Re: [Ubuntu-be] Meedoen met Ubuntu Belgiê

2008-07-04 Thread snulkid
Waw! Wat een mooie voorstelling (samen met mijn gratis Nederlands 
oefening) ! De perfecte vrijwilliger :-)

Welkom !

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] reminder: language use

2008-02-25 Thread snulkid

Le lundi 25 février 2008 09:03, Thijs Braem a écrit :
 I would agree on the fact that is's a bit weird and contrary to the
 'ubuntu spirit' that everything seems to be happening mostly in
 dutch only.

Well, till now, the fact is most of the activity seems to be happening 
in the Dutch-speaking area. And in this case, people were often kind 
enough to begin with a statement in English saying the message was 
about an event in Flanders, so they would go on in Dutch.

I really don't know what the best solution is, but there should be a 
balance between efforts and optimal spread of information. So 3 
things worth mentioning :

* for non-geeks like me, ubuntu-be mailing-list and Fosdem are the 
only meeting points for Dutch- and French-speaking people concerned 
with FOSS. This is precious!

But Fosdem being an international event, their use of English is no 
argument in our case.

* this mailing-list is also an opportunity for readers to read French 
and Dutch messages. No kidding : you want to know what is said 
because you are interested, so you make the effort; that is why I 
choose the off-topic example of Regionet Limburg.
I am too lazy/busy to go back to school, so ubuntu-be is now my Dutch 
teatcher ;-).

The fact it is written also makes things easier by reducing the 
requested efforts : when I went to the Colony BBQ in Heverlee, people 
like Amedee, Christophe, Mark, Tille.. were kind enough to try to 
speak English and even French for me but you can't ask 30 people not 
to speak Dutch just because of 1 person. The balance again... I just 
have to improve my pathetic spoken Dutch and/or get more Walloons to 
join me, period.

* better an information in Dutch or French than no information in 

Just 0.02 EUR from a hibernating reader (who does not read all 
messages, so sorry if I missed some points).

Have a nice day

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[Ubuntu-be] Fosdem 2008

2008-02-23 Thread snulkid
Good evening

I don't know if Ubuntu is the most used Linux distro, if I should 
improve my Dutch (#) to read most of the messages here, if there will 
be a tram in Liege (#) or if God exists, but the fact is free 
software has got media attention tonight : I just saw images from 
Fosdem (with an interview of Christophe Vandeplas (##)) at RTBF 
evening news. A bit strange indeed : no mention of the words Linux, 
Ubuntu, or even... Fosdem! No mention of OLPC project when showing 
them (so most people probably understood it was just another low 
cost laptop). But at least, they insist on the alternative to 
Windows, and Christophe mentioned Firefox and Gimp..

Enjoy your Fosdem!

(#) Off-topic P.S. : Well, I *should* improve it, of course. Apart 
from the arguments given by Koen, it would also be easier for me to 
read this :
If some people out Limburg could tell me in private what is happening 
now with this project, I would be very interested.

(##) On-topic P.S.: ...but unfortunately, they did not interview 
Tille. To prevent another car pollution peak tomorrow in Brussels ?

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[Ubuntu-be] GRP in Liege

2007-10-29 Thread snulkid

Some feedback about the Gutsy Install Party in Liege last Saturday :
* Bawet had prepared a local ubuntu mirror and some scripts, to be 
able to manage a lot of installations with few volunteers. Leaving 
aside the pro/con compared to the use of a proxy, at least it works 
and they will re-use it, especially for LIPs where internet access is 
an issue.
* very few visitors, 2 or 3 ubuntu installations. Those visitors seem 
to be Bawet related people.
* nobody for a demo, so I didn't make the speech I had more or less 
prepared due to the lack of other volunteer.
* 4 volunteers from Bawet, 4 volunteers (they had nothing to do) 
from LiLiT (including me), nobody from ubuntu-be.

Conclusions :
* obviously, the Train Action advertising was unefficient, maybe 
because you cannot get students on Saturday, as Laurent Sibilla said.
* compared to what has been reported here about other GRP 
(congratulations to Hasselt people!!), the Liege branch of 
ubuntu-be has a problem... (or is it just my feeling? Anyway, I don't 
feel concerned anymore).

Have a nice day

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] GRP in Liege

2007-10-29 Thread snulkid
(I kept most of Pierre's message for LiLiT commitee members in CC, so 
sorry for the long email but don't worry : after that, I'm starting 
to hibernate ;-)

Le lundi 29 octobre 2007 13:28, Pierre Vorhagen a écrit :
  (...) the Liege branch of ubuntu-be has a problem...
 Yes, the Liège branch has a problem I'd say... in so far that there
 are not enough (are there any?) people actually *from* Liège
 (...) snulkid (you consider yourself part of ubuntu-be?


 The problem is, I think, that there is nothing central... the LUG
 is dying out, or at least not so very active I understood (on the
 internet site it is still written that the next LMP is the 4th of
 October... we wanted maybe to come again with Yorrit), there are
 other organizations that are all more or less trying to do their
 thing (like Bawet or N-Hitec (the engineers tend to install Linux
 on their machines by themselves, without even knowing that Lilit or
 ubuntu-be exist)) and then there is ubuntu-be, that is not really
 very active, and probably rather non-existent...

 As the most active group is still LiLiT, maybe start off from
 there. It is what we had in mind with Yorrit... getting more
 students to LiLiT, based on Ubuntu of course. We were pretty
 surprised to see that the average age was about 20 years more than
 ours, considering that LiLiT is an official student circle... We
 will come to the next LMP, don't know when, and I propose that we
 discuss this then, with all Liège located ubuntu-be members and
 LiLiT... Else, if a closer collaboration is not really wished or
 possible, all ubuntu-be members can meet in a café somewhere in
 Liège (the Shamrock on top off Rue St Gilles for example, that guy
 is on Xubuntu and Ubuntu and also regretted that there isn't more
 activity on Liège.).
 I don't really care how we do this (if it is with LiLiT, fine for
 me), but if we had some active people that actually are from Liège
 and live there, it would still be possible to have an active
 ubuntu-be branch.

Pierre, I'm quite confused that an opinion about ubuntu-be leads to 
comments about LiLiT (and Bawet) but, to make things clear, here are 
a few points :

* first a personal one : for internal reasons I will not comment, 
I'm currently leaving the LiLiT commitee, and will probably also stop 
most of my FLOSS-related activities (so, Mark, sorry but I won't 
attend your winter meeting..).
I also won't attend this week LiLiT Linux Meeting Party but anybody 
is welcome, of course :

* LiLiT website was just out of date. I just updated it.
LiLiT is certainly not dying out, at least compared to most other 
LUGs, and even if they currently lack people, Bawet is regurlarly 
organising LIPs, in alternance with LiLiT (who will maybe organise 
another one before end of 2007).
Just have a look at our old news :
activity reports :
and our (rather incomplete) photo galleries to get an idea of what we 

* about the canceled Ubuntu/N-Hitec Party : if someone is to be blamed 
on the LiLiT side, this is me because I should have re-contacted 
Laurent earlier (we met at LiLiT LIP on July 7th) and be more careful 
about the LIP : it surreptitiously moved from a N-Hitec LIP with 
LiLiT support to a LiLiT-in-charge-of-it LIP.
On October 18th, LiLiT had a meeting, where people said once again 
there were unavailable on a working day; our president also inform 
Laurent had set an appointment with him next Monday. This was just 
before Laurent canceled the event.
So, you can blame N-Hitec, ubuntu-be local members, maybe the ULg 
bureaucracy, maybe me, but not LiLiT.

* it has always been clear that LiLiT (or Bawet) is not going to give 
support to engineers or other professionals : we cannot do that 
(not even invoice something), given our statutes. N-Hitec can, I 

* LiLiT is an ULg circle for historical reasons. Right now, among our 
26 members, we have 2 ULg students and 3 ULg workers. We would be 
glad you get us more students, even based on Ubuntu of course (we 
are distro-neutral). But first, LiLiT is not involved in (or part 
of) ubuntu-be and second, we made several attemps in the past years 
(October 25th would have been a new one) to target the students 
without any real success. We also had contacts with other circles 
(Fédé staff, AEES).
So, any collaboration can be discussed with the LiLiT committee 
(g-traxx mentioned a school-related action...) but don't expect an 
overwhelming enthousiasm after so many trials.

* LiLiT is well structured (see When dealing with 
non-structured groups like ubuntu-be, we should

Re: [Ubuntu-be] Formation Ubuntu

2007-10-21 Thread snulkid
Le dimanche 21 octobre 2007 13:19, orbitalfunky a écrit :
 l'actions a la gare des guillemins est toujours prévue car je me
 prépare pour partir tout a l'heure ?

Oui (je suis en train de découper des flyers A5).
RV 17h à l'entrée de la passerelle côté rue Varin (côté Ville)

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] Formation Ubuntu

2007-10-20 Thread snulkid
Le samedi 20 octobre 2007 10:52, snulkid a écrit :
 3. I sent an email to Bawet but anyway, I think (and take
 responsability) they don't mind being mentioned on the flyer.

I got a positive reply from Bawet coordinator.
A room with beamer near the Install Party will be available for a 
Gutsy demo : volunteer welcome (otherwise I will have to do the demo, 
which is maybe not the best idea (see my nickname))

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] Formation Ubuntu

2007-10-20 Thread snulkid
Le samedi 20 octobre 2007 10:52, snulkid a écrit :
 After corrections (see below), I need someone to send me a PDF
 ready for printing (...)
 If I get this by mid-afternoon, I will go to print it.

No reply. OK, I'll be tomorrow 17.00 at Liege station entrance. If 
someone comes with flyers to distribute before 17.45, great.
Otherwise I'll have a drink and get back home.

A +

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] Formation Ubuntu

2007-10-20 Thread snulkid
  I just drop a mail to Bawet asking for 150~200 copies

I got a reply, we should at least have these.

Thanks a lot to Bawet and to Christophe for the PDF.

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] CDs Ubuntu en quantité suffisante ?

2007-10-11 Thread Snulkid
 Op donderdag 11-10-2007 om 00:03 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef olive:
 La pochette (carton) sera traduite en français.

 Which means it's only (really) useful in the French-speaking part of
 Belgium, I guess...?

Quoting ubuntu-fr forum :
 La seule valeur ajoutée au CDs officiel est la pochette carton traduite en
français et la référence à

Apart from the lack of ubuntu-be mention, is the CD cover worth the effort
(and the price, compared to free CDs from Canonical) ? At LiLiT, we use to
make covers with a folded A4 sheet, and you could also fold a sheet on the
CD and inside the official cover, to make sure people can't miss these Dutch
or French explanations.

N-Hitec will make Lightscribe CDs for Liege Party. I'm curious to see what
it looks like...

My 0.02 EUR

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] Gutsy Release Party at ULg Liege

2007-10-10 Thread snulkid
Le mercredi 10 octobre 2007 04:24, orbitalfunky a écrit :
 Bonsoir, je viendrai le 21/10 a la gare des guillemins, si je peux
 me rendre utile

Great! You've been added to the wiki page.

The Gutsy Party should take place on Thrusday 25th : 
We still need volunteers : speakers (especially for the most technical 
session) and people able to smoothly install Ubuntu for the Install 
Party in the afternoon.
Please let you know !

(#) question to the webmaster : is it possible to rename this 
page Liege2007 ?


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Re: [Ubuntu-be] Gutsy Release Party at ULg Liege

2007-10-10 Thread snulkid
Le mercredi 10 octobre 2007 18:43, Pierre Vorhagen a écrit :
 Si tu souhaite l'emmener aux Guillemins je me joins en tout cas à
 Cédric en te conseillant de bien le sécuriser... aussi faudra-t-il
 penser alors à emmener une table, des chaises, une rallonge
 peut-être et espérer qu'on ne nous vire pas de la gare, compte tenu
 qu'on aura alors un vrai stand...

Mmmm... I've been thinking about this. The station is open :
so it could be quite cold. Moreover, the only passing point is the 
gateway about the railways, and I suspect it would not be tolerated 
to take some place, interfering with travelers flow.

So here is my suggestion : the person with the laptop would sit in the 
small station café, and we will inform all people we meet that they 
can get a free demo by joining him there.
I know there is a small café in the temporary station but I have to 
check that it has tables and some place. If we kindly ask the café 
owner, I guess it will be possible to get some power for the laptop 

What do you think ?

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[Ubuntu-be] Gutsy Release Party at ULg Liege J-11

2007-10-07 Thread snulkid

After a very long couple of days and some contacts, a draft page is 
online :

I have to leave now till this afternoon but as you will see, we now 
need volunteers, so Liege and Belgium ubunteros, stand up!

snulkid (LiLiT, Liege)

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] status update: fairs, release parties, posters, meeting

2007-09-24 Thread snulkid
Le lundi 24 septembre 2007 20:57, vous avez écrit :
 The date is fixed to the 18th October.

Laurent, you wrote the opposite 2 weeks ago. Are you *sure* of this 
date (meaning : are you sure you will get rooms and 
authorisations ?). If answer is yes, then the next point would be to 
be allowed (if needed) to distribute plenty of flyers among the many 
students coming the festival !

By the way, here is the link : (maybe not reachable right now)


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Re: [Ubuntu-be] [Fwd: Gutsy Release Parties]

2007-09-12 Thread snulkid
Le mercredi 12 septembre 2007 00:13, Laurent Sibilla a écrit :
 As lilit already know (I heard it yesterday), there is Unifestival
 the same day.

OK (I wasn't informed)

 So we will change this date and communicate the new one asap.

 W-E it's not really a good idea... mainly because we want students
 to come.

 Would it be easy for you to get volunteers if we do it on friday
 night ?

Yes, probably. We will make a call with the dates you will propose 
(26/10 ? 2/11? ...). But keep in mind that our contribution is just a 
part of the event, the availability of Ubuntu-be members for speeches 
and demos is more important IMHO.

Have a nice day
snulkid (LiLiT asbl)

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] [Fwd: Gutsy Release Parties]

2007-09-06 Thread snulkid

Le lundi 3 septembre 2007 16:03, Julien Willem a écrit :
 Donc, le but, comme vous l'avez compris, est d'organiser un
 événement international (France, Belgique, ..)
 Comme indiqué sur le site, il est
 prévu de faire ça le 3 et le 4 novembre (pour avoir les CD et avoir
 le temps de se faire à Gutsy :-). (...)
 pourquoi ne pas proposer à Ubuntu-nl une collaboration également ?
 Pareil avec Ubuntu-de. On peut faire de cet évènement francophone
 international  un évènement international multilingue.
 Au niveau francophone, nous avions pensé à Liège et Bruxelles. (...)
 Je veux également insister sur le fait que Ubuntu-fr est prêt à
 nous aider pour l'organisation. (...)

Le jeudi 6 septembre 2007 17:22, Laurent Sibilla a écrit :
  It should be the day of the release, the 18th of October (I
  hope Gutsy to not be delayed :) ).
  18/10/2007 is close, but with the beta and all the updates you'll
  have a good idea of the distro when it is released.
  I don't think there will be much changed if the official release
  is delayed.

 I think so :). Instead of the Ship-it we are willing to provide
 printed CDs with Ubuntu, LiLit and N-HiTec logos

First things first : are commitments already done for October 18th or 
are we going to follow Julien's suggestion ? I would like to know 
asap so that we can call for volunteers among LiLiT members. Note 
that November 3-4th is a WE : on one hand students will not be already 
on the campus and some will be back home, far from Liege. On the 
other hand, it will be easier to get rooms, volunteers (at least from 
our side) and the party could become a Saturday Night Ubunty party 
(in the hell of Liege downtown or... anyone connected with the 
Millenium ? ;-P)

Laurent, it's up to you. Keep us informed.

snulkid (LiLiT, Liege)

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] [Fwd: Gutsy Release Parties]

2007-09-01 Thread Snulkid
Le Samedi 1 Septembre 2007 18:21, Laurent Sibilla a écrit :
 the same time ? Or may be french speaker and dutsch speaker ?

Indeed. I guess not all Dutch-speaking activists will come to Liège.

 I had contacts with Alexandre Ficelle about this but last mails
 didn't get answers...

I saw Alex at Retrouvailles in Liège this afternoon, where LiLiT has a 
booth. He explained he was a bit disconnected because he had to deal 
with a home move. He will be soon back to prepare the party in Liege.

Have a nice Sunday

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu in the press

2007-08-15 Thread snulkid
Le mercredi 15 août 2007 12:50, Cedric Janssens a écrit :

Great ! And well geared to the general audience.

Shouldn't the 9' interview (or at least a link) make its way to the 
french-speaking homepage of ubuntu-be ?

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[Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu back to Africa avec le NamurLUG

2007-06-25 Thread snulkid
Coup de chapeau à nos compères namurois :-) :

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[Ubuntu-be] Notre peuple vaincra ! ;-)

2007-06-22 Thread snulkid
(english version below)


Il y a une demi-heure, je tombe sur l'émission Au quotidien sur la 
Une, au cours de laquelle un téléspectateur pose une question à 
laquelle un mini-reportage tente de répondre. Surprise : la question 
du jour est : Peut-on acheter un ordinateur sans MS Vista ?
Réponse : eh ben oui! Il suffit d'acheter chez un petit assembleur : 
après qqc images du lancement mondial de Vista par Balmer et Gates, 
reportage chez Lybrafox ( malheureusement noté 
erronément LybrafoR sprl, et qui est le sponsor du NamurLUG, où on apprend que le client choisit 
librement son OS. Puis zoom sur un écran de portable démarrant... 
Edubuntu :-) et montrant ensuite OpenOffice 2.2 et d'autres logiciels 
libres.. puis interview du propriétaire du portable, un certain... 
Nicolas Pettiaux, qui ne se fait pas prier pour dire que le problème 
est le manque de notoriété de la concurrence de Microsoft, qu'il 
existe pourtant des alternatives pour tous les usages familiaux et 
que tant des écoles bruxelloises que le ministère de la Justice 
utilisent déjà OOo.
Cerise sur le gateau, retour chez Lybrafox pour entendre le vendeur 
expliquer que Vista se vend lentement, les gens préférant que 
d'autres essuient les plâtres vu les problèmes de non 
fonctionnement de certains périphériques ou logiciels Windows 
antérieurs (yek yek).

Bon.. Ils n'ont pas parlé des prochaines activités de notre LUG, mais 
ne faisons pas la fine bouche ;-). Merci la RTBF !


Half an hour ago, I was looking at RTBF 1 daily program Au 
quotidien, where a viewer asks a question to which they reply with a 
small report. To my surprise, today question was : Can you buy a 
computer without MS Vista ?.
Answer : oh yes you can! Just go for a small assembler shop : after a 
few seconds of Vista world launching by Balmer et Gates, TV report at 
Lybrafox ( sadly mispelled LybrafoR sprl, 
which is by the way sponsoring NamurLUG, 
where we are told that the customer freely chooses his OS. Then zoom 
on a notebook screen starting... Edubuntu :-) and then displaying 
OpenOffice 2.2 and other free software... Then an interview of the 
notebook owner, a certain Mr... Nicolas Pettiaux, who explains that 
the main problem is a lack of awareness of Microsoft competitors, 
that alternatives for all basic needs do exist and that schools in 
Brussels as well as the Ministery of Justice already use OOo.
Last but not least, back to Lybrafox guy, who says that Vista hardly 
sells out, because people are unsure due to compatibility problems 
with some peripherals or Windows programs (yek yek).

So... They just omit to mention next activities of our LUG, but that 
was great ;-) Thanks to RTBF !

A + / Regards

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[Ubuntu-be] CDs 6.06 LTS

2007-05-06 Thread Snulkid
Ce matin, au stand Linux du MiHuy, un visiteur nous a fait don d'un 
solde de CDs ubuntu 6.06 LTS dans leur bel emballage glacé :
17 x86 +18 64-bit + 18 ppc
Si vous pouvez faire bon usage de ces CDs, n'hésitez pas à nous 
contacter à l'adresse [EMAIL PROTECTED] et nous arrangerons un RV pour vous 
en remettre selon vos besoins.

Concernant les CDs ppc, il y a une grande foire Mac le 20 mai prochain à 
Sclessin (Liège) :
Pensez-vous que ce soit une bonne idée d'y distribuer ces CDs ?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This morning at MiHuy Linux booth, a visitor gave us a set of ubuntu 
6.06 LTS CDs in their pretty glossy pockets :
17 x86 +18 64-bit + 18 ppc.
If you can make good use of them, please contact us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and 
we will make an appointment to forward you CDs according to your needs.

About the ppc CDs : there is a big Mac fair in Sclessin (Liège) next 
20th May :
Do you think that distributing such CDs there would be a good idea ?

A + / Regards
Liégeois, ne laissez pas défigurer votre centre-ville!!

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] wat is er nu zo uitzonderlijk aan Ubuntu?

2007-04-26 Thread Snulkid

Le Mercredi 25 Avril 2007 22:48, Jan Claeys a écrit :
  W$-gebruiker al schrik gehad :-) dat het z'n schijf ging
  overschrijven terwijl het in feite live start. (...)
 (...) een gelocaliseerde versie van de CDs voor België te maken.
 Wat live vs. overschrijven betreft: dat staat op de officiële CDs
   op de site wel uitgelegd.  Maar idd. een goed idee om dat
 misschien tijdens het booten ook nog eens duidelijk te maken (/me

After he asks me about Linux and Linux distros, a (computer-literate) 
collegue has tried ubuntu and was a bit lost about accessing his disks 
(he wanted to open some files for testing purposes).
Maybe icons on the desktop à la Knoppix, at least during the live 
session, would be an improvement. When *first* clicking on them, a 
popup dialog box could clearly inform about the overwriting concern. 
And if there is a reliable way to figure out which partition is C:, 
D:,... (I guess there is), including such a mention in the icon name 
would be quite useful for Average Joe.

Your opinion ?

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu Feisty - A little disappointed...

2007-04-21 Thread snulkid
Le samedi 21 avril 2007 21:05, Stijn Verslycken a écrit :
 I'm not the only one with an ATI graphics card of that
 generation... It should simply work, at least in some basic mode,
 like it did before Feisty and like it does with all other distro's
 I've had on this machine so far.

I would be honoured to be described as a Stallman-like freedom 
extremist but, apart from that, I totally agree with you. Ubuntu has 
decided to target Average Joe (and, by the way, that was a key point 
in Ploum's launching talk at Fosdem 2006 : to convert Windows users, 
not Linux users). So first it should... just work. Such critics would 
be irrelevant if, as you mentioned, other distros were not making a 
better job.

Our LUG Mandriva guru proudly announced the release of Mandriva 2007 
Spring, saying he was now ready for our next LIP. So, Ubunteros, 
beware of competition!

But to end up up in a more positive way, I have to say that almost all 
people I know agree on Ubuntu leadership in one field : its fantastic 
users community, which is you, ladies and gentlemen.

Have a nice Sunday meeting the real or digital fawns ;-)

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] Meet the fawn! -- Ubuntu Gathering on April 22

2007-04-20 Thread snulkid
Le jeudi 19 avril 2007 15:00, Cedric Janssens a écrit :
 2007/4/19, Philippe Piquer [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  On a sunday , public transportation is h  how to say it :(
  Train to Liège and then ?

There is a station in Spa (more or less 6 Km from La Reid park); if 
someone can pick you there...

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] Meet the fawn! -- Ubuntu Gathering on April 22

2007-04-17 Thread Snulkid
Le Mardi 17 Avril 2007 15:53, Philippe Piquer a écrit :
 This is a nice idea ...
 let's eat ... heu meet some fawns ;)

Well, if you want to eat, there is a locally famous restaurant in La 
Reid :

I fear I cannot make it (due to some deadlined activities) but, 
Alexandre and Benoit, if you are greeting people in La Reid, maybe you 
could visit some (very close) magic places :
* la Charmille
* les Fonds de Quarreux et le Ninglinspo
* les roches Crahay
* etc.

and you are also not far from Theux (and Franchimont Castle), Spa or the 
Amblève Valley (Remouchamps, Aywaille).

P.S. In October, we will be visiting the Antwerpen Zoo ;-) :
Liégeois, ne laissez pas défigurer votre centre-ville!!

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] Call for testing!

2007-04-04 Thread Snulkid
Le Mercredi 4 Avril 2007 22:58, Alexandre Ficelle a écrit :
   Has someone a good French translation porposal for OS friendly
  shop ?

What's the complete sentence/context (and its current translation) 
including this mention ?
Liégeois, ne laissez pas défigurer votre centre-ville!!

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] your opinion please: Alexandre Laurent fo r bank account?

2007-03-19 Thread Snulkid

  Alexandre Laurent is now the candidate (...)

I have no objections (and don't feel entitled to vote anyway) but could 
you show us what Alexandre looks like (some Fosdem pic ?) ?

Le Lundi 19 Mars 2007 23:02, Laurent RICHARD a écrit :
 Centea : nearly all independant = Better check elsewhere.

My local independant bank switched from Centea to Recordbank 
( a year ago. Now I have an almost free 
account with free access to all ING cash machines.
I don't know Keytrade but do they offer access to widely spread cash 
machines without extra fees (or maybe that is not important) ?

P.S. better a militant flemish management than a typical Walloon 
management for the sake of (y)our money... (just kidding)
Liégeois, ne laissez pas défigurer votre centre-ville!!

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[Ubuntu-be] Custom CDs

2007-03-18 Thread Snulkid
Hi all

My LUG LiLiT was yesterday in Awans (Liege suburbs) for an Install Party 
opening the local Fête de l'Internet. So there are now a few more 
human beings running Ubuntu (or Mandriva 2007 ;-). Speaking with 
not-so-computer-literate-people, it really appears that zero effort 
is a key to success for these people to migrate to GNU/Linux.
Of course, Ubuntu is great ((TM) ploum) for this purpose, especially 
with the new live+install desktop CD; we tell them to come to Install 
Parties, and to come again if they have a problem. But it is not 
enough, especially if we want these people to spread the word (and the 
CD) to their friends.

Some thoughts :
* we cannot be sure they can get internet access when using or install 
the CD. Sometimes they just don't have internet at all (too expensive, 
already available at work, etc.), or it is reserved to their main 
computer (running Windows), or they have some problematic usb modem.
* many people (especially Walloons, as you know ;-) cannot deal with a 
language other than their mother tongue. The fact that Ubuntu can be 
installed in dozens of different languages with the same CD is useless 
for them. We even got a complaint from someone who got the ubuntu CD 
and then was told that french packages were not included.
* perception of what is a problem is very subjective. For example, I am 
very concerned that people could mess up their Windows with an install 
CD. But so far, we never get such complaints. The usual complaint is 
it doesn't work or Explanations given on the internet are too 
complicated or did not work for me. My present feeling is : people 
admit computer problems when they have been warmed, but if they get 
lost without understandable reason, they will give up and go back to 
Windows. So opening a dialog box with a clear explanation could be more 
useful than giving (or, at least, only giving) a link to an howto page 
that 90% of these people won't use anyway..
* when opened under Windows, the desktop CD offers to install some free 
softwares for Windows. Great... but in English :-(

So you guess it, this leads me to ask for customized CDs again. Maybe I 
am wrong and probably I/we can make bad choices, so :

* I tried to find a way for a stupid newbie like me to make custom CDs. 
I found a comment about UCK :
who looks dead simple according to :

There was an article laudating Ubuntu in February issue of Linux 
magazine US, where they mention Reconstructor :

What do you think of these solutions ?

* if ubuntu-be goes this way, I think custom CDs should be *tested* on 
computer-illiterate people because burning or pressing them in great 
quantities : what they don't understand, what they don't find, what is 
missing, etc. I think it is far more important than having the CD 
available for some deadline.
Testing should include installing on Windows and empty computers as 
Question : is such testing already made for the standard ubuntu CDs ?

* people should be welcomed and informed in their language. Even if they 
are not connected, they should find information about ubuntu-be, LUGs, 
and even friendly computer stores or cyberspaces.

That was my Sunday 0.02 EUR
Have a nice day in Kortrijk :-)
Liégeois, ne laissez pas défigurer votre centre-ville!!

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] Custom CDs

2007-03-18 Thread Snulkid
Le Dimanche 18 Mars 2007 10:49, Snulkid a écrit :
 people admit computer problems when they have been warmed

Don't misunderstand me : I meant warned ;-P
Liégeois, ne laissez pas défigurer votre centre-ville!!

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[Ubuntu-be] Fosdem 2007 meeting

2007-02-26 Thread Snulkid
First (ugly) draft is on

Please correct / complete

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] Ma santé et mes activités (Fosde m, Dipro, ...)

2007-02-21 Thread Snulkid
Le Mercredi 21 Février 2007 17:58, Benoît Plunus a écrit :
 Bon rétablissement et à bientôt ;)

Autant de ma part.

Si tu as besoin d'élixir de Spa, de pèket ou autres médicaments 
traditionnels, n'hésite pas à demander ;-))
Liégeois, ne laissez pas défigurer votre centre-ville!!

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