Monday Triage

2024-10-15 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated between 2024-10-11 (Friday) and 2024-10-13 (Sunday)
Date range identified as: "Monday triage"
Found 16 bugs

The relevant bugs were:

LP: #2077893 
- exim4 - Current exim version have crashes inside PCRE2 lib
The SRU template docs were provided to us, so I updated the report. We
should get the fix uploaded now to allow the user to verify.

LP: #2084365
 - openssh
- package openssh-server 1:9.6p1-3ubuntu13.5 failed to instal…
Asked for additional info

LP: #2084391 
- exim4 - apt build-dep exim4-daemon-heavy omits libnsl-dev
Valid bug in noble, it would probably be best to add the missing dependency
as part of a future SRU.

2 bugs were untouched in 60 days

LP: #2068026  - librem-ec-acpi -
initramfs-tools hook does not support zstd-compressed kerne…
Just needed some tasks to be updated, the bug is fixed now.

LP: #2027838  - libvirt -
/etc/profile.d/ (LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI setting)…
This one is still in my wishlist backlog, I'll try and make some progress
on it before the sprint.

1 bug was untouched in 180 days

LP: #2014964
 - isc-kea
- kea does not manage exported shared library symbols visibil…
Still no updates upstream, fine as is for now

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated between 2024-10-11 (Friday) and
2024-10-13 (Sunday) inclusive

No comments found
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Monday triage

2024-09-03 Thread Lena Voytek
Team 'ubuntu-server' currently subscribed to 284 bugs
Bugs last updated between 2024-08-30 (Friday) and 2024-09-01 (Sunday)
Date range identified as: "Monday triage"
Found 17 bugs

LP: #2078527

- libapache2-mod-python - sys.version from mod_python cannot be parsed by …
Tried to reproduce a few times with simple trac setups but was unable to.
Asked for additional info

No bugs were found untouched in 60 days

2 bugs were untouched in 180 days

LP: #2055405 
- samba - python3-samba syntaxwarnings while upgrading
Couldn't reproduce, but I didn't see any fix added for noble since the bug
was reported. Should be fine to leave as is as a low priority bug.

LP: #2055436 
- bind9 - Package recommends nonexistent bind-doc package
Already fixed by the bind9 security update and move to 9.20, marked
Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated between 2024-08-30 (Friday) and
2024-09-01 (Sunday) inclusive

No comments found
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Monday triage 2024-07-22

2024-07-31 Thread Lena Voytek
Missed this one due to PTO and doc sprint

Team 'ubuntu-server' currently subscribed to 274 bugs
Bugs last updated between 2024-07-19 (Friday) and 2024-07-21 (Sunday)
Date range identified as: "Monday triage"
Found 14 bugs

All bugs look fine here, just team updates and MRE bug changes.

1 bug was untouched in 60 days.

LP: #1492621 
- glibc - Cannot start VMs without routable IPv4 address
Just a description update on this bug 60 days ago, otherwise it just seems
to be in the long term backlog. Fine for now, but could use a fix someday.

1 bug was untouched in 180 days.

LP: #2020696
mysql-8.0 - Patch and re-enable main.derived_condition_pushdown test
Looked into this one and it was actually fixed in 8.0.33-1 and upstream
8.0.34. Marked fix-released.
Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated between 2024-07-19 (Friday) and
2024-07-21 (Sunday) inclusive

*Questions configuring DH… [Robert Cezar F, 2024-07-19]
└─ +116369

[Robert Cezar F, 2024-07-19]
User answered their own main question with this comment
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Monday Triage

2024-06-10 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated between 2024-06-07 (Friday) and 2024-06-09 (Sunday)
Date range identified as: "Monday triage"
Found 22 bugs

LP: #1794997
 - libvirt
- virNetlinkEventCallback:700 : nl_recv returned with error: …

LP: #2056372  - exim4 - Enabling
SPF checks with CHECK_RCPT_SPF doesn't work
>From standup I know that Mitchell is working on this one, just noting that
there is a new comment from this weekend.

LP: #2067608  - clamav -
clamav-freshclam 1.0.5 and logwatch 7.7-1 fails to report
This one also has an update from the reporter in that respect.

LP: #2068729  - libpam-radius-auth
- pam_radius_auth: Failed to open RADIUS IPv6 socket...
Created a PPA to test the possible fix for this one. Also this is likely a
duplicate of LP: #2065737

in which case we may want to take over the SRU since it hasn't made
progress yet.

LP: #2068838  - mysql-8.0 -
package mysql-server-8.0 8.0.36-2ubuntu3 failed to install/…
I've seen a few similar bugs to this one recently. I'll look into this
further this week.

2 bugs were untouched in 60 days.

LP: #2059857  - logcheck -
logcheck report flooded with cron session lines
This one is tagged server-todo, any updates Robie?

LP: #782890  - backuppc - no ping
response on all hosts after upgrade
No updates from users, should be fine as is

1 bug was untouched in 180 days.

LP: #2046193  - ruby3.1 -
URI.split behavior change after security update
Nothing from upstream yet, so this should be fine as is for now

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated between 2024-06-07 (Friday) and
2024-06-09 (Sunday) inclusive

No comments found
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Monday Triage

2024-04-29 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated between 2024-04-26 (Friday) and 2024-04-28 (Sunday)
Date range identified as: "Monday triage"
Found 34 bugs

There were 2 bugs of note

LP: #2063821  - xen - Ubuntu 22.04
server installer doesn't boot on Xen server as…
I don't have the hardware to reproduce this, marked for discussion

LP: #2063999 
- php8.1 - package libapache2-mod-php8.1 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.15 failed to i…
Asked for additional info

6 bugs were untouched in 60 days.

LP: #1880157  - realmd - realmd
generates wrong 'services' section in sssd.conf duri…
No updates on this one from what I see, fine in backlog. Someone
incorrectly marked this as public security 60 days ago, changing it back to

LP: #1930393  - clamav - any local
user can shut clamd down via control socket
No fixes from upstream so far, so it should be fine as is unless Andreas
has any updates on it.

LP: #2030684  - php8.2 - tzname[1]
empty after tzset() with env TZ=UTC
Fine as is in backlog for now

LP: #1992848  - dovecot - lmtp
crashes with: Panic: file mail-user.c: line 229 (mail_…
Awaiting verification, fine as is for now

LP: #2003756  -
init-system-helpers - Cannot configure krb5-kdc on Ubuntu Jammy ...
No response from user, fine as is

LP: #2054219  - qemu - Debian
installer segfaults on qemu-system-sparc64
I think we just decided to leave this as a low priority backlog bug last
time this was up for discussion. Leaving it alone for now.

0 bugs were untouched in 180 days.
Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated between 2024-04-26 (Friday) and
2024-04-28 (Sunday) inclusive

No comments found

scourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated between 2024-04-26 (Friday) and
2024-04-28 (Sunday) inclusive
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Monday triage 2024-03-18

2024-03-19 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated between 2024-03-15 (Friday) and 2024-03-17 (Sunday)
Date range identified as: "Monday triage"
Found 9 bugs

Nothing of note here

4 bugs were untouched in 60 days.

LP: #1878264  - smartmontools -
nvme smart error count email after upgrading to 20.04
Currently awaiting updates on our end and could use another look at some

LP: #2031905  - glusterfs -
[mantic] Version 11.0 crash on startup
The fix version migrated in noble, marked as fix released.

LP: #2049197  - ruby3.0 -
ruby_xfree segmentation fault
This one could also use an update on our end

LP: #2048068  - exim4 -
exim4-daemon-heavy: investigate enabling experimental ARC s…
Should be fine in the backlog for now since we weren't planning to focus on
this for noble

0 bugs were untouched in 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated between 2024-03-15 (Friday) and
2024-03-17 (Sunday) inclusive

No comments found
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Monday triage 2024-02-05

2024-02-07 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated between 2024-02-02 (Friday) and 2024-02-04 (Sunday)
Date range identified as: "Monday triage"
Found 20 bugs

There was one bug to note which we should probably look into further where
autopkgtests are failing:
LP: #2052358
strongswan - strongswan failing autopkgtests

2 bugs were untouched in 60 days

LP: #2038874
 - openvpn
- Legacy systemd unit files openvpn.service & openvpn@.servic…
No response from reporter, fine as is

LP: #2041837 
- squid - squid:update to 6.4+ get fixes for CVEs
Currently assigned to Marc Deslauriers

4 bugs were untouched in 180 days

LP: #1932552
 - symfony
- php-symfony-dependency-injection not working with php 8
Looks like there is still a fix in progress by a community member

LP: #1915095 
- clamav - clamscan modifies atime during scheduled scans
Upstream bugzilla seems to be down right now so I couldn't check the
status, but this bug is otherwise waiting on upstream

LP: #2002751
smartmontools - WD Red Pro: #192 is NOT power off retract count
Waiting on upstream, which is making some progress

LP: #1988504
 - libvirt
- r8152 driver no longer releases USB NIC for VM passthrough
This bug is waiting on volunteers in the backlog if anyone has time to look
into it.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated between 2024-02-02 (Friday) and
2024-02-04 (Sunday) inclusive

No comments found
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-12-15 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-12-14 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 11 bugs

There were 2 relevant bugs:

LP: #2046372
clamav - Potential security issue fixed in 1.1.2, 1.0.3 and 0.103.10
This is a valid security issue. Looks like the security team is already
working on it though. Updated bug to show fixed releases.

LP: #2046489 
- exim4 - exim4-daemon-heavy: please compile with DMARC (and possibly…
We probably can't support this directly since libopendmarc is in universe,
but we may be able to do something about this. Marked for discussion in

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated on 2023-12-14 (Thursday)

No comments found

Happy holidays everyone!
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-12-08 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-12-07 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 14 bugs

No bugs of note today, just merges and released fixes \o/

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated on 2023-12-07 (Thursday)
*Using QEMU for microVMs [Sally Makin, 2023-12-07]
*Upgrading the machine ty… [Sally Makin, 2023-12-07]
*Ubuntu Server explanatio… [Sally Makin, 2023-12-07]

Updates from Sally, nothing to do
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-12-04 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-11-30 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 15 bugs

There are 2 bugs of note:

LP: #2038874
 - openvpn
- Legacy systemd unit files openvpn.service & openvpn@.servic…
Added additional info on why the openvpn service files still exist

LP: #2045207
mysql-8.0 - package mysql-server-8.0 8.0.35-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 failed to …
Seems to be due to mariadb also being installed. Gave the user some info
and marked as incomplete

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated on 2023-11-30 (Thursday)
SSSD and Active Directory [Andreas Hasenack]
└─ +101690  [Jean Baptiste
Lallement, 2023-11-30]

Handled by Andreas, nothing to do
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-08-18 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-08-17 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 18 bugs

There was 1 relevant bug.

LP: #2031650
mysql-8.0 - package mysql-server-8.0 8.0.34-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 failed to …
Asked for additional info

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated on 2023-08-17 (Thursday)
*About LDAP access control [Sally Makin, 2023-08-17]
Update from Sally, nothing to do

Ubuntu Advantage: Disabli… [Chad Smith]
└─ +94790  [Kodiak Firesmith
(WHOI), 2023-08-17]
The user had trouble with version numbers where non-FIPS packages had
higher version numbers than FIPS, causing issues when enabling FIPS on pro.
They didn't have any questions but this could be worth looking into.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-08-11 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-08-10 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 32 bugs

Nothing important to note, mostly updates marking kinetic as wont-fix.

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated on 2023-08-10 (Thursday)
*Initramfs-tools version … 
[Ameinild, 2023-08-10]
├─ *94324 [Ameinild, 2023-08-10]
└─ *94331 [Ameinild, 2023-08-10]
User asked about the phased updates for initramfs-tools in Jammy and bdrung
responded with the relevant information, fine as is
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-08-04 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-08-03 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 21 bugs

Nothing important to note.

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated on 2023-08-03 (Thursday)

No comments found
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-07-28 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-07-27 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 19 bugs

There was one relevant bug:

LP: #2028810 
- rsync - rsync 3.1.3 performance regression
Gave additional info and provided a PPA

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated on 2023-07-27 (Thursday)

No comments found
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-07-21 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-07-20 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 15 bugs

There were 2 relevant bugs:

LP: #2028124 
- qemu - apt dist-upgrade does not restart package qemu-guest-agent
Confirmed for mantic, lunar, and jammy. Marked for discussion

LP: #2028269
mysql-8.0 - package mysql-server 8.0.33-0ubuntu0.22.04.2 failed to inst…
Asked additional questions

One bug was found untouched in 60 days:

LP: #2019160 
- gcc-12 / gcc-13 - LTO affecting -fdebug-prefix-map
In progress upstream, seems fine for now.

No bugs were found untouched in 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated on 2023-07-20 (Thursday)

No comments found
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Re: Monday Triage

2023-07-17 Thread Lena Voytek
On Mon, 2023-07-17 at 15:44 -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
> Bugs last updated between 2023-07-14 (Friday) and 2023-07-16 (Sunday)
> inclusive
> Found 24 bugs
> Only 3 of the 24 required triage attention, rest are already
> processing:
> LP: #2027838  libvirt-uri-sh overrides configured default
>   --> Tagged server-triage-discuss for Wednesday's meeting.
>   - This script is an adaptor for xen, which I wonder if is an
> obsolete
>     use case?  If so, reporter's suggestion to drop it might be
> valid.
> LP: #2027921  chrony failed to install due to conflict with systemd
>   --> Incomplete
>   - Asked reporter for some further clarifications.
>   - I am not seeing other reports of this problem, so suspect it may
> be
>     something unique to the reporter.  Neither logs nor report are
>     detailed enough to make educated guesses yet.
> LP: #2027913  mysql-8.0  Failed to install
>   --> Duped to LP: #1914636.  Most likely just a dupe of that.
>   - I noticed LP: #2002828 also probably another dupe and duped it
>   - already has a check + prompt for missing
>     /etc/mysql, perhaps that could be broadened to look for
>     /etc/mysql/conf.d/ as well?  I.e. something like:
>     if not os.path.isdir('/etc/mysql'):
>     ## ...
>     else if not os.path.isdir('/etc/mysql/conf.d'):
>     report['EtcMysqlConfdDirListing'] = str(False)
>     response = ui.yesno("The /etc/mysql/conf.d directory is
> missing, which "
>     "suggests a local configuration problem
> rather "
>     "than a bug in Ubuntu (see LP: #1914636).
> "
>     "Do you still wish to "report this bug?")
>     if not response: # user cancelled or answered
> No 
>     report['UnreportableReason'] = "Missing /etc/mysql/conf.d
> directory"
>     return False
>     else:
>     ## ...
>     Lena, what do you think?

That sounds like a good idea to me. It should help mitigate bad reports
in the future. I'll add it in once the dust is settled from the
upcoming 8.0.34 security release.
> Discourse Comment Triage Helper
> Showing comments belonging to the Server category on
>, updated between 2023-07-14 (Friday) and
> 2023-07-16 (Sunday) inclusive
> Get started with LAMP app… [Joshua Powers] 
> └─ 86256 [Allynna McCleod] 
>    └─ 91509 [Sally Makin] 
>   └─ +92415 [Volvodemort, 2023-07-16] 
> ROCK Images - Introduction [Bryce Harrington] 
> └─ 92100 [Seth Arnold] 
>    └─ 92292 [Samirakarioh] 
>   └─ 92293 [Seth Arnold] 
>  └─ +92299 [Cristovao Cordeiro, 2023-07-14] 
> The first item relates to use of tasksel, which I am not accustomed
> to
> so am unclear on how it should be used on modern systems.  I've
> updated
> the docs to address the mentioned error, however I'm unclear if
> tasksel
> is actually doing anything or if it is broken... or unnecessary.
> Is tasksel only included for legacy purposes at this point, or is it
> a
> workflow we actively support?  If the former, maybe it should be
> dropped
> from the docs; if the latter than perhaps the tasksel workflow needs
> some further attention?
> Bryce

ubuntu-server mailing list
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Friday Triage

2023-07-17 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-07-13 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 7 bugs

All bugs shown are fine as is.

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated on 2023-07-13 (Thursday)
ROCK Images - Introduction [Bryce Harrington]
└─ 92100 [Seth Arnold]
   └─ +92292 [Samirakarioh, 2023-07-13]
  └─ +92293  [Seth Arnold,
Nothing to do
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Monday Triage

2023-07-11 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated between 2023-07-07 (Friday) and 2023-07-09 (Sunday)
Date range identified as: "Monday triage"
Found 23 bugs

There were two relevant bugs:

LP: #2026307
 - openssh
- ssh-askpass-gnome pops up for every sudo command
Provided the user with more info on how to do the workaround for their issue

LP: #2026606 
- clamav - clamtk showing message The antivirus signatures are outdate…
Explained the clamav-freshclam service to the user and marked as invalid

4 bugs were found untouched in 60 days:

LP: #2018238
 - postfix
- postfix: autopkgtest fails with saslauthd.service installed
Bug was fixed through a debian sync, marked fix released

LP: #1309079  -
grub-legacy-ec2 - Running update-grub-legacy-ec2 doesn't update kernel list
Tracking as a cloud-init github issue now, fine as is

LP: #1852994 
- samba - samba creates temporary files in /tmp, but never deletes th…
User never responded for helping to check focal/impish. Marked impish as
wont fix but otherwise the bug is fine as is

LP: #2000672
sosreport - Missing log files for Ceph iSCSI gateway
Fix was released in Mantic, marked as such

No bugs were found untouched in 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage HelperShowing comments belonging to the Server
category on, updated between 2023-07-07
(Friday) and 2023-07-09 (Sunday) inclusive
Automated Server installa… [Michael Hudson Doyle]
└─ 91733 [Zero 0ne]
   └─ 91736 [Dan Bungert]
  └─ 91758 [Zero 0ne]
 └─ +91951  [Dan Bungert,
Update from Dan, fine as is
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-07-07 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-07-06 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 15 bugs

There was one relevant bug:

LP: #2026307
 - openssh
- ssh-askpass-gnome pops up for every sudo command
Confirmed and found a workaround for the issue

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated on 2023-07-06 (Thursday)
*About web servers [Sally Makin, 2023-07-06]
*Ubuntu Server explanatio… [Sally Makin, 2023-07-06]
*Ubuntu Server reference [Sally Makin, 2023-07-06]
*How to install and confi… [Sally Makin, 2023-07-06]
Updates from Sally, fine as is.

Automated Server installa… [Michael Hudson Doyle]
└─ +91733 [Zero 0ne, 2023-07-06]
   └─ *91736 [Dan Bungert, 2023-07-06]
  └─ +91758  [Zero 0ne,
Dan solved this user's issue, nothing to do
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-06-30 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-06-29 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 15 bugs

There were two new bugs:

LP: #2025324
 - apache2
- package apache2 2.4.52-1ubuntu4.5 failed to install/upgrade…
Crash caused by missing default-site/index.html file. Asked the user if
they removed it manually and provided some options to get the package
working again.

LP: #2025362 
-  bind9 - package bind9-dnsutils 1:9.18.12-1ubuntu1.1 failed to insta…
Provided some instructions for getting the package out of the bad state.

One bug was found untouched in 60 days:

LP: #1988710 
- gcc-12 - qemu FTBFS with GCC 12
qemu portion of this bug is fixed, not sure if updates are needed on gcc-12
side though. Last update is removal of server-todo. Overall seems fine as
is on our end

No bugs were found untouched in 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated on 2023-06-29 (Thursday)
*[Spec] git-ubuntu staged… [Robie Basak, 2023-06-29]
├─ 89551 [Lukas Märdian]
│  └─ 89945 [Robie Basak]
│ └─ +91453  [Robie Basak,
└─ +91479  [Colin Watson,
Update from Robie and approval from Colin, nothing to do

*Ubuntu Server reference [Sally Makin, 2023-06-29]
*Ubuntu Server how-to gui… [Sally Makin, 2023-06-29]
*How to install and confi… [Sally Makin, 2023-06-29]
*Ubuntu Server explanatio… [Sally Makin, 2023-06-29]
+How to install a Squid s… [Sally Makin, 2023-06-29]
Updates by Sally, nothing to do
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-06-26 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-06-22 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 13 bugs

There were two relevant bugs:

LP: #2024663 
- samba - package winbind 2:4.16.8+dfsg-0ubuntu1.1 failed to install/…
This seems to be an issue where the versions of two samba packages caused a
man file to break the upgrade. Asked user to check if temporarily removing
the file and upgrading fixes it.

LP: #2024206
 - ethtool
- Missing SFP Data in ethtool
Created a ppa with a possible upstream fix

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated on 2023-06-22 (Thursday)

No new updates
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-06-16 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-06-15 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 11 bugs

There were 2 relevant bugs

LP: #2023668
rabbitmq-server - Yoga Openstack kolla rabbitmq crash
Confirmed to be an issue by multiple users. Asked if they could provide
steps to reproduce.

LP: #2024019 
- nginx - Add GCC atomic support (-moutline-atomics) for arm64...
User provided a merge request for this and was asked to file a bug for it.
Noting this down in case anyone has thoughts on the change.

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated on 2023-06-15 (Thursday)

No new updates
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-06-09 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-06-08 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 8 bugs

There was one relevant bug:

LP: #2023343 
- chrony - Config file is now at /usr/share/chrony/chrony.conf
Explained /usr/share/chrony/chrony.conf to the user and marked as invalid.

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated on 2023-06-08 (Thursday)

No new updates
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-06-02 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-06-01 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 25 bugs

All bugs were updates on our end, most of which were updates to
fix-released \o/

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated on 2023-06-01 (Thursday)
Automated Server installa… [Michael Hudson Doyle]
└─ +90448  [Zhicun, 2023-06-01]
The user asked the following:

> I want to use layout and grub both on storage , so what should i do ?
Looked into the issue and found it is a bug that is being fixed, provided
the bug + pull request to them.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-05-26 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-05-25 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 17 bugs

All bugs were last updated by us, nothing to do today

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated on 2023-05-25 (Thursday)
Automated Server install … [Michael Hudson Doyle]
└─ *90260  [Adam, 2023-05-25]
User stated the following:

> Why does this require the ISO (especially the server ISO) at all? Why not
> provide a kernel and initrd for people who want to PXE boot?
> Odd - releases/lunar/ubuntu-23.04-netboot-amd64.tar.gz is there, but still
> needs an iso-url appended.
>From what I know, we provide the netboot tarball in Lunar for this option
when PXE booting, although that isn't explained on this page and may be
worth doing. As for the second portion of this comment, I'm not quite sure
what the user is asking for. Afaik the netboot tarball has a tarball
extension as expected. If anyone has additional context for this lmk,
*Release of cloud-init 23…  [Alberto
Contreras, 2023-05-25]
New cloud init release info with a version edit by Alberto, nothing to do.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Monday Triage

2023-05-23 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated between 2023-05-19 (Friday) and 2023-05-21 (Sunday)
Date range identified as: "Monday triage"
Found 27 bugs

There were a few relevant bugs:

LP: #2019852  -
nbd - nbd-server hangs after fork
Worked on verifying the patch created by Wouter but it was merged in mantic
in the meantime. I no longer have to look into it, but while I did I found
an issue with nbd builds using a git directory that I'll look into further.

LP: #2019968 
- qemu - Add missing feature bits in EPYC-Milan model
This is one of the bugs recently added in regards to virtualization
hardware support. I know Sergio is working on related issues, and I can
help as needed. Tagged for discussion on who will work on it.

LP: #2020275
mysql-8.0 - package mysql-server-8.0 8.0.33-0ubuntu0.22.04.2 failed to …
Asked for additional info

7 bugs were found untouched in 60 days

LP: #1891643
amavisd-new - amavisd-new suggests missing packages
Still waiting on Debian, fine as is

LP: #1954854 -
bind9 - bind 9.16.1-ubuntu on ubuntu 20.04 randomly exits with segf…
Would likely be fixed through the MRE. Even though that's stalled it is
still fine in its current state as the user upgraded to Jammy and can no
longer reproduce anyway.

LP: #1966860
sg3-utils - hit issue with script in VM with image u…
Reporter has not yet tested Lucas' fix, fine as is

LP: #1862138

- postgresql-common systemctl stop postgresql fails to stop postgresql
Waiting to see what Debian does, otherwise this is low priority and fine in
the backlog

LP: #1992653 
- qemu - qemu-riscv64-static crashed with SIGSEGV
Confirmed but no update from user. Should be fine to leave alone for now.

LP: #2000739 
- gtk+3.0 - Window actions (like maximize) no more work in wayland for …
Last update was by user, @Christian do you have additional insight on their

1 bug was found untouched in 180 days

LP: #1835929
backuppc - CGI interface does not work after installation
Bug is in the backlog as it should be, but could use an update if anyone
has time.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category on, updated between 2023-05-19 (Friday) and
2023-05-21 (Sunday) inclusive
Automated Server installe… [Michael Hudson Doyle]
└─ 89487 [Golebiewsky]
   └─ 89529 [Dan Bungert]
  ├─ +89954

[Golebiewsky, 2023-05-19]
  └─ +89955

[Golebiewsky, 2023-05-19]
The new comments were updates that the user's installation is now working,
nothing to do

[Spec] git-ubuntu staged … [Robie Basak]
└─ 89551 [Lukas Märdian]
   └─ *89945

[Robie Basak, 2023-05-19]
Feedback from Robie, fine as is

*Introduction to High Ava…

[Adam Collard, 2023-05-19]
Upstream link updates by Adam, nothing to do
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-05-19 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-05-18 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 12 bugs

All bugs were last updated by us, nothing to do :D

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated on 2023-05-18
Automated Server installe… [Michael Hudson Doyle]
└─ +89911 [Ross Vandegrift, 2023-05-18]
   └─ +89914 [Dan Bungert, 2023-05-18]
  └─ +89920

[Ross Vandegrift, 2023-05-18]
Dan is keeping up with the conversation here, no action needed.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage - 2023-05-12

2023-05-15 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-05-11 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 31 bugs

All but one bug were updates to mantic merges or closing of old tickets.

LP: #2019068
mysql-8.0 - package mysql-server 8.0.33-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 failed to inst…
User solved their issue, marked as invalid

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated on 2023-05-11
[Spec] git-ubuntu staged … [Robie Basak]
└─ +89551

[Lukas Märdian, 2023-05-11]
No action needed
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Re: Wednesday triage report

2023-05-10 Thread Lena Voytek
On Wed, 2023-05-10 at 14:33 -0300, Athos Ribeiro wrote:
> There are no relevant bugs needing extra attention at the moment.
> In discourse, we have
> Automated Server installe… [Michael Hudson Doyle]
> (
> └─ *89487 [Golebiewsky, 2023-05-09]
> (
>    This is a documentation request. Since verifying (and addressing)
> the
>    request is a larger task (not suitable for the triage) I am
> listing it
>    here. However, I wonder if an action item should be created
> somewhere.
>    I could not find anything in the maintainers handbook other than a
>    suggestion to mention the comment in this report.

That's a good point, I know we were planning on having a backlog google
doc for this at some point, though I'm not sure it exists yet. We can
talk about that in standup tomorrow if there isn't one. I could also
add some level of JIRA automation to Discourse Triage this cycle if we
want to keep track of things that way. Regardless, if there is a
backlog document available then the entry for it can be printed with
the -b argument:

$ dsctriage -b 89487
89487 [Golebiewsky, 2023-05-09] (

> -- 
> Athos Ribeiro

ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage - 2023-05-05

2023-05-09 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-05-04 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 14 bugs

LP: #1996869 
- sssd - autofs don't close sockets and stops working when max open files
A different user said they were having issues with jammy. Working on
updating my patch for kinetic to apply to jammy.

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated on 2023-05-04

No comments found
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-04-28 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-04-27 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 8 bugs

LP: #2003003
unixodbc - unixODBC crashes when ODBC trace is enabled
Found a possible upstream fix and created a ppa to test with

LP: #2017853 
- crmsh - LXML dependency needs to be updated to fix segmentation fau…
Created a PPA from a commit I found upstream in the version the user
claimed fixed the issue.

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated on 2023-04-27
[Spec] git-ubuntu staged … [Robie Basak]
└─ +89070 [Simon Chopin, 2023-04-27]
Robie already responded to this, nothing to do

+Cloud-init migrating to … [James Falcon, 2023-04-27]
New page -  nothing to do
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-04-21 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-04-20 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 9 bugs

No updates needed.

One bug was found untouched in 60 days

LP: #1971935
nfs-utils - Invalid pipefs-directory prevents rpc-gssd.service from sta…
Last update was the removal of server-todo tag. Seems fine as is, unless we
want the change in Jammy soon.

No bugs were found untouched in 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated on 2023-04-20
*Ubuntu Server how-to gui… [Sally Makin, 2023-04-20]
*Kerberos encryption types [Sally Makin, 2023-04-20]
*Ubuntu Server explanatio… [Sally Makin, 2023-04-20]
*BIND 9 DNSSEC cryptograp… [Sally Makin, 2023-04-20]
Sally updates - nothing to do
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday triage

2023-04-17 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-04-13 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 6 bugs

Nothing to do

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated on 2023-04-13

No comments found
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-04-07 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-04-06 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 24 bugs

LP: #2015322 
- samba - Apt upgrade failure: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an …
Provided more info to the user

LP: #2015459
mysql-8.0 - package mysql-server-8.0 8.0.32-0ubuntu0.22.04.2 failed to …
Asked for additional info

LP: #2015495
mysql-8.0 - package mysql-server-8.0 8.0.32-0ubuntu0.20.04.2 failed to …
Provided info on how to fix broken configuration

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated on 2023-04-06
Netbooting the live serve… [Michael Hudson Doyle]
└─ +88093 [Zippy Zebu, 2023-04-06]
   └─ *88097 [Oliver Grawert, 2023-04-06]
Oliver responded to question asked here, nothing to do.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Monday Triage

2023-04-03 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated between 2023-03-31 (Friday) and 2023-04-02 (Sunday)
Date range identified as: "Monday triage"
Found 26 bugs

LP: #1799185
spamassassin - spamd running with virtual-config-dir mkdir error
Now awaiting verification, Mitchell and I will go over this soon.

LP: #2013318 
- runc - Inability to use some devices when inside a container
User confirmed my PPA fixed the issue, assigned myself and marked
server-todo to finish this one up

LP: #2012064
 - unbound
- unbound stops processing tcp (1.9.4-2ubuntu1.4 on focal)
User created a reproducer and was able to find an upstream commit that may
fix the issue. Created a PPA for them to test with

LP: #2012298
 - openssh
- PasswordAuthenticaion in sshd_config.d
My PPA fix was also confirmed to work by the user. Replied to additional
questions about the fix

LP: #2014969
open-iscsi - open-iscsi fails to login to all iSCSI targets during boot
Marked as invalid since the default configuration in Ubuntu is correct.
Provided the user some options for their config

One bug was found untouched in 60 days

LP: #1976361
fetchmail - man page “passes the buck” to a dead end for .netrc docs
This fix will be added to the package when fetchmail is updated to 6.5.x.
Fine as is in backlog.

No bugs were found untouched in 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated between
2023-03-31 (Friday) and 2023-04-02 (Sunday) inclusive

No comments found
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-03-31 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-03-30 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 23 bugs

Spent some time digging into and progressing a few bugs:

LP: #2012298
 - openssh
- PasswordAuthenticaion in sshd_config.d
Created a PPA from the commit Paride found and confirmed the issue is
fixed. Assigned myself to finish the bug

LP: #2013318 
- runc - Inability to use some devices when inside a container
Provided a PPA for testing based on fix listed in bug report

LP: #2013334
 - haproxy
- 400-Bad-request responses (possibly due to failing authorit…
Provided another PPA using several upstream commits

LP: #2013374 
- sssd - sshd[${pid}]: pam_sss(sshd:account): Access denied for user…
Fixed by restarting the service. Asked for more information if they
encounter the error again.

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated on 2023-03-30

No comments found
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-03-24 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-03-23 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 14 bugs

There was 1 relevant bug

LP: #2012298
 - openssh
- PasswordAuthenticaion in sshd_config.d
Managed to reproduce the issue in Focal specifically, marked server-todo
and showed steps.

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated on 2023-03-23
Service - Kerberos with O… [Andreas Hasenack]
└─ +87485  [Andreas Hasenack,
Update from Andreas, fine as is
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage (March 17th)

2023-03-21 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-03-16 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 12 bugs

There were two bugs of note

LP: #2011721  - gpsd - GPS
position information doesn't update beyond a first fix …
Waiting on followup response from user

LP: #2011832  - qemu - QEMU
linux-user emulation is broken for MIPS and POWER in U…
Confirmed this issue exists. Targeted to Jammy and asked user additional

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated on 2023-03-16
OpenSSL [Andreas Hasenack]
└─ 87107 [Sdeziel]
   └─ 87111 [Andreas Hasenack]
  └─ 87112 [Sdeziel]
 └─ 87113 [Sdeziel]
└─ +87154 [Andreas Hasenack, 2023-03-16]
   └─ +87216 [Sdeziel, 2023-03-16]
  └─ +87219 
[Andreas Hasenack, 2023-03-16]
Conversation between Andreas and Simon, fine as is.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-03-10 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-03-09 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 18 bugs

There were three bugs that needed updates:

LP: #2009858 
- samba - User authentication is broken with 2:4.15.13+dfsg-0ubuntu0.…
Regression due to security update, added tag and pinged Marc Deslauriers

LP: #2009863 
- samba - Upgrade from Samba 4.13 to 4.15 results in dlopen(pam_winbi…
Same here

LP: #2009783
 - apache2
- edumpus portal
Asked for more information

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated on 2023-03-09
About the Server category [Alan Pope]
└─ +86755  [Georgeplunkit, 2023-03-09]
This comment is useful for guiding users to places to discuss Ubuntu
Server, but no updates are needed.

Mail - postfix [Joshua Powers]
└─ +86761  [Ybelenko, 2023-03-09]
Added a possible solution to the problem the user seems to be having.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-03-03 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-03-02 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 23 bugs

Most bugs were marked fix-released or updated by the server team. There are
two bugs to note:

LP: #1997375 
- bind9 - bind9 segfaults on certain stressful scenarios
This bug is awaiting verification, but should be fine to wait on for now in
case the user verifies it.

LP: #2008969 
- sssd - Lockscreen access denied (AD auth via sssd), sudo access de…
Asked for additional information

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated on 2023-03-02
About `apt upgrade` and p… [Sally Makin]
└─ 86466 [number-one]
   └─ +86485 [Paride Legovini, 2023-03-02]
  └─ *86520  [number-one,
Paride responded to the user's question and they responded with additional
info, but no new questions that need to be answered. Good as is for now
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-02-24 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-02-23 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 14 bugs

Easy day today, only one bug needed a simple update

LP: #1939678
 - apache2
- Apache2 Balancer Manager not working after dist-upgrade to …
Marked as invalid based on Paride and user's comments

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated on 2023-02-23

No comments found
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-02-21 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-02-16 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 24 bugs

LP: #2007562
mysql-8.0 - package mysql-server-8.0 8.0.32-0ubuntu0.22.04.2 failed to …
Asked for more information

LP: #2007522
strongswan - The Diffie-Hellman algorithm modp6144 is not permitted in F…
Seems to be a valid issue, added to server-triage-discuss

One bug was found not updated in 60 days:

LP: #1897545  - bind9 - Bind9: man file for rndc utility
mentions wrong config file…
This involves a man page change that is missing in focal and bionic and is
low priority. This can be fixed in Focal with the MRE, but is fine as is in
the backlog.

No bugs were found untouched in 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated on 2023-02-16

*Cloud Images - Google Co… [Sally Makin, 2023-02-16]
*Interactive live server … [Sally Makin, 2023-02-16]
Updates by Sally, nothing to do
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Re: Tuesday triage (2023-02-13)

2023-02-14 Thread Lena Voytek
On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 8:27 AM Lucas Kanashiro <> wrote:

> # Bug triage
> ## | *+ | DJ  | Triaged   | bind9
>   | DiG crashes on +nssearch with +tcp in bind9 9.18 |
> ## | *+ | DJK | In Progress   | bind9
>   | The `dig` and `host` commands core dump or give incomplete … |
> I did not take a deep look at the bugs above, I'd like to ask Sergio and
> Lena whether they are related. The second one is getting fixed by Lena, and
> I am not sure if the fix will help in any way the situation of the first
> bug.
I'm keeping an eye on these two. They're closely related and both will be
fixed by the bind9 MRE. They probably showed up today since the MRE bug
reports were linked to them.

> ## || D   | Confirmed | pollinate
>   | Intermediate SSL cert in expires on … |
> One of the certs installed by pollinate is indeed expiring soon, I was
> able to reproduce that with the command provided by the bug reporter.
> However, I do not know if this is an issue or not a problem at all. Marked
> as Triaged.
> ## || D   | New   | samba
>   |  cifs/samba mount not preserving file timestamps |
> On this bug the user did some good investigation and provided some steps
> to reproduce the issue. I did not have the time to try it out by myself, it
> requires setting up many things. I am sharing this bug here in case someone
> has the time to do it.
> # Discourse comments triage
> Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated on 2023-02-13
> (Monday)
> || 3/3 [100%] in 3.8s (0.67/s)
> *Cloud Images - Google Co… [Sally Makin, 2023-02-13] (
> *Ubuntu Server reference   [Sally Makin, 2023-02-13] (
> All comments made by Sally.
> Lucas Kanashiro.
> --
> ubuntu-server mailing list
> More info:

ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Monday Triage

2023-02-13 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated between 2023-02-10 (Friday) and 2023-02-12 (Sunday)
Date range identified as: "Monday triage"
Found 19 bugs

There were a few relevant bugs:

LP: #2003864 
- clamav - freshclam assert failure: *** stack smashing detected ***:
Confirmed freshclam always has a segmentation fault in lunar. Marked as

LP: #2006972 
- bind9 - bind9 can't load preinstalled plugins
Was able to reproduce, luckily this will be fixed through the MRE. Notified
user and added the bug to my MRE report

LP: #2006731 
-  samba - package samba-common 2:4.15.13+dfsg-0ubuntu1 failed to inst…
User replied to my comment saying that samba is still working. I responded
and left the bug as is in case others run into this issue.

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated between
2023-02-10 (Friday) and 2023-02-12 (Sunday) inclusive

Service - Kerberos with O… [Andreas Hasenack]
└─ +85440 [Enriqueginnari09, 2023-02-10]
   └─ +85521 [Andreas Hasenack, 2023-02-12]
  └─ +85523 
[Enriqueginnari09, 2023-02-12]
Andreas answered the user's initial question and they responded saying they
will test it later. Nothing to do for now.

*Non-interactive IBM z/VM… [Sally Makin, 2023-02-10]
*Interactive live server … [Sally Makin, 2023-02-10]
Updates by Sally, nothing to do.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-02-10 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-02-09 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 15 bugs

There was 1 relevant bug:

LP: #2006731 
- samba - package samba-common 2:4.15.13+dfsg-0ubuntu1 failed to inst…
Unable to reproduce, added some questions for the user.

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated on 2023-02-09

*Interactive live server … [Frank Heimes, 2023-02-09]
└─ +85397 [Sally Makin, 2023-02-09]
   └─ +85399 [Frank Heimes, 2023-02-09]
  └─ +85413 [Sally Makin, 2023-02-09]
*Non-interactive IBM Z LP… [Sally Makin, 2023-02-09]
Both items were last updated by Sally, nothing to do.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-02-03 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-02-02 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 25 bugs

Most bugs were marked as fix-released or updates to bind9 bugs. Overall
there were two relevant bugs.

LP: #1989708 
- bind9 - Use systemd service notify type
Fixed in 1:9.18.10-2ubuntu1 merge, marked fix released

LP: #2004028
mysql-8.0 - mysqldump 8.0.32 no longer works for AWS RDS with --single-…
Some updates here, keeping an eye on it for now while upstream works on a

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated on 2023-02-02
+About `apt upgrade` and … [Sally Makin, 2023-02-02]
├─ +85069 [Berengerekunst, 2023-02-02]
│  └─ +85078 [Sally Makin, 2023-02-02]
├─ +85103 [Steventhompson 2204, 2023-02-02]
└─ +85105 [Bryce Harrington, 2023-02-02]
All comments responded to, thanks Sally and Bryce!

*Ubuntu Server Explanatio… [Sally Makin, 2023-02-02]
Simple formatting update, all is fine here
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-01-27 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-01-26 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 15 bugs

There was one relevant bug:

LP: #2003933 
- bind9 - Bind9 fails to send notify message to systemd and keeps bei…
Conveniently I fixed this in lunar with the bind9 merge and will fix it
alongside the MRE for Jammy and Kinetic.

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated on 2023-01-26

*Virtualisation with QEMU [Sally Makin, 2023-01-26]
*Virtualisation - Introdu… [Sally Makin, 2023-01-26]
Documentation updates, nothing to do.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-01-20 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-01-19 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 19 bugs

There were two relevant bugs:

LP: #1989380 
- squid - Memory leak when a blind CONNECT tunnel job is closed
New response from user. Sergio brought this bug up in standup and is
currently working on it.

LP: #1996869 
- sssd - autofs don't close sockets and stops working when max open …
Added a ppa for the user to test with.

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated on 2023-01-19

Please test autoinstalls … [Michael Hudson Doyle]
├─ 58160 [Appu333]
│  └─ *84220  [jnlickey76,
Not sure how to resolve this issue. Is there an existing method for doing
what the user is asking for?

└─ +84236 [Itjamie, 2023-01-19]
   └─ +84263 [Alowther, 2023-01-19]
User asked a question and another user answered, fine as is
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Monday and Friday Triage

2023-01-13 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated between 2023-01-06 (Friday) and 2023-01-08 (Sunday)
Date range identified as: "Monday triage"
Found 19 bugs

All bugs were last updated by us, looks good.

1 bug was found untouched in 60 days:

LP: #1952531 
- samba - samba: Access Time of File is set to far future: Access: 30…
No user response, fine as is.

3 bugs were found untouched in 180 days:

LP: #1487190
 - nicstat
- Not all interfaces display when >~30 interfaces
Last updated by Michał, seems fine unless he believes otherwise.

LP: #1908638
libpam-mount - mounts to polydirs not working
Fixed in Debian and current release. It just needs SRUs which are low
priority. Fine as is in the backlog.

LP: #1964025
ruby-bcrypt-pbkdf - Do not support OpenSSL 3
One item was missing a status change. Updated it to close the bug.

Bugs last updated on 2023-01-12 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 10 bugs

All bugs look good, nothing to do.

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated between
2023-01-06 (Friday) and 2023-01-08 (Sunday) inclusive

Attach your Ubuntu Advant… [Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos]
└─ +83696  [Tom G , 2023-01-08]
Just a thank you, no work needed

Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated on 2023-01-12

Attach your Ubuntu Advant… [Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos]
└─ +83888  [Frk Az, 2023-01-12]
User asked about detaching their pro subscription before doing a fresh
install. I responded in with a comment that should help them understand,
but it may be useful to add info on detaching a subscription to the Ubuntu
Pro discourse at some point.

SSHd now uses socket-base… [Steve Langasek]
└─ 77972 [Paride Legovini]
   └─ 80966 [Saxl]
  └─ 81043 [Leszek A. Szczepanowski]
 └─ +83849  [Nebulabox,
User reported that the provided solution works, nothing to do.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2023-01-06 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2023-01-05 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 19 bugs

All bugs were last updated by our team and most were marked as fix released.

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated on 2023-01-05

No comments found.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Break Triages

2023-01-03 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-12-15 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 9 bugs

Most bugs were marked as fix released, and the rest were updated by us. All
looks good for this day.

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days from 12/15.

Bugs last updated on 2022-12-22 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 4 bugs

There were two relevant bugs.

LP: #1990316
fence-agents - fence_azure_arm fails with ServicePrincipalCredentials' obj…
User confirmed the fix works, marked as verification done.

LP: #2000276
 - openssh
- FIDO2 user verification impossible when using the ssh agent
Unable to reproduce with my Yubikey, asked for more info. If anyone can
test with a Yubikey 5 that might help narrow things down.

One bug was found untouched in 60 days:

LP: #1670450 
- samba - samba4 bind dlz module stops working on rndc reload
Based on Andrew's comment this should be fixed in Lunar, but it may be best
to verify this first before marking as fix released.

No bugs were found untouched in 180 days.

Bugs last updated on 2022-12-29 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 5 bugs

There was one relevant bug:

LP: #2000739 -
qemu - QEMU 6.2.0 fullscreen problem
Unable to reproduce, checking with user to see if this is a live iso issue
or something else.

No bugs were found untouched in 60 or 180 days from 12/29.
Since there were few discourse updates over break, here are all of them
from 12/15-yesterday:

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated between
2022-12-15 (Thursday) and 2023-01-02 (Monday) inclusive

Cloud Images - Introducti… [Joshua Powers]
└─ +83212 
[Inventor83, 2022-12-24]
   └─ +83229 [Phil Howard, 2022-12-25]
The question provided was answered, but may not be useful for a new user.
Do we want to add more clarification to what the files relate to, or are
the names on their own good enough?

*Interactive live server … [Anthony Dillon, 2022-12-19]
Server iso link updates, looks good.

*Virtualization - qemu [Anthony Dillon, 2022-12-19]
IOMMU link update, also looks good.

*Service - iSCSI [Anthony Dillon, 2022-12-19]
iscsi service link fix, looks good.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Monday Triage

2022-12-12 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated between 2022-12-09 (Friday) and 2022-12-11 (Sunday)
Date range identified as: "Monday triage"
Found 17 bugs

Most bugs were merge updates. There was one relevant update since Friday:

LP: #1999190 
- sssd - missing lines in apparmor config for sssd
Let user know that sru of fix would be unlikely since it only causes extra

2 bugs have not been updated in 60 days:

LP: #782890 
- backuppc - no ping response on all hosts after upgrade
This one needs verification to go through. @Michał Małoszewski
 would you like to do this?

LP: #1973630
nfs-utils - Deprecate /etc/default/nfs-*
User never answered question provided by William, fine as is.

5 bugs have not been updated in 180 days:

LP: #1953128 
- gcc-11 - GCC ICE: in create_fix_barrier, at config/arm/arm.c:17891
Still seems to be a valid bug, may be worth looking into. @Sergio Durigan
Junior  you may know more about this one.

LP: #810736  -
samba - logrotate script needs to notify all samba processes when l…
LP: #1789097 
- samba - winbind does not work after reboot on Mint 19 / Ubuntu 18.04
LP: #1576799 
- samba - Regression: 2:4.3.8+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.2 Failed to Issue t…
The above three are still valid, @Andreas Hasenack
 if you have time to look into them

LP: #1877504
mysql-8.0 - libmysqlclient21 use of /usr/share/mysql collides with mari…
No response from user, fine as is

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated between
2022-12-09 (Friday) and 2022-12-11 (Sunday) inclusive

No comments found
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2022-12-09 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-12-08 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 13 bugs

All bugs except for one were updated on our side. The one relevant bug was:

LP: #1999190 
- sssd - missing lines in apparmor config for sssd
Bug reported was valid but it seemed to just clean up apparmor allow
messages. Asked for more info to see if this would be a reasonable fix to
SRU to Jammy

No bugs were found untouched in the last 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated on 2022-12-08

No comments found
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triage

2022-12-02 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-12-01 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 10 bugs

There were a couple relevant bugs:

LP: #1976110 
- tmux - `tmux -d -x ... -y ...` does not respect sizing
ppc64el autopkgtest failed for the Jammy upload. The smoke test failed with
'Found unexpected tmux session.' The same happened to s390x but that was
marked as not a regression.

LP: #1998461
net-snmp - SNMP fails to resolve domains when DNS record is longer tha…
Created a PPA with the fix and tested it. Asked user to test and see if
that fixes their issue.

No bugs were found untouched in the last 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated on 2022-12-01

No comments found
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday and Monday Triage

2022-11-28 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated between 2022-11-24 (Thursday) and 2022-11-27 (Sunday)
Found 42 bugs

Most bugs were either updates on merges or MIRs, all of these look good.

There were a few bugs of note:

LP: #1995260
 - dnsmasq
- dnsmasq focal 2.80 NODATA instead of NXDOMAIN bug
There was an autopkgtest failure here due to systemd-resolve being missing.
Miriam added a comment while I was triaging this one and it covers the info
I was planning to add. Thanks for looking into it!

LP: #1997375 
- bind9 - isc-worker0003 segfault at 8 ip 7f2361995166 sp 7f2…
Looks like the user provided additional info via dms. @Sergio Durigan Junior
 did you manage to receive it?

LP: #1966860
sg3-utils - hit issue with script in VM with image u…
The reporter added more context for reproducing the bug. Does anyone still
have the proper Fusion setup to test this?

2 bugs were found untouched in 60 days:

LP: #1979081 
- adcli - domain join with --use-ldaps still uses port 389 for LDAP p…
No change in status in the last 60 days. Upstream has a fix but Andreas
mentioned the fix may be different from what was intended. Regardless, it
hasn't been added to lunar yet. Fine as is.

LP: #1983605 
- exim4 - exim4 autopkgtest failure on ppc64el
This still seems to be an issue as of October. Status is correct, but
should it be a higher priority to focus on?

1 bug was found untouched in 180 days:

LP: #1492621 
- glibc - Cannot start VMs without routable IPv4 address
Stated to be a backlog item. Fine as is, as long as it's still on
Christian's radar.


Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated between
2022-11-24 (Thursday) and 2022-11-27 (Sunday) inclusive

There were three updates, all related to moving pages around for Diataxis.
I noticed my name was on some of the edits, but I'm just the original
author. Added a bug 
to my discourse-triage repo to show the most recent editor of a post rather
than the original author. If anyone finds any other issues with dsctriage
in the future feel free to also file a bug here
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Bug and Doc Triage

2022-11-18 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-11-17 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 30 bugs

There were a few notable bugs:

LP: #1921378
mysql-8.0 - mysql server crashes with port 3306 already in use
Auto-update by the SRU bot stating some autopkgtests failed. After
rerunning them yesterday I can confirm they were just flaky. Updated the
report with that info

LP: #1996846
tftp-hpa - tftpd-hpa refuses to start if ipv6 is disabled
User requested a change in functionality, recommended filing a report

LP: #1996839
 - libvirt
- When power off virtual machine, there is End of file from q…
Determined this just affects focal, created PPA with fix for user to test.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated on 2022-11-17

There was one set of new comments:

[Robie Basak, 2022-11-17]
   ├─ +81916 [Matt Causey, 2022-11-17]
   └─ *81933 [Ian Weisser, 2022-11-17]
Robie stated we should add a new how-to in the auto install section to make
an ISO image that embeds a desired auto-install configuration, and others
agreed. No need to follow-up here but this would be a great addition to the
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Triages

2022-11-14 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-11-10 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 6 bugs

All bugs look fine in their current state, last updated by the server team
or assigned to security.

No bugs were found untouched in the last 60 or 180 days.

No discourse comments or updates happened on Thursday.


Bugs last updated on 2022-10-27 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 10 bugs

All bugs are fine as is here too, last updated by the server team.

No bugs were found untouched in 60 days
One bug was found untouched in 180 days:

LP: #1771545
 - unbound
- root.key might be missing
This was fixed in Debian but is low priority so its current state in the
backlog should be fine.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Bug and Doc Triage

2022-11-04 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-11-03 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 8 bugs

All bugs were marked fix released or last updated by us.

No bugs were found untouched in the last 60 or 180 days.

Discourse Comment Triage Helper
Showing comments belonging to the Server category, updated on 2022-11-03

There was one set of new comments:
81424  [Floesmrt, 2022-11-03]
User found an issue in the automated install reference. This was fixed the
same day by Dan Bungert.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Bug Triage Report

2022-10-21 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-10-20 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 11 bugs

Everything was good to go other than two MySQL bugs.

LP: #1993173  - mysql-8.0 - Apparent corruption of
an index page
User found a fix by updating apparmor profile. Asked for more information
to reproduce before using their changes.

LP: #1993649  - mysql-8.0 - Shell for the mysql
user should be set to nologin
Confirmed that mysql user is still set to nologin on Ubuntu, may be due to
the mysql router charm specifically

No bugs were found untouched in the last 60 or 180 days.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Monday Bug Triage Report

2022-10-11 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated between 2022-10-07 (Friday) and 2022-10-09 (Sunday)
Date range identified as: "Monday triage"
Found 12 bugs

There were two notable bugs:

LP: #1988589  - mysql-8.0 - Impossible to change
the server port
Asked user if anything else was running on port 3307 since I was able to
successfully change the port whenever I tested the config.

LP: #1992105  - cyrus-sasl2 - missing httpform
plugin for saslauthd
User followed up with my response from Friday and provided a strong use
case for having httpform as an auth mechanism. I'll try and work with
Debian to get the change added there too.

3 bugs were found not touched in 60 days:

LP: #1915095  - clamav - clamscan modifies atime
during scheduled scans
Seems fine as is, last update was marking Impish as wont-fix with
everything else being low priority waiting on upstream fix.

LP: #1581864  - nginx - nginx.service: Failed to
read PID from file /run/…
Fine as is in backlog. Fix released in all releases except bionic

LP: #1979313  - containerd - kubeadm doesn't work
with containerd version of apt install
Also fine in backlog. Low priority fix in Focal with simple workaround.

No bugs were found untouched in 180 days
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Re: Triage report (2022-10-06)

2022-10-06 Thread Lena Voytek
On Thu, 2022-10-06 at 15:43 +0200, Paride Legovini wrote:
> Team 'ubuntu-server' currently subscribed to 225 bugs
> No date set, auto-search yesterday/weekend for the most common
> triage.
> Bugs last updated on 2022-10-05 (Wednesday)
> Date range identified as: "Thursday triage"
> A couple of bugs are worth mentioning:
> ##
> ## backup command raises FileNotFoundError
> We fixed this in Focal and it's fixed upstream in the Kinetic
> version,
> but the fixing patches were mistakenly removed from Jammy in a
> security upload.
> New task added for Jammy (Triaged).
> Tagged: regression-release, subscribed the team and -security.
> This is a potentially bitesize (if the patches still apply cleanly). 
> ##
> ## package apache2 2.4.52-1ubuntu4.1 failed to install/upgrade:
> ## [...] ERROR: Conf javascript-common does not exist!

Looks like this is another duplicate of
The main difference this time is that the user had some modified conf
files. I'm only able to reproduce the error when I delete
/etc/apache2/conf-available/javascript-common.conf (see but it still seems like many have encountered
it in a different way.

> I could not reproduce this one. I left my attempted repro steps
> in a comment to the bug and asked the user for more information.
> Paride

ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Bug Triage Report

2022-10-04 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-09-29 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 8 bugs

There was only one notable bug:

LP: #1991198  - apache2 - package apache2
2.4.52-1ubuntu4.1 failed to install/upgrade…
All apache2 mod and conf files were missing. Asked user if they know why
they were deleted.

No bugs were found untouched in the last 60 or 180 days.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Old Bug Triage Reports

2022-09-29 Thread Lena Voytek
Here are the results of a few bug triages that fell by the wayside.

Bugs last updated on 2022-07-07 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 9 bugs

LP: #1679412  - unbound - Missing dep8 tests
Tests were added to Kinetic, marked fix released

LP: #1980911  - mysql-8.0 - package
mysql-server-8.0 8.0.29-0ubuntu0.22.04.2 failed...
Mysql looked in the wrong location for a .so file, possibly a config error.
Asked for more information.

Bugs last updated between 2022-07-15 (Friday) and 2022-07-17 (Sunday)
Date range identified as: "Monday triage"
Found 6 bugs

LP: #1981794  - dnsmasq - Duplicate/retried DNS
queries fail with REFUSED
Confirmed this is a bug, added patch file from upstream commit.

Bugs last updated on 2022-09-01 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 5 bugs

All is good here.

Bugs last updated between 2022-09-02 (Friday) and 2022-09-04 (Sunday)
Date range identified as: "Monday triage"
Found 7 bugs

LP: #1988589  - mysql-8.0 - Impossible to change
the server port
Was unable to reproduce, asked for additional files.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Finalizing server guide diataxis

2022-09-28 Thread Lena Voytek
Hello all,

As I finish up the preparations for the Server Guide to transition to
diataxis, I was wondering if I could get your feedback on a few items.

The first is the new home page. I created a page for its proposal here

(excluding the full navigation section), and can move its contents over to
the current home page  next, which will
automatically update the guide's navigation. It's meant to match the standard
homepage documentation

as closely as possible, similar to Ubuntu Core
. If there is anything that can be worded
better, or that is missing and should be there let me know!

Second are the diataxis home pages: Tutorials
, How-to
guides ,
Reference .
These are meant to be similar to Ubuntu Core's sections: Tutorials
, How-to
, Explanation
, and Reference

Lastly I would like your opinion on formatting for some of the existing
server guide pages. Many of our pages focus on individual packages, and
while doing so contain portions that vary in terms of what part of diataxis
they fall under. For example, in the Squid page
, the first two
paragraphs are an explanation, followed by the Installation and
Configuration sections which are technically tutorials, and ending with the
References section which of course falls under reference. There are two
main options I could move forward with here. The first would be to split
the page up to purely match diataxis, possibly adding some more depth to
the explanation, while creating a new page specifically as a tutorial for
installing/configuring the package. The second would be to leave the page
as it currently is and mark it as a reference. This would likely be easier
for users to follow since they would be able to reference all important
information about a given package without going to multiple pages. This
change would affect most single-page packages in the Services and Tools
section of the guide. Larger guides, however, such as OpenLDAP
, can be split
much more cleanly by page between the four categories.

ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Bug Triage Report

2022-09-23 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-09-22 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 17 bugs

All bugs look good, many being marked as fixed released and the rest last
updated by us.

No bugs were found untouched in the last 60 or 180 days.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Bug Triage Report 2022-09-16

2022-09-20 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-09-15 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 19 bugs

There was 1 bug of note:

LP: #1989734  - bcache-tools - 69-bcache.rules
Tries to Re-register bcache that is…
Provided PPA and attached upstream bug

No bugs were found untouched in the last 60 or 180 days.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Re: Wednesday Triage Report (2022-09-14)

2022-09-14 Thread Lena Voytek
On Wed, 2022-09-14 at 14:14 -0400, Sergio Durigan Junior wrote:
> ustriage found 13 bugs.  These are the noteworthy ones:
> ### - *+(Triaged) [bind9] - DiG crashes on
>     +nssearch with +tcp in bind9 9.18
> This is one my TODO list to double check.
> ### - (In Progress) [libp11] - When a PIN is
>     explicitly provided, use it regardless of sec…
> The reporter confirmed the patch that fixes the issue.  Bryce already
> helped him to write a proper SRU text.  Now that we have reproduction
> steps, I will try to go through them and see if I can trigger the
> issue
> here.
> ### - *(New) [squid] - Memory leak when a
> blind
>     CONNECT tunnel job is closed
> Robie mentioned he's been working with the reporter, so I didn't
> touch
> this one.
> ### - (New) [mysql-8.0] - package
>     mysql-server-8.0 8.0.30-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 failed to …
> Marked as Incomplete because there's not enough information.  Maybe
> this
> rings a bell to Lena?

I agree with your assesment on the bug. The error is similar to the
original port 3306 bug that I fixed earlier, but has some different
output info in the error log. It's likely due to something else running
on that port. Hopefully the user responds with more info though, since
it is possible there could be an additional problem with the postinst
file. I'll keep an eye on it. Thanks!

> Bugs tagged "-needs-merge -needs-sync -needs-oci-update -needs-snap-
> update -needs-mre-backport -needs-ppa-backport" and subscribed
> "ubuntu-server" and not touched in 60 days
> Found 1 bugs
> ### - +(New) [samba] - Cannot rename/move
> files
>     on DFS through libsmbclient
> This looks like it affects Jammy.  I will double check.
> Bugs subscribed to ubuntu-server and not touched in 180 days
> Found 2 bugs
> ### - (Confirmed) [resource-agents] -
> PostgreSQL
>     resource fails to start with My data may be inco…
> ### - (Confirmed) [pacemaker] - fence_aws in
>     Focal and Bionic (LP: #1894323) don't behave t…
> These two bugs have been triaged by Lucas and are part of our
> backlog.
> I didn't touch them.

ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Bug Triage Report

2022-09-09 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-09-08 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 28 bugs

There were 2 notable bugs:

LP: #1989073  - libvirt - AppArmor DENIES reading
of /sys/devices/system/cpu/possible
Managed to reproduce once, but not again. Asked user for more info on their
use of virt-install

LP: #1989100  - libvirt - AppArmor DENIES swtpm pid
file access
Unable to reproduce, asked user how they used swtpm with virt-install

No bugs were found untouched in the last 60 or 180 days.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Re: Friday Bug Triage Report

2022-08-26 Thread Lena Voytek
On Fri, 2022-08-26 at 11:30 -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 26, 2022 at 09:42:22AM -0700, Lena Voytek wrote:
> > Bugs last updated on 2022-08-25 (Thursday)
> > Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
> > Found 15 bugs
> > 
> > There were 3 notable bugs
> > 
> > LP: #1986959 <> - apache2 - apache2 fails
> > during
> > upgrade to 22.04: ERROR: Conf javascri…
> > User let me know that they did not delete javascript-common.conf
> > when they
> > received the error. Still looking for a way to reproduce without
> > deleting
> > it.
> You may have already seen this, but there's an old Debian bug with a
> mention of this same error message:
> Could the issue here relate to a bad or missing symlink?

Thanks for bringing this bug to my attention, I'll do some testing
based on this info. Maybe the bad symlink setup was from an older
version of javascript-common that didn't get fixed and now the error is
showing up. All matching bug reports are from machines running Ubuntu
for well over a year, most starting with Bionic.
> The other Debian bug reports didn't look relevant.
> > LP: #1987576 <> - dovecot - package dovecot-
> > core
> > 1:2.3.16+dfsg1-3ubuntu2.1 failed to in…
> > Able to reproduce the error without a necessary dependency
> > installed, but
> > this may be different from the user's issue. Asked them to share
> > their
> > configuration if installing the dependency doesn't fix it.
> I notice that apt prompted them about the modified configuration, but
> I
> can't quite discern what option they chose, or how the dovecot.conf
> ended up looking like.  But you can see the diff if you search
> DpkgTerminalLog.txt for 'Modified configuration file'.  Not spotting
> a
> mention of any *managesieve* binary or source packages in any of the
> logs or attachments.  The user's confirmed they believe it wasn't
> installed, as you suspected.
> I'm not spotting an upstream announcement that the
> 'managesieve_notify_capability' setting was deprecated or renamed;
> near
> as I can tell that should still be supported.  But maybe it is only
> recognized when dovecot-managesieved is installed?  That might
> explain
> the behavior you're replicating.

Yeah from my testing the error shows up in the daemon logs if
managesieve_notify_capability is mentioned in the conf file and
dovecot-managesieved is not installed. I haven't found the error at all
with the package installed.

> Debian bug #665487 shows the same error message, but is also an
> ancient
> one that's unlikely to be relevant, except that there might still be
> corner cases in postrm leading to this error message.
> I've added mention of these points to the bug.  Do you think this
> bug may fall more on the line of "local user config", or do you have
> an
> idea for an action we should take on addressing it in packaging?

I figure this is probably a config error where it was left behind and
the dovecot daemon wasn't restarted until the distro upgrade happened,
but I'm not 100% sure.

> Bryce
> > LP: #1987609 <> - open-vm-tools - Open-vm-
> > tools
> > 12.1.0 has been released
> > Security team handled the update on the 24th. Let the user know and
> > marked
> > as fix released
> > 
> > No bugs were found untouched in the last 60 or 180 days.
> > -- 
> > ubuntu-server mailing list
> >
> >
> > More info:


ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Bug Triage Report

2022-08-26 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-08-25 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 15 bugs

There were 3 notable bugs

LP: #1986959  - apache2 - apache2 fails during
upgrade to 22.04: ERROR: Conf javascri…
User let me know that they did not delete javascript-common.conf when they
received the error. Still looking for a way to reproduce without deleting

LP: #1987576  - dovecot - package dovecot-core
1:2.3.16+dfsg1-3ubuntu2.1 failed to in…
Able to reproduce the error without a necessary dependency installed, but
this may be different from the user's issue. Asked them to share their
configuration if installing the dependency doesn't fix it.

LP: #1987609  - open-vm-tools - Open-vm-tools
12.1.0 has been released
Security team handled the update on the 24th. Let the user know and marked
as fix released

No bugs were found untouched in the last 60 or 180 days.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Monday Bug Triage Report

2022-08-22 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated between 2022-08-19 (Friday) and 2022-08-21 (Sunday)
Date range identified as: "Monday triage"
Found 24 bugs

There were many notable bugs:

LP: #1972057  - caja-extensions + samba - file
sharing net usershare returns error 255
Created a ppa with the given patch for users to test with

LP: #1987068  - mysql-8.0 - package
mysql-server-8.0 8.0.30-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 failed to...
User installed mariadb and mysql at the same time, asked for additional
info and provided possible fixes

LP: #1986959  - apache2 - apache2 fails during
upgrade to 22.04: ERROR: Conf javascript...
LP: #1987111  - apache2 - package apache2
2.4.52-1ubuntu4.1 failed to install/upgrade…
LP: #1987117  - apache2 - package apache2
2.4.52-1ubuntu4.1 failed to install/upgrade…
Many users are reporting this issue, added duplicates to original and
marked for discussion

LP: #1987118  - dovecot - package dovecot-core
1:2.3.16+dfsg1-3ubuntu4 failed to inst…
Seems to be a conf file issue, asked for more info on it

LP: #1987129  - dovecot - package dovecot-core
1:2.3.16+dfsg1-3ubuntu2.1 failed to in…
Missing a dependency, added a note to the bug

LP: #1987183  - mysql-8.0 - package
mysql-server-8.0 8.0.30-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 failed to …
Install seems to have been interrupted, recommended reinstalling

LP: #1987202  - mysql-8.0 - package
mysql-server-8.0 8.0.30-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 failed to …
LP: #1987203  - mysql-8.0 - package
mysql-server-8.0 8.0.30-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 failed to …
Asked user for additional info and the mysql error log file

3 bugs were not touched in the last 60 days:

LP: #1976264 - rubygems - rubygems ftbfs in the
jammy release pocket
Waiting on future updates

LP: #1966610  - smartmontools - smartctl assert
failure: free(): invalid pointer
Waiting on response from reporter, fine as is

LP: #1976361  - fetchmail - man page “passes the
buck” to a dead end for .netrc docs
Last update was upstream bug being marked as new, nothing to do for now

1 bug has not been touched in 180 days:

LP: #1961629  - cluster-glue - logd autopkgtest is
Low priority, sitting in server backlog
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Bug Triage Report

2022-08-19 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-08-18 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 13 bugs

There was one notable bug with two reports:

LP: #1986959  - apache2 - apache2 fails during
upgrade to 22.04 ...
LP: #1986975  - apache2 - package apache2
2.4.52-1ubuntu4.1 failed to install/upgrade…
Marked one as duplicate. Unable to reproduce but the problem seems to be
with some module associated with apache2 requiring javascript-common and
being unable to find it since its not installed.

No bugs were found untouched in the last 60 or 180 days.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Bug Triage Report

2022-08-12 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-08-11 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 10 bugs

All bugs were last updated by our team or marked as fix released, nothing
new to note.
No bugs were found untouched in the last 60 or 180 days.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Bug Triage Report

2022-08-05 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-08-04 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 17 bugs

All bugs were last updated by our team, nothing new to note.
No bugs were found untouched in the last 60 or 180 days.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Bug Triage Report

2022-07-29 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-07-28 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 21 bugs

There were only two notable bugs:

LP: #1978064  - libvirt - [Libvirt} IceLake CPU
model not recognized
Christian marked this as server-todo. I'll take this one since I did the
initial triage of it.

LP: #1982011  - libp11 - Please update to
Provided instructions on how to submit the bug to Debian.

No bugs were found untouched in the last 60 or 180 days.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Bug Triage Report

2022-07-22 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-07-21 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 12 bugs

There was only one bug of note:

LP: #1982437  - nmap - package nmap-common
7.91+dfsg1+really7.80+dfsg1-2build1 fai…
Unable to reproduce, asked for additional details.

No bugs were found untouched in the last 60 or 180 days.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Bug Triage Report

2022-07-15 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-07-14 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 16 bugs

Most bugs were mysql and merge updates. There were 3 notable bugs:

LP: #1981289  - sssd - SSSD upgrade breaking
p11_child and smartcard stops working
Added confirmed tag to focal

LP: #1981414  - samba - Cannot rename/move files on
DFS through libsmbclient
Confirmed user was correct that fix has not been released in Jammy

LP: #1981770  - mysql-8.0 - package
mysql-server-8.0 8.0.29-0ubuntu0.22.04.2 failed to …
Another duplicate of the port 3306 issue. Bugs like this should stop
showing up soon once the fix migrates to the release pocket of Jammy and

No bugs were found untouched in the last 60 or 180 days.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Bug Triage Report

2022-07-01 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-06-30 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 13 bugs

The latest updates on most of the bugs were on our end. There was one
notable bug:

LP: #1980401  - qemu - Qemu memory leak
Unable to reproduce but the configuration steps were a bit vague, asked for
additional info

No bugs were found untouched in the last 60 or 180 days.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Bug Triage Report

2022-06-17 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-06-16 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 12 bugs

There were three notable bugs:

LP: #1971966  - mysql-8.0 - mysql-server-8.0
8.0.29-0ubuntu0.20.04.3 failed to install/…
Added additional information based on the error provided.

LP: #1979033  - mysql-8.0 - package
mysql-server-8.0 8.0.29-0ubuntu0.20.04.3 failed to install...
Likely due to user uninstalling and reinstalling mysql in quick succession,
asked for additional info to see if I can confirm this

LP: #1978955  - libqb - Spurious Pacemaker errors:
couldn't create file for mmap
User provided a likely solution with an upstream fix so I created a PPA
that they can test with.

No bugs were found untouched in the last 60 or 180 days.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Bug Triage Report

2022-06-10 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-06-09 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 33 bugs

Most bugs were marked as Fix Released or old bugs that were cleaned up by
Christian. Some bugs of note:

LP: #1791018  - mysql-5.7 - self-test errors do not
break the build
LP: #1850980  - mysql-8.0 - mysql-server causes
logrotate.service to fail at boot
LP: #1872195  - mysql-8.0 - PIDFile specified in
systemd unit file but pid-file not in...
All of these are old but valid mysql bugs. Assigned them to myself.

LP: #1976361  - fetchmail - man page “passes the
buck” to a dead end for .netrc docs
Avoiding this one at the moment.

LP: #1978064  - libvirt - [Libvirt} IceLake CPU
model not recognized
This seems to be a valid bug. Looked into the code in each of the distros
and it is as stated. I don't have the hardware to test it though. Marked as

No bugs were found untouched in the last 60 or 180 days.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Bug Triage Report

2022-05-27 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-05-26 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 36 bugs

There was only 1 notable bug since most were just backport and merge
updates on our end.

LP: #1975721 - open-vm-tools - Open-vm-tools 12.0.5 has been released
This is just a notification to get the new open-vm-tools version merged in,
subscribed ubuntu-server to it.

No bugs were found untouched in the last 60 or 180 days.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Bug Triage Report

2022-05-23 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-05-19 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 13 bugs

There were 4 notable bugs:

LP: #1974216 - clamav - package clamav-milter 0.103.6+dfsg-0ubuntu0.20.04.1
This might be a race condition with the update process, I asked the user to
try updating again to see if they continue to run into the error.

LP: #1974230 - dnsmasq - Negative cache results from dnsmasq do not include
Seems to be a valid issue, added to server-triage-discuss

LP: #1974248 - mysql-8.0 - package mysql-server-8.0 8.0.29-0ubuntu0.21.10.2
Another duplicate of the port 3306 already in use issue, this time with

LP: #1974251 - apache2 - libapache2-mod-shib module doesn't work with 2.4.52
Asked the user for a reproducer to help determine how the error was

No bugs were found untouched in the last 60 or 180 days.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday + Monday Bug Triage Report

2022-05-16 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated between 2022-05-12 (Thursday) and 2022-05-15 (Sunday)
Found 35 bugs

The notable bugs were:

LP: #1957104  - openssh - updating openssh-server
fails, because port 22 is in use by systemd
Asked the user for clarification on if the bug has been fixed for them.

LP: #1971509  - qemu - qemu/kvm win10 client cannot
upgrade to win11
Continued to offer possible solutions to the user's secure boot issue.

LP: #1971932  - rsync - error in rsync protocol data
Attempted to reproduce the issue by transferring a large file over ssh on
localhost but it did not fail. Asked the user if they can transfer their
file over localhost

LP: #1973137  - openldap - ldap_do_free_request:
Assertion `lr->lr_refcnt == 1' failed
Asked the user if the error appears consistently. Not sure how to go about
reproducing this one though.

LP: #1973217  - openssh - package openssh-server
1:8.2p1-4ubuntu0.5 failed to install...
Asked the user if they were able to update afterward since they said it may
be an issue with having multiple update-manager instances running.

LP: #1973224  - mysql-8.0 - package mysql-server-8.0
8.0.29-0ubuntu0.22.04.2 failed to install...
This ended up being a duplicate of the current issue I'm working on.
However, this does confirm that it can show up in Jammy too.

LP: #1973308  - mysql-8.0 - mariadb install causes
mysql install to fail with ibdata1 locked
This issue seems to be due to mariadb being installed, blocking off the
lock file needed by mysql. I let the user know that they can't have both

Found 9 bugs not touched in 60 days:

LP: #1897545  - bind9 - Bind9: man file for rndc
utility mentions wrong config file
Fixed in Jammy and Kinetic

All others are fine as is.

Found 1 bug not touched in 180 days

LP: #1891785  - tmux - choose-w misaligned
Marked Hirsute as won't fix. Otherwise fine
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Re: Triage report (for: 2022-05-06,07,08)

2022-05-09 Thread Lena Voytek
I looked into the my.cnf error bugs and they are actually an issue separate
from LP# 1969369
<>, sorry
for mixing those up. I think I know where the problem is showing up though
so I can take those on.


On Mon, May 9, 2022 at 9:47 AM Lena Voytek 

> On Mon, May 9, 2022 at 9:37 AM Paride Legovini  wrote:
>> Bugs last updated between 2022-05-06 (Friday) and 2022-05-08 (Sunday)
>> Date range identified as: "Monday triage"
>> Found 28 bugs
>> Many bugs to triage today, with several people upgrading to Jammy over
>> the weekend apparently. I found three mysql-server-8.0 bugs bugs with
>> the " too levels of symbolic links" failure, which is a common
>> misconfiguration of unknown origin.
> The my.cnf: too many levels of symbolic links is  likely not an error with
> the user's configuration. This is an error with apport and the default
> config which I am working to fix in LP# 1969369
> <>. I can
> check on these bugs to see what is causing the apport crash.
>> Most of the bugs I triaged are now Incomplete and not really worth
>> raising it, but these two:
>> ---
>> LP: #1966886 - New [openssh] - ssh-copy-id and Dropbear Server
>> Valid bug with pending upstream PR. Actionable (=> server-todo), but
>> triaged with Priority: Low.
>> ---
>> LP: #1971932 - New [rsync] - error in rsync protocol data stream
>> Bug I could not reproduce, but I don't see how the reported issue could
>> be a "configuration problem" or similar: looks like a legitimate
>> problem. Worth keeping an eye on IMHO.
>> ---
>> Cheers,
>> Paride
>> --
>> ubuntu-server mailing list
>> More info:
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Bug Triage Report for 05-05-2022

2022-05-09 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-05-05 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 40 bugs

Of the 40 bugs most where updates for merges or fix releases. There were 4
bugs of note:

LP: #1971489 
- (Confirmed) [exim4] - exim4 GnuTLS breakage with outgoing TLS 1.3
I created a ppa for the user to test with to confirm the patch will fix
their error.

LP: #1971509 
- (New) [qemu] - qemu/kvm win10 client cannot upgrade to win11
I described what the user needs to do to add TPM2.0 and secure boot to
their vm.

LP: #1971619
(Incomplete) [libvirt] - forward mode open is adding libvirt iptables rules
I asked the user for some additional information to help us find the issue,
but this does seem to be a regression.

LP: #1971688
(New) [php-defaults] - PHP 8.1 zip module asserting with dependency problem
The user was able to get this working building from source, and it seems to
be related to a file name reference error.

No bugs were found untouched in the last 60 or 180 days.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Re: Triage report (for: 2022-05-06,07,08)

2022-05-09 Thread Lena Voytek
On Mon, May 9, 2022 at 9:37 AM Paride Legovini  wrote:

> Bugs last updated between 2022-05-06 (Friday) and 2022-05-08 (Sunday)
> Date range identified as: "Monday triage"
> Found 28 bugs
> Many bugs to triage today, with several people upgrading to Jammy over
> the weekend apparently. I found three mysql-server-8.0 bugs bugs with
> the " too levels of symbolic links" failure, which is a common
> misconfiguration of unknown origin.

The my.cnf: too many levels of symbolic links is  likely not an error with
the user's configuration. This is an error with apport and the default
config which I am working to fix in LP# 1969369
. I can
check on these bugs to see what is causing the apport crash.

> Most of the bugs I triaged are now Incomplete and not really worth
> raising it, but these two:
> ---
> LP: #1966886 - New [openssh] - ssh-copy-id and Dropbear Server
> Valid bug with pending upstream PR. Actionable (=> server-todo), but
> triaged with Priority: Low.
> ---
> LP: #1971932 - New [rsync] - error in rsync protocol data stream
> Bug I could not reproduce, but I don't see how the reported issue could
> be a "configuration problem" or similar: looks like a legitimate
> problem. Worth keeping an eye on IMHO.
> ---
> Cheers,
> Paride
> --
> ubuntu-server mailing list
> More info:
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Re: Triage report (for: 2022-04-27)

2022-05-02 Thread Lena Voytek
I've been looking into the build error using
. I
tried building the current release a few times, the previous release, and
one with only one process instead of the normal four. All have failed for
arm64 and the one with one job failed for the control of i386. I think
mysql just needs more memory resources to build than what is provided on
the current arm64 builder setup. Do you have any other suggestions for how
to get it working?


On Fri, Apr 29, 2022 at 4:05 PM Bryce Harrington <> wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 29, 2022 at 09:34:18AM +0200, Paride Legovini wrote:
> > Bugs last updated on 2022-04-27 (Wednesday)
> > Date range identified as: "Thursday triage"
> > Found 23 bugs
> >
> >
> > Bugs worth mentioning:
> >
> > ---
> >
> > LP: #1400197 - *+ Triaged [run-one] - Duplicate line: backoff=0
> >
> > Looks like a valid bug, but I think the true underlying question is: do
> > we want to keep byobu (and its dependency run-one) in main?
> >
> > Some time ago I filed this bug for discussion:
> >
> >
> Can you arrange to bring this up at the next housekeeping meeting?  Your
> rationale in the bug seems pretty solid, and I tend to agree.  We should
> collaborate on whether there would be any side-effects, and what the
> proper set of procedural actions should be, and who would like to take
> them.
> > LP: #1899248 - * Fix Committed [mysql-8.0] - mysql server crashes during
> > install/update: Error: Unable to shut down server with process id X
> >
> > This is Fix Committed in Focal, Fix Released elsewhere, but there's a
> > FTBFS on arm64 (likely a OOM) requiring attention.
> Lena, are you already looking into this, or prefer to take it?  If not,
> I can have a go.  Offhand as a first step I suspect we can toss it in a
> PPA with arm64 enabled and see if it'll build there or not.
> Bryce
> > LP: #1902109 - Triaged [rsync] - rsync uses lchmod and fails in Ubuntu
> > >= 20.10 if /proc isn't mounted
> >
> > Activity comes from the linked upstream bug. Nothing to do from the
> > Ubuntu triage point of view.
> >
> > ---
> >
> > LP: #1970563 - New [qemu] - Qemu Debian 1:6.2+dfsg-2ubuntu6 deadlock bug
> >
> > An upstream fix is provided here, but what is missing is a proper
> > description of the problem. Marked Incomplete for now, but I think this
> > is SRU material.
> >
> > ---
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Paride
> >
> > --
> > ubuntu-server mailing list
> >
> >
> > More info:
> --
> ubuntu-server mailing list
> More info:
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Bug Triage Report

2022-04-29 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-04-28 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 8 bugs

There were two notable bugs:

LP: #1968876 - Incomplete [openssh] - ssh-agent: Error connecting to agent:
Connection refused
A second user reported that they saw this issue, so I attempted to
reproduce based on their description but was unable to. I told them how
they may be able to report the issue with apport to make it a bit easier to

LP: #1969247 - Fix Committed [zfs-linux] -
fallocate with FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE produces zero-size files on zfs in Jammy
This is the bug I reported a couple weeks ago. Working on validating that
the fix actually works now.

No bugs were found untouched in the last 60 or 180 days.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Bug Triage Report

2022-04-15 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-04-14 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 11 bugs

There were no bugs of note and nothing that required updates. All bugs were
either fixed or waiting on the reporter's response.

No bugs were found untouched in the last 60 or 180 days.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Bug Triage Report

2022-04-08 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-04-07 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 15 bugs

There were two new bugs of note:

LP: #1968228 - Confirmed [php7.4] - RTD collision with opcache
This can be fixed easily with a patch from upstream as stated by the
reporter, although I was unable to reproduce it myself.

LP: #1968127 - New [autofs] - autofs stopped after network must be before
Asked some additional questions to see if they have more information.

No bugs were found untouched in the last 60 or 180 days.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Monday Bug Triage Report

2022-03-28 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated between 2022-03-25 (Friday) and 2022-03-27 (Sunday)
Date range identified as: "Monday triage"
Found 7 bugs

Of these bugs, most were status updates and just needed to be subscribed to
Two new bugs did show up though:

LP: #1966591 - New [openssh] - ssh-keygen -R changes known_hosts file
permissions (mode)
I confirmed this one is an issue on focal and bionic. It is fixed in impish
and jammy though so the fix should be straightforward. Added to server-todo.

LP: #1966610 - New [smartmontools] - smartctl assert failure: free():
invalid pointer
I was unable to reproduce this one after running the command against my
nvme drives 20 times. I asked if the reporter had any additional info and
if they could provide a crash file to debug.

4 bugs were found that were not touched in 60 days

LP: #1696800 - (New) [python-s3transf…]  - S3 upload of empty files fails
Since this is fixed in Jammy I asked if there are still plans for

LP: #1912750 - (Triaged) [samba] - samba-tool domain provision crash with
password hash userPassword schemes" parameter
Checked the commit history of samba in focal, impish, and jammy and it
seems that this is fixed. I didn't have a quick way to reproduce though so
I left a comment.

LP: #1916562 - (Triaged) [sssd] - libnss-sss removes config when not being
Re-triaged and confirmed this is still an issue in focal, impish, and jammy

LP: #1955588 - (Triaged) [samba] - Panic or segfault in Samba
Left as is, no additional info was provided by the user but it is still
worth being subscribed to

No bugs were found untouched in the last 180 days.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Friday Bug Triage Report

2022-03-04 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-03-03 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 10 bugs

Almost all of the bugs were either marked as fixed released or were marked
as incomplete, requiring additional info. There was one mysql bug - LP:
#1963278 - which was a duplicate of one of the two main bugs I am working
on, so I marked it as such.

1 bug was found that has not been touched in 60 days.

LP: #1618516 - Confirmed [byobu] - Byobu does not read aliases defined in
/etc/profile.d or in .profile

I left it as is because it is not a high priority for us and does not
require any new effort.

No bugs were found untouched in the last 180 days.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Thursday Bug Triage Report

2022-03-03 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-03-02 (Wednesday)
Date range identified as: "Thursday triage"
Found 22 bugs

Most bugs were marked as fixed released, but there were a couple new ones:

LP: #1962733 - New [sosreport] - sosreport does not obfuscate a mac address
even with --mask is used

The fix for this seems to be underway upstream so I linked the GitHub issue
to it.

LP: #1962743 - New [freeipmi] - [BPO] freeipmi/1.6.9-2 from Jammy to Focal

Backport seems to be underway, subscribed ubuntu server

LP: #1962641 - New [qemu] - Unexpected disk writes when using -snapshot

Looked into the docs and this seems to be a known issue for specific
circumstances with removable drives. Let the user know and marked as
incomplete in case they have additional info or findings

No bugs showed up that have not been touched in 60 or 180 days..
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Wednesday Bug Triage Report

2022-03-02 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-03-01 (Tuesday)
Date range identified as: "Wednesday triage"
Found 12 bugs

Almost all bugs that came up were either marked as fix released or had more
clarifying questions asked from our bug housekeeping efforts yesterday.

The only bug of note was one for mysql - LP: #1962529. It ended up being a
duplicate of LP: #1921378, which I am currently working on.

No bugs showed up that have not been touched in 60 or 180 days.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Tuesday Bug Triage Report

2022-03-01 Thread Lena Voytek
Bugs last updated on 2022-02-28 (Monday)
Date range identified as: "Tuesday triage"
Found 22 bugs

Most bugs listed either had a fix released or had additional clarifying
questions asked by the team. The only one that needs mentioning is the

LP: #1960821 - New [samba] - Winbind can no more connect to Windows
domain after reload

In order to help the user check if the bug persists in the previous
version, I responded with a PPA for it that Sergio created.

No bugs showed up that have not been touched in 60 or 180 days.
ubuntu-server mailing list
More info:

Re: Monday Triage report (for: 2022-02-14)

2022-02-14 Thread Lena Voytek
On Mon, Feb 14, 2022 at 3:32 PM Bryce Harrington <> wrote:

> Found 17 bugs.  Ones of note:
> LP: #1831441 - *(Triaged)   [samba] - Please add
> WS-Discovery ( WSD ) support for Windows Samba s…
>   - A possible fix via addition of new package 'wsdd' has been packaged
> and submitted to Debian New.  It's awaiting processing.
>   - I've uploaded it to a PPA to check it'll build on LP.
>   - Reporter wishes for it to be in main for 22.04, but getting a MIR
> through in time seems ambitious.
> LP: #1946841 - (Incomplete) [amavisd-new]   - Merge amavisd-new
> from Debian unstable for 22.04
>   - There's a version in Debian now.
>   - Changed status to 'New'
> LP: #1958720 - (Confirmed)  [six]   - python3-yaml and
> python3-six are not co-installable with py…
>   - Patch on a plate (x2), however the fix is to remove Breaks to permit
> an obsolete package to remain present on an upgraded system.  I
> think this warrants a bit more discussion, so tagged
> 'server-triage-discuss'
> LP: #1960754 - (New)[samba] - gencache_init:
> Failed to create directory: /var/www/.cache/…
>   - Should have already been fixed in a security update from last
> November.  Asked user to verify what version they saw the issue, and
> if they've updated to current if the issue is resolved.
> LP: #1960088 - (New)[libapache2-mod-…]  - a) collections has
> no attribute callable; b) PY_SSIZE_T_CLE…
> #
> ### MySql Apport Bugs ###
> #
> LP: #1960739 - (New)[mysql-8.0] - package
> mysql-server-8.0 8.0.28-0ubuntu0.20.04.3 failed to …
>   - Looks like the user has upgraded since 13.10 and has a config
> setting that has become obsolete.  Lena, do you already have a bug
> report for collecting obsolete config values that need to be better
> filtered out or converted?  Sounds like query_cache_limit and
> expire-logs-days should be added to that list maybe?

The triage for this bug looks good to me. Looking into query_cache_limit
shows that it was deprecated as of MySQL 5.7.20, and removed altogether in
MySQL 8.0. So it seems like this is just a case of the configuration
breaking with an upgrade to focal and mysql 8.0. I don't have any other
bugs like it yet, but I'll keep it noted down in case similar ones pop up.

> ---
> Bugs tagged "-needs-merge -needs-sync -needs-oci-update -needs-snap-update
> -needs-mre-backport -needs-ppa-backport" and subscribed "ubuntu-server" and
> not touched in 60 days
> Found 2 bugs
> LP: #1320709 - (Triaged)[awstats]   - incorrect info in
> /usr/share/doc/awstats/README.Debian.gz a…
>   - This one looks resolved in newer releases.  Closed as fix released
> LP: #1953128 - (New)[gcc-11]- GCC ICE: in
> create_fix_barrier, at config/arm/arm.c:17891
>   - The gcc bug task remains open, but it's worked around for
> postgresql-14, so nothing left for us to do.
> ---
> Bugs subscribed to ubuntu-server and not touched in 180 days
> Found 0 bugs
> --
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