Re: Default group

2012-10-19 Thread Nicolas Michel
So, nobody agree the idea of a smart sharing app'?

2012/10/18 Nicolas Michel

 2012/10/18 Jordon Bedwell

 On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 4:31 AM, Nicolas Michel wrote:
  To be honnest I never gave a try to Ubuntu One, probably for bad
  conservative reasons. I will try it. But I still feel that even if
  right that pushing things into the cloud make things simpler, there are
  still some flaws :

 Most of these flaws are always subjective, except when it comes to
 security, since UbuntuOne still does not have encryption (from last I
 heard) it's not a viable solution for people who need to backup secure
 documents, and it comes at a cost too since AmazonS3 now supports
 built-in encryption without the need of a 3rd party source.  It comes
 at even more of a cost when people realize that s3fs is not hard to
 use at all.  I don't know why Canonical or Ubuntu or whoever owns it
 does not see these problems but whatever, I'm not their CTO.

  - what if we don't have access to internet and only want to share on the

 Then you share the folder via LAN while still allowing UbuntuOne to
 Sync.  Ubuntu does not prevent you from accessing the folder at all,
 or doing what you want with it, except renaming it, you do have to
 play a little bit of filesystem trickery to rename it as a normal

 At the base it's a thread about sharing content. So I know that using
 Ubuntu One doesn't prevent me to share the same content also with Samba or
 something else. But my previous mail was talking about a simple app to
 auto-configure sharing and choosing the best me in function of the purpose
 and location of user A and B.

  - what with DLNA ? Are users needs to be technical guys to be able to

 What has DLNA got to do with normal file storage? It's not content
 hosting.  Unless they started with it recently and went CDN which
 would be pretty amazing considering they have no support for things
 like the WD Live, Sony/Samsung/LG Blueray or others but a quick Google
 search suggests they are not a content provider.

 A user don't care about a technical word definition: I agree that DLNA is
 not content hosting. But when a user want to share, maybe it means that
 the best solution for what he wants to do is DLNA?

  - of course I think about the speed. To come-back on my earlier exemple
 in a
  gaming LAN : what if I want to share some Gigs of data to others in the
  LAN? It can't be done through Ubuntu One I guess? Although technical
  solutions exists to do it (and really the most simple seems to me
 webdav - a
  pretty good solution I think but until now it's usage never really

 Speed is more or less on your end,

 That's the point. If I want to share to a point A to B, maybe that it will
 be really much faster to share the content in webdav or samba than with
 Ubuntu One.

 if Canonical is smart they will
 geo-host via AWS (that is unless they build their own infrastructure
 then you would hope they still zone.) If they are on AWS they have
 access to a pipes bigger by 10x if not more than anything you could
 get for less than 10-50K (1-50K realistically depending on the type of
 servers they get) a month unless you are in KC (or North California)
 and manage to convince Google to make your area a Fibrehood.

 Nobody is stopping you from sharing gigs of data though.  If you are
 suggesting using it for storing games and what-have-you so called
 live-data then that's on you because no storage service like Ubuntu
 one is designed for that sort of thing, that requires an entirely
 different stack design, one that thinks about what happens between
 point a and point b and not one that only wants you to make it to
 point b.  People often assume that servers are the same, they are not.

 Generally, I don't say Ubuntu One is not a good thing. I think it is part
 of the solution but not all the solution by itself. That's why I was
 talking about a kind of app wrapper to help people sharing the best way to
 serve their purpose.

 Nicolas MICHEL

Nicolas MICHEL
Ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list
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Re: Default group

2012-10-18 Thread Nicolas Michel
I agree that there should be something done on the UI to support ACL on
Ubuntu (not like eiciel). But I really don't agree when you say that
Windows is already doing it well!
Honnestly, nobody never understood these pretty technical concepts of
permissions (I mean usual end-users, not us that are talking on a dev linux
distrib mailing-list). I still organize some gaming LAN with friends (on
Windows of course ...) and most of the time, when someone want to share
something, they prefer :
- copy their things to an external DD
- give the external DD to their friend
- the friend then copy the content on his local disk
Although they're all connected to a gigabit switch, using the external disk
is not the fastest but it's the simpler. I already explained how to make a
network share but it involved too much computer skills : IP, filesystem,
permissions, network share... So they continue to use their external disk.
I don't even try to explain it anymore ;)

Conclusion: instead of creating an UI that just reflects the low level
understanding of ACL which won't help the majority of peoples we need
something better. In a UI, things needs to be astracted. So we should think
about sharing as a Service like in SAAS: you really don't know which
technical configuration is involved but it works. So I think that a
sharing options should launch a wizard wich ask simple questions that do
not involve any technical skills (but with some hints for technical guys)
like :
1) to who do you want to share the directory:
a: another user on this computer
b: another computer on my local network (LAN) (#maybe that using something
like webdav would be simpler than Samba or NFS?)
c: someone which is connected to internet like me (# and then using
something in the cloud like Ubuntu One?)
2) Is the other user can delete and modify the content or only see it?

The wizard do whatever needed for it to work : modify filesystem
permissions, configure a Samba Share, or a Webdav service ... At the end of
the wizard, it tells the instructions to give to the other guy how to
access the share (give an url and saying to type it in their internet
browser, a path and saying how to use it...).

To go further, I think sharing should even not be implemented into
nautilus or other file browser! It should be something standalone with a
shortcut in the dash, which opens a windows like the system configuration
one with some icons like :
- see my current shares
- create a new share
- connect to a share that someone gave me

What do you think?


2012/10/18 John Moser

 On 10/17/2012 06:43 PM, Marc Deslauriers wrote:

 On 12-10-17 05:45 PM, John Moser wrote:

 On 10/17/2012 05:34 PM, Marc Deslauriers wrote:

 On 12-10-17 03:52 PM, John Moser wrote:

 First, he must find the sysadmin.  The sysadmin must then put wriker
 in group jkirk.  Also, ~jkirk must be group-readable, as must any

 In a default Ubuntu installation, jkirk's files are already accessible
 to other users.

 Yeah I just looked and saw that, my whole $HOME is world-readable.

 This displeases me.  I'd prefer default $HOME chmod 700.

 As I said, we wanted people to be able to share files by default without
 having to understand granting permissions. This has already been
 discussed to death, although it's been a while.

 It's good to revisit things.  I'm bringing up what's turning into an
 evolving alternate proposal, at this point I've gotten as far out as
 suggesting UI changes and a sticky bit (= /tmp) directory acting as a
 Shared Documents between users, which I'm guessing didn't come up last
 round.  Sometimes the rules change.

  Of course, you're absolutely right. I'm not sure what I was thinking
 there for a sec. :P

 Wrong facility probably.  Changing permission != changing group, which is
 what this discussion started on.

 I'm not sure this proposal would be simple enough to be understood by
 most non-technical users. Also, last time we looked at using extended
 attributes, there were issues with proper support in common tools,
 backup software, certain filesystems, etc. This would need to be looked
 at again to see if extended attributes can be used now. It's certainly
 worth investigating it again.

 I may as well continue beating the Look at Windows horse, it's done this
 right for ages anyway.  You should consider your user base though:  they've
 already installed Ubuntu.  Most of them.  Some probably got a tablet or
 such that came with it, but single-user systems likely do not care.  We're
 talking about shared multi-user systems where everyone isn't admin, which
 is kind of a narrow case.

 That's less most users don't need to know how and more most users won't
 be faced by a sudden, surprising, confusing change (like moving from
 Gnome2 to Ubiquity or Gnome3 by default?).  In other words, I suspect most
 users aren't particularly attached to the sharing my files with everyone
 else case.

 Finally on that discussion, the 

Re: Default group

2012-10-18 Thread Nicolas Michel
I think that the wizard should also be smart enough to asks questions
related to the content to share. Example, if you want to share a video or
an audio file, maybe it's best to share it via DLNA if the viewer is on the
same LAN. Then it needs to ask a question like :
- do you want to share the video/audio in the purpose of the other user to
play it in a multimedia player? (DLNA)
- do you want to share the video/audio so the other user can copy it on its
computer? (File sharing)

As explains in my previous mail, the option connect to a share that
someone gave me would only be a wrapper that understand the URI we gave to
it : DLNA, Samba, Webdav, NFS ...

I also think that if wizards is really what usual users need, as a
technical guys I often find them limitating because of their abstractions,
I need to think what the dev wanted to say (technically speaking). For
example, if I know what is DLNA and that I want to share a media via DLNA,
using traditionnal tool takes some times to make it working, and using the
mentionned wizard will need me to choose the right answers to be able to
make a DLNA sharing. So I think that:
1) there should be a first question like :
- I'm a technical guy and I know what I want
- I only want to share something and the how is not of my interest
(then it doesn't opens a new windows but only change the sets of questions
the wizard will ask) : you could also add a check box remember my choice
for further same action.

2) whatever you choose at start (technical guy) you should have a 2 columns
window. On the biggest one on the left : the QA. On the little column on
the right, a technical recap of what technical solution will be used,
related to the questions answered. You should be able to click on links
there to change configuration manually (despite the answers given). Usual
users won't take care of it. Technical guys will understand what the wizard
will really do. That's transparency.

So the concept is that there should be a kind a model of a share :
something with some fields to configure:
- what to share : filesystem path to the item to share
- kind of share : dlna, samba, nfs, webdav, ubuntu one ...
- permissions that will be modified: which permissions on which level
(filesystem? sharing service? ...)

The purpose of the QA is only to complete that model. So the last step of
the wizard that will configure everything will only have to take care of
that profile. And so the QA can be changed/adapted easily through
versions of the app without having to rewrite the code that really do the

2012/10/18 Nicolas Michel

 I agree that there should be something done on the UI to support ACL on
 Ubuntu (not like eiciel). But I really don't agree when you say that
 Windows is already doing it well!
 Honnestly, nobody never understood these pretty technical concepts of
 permissions (I mean usual end-users, not us that are talking on a dev linux
 distrib mailing-list). I still organize some gaming LAN with friends (on
 Windows of course ...) and most of the time, when someone want to share
 something, they prefer :
 - copy their things to an external DD
 - give the external DD to their friend
 - the friend then copy the content on his local disk
 Although they're all connected to a gigabit switch, using the external
 disk is not the fastest but it's the simpler. I already explained how to
 make a network share but it involved too much computer skills : IP,
 filesystem, permissions, network share... So they continue to use their
 external disk. I don't even try to explain it anymore ;)

 Conclusion: instead of creating an UI that just reflects the low level
 understanding of ACL which won't help the majority of peoples we need
 something better. In a UI, things needs to be astracted. So we should think
 about sharing as a Service like in SAAS: you really don't know which
 technical configuration is involved but it works. So I think that a
 sharing options should launch a wizard wich ask simple questions that do
 not involve any technical skills (but with some hints for technical guys)
 like :
 1) to who do you want to share the directory:
 a: another user on this computer
 b: another computer on my local network (LAN) (#maybe that using something
 like webdav would be simpler than Samba or NFS?)
 c: someone which is connected to internet like me (# and then using
 something in the cloud like Ubuntu One?)
 2) Is the other user can delete and modify the content or only see it?

 The wizard do whatever needed for it to work : modify filesystem
 permissions, configure a Samba Share, or a Webdav service ... At the end of
 the wizard, it tells the instructions to give to the other guy how to
 access the share (give an url and saying to type it in their internet
 browser, a path and saying how to use it...).

 To go further, I think sharing should even not be implemented into
 nautilus or other file browser! It should be something standalone with a
 shortcut in 

Re: Default group

2012-10-18 Thread Vincent Ladeuil
 Nicolas Michel writes:

 Honnestly, nobody never understood these pretty technical concepts of
 permissions (I mean usual end-users, not us that are talking on a dev 
 distrib mailing-list).



 To go further, I think sharing should even not be implemented into
 nautilus or other file browser!


 It should be something standalone with a shortcut in the dash,
 which opens a windows like the system configuration one with some
 icons like : - see my current shares - create a new share -
 connect to a share that someone gave me

Sounds like something already implemented in ubuntu one to me ;)

In a nutshell: people don't understand permissions and their
fallouts. It's simpler to have home directories and their content
private (or even encrypted) and define shares in a special place. I can
think of only two kinds of share to be honest:

- I have write access and nobody else,

- I and others have write access.

And even that is not that simple when you start wanting to access them

This has been the case for decades and no OS I know of ever come close
to a flawless solutions until we started to use the cloud for sharing at
which point OSes and their incompatible permission schemes became


Ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list
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Re: Default group

2012-10-18 Thread Nicolas Michel
To be honnest I never gave a try to Ubuntu One, probably for bad
conservative reasons. I will try it. But I still feel that even if you're
right that pushing things into the cloud make things simpler, there are
still some flaws :
- what if we don't have access to internet and only want to share on the
- what with DLNA ? Are users needs to be technical guys to be able to use
- of course I think about the speed. To come-back on my earlier exemple in
a gaming LAN : what if I want to share some Gigs of data to others in the
same LAN? It can't be done through Ubuntu One I guess? Although technical
solutions exists to do it (and really the most simple seems to me webdav -
a pretty good solution I think but until now it's usage never really


2012/10/18 Vincent Ladeuil

  Nicolas Michel writes:

  Honnestly, nobody never understood these pretty technical concepts of
  permissions (I mean usual end-users, not us that are talking on a
 dev linux
  distrib mailing-list).



  To go further, I think sharing should even not be implemented into
  nautilus or other file browser!


  It should be something standalone with a shortcut in the dash,
  which opens a windows like the system configuration one with some
  icons like : - see my current shares - create a new share -
  connect to a share that someone gave me

 Sounds like something already implemented in ubuntu one to me ;)

 In a nutshell: people don't understand permissions and their
 fallouts. It's simpler to have home directories and their content
 private (or even encrypted) and define shares in a special place. I can
 think of only two kinds of share to be honest:

 - I have write access and nobody else,

 - I and others have write access.

 And even that is not that simple when you start wanting to access them

 This has been the case for decades and no OS I know of ever come close
 to a flawless solutions until we started to use the cloud for sharing at
 which point OSes and their incompatible permission schemes became


Nicolas MICHEL
Ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list
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Re: Default group

2012-10-18 Thread Jordon Bedwell
On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 4:31 AM, Nicolas Michel wrote:
 To be honnest I never gave a try to Ubuntu One, probably for bad
 conservative reasons. I will try it. But I still feel that even if you're
 right that pushing things into the cloud make things simpler, there are
 still some flaws :

Most of these flaws are always subjective, except when it comes to
security, since UbuntuOne still does not have encryption (from last I
heard) it's not a viable solution for people who need to backup secure
documents, and it comes at a cost too since AmazonS3 now supports
built-in encryption without the need of a 3rd party source.  It comes
at even more of a cost when people realize that s3fs is not hard to
use at all.  I don't know why Canonical or Ubuntu or whoever owns it
does not see these problems but whatever, I'm not their CTO.

 - what if we don't have access to internet and only want to share on the

Then you share the folder via LAN while still allowing UbuntuOne to
Sync.  Ubuntu does not prevent you from accessing the folder at all,
or doing what you want with it, except renaming it, you do have to
play a little bit of filesystem trickery to rename it as a normal

 - what with DLNA ? Are users needs to be technical guys to be able to use.

What has DLNA got to do with normal file storage? It's not content
hosting.  Unless they started with it recently and went CDN which
would be pretty amazing considering they have no support for things
like the WD Live, Sony/Samsung/LG Blueray or others but a quick Google
search suggests they are not a content provider.

 - of course I think about the speed. To come-back on my earlier exemple in a
 gaming LAN : what if I want to share some Gigs of data to others in the same
 LAN? It can't be done through Ubuntu One I guess? Although technical
 solutions exists to do it (and really the most simple seems to me webdav - a
 pretty good solution I think but until now it's usage never really

Speed is more or less on your end, if Canonical is smart they will
geo-host via AWS (that is unless they build their own infrastructure
then you would hope they still zone.) If they are on AWS they have
access to a pipes bigger by 10x if not more than anything you could
get for less than 10-50K (1-50K realistically depending on the type of
servers they get) a month unless you are in KC (or North California)
and manage to convince Google to make your area a Fibrehood.

Nobody is stopping you from sharing gigs of data though.  If you are
suggesting using it for storing games and what-have-you so called
live-data then that's on you because no storage service like Ubuntu
one is designed for that sort of thing, that requires an entirely
different stack design, one that thinks about what happens between
point a and point b and not one that only wants you to make it to
point b.  People often assume that servers are the same, they are not.

Ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list
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Re: Default group

2012-10-18 Thread Nicolas Michel
2012/10/18 Jordon Bedwell

 On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 4:31 AM, Nicolas Michel wrote:
  To be honnest I never gave a try to Ubuntu One, probably for bad
  conservative reasons. I will try it. But I still feel that even if you're
  right that pushing things into the cloud make things simpler, there are
  still some flaws :

 Most of these flaws are always subjective, except when it comes to
 security, since UbuntuOne still does not have encryption (from last I
 heard) it's not a viable solution for people who need to backup secure
 documents, and it comes at a cost too since AmazonS3 now supports
 built-in encryption without the need of a 3rd party source.  It comes
 at even more of a cost when people realize that s3fs is not hard to
 use at all.  I don't know why Canonical or Ubuntu or whoever owns it
 does not see these problems but whatever, I'm not their CTO.

  - what if we don't have access to internet and only want to share on the

 Then you share the folder via LAN while still allowing UbuntuOne to
 Sync.  Ubuntu does not prevent you from accessing the folder at all,
 or doing what you want with it, except renaming it, you do have to
 play a little bit of filesystem trickery to rename it as a normal

At the base it's a thread about sharing content. So I know that using
Ubuntu One doesn't prevent me to share the same content also with Samba or
something else. But my previous mail was talking about a simple app to
auto-configure sharing and choosing the best me in function of the purpose
and location of user A and B.

  - what with DLNA ? Are users needs to be technical guys to be able to

 What has DLNA got to do with normal file storage? It's not content
 hosting.  Unless they started with it recently and went CDN which
 would be pretty amazing considering they have no support for things
 like the WD Live, Sony/Samsung/LG Blueray or others but a quick Google
 search suggests they are not a content provider.

A user don't care about a technical word definition: I agree that DLNA is
not content hosting. But when a user want to share, maybe it means that
the best solution for what he wants to do is DLNA?

  - of course I think about the speed. To come-back on my earlier exemple
 in a
  gaming LAN : what if I want to share some Gigs of data to others in the
  LAN? It can't be done through Ubuntu One I guess? Although technical
  solutions exists to do it (and really the most simple seems to me webdav
 - a
  pretty good solution I think but until now it's usage never really

 Speed is more or less on your end,

That's the point. If I want to share to a point A to B, maybe that it will
be really much faster to share the content in webdav or samba than with
Ubuntu One.

if Canonical is smart they will
 geo-host via AWS (that is unless they build their own infrastructure
 then you would hope they still zone.) If they are on AWS they have
 access to a pipes bigger by 10x if not more than anything you could
 get for less than 10-50K (1-50K realistically depending on the type of
 servers they get) a month unless you are in KC (or North California)
 and manage to convince Google to make your area a Fibrehood.

 Nobody is stopping you from sharing gigs of data though.  If you are
 suggesting using it for storing games and what-have-you so called
 live-data then that's on you because no storage service like Ubuntu
 one is designed for that sort of thing, that requires an entirely
 different stack design, one that thinks about what happens between
 point a and point b and not one that only wants you to make it to
 point b.  People often assume that servers are the same, they are not.

Generally, I don't say Ubuntu One is not a good thing. I think it is part
of the solution but not all the solution by itself. That's why I was
talking about a kind of app wrapper to help people sharing the best way to
serve their purpose.

Nicolas MICHEL
Ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list
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Re: Default group

2012-10-17 Thread Jordon Bedwell
On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 8:59 AM, John Moser wrote:
 I suggest all users should go into group 'users' as the default group,
 with $HOME default to 700 and in the group 'users'.  A umask of 027 or
 the traditional 022 is still viable:  the files in $HOME are not
 visible because you cannot list the contents of $HOME (not readable)
 or change into it to access the files within (not executable).  A user
 can grant permissions to other users to access his files simply by
 making the directory readable by them--by 'users' or others (thus
 everyone) or by fine-grained POSIX ACLs selecting for individual users
 and groups.

The problem with this is how are you going to fix permissions on bad
software like Ruby Gems who do not reset permissions when packaging
and uploading to the public repository (because they claim this would
violate security even though it comes from a public repo like the
Debian repo and having public read and execute on a public gem from a
public place is bad.) This has a huge impact as a default permission
for not just examples like Ruby gems but other software do not reset
when packaging, making it more cumbersome to package software and
making it so now work around's are the rule and not the exception.

Ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list
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Re: Default group

2012-10-17 Thread John Moser
On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 10:05 AM, Jordon Bedwell wrote:

 The problem with this is how are you going to fix permissions on bad
 software like Ruby Gems who do not reset permissions when packaging
 and uploading to the public repository (because they claim this would
 violate security even though it comes from a public repo like the
 Debian repo and having public read and execute on a public gem from a
 public place is bad.) This has a huge impact as a default permission
 for not just examples like Ruby gems but other software do not reset
 when packaging, making it more cumbersome to package software and
 making it so now work around's are the rule and not the exception.

Explain the problem more.  The directory the user is in would be owned
by $USER:users instead of $USER:$USER.  The only difference, then, is
instead of your stuff being owned by jordon:jordon it's owned by

What you're saying here is... I don't know what you're saying.
Permissions are currently $USER:users by default with umask=022 and
$HOME permissions of 755 which means every file is created as:

drwxr-xr-x jordan:jordan /home/jordan
drwxr-xr-x jordan:jordan /home/jordan/somedir
-rwxr--r-- jordan:jordan /home/jordan/somefile

What I'm suggesting is either umask=022 with a shared 'users' group
and a default $HOME permission of 700, so

drwx-- jordan:users /home/jordan
drwxr-xr-x jordan:users /home/jordan/somedir
-rwxr--r-- jordan:users /home/jordan/somefile

In which case if you give the 'users' group or (via extended ACL) any
other group or person read/execute on /home/jordan they can read
everything:  they're in 'users' and thus have access to your files,
just before they couldn't actually reach the inode.  If you give
'others' read/execute on /home/jordan then everyone on the system can
see inside your $HOME, as is the case now.

...OR--more risky--a default umask=027 with a shared 'users' group and
a default $HOME permission of 700, so

drwx-- jordan:users /home/jordan
drwxr-x--- jordan:users /home/jordan/somedir
drwxr- jordan:users /home/jordan/somefile

and security is increased, nominally, but honestly not much.  The
security boost here is files created in shared directories or
hardlinks created won't let anyone and everyone read those files; the
truth of the matter is that shouldn't happen, and stuff done in /tmp
is usually ... temporary, and aware of the security implications.
More restrictive you could umask=077, but same deal, and then if you
want to give anyone access to your files you have to change
permissions the whole way down (which opens up the user to mistakes
like chmod -R on $HOME and exposing their SSH keys).

How does putting everyone in the same group and changing $HOME to 0700
do what you said?

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Re: Default group

2012-10-17 Thread Marc Deslauriers
On 12-10-17 09:59 AM, John Moser wrote:
 I suggest all users should go into group 'users' as the default group,
 with $HOME default to 700 and in the group 'users'.  A umask of 027 or
 the traditional 022 is still viable:  the files in $HOME are not
 visible because you cannot list the contents of $HOME (not readable)
 or change into it to access the files within (not executable).  A user
 can grant permissions to other users to access his files simply by
 making the directory readable by them--by 'users' or others (thus
 everyone) or by fine-grained POSIX ACLs selecting for individual users
 and groups.

We want users to be able to share files with other users. Having $HOME
be 700 defeats that purpose. See:

Also, one of the reasons for using User Private Groups, is to be able to
create directories that are used by multiple users, by setting the
setgid on the directory. With a default umask of 022, users need to
manually set group permissions each time they create a file.


Marc Deslauriers
Ubuntu Security Engineer |
Canonical Ltd.   |

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Re: Default group

2012-10-17 Thread Alberto Gonzalez

 To modify the groups a user is in, you must have administrative access

You can use gpasswd -A to delegate group administration to a non-superuser.

And the main reason of User Private Group (UPG) is that makes it easy to
create directories for collaboration.

2012/10/17 John Moser

 On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 10:05 AM, Jordon Bedwell
  The problem with this is how are you going to fix permissions on bad
  software like Ruby Gems who do not reset permissions when packaging
  and uploading to the public repository (because they claim this would
  violate security even though it comes from a public repo like the
  Debian repo and having public read and execute on a public gem from a
  public place is bad.) This has a huge impact as a default permission
  for not just examples like Ruby gems but other software do not reset
  when packaging, making it more cumbersome to package software and
  making it so now work around's are the rule and not the exception.

 Explain the problem more.  The directory the user is in would be owned
 by $USER:users instead of $USER:$USER.  The only difference, then, is
 instead of your stuff being owned by jordon:jordon it's owned by

 What you're saying here is... I don't know what you're saying.
 Permissions are currently $USER:users by default with umask=022 and
 $HOME permissions of 755 which means every file is created as:

 drwxr-xr-x jordan:jordan /home/jordan
 drwxr-xr-x jordan:jordan /home/jordan/somedir
 -rwxr--r-- jordan:jordan /home/jordan/somefile

 What I'm suggesting is either umask=022 with a shared 'users' group
 and a default $HOME permission of 700, so

 drwx-- jordan:users /home/jordan
 drwxr-xr-x jordan:users /home/jordan/somedir
 -rwxr--r-- jordan:users /home/jordan/somefile

 In which case if you give the 'users' group or (via extended ACL) any
 other group or person read/execute on /home/jordan they can read
 everything:  they're in 'users' and thus have access to your files,
 just before they couldn't actually reach the inode.  If you give
 'others' read/execute on /home/jordan then everyone on the system can
 see inside your $HOME, as is the case now.

 ...OR--more risky--a default umask=027 with a shared 'users' group and
 a default $HOME permission of 700, so

 drwx-- jordan:users /home/jordan
 drwxr-x--- jordan:users /home/jordan/somedir
 drwxr- jordan:users /home/jordan/somefile

 and security is increased, nominally, but honestly not much.  The
 security boost here is files created in shared directories or
 hardlinks created won't let anyone and everyone read those files; the
 truth of the matter is that shouldn't happen, and stuff done in /tmp
 is usually ... temporary, and aware of the security implications.
 More restrictive you could umask=077, but same deal, and then if you
 want to give anyone access to your files you have to change
 permissions the whole way down (which opens up the user to mistakes
 like chmod -R on $HOME and exposing their SSH keys).

 How does putting everyone in the same group and changing $HOME to 0700
 do what you said?

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Re: Default group

2012-10-17 Thread John Moser
On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Marc Deslauriers wrote:
 On 12-10-17 09:59 AM, John Moser wrote:
 I suggest all users should go into group 'users' as the default group,
 with $HOME default to 700 and in the group 'users'.  A umask of 027 or
 the traditional 022 is still viable:  the files in $HOME are not
 visible because you cannot list the contents of $HOME (not readable)
 or change into it to access the files within (not executable).  A user
 can grant permissions to other users to access his files simply by
 making the directory readable by them--by 'users' or others (thus
 everyone) or by fine-grained POSIX ACLs selecting for individual users
 and groups.

 We want users to be able to share files with other users. Having $HOME
 be 700 defeats that purpose. See:

Which, as I said, is accomplished by adding the user or an appropriate
group to the Extended ACL of $HOME, as the umask is still permissive
and the files are all owned by a common user group.  It can also be
blanket accomplished by adding read access to group or others on
$HOME, which would return the system to effectively as it is now.

 Also, one of the reasons for using User Private Groups, is to be able to
 create directories that are used by multiple users, by setting the
 setgid on the directory. With a default umask of 022, users need to
 manually set group permissions each time they create a file.

Setting setgid on the directory to allow multiple users to add files
to it still requires that the users be in the group or that the
directory be world-writable. The proper way to accomplish this is,
again, to place the directory into the shared 'users' group and grant
individual user or group access via ACLs, rather than a shotgun
approach by which either the directory is either world-writable or the
users have to be put into some other user's group and then suddenly
have blanket access to that user's files unless he tightens down
permissions on his $HOME.

setgid would also do ... just about nothing, since without setUID on
the directory the file's permissions are still g-w.  Although some
Googling is telling me that Ubuntu changed the default umask to 002
back in Oneric, so apparently yeah this works, caveat above paragraph.

In short, the current method is a lot of this works... with a lot of
unintended consequences.


 Marc Deslauriers
 Ubuntu Security Engineer |
 Canonical Ltd.   |

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Re: Default group

2012-10-17 Thread Nicolas Michel

Do you know KISS
So ACL works well. But it's really more complicated to use than UGO and
surely to understand who has which access to what. Trust me it can be
really hard to get it with complex configurations.

So I would say : why use a complex solution for a simple need?


2012/10/17 John Moser

 On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Marc Deslauriers wrote:
  On 12-10-17 09:59 AM, John Moser wrote:
  I suggest all users should go into group 'users' as the default group,
  with $HOME default to 700 and in the group 'users'.  A umask of 027 or
  the traditional 022 is still viable:  the files in $HOME are not
  visible because you cannot list the contents of $HOME (not readable)
  or change into it to access the files within (not executable).  A user
  can grant permissions to other users to access his files simply by
  making the directory readable by them--by 'users' or others (thus
  everyone) or by fine-grained POSIX ACLs selecting for individual users
  and groups.
  We want users to be able to share files with other users. Having $HOME
  be 700 defeats that purpose. See:

 Which, as I said, is accomplished by adding the user or an appropriate
 group to the Extended ACL of $HOME, as the umask is still permissive
 and the files are all owned by a common user group.  It can also be
 blanket accomplished by adding read access to group or others on
 $HOME, which would return the system to effectively as it is now.

  Also, one of the reasons for using User Private Groups, is to be able to
  create directories that are used by multiple users, by setting the
  setgid on the directory. With a default umask of 022, users need to
  manually set group permissions each time they create a file.

 Setting setgid on the directory to allow multiple users to add files
 to it still requires that the users be in the group or that the
 directory be world-writable. The proper way to accomplish this is,
 again, to place the directory into the shared 'users' group and grant
 individual user or group access via ACLs, rather than a shotgun
 approach by which either the directory is either world-writable or the
 users have to be put into some other user's group and then suddenly
 have blanket access to that user's files unless he tightens down
 permissions on his $HOME.

 setgid would also do ... just about nothing, since without setUID on
 the directory the file's permissions are still g-w.  Although some
 Googling is telling me that Ubuntu changed the default umask to 002
 back in Oneric, so apparently yeah this works, caveat above paragraph.

 In short, the current method is a lot of this works... with a lot of
 unintended consequences.

  Marc Deslauriers
  Ubuntu Security Engineer |
  Canonical Ltd.   |
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Nicolas MICHEL
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Re: Default group

2012-10-17 Thread John Moser
First:  that's why we need an interface that handles POSIX ACLs
properly, long-overdue.

Second, this is not simple.  This is a recommendation to use shotgun
approach to everything and leave gaping holes because it's convenient.
 I don't mean to say this is a critical 100% immediate security hole;
I mean that trying to carefully, craftily use the current scheme is
very complex.

Let's first assume we have three users:


Now, let's say any of these wants to give any of the others access to
his files in general (i.e. his $HOME).  Let's for our example say
jkirk wants wriker to have access.

First, he must find the sysadmin.  The sysadmin must then put wriker
in group jkirk.  Also, ~jkirk must be group-readable, as must any

To do this without a sysadmin, the user must be sysadmin.  Either none
or one of these users can do it all; or all of them can and then we're
not dealing with any kind of document security.

With POSIX ACL instead AND AN INTERFACE FOR IT, jkirk simply
right-clicks on his Home directory in Nautilus (Konqueror Thunar etc),
hits Permissions, Add, puts in 'wriker' with 'read, access files
inside directory'.  Since his files are all read-write by group
(umask=002) instead of just readable (umask=022), this makes all his
files writable by wriker, of course.  That's not the point here,
HOWEVER it is a concern.

Notice this is simple, and the user can do it themselves.

Someone raised shared directories and SGID.  When we get to SGID we've
stepped slightly outside simple, but I'll allow it.

Let's say now jkirk wants to share specific files with wriker, and
specific other files with ksingh.  Let's tackle ksingh first.

jkirk could put a directory in a shared location, with SGID,
accessible by jkirk, and have the sysadmin give ksingh the jkirk
group.  This would, of course, also allow ksingh into anything else
accessible by jkirk's group--so if his home directory is open, or if
he has a file shared with wriker by putting wriker in the jkirk group,
those files are also accessible by ksingh as a matter of course.

Repeat:  those OTHER files are also accessible by ksingh as a matter of course.

Instead, ksingh could have jkirk put in the ksingh group; this creates
the same problem for ksingh.

Next of course jkirk tries to create a shared directory to share some
files with wriker, but of course that makes things complex.  Maybe
wriker does it, but then he shares with ksingh, which means wriker has
the same problem of jkirk getting files he wants to only share with
ksingh, or jkirk must accept the problem of sharing files with ksingh
when he only wants those files to go to wriker (and with wriker when
he wants those files only to go to ksingh).

Then, everybody gives up and just uses e-mail to send files back and forth.

Instead, jkirk creates a directory to share with ksingh.  The
directory is mode 700, owned by jkirk, and in the group 'users', and
with the SGID bit set (so not mode 700, more mode 02700?  I forget
what's SUID, SGID, and sticky, ok?).  He right clicks on it, hits
Properties, Permissions, adds ksingh with rwx (remember X on
directories is access files inside).  When jkirk or ksingh creates
files inside, they are read/write by group and automatically in the
group 'users', so jkirk and ksingh can access all files in the

Then, jkirk creates a directory to share with wriker.  He does the
same, except adds wriker to the access list.  Same thing, but ksingh
can't access any of the files in it because the directory is 700 and
so he can't list the files and, even if he could, he can't actually
traverse the directory to access the files.  Similarly, wriker can't
access the directory shared by ksingh.

And, of course, jkirk has been granted no additional permissions.
Still, wriker or ksingh could do the same to give jkirk or each other
shared directories to access.  It's a simple create directory, right
click, add access, and there's no implications of other access by
other people because of other stuff you did with other directories at
other times.  Also, the system administrator isn't involved.

That's called keeping it simple.  What's simple with the current
design is nobody has to develop a user interface for managing POSIX
ACLs--which would of course involve work, and open source developers
are a limited resource because they only work on things they actually
care about.

What's simple about the proposed design is the end user doesn't have
to change what group people are in or do complicated association
graphs and jump through hoops to get the simplest sharing between two
users to not open up other files they don't intend to share.

Also important is, with the current design, if you share with more
than one or two other users or you have overlapping access you WILL
wind up giving excessive access to someone.  For example, one user
creates a shared directory with two users, and another shared
directory with only one of those two users.  You can't 

Re: Default group

2012-10-17 Thread John Moser
On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 3:52 PM, John Moser wrote:
 First:  that's why we need an interface that handles POSIX ACLs
 properly, long-overdue.

It actually occurs to me that this is probably not just technically
important, but important for planning purposes.  That is, we can sit
here arguing all day about theoretical use cases, but everybody is
going to have differing opinions that lean in odd directions until
certain things are fixed.  Or in short, as long as POSIX ACLs require
a scout badge in command line comfort, discussing how to leverage
POSIX ACLs is pointless because people don't want to think two steps

Let's see if we can get anything agreeable on that.  It'll probably
look strikingly like Windows' Security tab, except without supplying
Allow/Deny, fine grained special permissions (which don't exist), or
having all the Windows main permissions.  So, it'll look like the only
thing that makes sense in general, and specifically for Unix.  That
is, a few rows of controls for Owner, Group, and then a list box of
permissions with one row with three checkboxes per row for each user
(Owner, Group, Everyone, individual users/groups).

Can we get that?

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Re: Default group

2012-10-17 Thread Matt Wheeler
It's called eiciel

Matt Wheeler
On 17 Oct 2012 21:15, John Moser wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 3:52 PM, John Moser
  First:  that's why we need an interface that handles POSIX ACLs
  properly, long-overdue.

 It actually occurs to me that this is probably not just technically
 important, but important for planning purposes.  That is, we can sit
 here arguing all day about theoretical use cases, but everybody is
 going to have differing opinions that lean in odd directions until
 certain things are fixed.  Or in short, as long as POSIX ACLs require
 a scout badge in command line comfort, discussing how to leverage
 POSIX ACLs is pointless because people don't want to think two steps

 Let's see if we can get anything agreeable on that.  It'll probably
 look strikingly like Windows' Security tab, except without supplying
 Allow/Deny, fine grained special permissions (which don't exist), or
 having all the Windows main permissions.  So, it'll look like the only
 thing that makes sense in general, and specifically for Unix.  That
 is, a few rows of controls for Owner, Group, and then a list box of
 permissions with one row with three checkboxes per row for each user
 (Owner, Group, Everyone, individual users/groups).

 Can we get that?

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Re: Default group

2012-10-17 Thread Marc Deslauriers
On 12-10-17 03:52 PM, John Moser wrote:
 Let's first assume we have three users:
 Now, let's say any of these wants to give any of the others access to
 his files in general (i.e. his $HOME).  Let's for our example say
 jkirk wants wriker to have access.
 First, he must find the sysadmin.  The sysadmin must then put wriker
 in group jkirk.  Also, ~jkirk must be group-readable, as must any

In a default Ubuntu installation, jkirk's files are already accessible
to other users.

 To do this without a sysadmin, the user must be sysadmin.  Either none
 or one of these users can do it all; or all of them can and then we're
 not dealing with any kind of document security.
 With POSIX ACL instead AND AN INTERFACE FOR IT, jkirk simply
 right-clicks on his Home directory in Nautilus (Konqueror Thunar etc),
 hits Permissions, Add, puts in 'wriker' with 'read, access files
 inside directory'.  Since his files are all read-write by group
 (umask=002) instead of just readable (umask=022), this makes all his
 files writable by wriker, of course.  That's not the point here,
 HOWEVER it is a concern.
 Notice this is simple, and the user can do it themselves.

A user can't change permissions on his $HOME by himself. Only a sysadmin

 Someone raised shared directories and SGID.  When we get to SGID we've
 stepped slightly outside simple, but I'll allow it.
 Let's say now jkirk wants to share specific files with wriker, and
 specific other files with ksingh.  Let's tackle ksingh first.
 jkirk could put a directory in a shared location, with SGID,
 accessible by jkirk, and have the sysadmin give ksingh the jkirk
 group.  This would, of course, also allow ksingh into anything else
 accessible by jkirk's group--so if his home directory is open, or if
 he has a file shared with wriker by putting wriker in the jkirk group,
 those files are also accessible by ksingh as a matter of course.
 Repeat:  those OTHER files are also accessible by ksingh as a matter of 
 Instead, ksingh could have jkirk put in the ksingh group; this creates
 the same problem for ksingh.
 Next of course jkirk tries to create a shared directory to share some
 files with wriker, but of course that makes things complex.  Maybe
 wriker does it, but then he shares with ksingh, which means wriker has
 the same problem of jkirk getting files he wants to only share with
 ksingh, or jkirk must accept the problem of sharing files with ksingh
 when he only wants those files to go to wriker (and with wriker when
 he wants those files only to go to ksingh).
 Then, everybody gives up and just uses e-mail to send files back and forth.
 Instead, jkirk creates a directory to share with ksingh.  The
 directory is mode 700, owned by jkirk, and in the group 'users', and
 with the SGID bit set (so not mode 700, more mode 02700?  I forget
 what's SUID, SGID, and sticky, ok?).  He right clicks on it, hits
 Properties, Permissions, adds ksingh with rwx (remember X on
 directories is access files inside).  When jkirk or ksingh creates
 files inside, they are read/write by group and automatically in the
 group 'users', so jkirk and ksingh can access all files in the

This only works if the user default umask is 002, which wouldn't be the
case if you're not using User Private Groups.


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Re: Default group

2012-10-17 Thread John Moser
Doesn't look integrated into the default UI.  Workable, but not quite 
intuitive.  Things I'd prefer:

 - Shows the user and group ownership, instead of piling them is as 
just part of the ACL.  Remember these have special meanings for SUID/SGID.

 - First three ACL entries are always Owner, Group, and Other.

 - Integrate into the UI (Konqueror, Gnome)

 - Apply ACL to Enclosed Files button to apply the ACL all the way down.

 - Possibly Apply Permissions to Enclosed Files button for only UNIX 

i.e. something more obvious and intuitive.

On 10/17/2012 05:12 PM, Matt Wheeler wrote:

It's called eiciel

Matt Wheeler

On 17 Oct 2012 21:15, John Moser wrote:

On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 3:52 PM, John Moser wrote:
 First:  that's why we need an interface that handles POSIX ACLs
 properly, long-overdue.

It actually occurs to me that this is probably not just technically
important, but important for planning purposes.  That is, we can sit
here arguing all day about theoretical use cases, but everybody is
going to have differing opinions that lean in odd directions until
certain things are fixed.  Or in short, as long as POSIX ACLs require
a scout badge in command line comfort, discussing how to leverage
POSIX ACLs is pointless because people don't want to think two steps

Let's see if we can get anything agreeable on that.  It'll probably
look strikingly like Windows' Security tab, except without supplying
Allow/Deny, fine grained special permissions (which don't exist), or
having all the Windows main permissions.  So, it'll look like the only
thing that makes sense in general, and specifically for Unix.  That
is, a few rows of controls for Owner, Group, and then a list box of
permissions with one row with three checkboxes per row for each user
(Owner, Group, Everyone, individual users/groups).

Can we get that?

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Re: Default group

2012-10-17 Thread John Moser

On 10/17/2012 05:34 PM, Marc Deslauriers wrote:

On 12-10-17 03:52 PM, John Moser wrote:

First, he must find the sysadmin.  The sysadmin must then put wriker
in group jkirk.  Also, ~jkirk must be group-readable, as must any

In a default Ubuntu installation, jkirk's files are already accessible
to other users.

Yeah I just looked and saw that, my whole $HOME is world-readable.

This displeases me.  I'd prefer default $HOME chmod 700.

A user can't change permissions on his $HOME by himself. Only a sysadmin

$ ls -ld ~
drwxr--r-x 100 bluefox bluefox 4096 Oct 14 11:47 /home/bluefox
$ chmod go-rx ~
$ ls -ld ~
drwx-- 100 bluefox bluefox 4096 Oct 14 11:47 /home/bluefox
$ setfacl -m u:root:r ~
$ getfacl ~
# file: home/bluefox
# owner: bluefox
# group: bluefox

Try again.

This only works if the user default umask is 002, which wouldn't be the
case if you're not using User Private Groups.

Well, it's the case now; and if we leave it the case and make ACL 
handling more intuitive, then it'll all work.  Changing $HOME to 700 
instead of 755 would adequately protect the user's private files in 
$HOME even with a umask of 002, since you simply can't look into $HOME 
to read/modify those files anyway.

The only other thing needed would then be a Shared Documents alike 
(borrowing from Windows again--it's a pile of crap but that doesn't mean 
everything associated is terrible by default) supplying a place for 
folks to put shared files or such secured shared folders, made sticky of 


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Re: Default group

2012-10-17 Thread Marc Deslauriers
On 12-10-17 05:45 PM, John Moser wrote:
 On 10/17/2012 05:34 PM, Marc Deslauriers wrote:
 On 12-10-17 03:52 PM, John Moser wrote:

 First, he must find the sysadmin.  The sysadmin must then put wriker
 in group jkirk.  Also, ~jkirk must be group-readable, as must any

 In a default Ubuntu installation, jkirk's files are already accessible
 to other users.
 Yeah I just looked and saw that, my whole $HOME is world-readable.
 This displeases me.  I'd prefer default $HOME chmod 700.

As I said, we wanted people to be able to share files by default without
having to understand granting permissions. This has already been
discussed to death, although it's been a while.


 A user can't change permissions on his $HOME by himself. Only a sysadmin
 $ ls -ld ~
 drwxr--r-x 100 bluefox bluefox 4096 Oct 14 11:47 /home/bluefox
 $ chmod go-rx ~
 $ ls -ld ~
 drwx-- 100 bluefox bluefox 4096 Oct 14 11:47 /home/bluefox
 $ setfacl -m u:root:r ~
 $ getfacl ~
 # file: home/bluefox
 # owner: bluefox
 # group: bluefox
 Try again.

Of course, you're absolutely right. I'm not sure what I was thinking
there for a sec. :P


 This only works if the user default umask is 002, which wouldn't be the
 case if you're not using User Private Groups.
 Well, it's the case now; and if we leave it the case and make ACL
 handling more intuitive, then it'll all work.  Changing $HOME to 700
 instead of 755 would adequately protect the user's private files in
 $HOME even with a umask of 002, since you simply can't look into $HOME
 to read/modify those files anyway.

I'm not sure this proposal would be simple enough to be understood by
most non-technical users. Also, last time we looked at using extended
attributes, there were issues with proper support in common tools,
backup software, certain filesystems, etc. This would need to be looked
at again to see if extended attributes can be used now. It's certainly
worth investigating it again.

 The only other thing needed would then be a Shared Documents alike
 (borrowing from Windows again--it's a pile of crap but that doesn't mean
 everything associated is terrible by default) supplying a place for
 folks to put shared files or such secured shared folders, made sticky of

Well, right now we're defaulting to sharing everything except private
information in private directories. Your proposal is basically to share
nothing, and create exceptions. If this is to be discussed again, we
probably need to figure out if our users are able to understand file
permissions well enough to be able to share documents.

Of course, this is all moot without home directory encryption, and when
you turn that on, there's basically no sharing at all.


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Re: Default group

2012-10-17 Thread John Moser

On 10/17/2012 06:43 PM, Marc Deslauriers wrote:

On 12-10-17 05:45 PM, John Moser wrote:

On 10/17/2012 05:34 PM, Marc Deslauriers wrote:

On 12-10-17 03:52 PM, John Moser wrote:

First, he must find the sysadmin.  The sysadmin must then put wriker
in group jkirk.  Also, ~jkirk must be group-readable, as must any

In a default Ubuntu installation, jkirk's files are already accessible
to other users.

Yeah I just looked and saw that, my whole $HOME is world-readable.

This displeases me.  I'd prefer default $HOME chmod 700.

As I said, we wanted people to be able to share files by default without
having to understand granting permissions. This has already been
discussed to death, although it's been a while.

It's good to revisit things.  I'm bringing up what's turning into an 
evolving alternate proposal, at this point I've gotten as far out as 
suggesting UI changes and a sticky bit (= /tmp) directory acting as a 
Shared Documents between users, which I'm guessing didn't come up last 
round.  Sometimes the rules change.

Of course, you're absolutely right. I'm not sure what I was thinking
there for a sec. :P

Wrong facility probably.  Changing permission != changing group, which 
is what this discussion started on.

I'm not sure this proposal would be simple enough to be understood by
most non-technical users. Also, last time we looked at using extended
attributes, there were issues with proper support in common tools,
backup software, certain filesystems, etc. This would need to be looked
at again to see if extended attributes can be used now. It's certainly
worth investigating it again.

I may as well continue beating the Look at Windows horse, it's done 
this right for ages anyway.  You should consider your user base though: 
 they've already installed Ubuntu.  Most of them.  Some probably got a 
tablet or such that came with it, but single-user systems likely do not 
care.  We're talking about shared multi-user systems where everyone 
isn't admin, which is kind of a narrow case.

That's less most users don't need to know how and more most users 
won't be faced by a sudden, surprising, confusing change (like moving 
from Gnome2 to Ubiquity or Gnome3 by default?).  In other words, I 
suspect most users aren't particularly attached to the sharing my files 
with everyone else case.

Finally on that discussion, the current case is--as discussed--a default 
Share with everyone, and the user has to take an unknown technical step 
to stop that.  That means it's hard (for some value of hard) for some 
14 year old girl to stop her little brother from reading her diary. 
Fortunately actual e-mails are stored in a directory Thunderbird by 
default forces to 700, although any attachments you save you'll need to 
purposely revoke permission on.  Mostly to the point, documents, saved 
attachments, saved files off Web sites, PDF collections of Victorian era 
pornography downloaded from torrents, all by default available without 
jumping through technical hoops.

Don't know about common tools, backup software.  I'm well aware it's not 
straight out-of-box supported by Thunar, Nautilus, and Konqueror--it 
works, but their file properties dialogs don't let you manage those 
permissions.  Again, Windows does this right.

As for filesystems, POSIX ACLs tend to cause issues with read latency 
for inodes not in disk cache.  XFS with 256 byte inodes takes something 
like 9uS to read a non-ACL inode, 7000uS for an ACL inode; XFS with 512 
byte inodes takes 9us either way; and other file systems tend to behave 
like XFS with 256 byte inodes (9uS-15uS without POSIX ACL, 1000-1500mS 
with it).  This is because another seek-and-read must be done.  Not a 
problem on SSD. not a problem on a warm system, minor performance issue 
at first boot.  This isn't something that's going to slow the system to 
a crawl:  these ACLs are only going to be set on user-owned files, and 
even then the proposed semantics favor setting them on a directory here 
and there and so you lose a millisecond or three once in a great while.

Do note that performance issues are circa 2003:

The only other thing needed would then be a Shared Documents alike
(borrowing from Windows again--it's a pile of crap but that doesn't mean
everything associated is terrible by default) supplying a place for
folks to put shared files or such secured shared folders, made sticky of

Well, right now we're defaulting to sharing everything except private
information in private directories. Your proposal is basically to share
nothing, and create exceptions. If this is to be discussed again, we
probably need to figure out if our users are able to understand file
permissions well enough to be able to share documents.

I recall Windows XP notifying users that it was in fact going to 
privatize directories after upgrade, or some such.  Such flip-flops 
have been done.
