Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Tux500

2007-04-11 Thread Rich Johnson
On Wednesday 11 April 2007, Fabian Rodriguez wrote:
| This is wrong in so many ways I am shocked it even made it here.

Well it did, and just so happens they are trying to market Linux at the worlds 
largest 1 day venue.

| The amount of money is already quite ridiculous, without mentioning
| the kind of event / industry it would go to.

Actually 350k sounds low to me truthfully considering the cars themselves cost 
upwards of a million dollars not including running and testing them. 
Sponsorship doesn't come easy.

| Gas. Noise. Speed. Pollution. Money spending. *COOL ?* Is that how we
| want Linux promoted ?

Gas, they will be running greener now with an environmental friendly ethanol 
mixture. Pollution see Gas. Noise, you hear it everyday, get used to it, many 
people go to Indy every year just for the noise and the excitement, and the 
next topic. Speed, if you have an issue with it, go back to 9800 baud modem 
then :) Didn't think so ;p

| I don't think so.

Well it will be interesting. I remember Firefox either trying the same or 
doing the same. My only problem with this is what happens if they don't raise 
all of the money? Who gets that entire amount?

Oh, and I just read, $350k doesn't even guarantee the amount of sponsorship 
they are displaying either. So, if they get lucky and find some poor sap who 
can't drive worth a damn (AJ Foyt Jr.), well I can already hear the well 
Linux crashes and burns in turn 3. They are going about it all wrong I 
think. So they have 1 month to come up with 350k...OK, I keep reading and 
they are answering my I will stop with that.

I don't trust it, especially since there were fielded cars last year w/o a 
main sponsor. And what happened to them? Oh they either crashed or their car 
was built like an old Ford and didn't start. :)

Rich Johnson
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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Marketing Meeting

2007-03-21 Thread Rich Johnson
On Wednesday 21 March 2007, Corey Burger wrote:
| I propose we meet on the 31st of March at 20:00 UTC. This means it is
| really early morning for the aussies, late evening for the europeans
| and midday for the north americans. Does that work for everybody?

Works here just fine.

Rich Johnson
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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Kubuntu Shipit Pack text error?

2006-09-21 Thread Rich Johnson
On Thursday 21 September 2006 12:31, alan c wrote:
 Am I correct in noticing that the Kubuntu Shipit pack includes
 instructions for installation such as
 'double click on the Install Icon'.

 It is just that for a user who has never used linux before in any way,
 and has come to follow the windows way of carefully  expecting to
 follow instructions blindly, an obedient 'double click' in kde at this
 point may cause lack of confidence just at the stage that a newbie
 first commits to an installation.

 When I try it myself now, it causes the installer to open twice, with
 first an apparent good installer startup, followed by an installer
 Crash window. Even as an existing linux user, if I were unfamiliar
 with the Kubuntu distro I would be concerned about an installer crash
 if I had not *noticed* the typo. I do actually now recall having this
 very problem at first(!) but I persisted, and am a committed user now).

 I add here that the shipit pack text generally is absolutely
 excellent, and I congratulate the authors.

 alan c

Yes you are correct. It is a known bug I guess you could say.

Richard Johnson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
online everywhere as nixternal

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu Run

2006-09-13 Thread Rich Johnson
On Wednesday 13 September 2006 12:37, Chris Socha wrote:
 Hey Guys,

 This is just an inicla thought but setting up a 10 kilometer run or
 something could be good for ubuntu publicity. This could mean that we work
 in conjunction with another charity (effectively joining forces) or could
 set up our our own runs all over the world. While i appreciate that the
 logistics of such a scheme are huge beyond belief, if sucessful, it could
 product a lot of publicity (and possibly some money which would go to the
 Ubuntu Foundations). Again, this is just a first idea; what do people

 (sorry if this is in the wrong place, i've never suscribed to a mailing
 list before - lol)
 Be one of the first to try Windows Live Mail.

I hate running!  But this is a great idea. I know in Chicago that all the 
run-a-thons like this get huge publicity no matter the cause. It seems not 
only is Chicago the fattest city in the world, but also the running'nest city 
in the world, it don't make sense to me at all. But really, I like your idea, 
and the funds could be contributed to various charities and what not. Great 

Richard Johnson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
online everywhere as nixternal

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Fedora marketing team chatting about Fedora, Ubuntu and Apple

2006-08-22 Thread Rich Johnson
I see im not the only spy ;)  They have a lot of good hidden information as 
well throughout their wiki -

Richard Johnson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
online everywhere as nixternal

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] formating of weekly newsletter [Was: Ubuntu Weekly News #10]

2006-08-21 Thread Rich Johnson
On Monday 21 August 2006 08:07, John Little wrote:
 Good points. Part of it is my fault. This was my first time working on
 UWN and in the rush to get it out I forgot to send it as plain text.
 My apologies to you and everyone who had issues with that.

Not your fault the least bit John, as we have been sending them out the same 
way since day one. Martin brings up a good point and that it should be easier 
to read via email. I use text based email, and I am guessing that a majority 
of us are, so formatting would be out of the question possibly, however a 
clearer format is always possible for the email.

Martin, thank you for the compliments as well as the suggestions. I think we 
can eventually implement some if not all of your suggestions, as each one of 
them is very valid in the case of the UWN being emailed out. Martin, also 
note that you are more than welcome to join us in #ubuntu-marketing during 
the week and assist us with creating and presenting the UWN to the community. 
Your help would be greatly appreciated, and would be a great way to help 
contribute to Ubuntu.

Thanks again for the email, and we look forward to seeing you help Ubuntu! 
Take care.

Richard Johnson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
online everywhere as nixternal

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu Weekly News - Issue 10

2006-08-17 Thread Rich Johnson
On Thursday 17 August 2006 09:38, Matthew Revell wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'm working Ubuntu Weekly News issue 10. However, my Dad's been taken
 ill, so I'm going to struggle to complete it on my own.

 This is actually a pretty cool opportunity for people to get involved.

 Take a look at
 and feel free to start filling it out.

 Here are some ideas for what you could do:

 - Write up a feature of the week.
 - Contribute community news.

 Matthew Revell


I am sorry to hear that about your father. I will keep you and your family in 
my prayers, and pray for the best.

I am familiar with the UWN as it stands, so if you guys need help, ping me, I 
am available.

Matthew, tend to the family buddy, as we can help out where needed. Good luck 
and Godspeed!

Richard Johnson ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
online everywhere as nixternal

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[ubuntu-marketing] Powered by Stickers

2006-08-16 Thread Rich Johnson
I just wanted to let everyone know, that I created some sample Powered by 
SVG files for anyone and everyone to use. I did them quick, so if you can 
make them better, go ahead and do so and update the wiki page, or just add a 
version to the wiki page.

I created them in a 2 inch by 3 inch format, and being svg's you can pretty 
much scale them to whatever, however you need to make sure you don't distort 
the logo by stretching it. You can ungroup the image to make changes to 
each item on the page.

You need the Ubuntu Title and MSTT core fonts packages. The following explains 
the process:

Enable Universe and Multiverse repositories -

Use Adept, Synaptic, Aptitude, or apt-get.

sudo apt-get install ttf-ubuntu-title msttcorefonts


p.s. to open/edit svg files, you need to:
sudo apt-get install inkscape
Richard Johnson ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
online everywhere as nixternal

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Step down considerately

2006-08-16 Thread Rich Johnson
On Wednesday 16 August 2006 14:55, John Baer wrote:

 I was speaking not long ago with an Information Officer for an
 organization in the Midwest (US) with supports about 30,000 Windows
 desktops. I poised the question, have you or would you ever consider
 deploying a linux desktop? She smiled and responded by saying the only
 Information Officer she was aware of to attempt this is now seeking

 Why is this?

 1. The status quo is hard to change. Argue in what ever manner you
 please but Microsoft is serving millions of customers.

 2. Computing is serious business. Canonical, for example, lives or dies
 by its ability to manage data and I am sure everyone who works for
 Canonical takes computing seriously.

 I do not know the intended message for the new branding of Ubuntu. To me
 Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Long Term Support) said I am serious and ready to do

 IMHO you can not follow that statement with bug #1 and I am embarrassed
 by the message.

 Regrettably, I am at a lost as to how to add value (excellence) and must
 take leave of Ubuntu.

 Good luck and best wishes to all,


Alright, time has come to let it be known. I recently, Microsoft to persue 
bigger and better things. I worked for them for quite a few years, and 
actually got to spend time in and around the major teams within the 

To be honest, Ubuntu isn't the only one that has a bug #1, it truthfully isn't 
original, but that doesn't matter, it is a way for the Developers to have a 
little fun. Just so you know, Microsoft has Linux Torvalds as the biggest bug 
Microsoft has to face, the developers that is. Their developers also have 
blogs, and a community just like ours.

You want to know the difference?


The proof is in the pudding, the expression goes. Google the developer blogs 
for Microsoft. I have read through quite a few of them, and truthfully it 
reminds me of old Al Gore campaign commercials, BORING and ROBOTIC like.

Ignorance is the reason that guy is looking for employment. It seems as if he 
tried to deploy something, or had the idea of doing so, but didn't know how 
to carry through with it. Myself, and quite a few others on Ubuntu Chicago 
have been working with companies in the Chicago land area on getting them to 
switch, and we have even been trying to provide some free support to them as 
well during the initial phase. Granted we aren't switching 30k people, but 
then again what person does?  Usually that is a team that would even 
recommend such a feat.

John, I am sorry to see you go truthfully as your creative design and 
marketing detail was a welcome. There is a big difference between 
conventional marketing and open source marketing. I am having a hard time 
myself trying to grasp this concept. Every concept I learned going for my MBA 
was totally different then what is going on here, but I know well that some 
of those concepts will work. I am used to a Marketing Plan, and following 
and adding to the plan as you go. Here there is no plan, it is all go! Hard 
to get used to I know.

John, take care and the best of wishes to you as well! Godspeed!
Richard Johnson ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
online everywhere as nixternal

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] if you want an objective for the marketing team this should be it

2006-08-14 Thread Rich Johnson
On Monday 14 August 2006 02:40, Matthew Revell wrote:
  What goes on this? Anything that has changed since Dapper. This
  includes new GNOME, tomboy and f-spot on the desktop, etc.

 Any chance of a description of how people find out what has changed
 since Dapper?

I use the Mailing lists and #kubuntu-devel for the Kubuntu Release notes. It 
is very tedious, as you have to sort through and see what is major 
or edgy in the changes. Daniel T. Chen, aka crimsun, seems to know 
everything that goes on in the community as well. I ask a question, he is 
pretty much guaranteed to know the answer ;)

Richard Johnson ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
online everywhere as nixternal

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Community metrics - how OpenSolaris does it

2006-08-11 Thread Rich Johnson
On Friday 11 August 2006 16:17, Matthew Revell wrote:
 Each month, the OpenSolaris project's marketing guy (Patrick Finch)
 posts a page of stats. They show what's going on in the OpenSolaris
 world and how people come across OpenSolaris.

 Now, OpenSolaris has the advantage that Sun pays a number of people,
 including Patrick, to work either full time or part time on the
 project's marketing. However, I'm pretty certain we could get at least
 some of this data for Ubuntu.

When you say ..some of this data, you mean pick his brain for ideas?

 Question is: do we want it and, if so, how would we use it?

If you are picking his brain for ideas, then I say go for it. We can determine 
how to use once we have it. We may not even need it or it doesn't pertain to 
the way Ubuntu should be marketed. However, I am pretty sure you can probably 
get some clever information concerning marketing goals for open source 

Even if you get information that pertains to Sun, you can always try and work 
it into Ubuntu marketing. To much information is a good thing, to little 
information and you have a marketing team lost in the dark ;)

Richard Johnson ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
online everywhere as nixternal

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] The Fridge needs you!

2006-07-25 Thread Rich Johnson
On Tuesday 25 July 2006 14:44, Matthew Revell wrote:
 Hello all,

 I've just joined the team of editors at The Fridge (

 Daniel Robitaille and Jorge O Castro have been asked to take The
 Fridge in hand and open it up to the community! Who could be better
 than the Ubuntu Marketing team?

 For now, it's business as usual. However, the future of The Fridge is
 in the community's hands. Reply to this thread if you're interested in
 getting involved!

 Also, it might be interesting to discuss what The Fridge's purpose
 should be and how it fits in with plans for Ubuntu Magazine.

 Look forward to hearing from you.

 Matthew Revell

AWESOME!!!  Yesterday, myself and Jordan Mantha (LaserJock) were discussing 
the Fridge and how to make it better. Jordan and myself came up with many 
great ideas. If you would like to further discuss this with myself, or 
Jordan, we are always online, and Jordan is usually in #ubuntu-doc or 
#ubuntu-motu 99.9% of the time. I am very interested in helping out big time!

Richard Johnson ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
online everywhere as nixternal

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Hello and introduction

2006-07-22 Thread Rich Johnson
On Saturday 22 July 2006 07:59, Nestor Diaz wrote:
 Hi everyone:
 I am landing on this project, reading forums, mailing-lists archives and
 wikis. As soon as I finnish I will start working.

 My profile is creative with web design knowledge (css,xhtml) but I can
 manage to communicate my ideas (and other's ;) ) in almost any visual art
 support (vector, 3d, oil-painting, photo, watercolours, pencil, charcoal,
 ink,...). Video and audio still scape from my knowledge :(

 My two design workstations are Kubuntu Dapper with the best of breed OS
 design software plus Adobe Acrobat Reader to check final art.

 One of my jobs is Art Director at GrupoIkusnet, a Spanish network of 10
 small companies that provide I+D services and solutions with Open Source
 Software. We use Ubuntu for Live CDs and Desktops and we are starting to
 use it for Servers.

 I'm very happy to work with all of you to make Ubuntu one of the most
 polished open source projects from the image and communication point of
 view. Thanks!

 Néstor Díaz
 Diseño y Comunicación
 C/ Santiago 5, 3o.B
 47001 Valladolid

Rockin' Man!!!  Glad to have you aboard to help out. I was impressed by the 
design you did, and I think with a little bit of tweaking you will really 
have something!!! Thanks for your work and dedication, as it is greatly 
appreciated among the community.
Rich Johnson (nixternal)
The best thing about democracy is that it gives every voter a chance to do 
something stupid.

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ubuntu-marketing mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Re: Switching from Windows

2006-07-19 Thread Rich Johnson
On Wednesday 19 July 2006 23:02, Derek Morton wrote:
 Hey everyone,

 I'm pretty new to the marketing team, and I hope that I'm doing this right,
 but I found a pretty extensive list
ent_Software%2520style%2520m.htmof linux to Windows equivalent software.
 Its a pretty good list that we could probably base our own off of if we
 wanted to.

 Happy to be here,

 Derek Morton

I am currently planning and creating content for an upcoming 'Switching From 
Windows' guide for the Kubuntu operating system. This list is great and very 
helpful. Thanks so much for posting it!!

Rich Johnson (nixternal)
The best thing about democracy is that it gives every voter a chance to do 
something stupid.

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Members Skill Set List

2006-07-14 Thread Rich Johnson
On Friday 14 July 2006 08:03, Eric Krichinsky wrote:
 what is the page on the wiki?

Hasn't been created yet. I wanted to get as much information as possible to 
see if the wiki was going to be feasible, or if I needed something stronger.
Rich Johnson (nixternal)
The best thing about democracy is that it gives every voter a chance to do 
something stupid.

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ubuntu-marketing mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-marketing] MT Wiki Page Recontruction Ideas*

2006-07-08 Thread Rich Johnson
On Saturday 08 July 2006 13:00, John Vivirito wrote:
 ok I like the ideas as stated but i think the first/front page is gonna
 be what people see and judge first. so a little flashy i dont think will
 hurt. what i mean by little flashy is like page the 3 small
 pictures or somethign to grab someones att:
 Linux User# 414246

I like the idea of some pics. If you guys have anything in mind that would say 
Ubuntu, yet remain clean and blend in, lets have them. If we get enough we 
can vote on the final ones. Thanks for the suggestions!!!
Rich Johnson (nixternal)
The best thing about democracy is that it gives every voter a chance to do 
something stupid.

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[ubuntu-marketing] MT Wiki Page Recontruction Ideas - Comments Needed

2006-07-07 Thread Rich Johnson
Hey team,

Alright, I have been tasked with doing some wiki redesign for the team. Right 
now, my biggest task is a new front page for the marketing team. Since we are 
new in the sense we have just gone through a major rebuilding, jenda as well 
as a few others, including myself, agreed on a new wiki front page for us 
during the last meeting.

What I am interested in gathering from all of you is the following:

1. First thing on the page is a Welcome to the Ubuntu Marketing Team, and 
under that intro, would be a quick 2 or 3 sentence opening as an introduction 
to the team. Ideas please!!!

2. The front page should be simple and to the point. We can use subpages for 
everything else. We don't need to have all the members on the front page, all 
the projects on the front page. The following is a pretty brief example of 
what I am trying to get at:
a.) intro - 2 or 3 brief sentences about the mt
b.) how to join - 2 or 3 brief sentences letting them know how to join, 
unless there is more info needed to join. link to the launchpad/+join
c.) communications - list ways to communicate with the team (i.e., ML, 
d.) help wanted - 2 or 3 brief sentences about the type of help needed.
e.) Public Relations/Press - 2 or 3 brief sentences about PR and a link 
to a 
f.) main projects - list the names and link to a subpage
g.) meetings/agenda - link to MT/Meetings wiki w/ a brief intro
h.) members/contributors - a brief intro about what this means, and a 
link to 
the launchpad

3. If you have a layout idea, place it here. I am by no means a layout 
guy/designer at all. Post you ideas here also for anything else you would 
like to see or think is a good idea. This whole thing is just about 
redesigning what is already in place.

Thanks everyone, and continue to Spread Ubuntu!!! Take care.

Rich Johnson (nixternal)
The best thing about democracy is that it gives every voter a chance to do 
something stupid.

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ubuntu-marketing mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Rrequest for Information

2006-07-07 Thread Rich Johnson
On Friday 07 July 2006 12:06, John Baer wrote:
 Marketing Team,

 I come to this distribution list via invitation from Sara Vasquez when I
 responded to her request for help with the Ubuntu magazine project as
 posted in the Art Talk forum. I saw value to such an endeavor and easily
 concluded Ubuntu should have a publication to stand with others like Red
 Hat in the Linux community.

 In an effort to measure current activity to determine how I might
 contribute, I began exploring the Marketing Team, Ubuntu Magazine, and
 Spread Ubuntu wiki's in addition to other related sites.

 The result of this exercise left my hands empty of the information I sought
 to gather.

 What I am looking for is a project or team charter. In addition, is there a
 project or marketing plan for some of the efforts underway?

 Thank you,

Hi John

I will just add my quick note here, as I am sure some of the veterans will 
probably provide more valuable information. You came at a time of 
restructuring kind of. The past couple of weeks have been hectic, but very 
productive. It is nice to see the action taking place. You are correct 
however to notice the lack of information. That is because it is currently 
either being reconstructed, or being constructed from the ground up. We 
should hopefully have all the information you are searching for posted soon 
on the wiki. In the mean time, you have come to the right location for this 
information. There are others who have been with this team longer then I have 
and understand some of the aspects you are searching for far better then I. I 
have worked with Sara and the others with the brainstorming aspect of the 
magazine, and like you, I have the same feelings towards it.

I hope this email helps you out a little on understanding our current 
situation. I know it doesn't provide you the information you seek, as I am 
hoping some of the others can provide you with that information. Thanks for 
the comments and support. Take care!!!
Rich Johnson (nixternal)
The best thing about democracy is that it gives every voter a chance to do 
something stupid.

ubuntu-marketing mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Next Meeting

2006-07-04 Thread Rich Johnson
On Tuesday 04 July 2006 01:04, Jan Vancura wrote:
 Joey Stanford wrote:
  13:30 during a work day for me.  Despite working for a linux friendly
  company, I'm not able to break free.
  Jan Vancura wrote:
  I propose the next MT meeting to be at 19:00 UTC, Thursday, July the
  13th, 2006 on IRC in #ubuntu-meeting. for details, a-jenda,
  preferred meeting times etc.
  Open to discussion...

 That makes three protests against the hour. However, it is the hour that
 fits best according to the wiki. Be sure to sign up there and add your
 value to the meeting time list.
anytime is good for me. if it is 4am, i will set my alarm for 3:30am then ;) 
the time you picked works for me, however make sure the other's are 
comfortable with the time if possible!!!
Rich Johnson (nixternal)
The best thing about democracy is that it gives every voter a chance to do 
something stupid.

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ubuntu-marketing mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Logo?

2006-07-03 Thread Rich Johnson
On Monday 03 July 2006 10:57, Matthew Revell wrote:
 On 03/07/06, Jane Silber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have to admit that I question whether the marketing team needs a
  logo.  What are you trying to achieve with it?

 Nixternal - Adam mentioned that you'd started this discussion on the
 IRC channel. What were your reasons for looking into a logo for the

  For your consideration, please consider what other community teams have
  done in this regard, e.g.,

 If we had a need for our own pages - i.e. outside the main wiki - what
 the art and doc teams have looks like the simplest solution.

 Matthew Revell
It was a suggestion per Jenda that brought the entire issue up. However, after 
listening to the points made by everyone, I tend to agree with the everyone 
and that there really is no need for a logo. We have the Ubuntu logo, which 
holds a great definition, story, and history. I don't think we need anything 
more then that if you ask me.
Rich Johnson (nixternal)
The best thing about democracy is that it gives every voter a chance to do 
something stupid.

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ubuntu-marketing mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Re: Contact point for Ubuntu Marketing team

2006-07-03 Thread Rich Johnson
On Monday 03 July 2006 06:02, Matthew Revell wrote:
 Howdy Rich,

 On 30/06/06, Rich Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Like I stated in a previous message is that for Canonical contact I
  believe we should have a POC for them.

 I can see the benefit to this:

 * the guys at Canonical are busy, so one contact point could save them
 from having to filter too much
 * if we agree a stance or whatever on the ML or in meetings, the POC
 would present those and Canonical would know what we'd agreed
 * inevitably some marketing stuff may be commercially sensitive -
 Canonical may appreciate someone they know will respect embargoes etc.

 On the other hand:

 * you say we should have a POC for Canonical - do you mean only for
 Canonical? If so, why only Canonical?
 * it could give the impression of a hierarchy that doesn't exist
 * may discourage people's creativity/entrepreneurial spirit, if they
 feel they have to go through an ordained channel
 * POC may become unavailable, so we'd need to a back-up plan.

 This is just off the top of my 'ead but it'd be good to hear other
 people's views on why, if at all, we should have one POC for
 Canonical-related activity.

  I can also see that it could make it appear that there is a heirarchy
  within the team that doesn't really exist.

 That could be the biggest problem, so we'd need to put in place other
 measures to ensure we remain as open and flat as possible - e.g.
 make sure new people are always replied to, have wiki pages that
 reflect our open nature, etc. It could also be that, after discussion,
 we decide the benefits of a POC outweigh the perceived hierarchy

 Matthew Revell

Good points Matthew, as it seems the chose POC is currently away. Matthew I do 
feel everyone on this list, and everyone on this team has proving that they 
have the ability to communicate well. With that in mind I think any and all 
of us should probably communicate with Canonical. However, there will be 
those who do not communicate as well. I am looking at the situation with an 
open mind, and I think whatever the best possible solution is, we should go 
with it. Another thing is that, yes, we do not have any type of hierarchy, 
which is very popular among the Ubuntu communities, however, I think that w/o 
some sort of Chain-of-Command or hierarchy, some people may not possess the 
drive to dive into a job w/o some sort of guidance. OK, that was my 2 cents, 
however bad it was I apologize in advance. Thanks everyone!!!
Rich Johnson (nixternal)
The best thing about democracy is that it gives every voter a chance to do 
something stupid.

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ubuntu-marketing mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Logo?

2006-07-03 Thread Rich Johnson
On Monday 03 July 2006 23:18, David Symons wrote:
 On 7/4/06, Karl Goetz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It would be nice to have one for the LP team

 Here's my suggestion:



 Cheers, Dave.
That is awesome, I know exactly what he is referring too with the glasses!!!  
And it has Ubuntu colors, how perfect!!! LOL to funny.
Rich Johnson (nixternal)
The best thing about democracy is that it gives every voter a chance to do 
something stupid.

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ubuntu-marketing mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Re: Contact point for Ubuntu Marketing team

2006-06-30 Thread Rich Johnson
On Friday 30 June 2006 10:59, Matthew Revell wrote:
 What do people think?

 Matthew Revell
I would have to agree that maybe for the time being our POC should be this 
mailing list. However, I think that prior to a member answering or fielding 
anything in here, should have read and singed a copy of the Code of Conduct. 
I am pretty sure that all our members are, I just don't know about all who 
have signed up for this list.

I do however think we need a single point of contact for lets say, Canonical. 
I think the way Jenda has been communicating with them is good enough, just 
as long as it gets passed on to the team.

I am on the documentation team, and let me just tell you it is the smoothest 
team by far. Matthew East and Jonathan Jesse are looked at as leaders, but 
they don't take the role. They are more of a mentor then anything else and 
that is what I trueally appreciate with that team. I noticed everyone works 
as a team in there. It would be great for the marketing team to eventually 
get that kind of structure and communication. And there is a always a buzz in 
the channel.

The Marketing Team is off to a great re-start. I will say that in the past, I 
was some what ashamed of the way things in the community were going. I had 
voiced my opinion and got barked out, but I stuck with it, doing what I could 
to Spread Ubuntu. Now it looks like there is a bright future ahead with the 
team and it is exciting. Marketing is by far the most intense task a team 
could ever get involved in. Just remember, everytime you say the 
word Ubuntu you are marketing! That is great.

Alright everyone, that is my quick two cents. I am here to help out any of 
you, any way that I can. I have a decent amount of time to provide the Ubuntu 
community, so feel free to take advantage of it, but not  me ;) Thanks 
everyone, and thanks to Matthew East for his comments and suggestions, as he 
is a great person to receive that type of support from!! Until next time...
Rich Johnson (nixternal)
The best thing about democracy is that it gives every voter a chance to do 
something stupid.

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ubuntu-marketing mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Re: Contact point for Ubuntu Marketing team

2006-06-30 Thread Rich Johnson
On Friday 30 June 2006 11:23, Lance Means wrote:
 I think that having at least an initial point of contact would be good. I
 joined the list a couple days ago and I am not sure what exactly I can do
 to help. I am not a marketing person, but I would really like to help
 promote Ubuntu because I think it is a great os.

 Having someone to ask, someone that could tell me, for example, that
 Matthew Revell is looking for someone to proofread a document or we need
 someone to test the new SpreadUbuntu page, I believe would be helpful.

   On the other hand, the team might easily feel that a contact
   person could be helpful from the beginning, I don't know. Let's see how
   this thread develops.
  What do people think?

Thank you for the response and the support. We would love to have you onboard 
offering a hand to the team. Everyone is a marketer, they just might not know 

I think that if you had a question, wanted some help with a task, or was 
looking for some work, I think a simple email to the marketing-list would 
suffice for the time being. Right now the team is small, and restructuring, 
so involving everyone tends to build unity as they don't feel they are less 
then anyone else and that they to have the power to answer a question, field 
a task and so on.

Like I stated in a previous message is that for Canonical contact I believe we 
should have a POC for them.

Anyways, thank you Lance for the support and the interest that you show. Take 
care! Until next time...
Rich Johnson (nixternal)
The best thing about democracy is that it gives every voter a chance to do 
something stupid.

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ubuntu-marketing mailing list