work was aimed at the local community, I had no response
from the local community whatsoever.

You can't imagine how my motivation has been lowered to help the local
I really wanted to push things forward and even donate some printed
materials to the LoCo for free...

In the mean time I will continue to help the international community and
I'll keep doing as much as I can to spread the word.

To make things clear, I'm not worried about myself, but I'm worried
about the local community and taking things to the next level, because
it seems like... well you figure it out what it seems like...

I feel very bad writing this, but I just feel I had to get it off my
chest and hope the community will get something positive out of this...

Looking forward to any reactions,

Kind regards,
Steven De Baets.

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[Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu miniguide

2009-07-01 Thread Steven De Baets
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Dear members,

I have created a new 8-page Ubuntu miniguide in Dutch and uploaded
everything to SpreadUbuntu
( and to
the Ubuntu marketing team wiki-dutch
I have included source files so anybody can translate, edit and spread
of course...


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Re: [Ubuntu-be] Inzending

2009-06-16 Thread Steven De Baets
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Was gewoon voor de grap mensen, het is geen nieuwe Ubuntu-marketing
campagne :)
Is in twee minuten gemaakt toen ik de link naar die site kreeg van
iemand anders en toen ik zag welke zever er allemaal opstond.
Het moet toch niet altijd serieus zijn zeker?
Volgens mij mag er ook nog eens gelachen worden.
Ik vind het ondertussen wel plezant om jullie reacties te zien!

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] Inzending

2009-06-16 Thread Steven De Baets

Hash: SHA1

Sorry, is een vergissing dan.

Rob Van Dyck schreef:
> Euhm,
> Wat is hier de bedoeling van? Heb je je vergist van attachment?
> Indien niet vindt ik deze mail niet geschikt voor deze list.
> Rob.
> On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 4:32 PM, Steven De 
> Baets wrote: Een klein beetje
>  In bijlage mijn inzending op Steven.
- --
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Re: [Ubuntu-be] Improved draft for a new flyer

2009-06-16 Thread Steven De Baets
Hash: SHA1

Indeed, one typo "het" instead of "de", I just noticed it as well...
My final remarks ;):
The text in the second block (Wat is Ubuntu?) renders in a different
font than the others.
And you may try to put the italics in bold, so that you can visually
differentiate textblocks.
The rest looks very good and easy to read.
Good work Jean!
Steven. schreef:
> Send ubuntu-be mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of ubuntu-be digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>1. Re:  Improved draft for a new flyer (Michel Daggelinckx)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 15:52:42 +0200
> From: Michel Daggelinckx <>
> Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-be] Improved draft for a new flyer
> To: Ubuntu Belgium 
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
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Re: [Ubuntu-be] New poster "Free your PC" - 3d proposal for comment

2009-06-15 Thread Steven De Baets
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In my opinion this looks excellent!
Good job!

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[Ubuntu-be] New translated Baby-Tux poster

2009-06-15 Thread Steven De Baets
Hash: SHA1

Just added the translation of the "Baby Tux"-poster to the wiki.
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[Ubuntu-be] New poster in dutch and dutch marketing material page

2009-06-15 Thread Steven De Baets
Hash: SHA1

Hi everybody,
I have translated the "Choose your warrior"-poster and created a dutch
page in the Ubuntu Marketing wiki.
You can check it out here:

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu-be - nieuwe flyers en posters

2009-06-14 Thread Steven De Baets
Hash: SHA1

Hi everybody!

Jean asked me to comment on the proposed text for the flyers and here
it is:
Please note that this is only my opinion about the text, so feel free
to comment.

   1. About the headline "Simpel, Veilig, en Gratis": the second comma
  should not be there and I would change "Simpel" to "Eenvoudig",
  because "simpel" refers too much to the meaning "dom" or "stom"
  in my opinion... So I would say: "Eenvoudig, Veilig en gratis.".
   2. About the use of the word "Windows": The word "Windows" is a
  trademark owned by the Microsoft Corporation, so if used, we
  should add this to the little line that says that Ubuntu is a
  trademark from Canonical. In my opinion we should not use it at
  all and use "licentie", "gebruikerslicentie" instead, or even
  just the word "update", because that includes the Mac-users as
  well. After all you have to pay for Mac OSX as well.
   3. In "Wie kan Ubuntu gebruiken" I would change "kantoorsuite" by
  "kantoorpakket" to make it sound better and more dutch.
   4. Again in the piece "Hoe makkelijk is Ubuntu?", the word "Simpel"
  is used. I don't like to see that word in adverts.
   5. In the same piece I would change "optie" by "mogelijkheid"
   6. I would change "Hoe makkelijk is Ubuntu" by "Is Ubuntu
  eenvoudig" or "Is Ubuntu makkelijk te gebruiken?", because "hoe
  makkelijk is..." refers to comfort and makes me think I'm buying
  a new seat ;)
   7. In the final part ("Waar kan ik Ubuntu verkrijgen"), the word
  "bestellen" makes me think I still have to pay for something, so
  I won't take a look because I have to "order" something...

This is only my humble opinion about the proposed texts, and I'm
looking forward to any comments...

Regards to all readers,

> Corrected with Matthew's remark,

> Thanks Matthew !


> Hi to all,


> Here an improved text for the flyers new_2. 3 and 4.


> Feel free to comment !


> --

> Jean

> /Ubuntu Belgium Events Team/




> **


> *Simpel, Veilig, en Gratis!*


> *Genoeg van virusproblemen of van altijd te moeten betalen voor

> nieuwe Windows? Je kijkt uit naar iets beter voor je PC? Ubuntu
kan een

> oplossing zijn!*


> *Wat is Ubuntu?*


> Ubuntu is een gratis besturingssysteem met miljoenen gebruikers

> heel de wereld. Het is snel uitgegroeid tot een krachtig en

> te gebruiken systeem.


> *Wie kan Ubuntu gebruiken?*


> Iedereen met een basis computerkennis. De Ubuntu-cd bevat

> Firefox als browser, de kantoorsuite en
programma's om

> multimedia af te spelen. Duizenden andere gratis programma's
zijn ter

> beschikking en snel te installeren.


> *Hoe makkelijk is Ubuntu?*


> Ubuntu maakt je dagelijkse taken gemakkelijker dankzij zijn
simpele en

> intuïtieve gebruikersinterface. Vóór je Ubuntu installeert heb
je zelfs

> nog de optie om Ubuntu uit te testen  rechtstreeks vanaf de CD!


> *Waar kan ik Ubuntu verkrijgen?*


> Je vindt meer informatie over het downloaden of bestellen op




> Niet op de openbare weg gooien


> Ubuntu and the Ubuntu Circle of Friends Logo are Registered

> of Canonical Ltd.


jean7491 schreef:
> Steven,


> In Ubuntu-be zijn we nu bezig met voorstellen van nieuwe flyers

> poster: die zijn te gebruiken in computer beurzen en andere

> activiteiten.


> Graag had ik (we) je advies over onze projecten.


> Die zal je kunnen vinden in de berichten die ik post in de

> mailing list.


> mvg,

> --

> Jean

> /Ubuntu Belgium Events Team/

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu-be - nieuwe flyers en posters

2009-06-14 Thread Steven De Baets

Hash: SHA1

Hi everybody!

Jean asked me to comment on the proposed text for the flyers and here
it is:
Please note that this is only my opinion about the text, so feel free
to comment.

   1. About the headline "Simpel, Veilig, en Gratis": the second comma
  should not be there and I would change "Simpel" to "Eenvoudig",
  because "simpel" refers too much to the meaning "dom" or "stom"
  in my opinion... So I would say: "Eenvoudig, Veilig en gratis.".
   2. About the use of the word "Windows": The word "Windows" is a
  trademark owned by the Microsoft Corporation, so if used, we
  should add this to the little line that says that Ubuntu is a
  trademark from Canonical. In my opinion we should not use it at
  all and use "licentie", "gebruikerslicentie" instead, or even
  just the word "update", because that includes the Mac-users as
  well. After all you have to pay for Mac OSX as well.
   3. In "Wie kan Ubuntu gebruiken" I would change "kantoorsuite" by
  "kantoorpakket" to make it sound better and more dutch.
   4. Again in the piece "Hoe makkelijk is Ubuntu?", the word "Simpel"
  is used. I don't like to see that word in adverts.
   5. In the same piece I would change "optie" by "mogelijkheid"
   6. I would change "Hoe makkelijk is Ubuntu" by "Is Ubuntu
  eenvoudig" or "Is Ubuntu makkelijk te gebruiken?", because "hoe
  makkelijk is..." refers to comfort and makes me think I'm buying
  a new seat ;)
   7. In the final part ("Waar kan ik Ubuntu verkrijgen"), the word
  "bestellen" makes me think I still have to pay for something, so
  I won't take a look because I have to "order" something...

This is only my humble opinion about the proposed texts, and I'm
looking forward to any comments...

Regards to all readers,

> Corrected with Matthew's remark,
> Thanks Matthew !
> Hi to all,
> Here an improved text for the flyers new_2. 3 and 4.
> Feel free to comment !
> -- 
> Jean
> /Ubuntu Belgium Events Team/
> **
> *Simpel, Veilig, en Gratis!*
> *Genoeg van virusproblemen of van altijd te moeten betalen voor
> nieuwe Windows? Je kijkt uit naar iets beter voor je PC? Ubuntu
kan een
> oplossing zijn!*
> *Wat is Ubuntu?*
> Ubuntu is een gratis besturingssysteem met miljoenen gebruikers
> heel de wereld. Het is snel uitgegroeid tot een krachtig en
> te gebruiken systeem.
> *Wie kan Ubuntu gebruiken?*
> Iedereen met een basis computerkennis. De Ubuntu-cd bevat
> Firefox als browser, de kantoorsuite en
programma's om
> multimedia af te spelen. Duizenden andere gratis programma's
zijn ter
> beschikking en snel te installeren.
> *Hoe makkelijk is Ubuntu?*
> Ubuntu maakt je dagelijkse taken gemakkelijker dankzij zijn
simpele en
> intuïtieve gebruikersinterface. Vóór je Ubuntu installeert heb
je zelfs
> nog de optie om Ubuntu uit te testen – rechtstreeks vanaf de CD!
> *Waar kan ik Ubuntu verkrijgen?*
> Je vindt meer informatie over het downloaden of bestellen op
> Niet op de openbare weg gooien
> Ubuntu and the Ubuntu ”Circle of Friends” Logo are Registered
> of Canonical Ltd.

jean7491 schreef:
> Steven,
> In Ubuntu-be zijn we nu bezig met voorstellen van nieuwe flyers
> poster: die zijn te gebruiken in computer beurzen en andere
> activiteiten.
> Graag had ik (we) je advies over onze projecten.
> Die zal je kunnen vinden in de berichten die ik post in de
> mailing list.
> mvg,
> -- 
> Jean
> /Ubuntu Belgium Events Team/
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Re: [Ubuntu-be] My introduction to the community...

2009-06-13 Thread Steven De Baets
Hash: SHA1

I know that there are many guides that cover linux or ubuntu for
beginners, but most of them cover the installation and basic use of
the desktop.
I am trying to dedicate the biggest part of the guide to the actual
use of all sorts of different programs (writing a letter, printing it,
burning a cd, basic photo editing...), with tips and useful information.
Kind regards,

Jan Zegers schreef:
> Steven De Baets wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> I am new in the community so I was asked to introduce myself to
>> the other members...
>> I'm also working on a Linux beginners guide in dutch.
>> Kindest regards, Steven De Baets.
> A linux beginners guide in dutch already exists at
> Kind regards, Jan
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Re: [Ubuntu-be] My introduction to the community...

2009-06-13 Thread Steven De Baets

Hash: SHA1

Hoi Mario,
Ik heb er een Ubuntu Server 8.10 op gegooid omdat Lenny er zat aan te
komen, en ik nog nooit debian had gebruikt. Ik had wel redelijk wat
Ubuntu ervaring. Server 8.10 werkt trouwens perfect hoor... Met 2
harde schijfjes in raid. Ons bedrijf is nu ook niet meteen de
multinational met honderden seats, we zijn maar met z'n vieren.

mario schreef:
> Hi Steven,
> Waarom gebruik je geen debian voor je server? Ubuntu is zo
> omdat het gemaakt is van debian
> Voor de desktop is dan ubuntu weer beter
> Mario, - --- 
> Everything is a file! ---
> On Sat, 2009-06-13 at 02:37 +0200, Steven De Baets wrote: Hi
> everybody,
> I am new in the community so I was asked to introduce myself to
>  other members...
> I am Steven De Baets, born in 1975, originally from Aalter, but
> I live in Ghent. I'm married to Sheila and we have no kids, but
> do have an English Cocker Spaniel called "Louis". I studied
> architecture at Sint-Lucas in Ghent and have been a professional
> snooker player in a previous life. I am currently a self-employed
> designer / project developer and energy advisor (EPC) and I'm in
> the second year of my real estate agent studies. I have been a
> Linux-user for quite some time now, so I thought the time had
> to actively advocate and market the use of linux and open and
> software. Distros I have used: Red Hat Linux - Fedora -
SuseLinux -
> OpenSuse - Mandrake - Mandriva - gOs - Mint - PCLinux -
> and last but not least Ubuntu (from version 5.04). In the office
> I have put up a Ubuntu-server with 3 Ubuntu clients.
> My main goal in the community is to spread the word, distribute
>  install Ubuntu, give support to people coming from other
> platforms, design marketing material and help the translation
>  I'm also working on a Linux beginners guide in dutch.
> I like Ubuntu, because it is one of the most stable and
> distros out there. It is easy to learn and in my opinion it has
>  potential to make people take the leap and turn their backs on
> expensive and never ending story of viruses and black screens of
> death called windows. I hope I can really help the community and
> add to the number of Linux- and open source users that way.
> If you came this far reading all of the above, I have to thank
> for letting me waste your time ;) ...
> Kindest regards, Steven De Baets.

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[Ubuntu-be] My introduction to the community...

2009-06-12 Thread Steven De Baets
Hash: SHA1

Hi everybody,

I am new in the community so I was asked to introduce myself to the
other members...

I am Steven De Baets, born in 1975, originally from Aalter, but now I
live in Ghent. I'm married to Sheila and we have no kids, but we do
have an English Cocker Spaniel called "Louis".
I studied architecture at Sint-Lucas in Ghent and have been a
professional snooker player in a previous life.
I am currently a self-employed designer / project developer and energy
advisor (EPC) and I'm in the second year of my real estate agent studies.
I have been a Linux-user for quite some time now, so I thought the
time had come to actively advocate and market the use of linux and
open and free software.
Distros I have used: Red Hat Linux - Fedora - SuseLinux - OpenSuse -
Mandrake - Mandriva - gOs - Mint - PCLinux - Crunchbang and last but
not least Ubuntu (from version 5.04).
In the office in I have put up a Ubuntu-server with 3 Ubuntu clients.

My main goal in the community is to spread the word, distribute and
install Ubuntu, give support to people coming from other platforms,
design marketing material and help the translation team.
I'm also working on a Linux beginners guide in dutch.

I like Ubuntu, because it is one of the most stable and intuitive
distros out there. It is easy to learn and in my opinion it has the
potential to make people take the leap and turn their backs on an
expensive and never ending story of viruses and black screens of death
called windows.
I hope I can really help the community and add to the number of Linux-
and open source users that way.

If you came this far reading all of the above, I have to thank you for
letting me waste your time ;) ...

Kindest regards,
Steven De Baets.

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